,r,. RI8I|S^' -* iVMViV *.' >. ?C' w ISOUTH S?&& *JV Cyrtu To A?Oi*r *f "Woti* With copvn^unof, by < "All that we can two. ?lr " "Very well, Mr. Hcglnbotham; you can go on deck, sir." "Admiral," wild Drayton, as the ensign saluted and ran up through the hatchway, MI shall go on Mock and , ' oversee the lashing If you have nothing further for me to do.'' . "Do so, Drayton;.I'll aee you presently!" "And I'll go below to the sick hay," said Palmer. < * ,; "Very well; you'll both Join me In a cup of coffee, and my steward will - ?* > - - knock ttp a bit of breakfast for us before wo^et under way. Now, Mr. Peyton, I want to speak to you a few. moments about tbo harbor. I wish to get a clearer Idea of itlie situation myself, sir. In ease anything happens to , the pilot or you, which God forbid, I might have to carry the Hartford In myself, you know." For some tline- the two officers pored over the chart In the dim light, and | after the admiral hnd thoroughly mastered all Its details?Indeed, much previous study hnd made him thoroughly familiar with It? ronton returncd^to his duties on dtfrk, whither the admiral presently followed lilm. The morale of the flagship and of the fleet In general was simply superb. tCIie" men laughed and joked with each Other as they went about their np-. ' pointed duties. They were completely oblivious to any danger to themselves ** or'their ships In the approaching battle. And a doubt of their success never entered their minds. The admiral had i carried them through many a scrape, and he would get them through this pne somehow. The old Hartford and Pier men had been in too many battles to fall now. They would get battered . -tip a bit, doubtless, but they would win out In the end, never fear. The gun ,wus not mounted, the ship did not float, that could sink that Hartford with Farragut aboard. . '' Shortly before three l>olls in the morning watch, or half after 5, the admiral, accompanied by Drayton and rainier, went below to his cabin for a light breakfast. As the three men :stood In the dark cabin, lighted by a "t few candles?for, although the suu was just about rising, It was not yet light (enough below'dSrcks ttrfcec by?the?ad spiral, sipping a cup of tea, a favorite rweragc of his, remarked abruptly: "Drayton, I am sure that I have made a serious mistake In giving way ? - to the representations of you fellows gnd allowing tho .Brooklyn to go In 11IOU 11 s uui riKill. J, urn H IUC piaco of the commander in chief?In the lead." i "Now, admiral," said Drayton, remonstrating affectionately, "you know 7 1 iWe settled all that last night, and you gave way, to our unnnimous Judgment. ( The Brooklyn has four chase guns and , nil apparatus for picking up tori)edoes. I feel Bure we are right, and* I beg of you uot to think of changing the order now." ! ."Oh, very well," Bald the admiral, unconvinced. "I don't doubt that 1 (will get to the front somehow. Mean - (while, have It your own way." ."We have no fear of your not getling to the front, admiral," said Dray ' v ' ton, smiling. "It Jan^t-that. You know r the fort ami the gtTuimats and the ram Will all Concentrate Upon the Hartford, thlntthifc:io crush or sink you and then * have the rest of.us at their mercy." i "And they'll make a mistake there.. They may sink me, but they will find af? dozen captains left, each .one good enough to lead a fleet. Wasn't It Nelson who said at Abouklr that he had the good fortune to command n band of brothers? Well, If he hadn't said *uui urivrv, a wuuiu Bny it now. 1 ten jou what It Is, Drayton, J hare been n officer of {be navy for fifty rears. EVER WATCHFUL. I " ) A Little Care will Save the i !. Reader Future Trouble. ; . * Watch the Kidney secretions, ' ,J ;v Bee that they have the amber hue of health. The discharges not excessive or infrequent. Contain no brick-dust-like sediment. Doan's Kidney Pills will do this for yon. They watch the kidneys and cure them when they're sick. Mr. John Zolleis, City Auditor, residing at 731 Robert street, Newport. vv cava- "A man who has never had baekaclie or kidney complaint in any of I its many forms can scarcely gauge the misery a sufferer endures who is annoyed day and night by this far too prevalent trouble. To all such my advice is procure Doan's Kidney Pills and 4akea course of the treatment. The result of the use of three boxes proved do me that the remedy is up to represenNations and deserves my unqualified indlorsejnent." For sale by all dealers. Frtoe SO cents FosterrMilbum Co., Buffalo, N. Y., solo > Agents tor the United States. Remember the name?Doan's?and , . . -take no other. .'I > y ^ " - - ?WiWiaKsaaMRSBiP? v? ,**:t*. f ',* ..v>y i'.: *: %.* , 1 EDMCDCl LIIIU.II01 txinsend "Bradythe Ship.- "Hohenioilam." >n Touch." Etc. \ . f. !