University of South Carolina Libraries
i'TH IS (JE Has give ! for maki as can be & Duck Waists, M ^ || ^Worstgd Goods ifj It will soon k |j Dimities, White ( 1 White Fabrics. H We kindly ask y ill! We hope we can plei and Onildren't Sho |fl Visit our 1&/1L lk m Anything &] . Probato Judge's Sales.' State of South Carolina, ) Court of . . UDion County. J Probate. Mrs. Carrie Hay as Administratrix of the estate of Wm. IS. Hay. deceased, and in her own right, Plaintiff, against " Mrs. M. C. Hay, aud others, Defendants. In obedience to a decree of the Probate Court made in the above stated case, 1 will sell before the Court House door, at Union, S. C., on salesday, Monday, May 1th, 11)03, during the legal hours, the following lots of land, in aud : near the town of Union, and belonging . to the estate of the late Wm. E. Hay, lo-wit: "Several lots of land lying, . .beingand situate in the towu of Union, County of Union and State aforesaid, and known as part of the Steam Mill ' real estate of Harris Pros, and known as lots numbers 32, 33, 3-4, 33, 29, 40, ai.d 41. Dot number Thirty-two begins at a stake on Mill Street thence with said \f :ii o a & .. : A_. c A A- .. - i - - .i xu.m oucci uiaeiy iceii iu a siaue, meLce S. 73 W. 15C feet to a stake, thence S. 20 E. ninety feet, thence N. 73 E. 150 feet to the beginning, containing 3-10 of i u acre. Lot number Thirty-three begins on stake on Mill Street running with said street ninety feet to Harris S ieet, thence with said Harris Street 150 feet to a stake, thende S. 20 E ' ninety feet to a stake, thence N. 73 E. 150 feet to beginning, containing 3-10 of an acre. Lob number Thirty-four b::girs on stake on corner of Mill and Harris Streets, thence with Mill Street irire'y feet, thence S. 73 \V. 150 feet to s ake on line of hit i.umber 39, thence 8. j 38 E. ninety feet to Harris Streeet,' thence with same 130 feet to the beginjuirg corner. Lot number Thirty-live begins on Mill Sheet, thence with same ninety fett to stake, thence S. 73 \V. 150 feet to a stake, thence S. 38 E. ninety feet to stake, thence N. 73 E. 150 feet to the beginning corner, containing 3-10 of an acre. Lot number Thirty-nine begins on stake on Harris Street, N. 38 \V. 180 feet to stake, thence S. 73 ' W. twenty feet to Mrs. Gage's line, thence S. 10 E. 180 feet to stake, thence X. 73 E. 104 feet to beginning, containing 23-100 of an acre. ls)t numb.-r . .Forty begins on stake, ther.ce N. 20 W ninety feet to Harris Street and tin n ' With said Harris Streets) feet to corner of street, thence with fitrret ninety feet . to stake, thence X, 73 E. 104 ftet to be pinning, containing 19-100 of an acre lxA number Forty-one begins on stake X. 20 W. ninety fiet, ther.ce 8. 73 W. 104 feet to street, thence with same S 10 E. ninety feet, ther.ce X. 73 E. 122 ~ feet to the beginning, containing 23 100 of an acre. Plats of tiies inr.e. made by C. "C. Whitfsides, Suryeyor, in the division of ?aid Harris Bros, land, Aprils. 1897 will more fully diecribe and represent." Alto live certain lots of laid in the Township of Union, County of Union and btate aforesaid, known in the Sur- , " vey and division of (he Archie II Stokes 'Fair-ground (rack of land" as lots I ntnul*is Thirty-four (.'14), Thirty-live (35). Ihirty-six J36], Hilrty-seven (87), ' antl Forly-f ne (41), bounded as follows: Tots Nc8. 84 and as a who'e, fronts North on Wtst Stiret 4 CI 8 40 Ike. jfclatt cn Lola Street U Clrsj South o r \ 11 W &? SEA n such valued opport ng up nice Dress Good 3 bought at the ercerized Waists a have been very ec >e time for our Whit< Drgandies, and our \ ou to come and see our 1; &se you. See our Ladies' es, Men's Clothing ar FOR tid everything 1 Your Toilet. Oathrine Street 3 Clm. 50 Iks., and 1ms | 1 the Spring branch for their West bound- 1 ary. Each lot fronts 3 Chs. on I,o!a ( Street and has a division line running at ( a light angle to Lola stieet 8. G5 W. 3 { Chs. and 35 Iks. to the Spring branch Lots numbers 30 and 37 are bounded as a whole?North by the liailroad "Right of Way" on a curved lino -1 Chs. 80 Iks. East by Lola Street 4 Chs. GO Iks. South i by West Street 3 Chs. 50 Iks. and also ' Spring Park 0 45 Iks. West by Spring l'ark 1 Ch 50 Iks, and bv Spiiug Street : 4 Cli3. 