University of South Carolina Libraries
Mt*v. lr I mill?I Jgood ? < I Ifl H c I IJ LI PI I I You will find \ . . T Ininii I m! i<\n \! illrt J UI11U11 UUIU11 iuill^ I May we fit g (GLENN SPRINGS ^ Has a record < f over One II W successfully used 1 ?y the met ?2 merit of a' 1 diseases of the l Jla) all disorders resulting froi ? torpid liver, jaundiced skin all forms of dyspepsia it is i FOR 8AI i AT I IOI fa For rates of board and \nl 1 VY currc-"i>uimuuc 5 THE GLENN J T Gleanings From Exchanges. Jas. II. Tiilin-in l?as l?c*fn trans ferred from the Columbia j til to the Lexington jail. It is stated that the Wiuhtnston ? ?? ? p"tk v" Xt l'J.< ?o?ll ]>?? lieuhLiil in . c A company, capitalized at Si00,-, 000, has been organi/.d at Chester, S. C, f >r th?* purpoa?? of manufacturing the "Nee'y Cotton Comr-rcsa Patent." Col. Joan P. Thomas, of the OP J add faculty, has accepted an appoint-!i ment to canvass the Piedmont section j of South Carolina for students for the CitadeL Mr. Carnegie has offered t > give the Kennedy library of Spartanburg ?lfj,000 for a building. It is likelv that the conditions will be met and the money secured. mi i ?? aoccors in _"Sew Y ?rk arc s i; 1 to be able to relieve lockjaw by means of an operation an ! toe injection of anti toxin. The skull is opene 1 and au'i toxin inserted i t the brain It is estimated that 00,000 people slept out in the parks of Greater New Yoik on the night of July 10. The heat wave was*1 terrific Many <1 7 probations and death? resulted fron the intensify of the heat. Perry Morton, a convict from Lancaster was killed last wee); wlnl attempting to C3cipe from the Sti'e farm in Lexington. Geo. M.snsie who was convicted in Greenwood was desperately wounded at the same time. The South Carolina Sfa'o Press Association met at White Stone Litbia Springs July 7-10. Thue was a large a'ten '.ance and mo.-t liar monimis meeting T'r?#? r.......... .... II /s \ CI ?. t decided tVatcept Mr. Hani*' irsvi tation to meet there again next vcar. ~ - I E. .J. Ilollistcr, a New York sci entist, has succeeded at Lattinglon. Long Island, in reclaiming a largo ] section of marsh lands in an almost incredibly short time, and producing within a few months excellent crops of celery, turnip'', cabbage and corn. The lan l was increased in value 100 times. \ The two rear cats on the south I ound vrsMbuled train of the Sea hoard Air Line were wr-cked at t Gtesnwood about noon, July 12. 1 Tie cars jumped the track and wore ( dragged abot t (iffy yards, finally i turning over on the Hide. There ' were four grown peon and three ^ children on hoar 1 Nine 'f them t are thought to be seriously I irt. r though the most of them were con J siderably cut and bruised, g a l' .x J- 22?tt3* ""11 J I j ?ER|J | l I any time at | I I 3 Unn'irlmnnt Ctnrn \ v in [HI! llllUll Jimv. T I ID V S 1 your foot? |- 1 MINERAL WATER ? j tindrel years ami lias been [\ lieal profession in the treat- \! * dadder and kidneys, and in jj 1 malarial infection, with U and general debility. In M invaluable. b < AlICS' PHARMACY. : 1 oilier particulars we solicit y , a; SPRINGS CO. 0 ' A negro was skinned alive neir j Denver, V \. last. week. lie kidnapped , a voung white girl and had tied her ] '<; a tree in the woods' A party of j found her. heard her story . and left h< r tied whi'c they hid in ] die hushes. When the negro bru'c ] jotun.ed he caught and skinned j % t 1?? i ? I The will of Harriet L Whiteside, 1 whose estate is valued at a million 1 dollars is being contested by her i s >h$ Sao left her property to < grindsons a:jd to the Curistian S vorrisls. Mrs Whiteside belonged c to tins seel. The sons allege that i their sis'cr, herself a Christian Scientist, u'cl