Bolts of Law?
M'.x ??
and Sumn
Goods sellii
below cosl
HPS^j Ladies, \
choice at
See Our New
Heinz's Pickl
We have ji
barrel of H
Pickles whic]
tried, you vi
ways. Brini
ets and get tl
OTrt '(Ttnon Mnn,
Personal Mention.
Lockiiart, Ju'y 0.?The tr
son pulled <3ut from Toccoaand <
way lay among steep hills and d?
valleys. One in looking from
window on one side might see a st<
cliff looming up and on the othc
deep valley. Then wo would sir
a tre=tle that spanned a waterl
valley. One could not h?-!p 1
mu?e: "This must be the home
the 'moonshiner' "
Near Ayersville I saw the larg
orchard that I have ever seen,
could not well estimate the numl
of acres a9 it was not all in sig
but possibly it was over one hundi
acres. The trees were mostly pea<
and were young. This orchard v
fiinged on one side by an extensi
vineyard. The vines were ?irefu
trellessed and were loaded with cl
ters of small grapes.
At Mt. Airy a big h^tel wasuni
construction; I cmnct name its
mensions, but it was a whopper,
branch road runs down and c
nects the main line with the histo
Tulula Falls, which arc some twen
miles distant. How glad I wot
have been to have feasted my ey
on these historic falls, but away <
sped. We passed many pictures^
towns that bore names taken fro
the musical tongue of the Indiar
We passed Gainesville, which
quite a prettv place, with its ni
buildings, wide streets and beautif
yards. The thought that it won
soon bo a secno of desolation ai
drath never crossed my thought bo:
On arriving at Atlanta we change
cars for Birmingham. Night cam
on and I closed my note book... O
my return I will tell about that.
I stopped over at Birmingham fo
some time. During inv stay iher
I was very hospitably entertained b;
Mr. J. F. IIill, who hid gone t<
that country sotno twenty years ago
His f-ister is my wife. Birtninghau
is a city of huge dimensions. It
was there I saw my first ten storj
house. It is enough to make one's
head dizzy to look up at it. Birmingham
suburbs is filled with iron
furnaces. A cloud of smoke is nl>
ways resting above the city. It was
here that I met a man who was a
subscriber to Tiik Timks, Mr. It.
J. Fowler, of Jonesville. lie asked
me where I was from and in reply
i v
lo | Union
,_ Depart
ner Wash
rig at and
[ for the is
I fit
?et your
' STORE. th
' Line0 We Gi
es_ Week:
ist opened a
einz's Sweet to
h, when once in
rant them algc
g your buckaem
filled. Vv
?N MILLS tJnioi
I 5 1UKC. L
i nuu even Knew there wa.Ilomo.
lie had been there for sc
eral ycars and was a machinist
the night force. lie showed i
am around and told me many thin
uur about the furnaces. The one th
3eP particularly interested me was t
lh? melting of the iron ore. I look
peP through the twyer glass and saw t
r a melted matter in the furnace as
rolled on itself and sparkled. It ii
ess $^ht never to be forgotten. Wh
n:t L was there they made a ' flush
That is cast the iron from the fu
nace. It ran a distance of ab >
est I one*hundrcd feet as smooth as w.n
* ( sparkling and sizzling with heat as
jer j went. One flush makes from ten
twenty tons of pig iron.
"e(l Misses Katie Douglass and Beuli
Howell are visiting friends at Whi
7aA mire.
IVC Mrs. Elmira lingers and Mi
"y Annie Howell visited friends
u3* Union last week.
Miss Ora Cranford has returnc
: from an extended visit to Spartar
j burg and YVhitmire.
A I m: ?
--I miss v rnnie ivcathersbee, of Geo
' gin, is visiting at. the home of h
li(J| brother, Mr. W. J. Weathersbee.
'y | Our overseer of spinning, M
l''l ; Charles McQueen, is visiting at tl
res home of one of his brothers in Ah
n'<> bama.
u<: Mr. W. J. Broom has gone t
m Chfon, (in. During his abscnc
'p* Mr. J. 11. Monteith, of Columbia
has charge of the throttle, Mr. ,1
co II Ilunsinger, fireman, is or, a visi
to Wa'halli and Atlanta. Duiin(
u his fttay Mr. II. J. Andrews heave
'I in the coa'.
