University of South Carolina Libraries
: t ' \ . " "' ' !' ' -v ?. \I At m Ordinary shoe ^ The Portia SI |B shnnp Knilv - J[ uuilb U BH It is an artis H material is use( ||B More real valu |B twice as mucl They are lo quantities, the reach you com [ ?2.50 %1/iict \ JTV 4TYREPOKTOF THE CONDITIO? ?OF THE? MERCHANT'S AND PLANTERS NATIONAL BANK OF UNION, 801TH CAROLINA, At Union, in the State of South Cnro ina at the close of business, Sept 6th, 1904. RESOURCES. l-oans and discounts $213,025 fl Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 4.113 4 (J. 8. Bonds to secure circulation.. 15,000 (J Ranking house, furniture and fixtures 10,000 0 Duo from National Banks (not reserve ugcnts .r*02 B Due from approved reserve agents 3,165 2 Checks and other cash items 252 7 Notes of other National Banks? 908 0 Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents 395 8 Specie 17,090 3 I?egal tender notes 3,000 0 Redemption fund with U. 8. Treas'r (5 per cent, of circulation) 750 0 Total $307,904 0 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $ 60,000 U Surplus fund 31,318 8 Undivided prottts, .less expenses and taxes paid 8,out .1 National Bank Notes outstanding 15,000 U Duo to other National Banks 6,453 5 TV..- A uuo m> approved reserve agents... fl.Oiti 1: Individual deposits subject to check I?{,ft46 1 Notes and bills rediscounted*.. .. in.fltK 1 Total $2<>7 m 0 State of South Carolina, I Couty or Union- f I, J. D. Arthur,'Gnahler of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the beat of tny knowledge and boliof. J. D. Arthur, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me tliii ?th day of September, 1904. W. W. Hughes, Notary Public. Correct?Attest : A. H. Foster, ) T.C. Duncan. V Directors. John A. Fant, i Lockhart Laconics, Lockhakt, Sept. 12.?Married on the evening of the 7th inst. by the Rev. W. H. White at the home of Mr. Charles Meng, Mr. Arthur Parker and Miss Annie Bailey. Mr, H. B. Dantzler, who has been a salesman in the grocery department of Lockhart store for about tvwflkeurs i i-j? * - ' ~? icnven wuny u) accept a DOsWOn US salesman in the "Mutual*' oHwnlen. Mr. Richard Wilburn/Of this place, and Mr. H. A. Holcorarfto, of Spartanburg, hare lately entered on their duties as salesman in the grocery department of Lockhart store. Mr. Ernest jCrawford left,last week to attend the session of HK)4-liH-ff> of Clemson College. Miss Susie Barnes, who has lately graduated at All Healing, has accepted a school in Orangeburg County. Mr. J. T. Hodge has thrown up his position as overseer of the cloth-room to accept a like position at Buffalo. Mr. T. J. Barber who for some years has been overseer of the cloth-room of the New Holland mill at Gaines Secret ef tractive Ft is soon lose their shape and make loe, the new shoe fr?f 1 ouillCU, 1 n lines exclusively its own. tic conception from last to lac< 3; only the highest class labor em ic goes into the Portia than in n i. w priced because, being manui t is possible to exercise many eco i of the average manufacturer, want a shoe that you know is set in style ? a dream of grace, 1 id elegance, let us sell you the Pt $3.oo J ville, Ga , is now cloth-room over-seer 1 at. Lockhart. Mr. Barber is well known at Lockhart, as he was second - hand here when the first (doth was * haled here. It was in February 1896. 