-i Exceptio Finel 36 inch Wi "A. F. C." 12J4c, here for ! L L W^V ?- - "Koma" ?>i! "Voil" in ci "Eoline," n Shirt Wais 50c, 75c and $1. Butcher's L For SpringI SEE -p ? I M Special Advertisements Notices will bo inserted in this column at the rate of 35 words or less for 35o one issue, four issues for 75c. Additional lines over twenty- live words 6e a line. FItESII Garden Seed in one cent papers. Peas, Beans, Onion .^e?s and Seed Potatoes at Slaiies MISS May Itobinson wants sir itband pnpi s for night class. It ties cheap, course thorough Frr particulars apply at The Peoples Supply Company. 1 a 41s THE new Embroideries, Edgings, Inserting*, Ibices, Wiiite Mercerized Lace and Damask ell'ec's, Stripped Organdies with satin stripe9, P. K.'sand till the newest wiiite goo Is for shirt waists is a thing of beauty at Klynn's The new Ginghams, (Jhambrays, Percales, Madras and pretty Calicoes ; re diaearl>orn St., Chicago. 7ROOM TO rent The room over the post olllce, formerly occupied 1 y Mr. Squire as a photograph gallery. Apply at The Union Times oflice. LOST?A gold crescent pimped head of a scarf pin. Was lost on the street last Sunday afternoon. A lilieral reward will he given if the finder will leave it at this olli ;e or at the Mutua( Dry Goods Company's store. It j&>y; ' ' m - ? - nally Cheai O N )ress F i aite Lawn 10c a yar< Ginghams, sold 0c a yard, k at 8 l=3c a yard, earn, pinh, black, b ew cream silk wea\ t Fronts, embroider ,00 each. Jnen and Mercerize i c . anu summer ever) OUR SU iSc and 16 2=3c ay; THE .straw indicates the wind's course and it' appearances indicate anything Flynn is doing the business Hij | 8- is never empty, you will always | liuil eustoine s buying there and they keep the old fellow hustling all the time Any fair day lie is as busy as he can be, , though that is not strange as people in , our days always go where tney can gtt | the most for their money, and if all re! ports be correct Flynn is giving the I general public more for their SI UO than I ih-y can get anywhere else. The reason why he is doing business without any expense, is he knows where to buy, bow to buy and pays cash for his goods, and he certainly ought to he able to undersell other merchants who have big 1 expenses. CALLAGE Plants?liig arrival ex- ' pedes 1 at once, dome spiick and get them in the ground fs>r early cab-j bage. S. M. Itice, Jr , E. U. ] , rrit> the ladies of Union, town and I JL county, 1 take pleasure in saying that I am prepared to supply your wants ] with :1ih largest assortment of Embroideiv. Edgings and Insertions to match, . Menv i /-d Damask and Lace effects for shirt waists, P. K.'s, fancy, solid and broken stripes, Organdies in up-to-date 1 sides, plain and mercerizid Ginghams, j White Lawns, Ll< aching in all qualities, y Cannon Cloth. All th 'se goods I bought when goods were cheap last September, ' and th *y have just been received in the * last ten days and I am now in a position j to offer llieso new desirable goods at from 15 to 25 per ctnit. less than any merchant in Union can buy the aamt f goods today. (Jome see for yourself and 1 be your own judge and save money. 1). C Flynn, Mgr. , Opening of Books of Subscription Pursuant to a commission issued i to the undersigned as corporators by ( tho Secretary of State of South Caro- . lina on the JSth day of February, { 1904, notico is hereby given that books of subscription to the capital stock of The Welch Company, a pro- ' posed corporation, will bo opened at t the office of James S. Welch, in the ( town of Carlisle, South Carolina, on j the nth day of March, 1904, at 10 f o'clock a. m. Ihe said proposed corporation will have a capital stock of $1,000, divid- 1 ed into 40 shares of the par value of 1 $ 100 each, with its principal place of i business at Carlisle, South Carolina, f and will be ompowcred to do a general mercantile business, deal in live ' stock and fertilizers and carry on a general supply business. Jamks S. Welch, . i Paul H. Jf.ter, j CAMILLUS T. CpLEMAN, . March 1, 1904. Corporators. It. 1 I ( Stops Cough and Works off the Col 8 | Laxative Promo-Quinine Tablets cure . a cold in one day. No cure, no pay, price 25 centa. ti-ly. 8 ? ? 