The Union times. [volume] (Union, S.C.) 1894-1918, October 30, 1903, Image 6
* ;
In all the depai
You will Hud many wonderful items at
Machines, Pianos, Organs and all kinds of
Violins, Banjos, Guitars, Accordeons, Mar
ophones, etc. Strings and suppii* s for all
lion to our new departn ent ?
*-?4 FURN1"
Tinware, Crockery and Cliitmware hav
ance at catchy prices We have just r?c<i
ana cnina 01 new ana aitrucuve ues'gns.
nice lot of Cut Glass at" t-cut" prices.
Usee our beautiful Toilet Sets of Crocke
the price compels you to buy. Our epeei;
counters are loaded down with ''wonders'
Our low pi ices and attractive good ? do our
with us for cash we will give you a beaut'f
S. M. RICE, Jr.
Excelsior; Kn
Of fjnion
FIFTY families or
D RED Toppers, Kn
Finishers, ages from (i i)
i ? i r ' i
wages at any and an 01 ti
all of which is nice and
we pay are much highe
other hosiery mill in the
We have young men ;
make from $25.00 to $,
We also want, lrlV1
good Cedar Posts.
: >3: d jcs K3
Has a record of over One Hi
w successfully used by the nied
;/ fi meut of all diseases of the l?l
y all disorders resulting fron
H torpid liver, jaundiced skin
ft all forms of dyspepsia it is ii
jL For rates ol' board and
W correspondence.
The (iriind Canyon.
Once, crossing a little tributary of
tf#e Colorado, I fouml that every drop
splashed on my clothes hardened to a : '
lump of mud and that where the \va- <
ter was but a foot deep my horse was 1
nearly washed away by its force. I
That fact, Itogcr I'ocock says in an 1
article In Pearson's, told me the secret
ot the Grand canyon. Like the Nile, 1
the Colorado Hows through i desert, 1
l?ut the river of Kgypt meanders softly '
nnd muddily over low plains, spread- 1
when it is full into harmless lakes, 1
whereas this headlong sluice, of run- 1
nlng sand, launched at the naked '
roeks. has the cutting powers of a huge
steel saw. The country lias risen perhaps
an inch a year, but the torrent,
instead of spreading out over the land,
has sawed through the. lifting rocks.
The country has risen to a height of '
8,000 feet, while still the Colorado
flows at the ancient level, only 2.000
feet above tfie sea. That is the reason
of this profound abyss for 000 miles
through the very foundations of flie
world. In ail. 30.000.000 civile miles of
<*#Jid rock have been ground in this
vase mall and hurled into tlie gulf of
Ilumnii Rrt-nlli nnil lleen.
Iters arc revived by human breath,
even when apparently dead. An old
writer on tile subject describes how,
during a very wet May, lie discovered
a hive which had been working well '
, , , . ... .4
previously wnpse tenants scoineti to Do 1
(load, but by putting n few of tliem 1
Into his hand and breathing upon them '
for several 111 Inn res ho at last observed (
some motion at. aecoiui joint of
Headaches areKTT..,,
| Caused by disor-VkAMt
dered stomachs. |iveaKi
| Ramon's Pills cure T
Sold by Unioi
v > . v/ * : '
tments of the^^
, wonderfully low prices. Furnirur
smaller musical instruuienis, mull
idolir 8, Tauibotines, Autchaipa. (irap
these in big quantiMes. special atUr
riior *
I I 1 Km p u " w "
e prominent places anil in great abum
imla beautiful line of new Croeke
Come (jfeick and get (irst choice.
i.v?seeing, if you need one and are ab!
d couuteis?lc, 5c, 10c, 15c and 2
'and ihey continue to come in dai)
felling. When you trade SI.00 or uio
ul picture. Ca l for it.
