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Now i. ( Men's SDrir I At! Sat urc tyl/uct EL THi MADDENED CITIZENS The Assassin Dies. The Peculiar Circumstances of Latest Lynching. The People of Norway Take Taw in Their Hands?Armed Negroes Threatened the Whites Who Disarmed and Whipped Them and Then Lynched Prisoner. (Randolph W. Smith, in Columbia State, July 2 ) Norway, July I.?The people of this ordinarily peaceful community avenged the mortal wounding of John T. Fhillins. nn old (tnr.fodoi-ntn oi dier, early this morning by lynching Charles Evans, a mulatto negro who along with his brother, Jim Evans, aro known all over the community as two bad men. * * * * Whatever may be the merits or demerits of lynch law there perhaps never was an instance before where the circumstances came so near justifying the crime. j LIKE A STORIED ROM ANTE. The whole tragic incident is moro like the chapter from a romance of some feudal time than a page from life in the twentieth century. The old soldier who is fatally wounded and cannot live through the night, according to his physician, is utterly blameless of having ininro?i >*> groes in any way und says ho has personally done nothing to excite their ire. The trouble dates back to last Saturday morning and, as is usual in such caoes, started over a comparatively email matter. The negroes in the vicinity of Norway have been very trifling and impertinent for some timo past. Many of them have positively refused to work in the fields and the crops have suffered not a little in consequence. So on Saturday last when Lorenzo Willums, a negro with a bad reputation, twore at Addie Phillips, a son of John T, Phillips. Phillips spoke to some of his friends and they all agree i that this was going a trifle too far, and advised him to whip the negro. This the Phillips boy, with the aid of his s Youi Chance TO BUY ig and Sumi and Below Co UNTIL lay, Ju AT NK OF Tt brother, -'Judge" Phillips, attempted to do. They secured a buggy _i j. j j -prvjct'euea to give him?what everybody in the community said he deserved?a thrashing. The two Evans negroes are friends of the Williams negro. When they learned that he was to be punished they followed him to the scene of action. When the elder Phillips boy begun to lay on the lush they protested, uud the Phillips boy warned them a?vny, telling them that unless they minded their business they would get into trouble themselves. The negroes surlily took their departure, and nothing was seen of them ! on the following day, Sunday, by the | white people of the village. Some of . the negroes who are inclined to be ! loyal to their employes, however, say j that both of the Kvans negroes came [ back to tho outskirts of the town on j Saturday evening, and openly made threats against the whole Phillips i family, women and children included. * * ? * "h'jikkk is tiik .mi i;menkk." I It was on Tuesday morning, when all | hope of Mr. Phillip's life was given up, j that the leading men began to considtr l the advisability of ti>ing to ascertain ti e imrae 01 me assassin?an assassin of a character that made the whole community reek with horror. Then the Phillips boys and others tiegan to put two and two together and reeall that they had heard that Evans had leen making threats. It was brought to mind that the two negro brothers had made the threats and that I hey had not been feen about the place since Saturday. Inquiries were made and it was learned that they had both been seen n?ar the dam across the railroad from the village, armed with two guns. A prominent citizen of the town sent to Bamlierg and got sotne blood bounds that lielongcd to the uhningang there. They were put on what was rupoised to bs tho trail hut the ground was so dry that tlmy could do nothing. Further irquiies were made ai.d the confession wa? forced oat of a negro that lie had seen the two black despeiadoes hiding behind the dam wuii iiH'ir guns. J lie men who obtained this confession are two of the most prominent citi/en in the wtiole cuinuiunity and their word could not be gainpaid. But every one wanted to make sure and nothing was said in public because it was known (hat the young farmers in the vicinity were angiy and not inclined to wait for the slow process of the law. Several of them finally deh * Best < > : / r- -1 i i , i i V ner Clothing st I ly 4th, ^/s.M HIS? terminal to get evidence themselves, and they went to the PhUllpa lnps.; awl foci ues that would lead to make arrests. * * * * TIIUEATKNINO ATTITUDE MIOW.V. The negroes bore a threatening attitude at lirst, but when they saw the determination written in every line of their adversaries faces most of them laid down their arms when they were bidder to do so. Three, John Folder, Uly-scs j J. Imson and Fink Ilartwell did not hive the good sense to do Ill's Thev j showed light, an 1 the men rushed up Jo Ihcm and took their suns from them after no little d.llieulty. Had it not been for the number of (he. whites th^j would undoubtedly have had trouble with Johnson, who not only declined to give up his Rim, but resisted when it was taken from him. The throe negroes who had this dat ing were ' promptly marched (if to the guard house where they were placed in ?