The Union times. [volume] (Union, S.C.) 1894-1918, December 11, 1903, Image 6

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WOND la all the depa WONDER You will tiud many wonderful items Machines, Pianos, Orgaus and all kinds n Violins, Barjos, Guitars, Accordeons, M nphones, etc. Strings and tuppliis for a! lion to our new department? I FURNI Tinware, Crockery and Cliinaware h ance at catchy prices We have just. i>c ana v hum or l ew and attractive ues'gns. nice lot of Cut tilass at 1 cut" pr:c?-s. ?S?e our beautiful Toilet Sets of Crocl the pi ice compels you to buy. Our .*pe< counters are loaded down with ' wornh-i Oar low pi ices and attractive goods do ou with us for cash we will give you a beaut S. M. RICE, Jr / _i _i HANDS 1 ?B Excelsior Kr Of Unio FIFTY families or DREl) Toppers, K Finishers, ages from (t wages at any and all of : all of which is nice and we pay are much high ' other hosiery mill in tl We have young men t- make from $25.00 to i f We also want FIV ' good Cedar Posts. I A PPL V J. H.GAULT, 1 - ^ \ /' jjg^s?3?eca;3c23Ci^E5; ' Q GLENN SPRINGS s|$ Has a record of over One I] / w Successfully used by the me< $ ment of all diseases of the l \tt) all disorders resulting fro r\ torpid liver, jaundiced skit \ n all forms of dyspepsia it is W FOR SALti AT HOI A For rates of board and . W correspondence. THE GLENN 1 Karly CoDiliinrw and Coriirm. "Engrossing" was an offense punishable in England by Hue and imprisonment; and the laws against it struek at those?called "engrossers"?who planned t6 gain control over necessities, such as grain or food stuffs in considerable quantities, either by purchase or otherwise, with the intention of raising prices. The statute book holds quite a series of enactments designed to prevent anything in the nature of what we know ns tv "corner" or "combine." "Kcgrat.Ing". was a criminal offense, and so was "forestalling." The former consisted of buying and selling the same da3' in the .same market or near it. and the latter implied the purchase of merchandise on the way to market or before the hour at which the market com tncnced, with the intention of soiling nt n profit, while It was also "forestalling" to circnlnte rumors calculated to raise the prices of commodities. Though those laws have fallen Into desuetude, they wore in force in our grandfathers' time. At I'reston, for instance, there were prosecutions almost up to the accession of Queen Victoria. i Polnonoun Raby Sunken. The young of the poisonous species of serpents, deserted from the very first by the parent snakes, are as dangerous | ns If full grown from the moment they 1 enter the world. The proprietor of a Philadelphia museum learned this to . kU A f .. - l-t~ ?I 1 uin 11X91. Ill a IJIK tilHU J?il ll II I' MM'I I through the middle by a wire screen . there lived side hy side an eleven foot anneondn (of the constrictor family) - - and n colony of collnn inoiilh nineUAu\ cA Disorderc RAt HEAX)ACH rn itvEftftlLLSm is biliousness; *? ^er.piete Tr< Sol4 by Unio j . * ~ 1 1 ERFUL % irtments of the STORE. nl wonderfully low pi ices. Furnilu-e, >f smaller musical instruments, tudi nt atdoli: f?, Tiiniboiines, Autoliarps, (iiapli II tliete in big quantities. fqaeia! utti-nTURE. ! ive prounaent places and in great ab<p d iei.ul a beautiful line of i.ew Crockery Come <iilick ai <1 get lirst choice. A veiy?S( eing, if you need one and are able. nal counters?1c. ~>c, 10c, loo and 2 "c b" ai d ihev continue to in daily r beilnit?. When you trade $1 00 or nvue Iful picture. Cud for it. E. U., Prop. i i WANTED Y? lifting Mills n, S. C. about TWO HUNuitters, Loopers and [) to (35). to make good the work offered by us, I easy, and the prices er than paid by any le South. and young ladies who 535.00 each per month. E HUNDRED (500) .Y TO rreas. and Mgr. MINERAL WATER ? [undre I years and has been (J [lieal profession in the treatdadder and kidneys, and in H m malarial infection, with [\ t and general debility. In M invaluable. rj ,MES' PHARMACY, other particulars we solicit [{ a SPRINGS CO. 6 casins. It was Impossible tor tnr moccasins to glide through the narrow meshes of the screen or even to venture an occasional "strike" at their large and peaceful neighbor. Hut (luring the night a brood of young cotton moutlis unexpectedly appeared?babies, not live