undue influence over I !u.r ui other. \ A horrible tradogy was enacted in ' I,aureus County last week. John ' <?. M run killed b. W. llitnpagc. nS ham s bloody deed was done to <avo himself from lynching. lie ' >vas accused of criminal intimacy with a young woman in the neigh- 51 I) >rhood, and excitement against r idtn ran high. His wife helped to v throw his pursuers off the track, and 1 \\ hum was successful in making his 1 SC tpn. Mr. J. Washington Watts of Lauren.3, in a letter t> the News and Courhr, rajs: ''There is nowgrowing in Lmrens lucerne tint was ^ ^ ^ * I sown at least fif-y years ago hy the late 11. T. Simpson, at one time [ member of Congress from this di-* 1 trict. I don't d >ubt the statement 1 about one acre f-eding five li arses. ? f I had at one tune half an acre an 1 milked seven large ows which were (" led night an I morning and every . time we had to cut the balance (1' ? !' monthly vie'd, the cows d:<l not cat ic all."' " * fi ~ ti An u '..successful attempt was made by sorue one a night lust week , to force an entrance into the .deeping p mom f a young lady of spo !?.<* repu t a * i ?n and belonging to a go?-d |, family ia liU.carter county. Sinpi* j. ci ii feii upon a negro, Kirncst :i He was caught and ac- ,>, knowled that his motives w<?ro sir.ia ? I CI tor. hxeitement ran high, but the I brother of the young lady prevailed -x\ >/i the mob to let the law take ita T) course. The course of the young ., ' shoved hitn to be what hit neighbors ^ay licit?i young man 7, ifgr.ii' promise aid splendid self- ,, t.f h Unililly Tortured. A ease eaine to light that for persistent h ind unmerciful torture has perhaps. S( never been equaled, .foe Gobobiek of folusa, Oal., writes, "For 15 y.-ars I mdurcd insufferable pain from Ithcu- il nafism and nothing relieved me, ;ii hough I tried everything known. I ., ;ame acro?s ICIectric I fitters and its the greatest medicine on earth for that w rouble. A few bottles of it completely Jo elioved and cured me." Just as good or Liver and Kidney troubles and pentral debility. Only 50c. Satisfaction h' ;uaranteel l>y K. (J*. f)ukc, druggist. ? ???*- icui . bwmm?? JONESVILIE JOTTINGS. o > Much Haiti.?Kitten Ky u Mad Dog.?.4/i Old Photograph.? u( Personal P.i rag niphs. Jgni>yillk, July 13.?Yeateriv and today we have had an of rain. A shower would ave suited the farmers better, as ny havs some grass in their crops, nd as soon as they can get that ncrny conquered it will hardly be ossiCle for it to rain too much for while. Our streets have beta uiet these days; farmers have not omc to town much except on Saturay afternoons. Last week a dog, supposed to be a Liud dog, bit Mr. ? Parris and a aulc he was plowing and then made is escape. Mr. Parris lives with dr. Robeit White near Jonesville, nd was plowing Mr. White's tuule diich is a valuable animal. Mr. V.iris went the next day to Chirotte and had the uiad stone appl cd 0 ihc wound, the stone stuck f >i hifty minutes, and the d >e'or that reated him thinks he is safe from iv.lrophobi ? Mr. P.U.H > ays the 1 r.... ti.iv ..... i.,-,., .... * .i .) ... HIII^U iv/i i*.ir ui'i'io Kj-.i-j m Milk-. or iifteer. minutes, s > ho paid two iollara f ?r tbirry minutes an 1 he is ?ot grumbling at the piico fir he eels greatly lelievd m his mini iuec the tie itiucnt. On the 21ut of this month, Proes?or Newman of Clemson College ,viU address the farmers of this com* , nunity in the Baptist church hctc, itid it is drsirc'd that the fanners ^enertiiy from the country will turn 1 mt to hear Prof. Newinun as he v.ill *ivo them something worth hearing. 