11 I p Prices 1 K" j ibrics j elsewhere at lue and drab. re. ed white linen, d White Goods, j 'day Skirts 1TINGS. ard. - . SANTUC LETTER. Post Office To Be Moved To New Quarters?Rise Ju Broad River Floods Coffer Bams?Small Fox Over at The Dam. "Now Spring is on her way," but I am not going to forget to remain close neighbors to my coat. Miss Myra Owens, stenographer in the Epworth Orphanage, came up and spent from Friday to Monday with the family of her father. Rev. T. B. Owens; Mrs. Adams, of Pinckney, is here on a visit to her son, Mr. J. S. F. Adams. Mi89 Nannie Smith, of Union, and Miss Agatha Barnctt of the Upper Fair Forest section, came down Saturday on a holiday visit jvith Miss Lily Adams. Mumps are raiding the physiognomy of Mr. W. T. Stokes, Jr. Rev. J. D. Mahon preached at the llaptist church Sunday morning >om the text Matthew 19:20, "And what lack I yet, Sunday night* at he Methodist church,* Rev. T. B. J wens preached from the text found n John 1:39. There was a delightful sociable,? imall in numbers?at Mr3. D. B. Fants Friday night. The new joint stock mercantile co. will open up in the store room of the Porter building. The "State" Co., of Columbia is arranging to have telegraphic reports >f excessive rainfall, sent to that pa-* jer from the Weather Bureau station lere. The expert creamery man, Mr. J. G. Voigt was here somo days ago trying to work up an interest in a iheese factory at this place, but I 'ailed to obtain anything of how he W O " " lucceeded. I have just received a good sized package of fine cottonseed from the Department of Agriculture, the kindless of Congressman Jos. T. Johnton, and they are going to receive a $ood trial, too. The Post Office is to be moved Vom up town into the new store that s now being fitted up for the new oint stock company. I can't ;rumble, only it will mean a little nore of a jaunt to meet the opening >f the mails. The rains of two weeks ago put a imart rise in Broad river, so much hat the coffer dam was Hooded and ibout all of the past week was con-1 L., turned in pumping out the holes. All that could be seen of some of the hoisting engines was the smokestacks sticking out of the ffater. Owing to the recent cut up condition of the roads during the wet spell, the weight of the loads to he hauled to the dam has been smartly reduced. Just after the freezes, then rains, wagons soon cut deep ruts. To "outsiders," there is something amusing in the scramble to see who can get the most loads to haul over to the river. It looks akin to a lot of sboits around a feed trough. The poor mules, though, catches "thunder in being driven. It trots and gallops to beat some other to the pile of stuff. The swampy creek bottoms on the road leading towards Neals Shoals are in a deplorable condition, as regards the walking mode of travel. It does seem that a county making a show of doing something might fix places for those who must walk to, cross Euch swampy place?. It could be done and with small expense if the county would, but it won't, and there it ends. Small-pox is getting on a big raid over at the dam, but I hear that they are closely guarded to keep the patients in bounds. People are being vaccinated and re-vaccinatcd. Some man said that we needed a. portable post office or stationary post master. If all men were "stationary" enough to be found at their place of business, especially at a public office like a post office, patrons, especially ladies, would not have to I * ? 5 \ . I uu incouven;eaceu as 10 nave to run all over town, hunting up the post master for their mail. A man from York county, came over last week, arrested three ne groes for violation of contract, handcuffed them together, and then let them get away, but it is suspected that the negro28 were aided. If a man, an employer, should aid or abet a negro in violating a contract he need not be surprised to find his own hands slipping off, and they ought to bad as it is. I recently heard a man throwing out hints to a negro t> quit his employer and come to him. That was right here too. That is rascally. IIey Denver. A Dainty Treat. Everybody knows how satisfying and appetizing a fresh Saratoga Chip is, but everybody does not know the difference in the quality and kinds of chips that are now offered for sale. It all depends upon the quality and the shape in which you get them a9 to the satisfaction they give in the eating. The latest and