inches long. They squirmed through the meshes of the partition and before they had been two hours in this world were gliding Joyfully over the-lifeless body of the huge constrictor, which lay poisoned by the youngsters' fangs. We*Icy on Wedlock. In an interesting little tract on "Marriage" by John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, all the duties of a wife are gummed up in two rules?namely, that she must recognize herself as t lie inferior of her husband and that she must behave as such. These were John Wesley's theories, and that his practice may have been somewhat similar Is shown by the following sentence from a letter to his wife: "He content to be a private, insignificant person, known and loved by God and tne." John Wesley's opinions on this subject were perhaps the frnit of his experience, but it is also possible that they were a cause rather than an effect, and that the thornincss of ids marital relations may have been In a measure traceable thereto. hen Other Kye* Meet .Mine. "I.o\e is blind." lie complained. "Tlint oupht not to worr? you," she said encouraplnply, "beenuse we have eyes only for each other."?Milwaukee Journal. id Stomach ends in a SICK I E. The root of the trouble I ; the cure, Ramon's Pills. satment, perfect cure, 25c. [ n Drug Co. Buy your Goods from 1 the usi mm &i and save money. (jlcod lit avy plaids, 6c value our price, per yard v. i Good heavy Plaid, big value at 7c, our pi ice, per yd... I Boy's heavy tleeced lined Shirts and Drawers, each 42< Men's extra heavy Shirts and Drawers, 50c quality, our price, each 4t The next 30 days we w sell our entire lot ot men Pants at actual cost. Con at once wjnle you can get yo> fize. n m a Mrs. L).N. Wilburn { The Flrit lee Cream. A French chef, who prepared thedt for the Due do Chnrtres In 1774, Is sa to have made the first ice cream. Lo Bacon was aware of the process congelation l>y means of snow and sa but to him It was a scientific fact greater or less Interest, and he had I idea of the delightful possibilities tbls process on various eatables. Iced drinks and water ices we known to the Parisian epicures a cc tury and a lialf earlier, the dainti having probably come from the f east by the hand of solne traveler wl had tested sherbet. The English kne or cared nothing for such artificial i freshuient till the present ccntui Even now they do not regard the "ic pudding" with especial favor. Appropriate. One day while his apparatus for de sea soundings by means of steel plat forte wire was being constructed Lo Kelvin entered Mr. White's shop Glasgow along with the great I Joule, celebrated for his determinatl of the mechanical equivalent of hei Joule's attention was called to a bu die of the pianoforte wire lying in t shop, and Thomson explained that intended It for "sounding purpose! "What note?" innocently lnquir Joule and was promptly answerc "The deep C." The llouae of Crony. In France the family of Crony Char boasts of descent in direct lino frc Adam's third son, Setli. They say at t time of the deluge Noah took their fa lly title deeds into the ark. At tin chateau may be seen a picture of tli event, wherein one of the drowni men waves a scroll above liis bead which -Is inscribed, "Save the ti deeds of the house of Crony." Tnklnic I'leniiarc STvlftljr. Take time to be merry, to "have good time," and you will double yo possibilities of health, wealth and lir piness. Anglo-Saxons are made fun because tliey take even their pleasui sadly. Their American cousins, wl characteristic energy, make a businc of it. Ian Maclaren's story of t American who was "doing" the Unit Kingdom is a good illustration Jonathan's method of pleasuring, visitor's card was brought to Dr. W: son (Ian Maclaren) in his study, li before he bad time to read it his v itor stood before him anil nnnouuc himself. "My name is Elijah K. II gins." he said breathlessly, "and I si a busy man. You are also busy a have no time to fool away. Four da are all I can give to the United Kit dom, and I wished to shake hands wi you. Cloodby! 1 am off to Drui tochty!"?Success. I FEMALE WEAKNESS Sj 642 1-2 CoKgrcn< fit. . Portland, Maink, Oct. 17. 