, E. U., Prop
itting Mills
i, s. c.
about TWO HUNiiters,
Loopers and
to (35) t? make good
lie work offered by us,
easy, and the prices
r than paid by any
; South.
and young ladies who
vS.oo each per month.
i HUNDRED (500)
' to
reas. and Mgr.
jwired years and has been *
ical profession in the treatladder
and kidneys, and in
2 malarial infection, with '
and general debility. In j
i valuable.
other particulars we solicit |
' I
their horns. I.y persevering lie i
v I veil them nil. and they became t
l)est hive in his garden. lie is. her
?ver. careful to remark that those wl
tise pomatum, perfume or hair powd
phould not make too free with the i
sects during the process of restorntioi
The secret, of course?though at oi
lltno the thing was regarded as mini
iilous?is in the warmth conveyed: bt
iK'sldes this, there is no douht that be
ire roused by human breath, to whh
I hey have such an antipathy that th<
are much more easily handled If tl
operator draws Ids breath gently at
takes care not to direct it against thci
?London jJtandard.
A State 'l'liit t ItrenllioM.
If over n state might bo said
t)roatlio. (lint state is California. It In
a magnincont lung action, says the Sn
tot Magazine. Deep and long drawn n
the breaths of ocean air taken by ti
;ront valleys. And yon can almost s
[his breathing if yon will go to the t
>f any of the bills bordering the bay
<an Francisco. In general, air inov
inent or wind is Initiated by differen
>f teinperatnre. Therefore on Hiiiiim
lfternoons while the brood ocean li
rnnquilly sleeping at a temperature
?."? degrees F. the inland valleys a
tasking in the same sunlight, but tl
tir a few feet above the ground Is qui
ulmr at a temperature of 100 degro
F. In otuer words, there is a temper
uro gradient of I degree pef pille, ni
Ills brings about a marked piovenic
^f the air, the motion being from tl
ool to the warm locality.
?li ?? -i 1^
m 5^ bother folks who I
11X5M occasionally u 8 61
~^k Ramon's Pills. 25c I
n Drug Co.
For n. ClianRo. <?4
_ There was good talk at a tea party
given once at the observatory of Cam- yx
bridge, England. Sydney Smith was g]|g
there, and although lie took the wonderful
work of the plaeo seriously he yb?
had a light manner of expressing blip- | yy
self. The party liaul been led up to ( Jk
look at Jupiter, and; tbis was his cam- yy
" "Jupiter? If you lindu't told me I
should have taken it for a bad shil- Bra
e, ling."
a> "Where is Sir John Ilerscbel?" asked M
h one of the guests.
11- "lie Is nt Cape, of Good Ilope," said Pfl
the astronomer, Airy. "He was ordered
there to observe,the stars of the nfl
southern hemisphere."- Ma
"Ah!" said Sydney' Smith. "I stn.v Jjy
pose you astronomers. when you are SPa
III, are advised to change your stars IdTJ
j just as we ordinary uiortalsuire told to
IN change our air." VM
S!ii- Kept . Her Word.
a runny story is torn concerning JY|
-c Catherine of Rernfln. a Welsh unman, UJ
v who was known 113 the mother of
Wales, because she founded so many cVj
families. "She was first married to
,To|i 11 Salusbur.v* of Lleweni and be- fiifi
came the mother of Sir John Salus- UJ
bury, who was born with two thumbs W]
to each hand and wtis noted for his SM
prodigious strength. 'At tlie (atierol of
her luishnnd. Sir Riclihrd Clougli kU
_ gave her Ills arm. Outside the churchyard
stood Maurice Wynn of Gwydir nk
awaiting a decent opportunity of pro- Vl
? posing to her. As.she issued from the
gate lie did tills. 'Very sorry,' replied jfj
"" Catherine, 'but T have Just accepted 8a
Sir Richard Clougli.) Should I survive .Xj
him, I will marry you.' She was as
good as her word' and. married yet a fcM
fourth before she died in 1591." , jj
Mnrrlnirc In Alff?la.. Yl
The* farther soijih one tfavels the i wj
earlier one finds boys and girls arrive dfj
at marriageable age. Some time ago a Mc
census was taken In Algeria, and then jfjj
It was found that the youngest married
"man" was twelve years old and that
many lads of thirteen had several S/J
wives. A divorced husband of fifteen
and a widower of the same age were ! SM
also discovered. As might lie expected,
the girls are even more precocious than
the hoys, and, though twelve is the
usual age, many are married at eleven. ( Tnj
There were found to lie ISO widows of i SjS
fifteen and no fewer than 1,17G divorced
wives of the same age. Ma
Cuki Iiik n Stntne.