1 Mr. llitt who has the contract for rccovcting the cotton ardcV-th along the Pacolet river is moving his crew from Grindall to Skull Shoals. Mr. Henry W. Gossett has in his possession and showed me the other iiy, a photograph of Colonel Henry White, who is a great grand fi her ;o Mr. Gossett, ami ah > was a colonel n the Revolutionary war and uus (Vounded at the battle of Mudl e in Laurens county, also at the bat !e of < Llackstoek's Ford oti Tyger river. ind also at Cowpcns. lie was juried with a British ball in his jody. Col. White was born ana ived near Glenn Sprint*? Hm* Wil8 . ????1- -Carrie ] it his home, September Sth, nui; -< tieing 57 years of age. Col. White ivas one of the Justices < f the peace ivhen Spartanburg County was laid jfl bv Governor Moultry. W. B* Iler of Greenville nnd hree daughters ore visiting the fumly of Mr. Thomas G. Johnson. < Mr. T. M. Litthjohn of Star '.inn spent Saturday and Sunday villi his children in Jonesvillc. Messrs. Herbert Lindsey and '.ml Garner of Union spent the Sub?ath with relatives in our town. Revs. David Ducks and A. A. lames filled their respective j u'pi's lore yesterday morning and evening. 1 Our boys, the Join -.vide Guards, ire getting ready for the encamp- < nent which they expect to enjoy cry much; but the boys are gotug < o find out that it is not all fun and < uxury in the encampment. ~ TKI.KI'HONB. ; I West End llnppcniags 1 We have had a flue rain and every- ' hing seems so pleasmt as the sun comes 1 ut again. It is not only pleasant for lie people here but for the farmcis who avo to led so hard to prep no for the arrest which is Hearing every day. The crops aie a'most mado so far as lie farm?is are couceintd, asnowthrv ' " I an wait for natuie to do itn work. And ^ i the fanner paves to ?and fro i:i hi- , Ids l.e sees the com and the colt >n v lossotos a' morn arrayed iu their white l>l> :ie! arid m a few days the b'osn ui ' ills and the little boll starts and so on 11 the harvest has come. t There were only 3d went in the storm a it at Mr. Frank 1st in i's Sunday ? v<n1 from thti cloud. The ladles of theSeot d i';<j?ti:>t chmci. ad an ice cream nnv|?ei Saturday night i.'-t. f. i the be.notli. of lite church. <v> ?it? latge crowd of bo*h old and young eoplc wi re present ar.d all eeemed to joy themselves. There will b; children's day service t the Second Baptist church Sunday ight. The children' will try and m ike H o hour pleasant for all who attend. I: Mrs Slndiinyr.\ an aged lady of about ) year J. nlu l-aa l?rn working in the 4 till, and wan allowed by the mill am v loiitks to work alien she could, ha? ) ad to give up her woik which was hei c nly dependence for a living. She was '' p.-fu! of drawii-R a pension, hut hv ^ huh technicality of the law ahe was left | ut, (Inn leaving her doi^n lent upon J 10, m?rcy of tho poop'e, She j.s Mill \ y.o to attend church and on Sunday St fhe gave hor mile i.ot knowing 2 here the next would come fro n. God vet'i a cliroifill giver. What rnoro lie- ^ Pivolent work can we contribute to than i give to fluch people? a Su MStfr. P A Poem. Romans 10: 17: "So then faith omcth by hearing and hearing by the ' b-ord of God." * So faitli by hearing comes apace, And hearing by the word of grace, ( Incline your heart and come to me, Hear, then, and 1 will set you free. ! Not vith the head, but with the heart, Man must his upward journey start: < Learning and art will not succeed A hungry thirsting soul to feed. The word of God can wake the dead, This word to man is heavenly bread; He'll hunger not if this food he'll eat. 