1902. i consider Wino of Careful superior to an / doctor's medicine lover used * and I know wKoreof I speak. I suffered for nine months with suppressed menstruation which completely prostrated inc. Pains would snoot through my back and sides and 1 would have blinding h?adache*. Mv limbs would swell up and I would feel so weak I could not stand up. J naturally felt ^discouraged for I seemed to be beyond the help of physicians, but Wine of Cardui caino as a Ood-scnd to me. I felt a change fo-.a the better within a week. After nineteen days treatment I menstruated without suffering the agonies I usually did and soon became regular and without pain. Wine of Cardui is simply wonderful and 1 wish that all suffering women knew of its * good qualities. | fa Treasurer, Portland Economic Leaguo Periodical headaches tell of female weakness. Wine of Cardui cures permanently nineteen out of every twenty cases of irregular menses, hearing down pains or any female weakness. If you are h discouraged and doctors have 3 failed, that is the best reason in the world you should try Wine of jl Cardni now. Bttntmbflr that vj headaches mean female weakness. | M Secure a 81.00 bottle of Wine of el G'ardui today. |WINE?' [caRpm ' GOOD NEWS. .. Many Union Readers Hav< ' Heard It and Profited Thereby. "Good hows travels fast," ami tin thousands of bad back sutTorors ii - . Union are glad to learn that |>roin]> ^ relief is within their reach. Many i lame, weak and aching back is bad m r? more, thanks to Poan's Kidney Pills uur citizens are leiiing the good new of their experience with the old Quake - Remedy. Here is an example wortl )C reading: Robert Sanders, mill hand, residinj at 15 Church street, says: ''My son use* Doan's Kidney Pills for kidney am bladder trouble from which ho has suf jti fered almost all his life. He looks liki a healthy boy, but he cannot stand an; l's work which causes a strain 011 the back and the secretions from the kikneys an strong and dark and there is too fre ur quent action, especially at night. I an convinced that the pains and otlie symptoms arise from weakness of tin kidneys and the bladder and althougl ^ we have given him a dozen kidney rem )? edies the results were so slight tliat wi thought he would be afllicted for life _ Seeing Doan's Kidney Pills advertised I went to Holmes Pharmacy and got 1 box. Before he had used half of it tin trouble was relieved. The use of tw< *b boxes brought such satisfactory resulti id that we were as delighted as he is. il< rd has had 110 return of the backache am of the other symptons of weak kidneys d< not trouble him." of , F or wale by all dealers. Price 50c pe box. Koster-Milburn Co., BuiTalo, N. Y. f sole agents for the United States' Re or member the name?DOAN'S?and tak no other. ro ? og OcneroiiN t'lnli Woman. ar A woman doctor went to Utah t< ho practice. She was a pleasant lady as >w well as skillful, and her patients wen c. very, fond of her. "Ilow I wish," salt y ouc of them, "that I could convert yoi e(j to our religion! If you would onlj marry my husband and come and liv< with us"? The doctor fled in horror to anothei cp friend to whom she told the story. lie 10- 6eIf respect began to revive and sin rd felt comforted, seeing how the eyes o in her listener blazed. )r. "I don't wonder you feel as you do,' on replied the friend indignantly. "Tin nt. idea! Why. that Mr. is perfectly in- horrid! What you want to do is t< be marry my husband and come and livi he with us."?Plattsburg (N. Y.) Tribune. 'Cd FREE TO OUR READERS. id. Botanic Blood Balm for the Blnml If you suffer from ulc is, tcz-ma scrofula, blood poison, cancer, ealinj ?el sores, itchiug skin, pimples, boils, bom nn juiins, swellings, rheumatism, catairh lio or any blood or skin disease, we ad vim m- you to take Botanic Blood Balm (B. B pir B.) Especially recommended for old ,at oletinate, deep seated cases, cures when ?g all else fails, heals every sore, makei on the blood pure and rich, gives the skit tje the rich glow of. health. Druggists, ? per large bottle. Sample smt free b] writing Blood Balm Co , Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and tree medical ad vice sent in seal letter. Medicine sen ur at once, prepaid. F. C. Dyke. ip Queer t *?. * of Mttjtl.ii!), Of v ... No man living perhaps can prouounc< the English language aright at al >sg times and in all places, for < arm-tin s l1(, depends largely on time and place, alK . sometimes to be right you must l?? wrong. As soon as you step on ship ^ board and sail, the horizon, being cleai 1 and definite, sheds the need for r long "I," and at sea it rhymes will s "oriston." In the army a route is al ways called a "rowto." Moreover, tlu cavalry, by long standing tradition calls a horse an "orse," and the ordei I is "stand to 'orscs."