<A-"'VV.C\>"V 'wma Townttnd Brady U J 1 have soon nnd known nil Hie grent ORptnins of 1812 nnd have met most of the groat officers of the old world "navies, nnd I never snw or cnmc In contact with n better set of fellows thnn those of mine are. They nrc the peers of nuy men who ever faced n gnle or fought n ship. You know I get melancholy "when I think of them sometimes. The age of sails is going; it is almost gone. The ships of the "Now, admiralsnhl Drayton, rcmon It I mt i llfi II lY.ft Inrt ,i vrtwrv..y vvv^wmx. vv.y. future will be like that black monster [ Old Buck has under him and over him. Your naval officer after awhile will be an engineer, a mechanic, anything but a sailor. I. am old fashioned, I suppose, but I cling to mast and yard, to rope and canvas. Give mo the wooden deck, the wooden keel beneath my feet! I fee} lonesome and uneasy with nothing but Iron between me nud Davy Jones. This is the'last effort of the wooden licet, I think. Well,. we'll make It a gdod one." "Signals from all the ships Indicate that everything is ready, sir," said Watson, coming in and saluting. "Ah, very good. I knew, of course, that they would be, but it is a relief to find things are all right. There is nothing 1 so much dread as a signal at the last moment that some ship of my fleet upon which I depended has gone wrong. Are the monitors ready, i Watson?" "Yes, sir, nil ready." "Well, that relieves me more. I < haven't a bit of faith in those, iron pots. They are always breaking down vl~ uumg me uuexpccieu." "Tl?cy arc good rammers, though, admiral," said Palmer. "Yes, that they are, and I expect them to do a great deal of it this morning. Well, Drayton, I suppose we may as well get under way," said the admiral quietly, going on deck, whither the others followed him at once. 1 As the shrill whistles and calls of jtlio boatswain rang through the fleet the cables were slipped to the buoys, the engines started,-the screws began to revolve, and the ships gathered way In the water. \ And this was the quiet manner in which one of the greatest naval battles of modern times was begun. ~ CHAPTER XXXlil. "AFTKll you, riLOTl" mllE day broke brilliantly clear and fair as the Brooklyn and >1 Octorora got under way at MHeil 5:35, followed Ave minutes later by the Ilartford and the Metacoiuet' and in. succession hv nil the Ships wlilch wore to attempt the passage. The couples of ships were about a cable's length opart at the start. The fleet moved slowly, for the admiral's orders had been for low steam and slow speed, and started for the bar off the main ship channel. At the same time the smaller gunbonts headed up to the northeast with the intention of engaging the fort from its south side, so that, If possible* they I could keep down Its fire upon the main fleet. fflie national colors, the largest sized fighting ensigns, flew from every mast- ' bend, except, from the mizzen of the Hertford^ wheto the blue flag of the admiral,; wlttr'i6f two white stars, fluttered in he breeze, flip black ships come on In grim, threatening silence, the only spots of color nbout them being the red and blue of the flags, already lighting aud gleaming in the rising sunlight. A few minutes after 0 o'clock the Brooklyn and the Hurt row crossed the bar and were fairly In the channel, i Volumes of black smoke pouring from the smokestacks of tlio squat, ugly Mvmitw lumbering from the cove behind Rand island, far ahead pf them, Indicate^ that these formidable fighting machines were ready for action. At half after 0 the monltont were jypjl in the channel, heading up to the fort, distant from then) nbout two miles. At 0:43 the- head of tho fleet CONTINUED ON GTH PAGE. ORDINANCE Granting Special Licensee, by Town of Union, S. C., For the Fiscal Year Beginning May i, 1903Be it ordained by the M<iyor and Aldermen of the town of Uuion, 8. 0., in Council assembled and by the authority of same. That every person, firm, company or corporation engaged in, or iiiteudimr to engage iu any irr.de business or profusion hereinafter mentioned, within the limits of f e town of Union, shall first j obtain a license from the said Clerk and Tieasurer, and all licenses herein men- i lioned shall be uon-transferable except by special }?rmission from the Mayor or Town Council, and per auuum, if not otherwise specially provided. And all licenses shall txpireon May 1,1004, but may Joe revoked at any time by the Mayor or Town Council. iSectiou 1. No person, firm or corporation shall be engaged in, prosecute or carry on any business, occupation or profession lieiein mentioned without first receiving from the town Clerk and Treasurer, upon the cider of the Mayor, a special license therefor, to-wit: Sec. 2. Every itinerant, trader or other pei son (except licensed auctioneers) i offering for sale or attempting to sell by sample within the town at public outcry or otherwise any goods, ware3, merchandise, fancy articles, spectacles, jeweliy, pictures, notions, or other articles of like character, or kind, shall pay in advance a license of not less Mian ten ($10) dollars per day, fifty ($50.00) dollais per week, or three liunlrcd ($300) dollars per year. oei; o. i^vtry itinerant pnysician or < vendor or seller of medicine, patent or of ; bis own make, or practicing as an itinerant bis profession or calling, shall pay | a license of not less than ten ($10) dob iars per day or lltty ($30) dollars per week. See. 4. Every person or persons peddling or selling within the corporate limits, fruit, poultry, vegetables, butter, eggs or other like articles of pro3uc\ shall pay a license of thirty ($ k') dollars per annum. 