tfust a ~ ..Until Hand Tailored 9 Don't fail to A little bettei THE BAIIT Local Laconics. ; q . Pn!5'^::,^^^ K^AB0UT TOWN ' . B. BePws vent to^S^'Mim()re Jl^-nlgbt. ^ vncktoVw,, lin. Dan Wallace ima ? lion from Jonesville. ^LstJ Mr. D. A. T. Farr, of Jonesville, th^^1 is in the city Wednesday. A. Ii^ Miss Jones, of Marion, is visiting Mrs. two bu . E. Lipscomb on South Street. gets d( Mr. T. K. Littlejohn, of Jones- a pret ille, was in the city Wednesday. A yf Rev. and Mrs. Edge spent Sunday !ie l,ad lfcernoon with friends in Jonesville. Iphed Mr. A. W. Thomson, of Oolum- theorj bia, was in the city a few days this week. Mrs. Milam, of Clinton, is visiting her ^ daughter, Mrs. Frauk Austell, on Church Cap* (Street. mad Mr. J. A. Brown will leave Sat- ?^c' urday for Ethelville, Ala., for a bus- yea iness trip, Un Mr. W. J. Oetzel has returned to 1 the city after a few days visit to [?p Spartanburg. by Mr. M. C. Deaver, of Carlisle, was fuI seen on the street in the city Tuesday .Wi and Wednesday. Mr. C. G. B. Counts returned home Wednesday, after spending a.^ few days at Blairs. Miss Louise Young ha a position as stcnograpM^^ccepted I I Main Street. Ddv,a ^ffries, o? I The cheese made at Mr. Voigt's factories sells for 16c per pound at the factory and the demand exceeds the supply. Mr. Geo. 0. Tenney, of Spartanburg, who has the contract for installing the sewerage' system, was in the city Wednesday. The negro, Joe Smith, charged with burning Mr. Sim McDaoiel's barn, wui _ released on a bond of $.'100. No one apK* ptared in behalf of the State. Mr. J. B. T. Scott, formerly of L. Union, now of Little Mountain, in Newberry county, passed through the city Wednesday on his way to k Spartanburg. Gen. Gordon, who was billed to lecture here last Wednesday, whs provented from fultllling his uppoiutmeut by the serious illnees of Mrs. Gordon. Itegrel Is felt, not only at our disappointment, tut still more on account of iu cause. Few 1 I Chrisl *i?l Let us clothe yoi X . so that you can sp< of the year much ] that you have bouj Shoes and Hats mi you have ever done next two weeks v offer in Clothingtha offered in our city I u * visit us before Deeei r for a little less. .. . IT - GOPELAND Messrs. Chas. W. Goforth and I Paul Garner spent Sunday afternoon with friends in Jonesville.. Rev. H. K. Ezell, formerly of Ridgeway, has accepted a .call to the pastorate of the following churches: Jonesville, Lockhart, Mt. Joy, Phillipi. He will reside at Kelton. ti. Mr. J. R. Charles, who lives on ^ .Perry place, now owned by Capt, rijVT Foster, had stolen from him **'^iTyhches of barb wire. When it ^ to 8tea^nfi barb wire it is >utb i^Vj^d state of affaire. heard tVx^ the brain^jH lid his family physician that octor rep y* hLbat smoking cigarettes inbut it wilwV an(j asked if it was so. ' one bavirtfcr^ied that such was the e a cigarette }' Mr Cha?by->f cotton, and plenty lwlgpto him for next ion county s Mv Ties is one among ?he Springflti^T .Vest farmers, ublican psjfS""' admits tb?^r id Republican, a leading 1 his coj^P^per of Massachusetts, free- 1 [ly ) President Roosevelt has | iys n^WThrse in the Panama matter, ( >r gcijVv%itied secession. The South a lg<^Mwaintained that she was right, and JKyina should rejoice to see it acknowl- ' Wfsa by the North. j The coitoty commissioners of Rich- ! land county have tendered Mr. Os- ' car F. Chappell, w.ho9C wagons and 1 teams were precipitated into Cedar Creek by the collapse of the bridge, 1 #600 as settlement in full of all i claims. Mr. Chappell demanded $947. In the case of the tax payers of 1 Spartanburg County against the ' Spartan mills for back taxes, the su- j premc court has decided against the j mills. This means that the Spartan ? mills will have to pay back taxes for ' the past six years, some $8,000 or j $10,000. ( The South Carolina Cotton Mills < were not generally represented at the j meeting in Charlotte last Toesday. The mills in the upper part of the , state, especially, have good stocks of ] cotton on hand, bought at about 10c, ' and are not thinking about curtailing J productiou. To shut down or to cur tail production at this season of the year, especially, would be a great 1 hardship to operatives, and would re- ' act disastrously on the mills. It is , hoped that the North Carolina mills will not have to curtail production, 1 either. * ( Weeks % tmas.. v u with a new Suii 2nd this jolly timt happier, knowing fht your Clothing uch cheaper thar : before. For th< ve have values t( it have never beer before. m mber 25th. COMPANY. The Union Library, It is tlie earnest wish of the clubs t< insprire more interest in the Union Li brary. It is true that we hope to haw the Carnegie Library, but that is in fu ture as yet. While waiting for that le the effort be made to build up the on? we have. Quite a number of the subscribers baw allowed thpir subscriptions to expire Uenew your subscriptions and thus pu more books and more interest in this no ble enterprise, which should inspire tin pride aud patronage of the city of Union Fire at Anderson Spool Factory Fire at the Anderson Spool ant Bobbin factories early Tuesday morning destroyed several thousadt lollars worth of property. Much o the machinery was-badly damaget ar ruined, and it will take severa weeks to put things in running ordei again. Very little of the loss is cov ired by insurance. The company will rebuild at once. Library Meeting. A meeting of every body who ii interested in keeping up our presen library, is called to meet at the li brary on next Thursday