'Tis manna from the mercy seat. < Seek ye first the kingdom above, Whose end is everlasting love; Love that alone fulfills the law; A fount from which all men may draw. i A spring that never will run dry, God is love, is the reason why; All things obey his beck and nod, Creation's Author and hor God. High above all created things, He's Lord of Lords and King of Kings. & Vet remembers poor fallen man, For his salvation laid the plan. His only Son He gave to die, That man might gain a home on high; Where all is joy and perfect peace, Where songs and praises never cease. Mis tonipic covers all the earth, lie gave to man and nature birth. Made heaven and earth in six (lavs, Mow wonderful in works and wavs. W. M. Fostkb. Very Remitrknble Cure of Diarrhoea. 1 "About six years ago for the first time in niv life I had a sudden and severe attack of diarrhoea," says Mrs. Alice Miller, of Morgan, To*as. "I j got temporary relief, but it came again 1 and again, and for six long years 1 have sutlered more misery and agony than I can tell. It was worse than death. My husband spent several hundreds of dollars for physician's prescriptions and treatment without avail. Finally we moved to Rosque county, our present home, and one day I happened to see an advertisement of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Uiarrhoe Remedy with a testimonial of a man who had been cured by it. The case was so similar to my own that I concluded to try the remedy. The result was wonderful. I could hardly realize that I was well, again, or believe it could be so after having suffered so long, but that one bottle of medicine, costing but a few rents cured inc." For sale by F. C. Duke. Griiidull Letter, TmmMiX, O.?"Grin and beat* it ' is the old-fashioned advice, but 4tsin^ and bear it" is a great iK..?ainec a song has wings and can fly everywhere. The song that our mothers sang when they put us to s'eep in our childhood days is singing yet; we may have forgotten the words, but they have gone into the fibre of our soul and will ever bo a part of it. We often bear these words: "I <lon't want my child to come up like I did." These words arc mostly used by colored people of the plavory time, but were the child today brought up like the negro of slave times there would not be any us of a chain gang. Often times a hoy or girl marries before their people finish raising them, then !><>w can they raise children? The child that cries all the time wants a whipping. After all, wc get hut fewcuts cf tlie whip, considering what cattle we are. The wheat crop is short this year, and there are no threshers to be heard as yet; this makes it shorter i is it will continue to waste in the leld. Will some one tell mo what *ili rid my hen nests of inites? My remedies failed . D. T. F. Proposals for Constructing Sewers t A nit fur T-itrluhSft ? - ... oc n ctj ] i'/jrc Union, si. C. j Seahd proposals will be rec. fted by he Sewerage i ,'omtniseion of Union. S. J., lif til 4 o'clock p. rn. August 4, 1913, Vir consii noting pipe p?-weis ai d for furbishing Fewer pipe. Ex'ontof proposed voik is approximately 10 mi!es of pipe ] ewers fiom s to lrt ii dies diameter. ; [ lie Commission restrviu the right to t eject any and all bi?Js. I For specillcations, forms of proposals, itc , address the Secretary of t'ie Sewerige Commission. Geo. II Oetzkj., Union, S C. J. L. I.fdlow, Engineer, Winston, N. C. 2d-It Master's Sale. ita'e of South Carolina, ) Court of CouiCounty of Union. j *inon Pleas. T. fi. Bail-y, Piain'ilT, vs. Choice II. Lee, Defend ant. In obedience to an order made in ilsrve stated case, I will sell at Union, i. fore, the Court I louse door, during the rgal hour< of sale, oil salead.ty, 3rd of tug11at, 1901, the following lot of land, ,C... J*. AM cert ?in l it. oi p l?o,o| of land yi ig, b'-ing and situate ii( the town and ounty of Union, rState a fore-raid, confining one acre, being lo* N ?. 4 of the nb division of the Mary Lee p'ase, ounded on the North by 1 in is of Harris ?ros, East by lands of Mason J,e.