1'rovided, that ibis section shall not be held to apply to sellers of produce aud like characters raised on farms in Union county, S, C. Sec. 5. Each and every deal r or company retailing fresh meats, such as heef, mutton, poik, fish or oysters and the like, shall pay a license of seventylive ($73) dollars per year and shall havo a fixed place of business, and said dealer shall not be permitted to sell from any other place. Sec. 0. Each and every dealer or company retailing fresb meats, such as mutton, beef, pork, and the like, without privilege of selling tlsh or oysters, shall pay a license of fifty ($30) dollars per year, and shall have a fixed place of business, which said place shall be men.iontd in the license, and said dealer -.hall not be permitted to sell from any jiher place. 1'rovided that section Ave >f this ordiuai ca shall not apply to persons selling any of the aforesaid kinds of meat in quantities of not leas thap one quarter or tne animal. Such person or arsons desiring to sell by the quarter shall Qrst apply to the Mayor for a permit, which shall be granted upoq the tiling of an affidavit setting forth the following facts: 1* The name and post i ilice address of the peiam proposing to tell. 2. That the animal or animals to he butchered was h )rn and raised on or upon the farm of the pieposed vendor. 3. That the meat to he offered is in sound and w holesome condition. Upon raid affidavit, the Mayor sh. 11 issue an order to the Clerk and Treasure r af the town of Union, S. C., to grant said vendor a permit to sell said me? $ without license. Each agent or dealer in maps, books, periodicals and other like articles, thiee dollars per day or per year $ 25 00 For each agent or solicitor for subscription for shares or stock of any non-resident - Building and Loan Association, per day 100 00 Auctioneer in house or on street, per day, not less than 1 00 For each chair in barber shop 5 00 Bill posters, posting. tackiDg or distributing 20 00 Bill posters, itinirant, not less. than, per day 2 00 For each billiard rqom 25 00 For each person, persons or , company keeping bicycles _ for rent 10 00 For each twc-horse carriage, buggy or hack kept for hire outside of a livery stable IS 00 For each one-horse carriage, buggy or hack kept for hire outside of a livery stable 10 00 Jach pereon making a business of buying and selling cattle, hogs, sheep, and such like for profit or gain, per annum 25 00 Each person, persons or company selling coal for profit or gain 10 00 For each circus, per day 100 00 For each 3-borse or more dray 15 00 For each two horse dray 10 00 For each one-horse dray 5 00 Express company aDd oil company transacting and doing business in this town and other point or points within this State, for corporations other than the government of the United States, its officers and agents. Express company 50 00 Oil company 50 00 Exhibitions outiide of opera house or upon the streets in the dlsc.-etion of the Mayor For each firing ienny 200 00 For each flying jenny, per day $10, per week $10, or per month $100. Fair, concerts, festivals or parties for jain, on Main street, per night or day, not less than one dollar and at the discretion of the Mayor. Each fruit tree agent 0 00 For each dealer selling fresh fi*h outside of house on Main street JoO 00 For each dealer selling fresty fish in bouse on Main street 5Q 00 For each dealer selling fresh fl >h more than 100 feet from Main street 00 00 Fo r each laundry locaUd outside of the town of Uuion i soliciting and receiving launv ^ / i MUM** Poorly ? ** For two years I suffered terribly from dyspepsia, with great depression, and was always feeling poorly. I then tried Ayer's SarsaSarilla, and was soon a new man." ohn McDonald, Philadelphia, Pa. Don't forget that it's "Ayer's" Sarsaparilla that will make you strong and hopeful. Don't waste your time and money by tiying some other kind. use tne old, tested, tried and true Sarsaparilla. SIM atolls. All Srwfxlits. Ask your doctor what he tblnka of this grand old family medicine. Follow bia advice and we will M satisfied. If you are bilious or constipated, use the old, tested, tried and true Ayer's Pills. Gently laxative. ' .1 C. AVER CO., Lowell, Mass. dry wi h:n 'hi town to be shipped