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Don't negle< "0 VE Price . $12.50 to $20.20 The Bai Local Laconics. i HAPPENINGS* OP INTK&E81 ABOUT TOWN 1 PERSONAL AND 0THBRWLS8. ] y Dr. Austell lost a valuable horse \ last Tuesday from spasmodic colic. j xne Eciipe Stock Co. always gives your money's worth. See them at the Opera House Nov. 5th. Mr. and Mrs. Clougb Steele are ex- j pec ted to arrive in the city tomorrow on . a visit to Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Farr. 1 Wade Goode, the colored man who ; threw a stick at. his mule the other day. 1 in Jonesville, and broke its leg, no doubt 1 now wishes that he had controlled ids 1 temper. Don't forget The Eclipse Stock Com- [ pany will appear at the Opera House c Thursday, Nov. 5th, for three nights. < Watch for the street parade. Popular prices. Mr. Alex Rose who has been chief engineer at Buffalo for the past few months, left for Columbia yesterday t where be has accepted a position with (. Mr. W. B, Smith Whaley. i The jury appointed to assess the damages to Maj. McLure and Mr Poole by running the sewer line j through their bottoms gave each of them forty dollars Mrs. Knight Fowler, wife of Policeman Knight Fowler, of Buffalo Mills, died last Monday, of consumption, and was buried Tuesday at the family burying ground, on the Hanoy place. 1 The Sunday State contained an interesting sketch of Gen. Francis I Marion by Prof. 0. E. Johnson, Prin- 1 clpal of Georgetown graded schools. I Prof. Johnson is a native of this oounty. The Governor has received a petition asking tho commutation of the , sentence of Brown Rogers, of Union, , Who was sentenced to be hanged on i Nov. 18th. The Governor has taken i no action. < Mr. H. A. Moorer, a graduate in Pharmacy, of the Charleston Medical j college, has accepted a position with ( the Union Drug Co., vice Mr. W. N. ( Giymph. Mr. Glymph is a member of the Rice Drag Co., which expects to open up for business in a few days. ^ Pickpockets were plentiful and active at the State Fair. Dr. I. M. Hair, of our city, was relieved of a $200 diamond stud as he was bourdIng a street car at the railroad station Two boys who caught him In the act | pointed (he man out to Dr. Hair who L-^.left the car and caoght the thief and w^ield him till a policeman arrived. At the police station the thief threw the stud into a sewer and flushed it with water. A thorough search will be made for It and it is hoped that it wt^ be recovered. i .. .' buying you IRCi too long. ley-Copeli Threo lawyers from other towns srho were here last Tuesday to argue i motion before Judge Townsend, expressed their admirution of the improvements evident in Union. They verc particularly pleased with the jement sidewulks and made many inquiries in regard to tho cost, and i ihe contractor who put them down. Last Sunday morning llev. J. L $tok?H, I). I)., pastor of tho Methodist ( jburch in Yorkville, preached from ltia pulpit a powerful sermon on the evils of j ilcobol. lie called especial attention to' i lie ease with w hich a town may secure 1 i dispensary, and tho difficulty of getting ( rid of it when once established, the law laving been drawn with special atten- ' Jon to this point. Many elections were i leld in Yoikville, before "For Dispen- 5 iary was carried. Butabout the first of < he year one was opened and a very de- ' :ided increase in whiskey-drinking and Iruukenness followed. < Clifton to be Rebuilt. Birmingham, Ala , Oct. 28.?A con- . .met involving the expenditure of $110.100 has just been signed for the rebuildng of cotton mill No. 3 at Clifton, 8. C. VIills Nos. 1 and 2 are being remodeled , it a cost of $75,000. Thete mills were initially or totally destroyed by the , louds of last spring. At