Stiglmayer, a German goldsmith In
the first part of the last century, liaving
an ambition to attempt larger
works than any he had accomplished,
? went to Naples in order to see the cast- | ^11
ing of Canova's statue of Charles III.,
but was deiUed the sight of certain so- Vj
cret teelinKal processes. Stiglmayer
? found them out for himself neverlhe- IaI
less a till ns soon as lip wont lionic limde J
^ his first experiment on a statuette of I
Venus. Many delays occurred, and the
excitement increaseil us the end drew , /N
near. F.y some mistake one of Ids ns- UJ
f\ sistants poured his molten metal into i tfjjj
k' the air hole. Then the easting came to fcgQ
a standstill. j L\J
U "The crowd of lookers on," writes llio-,
poor founder in his diary, "stood first
!" dumb ahout ni'e and then slipped out j
|.i' one by one and left me with my pain." i KN
H In a month a second casting was he- ! j
gun and failed. With nnhroken eour- jjN
k* age he began the third cast, and 011 j
[.}. Christmas eve the metal was again | jjN
k' poured 1n. It ran Into the mold and j |1^
spurted Joyfully out at the air hole. | My
"Our Joy knew no bounds," lie do-'I | Q
elares. "We raised a loud cry of joy ! ySj
Pand embraced and kissed each other. Uj
l'asipiulc. the helper, kissed the head of
Phidias coming out of the broken form 1A]
and burned his mouth, for it had not
~ had time to cool." j/J
Ttinnkfnl For Thnt. MEM
He?Then you regret our engage- ^Hj
c^ ment, do you? hGm
She?Oh, 110; but I am glad It is no 111
^ worse.?Smart Set. IjjM
I jTry for Healthl 11
i?v R 222 South Peoria St.. I ?A1
i,'0 Ciiicago, III., Oct. 7, 1002. I |
Kiplit months apo T was fo ill I Sm
11 I >h:tt I was compelled folio or sit t lJL
H down nearly all the time. My i jnN
stomach >v;ls s>q weak and upset j
H that I could keep nothing oil it i w
S and I vomited frequently. J ljr
t? could not urinate without great ; IjJj
ns pain and J coughod"feo much that j'^P
n B my tbroat and lunps were raw Kaj
re I and gore. The doctors pro- ff
Ik. I uounced it. Itright's disease and I??
others sain ?t was consumption. fA,
H It mattered little to me what yn
'P H they called it and I had no dc- ; CA
ut m sire to live. A sister visited me
0 front 8tf J<ouis and asleep me if 11 jL
ce H \ had ever tried Wine pf Curdnj. I rS
er H I told her I had not and she yt
es B bought u hottle, I believe that fefi
of I it saved my life. I helievo many
B could save much suffer- IA
lie I ,n^ th?y but knew of its value.
03 I
nt B yo?j v/;p?t freedom from ?0$
lie In itain V I u.r Wino ok curdni 1.11
B and jnaku one nuproine effort to fl /R
_ I let well. Von do not need to l>e I feW
I iv weak, .sufferer, Von Uj
E can have n woman'# health and I
jw doa wonmu'a work in life* Why I
5 not secure a bottle of Wine of I fJ[|
I Cardni from your druggist to
| Wjwggggi I S
I l
i That is what the good housekeepers
everything good to eat always to be
l of our greatest treasures are, that \
just the shape that you want it, we
lion. Where else can you find hall
will you find as competent and cou
you find as many things especially c
I and sanitary way? Where else will
I ure to keep house and to lighten th<
I We challenge you to produce i
f<igerator. We always carry ours <
| 4
Right from the Dairy to our refrige
We carry the largest and choicest 81
and Sausages every carried by any
fresh and dainty from our llefngen
i finrn in to). Wo buy the oeat and
; things that we expect our customer
the dump pile. Fresh Full Creai
! Cheese. Did you ever try a genui
J finest make.. Try one, we can give
!' cacies, such as Celery, Eggs, Canm
We have recently added one o
I already magnificent equipmant. V
any wajr you wish at a moments noi
grind or pulverize in any way you
I ?that we have this solely to accommt
i coffee promptly and deliver it prom
! We are the authorized
l the oldest and most reliable coffee 1
that we challenge the world to beai
I clean, fresh roasted Coffees without
too, at 10c, loc, 20o, 25c, 30c, 35c
i give you anything from the mildest
' whole line there is not one that is n
We are always looking out I
| And yon will always find every thin
J did not dream of being found in a p
ol Uiivcs ami it you want to see the
cacy ever brought to Union, Call
rapidly. We have them from 10c i
stuffed with Hungarian Sweet Pepf
: Some of the Seasonable ant
|. > '
New Prunes,
I New Layer Raisins,
New Seeded Raisins and Cleaned (
New Citron,
New Oat Meal,
Croam of Wheat,
New Pulverized and cut Loaf Suga
| Remember that The U
ing to do a bus
i . reliable it
At (1 you run absolutely no risk wh<
will do and then do it. l^o ljving i
cvir in any way mistreated or got t
us, because in the first place wo hot
and to represent overything that we
crior or happen to be deceived ourse
to the wo^l(| that
We gladly and cheerfully
And if anything that we sell is not(
don't want you to keep it. What i
you want?when you want it?and
Thousands arc our customers and ei
L L. W/
& h EK3 EK3?!E?
