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- - - - - - - * / Attr Ordinary shoes sg V The Portia Shoe, H shape?built on li JH It is an artistic material is used; c More real value g WBk twice as much. They are low quantities, it i: the reach o If you w V and f $2.50 ^It/lie* in ? -nretrp~State." Beavers crowded the banks of th< old Reedy last nignt and built dam: and coffer dams, says the Gainesvilh Daily Herald. Some there were wh< balked at the muddy waters, the lusl weeds and slippery banks. But whet piles were being driven for the muir dam every man took hold with might and main, working like real heavers The dam was instituted in the hal on Main and Washington streets with a good membership. There are twenty-eight others whr are yet to go through the mttddj The following officers were rtpov?<i President, Mayor G. H. Mahon ; vice president, Dr. J. P. Carlisle; past president, J. J. Cowart; chaplain D N. Baldwin; secretary, Fred E Goodlet; treasurer; Asa Payne ; guide Bert Baumann ; guardian, S. A. Cowsrt; sentinel, Mike Gregory ; trustees, Dr. George Legge, R H. Kennedy nnd Dr. Giles; official photographe, W, M. Wheeler; medical examiner, Dr. Wright; press agent, McBce Dandrum. The degree team was composed of C. R. Penn, past president; George O. Zimmer, vice president of Atlanta Dam No 2, and H. W. English, supreme secretary, W. H. Freutiticher, supreme organizer, and L. W. Whitten, of Birmingham, Dam No. 1. O. R. Penn, of Atlanta, acting as supreme president, made an instructive lecture, he being one of the ablest officers in Beaverdom. Geo. C. Zimmer, acting supreme vice president, assisted mat?ri?ii?T i? ?..J the work and entertained the dam with his "Story of the Red Rose." Happy speeches were made by Mayor Mahon, L. A. James, I). N. Baldwin, J. A. Ross and others, and the meeting proved very enthusiastic.? Atlanta Journal, Oct. 2, 1904. Be a Beaver! AUCTION SALE The Gulp Lands adjoining W. E. Thomson's lands, in North Uuion, will be divided into building lots and 5 acre lots and sold at auction this Fall. This is most desirable property and will be SOLO ON EASY PAYMENTS, i ' & rf sf active Fe? on lose their shape and make th the new shoe for women, is 1 nes exclusively its own. conception from last to lace, nly the highest class labor empl joes into the Portia than in ma priced because, being manufa s possible to exercise many econ f the average manufacturer, ant a shoe that you know is a ; in style ? a dream of grace, b elegance, let us sell you the Po: ^9 AA Sir Notices will be inserted in this column at the rate of 25 words or less for 25c one issue, four issues for 75c. Additional lines ovci a twenty live words 6c a line. SEED Rye ?ntl Barley and Fresh 9 Turnip Seed at Scuife's. > ! I HAVE for sale :it a bargain one eight 1 horse power Friek Engine, Portabl> , and has run only one ' otron season.? j. J J. Ltttlfjoiin. Jonesville, 8. (J TO try on one of those beautiful ' black suits made by Schloss Bros. 1 & Co., for sale by J. Cohen, is a treat, and if you want to be woll ) dressed you should have one; for so little a price as $15.00. NOW is the time to join. You can become a charter mamKo. ? .. vuiuut U? b is destined to bo the greatest social , order eo earth. Act quickly 1 Be a Beaver. ! GRAIN FERTILIZERS?We expect a car of grain fertilizer by the 10th. j Come to see us before buying. Peoples Supply Co. IF you wunt. a nice, "snappy" dre?s shoe you should see those fine patent leathers, in all the newest styles, made by W. L. Douglas Shoe Co. For sale by J Cohen. AS [ AM arranging to move to Buffalo, as soon as the Company can g t. my house ready, I have decided to offer my house on South street for sale. For particulars see me either at. home or ice plant at Buffalo. 38-4t Arthur W. Ghkrn. EVERYTHING up-to-date at Tref- , Z3r's Store. The latest now la a lady expert watchmaker. Bring your fine repairing to Trefzer's. A LARGE line of wagon and huggy harness for sale by The Peoples Supply Co EVERYTHING up-to-date at Trcfz-i'a Store. The latest now is a lady expert watchmaker. Bring your line repairing to Trefzer's. THE nobbiest and newest thing in fancy suits for young men and boys to be had at J. Cohen'sJ They are tailored by the famous H. Kuhn ?fc Sons, and are made to fit. The price starts at $.r>. WANTED?Special representative in this county and adjoining territories, to represent and advertise and old establishfd business houstrof solid financial standing. Salary $21 weekly, with expenses advanced each Monday by check direct