the Opera House. The Lloyd & Gei.ttr Eclipse Stock Company will ani*ar at the Oueru IIhupp next Thursday nigl?t for the engagement of three nights. This company lias appeared in our cijy before and comes highly endorsed by the press, Watch for tne street parade. Tickets will be on sa'e at the Union Drug Co. Popular i prices. ? ? ? Handsome Residence Hndangered. i About 7 o'clock Friday evening dense j smoke was noticed in one of the ui?stairs rooms of Major Kant's residence, and the (lie alarm was sounded. Upon ex- , animation ft was found that a small pile < of greasy rags, that had been used in oilicg the floors and left in the cloak room, had caught tire by spontaneous 1 combustion. These were quickly taken out, and notice given by phone that all danger was over. 1 ? < * i Rorman-Sartor. i Mr. Jason F. Norman and Miss Theopa shit tor were marrud on Wednesday afternoon at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. ai d Mrs. ('. C. Sartor, Itev M lvin ){, Kelly, brother-in-law to the bride, i fllchi'ting. The house was tastefully rlecoiHttd wilh a^tuiun leaves and on ihe centie of the bride's table was a large pjraroid of white cluysanrhemums | and maideu liair ferns. In addition to many members of a i large family connection a few intimate friends were invited. The presents were both numerous and handsome. \ OAT I I Our stock is now full s~~\ f 4"l^\ rv -f o W i LI 1C I Ct~ I mous Hart, Schaffner & Marx coats and they are beauties. : i ; i ? i i and Co. ! ? MARKET REPORT. Local cotton niarkot as corrected weekly t ?y (Joss & Arthur. , Monday, Strict Middling... 0\ Tuesday, " " f?'B Wednesday, " i?\ Thursday, " " v,1* T hcsc prices represent prices paid for 1 wagon cotton. THE PRODUCE MARKET. Corrected weokly by The Union Grocery i Company, Eggs, per doxon 20 (<?, 26c Sutter, ordinary unmoulded, per lb 15 (a 20c Juttor, Dairy, lb bricks, per Id 20 (jr 25c 'hiokcns. broilers and small fries each 12# @ 15o thickens, medium to large fries ea-h 20 (a 25c Jhickens, well grown fries to liens each ? 26 (a JXlc iwoet potatoes, good yams, per bu 4'J (n, 50c 1 4weet potatoes, (juocns and red, pcrbu 30 (a) 40c 'abbage, per lb 2W 3c rurnip8, ltutsbagas, per lb 1 (a 2c ' iomc made sorghum, good article, per gal 40 Or 50c )nions, per bu 80 (a> 100 Dried fruits, uccordlng to grado per lb 5 & 8c There is a goo<l demand for good stuff, ? Transfers of Real Estate. Kate B. Crocker to L. B. Jeter, 12 acres in Santuc township for $(>00. John T. Cubit to T. J. Johnson, 1 acre lot and buildings "in Jonesville for $1,110. J. F. Alman to J. M. Gault, 2 lots in Jonesville for $150. M. (J. Kay to Mary E. Graham, 1 ? lot, 49-100 acres, E. side Church street for $2011. R P. West to W. T. Bryant, 52} acres in Jonesville township for $470. R. N. and Ira S. Harris to Chas H Gault, 51 acres in Pinckney township for $150. C. H. Peake, Master, to Mary A. Peake, 1 lot on Gage Avenue for $200. Patrick C. Reilley to Nancy FerguRon. 1 lot}acre S. E. part Union for 1100. John A. Fant et al as Deacons to Davis Jeffries, the Baptist church lot and building on Main street for $2,000 L. C. Posey to W. T. Beaty, 1 lot $ acre and building on South street tor $2,280. James Giles to Lee Pendergrass } aero in Union township on Santuc road for $000. rt.? ri i> ? ~ ~ \jt-u. \y. rerrin to James Giles ^ acre In Union township on Santuc road for $50. H. B. O'Shields to F. P. O'Shlelds, 1 lob in Jontsville for $50. B. A L. Association For Joncsvillc. A meeting of Hie citizens of Jonesvillf will l)< held at Alman's Hail for the purpose of opei ing books of sub cript'oi ii'd organizing a Building and Loan Aslociution, J. J LlTTLWJ ;HN, ) M. R, Sams, V Corpora'ors. II. L Bassrtt, ) It Jonesvillo, S. C. \ | Society Notes. jj