Conductor W. It Brown has re
turned from Columbia. While hi
0 was absent Mr. J. W. ltiggins ban
11 died the punch. Mr. Gill Cranfon
was flagman.
r Mr. II. C. Cranford and his sis
e ter. Miss Alice, are visiting friend*
V in Spartanburg.
) Mrs J. M. Harris and daughter.
Miss Narrie, are visiting friends in
1 Gaftnev.
Mr. B. I). Douglas and Master
' Clayton visited Pacolet last week.
1 Mrs. Minnie Phillips, of Whifmire,
i? viHiung relatives in Lockhart.
Misses Callic Williams and Annie
Cranford are vi?iting relatives at
There is a merry-go-round in
town and it is being well patronized.
Nows was received Hfere last night!
'>f the death of Mr. L. D. Scott at j
Cotton Mills
??? ??! ? I
tment Store
the place to get
ted in your kind
id number of
ie people hav<
oven this by pur
lasing here. Come
unt yourself one o
e people.
n Yon One
buy your Summer Clot!
g at cost. The suits ha\
>ne rapidly, consequent]
e extend the time.
ri Cotton Mill
artment Store.
JMUJ. il? ^aa 00U3
i a cred as a very exemplary young mi
iv lie belonged to the Masonic ord
on The lodge at this place has goi
lie today to attend his funeral,
gs IIomo.
h? Washington letter.
k.?;(From Our Regular Corresponden
i a The most interesting devclopme
ile of the past week has been the '"sen
o(Ticial" statement of Russia legar
r- ing the proposed petition which t
ut President has agreed to forward
ec the Czir. At the earnest solicit
it tion of the executive cojnmittce
to the B'nui B'rith, Mr. Rooscve
after protesting that the Uniti
ah States could make no diplomat
t- representations to Russia regardit
the Mishenev massacre, final
as agreed to forward to the Czar a p
at ti ion appealing for special conside
ation for the Russian Jews, a era
id of which had been submitted to hii
l- and to Secretasy Ilay. Russia
ollieiiila ih pri pnnaoil 1a Ka '
... > U UO VCII I
r- the Associated Press a "semi official
cr satement to the effect that Kussi
could not receive such a petition nc
r. permit any notice to be taken by
ie foreign government of Russian in
i tcrnal a flairs.
On receipt cf this statement th
0 State Department issued a carefull
:o prepared announcement. It was t
i, the effect that the I nitid State
f. coulp not recognize any "remi-offi
it cial" statement; that the petition, it
g the absence of an official protest
a from Russia, would be forwarded at
soon as it was received in Washing
- ton. The most significant part o
3 this statement came from "un official'
- wl o announced that he was noi
1 speaking in an official capacity. lie
said that "it seemed somewhat strange
to say the least, that the Russian
t government should ehoosc this method
of making a statement to the American
people at the very time when,
by methods which are certainly the
reverse of friendly to the United
States, it has sought to make China
join in breaking the plighted faith of
all tne powers as to tho opon door in
Manchuria and has endeavored to
bar our p3oplc from the Manchurian
The signifies aco of tiic last statement
is construed to mean that the
United States, proposes, almost as a
means of punishment to Russia, because
of her breaking faith in Man-,
churia, to send the petition,
it is refused, copies will undoubted
be furnished to the European po
ers and the announcement will
made that Russia has refused to cnt<
tain the petition, a move most oflfe
sive to Russia because of her repu
nance to being held up to the woi
as a semi-barbaric nation. If, ho
ever, Russia should reconsider
action in China, the United Sta
will doubtless think better of its
tention of forwarding any commu
' cation regarding the Ivlshenev
| fair. The situation is peculiarly
tercsting because of that in Euro
Great Britain is as usual far fr<
friendly with Fcrsia because of I
letter's encroachments in Ind
notably in Persia and her threatci
invasion of Arabia. France, ltuss
closest ally, is seeking by every p
> sible means to cultivato the frie
J - , n. .?i
ship ol the united otaies uuu nu
be loath to choose between the
countries. Germany, never wari
attached to Russia, has recer
y given ample proof of her desire
fthe friendship of this country. 1
der the circumstances, Russia's r
move is awaited with the kepnest
Apropos of Franee's desire to (
_ tivatc the friendship of the Un
States and her determination no
be outdone in this direction by (
many, it is worthy of note that
French Ambassador postponed
departure from Washington for
summer in order that he might
liver the oration of the day in W
ington on the 4th.of July. V
the hope of obviating the many c
alities ordinarily incident to the
the authorities in Washington
termincd to hold an "old fashit
4th of July celebration" in the W
House grounds. M. Jousserand,
French Ambassador, was askc
speak and he immediately acccf
ft. changing his plans, he having
tcmplated leaving the city before
r? date, and remaining over. As
to have been expected, his ad<
y was highly complimentary to a
tcr republic." Speaking of this i
disposition to cultivate the Ui
States, it is worthy of note that
has just been received from Gere
tr? (ho flint. I'rinnn
Prussia will make the Saint 1
1?xposition. ^tlie occasion of an
|c visit to this country and will b
companied this tiuic by the he
Crown Prince.
