The Union times. [volume] (Union, S.C.) 1894-1918, May 08, 1903, Page 2, Image 2

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|j ^ 1 IfTTriT JMUoL ill Began i I OUR GREi i STILL Slj Beautiful Dress Good s I6R0C , a l r E'k Are here for v< I " / mm TiouiFvl HAKES OLD TH1 )r^\ )sz\ t/z\ ___ . VS/_ This is a new and remarkal absolutely nothing like it. 1 glisten as though fresh from the that half sick iiirnU?-~* ~??tfKy j.fuiic aiin put a new lace on sparkling as the sun. It is entirely unlike i'urniti anything else; it is not sticky; d< streak; never catches dust. It re furniture and gives grease a hlae Anyone can use LIQUID \ apply it. A soft cloth is all thai elfect is like magic. PACKAGES AN T.NJUID VjiNiOEIt is put u and sells at f>0 cts. per hot tie; es a handsome colored carton, a d entitled "The House Beautiful," PREHIUM GIVE To the first one hundred 1 j-tore on the days of our art exhi a sample bottlo of LIQUID VI handsome carton, a dhcriptive "The Homo Beautiful/' accon living at a distance throughout not call in person can have a sail until they call, or sm l for it hy I i n 11 i i t \/ c LV 1 y w I 1/ y 1 And tl.eir name on a postal car and sending it to us. Do not send for it without a slip of papjr v Liquid Veneer written on it. Jgj (gj (gT BAILEY FURNITURE 0 DUR IN SAB i May 4th, 1903. 11 AT SHOE SALE 11 CONTINUES. .. 1 = < I'1 iE s, Millinery, Furniture, Clothing III % i Best of all, If IE & I ? si f)/ st? ?r I Ti ou. Favor us with a call. | ti J _^A.y\? To Cure a Cold In One Day jj, I Take Laxativo Brorao Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature on ] each box. 2oc. 0 ly in ADVERTISED LETTERS. fln Remaining in the Post Office at Union jj! NQS NEW! I S C., for the week ending May 8, Co Brown, Miss Eicie Horn, John i ?? : ?-??~ Bowman, Josh Jones, Maggie Bird, Mary Kirk, Mary |}v Beaty, Martha Lyles, Bob b0 Brown. Chas Peteison, Bessie )\a dif-covory; there is Cyel, Mrs Rebecs aeay. J W? . , J' , . OudU, Mrs Mattie Thomas, Pink Lt makes everything g Fosteiv Gile* Thomas, S I) factory; It will -emCTanuie, Thomas, S D f* ' piano and marred I T Janis, Mrs a m Warlick, Ilarry m i , j I . .ughes, Mrs W II Whitney, Roman Ja them as brilliant and g Harris, Miss Anna H Persons calling for the above let- dia ire polish, or in fact 3 te.r,? ploase say if advertised, and 1 ' ojill Ka ran t. ? ' Tit , ? . m uv idiuuou w u*y uae cent icr "u MS not gum; does net | their delivery. r? moves ink stains from i j, <3. huntkr. p. m. k eye. I , 'ENitit; a'child can | Citation to Kindred and Creditor?. 1 t is required and the I State of South Carolina, | J. fe County of Union. J 13y Jason M. Greer, Esq., Probate Judge ? E Whereas, C. B. A dams has made suit v DPDir.P I to ir.e to grant him Letters of Ad minis* S 1 ration on the estate of and effects of * J. S. Adams, deoeasod. *io . 1 if . . i_i4i Tiiese are, therefoie, to cite and ad- t:n p in halt pint bottles monish all and singular the kindred aud jj|, ich bottle encased ill creditors of the 6aid J. S. Adame, de- ?t0 psfi-nii vo mm rib let ceased, that they be and appear 1 efore 8cr efect .pine pampiucr, |n Lhe Cuurt of Probatef to ^ held tht accompanying it. at Union U. II , South Carolina, < n the 14 23rd day of Mny, next, after publication tiv hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to ge* ? VT AWAY! show cause, if any they have, *hy Die tro -ra. Vv r\ I 1 ?Hivi Administration should not .be F? granted. 1. 1.. , ? Given under my hand and seal this adteS calling at our 7th day of May, Anno Domini, 1003. bit will be presented Jason M. Greer, r\TKKl? nut 111) ill a l'fchate Judge. ^ ljl Axt ,Pul "P"1 Published ontlie dthc'ayof May, 1903, pamphlet, entitled in Tiik Union Times. 