J. D. Arthur, Jr., had a birth day party on Monday evening at which he entertained quite a number of his little friends, both boys and girls. The Fortnightly club was entertained on Tuesday al lei noon by Misses Mamie Hughes and ihsiie. Young. Four tabhsot o handed cuchre were! placed and ihe prizes were won by Mis. Uao. M. Wright and Mrs. W. II. Sarh r An inteiesting meeting of the Every Tuesday Club was held at Mrs. Farr's this week. Miss Isabel Foster read a paper on the "Progress cf Frauce under Ch.ukmagne." The readings from "The Songs of.H - lanu," ana ".Early Saints and Legnfib." Mrs. Harry gave tie conteuip jraty events of Charlemagne's reign. The next meeting will be at Mrs Fosei'a. Mrs. Davis J? (Tries gave a reception lo quite a large number of her friends on the afternoon of Thursday 22..d The llural decorations were superb. Oi the mantle of the parlor was a profusion <0 elegant dahlias, and the bov-windiw was a ma>s of delicate ferns. 'I lie ante-room in a Inch cherry-pum-h v. as served to the guests as th-y arrived, wasdreswd with whi'.t ehrysauthmuuun. The r? freshtnent-s, which were sc.: veil in the dining room, wire ice ifriaur ai d ei.ktj.. About 80 invitations were issued Messrs. Clough and B u Arthur en ti itainid a f?-w of their fiieuds last Fri day evening, the guests being: Mr. Phil. Flyun, with Miss Maty Fhnn. Mr. .John Wardlaw, with Miss Sal lie Ilix. Mr. Willie I'errln, with Mis* Maltie Hix, Mr. T. I. Swygert, with M S3 Iaiuise Long, Mr. Ralph Smith, with Miss Cornelia Greer, Mr. Ren Arthur, with Miss Mamie Oetz-1, Mr. Clough Arthur with Miss Bessie Arthur, Mr. < Min Morris, with Miss Sarah Rice. The feature was picture puzzle ihiz-s which were won by Miss Alary Fly nn, and M , Phil Flynn. Ice-cream and cake were served for refn sh merits. Mrs. Matarice Moore entertained the ' Bronte club Monday afternoon. The subject, writers and artists in tint 10 h centuty, was ditcussed with more than usual interest. Mrs. Lundy Haines rea l a llse account jf the life of I/?pe de Vega, the Spanish pi et, and Mrs. Claude Sartor, an interESting paper on the life of Cervantes. Miss Ida McCullougli read Longfellow's translations of two of De Vega's beautiful poems. The artists, particularly, Velasquez and Murillo, were discussed. Miss Milired Scaife gave a full account of the life of Velaequtz, and illustrations of his pictures were shown. The club wes further enlivened by 1 current, events of our own and other ** countries. The next meeting will bo at Mrs. Ci oswell McBees, The Standard Reading Club met at the home of Mrs Y. L. Poole Tuesday ? afternoon. Twenty of the twenty-two ~ iijf 111 ufis answered roil call with suitable quotations. The program was an exceedingly interesting one. Mrs Win. Munroe from the Century Club of Charleston was a guest anil read an original , piece on 4'The Necessity of the Hum- ^ drum to the Happiness of the Human Being," which was well written and enjoyed by all. The following program was well rendered by members of the Club: Sketch of Mark Twain, by Mrs. L. M. ltico Duet by Mrs. Y. L. Poole, aud Miis Nan Wilburn. ( Selections from "The New Pilgrim's Progress" by Mrs. Wra. Anderson. G Humorous Selection, "A New Church p Organ," by Mrs S. S. Linder. Music by Miss Whitmire. Music; Po- X lonaise?E. A. MacDowell, by Miss Thomson. T At the close of the program dainty refieehujcfits were served by the hostess. A Good Move. % A conference of citizens was held last 1 Wednesday night in the Y. M. C. A. c Hall in Columbia to initiate sorao prac- c measures for improving the present ~ condition of affairs in this State f The chairman. Col. James A. Iloyt, V s'a'id that It is charged that law is a nuckery and order is being turned into t cha ??. aud surely