i who trade with us siy of tho magnificc
found at The Union Giocery Oompai
we always have just what you want,- w
get it to you promptly an J in the very 1
F the variety of good things to eat? 1
rteous salesmen to wait on you? ? Wh<
lesigked to handle what you have to eat i
you find people who do as much t6 make
5 too often heavy burden of the bouseket
mother Grocery House that runs a first
jhock fall of delicacies that will delight;
jrator and you can always get it fresh an
:ock ot Hams ami Boneless Hum?, Break
Union concern and can always give t
itor. Yon can rely on the Cheese tl
take care of it after we get it. We c
a to eat around like we expected to se
n Cheese always on hand, also new 1
ne Edam Cheese? We have them o
) them to you right off the ice. also manj
ed Meats, etc., etc.
f the newest and most improved Coffee i
ic will grind your coffee freee of clwrj
tico. You ought to see this mill at w
wish about two pound* per minutesdate
our customers and wc will always
ptly to any part of the city.
agents of Chase 8
house in America, and we carry a line
t in quality or price. Think of it, we ct
any glazing or adulteration, and grin
!, 40c and 45c per pound. In* other wo
Ilio to the very finest Mocha and Java,
ot cheap at the prices we sell them.
for New and Seasonable 1
g of merit in our stock and many thinfl
jrocery store. We have just gotten in
prettiest and most complete line of this
before the line is broken as they are
UP. Plain. Queen. \fn.n*?nillu ?
% t v j ? *) utuuvu r
i Goods Things??
-to Eat that we havefijust .1
Fresh Ginger, white and
Currants, Allspice,
ir, Fepper, red and black,
Also new line of Extracts.
r? l ?> C ia/* - C ? ~ ? ? --
niuji uruuei\y i^umpcli
iiness that is absolute
i every particular
on you buy from them. They tell you
map or wompn gan tefl the truth ant} say
my thing that wao not exactly as pprei
lastly strive to make every transaction
? sell for just what it is, but if we ever d
Ivgs in some article that we sell, we have
I correct any error we
just exactly what wc think it is, and se
nore can any living, reasonable man at
prices always as low as an honest man
ojoying prosperity, If you are not on, 1
VGNON, Manager.
3 n <3sa<aaB<3?
nt stock of l
ly. Three Sn
e have it in ??
best condi- j XI
iVhere else W|
re olse can nSS
in a cleanly Sm
i it a pleas i Ms
;per? 22
class He- UJ
you. ^
d delicious. SK
fast Bacon, 22
hem to you Jw
Sat you get Ql
lon't throw W*
ind them to 98*
'ine Apple AS
f the very JLl
r other deli- TJ
Mills to our 1
;e to you in
rork, it will | 4fi
Remember JU
grind your i j3
t Sanborn, g
> of coffees 1 8S
in give you 1 Mb
d it for you we
rds we can. jU
and in the (AJ
hings to Eat SS
;8 that jou Qj
a new line ^[9
great deli- fen
going very UU
pith Celery, Kf)
received are: ??[
race, fefi|
iv is striv- SW
ly I
i what they i ^
that he was ?
jented from # X
8>? tie factory jgfe
10 make an ? i
i advertised r,v
may make ?
11 it tor, we
ik. What JW
can mukf. is{
why not? CAK
ip\mi\/ dj