?Ixmdon Globe. ,g. Fight Will be Ilitter. tli Those who persist in closing tbcii in- ears against the continual recominon dation of Dr. King's New Discovery fo Consumption, will have a long and bit ter fight with their troubles, if not end Ied earlier by fatal termination. Ilea< what T. K. Deal I, of Beall, .Miss, has tc say: "I.ast fall my wife had ever sympton of Consumption. She tooi Dr. King's New Discovery after every thing else hud failed, linprovcmcn came at once and four bottles entire!] cured*her. Guaranteed by F. ('. Duke Druggist. Price 60c, ami $1,00. Tria bottles free. H ! '!? ill !>si? A rollers. A curious lawsuit regard in;; tliu own ersliip of lands was tried recently ii Ceylon. The trouble originated at ai archery competition held by King Para krauia Ihihu VI.. who ruled over Coy Ion in the tjfteenth century, in whiel there were two champions who outdis tanced all the rest and alike hit every mark that was submitted to them. The king was about to divide the prize when from a neighboring pond a frog was ' heard to croak. The king seized upon n solution and declared tlint whlchevei could Idt the frog, aiming only by ear should gain the prize. One of the archers transfixed the frog with the arrow. 1 So delighted was tlie monarch that, liesides (lie original prize, lie gave to tlie winner an estate of fiO.OOO acres. The claimants in the lawsuit were the de sceinlants of the archer. Re volution Itnm incut. A sure sign of approaching revoltjaml serious trouble in your system is nervousness, sleeplessness or stomach up Incin. i.ifciric lmiers will quickly dismember the troublesome causes. II never fails to tone the stomach, regulnM the kidneys and bowels, s'.imulnte the liver and clarify the blood, Kun down systems henellt particularly and all tlu usual attending aches vanish under iu searching and thoromrh effectiveness. Electric Milters is only ."Oc, and that if returned if it don't give perfect satisfaction. Guaranteed by F. C. Duke, drug gist. j I. M. ? + .PENT Crown and Bridge < Work a Specialty. A Healthful Coitnine. * [ 1 When the Eraser high landers landed 1 lu North America In 17">7, It was proposed to change the dress on account J* of the cold winters and hot summers. K The officers successfully opposed this r and were ultimately Justified by the ? 1 Highlanders being the healthiest soldiers in the army. In the campaign In - Holland in 1794 some regiments lost as | many as 300 from disease, but the . Black Watch, which had 300 recruits * in its ranks, had only tweftty-flve casy unities, including the killed in battle. ? 0 Tlie Tliroc <*oda of the BnglUhmaa. 3 The Englishman is the last man ? among civilized races to be an artist, r a musician or a poet, but he Is the first to l>e a gentleman. An Englishman p ' thinks coldly, loves coldly and fights t, .coldly, but lie gets there just the same. There is always a fascinating smootht ness about him, and he worships throe 1 gods?his llag, "his trade and his top 0 hat?Sydney Bulletin. j H > The man who is always talking about 1 how much work he does should remom[> liei that some people work so hard that they don't have time to tell about it? r Atchison Globe. * A # (&U > i i . ' " I had a most stubborn cough ? for many years. It deprived me a 1 of sleef) and I grew very thin. I J* i then tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, . and was quickly cured.'