*, outh by Ian Is of Mrs Dora D. 1\?W6'.I, Vest by lot No. '? of .said sub-division. Terms of sola cfdi ii. ii. i'bakk, Master. 9-:5t. lops Cough and Works off the Cold Laxative I!;0 uo-Qn:i ire Tablets cure cold in one day. No c ire, no pry rice 25 CAnt3. t-ly The Worst of It. j "Barker is not much on form," sniil ? :ho first commuter. "Why, the other lay I saw him eating breakfast food t for supper. And that wasn't the worst { >f it"? "What could be worse?" broke In tho second commuter. I "Why, this," replied tho first commuter, with a grin: "lie actually had an evening dress at the time, with a morning glory in his buttonhole."? Now York Times. A Nctv Doctrine. The Rev. Dr. Fourthly was making one of his pastoral calls at the Upjohn mansion. "Doctor," said little Johnny during n pause in the conversation, "I wish you would tell me what you think of tho doctrine of prestidigitation." ? Exchange. , Pnrcntnl Aimlitnncr. Barnes ? When I was young my mother always used to sing nie to sleep. Sliedd?Yes, women are good at that sort of tldng, but it takes the father's voice to wake a fellow up In the morning.?Boston Transcript. Simple Mediocrity. "Why did she marry him?" "I give it up. lie wasn't had enough to need reforming nor good eno.ugli to make a desirable husband."?Judge. If you want to got. a hustle on jourcelf?want to have those ?ssentials called vim and push without n continued unnatural exertion?keep tho organs of the body working like a newly-oiled piece of machinery. Ramon's treatment of Liver Pills and Tonic Pellets supplies the means; they produce no unpleasant sensations?no purging, gtiping. or evil after effects, but impart strength and vigor from the very beginning of the treatment 25 doses?complete course? 25c. For sale by Union Drug Co. ADVERTISED LETTERS Rema nicg in the Peat Office at Union S. C., tor the week ending .July 17, 1903. Bailey, Mrs C E Brunton, It E Bruce, John Carter, Miss Mary Dickson, Wood Foster, Miss Nora Gilmer, I W Gnggord, Miss Ettie Gvson. Mrs Eliza { Hell. i>.?vid Hack, F S Ilorey, U P .Jouey, (leo W (.Tones, Essie ' * 'Johoson, L A McCulhun. Mandario ' Maiming, W S Miller, Jhrlo Miller, Sarah Mills, Walter Morris, Hulda M ?rse, W M McFincb, Eunice Morrow, Frtd Osborn, Eddie Padgett, Dock Porlc-r, Miss Sallie Porter, Elnora Rice, Rosa Shelton, Ilenry Smith, Rochelle Smith, T D. Walker, Lily Williams, lirido Wood, W C Wood, W D Persona nailing for tiio ai-ove lettore will please say if advertised, and will he required to pay one cent for their delivery. J. O. ilUNTKR. P. M Night Was Her Terror. "I would cough nearly till nightlong," writes Mrs. Cnas. Applegate, of Alexandria, Ind., "and could hardly get any sleep. 1 had consumption so bad that if 1 walked a block I would cough frightfully and spit blood, but when all other medicines failed, three $1.00 bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery wholly cured me, and I gained 68 pounds." Its abslutely guaranteed to nire Coughs, Colds, LaGrippe, Bronchida and all throat and Lung troubles. Price 50c. and $1.00. Trial bottle free it F. C. Duke's drug Store, GO TO .... RAVENSCROFr, TIIE ItAUIlER, ' For your Hair Cutting and Shaving. ] Next door to Going & Coleman's dr? g itore, opposite I'ost Otli.'e. Engl; h ( papors taken.' It. i Fsee 1 flen's Clc selling at Union Cotton Mills I Men come mg to bu: I and vest, b they lea^ f have bougl A FULL __ t ma mmmmmmmar ?r <fL. Special Advertisements Notices will bo inserted in litis column at .lie rate ot 25 words or less for 25o 0110 issue. 