19-2t. lpanying it. Ladies Notice to Overseers" the county who can- v ^ Y mln roa?v?r*d fi.r fV.o,,, I You hereby notified to eet ud II -r-~ hands and repair jour stctions of toad-i N Wilting I during the month of May. Hoard will ? I go over and inspect tbcni after tbey CD -( H.T r-( rv I have 1,6011 worked. Cc * N F F R I T- J- Bktemuuoii, I 19-11. Supr. Union Couuty. Pf d or a slip of paper 8 .Notice. I servants or children | I ?? a ???didate for reelection of L\\ . , ] I Treasurer for the town of Union accorot UVJ nth your name and ingtoan Act of the last General As1 sembly, calling for said election to ke 3 held etcoud Tuced iy in June next. . . . . - - ? 1 Respectfully, lil (?) I 19- \V. D. Arthur. " r\ m lit i I HAIR BALSAM III |\n I) A M V E Clennnt mid Ix-eutlftrs the hetr. vJ IVI I A M I I SHjfe Jwovor Vile tWet^Tonty Ea JNft) <>l. Itnlr to it* Youthful Color. ^^he^TileUln^i , % social Advertisement! otlcos will bo inscrto<l in this column a ruto of 25 words or loss for 25o ono lasu? r Issues for 75c. Additional lines ovo mty flvo words 60 a lino. IHE 8TAU DREAMER, THE SUB stitulo. Darrell, by the author o en Ilolden, Lady Rose's Daughter der the IloseJ The Trailora, A Ta el Barou, At tho Time Appointed ;gy O'Neil, Maijorie, The Circle aru er books and the June number of tb shion Magazines at SCAIFK'8. ARGAINS IN 8 DAY CLOCK > to reduce stock at Trefzeu's. 2t. f YOU NEED A~FINE~ SAFJ now is your time, als^ nearly ne^ oot show case. See Tref/.ku. 19-2 17ANTED?SEVERAL PERSONI of character and good reputatlo each State (one in this county rc ired) to represent and advertis I established wealthy businee use of solid financial standing lary $21.00 weekly with exponas ditional. all payable in cash eac ednesday direct from head ofllct irse and carriage furnished whe cfessary, References. Enclose se] dressed envelope. Colonial Co 1 Dearborn St., Chicago, 12-12 ^RE YOU INTERESTED-1j L Tombstones or Monuments of an id? It will pay you to see W. W oi*er at Bobo's store. lie sells then iORSALE AT A BARGAIN?ON: almost new iron safe, weighs ovc 00 pounds. See F. G. Trkfzer. 2t. Wakeful Children. "or a long time tho two year old chil Mr. 1'. L. Mcl'hcrson, 59 N. Tent , llarrisburg, Pa., would sleep bi o or three hours in the early part < 5 night, which made it very hard ft r parents. Her mother conclude! it the child had stomach trouble, an re her half of one of Chamberlain1 imach and Liver Tablets, tvhic ieted her stomach and she slept th lole night through Two boxes t >se Tablets have effected a perinaner is^ugr well and stronj Final Discharge. Notice is hereby given that Mabry S ze, administratrix of tlie estate of J ibrey Rice, deceased, has applied t< jon M. Greer, Judge of Probate,!] d for the county of Union, for a fina charge as such administratrix. [t Is Ordkukd, That the 2nd day o ne A. D. 1903, be fixed for hearing c tition, and a final settlement of sai ate. Jason M. Grrer, Probate Judge Union county, S. C Published 1st of May, 19o3. in Unio] mes. ;i8-30< GREATLY ALARMED y a Persistent Cough, but Pcj manentiy Cured by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Mr. H. P. Burbagc, a student at lav Greenville, S. C., had been trouble r four or five years with a continuoi ugh which he says, "greatly alarmc ;, causing me to fear that 1 was in tli st stage of consumption." M: irbage, having seen Chamberlan ugh Remedy advertised, conclude try it. Now* read what he says of il 14I soon felt a remarkable change an :er using two bottles of tho twenty e cent size, was permanently cured. Id by. F. C. Duke. ? Final Discharge. Notice is hereby given that P. & irr, administrator of the estate of Mn . L. Gage, deceased, has applied t son M. Greer, Judge of Probate, i d for the County of Union, for a fim icharge as such administrator. It Is Ordered, That the 3rd day c ne A. D. 1003, be fixed for hearing n tition, and a final settlement of:ai ate. Jason M. Ouker, Probate Judge Union County, S. C Published 1st of May, 1903, in Unio] mbs. 18-30 A Startling Test. To save a life, Dr. T. G. Merritt, < . Mehoopany, Pa., made a startlin t resulting in a wonderful cure. II ites, "a patient was attacked wit lent hemorrhages, caused by ulcort n of the stomach. 