from headquarters. Horse and buggy furnished when necessary; position permanent. Address Blew Bros. & Co. Dept.. A, Monon Bldg., Chicago, III. 40-tit SEE our $1.00 riding bridle. The Peoples Supply Co. ie feet look bad. WK9 built to hold its |n?8| Only the best fi|j| ny shoes costing ^Rji ctured in great JEmM omies beyond ^B0E| ?3 50 \ -. una. Apply to W M. Gitt^, a I Giblies Hotel. I WILL BE ABSEN1 From my Office from Monday, October 16th to Monday, November 14th. Dr. McCreery Glymph, Eye Specialist. M. & P. BANK BUILDING. Take Stairway on Main Street. Hours 8 :80 a. m. to 12 m. 1 toil p.m. EVERY ONE CAN USE WALL PAPER when my stock arrives, as I will have the latest styles with THE LOWEST PRICES. Save your pictures until my Moulding comes in, for I will save you money " f will buy your old Furniture and pay you what it i9 worth, so do not sell it for nothing'. m ** * ? vmg mune io?> ior Kepairs to your Furniture, Mattrcases or Carpets, I will do it quickly, i Fred C. Milling, Next door to T. A. Murrah. World's Fair, St. Louis, Via Southern Railway. Best line; choice of routes: through Pullman Sleepers and Dining Oars. Stop overs allowed at Western North Carolina summer resorts and otb?r points Low excursion rate ticket on sale from Union as follows: Season tickets $35.10 Sixty day tickets 30 10 Fifteen day tickets 20.75 For full information or World's Fair literature, apply an? Agent Southern Kail way, or K. W. Hunt, Division Passenger Agent, Charleston, 8. C. ok aV* Ar5 TWO WEEKS LONGER, j On account of not being able to comKlete the amount of work to be done, I ave decided to stay in Union two weeks longer to give the piano owners a chance to have their instruments looked after and tuned. Read following testimonials: Prof. Chas. C. Bnrgner is in the city, agent for the Steinway A Sons pianos, and will remain for 10 or 15 days during which time all that want their pianos tuned and regulated by an expert can have it done. We must say thpt Prof. Burgner comes highly recommended from near by towns, and also by one of our leading citizens. Read the following[testimonials: This is to certify that I had Prof. Burgner tune and adjust my piano and find his work to be first class in every respect. B. G. Clifford, Principal Clifford Seminary, Union, S. C." Sept. 19, 1904. This is to certify that we have had Mr, Chas. C. Burgner to tune and adjust our pianos and find his work perfectly satisfactory. We do not hesitate to recommend him to any one wishing any work, either tuning or repairing as we have found his work satisfactory in every respect. Very truly yours, A. D. Jones A Co. Gastonia, N. C. Per M. B. Brissie. June 25, 1904. This is to certify that we the undersigned have had our Pianos tuned regulated and repaired by Mr. Chns. C Burgner and finding liis work to he perfect in every respect ; we, therefore recommend him as a competent and reliable tuner to any one needing such work done. B. T. Morris, Geo A. Gray, F. A. C<-stiiis, Gastonia Furniture Co. Per R. W. J. J. D. Moore. Leave order at R. M. Love's boarding house or phone 113. Chas. C. Burgner. Attention Veteransl Camp C. W. Boyd, No. 921, U. C V. is hereby ordered to meet, ai Jonesville on Saturday evening. Oct 15, 1904, for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year. W. H. 8. Harkis, W. T. Ward, Capt. Com'd. Adjt. Be a Beaverl Notice to Taxpayers. The tax books will be opened on th 15th day of October and closed on th 31st of December for the collection c taies for the fiscal year 1904, withoc penalty. There will be 1 per cent per alty charged on all taxes not paid on c before the 31st day of December. Thei will be another 1 per cent, penalt charged on all taxes not paid on or b< fore the 31st day of January. Thei will be five per cent, penalty mot charged on all taxes not paid on or b< fore the last day of February. Aft< tlon'roifdiTf and close on the 1st dav r?f 1005. Age for paying commutation roa tax 18 to 50. Age for paying poll tax 1 to (50. When paying your taxes please ol serve the following rules in order to sa\ unnecessary executions which is anno; ing to the taxpayers, the Treasurer an tee Sheriff: 1st. Be sure that you get the Trea urer to look on his book for your nam before you go to the auditor for an a< ditional. If you did not make retur someone else might have made it fc you. 2nd. Be sure that you call for you taxes by the same name as that i which you returned it. 3rd Be sure that you call for th same township in which you made you return and not call for the one int