* , R. N. Mann, Fall Mills, Tenn. r Sixty years of cures [ and such testimony as the a ) above have taught us what u Ayer's Cherry Pectoral * will do. We know it's the r greatest cough remedy b ] ever made. You will say 11 so, too, after you try it. o< Three sizes: 25c.. Mc., SI.M. ? Consult your doctor. If he says take It. then do as he nays. If he telle you not to take it, then don't take it. lie knows. ~ _________ I You will like Ayer's Pills also, ? purely vegetable, gently laxative, e Keep the bowels regular. , J. C. AVER CO., Lowell, Blass. f r ^BmaMassnuMBSHiMMaaJ u . ? p L> Chattel Morlffoce*. s A man who gives a chattel mortgage = i should always examine It carefully to i 1 make sure it is not "on demand." Sharp I money lenders who loan funds on chat- I . ti l mortgages' often try to have this " clause Inserted, and when It Is the bort rower may expect to part with his chat- a teis at almost any moment. It Is a trick by which advantage Is often tnken of the unwary. ? ' A Life Surer. J A v?4i nvviii IV IIU>C il Jjri'Ul IlKIIlg IOVM ' la rge words." f\ "Well., siir." answered Mr. Erna,j6s ? lMnkley,*'I once kuowed a man wlj|^e r Mf0 were saved by a big word.j ^jc 1 i once told me dat I prevaricated. rjT, ,)y > de time I foun* out what dat#wor(| ( meant it were too late fob ray^ ' 1dm."?New Yorker. W ( r Juki One Trip. | "What? Oolng out nKnln/tonlght?" began Mrs. Nagg. f "Ob. no: just lids once, Jreplled her husband, with aggravating cheerfulness. It u ill lie too late ^yiicn I get back to go out again. Philadelphia I.edger. ? ! Dr.' R. M Dorb^y, < J * "t Specialist on diseases of the EYE and EAR I - ?and? .' ^ OPTICIAN , Successor to II. R.-Goodell. i Alexander's Music .-itall, Spartan hurg, S. C. 47-lyr. i A Snrcnntlo Retort. Some curious anecdotes are related of ! Hermann Zumpe, the Wagnerian con1 doctor at Munich. lie wan well known ' to be a spiritualist anil believed that 1 the ghosts of dead composers Inspired B his conducting of their works. One day Zumpe told another conductor of note how Beethoven's spirit was present : during the performance of one of the symphonies, nnd so pleased was the ghost that after the end of the first movement lie exclaimed, "At last!" "Ah, my dear fellow," exclaimed the ? other conrfnctor,, "surely Beethoven made a mistake. lie thought It was the an/1 a# ? cuu ui iuc iiiai uiuvemem," ^"ipR. MO F i WuM<TEETMINC I I Rot. J. W. Deny (nt Arlrinwi Xe<hodlet Conformed,writ* two |,n.'k?: <i cf' TKETHINA " We wonder how we harer aui:.~) h t u? a portage and it cam* at* moat npporton* ttm< I !?ri i.i I 'd ron.litlon for dare. end nothing (hat we f%re dl pcrloci rt iikf and be haa kaa aa tacUMg Weebt*. Otter ? ilAIR,^ Office Bank Building Union; 8. O ^ *& >r. Alexander S. Foster Surgeon Dentist. JNESVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA. I looms over J. F. A1 man's Store. # CROWN TORRENCE. M. D. Office Hours: !iS Special atteDtion to diseases of lye, Far, Nose and Throat. 2T)-8m >CAI FE & HAMBLIN, -^ATTORNEYS AT LAW%>, oster Building, Union, 8. C. J. CLOUOH WALLACE. ATORNEY AT LAW. Room 1*2 up 8fairs Foster Buldinjr. S. MEANS BEATY, ATTORNEY- AT-LAW. lo. 3, Law Range. Money to Loan. I have money to loan in amounts of 300 and upwards on improved farms t 7 per cent interest. No comtission except a reasonable attorney fee >r preparing necessary papers. 39-ly. V. E. DkPass. To Cure a Cold In One Day ake Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. .11 druggists refund the money if it fails > cure. E. W. Grove's signature on ich box. 25c. 6-ly R'l'P'A'N'S Tablets doctors nd a good prescription for lankind. The 5-ceut packet is enough for usual icasions. The family bottle (GO cents) mtalns a supply for a year. All drug- / ist seli them. . tf Notice to Trespassers. All persons are foibidden to tres(NM8 n any of the lands known as the John [cKissick place, either by walking, ridig, hunting, fishing, cutting timber or thprwise, and for each oQense will be rosecuted to the full extent of tbe law. 48-4t E. G. Evans, Jr. B0RTMCT0RS;aM I vl SlIKD 1R0H WORKstsOPPLY Ml V <?> CftJhnrt^ Phis signature is on every box of the genu la* Laxative Bromo-Quinine *?? lbs nvtdy that cares s cold las s?s 4sv to write for onr confidential letter bsfbce a^I plying for patent; it may be worth messy*! We promptly obtain U. 8. and Foreign | PATENTS I * and TRADE MARK8 or return ERrt TIRE attorney a fee. Send model, uim| or photo and we send an IMMEplgWll PR EE report on patentamUnr. ws gRsI the beat legal service and advios, sad CVI charges are moderate. Try us. | SWIFT & CO., Patent Lvwyona, Opp. U.S. Patent Office,Washington, D.C. Atfic/O IJL '.JBkakes eliort^roadi. \ i ? A^E JL J^?nd light loads. QREASE ^^^^ood for everything that runs on wheels. Sold Everywhere. SwArsiCsjI Black Rnuitna, Ar*.^^pt"iO?o^^ l) "IkIomA #nd flft? conutor whlrh *1m4 children without It. The other day A lady In Klw* km ?t th? hi"r k?* wdttudimidMiaaa ? *