85 Iks. The two lots are divided ! by a line beginning on Lola Street 2 1 Chs. & 50 Iks. North of West Street and i tunning S. 71 W. 3 Chs. RS Iks. to 1 | Spring Street. Lot number 41 is located ' : o:i the West side of the said Spring t branch Kxnmlu.l nn ?fo L? n-41? ^\/UiiUCU UU 11.1 klJUlIl l?) LclulJlT* , ine Street. It fronts West on West ? boundary Street Chs. to lot No. 40. < then along in boundary lino N. 0") East 4 c Chs. 83 Iks. to Spring branch aforesaid, ' then down its channel to Catherine * Street, then along Catherine Street [or. 1 its North side] to West boundary street. ' The several lots are more fully located ' and described on John L. Young Sur- 8 veyor Map of the said Tract and its ? divisions into town lots, dated Jany. 1601, reference being thereunto had will * soon fully appear, &'., and are certified in contain Six and 72 1U0 acres [t> 72-100] more or less." These lots will be sold each separately?twelve in ' number, [ TERMS OF SALE! One-half (] ] cvh, and the on 1 a credit of twelve months, with interest j I on the credit portion from day of Pale, t the cudit portion tote secured l.y bonds e 'something unus A GRAND D: - FINE PIC Wc have arranged wi:h several of States to send U3 on memorandum for plain and hand colored Photographs, hr etc. We will have on exhibit! >n sihnn? 1 From ic to $ Of course wc cannot cirry such stock, but in order to advance our reput in ihe state and that our patrons may WITII FORTUNE'S FAVORED FE At Publishe] Everybody " To call ard inspect this exhibit of fine a bo disappoin'o I ?f you call on May 12, 13 a BAILEY FURN )4 and 95 Main Street, .SON? unities $ i Is such I I | M li S '! 11 nd even light I ; mfortable this l| , WH.'l 3 Lawns, White || ; rarious kinds of | ine before buying. || ! Shoes, Men's Shoes M id Boy's Clothing. || i I' = , i to complete ? , > X ? ^ > ^ ; ^ ^ ?) : )f the purchasers and mortgages of the premises sold, with leave to the purchasers to pay all cash, if they should so iesire. Purchasers to pay for the papers tnd recording same. Jason Af. Greek,. Probate Judge. April 10,1903. l<5-3t Station to Kindred and Creditors. Stale of South Carolina, I County of Union. } ly Jason AI. Greer, Esq.. Probate Judge. Whereas, P. II. Jeter lias made suit o me to grant him Letters of Adminiaration on the estate of G. H Jeter, debased. These are, therefote, to cite and adnonish ali and singular the kir.dred and :reditors of the said G. II. Jeter, de:easel, that they be and api?ear before ne, in the Court of Probate, to be held it Union ft. H ^nntii <1? - f ^wwni vmuiilia^ Uli Hie IGUi day of May, next, after publication lcreof, at 11 o'clock In the fqrenoon, to j how cause, if any they have, why the ; mid Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal this 8th day of April, Anno Domini, 1903 Jason M. Grkeu, Probate Judge. Published on the 1st day of May, 1903, 1 n Tim Union Times. 18-2t. To Cure a Cold In One Day fake Laxative Promo (Quinine Tablets > U1 druggists refund the money if itfai's ' o cure. E. W. Grove's signature on ' ach box. 23c. G ly , 5UAL IN UNION ! isplay of iTURES the largest publishers in the United a few days n line of fine Prints, I nd made water colors, coply prints, | ,000 pictures ranging in price c 10.00 each. j an extensive line of fine goods in \ ation as the most progressive dea'er . sit in "FAMES FRONT ROW [ W" we will offer them for three day* r's Prices. , Invited i t. We promise thi t you will not I nd 14 at ITURE CO'S. Unioi, S. G i Special Advertisements I Notto?8 will t)o inserted in this column at ^ bo rate of 25 words or loss for 26c ono Issue, our isspos for 75c. Additional linos over wonty-llve words 6c a lino. rHE STAR Dll KAMER, TIIE SUBstitnte, Darrell, by the author of Sben Ilolden, Lady Rose's Daughter, Juder the Rose,i The Traitors, A Tar leel Baron, At tho Time Api>oiuted, 'eggy O'Neil, Marjorie, The Circle and tlier books and the June ii umber of the fashion Magazines at Scaikr's. pf JiHW YOftlv I BOUGHT FOR Lthe hard cash, saving at least 25c on I he '? 