you have moved since making your n turn. 4th. When you come to see abou or pay your taxes be sure that you mer tion the townships in which you owi property, as the treasurer is not suppof ed to know where all your property i located. Will collect taxes at the followin; places as follows: Union, from Oct. 15th to Nov. 7th except will be at Buffalo Nov. 2nd. West Springs, Nov. 9, till 12 o'clock Bennett's store, Nov. 9th, from 1 til 3 o'clock. Cross Keys, Nov. 10. Sedalia, Nov. 11th till 12 o'clock. Carlisle, Nov. 14th till 12 o'clock. Santuc, Nov. 16th till 12 o'clock. Jonesville, Nov. 17. Union, Nov. 18 and 19. Adamsburg, Nov. 21 till 12 o'clock. Lockhart, Nov. 22. Kelton, Nov. 23. Union, from Nov. 25, after noon, till book is closed. Tax levy as follows: millc State f Constitutional School... ? Ordinary County 4 Interest on R. R. Bonds lj Road 1 l'ast Indebtedness 1 Union special school 3 Fish Dam special school 3 Santuc special school 3 Jonesville special sohool 44 West Springs 24 J. H. Babtkks, 41-3t Treas. U. C. Executor's Notice. All parties are hereby notifled to present their claims against the estate of Mrs. Mary Grant, deceased, properly at tested, and parties indebted must malm payment at once to the undersigned M. W. Culp, Executor. 30-31 Estate Mrs Mary Grant, deceased Bagging and Ties. We are in a i oeition to Rive you very close prices on Bagging and Ties, both new and second hand. It will pay yon to see us Imfore you buy. Respectfully, * 38- Fant Bros. Co. "flffir- EaHyRlMr* Iht famous littla nllfta ;y * *'" \ * SB is just our condition right now. We found goods 00 I 8 much cheaper than we expected that we could not B ?3 resist the temptation to buy. Do you want to share B * SB our good luck with us? We believe that you do. B> B JUST THINK OF IT! Jg 3g 40 yards of Calico for $1.00 ga Kid Cambrics, per yard 80 ww Flannellettes, per yard 84c pi v j ^2 Heavy Twill All Wool Red Flannel, per yard... loo H j "Typhoon Silks" for Waists and Dreses, per yard 80 H , B Heaviest Teazle Down Outings, per yard 10o v. SB 50-inch All Wool Ladies Cloth, per yard 49o &iS Yard wide Sheeting, per yard 5? |H jfi Good Drill, per yard 7o H| -.I^F B Dress Buttons, per dozen lo fiB fin Pearl Dress Buttons, per dozen 8c Sn Pearl Waist Sets, per set 60 Itt 8 Big line of Samples of everything in the undeiwear B J?| and Notion line. Come to us for Shoes. We can fit B Ig you from the tiny baby to grand-pa or grand-ma. 98 I McLure Mercantile Company, B @ The Undersellers. I J - COD WINE. ? Delightfully pleasant to take, remarkably efficient, the best tonic, j J supplies new tissues, invigorates the nerves. The after effects of I I la grippe are difficult to overcome?persistent weakness?obstinate ^ I cough?neuralgic pains. Cod-Wine makes new tissues, tones np 1 , the whole system by a natural process?a better appetite, a greater 1 relish for food, new strength, result from its use. 1 Do not confuse Cod-Wine with the preparations styling themselves'Wine of Cod Liver Oil, and products under similar names, many of them are thick, cloudy looking liquids, in whloh the essentials of Cod Liver Oil are poorly extracted, containing mnch that Is absolutely harmful and useless. Avoid those that eontaln fc a sediment of coffee grounds at the bottom of the bottle. ! F. C. DUKE, Druggist. . o Get Out or Get in Line \ Q Forcibly applies to conditions in C J M every line of trade. 4 l ? WE . _ 'OE- -JN UNE 1 , y V * ? & SEE OUR JULY BARGAINS. ? ?e" <7 Special Summer Sale for 10 Days. H <1 B Men's and Ladies' Shoes, were $1.25, now $1 U Lj onri I........ _ 1. ' ~ u 3_ __ uuu upnarut), J f. Men's Negligee Shirts, regular 50c and 75c (w y jj R values, now slaughtered to 42c H * lr M Queen, $1.60 values, cut ruthlessly to $1.22 J f R Monarch, $1.00 values, tumbled to 82o ^ J ^ ? Ai Hats equal to Stetson or Dunlaps, $1 00 to 3.00 ft \ J" H Pants 33 J per cent, off, former prices 75c to $6. rr*' J fi No Baltimore Burnt Goods. AII Fresh. Jjj 0 White Vests go regardless of cost. Come Early arid get choice. I jj f THIS SALE SPOT CASH ONLY, i H ?- * ,8 l he f1 if Smith | Company. The People's Friends. | - j ?* 1 * ! _ i -Ttflfcr J HUIET'S All Healing Liniment at the Palmetto Drug Co. V HUIET'S Solution Citrate Magnesia at the Palmetto Drug Co. J HUIET'S Tooth.ache Drops at the Palmetto Drug Co. HUIET'S Tasteless Castor Oil at the Palmetto Drug Co. ALL PRESCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY I AND ACCURATELY COMPOUNDED AT ^jg THE PALMETTO DRUG COMPANY, i HUIET * REN WICK, Ownm. 1