(pirate n oma u:.d;T strong guard. * * # * A plan was then adopted thai proved to he successful so far as discovering who the guilty negro was. The cr^wd waited until neatly 2 o'clock before anything was done and then the action was summary. There was a guaid arout.d I the jail in addition to the town marshal). | 11. 1). II. I'hin. The guard was told to stand back. So was I'hin. This he at first declined to do and he positively teA -I " i until to give up me Keys. The crowd brushed him aside as if lie were a child and broke the lock on the fiail door and brought the three negroes, Johns n, Felder and Ilaitwell out, one after ti e other. The negroes all expected to l? lynched and their fear weie gie it. 1' was understood that they knew of the acls of the Evans boys and they were made to tell what they knew. At flirt they did this veiy reluctantly. One byone they were cowhided within an inch of their lives biA then they told their stories. It is remarkable that all three of the negroes, who like all of their kind lie in fear aud lie under all ciicuuistances | should have t>l 1 the sam^is ta'e~. < t;harle.s Evans sho!. Mr. Pniliips, tlr*j all said. His brother helped hini to get ready for the crime and went with him | when he shot into the Phillips household. , That dim wits in. accessory to the crinru they proved by by stm lea that tallied, absolutely, but each said that P. was Charles who lited the shot. TUB UKAt. WORK OF TIIF. NIOIIT. f J After the negroes had been lioi'en sc j that tl.iy will lie inn iked for life thex I were put back in the gouid house and c then Itgan the real work of the night. |fl "V Cvat 3 was taken tut and carried to 11 e mtf-kirts ot the t nvn. * * * * I1UNOHY FOR THEIR PREY. "Take him out in the woods. We ivill teach every negro within 1,000 miles )f here to ktep their guns away from women and old men," eiud Il?e ringleader of the mod of now madden* d men. . * * * * HURLED INTO ETERNITY. Finally they put him down on the ground and a semi-circle of men stood :ibout him?some with their fWes raised i for fear that he, noted as a fleetdooted negro, would escape?and the customary piece of roj>e was produced. It took but a moment then to put it about his neck and the cowardly brute was told to make his peace with his Gcd. Instead he begged for'mercy. ? "Ask Phillips," was the laconic reply, ami the rope was made taut. "Now stand back men and liddle the the brute, so that every negro that comes this, way tomorrow may have his lesson " Two hundred guns were llred at the word and when your correspondent \^ent to the scene this morning there were just 1? wounds in the body. Special Advertisements Notices will be inserted in this colijmn at the rate of 25 words or less for 25c ono issue, four issues for 75c. Additional lines over twenty live words 5c a line. Gordon kkitii, by thomas l'agr; Keegans Elojiement, by Winston Churchill; Wee McGregor. Dan ell of the Blessed 1 s'fH, L?.ve Thrives in War, The Grey Cloak, The Snlislilute, Pips, and other late novels and magazines at Scaikiq's. WANTED?YOUNG MEN TT) prepare for Government Positions. Fine openings in all departments. Good Salaries ltapid Promotions. Examinations soon. Particular free. Inter-Slate Cor. Inst. 2l-18t Dedar Rapids, la: WI1 V, A riil?(A II fi 11 A > bugains to offer you cm depend on what he fays. It For sale?hayIng fitted my Studio with new instruments, I will now offer for sale at a bargain, one SxlO Portrait Camera, Stand and Shut ter. Also one 5x7 Portrait Camera and >liutter. Also have one 8x10 View Camera, and some Backgrounds will sell at close figures. Call at Studio, or address II. T. Yates, Photographer, Union, S. C. DO NOT" FORGET TIIE GREAT special sale at Flynn's on Monday. Soma big bargains are in evidence. It. ATES' STUDIO IS TIIE PLACE to have your Photos made. New Sitting It)om, New Cameras, Ne.v Posing Chairs, New Backgrounds New bubjects mean new faces. Last but not leaaL Ti?" have a r.ico comfoitable wish! EveTSTioHy rtdriVffH hMiWW come, and the best of attention." Call <ui Yates, tlie Photographer. TlIE S1 'ECIAL SALE OPENS AT Fiy nn's on Monday morning, the Oth, and all summer fabrics and wash dress goods will be sold regaidless of cost. It. PII O TOG UAPHiTpTi oTO. graphs! Squire. tlie photograplier, has inovrd /his studio to rooms over the tltiion Post Oilice where lie is pre A * . l - 1 )>u?u Li> <it> special work in photographs at special prices. Enlarge ! woik a speciality. \V ill giveprompt attention to outside group3 or view woik. Kodak work li-iislud with care. Call and fee me. 11 FOlt SALE?ON E GOOD FAMILY horse, cheap. Apply to It. .J. Am>ki;son Buown. Stops Cough and Works off the Cold Laxative Bromo-tjuiniue Tablets cure a cold in one day. No cure, no pry price 25 cents. U-ly Proposals for Constructing Sewers and for Furnishing Sewer Pipe ut Union, S. C. Sealed proposids will be received bj