Surprise has been express*
id? fC\Vssia',"if siicli ttay couhl be c;
in could go on with tho Presidenl
cr the Secretary of State absent
ao Washington. The fact is, how
that modern invention has practi
annihilated distance When
President goes to Oyster B
private wire is leased for the sc
so that he is always in close t
with the executive department
' ) Washington. The Russian a
int inent was not issued until 2 p
jj. A newspaper correspondent wh
quire 1 tho occasion of the delay
ke statement having been expected i
t0 hours sooner, was told that the P
dent had been talking with Secrc
Hay, who was in Newport, o\
long distance telephone and coir
J(j[ nicating with Secretaries Loomis
jc Adce by telegraph all evening
that it was after midnight when
I statement was worded to their mi
r" Very Remarkable Cure
of Diarrli
"About six years ago for the
lD time in my life 1 had a sudden and
to vere attack of diarrhoea," says .
" Alice Miller, of Morgan, Te*as.
got temporary relief, but it came a
and again, and for six long years I 1
r suffered more misery and agony th
a can tell. It was worse than death.
husband spent several hundreds of
l* lars for physician's prescriptions
treatment without avail. Finally
e moved to Roique county, our prei
v home, ami one day I happened to
* an advertisement of Chanibcrla
0 Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoe item
S with a testimonial of a man who
been cured by it. The case was so s
ilar to my own that I concluded to
a the remedy. The result was wonder
, I could hardly realize that I was w
4 again, or helieve it could be so a
having suffered so long, but that
bottle of medicine, costing but a
t cents cured me." For sale by F.
----- ?
' Proposal*-' for Constructing Sew
) And for Furishing Sewer
) Pipe at Union, S. C.
Sealed nrmv\cuia ...mi > - *
win u? rrcr-ivea
j I he Sewerage Commission of Union
(C., until 4 o'clock p. rn. August. 4, 18
for constructing pipe sewers and for f
rushingsewer pipe. Extent of propof
! work is approximately 10 miles of p
sewers from 8 to 18 inches diamet
The (Commission reservrs tlie right
i> j"Ct any and all bids.
For specifications, forms of proposa
etc , address the Secretary of the Sew*
age (Commission.
Gko. If. Oet/kl,
Union, S. C.
J. L. Litdlow, Engineer,
Winston, N. (C. 20Stops
Cough and Works off the Co
Laxative Erorao-Quinine Tablets cu
a cold in one day. No cure, nop:
price 26 cents. C-l
If Funeral of Mr. Lawrence D. Scott.
* Tho deceased Lawrence D. Scott
l,c was a member of Lockhart Lodge A.
}r. F. M., No. 244. When the Lodge
,n_ received notice of his death at 2
ig? o'clock a. m. a meeting was called
rid and all went to the funeral that pos>w
sibly could. Those who w>nt were
its Messrs. W. J. Weathersbee, W. M.;
tes E. C. Jeter, J. H. Fincher, J. H.
in- Rogers, J. B. Young, P. B. McAbee,
ni- J. V. Vinson, Samuel Keasler, T. T.
Howell, Will Riggins, H. J. Kitchens,
'n* B. H. Howe, N. R. Bailey, Charles
Pe* D. Broom and Hartwell Vinson.
They were most hospitably entertained
at Union by Mr. George C.