afternooi the 17th, at half past 4 o'clock. This invitation is extended to al who care to have the library continu in existence, and it is hoped that al such parties will attend the meeting and adopt measures for preventinj the collapse of an institution that ha afforded so much pleasure and instruction to our citizens. Christmas Holiday Excursion Rates Oq account of the Christmas Holidays [he Seaboard Air Line Railway will sH excursion tickets fiora all stations to a l>oints East of the Mississippi and Soutl if the Ohio and Potomac livers, includ iug Washington, D. C., St. Louis, Mo. ind intermediate points to St. Louis o the Southern Railway, Louisville Nashville. Illinois Central and Mobile ' "i -i- ? ' A.IIC3 OlitliUAlU V^IUU IllPt Willi Mm. (J. E. Lipscomb ou Tuesday afternoon. The subject under discussion was "Discoveriesand Inventions of 19thCentury." Mrs. Jeffries read a very excellent paper 0 on "American Inventions and Discover" ies in the past 50 years." 6 Miss l'osey, in a Hue essay, showed " the French to have been foremost in k theory in the line of Inventions and I)is5 coveries especially in the Department of Physics, and Miss McAlester, in an ex6 cedent treatise upon the subject, showed that the genius of America has been very practical, working out theories in " all lines of thought for the gain, com0 fort and convenience of men. Dainty refreshments were served by the hostess. The meeting was pro nounced by all present as very profitable and pleasant. 1 ? j STATE CONVENTION j OF THE U. t). C. f . A Happy Reunion In Camden?A 1 Magnificent Supper Given by 1 the People ot the Town, r Camden. S. C., Special:?Camden's fair visitors, the United Daughters of 7 the Confederacy, after holding a very pleasant aud profitable State Convention here, have taken their depirture. The address of welcome by the Hon, T. J. Kirkland in behalf of the citizens was a 3 gam. Mrs. Burnett's address in behalf t of the John I). Kennedy Chau'er was " exceptionally line. The banquet to the Daughters at the j Kirkwood, on Camden Heights was magnificent. The supper was served at i 10 o'clock and as the guests entered the elegant dining hall, the visitors were e presented with a neat booklet as a souI venir, containing pictures and sketches of Camden's six Confederate generals, '* Kershaw, Kennedy, Chestnut, Villi* pigue, Cantey and Deas. The cover 8 contained a picture of the Confederate - monument erected here to the Confederate dead by the ladies. The delegates had a delightful time and each one expressed herself as having t. been charmed with Camden's hospitality. Camden feels very highly honored by having the presidency conferred upon II Mrs. A. V. llurnett, Sr., who is a q daughter of the late Col. W. M. Shant, non, and is a most excellent lady. . Orangeburg was selected as the place for h riding the next meeting.?News and n C ?urier. c -* it The LntifZlcy Air Ship Fails' c Under weather conditions that ? were regarded as perfect the Langrj ley airship was given a second trial Tuesday afternoon, f It failed utterly to fly, but 4itook the water like a duck," giving Trof, Manley, who was on board, an icy9 plungo-bath. The machine broke in i- two, and is a complete wreck. Prof. Langlev, who was present at !), th6 test, appeared much crestfallen it* when he saw the product of months it of study end labor, disappear beneath the water. President Dias says that Mexico needs '? thousands of Chinese to work in her mines aud on plantations. _ ! [25 PER Cf > : To Ministers a 5 Of ? ; j From Dec. I( I 1 We will give a discoui 5 our regular prices t 5 Churches of all denoni 2 thing in our line for tl 1 flake Your Prea< ; 5 2 Church Committees w ? their pastor with a ni< nish his home, will I same reduction. \ C UT T H and bring it with you, n we allow the discount ing coupon signed by 2 mittee or minister is ? purchase is made. W JJ offer for a double pur First, to help every ? Carolina make the p; S present or furnish his S expense. 2 Second, to determin ? ter medium through v 0 people in advertising. 5 coupi 1 T. E. BAILEY: 2 In response to yourac v I or we wish to take a J offer to present our i his home. ! Bailey Furnita action* b?k? MOORE'S CROL I would like eveiy mother in Un>on eo tion a trial this winter. It lias been usei and those once using it always depend o their children. Being free from opiates and children. Of course it is important the old original formula. I guarantee n F. C. DUKE, gg Watches J HI The Finest Stock j I Trefzer's Je Don't fail to [Kis^gssggsgggssgsggggssgggga County f Benefit Aj Of Ame ) | Insure Yo in th Above Ass< [ J. ft. GREER, Pres., Union Dh i # . M INT. OFFj * nd Churches. j j i ___________________________ i i ) to Jan. I, f " i i it of one-forth off o Ministers and inations for anv. lieir own use. J :her a Present, j ho want to present 2 :e present or fur- J >e entitled to the * IS OUT | as in no case will S unless the follow- u the church com- 2 presented when 2 e are making this pose. church in South istor a handsome home at a small 2 e which is the bet- 5 irhich to reach the 2 DN. I 1. in Union Times, dvantage of your iastor or furnish S Minister. { Committee^ ^ re Company, j IP MIXTURE. unty to give th-s famous prescrip(1 many years by scores of parents n it in the croup and coughs of it is especially suited to infants to have the genuine prepared by line to be genuine. Druggist. Jewelry and | Novelties. | ust received at ?sax ?welry Store. ^ see lutual ccArlafiA? :rica. ur Life e STCfgjBB / ^ iciation D. T. DUNCAN, Sec'y, vision. V ?g|