the Sewerage Commission of Union, S. C., until 4 o'clock p nr. August 4, 1903. for consti noting pipe seweis and for furnishing fewer pipe. Extent of proposed woik is approximately 10 miles cf pipe sewers from 8 to 18 inches diameter. The Commission reserves the right t< r*j ct any ami all bids. For specifications, forms of proposals, etc . address the 8ieretarv of Mia ?ge Commission. Geo. II. Oet/.kl, Union, S. C. J. L. I.rm.ow, Engineer, Winston, X C 20 4 Final Discharge. Notice is hereby uiven that J. A Brown ar.d VV. M. lMnier, executors o the estate of VV. It. Rriggs, deceased, have applied to .Jnsoii M. Greer, Judge o! f'nbite in and for the county of Union, for a final discharge as such executors. i It Is Oni>kuki>, That tho Till day ot Inly, A. I>. !!>().'?. Ihj llxed for hearing 01 it ion, and a final settlement of said sta'e. Jason M. Gkekii, Probate Judgo Union county, S. ( Published in Union TIsies June f> 1008. 38-801 i Choterr- Infantum, TIliQ hflfl Irinir l?non ? -r ^ ,?..B ??? (Iniuctl ?D une OI lie most dangerous and fatal diseases o which infants are subject. It can be :ure<l. however, when properly treated. VII that is necessary is t<> giro Chamber ain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea '* temedy and castor oil, as directed with ac.h Iwittle. and a cure is certain. For ale by F. C. Duke. STATEMENT OF 1 o: THE PEOPI OF UNIC At the close of busim (Commenced business RESOU Loans and discounts Overdrafts, secured and unsecu Banking house, furniture and fib Cash on hand and in other banl LIABIL Capital stock Rc-discountS" ' burplus and net profits Due other banks Cashiers checks outstanding Deposits (time and demand) Personally appears before me D. T. ! and makes oath that the foregoing stated knowledge and belief. Sworn to befc Attest: J. II HAMILTON, ) MACBETH YOUNfr. , 1)irfc.or3 T.C.DUNCAN, i 1,,rfc^orsW. D. ARTHUR, I Comparative Statement of Loa Loans June 30tb, 1002, $101 Loans June 30th, 1003, 180 Deposits June 30th, 1002 $ 08 Deposits June 30th, 1903 123 THE PEOP B. F. ARTHU I I 1I7U If I YY Iltil i\l I Was in 1 I BV T ' I CHARLES 1 everyt I MAJOR compa I I its eno 8 traord: S^0W ^ Ifffo u-ma subscri portuni I to secu I dr per w< Will Begin in Summer School. | Summer scl ool for teachers will be liMtl at the Grade 1 School building. Union, S. C., lieginning July (>th and ending July .'list. Instructors J. M. Fair and J. 11. Moore are both up-toda'.e teachers. Teachers are eamrstly urged to attend. Those who attend will have their certificates lenewed wiihout County Hoard examination. Algebra, arithmetic, geography and grammar are the branches that will be taught. I). B. Fant, 2(1 21. Co. Supt. Education. THE TROUBLE. There's room enough for all men here ITnnn thta l?nev wl>i.ii. ~ ?..i ...... n f|>nrif, Why push and crowd and jostle so? [)b. yes, there's room enough, but where , \ few set.out to get to, there The crowd is surA to go? To ltuveuscrofl's barln-r shop, Opposite l\>at Ofll ;e. Books of Subscription. Tlie books of subscription to the espial stock of Jcnisville Oil Mill will tie opened on the fltb day of July at 10 'clock a. in. at thooHico of the Jones/illo Manufacturing Co., at Jonesville, <. C. T. M. Littlf.toiin, Star Farm, E. L. Liitlkjoiin, Jonesville, and M. 11. Sams, Jonesville, !7-lt. Corporators. Early JBteers " THE CONDITIO^ I F f LES BANK f >N,S. C., V ; * )ss June 30th, 1903. ii February 3, 1902.) RCES: $180,286 81 red 6,862 86 :tures 15,153 39 m 27,168 89 $229,471 9T> ITIES: A~ $ 60,060 00 35,000 00 8,729 92 7 00 119 00 125,616 03 $229,471 95 ; Duncan, cashier of the above named bank, lent is true and correct to the test of his * D. T. DUNCAN, ire me this 30-h day of June, 1903. TIIOS. MoNALLY, Notary Tublic. ns and Deposits for 12 Months: ,548 12 ,280 81 Increase $78,738 69 7m 16 ,616 03 Increase $56,985 87 LIES BANK, IP* President. lighthood lower ** > will be reqognized by our laders as one of the much of recent novels?a book which >ody wanted to read, but which ratively few did read, While rmous sale is witness" to its exinary popularity, the figures hat it was read by only a very lercentage of the reading popu- 1 of the United States. Of^the M majority who have not read 1 ay are numbered among our V bers. Therefore when the opity was offered a few days ago re the serial rights for our pai promptly seized it. Publication i a Few Days r?'I Notice. On Monday, July 1st., 1008, the County Board of Commissioners will let contract for steel bridges at diet and Cedar Bluff, recently destroyed by water. Plans and specifications can be seen in office of County Supervisor. Also may let contract for one or two other bridges on that day. Letting will be had in office of County Supervisor. T. J . BF.TRNBAttaH. ^ June 17, 1008, Supr. U. C. 2,r?-8t LOST. I lost 20 cents whllo on my way to Union, but 1 went to W. Newell Smith's store and bought $1.00 worth of Groceries for 70 cents, so you see v I didn't lose anything after all. If 'w you want GOOD GOODS at cheap prices always buy from j W. Newell Smith's * I Store. . :S