4. ^r it i.: ? i. _r t ? >1, UU iHVJIIUli U1 II1H Ulg I USI1 01 uuyt-io laving gone home, I picked up at a sac- _ ;iflce some Jots of colored dimities and g awns, French batiste, organdies in all hades, Wulards, percales and calicoes, ica island, heavy homespun, cottonades, lenim, bleaching, India lawns, P. K. white and colored, mercerized duck, lotted swiss in all shades, table linen, )ed spreads and all the latest novelties .hat can be bad in the northern markots ire now on our counters at a saving to .he buyer of 20c to .Hoc on the $1, and io matter what prices are asked you at y where else you can always fiud them ower at Flynus. It. WT. TRACY & BROTHER have opened a new beef market in the stand near the railroad formerly X'cupieil by Young <& Fowler. All orlers given prompt attention. 12NOTIIING CAN CHARM THE eye of a lady of reiluement and taste uore effectually than an exqisite stock if new creations in seasonable Dry Goods p for summer wear, and we can say that a visit to Flynn's just now will amply repay any person for the time so spent. Ho has t lie largest selection of high grade novelties at lower prices than are asked for goods that are years behind the present season's style*. Everything at Flynn's is new, as he had very few goods when he left for New York two weeks ago,?aud no lady should buy a lobars |worth until she sees the ex rpnsiie stocK Uiat Flynn is showing, and from the best information we hare from the Jailies that are in a position to know, his pricos are from 20c to .35c on the $1 lower than you can find older, out o f style goods elsewhere. It II V\7 ANTED?YOUNG MEN TO PRE- * .YV pare for Government Positions. Pine Openings in all Departments. Hood Salaries, Rapid Promotions. Eliminations soon. Particulars Free, Inter-State Cor. Inst., 17-12t Cedar Rapids, la. HAVE JUSTRETURNED FROM Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York and I can, with utmost conlidenco, assure the ladies and the public in geneial that I am now opening the most beautiful stock of up-to-date dry g.jods, embroidery and trimmings of all styles that it jhas ever been my good fortuue to show to the people of Union. These I goods I bought fcr spot cash. I sell I them for spot ca3h, and I can beat the ? prices of any house in the United States, no matter where located, unless it his the same advantages, and there is not one in a million that has the advantages ? that I have. No rent to pay, no clerk *~ h'.re to pay, n) big | ilectri j li^ht bill to pay. Now stop and think and ash yourself the question, can any house with a * large expense account afford to sell as cheap as FlynnV Echo answers, no, no, not auy of them can touch Flyuu's prices. WANTED?SEVERAL PERSONS of character and good reputation " in oonK 2? ?.!_?? ? iu uuvu uiatv III tIH3 COUUty TC" quired) to represent and advertise old established wealthy business y, house of solid linancial standing. Salary $21.00 weekly with expensse additional, all payable in cash each f Wednesday direct from head ofTlce, v Horse and carriage furnished when necessary. References. Enclose self nddressed envelope. Colonial Co., _ 831 Dearborn St., Chicago. 12-12t " IT WILL PAY YOU ANI) YOU f ought to read carefully what Flynn ft has to say in this issue of The Timks i about the bargains ho has picked up. * It. A Startling Test. To save a life, Dr. T. (!, Merritt, of No. Mehoopany, Pa., made a startling 1 test resulting in a wonderful cure, lie writes, "a patient was attacked with violent hemorrhages, caused by ulceration of the*stomach. 