Iaj May, to whom they return many
*C. thanks. At Union they we joined by
J^gS representatives of the Union and
n(j Jonesville Lodges whence they prould
cceded to Now Hope church, the place
two ?' burial. At the grave J. H. McKismly
sick acted as Master of Ceremonies,
itly The pall bearers were Messrs. B. H.
for Howo, H. J. Kitchens, Samuel Keas[Jn
ler. J. B. Young, T. T. Howell and
icxt N. R. Bailey. His mortal remains
in- were buried by the impressive ceremonies
of the Masonic order. Those
3Ul- who went to the funeral from Lockitcd
hart who were not connected with
t to the order were Messrs. John Pratt
jcr" Collie Meggs, J. R. Byars, J. L
Hames, Mrs. W. T. Garner Mrs
,118 Auna Cranford and Miss Lula Carter
t n c
^ The Lodge has passed resolutions o
condolence which will be made pub
Vith 'ic ln ^ue Homo.
avis No Pity Shown.
4tb, "For years fate was after me continu
de- ously," writes I*. A. Gullcdge, Verbena
incd Ala." 4,I had a terrible case of piles
hire caU8'n8 -I tumors. When all failct
Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured me.'
, the Kqnally good for burns and all ache
d to and pains. Only 2oc. at F. C. Duke'
>ted, 1)rus?t? . ^
' Remaiuing in the Post Office at Unio
, ' S. C., for tho weekending July 1(
If058 1903. '
s,a" Brivs, Reuben
same Browu, 1' E
lited Omiwell, C W
news Cogburn, Miss Sadie
Dickeison, Laura
any Evins, Maiy
y of Fenly, Maggie
Louis Gilliam, Mack
IIuLto. Joeenh
uu"-1 .Johnson, Elizabeth
e ac Mago, Dave
rrnan Miller, Sarah (2)
Nobles, Ernest
. Neel, Nora
m ltiee, Clara
ouuauviWf *i iViinva
died, Sullivan, Nellie
v .in.i Thonaa", Arthur
V Trammel, Wm
from Wej.t j v
ever, Wilks, .1 L
cally Worthy, Wade
the Worthy, Beona (2)
Yates, Mrs L'zzte D
a Persons calling for the above le
ason please say if advertised, an
ouch w{}| i,e required to pay one cent f(
' in their delivery.
ita^e* J. C. Hunter. P. M.
. m.
o in- Working Night and Day.
, the The busiest and mightiest little thin
some that ever was made ih Dr. King's JNei
. Life Pills. These pills change weak
ness into strength, listlessness into en
dary ergy, brain-fag into mental powei
rer a Theyr'o wonderful in building up thi
health. Only 25c. per box. Sold
F. C. Duke.
an(j A Large Order.
Probably the largest order ever givei
itual for paint in the State of Noith Carolina
was received by the Odell Hardware Co
of Greensboro, N. C., lrom W. A. Ir
win, E-q , of Durham.
ocn Ttie order was for 5,000 gallons of De
voe lead-ai d zinc paint to be used on tin
first large Irwin Mills and their cottages nov
1 se- being built in llartuett County.
Mrs. Many of the leading paint roanufnetu
"'I rers were eager to .-ecu re this older, and
Rain jf speaks volumes that the preferenct
iave wa3 piven to D.?voe lend-aud-ziuc, whict
a" ' is undoubtedly the foremost paint iu this
, V country today.?Greeusboro (N. C.]
ami ?-?
Night Wan Her Terror.
' Bee "I would COUirh noorlu ?>i
J ?... iiiguv long,"
nn's writes Mrs. Otitis. Applegate, of Alexedy
and t in, Ind., "and could hardly get any
had sleep. 1 had consumntion so had that
ini- if 1 walked a bloclt I would cough
try frightfully and spit hlood, but when all
ful. other medicines failed, three $1.00
ell, bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery
fter wholly cured me, and I gained 6s
one pounds." Its abslutely guaranteed to
few cure Coughs, Colds, LaOrippe, BronchiC.
tis and all throat and Lung troubles.
Price ">0c. and $1.00. Trial bottle free
at F. C. Duke's drug Store,
ur- I lost 25 cents while on my way to
whI Union, but I went to W. Newell
ipe Smith's store and bought $1.00 worth
or of Groceries for 75 cents, so you see
to [ didn't lose anything after all. If
you want
? i ~v
mv ri.tnp prices always buy from
? W. - Newell Smith's
? Store.
Special Advertisement* .
Notices will bo inserted In this column at
the rate of 2ft words or loss for 26c one Issue,
four issues for 75c. Additions! lines over
twouty tlvo words 5c a line.
G~ l> l7DOlTlcE^
Page; Keegans Elopement, by Winston
Churchill; Wee McGregor, Darrell
of the Blessed "Isles, Love Thrives in
War, The Grey Cloak, The Substitute,
Pigs, and other iate novels and magazines
at Scaifk'b.
prepare for Government Positions.