1 had often foun ;ctric Hitters excellent for acut much and liver troubles so I pn ibed them. The patient gained froc i first, and lias not had an attack i months." Electric Hitters are pos ely guaranteed for Dyspepsia, Ind ition, Constipation anu Kidne ubles. Try them. Only 50c t C. Duke. NO RISK. I guarantee my goods U ire satisfaction. ntinol ^00(^ goods ar< ulluui cheap here ant eap goods are guaranteed ime and look at my goods ant ices. They speak more con icingly than words can. I0D GOODS, CHEAP PRICE! I. Newell Smith's Store, ist Main St., Union, S. C Phone 126. UNDERS r 4 If i{underselling" mean would mean nothing?1 worthy or out of date m * purchaser no real saying dissatisfaction. What 1 i_ i i .1 t muigaiea oy tnis aoes iik ? The Newes), The Best, 3 All Kinds of I n ?e 18 [e At notably lower pricei J1 mands. Why pay 75c p n Vaile when you can buy !| Why pay 65c for a 42-ir ^ ular dress fabric for ladle n can buy one from us f f received another fresh s i. r flercerized M i! The thing for ladies' wai J} our underselling price J good things for you and ,d give us a look and then < h want to be well dress e >f it ' Millinery * We can save you monc J Look at our line of corse ,1 way up to 50c, your ch< lt see us whether you buy t dially treated. a |M c L U The Undc r ilooooooooo 5 Q QflOQQftQQfl o o SPECIAL r. _ 8 i We can furnish you with air d _ it is about Union REAL jj ? DOTS. j. M. 1 Real Estate a > O ^ Office M. and P. Bank Bldg., ^ 6 0 6 6 6 6 6 [. j| ooooooooc Q ???^ j The Store that d J The ladies delight in a SPRING DRY GOODS THE VERY LATEST >f prices are FAR BELOW >8 h This week we offei <i oonside e 3n* Torchon Lace to go, per yard., n Valumine Lace to go, per yard j; 5c quality Mulin, our price y 10c quality Barkers Mill Bleacl lt 15c value Lawns to go this we - 15c Brown Linen to go this wee Mercerized table Damask, all lii Mercerized table Napkins, all line j We still have a nice 1 , McNeace ( * =rr ! Tomb S 5 3 I?' Tablets, | and Moi > % Made of beet grade of White or nest designs, ] i W. W. COOPEI * ^ Call on me at M. W. Bol \ Vg ELLIN <%4 R'?4 IT tt merely low prices, it 9 'or low prices on tub* m erchandise affords the 9 ; ani inevitably bring* 9 "underselling" as pro- B ;an, is | The lost Desirable el I Merchandise I i that competition de- 9 >er yard for an all wool 9 one at our store for 50c. ^9 ich Sharkskin, the pop- SjK 8 drees skirts whea you C Mat or 60c per yard. JW >v^ ? hipment of adras Stripes I ists, value 26c per yard. 9 20c. We have many j 9 I all we ask is that vou If compare prices. If you 9 ed you must visit our ^ ? Department. I sy in this department. { 1 ta waists, worth all the ! oioe for 25c. Come to ' j [>r not you will be cor- I R E ' S, I >rsellers. M ooooooooo 8 ? o o o o o o o o I NOTIOB. . o 1 y information jron need when ^ 1ST ATE. Come to as for ? w son db Go., o? nd Kenting. O Union, S. C. ' ?0 oooooooo o >00000000 : Sells for Less. coming to us for their because here they find NOVEL-TIES and the THE USUAL. for your prompt. ration: lie. He. 2ic, h, we sell for 8c. >k for 20e? >k for 10c. nen,at the low price of... 60c. >n, at the low price, per doz.91.ftjf * / Line of Toilet Soaps., lash Store. ' x '7F tones, 1 I w Slabs, J f numents r| | Colored Marble. Good work, J f v prices rigbt. ^ ^ SOUTH CAR&JN^MAtMJ! I x?'e store, Unio?, S. 0. ^ , ' : J"