1 had often found Klectric Hitters excellent for acute W itomach and liver troubles so I pre- yj scribed them. The patient gained from the lirst, and has not had an attack in 14 months." Electric Hitters are posi- p tively guaranteed for Dy?popsia, Indijestion, Constipation and Kidney E troubles. Try them. Only 50c at F. C. Duke. 4< NO RISK. 1 1 guarantee my goods to 5?ve PttllPJiiCUOn. ^ Ufttlnnl Good goods are liUllGu! cheap here and dieap goods are guaranteed. Jome and look at my goods and i jrices. They speak more condncingly than words can. JOOD GOODS, CHEAP PRICES = AT ^ N. Newell Smith's ? Store, "i la Cast Main St., Unio i, S. C, Po Phone 126. ?' EaHyRI?J ^ JNDERSE If "underselling" meant mei would mean nothing?for lo worthy or out of date merchai purchaser 110 real saying ani dissatisfaction. What "und< mulgated by this does mean, ia he Newest, The Best, The All Kinds ef Merc At notably lower prices tbat minds. Why pay 75c per ya Vaile when you can buyoneat Why pay 65c for a 42-inch Sh ular dress fabric for ladies' dre* can buy one from us for 50c received another fresh shipme lercerized Madi The thing for ladies' waists, Vi our unrl#>r*r>llin<Y nnVo ? ? ? ? ^ 1VV ?vv? good things for you and M , give us a look and then compa want to be well dressed yc i * Millinery D( We can save you money in Look at our line of corsets wai way up to 50c, your choice f set us whether you buy or nol dially treated. vi c l u F The Underae! I. M. JOHNSC Real Katate and uur list ot property tor sale is growing tat the list is made up of very desirable as ' We have some four and fire roem cotta If you are interested will be glad to si du our prices, with terms to suit. Iffice in M. & P. Ba Union, South C Backward Seas OF? Desirable Spring Owing to the backward cold sprii ith a rush and offer to quick buyers hich will be snapped up by eager ba 'rettyi designs in spring Lawns, the ? lest grade Bleached Long Cloth, the 0-inch White Lawns, the regular 10 [undreds of yards of Yal Laces, the 6 orchon Laces, American machine : bargain rown Linen, the ideal waist and apr our price...! o. 4711 Pure Glycerine Toilet Soap, 25c, our price WcNeace, Final Discharge. I Notice is hereby glren that P. M. Notic irr, administrator of the estate of Mrs. Rice, a( , L. Gage, deceased, has applied to Aubrey ion M. Greer, Judge of Probate, ii j*son J d for the County of Union, for a final an(| charge as such admtoistrator. dlschan It Is Oudbred, That Uie 3rd day of jT js no A. I). 1903, be fixed for hearing of jQM \ tition, and a final eettlement of said Petition a'e. estate. Jason M. Grkkii, Piohate Judge Union County, 8. C. prc l' nblished 1st of May, 1003, In Union p?b|i JUK8. 13-wOl TIu?? LUNG. * af . \ * h elj low prices, it w prices on un.^ ^ idise affords the inevitably brings welling^ as pro >. - "C * lost Desirabl* of r * ,Vv '*f ^ | ?. ,< .. ; competition do* * * ird for an all wool N % our store for 50c. larkskin, the pop's skirts when you i per yard. Just nt of ras Stripes slue 25c per yard. We have many re ask is that you re prices. If you ... l _jT_ pu uiudi vitsit uur apartment. . r - t this department, sta, worth all the or 25c. Come to t you will be cort E ' S, Llers. 1 )N & CO. Renting. every week, end yoa will find well as valuable property, gee for rent in good localities iow you this property, and tell ink RnilrlSriff ki?n arolina. >on Sales Dry Goods. ng we have decided to cut the following good thing* rgain seckere: >c quality, going at... 2*c# 10c quality, going at 8c. Ic quality, going at... 10c# c quality,going at... 3c# made, a blue streak lie# on goods, worth 15c, 10c# sold everywhere at The Price Cutter. 'inal Discharge. ^ se is hereby given (hat M?Uy & Imlnlatratrlx of the estate of >. IUcr, deceased, has applied tor M. Greer, Judge of Probata, in the county of Union, for a total je as sush administrate*. . i, ar.d a final V Ja'O* If. Onn*R, >bite Jud.e Union o >nnty. i*. C. sbed let of May, 1903, ha Oaio^