the men and women of South Carolina who are worthy of her i a8t and mindful of her future, A J-tai d ready to make needful sacrafice ? for the betterment of our condition. I A ri solution was adopted that the legislvure be memorialized' to enact such ? legislation as may be necessary to give the voters of a municipality the right to vote a dispensary out of their communily. An organization called the '.''outh Carolina Temporance, Imw and Order league" was formed in an effort to unite our ci' zens on a broad and non-partisan basis for lettering present conditions. ADVERTISED LETTERS. Remaining in the Post Office at Union S 0., for the week ending Oct. 30, 1903. BoiiSon, Johnnie, Browery, J, II Elide, Rebecca, . Davis, Mary Edwards. Mrs Emma Foster, T II uauii, J w Gilliam. Mack- A Garner, B G Hodge, W G f Clone, Oania Mort?n, Jacob, Jr I Milton, Eunice, Murphy, Sallie " Muiphy. tV illinm, Newman. J M g Palmer, Mr.sOorrie Phillip?. Eli/1 Pol ton, B A Sims, Tom Snifters, Charlie Wood, Will Persons calling for the above letters will please say if advertised, and will be required to pay one cent h i their delivery. J. 0. Hunter. P. m v Our pile of shaves you have not tern, Or < lse you tr.iiot be (logon preen, To thus in Inste go by the door j Of Ravcoaoroft & Son's haircutting store. I Opposite Post Ottice. | 1LGOK I For our Big Oper IJjj first week in Noi !(& We will shew the handsomest P CHIVA, DINNER and TEA SE' .{k as thin as paper and almost as ^ with the finest and most delicate ))(( "up-to-now" artists. Our itii] , j NOVELTIES and VASES and c (? WAKE, GOLD and BRASS P DECORATED LAMBS surpass (k ever attempted in this line. We large quantities and get them eh III in original packages, and we can |(( at about what it costs others who hu ((5 Its the same way with our F P PETS, RUGS etc., which is well .{fe liaent and well posted people throi They all know that tlie best goods |)Jj| come from HEADQUARTERS A I BAILEY FURNH YK 94 and 95 Main St., County Hu Benefit Ass* Of Ameri< Insure Your |]?j^pj?!) in the Above Assocw I. H. GREER, D Pres., Union Divisio Auction 24 Choice )ne square from IVIain st >f city of Union, S. C. Wil it 11 o'clock a. m. TUESE 903. Sale to take plac l/laps and further parti TERMS: -3 cash) balance one and \ per cent, interest, wit >aying all cash. Come, mild and save rent i'mom he date, 1st Tuesday in m m m m m . IVIKSS.J. M. R( MOORE'S CROUP I would like eveiy mother in Union county t tiun a tiial this winter. It has )>ecii u>ed man and those once using it always depend 011 it their childrt n. Htsing fiee from opiates it is ? and children. Of course it is impoitant to ha\ the old original formula. I guarantee mine tc F. C. DUKE, Dr 3HEESE Best Cream ir r.hioeo a+ I O wmw V0W a i. Call it squaro, round or whatever nil go as far in Groceries with me as s Yours for everything R. M. E S mmtmm?-t?a?UN OUT] ling the I member. | BJ t line of IMPORTED 5$ fS, made in Austria, ?5 transparent as glass, z| decorations of the Kf ported JAPANESE fl .ur line of WEDGE NOVELTIES and gt les anything we have ? buy these goods in ft cap bv erettiner them sell them at a profit In] ly in small quantities. ||| URNITURE, CaRknown by the intel- jS ighout Union county. jM for the least moiney St CURE CO., I Union, 8, C. wf itual ociation ca. Life ation. . T. DUNCAN, Sec'y, ?n. Sale! Lots ;reet, near heart 11 sell at auction IAY, NOV. 3rd, >e on premises* culars at sale. two years with h privileges of buy a lot and ay. Kemember Nov., 3rd. 10O3. DDGER. MIXTURE. 0 give this famous prescripy years by scores of parents in tlie croup and coughs of especially suited to infants 'c the genuine prepare 1 by 1 te genuine. ntrcrict "mese c lb. shape dollar you may, it * mywhere. to eat, T ES.