1 Mr. Will ltoss, of Gustonia, N. G., has been on u visit to friends here. He leaves this morninc for his home. Rev. W. H. White filled his pulpit, yesterday, preaching morning and evening, Mrs. Annie Fitzgerald has gone to f) GafTney, taking her baby with her on - account of its bad health. It is hoped 1(1 that the little one's health will be restored 7 The Baptist church has recently w put in a baptistery in the church and 0 it first used on the first Sunday when the pastor, Rev. H. H. Ezelle bapr, tized six i) Mrs J. G. Brawley has justreturn0 ed af^er a protracted stay at Ashe ville and Hendersonville, N. G. 1 Homo ? i Store Broken Open At Jonesville. | Wednesday night, the general meichati1 dise a!ore of Mr John W. Bates was ' broken open, the entrance being made I through a window. Mr Bates says that 1 a lot of clothing, groceries and many i o'her articles were stolen He is yet. unab'e to estimate bis loss. puref?drugs AND I A A- n _ I IMuiiuidin rrescnption Work j THE . I Palmetto Drug Go. Is Headquarters. A fall line of Toilet Articles at the Palmetto Drug Co. A j 1 full line of Soaps at the Pal- j metto Drug Co. A full and upto-date line of Stationery at ?he Palmetto Drug Co. A full ! Tine of Purses and Hand Bags ? at tho Palmetto Drug Co. A ! full line of Hair, Tooth and Shaving Brushes at the Pal- r metto Drug Co. a full line of PipeS, Cigars and Tobacco at \ the Palmetto Drug Co. A quantity of Rye and Barley at " $1.0B\)er bushel at the <3 PALfitfiO DRUG CO., j; ' HUlEi^gWICI^ ZZZZZJ 1 the feet look ^ad. I Only the best ? 1 lany shoes costing ?? j actured in great /pB I nomies beyond $3.50 1 1 Special Adv^se^Lts Notices will bo inserted in this co umn at tlic rate of 25 words or less for 25c 01 e issue, four issues for 75c. Additional Un es over twenty tlvo words 6c a line. WILEY'S line Chocolates and Bou bons, in half and one pound boxes, fresh supply received by express at Scaife's. G ET our prices on bagging and Lbs before buying. The Peoples Sujjply Co. WE will serve a first class barbecue at Jonesville on the doy of the second primary election. 8G-2t E. H. and W. W. Eaves. FOli bridles, collars, buggy harness and wagon harness go to The Peoples Sup ply Co. 1 IIAYE for sale at a bargain one eight horee power Frick Engiqg, Portable and has run only one eottoq season.? J J Ltttlkjohn, -Tonesvn^e, 9. C ef McCORMICK mowers sold by People's Supply nb. <. '1 * ^ COME to see us for flour ajfcl mea'. The People'a Supply < '<>. ' . HOCK mil buggies will stand the test. Sold by The People's Supply Co. THE ''Old Hickory" wagon is aot only of the best quality hut is also perfectly seasoned to stand the dryest Climate of the world. Sold by The Peoples supply Co. 1 TWO ROOMS in the Jeffiies building yet to l>e rented. Bonro cam be obtained in the building. Apply to D. Jeffries or J. A. Brown. Itp ? 4. .mi? IF you want, a cheap wagon at tlie start buy some other; if you want the Cheapest wagon in the end buy an "Old Hickory." Sold by Peoples8udpij Co BEST seed rye fl per bushel. |Vopbs Supply Co. RED rust proof o?in ??r Th? ??? ?v nc j r?i|iirB Supply Co. AS I AM arranging to move tc? Buffalo, an soon us the Company can g t. my lions- Marly, I have decided to offer mv house o* South strref tor sale. K.?r j>art;culH>8 ee trie en her at home or ce plant at. Buffalo. W 4' AltTIIIIH VV. HuKKN. Final Discharge. Notice is heteby given that. F. f?. , rref/.er. Administrator of the estate ??f A. 4. Trefz-r, deceased, has applied Icr ( Fason M. Oreer, Fudge of Probate, in ind for the County of Union, for a final lischarge as such administrator. It Ih Ordered. That the 19lh day of >pt... A I>. 1904, be fixed for bearing f Petition, aud a final settlement o' aid Estate Jason M. Orkkr, 1 Probate Judge Union Count,v. S. C. 3 Published 19tb of Aug., 1904, in The Jnion Times. 34-4t, * ??r~ Santuc Locals. Santuc, September 12, 1904. i "We love thokmd where we can stand Free and united, heart and hand; Where liberty is mistypes In spite of bribe or bayonet." *. -C But there are sordtany forms of 'bribes'1 that "liberty1*matting to be iiore of a farce than mistteep; ^ Miss Stella Hobaon has gone MfcRockton, Fait field County, to aflfed several mouths with the family of her uncle, Dr. E. C. Jeter. ? Jj Miss Annie Gregory has gone to Winder, Ga., to spend some time with her brother, Mr. Claude C. Gregory. Miss Ethel Jeter leaves today for Boston, where she will take a course in music in the New England