daintiest and most satisfactory chip that you have ever seen Is now being offered by The Union Grocery Company. They are put up in neat, half-pound cartoons, and nothing but the choicest pieces are packed.. They keep better and crisper and there is not a single piece in the package bub what can be eaten with satisfaction. A great beauty about them coming in this style is that they do not cost ony more than in the old-fashioned way or in bulk. If you want a treat call upon them while they are going as they cannot last long. Remember the place, The Union Grocery Co. If you will try one package, you will always remember the place and the package. It Ri P A N S Tablets doctors find a good prescription for mankind. The 5-cent packet is enough for usual occasions. The family bottle (00 cents) contains a supply for a year. All druggist seli them. tl ? - ?-? SOLDIERS GUARD PRISONER. Negro Who Killed Mall Clerk Threat ened by Lynchers. Meridian, Miss., March I.?Thre< full companies of state troopa surrounded the county jail here Monday night, in which is lodged J. P. Paris, a negro who is charged with the kilt ing of John R. Stockton, a mail clerk, the serious wounding of "J. A. Base, another clerk, and the robbery of the mail car on the Alabama Great Southern train, which left this city Monday morning for Birmingham. Paris was captured oarly Monday by bloodhounda following a bloody trail, strewn with bits of registered letters and other mall matter, from the sceno of the hold-np to a negro cabin, where Paris was found. Charged with Attempted Asault. Savannah, Ga., March 1.?-Anothel uecris is la trouble. This time It li Joe, a brother of the notorious M* mle DeCrls, the diamond queen, whs was sent up from Savanah, and whe created such a sensation last sutq< mer at the prison by being whipped by the superintendent. Joe Is loclo ed up at Thunderbolt, where the fami ly reside, on a charge of attdtnptad criminal assault on a young whits woman, lie Is alleged to have seised her, and she only escaped by acreanv lng for aid, which arrived In time. Mitchell County, Ga., Goea Wet. Camilla, Ga., March L?Official count shows that the antts carried tha county by a majority ot 10. I \ 04+- 4* 4+ 4+4+ 1+4+4+4+Ztt Mr 1 W A 5 i Not with shot and e | Low Prices and i 0 * on our competi | buyers are nc northern mark* | to your interest. | our return for 1 novelties. In * time if you wan i | Staple 5 I | we have them 1 | Embroideries. J Calicoes, Gingl * cales, Cotton Ph : Sheetings, etc., | saving in price | we bought rearl | rise. 1 McLure Merc 1 The Under: I CUOGG KIDN 1 The kidneys are the s j When they lose their act & filled with poisonous was a ments result. 1 M U R R A I Buchu, Gin a I Is a remedy that affords i I combination of drugs wl I and curative action on the I formula used and prescribe 8 eminent physicians. | Price $1.00. Guarant I every purchaser. At Dru | Prepared by The Murra | Columbia, S. 0. ? THIS IS THE BEST SEA! TO EAT AND BE BENEFIT'. Health Pood Productioi Offered to the We have a complete line, all j fresh goods. We will be glad to ha small quantities. Vigor, 10c per package; Cream i 8 for 50c; Pure Corn Starch, 10c pei john's Breakfast Food. 20c per packa< eye Rolled Oats, 10c per package, 1 Oats, 15c per package, 2 for 25c. Also have a fresh lot of Poetuc packages, and Grape Nuts. We get i as to keep them fresh. We carry all these goods for wl and whenever you want them call on t THE UNION Gfi L. L. WAGNO W?T T - | R shell but with | ? Good Values j itors. Our J >w in the j its looking | Wait till 1 the latest 1 the mean- ? 1 I 5 Goods I or you. In J Bleachings, J lams, Per- I lids, Brown | at a great | for you, as J y before the | 'I :antilefCd.*4 >>. t 5 sellers. 1 rED I EYS ewers of the body. j ivity they become 1 te and kidney ail* 1 l v s i nd Juniper I mmeaiato relief? a | liich have a direct B urinary organs?a 9 ed by thousands of g eed satisfactory to | g Stores, | y Drug Company, | >0N OF THE YEAR TED BY ALL THE is and Specialties Trade. guaranteed to be perfectly kve your orders for large or of Wheat, 20c per package, package, 3 for 25c; Pettige, 8 for 50c; Fresh Hawk* > for 25c; Fresh Qoaker I a Cereal, large and small dl the above goods often so rich there is any demand, is or ring phones 38 or 100. tOCERY CO. 1| N, Mgr.