'our issues for 75c. Additional linos over .wenty live words Sou lino. GORLiON^KTHTH, A HOSE OF Noi inamiy, At The Time Appointed, Wee McOiwor, Under* Hie Row, DarLions ??f the Lo.d, The Home on ilie iiuiHo'n, The .MyMety. of Murry Oj l>a\et j, ui d other late liooks, magazines and pajiers at ScAlFB'8. WAN TED?YOUNG MEN TO I leparc for Government Positions. Fine t p< uh.cs in a 1 departments. Good Salanes llapid Promotions. Examinations soon. Paiticula?s fiee. Inter-State Cor. Inst. 21-18t Dedar Rapids, la: NOW IS THE TIME TO INSURE your home. First class companies, lowest latea and jirompt settlements without di*count iu case of loss. 28-tf. Gko II. Okt/.BL, + Horse for sale?wilt, sell my large b?y mare which 1 drive constantly to my buggy. 28- S M Hice, Jn.,E U. WANTED?TO INSURE YOUR house ai d fundi urpagait st. loss by ft: *?. Low* M ra't a, llrst claw < * mpsnh s onlv. Geo II Oe^jst.. 28-if. W.> NT KL>?10 SHARES I?KOp'es Bank slock. Will j;ay liberal 1.1ire. A'Mitvs B. J. L. care of Tiir Union Timfs lip. There is nothing THAT Establishes a merchant more firmly with tire people*" than strict honesty in business Misrepresentation of Roods h:is mined more merchants than anything else. Flynn's strongest point with his customers is that he never misrepres* nfs Iris goods. You can rely on everv statement he makes and if you will buy the poods that he tells you to buy you will not hs deceived and you will not have cause to regret having taken Flynn's advice. It IiTO It SALE ? SEVEN ROOM house, good as new, on East Main street. Lot 12.">x20 feet. This property will 1m? sold at a bargain. See us at once for price and tern s. j. M Johnson Co. M. and P. Bank Building 29-2t. WE WISH TO TELL THE PEOple cf Union county that we have just, received an elegant lot of white sheer stripprd and plain white lawns for dresses and shirt waists, swias and lawn embroidery and insertions, white lied snreads, caliccs, new woisted for skirts -. aftid dresses, all over lace for yokes ai 4 '.* ?i lot or o'her fine lacos and tvimmlnflff that we will now have to clear out at a a 'Crilico. Call and see them, it is not a labor but a pleasure to show these goods. It D. C. Flynn, Mgr. Fruit jars at a bargain. McLvre is wiling Mason's Fruit I ?rs one-half gallon for 85c per dozen and quarts for 05c. They are going like hot cakes" at these prices. So don't wait if you need an/ jars. It. SQU1 re'S L'HOTO STUDIO, OVER Union post olllce. All the latest ideas. We liuish in three grades. En]<irg<d work a specialty. Ko.'ak work i.ea'ly llnished See our twelve cabinet photos for $1 50. We give you a nice photo six for 50 cents. Outside orders promptly filled. Don't forget the p'ace, over the Union Post Olllce. SquntK. u. Nothing like the success that lun como to I'lyun has ever been before known in Union. The immense stock of fresh, new goods he has l>eou nceiving seems to dwindle away like snow before the sun. Flycn's success isceitainly phenominal. lie sa* s h never buys any trash or half rctten goods lie buys the best and he knows where to lln.l them at the correct prices Ho pays spot cash for everything and then he sells them cheaper than other people aBK ror inferior goods. lie says ne urn afford to do so as he has no sto e no cleik hire. Those things certainly put Flynn in a ^position to sell ecoda much cheaper thad any other stoie that we have any knowledge of. It t Cholera Infantum. This has long been regarded as one of tho most dangerous and fatal diseases to which infants are subject. It can be cured, however, when properly treated. All that is necessary is to give Chamber Iain's Colic, Cholera fend Diarrhoea Uemedy and castor oil, as directed with each bottle, and a cure is certain. For iale by F. C. Duke. THIS! ithing is cost at Department Store, j i intend- | y a coat I v ut before I w 7e they I it a SUIT. | *