Conservatory of Music. Mr. Reynold Owens leaves this week to enter school at Cokesbury. The school house is being reweatherboarded and otherwise over-hauled, preparatory to the opening of school on the 19tb Inst. Mr. Scott, of Lee County, will be the teacher, Mrs. T. B. Owens, thfrhjiBistant. Tbe Southern railroad is having a large depot erected here ou the site where the old one was burned last spring. Last Tuesday, the 6th, a negro was hustled off a freight train moving out brake*Ins" left frlgh "clS&i'flfrf? ; The limb was set by Dr. Jeter and the negro sent to his home in Falifleld. Edmund Lyies, colored, who has been at work at Union, and going to his home near Carlisle, Saturday night, was struck by tbe down passenger train a few hundred yards above the depot here and killed. His skull was crushed in, an arm broken and left shoulder crushe I. He was evidently sitting ou the tract A jury was empanelled by Magistra'*B. G. Gregory, which rendered a verdict that he came to his death by being struck by a Southern railway eugine, due to his own carelessness. At the Methodist church, Sunday the 11th, Rev. T. B Owens preached one of his best sermons in which he said, iu part, "that children occupy the momentous position nowadays tlist is due t-? middle age, they do as they please, thenis no parental obedience in many, they will have no restraint, etc , and the result, empty churches, wickedness, etc ; and in neglecting them, patents are not seeking the child's highest good, but are detiacting from him. Whatever a ch>id is made in the home, it will remain ' ? 11*- TT* ? At U U Iinrougnoui me. jiiveu tnougu ??< m<t> depart from its early training, wn-n trained in the right way, in youth; it will come back iu old age and thauk it* parents for a careful Christian traini ig at home. If pareuts fail in discipline, they are giving the tree its bend. Yes, I see much manuishness myself, and badness, and taking liberties, even where many people do uot wish theru to do so, but L will not -preach a sermon" on it. . I heaid and saw a negro acting tba fool, talking about what, the "white folks" will do, and bow .Uw^ JSW^lyok, i ??,<w?Uia<reT'flt)8 aW^oming iu1|~~-?t-rH to, row for icoty stumps When that negro got his leg broken here last week, the "white folks" administered unto him, took him off the ground, and n?-xt day not a negro would take him home to his people?the "white folks" had to do it. Vnen Kdmui.d Lvles was killed Saturday night, the negroes mostly weut home to bed, except a few of his immediate family. None watched over him? except perhaps one?and rone troubled about getting word to bis wife without much 1 legging. The "white folks" planned all, and yet many pretend not to believe that the while people are yheir veiy best friends, and almost sole dependence iu time of trouble and in many tight places. IIey Denver, Lockhar%Ju#ctlon Locals. Pulling fodder has been the work for the paBt few ^leks and it has been a good time for saving It. Cotton nlclrtno kna k???? 3 ?' . *jwo uo^uii) nun mere 18 about a halt crop in this section. Corn is fine both on upland and botI toms. This writer was in Cherokee county j a few weeks ago and looking on tckety Creek, Pacolet river and er streams, I saw enough oorn, It seemed, to supply this county and' have some to spare. It looks like there will be plenty of bread stuff made in our own county. I like to see and hear of bread stuff at home. The old saying is, cotton is king, but lets make corn king and have hog and hominy at home, then we will be a prosperous people. Mr. Dan Mabrey, who lives near Wolf City, Tex., has been visiting relatives in this section. He left here 17 years ago and says he is making a good living. He spoke well of his Texas home. Mrs. L. P. White and two granddaughters, Misses Mattie and Bessie, whe have been visiting relative in Chester and York counties, returned home today. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar McWhirter, of Bessemer, Ala., visited relatives In this seotion last week. The picnic and barbecue given at Bethlehem last Saturday was a success lo every respect. Moxy. World's Fair, St. Louis, Via Sduthern Railway. Best line: choice of ??? - I Pullman Sleepers and Dining Cars Stop overs allowed at Western North Carolina summer resorts and oth- r points Low excuislort rate ticket on sale from Union as follows: Season tickets $35.10 Sixty day tickets 30 10 Fifteen day tickets 26.75 For full information or World's Fair literature, apply any Agent Southern [tailway, or r. W. Hunt, Division Passenger Agent. * Charleston, S. O. f 4 I Have Y ciit 8 Of the *F? tu H who a.ttefi4e#iir Cc 1 Rains ttet || doft'?'~ wim' topef,^ SB army of bargpiri h JH today. Amori?*Hre. iv>.m that we are o#ef|tjg I -s:A SILK |**J We wve placed on our entire lot of Sill ?| marked down a* 5C teg close. Don't miss ? /ttvuuir c^s^ercai Delightfully supplies new tis^gesAwifErt-Htes i la grippe are TflPwrrpme cough?neuralgic pa.maJ&CodAVi the whole system."?.ttifafyri relish for food, nfw^trt-.ngth, rest] Do not. confute 0 ?<|-N>'iiie WitK selves Wine of 0<xM?l>r%r Oil, and many of them are:>l)'rk. cloudy 1< Hernials of Cod Liver Of! are poo: that is Absolutely harmful and us a sediment of onffcafrociods at tb F. C; DUKE a Get Ont or H Forcibly applies t! every line of tra . X\ ? I a-vye"" sTm i SEE out! *ju g Special Summei W Men's and Ladies' Shoes, Lj and upwards. Men's Negligee Shirts, r values, now slaught H Queen, $1 50 values, 6ut ri R Monarch, 31.00 values, tm Hats equal to Stetson or E M Pants 331 per cent, off, for No Balt^nojfe Burn jllS White Vesijt go reg? , z Early and ??U-J't?: W THfC^Al r? crki g\ M I 114? 47/\LvC Q ? j Tl 9 Cm ?% wIT I Comi >_ J The People Bagging ft^pTies W? are In a i r*ltMCBMriv<>- vnn vm? cl.w* (vten onJiHgB^nif' Vurt Ti h. U>t I. new Hiid peeolWrhBi<^3? will pnv you lo hee us before you btflfjL,' Pj?m Pros < o Attention w. O. W. ^ Forrest Camp No. 36 will h<Ad a regular meeting in K. of P. Hall. Monday night, Sept. 19tb, Wortt in Pr irrlfon Degree, and matters of fnfrrestin dollars and cents will be before the ramp. All sovereigns are expected to attend. it. M. gsTKS, Clerk. Seen One 8 ^ mate Ones! ?st Sale and thus S ! of the many bar-.. to offer? If not S Ijut join the big B unters and come B many good things S ; this week is B our bargain time B , kswhich we hdve I c oft the dolling utile Company, 8 grsellers. ? H "'rii ? mm* h wV I NT Emrkubly efficient, the best tonlr, ihe nerves. The after (fleets of ?persistent weakness?obstinate nejnnkea new tissues, tones up lfcess?a better appetite, a greater il#fr?.'in its use. the preparations styling thenproducts under si in Hat names, joking liquids, iu which the es riy extracted, containing argon eless. Avoid those that oontAn ie bottom of the bottle. * Druggist. -Z* .;* Get in Line jj -f to conditions in C ide. ? S V \ ^ lhyeI LY BARGAINS. ft * Sale for 10 Days. y * were 1-.25. now SI U s egular 50o and 75c pt ered to 42c a ithlessly to $1.22 i nbled to 82c U? >unlaps, $1.00 to 3,00 ?? mer prices 75c to $6. * ? : t Goods. All Fresh. 1 ? ? ' irdless of cost. Come j .... get choice. 5 . v ; )T CASH ONLY. S ' i. ^1 i he ~ -M litji ~ pany. fa 's Friends. fi v|j Motice of ApfMcotion for pointmont of Guardian. Tlie in deratRiwd pive* notice tl?a? ft I petition for the appoint ment of the Jixtge J of Probsts for Union county ?? pumdiHis of ibA H>t?tee of H Morton .spilteie, Mm m ry PhuIIdO *|?Hera awl -John Riop PptMr ? en-; minor*, has b? ph lied in the Coua^ " of rommon Pirns for Union 0>nnty. Tli*1 no fit, competent or responsible M peison can be found who is willing to # assume auch guardianship. I. M. SumntR, Administrator of the estate of J F. { S pi lie re, deceased Hydrick A Sawyer, Attorneys. Sept. 6,100*. 87-21 ' 4 ,