Fine openings in all departments. Good
Salaries Rapid Promotions. Examinations
soon. Particulars free.
Inter-State Cor. Inst.
21-I8t Dedar Rapids, la:
to make this the greatest bargain
sale evor scca in Union. Many new
goods have been added to our stock
within the past we?k end those goods
will he included. Our stock has been
brightened up witli those new goods.
Come aud see them and compare the
prices of those just received with the
old odds and ends you find elsewhere,
and you can easily see the advantage
you have when you trade at Fljnn'a
I Cash Store.
my Studio with new instruments, I
> will now oiler for pale at a ban a n, one
. 8x10 Portrait Camera, Stand and Shutter.
Also one 5x7 Portrait Cam< ra and
1 Shutter. Also have one 8x10 View
? Camera, and some Backgrounds will
sell at close figures. Call at Studio, or
address II. T. Yates, Photographer,
' Union, S. C.
date wedding present is a flue piece,
' of Cut Glass. Call on Trefzer, the Jewelor.
your home. First class companies,
lowest rates and prompt settlements
' without discount in case of loss.
I 28-tf. Geo. H. Oktzkl.
crowded store filled with bargain hun8
tors go to Flynn's. He is crowded to
the doors all the time and most of his
customers are the best people in our
town?those people that are first class
n judges of values say that Flynnissell)
ing all his nice, bright, new summer
' goods at a little more than half their
actual value. You should go and secure
some of those desirable bargains before
they are all picked over.
to have your Photos made. New
Sitting Room, New Cameras, New rosing
Chairs, New Backgrounds. New
hul'jects mean new faces. Last but not
least, you will have a nice comfortable
room it. which to remain as loDg as you
uuiuh 1?*v<>i vlwvt v rAnnivpn a Imurtv urnl.
1 come, and The beet" of attentionCall
on Yates, the Fhotographer.
t GLASS ?t II e f IN e st
. -T- - * - - j?oa ^ Trof'/Ar'a.
(/all and inspect it. It
Horse for sale?will sell
my large bay mare which I drive
cinstautly to my buggy.
'28- 8. M Rice, Jr., E. U.
the advantage you have when you
j trade at Flynn's, but there is one thing
certain that in a bill of $5.00 M'orth you
>r can save over $1.00 and that amount is
worth considering in these hard times.
By all means, go and see Flynn's bargains
before you have done your trading.
A hint is sufficient. Flynn leads
the procession, as he always did when
g he was merchadising some years ago.
X white Counterpanes sacrificed at
' the spread sale at Flynn's.
VV house and furniture agaiDst loss by
lire. Lowest rates, first class companies
only. Geo. II. Oei/.eI/.
q 28-tf.
Cholera Infantum
This has long been regarded as one of
the most dangerous ana fatal diseases
" to which infants are subject. It can be
i cured, however, when properly treated.
' All that is necessary is to give Chamber
Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy and castor oil, as directed with
I each bottle, and a cure is certain. For
sale by F. C. Duke.
' Daughters of Confederacy,
Tne daughters ofthe Confederacy
met Thursday afternoon at the r?8tdence
of Mrs. B. G. Clifford and the
. following officers were elected: Mrs.
B. G. Clifford, Fres, Mrs. C. T.
Murphy, vice pres., Mrs. V. E. DePass,
sec. and treas.. and Miss Isabel
Foster, cor. sec'y.
it was dediced to hold no stated
meetings until the summer weather
came to an end; this lor the reason
that so many will be away for summer
If you want to get a hustle on yourself?
want to have those essentials called
vim and push without a continued unna'ural
exertion?keep the organs of the
body working like a newly-oiled piec-?of
machinery. lUmon's treatment of Liver
Pills and Tonic Pellets supplies the
means; they pro-luce no unpleasant sensations?no
purging, giiping. or evil
after effects, hut impart Gtrength and ^
vigor from the very beginning of the W
treatment 2."> doses?complete course?
25c. For sale by Union Drug Co.
Thti Thoughtful Citizen.
The rain was descending, which, by
the way, is a habit rain ha*. No matter ^
how prankish the r.rin would like to he, jr
the gravity of the situation alwtys prevails.
And it has to come do*n (and
Itavenscroft'a Barber shop is down
town.) 1%