out and returned 50 00 For each solicitor soliciting labor from the town of Union for points beyond incorporate limits, per day *25 CO Eacb and every person running an Ice wagou or dealing in ice 25 00 Each soda fountain 5 00 Each ice cri am saloon 5 00 Each pei son selling ice cream on street 5 00 ] Lunch dealers, per day 1 00 Livery, feed and sale stables not including street carriages or drays 50 00 Each agent or dealer (who has no itpnual license) selling mules or horses $5 per day or SiU per w* ek, or mules and horses at auction per day 10 00 For (a :h lecture, musical en* tertainment. play or show for reward outs'd j of opera house (iu discretion of the Mayor) 5 00 Each oculist or optician, itinerant per d ly 5 00 For each opera house 25 00 En >h oys'cr saloon with priv* ilege of selling bulk oys4 ters per year 10 00 For each pawn broker 25 00 For each photograph gallery 10 00 For each itinerant photograi pher, per day 1 00 For each itinerant plumber 10 00 For each side show, per day 25 00 For each itinerant sewing *, machine agent or dealer 10 00 Itinerant stove dealers, per day 5 00 For eaoh boot or shoe black with privilege of uhair on street 5 00 For each shooliog gallery 25 00 For each skating rink $5 00 per month, or par year 10 00 For e&oh railroad for business done within the State and not including that done without the State 150 00 For each restaurant 25 00 For each ten pin alley 50 00 Each telegraph company operating an office within the incorporate limits of the towa of Union shall pay a license per annum of 25 00 Each telephone company transacting and doing business between any points in this town or aoy other point or points in this State for individual or corporations other than the government of the United States, its officers a d agents* 50 00 Each wood yard 10 00 For each and every business not specified above shall be charged at the discretion of the Mayor or Town Council. < Sec. 8. Any person, persons, company, firm or corporation embraced" or mentioned in any of the foregoing sections or section of tbis ordira ice and required therein to obtain license q: to pay tor the performing or carrying on of their respective business or f*r the transition of the same, who shall fail, refuse or negleot to pay the lioense or amount therein specified in advance, and eaoh and every person, firm or corporation giving, showing, or attempting to give or show any of the performances, shows, or < xh b'? tions without having reoeivcd ai.d paid for their license to do so, and any person or persons, firm or ccrporii on violating any part or parts of tfc's ordinance. sball be subject to and ft r and required to pay a fine of not less than one d^lar per diy for each and every day ?o offended, or not more than one hundred dollars per day, or to be imprisoned and made to work on the streets and public places of the town Lr not more than thirty days for eaoh day so offended, and at the discretion of the .Mayor or Town Council. Sao. 9. That all licences herein mentioned are due and collectable beginning May 1,19021. Done and ratified in f l mnp.il ?t. wmbled under the hand of the Major and seal of the Council this the seventh i day of April, 1903. I Attest: Macbeth Yov*a, I W. D. Ahthur, Major. I Clerk iaad Treat. 16 3i. . * > ** ?*????????q An Anccdofc of Human. Speaking of Alexandre Dumas, a writer says that liis chief characteristic was his ntter disregard of money, lie made millions, but never had a franc at his command. "For example," said he, "upon one occasion Dumas had Invited company to dinner, and, find ing Hint lie did not stand possessed of a single cent, drove to n friend's and nskvd iiltu to lend him 2 louis. This ids friend readily did, and as Dumas was taking ids leave suggested, as lie had just been getting some very fine pickles, he would be glad to give him a jar to add to his dinner. The servant was sent for the pickles, and when lie put the Jar In the.carriage, Dumas, having no other change about him, dropped the 2 louis in the man's hand." Caution. "Well, bub, what Is It?" asked the druggist of the small boy with a bottle in his hand. "Please, sir, but bore's the medlclue I got for me mother an hour ago." "Yes, and what's the matter with it?" "You didn't write^ on the bottle whether It was to be taken eternally or infernally, and she's nfrnld of making a mistake."?Detroit Free Press. Cures Eczema, Itching; Humors. Especially for old, chronic cases take Botanic Blood Balm. It gives a healthy blood supply to the affected parts, heals all the sores, eruptions scabs, scales; stops the awful itching and burning of tvzema, swemngs, suppurating, watery so-es, etc. Druggists, $1. Sample free and prepaid by writing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and free medical advice sent in sealed letter. CONFEDERATE VETERANS' REUNION. Cheap Rales to New Orleans, J,a., Via Southern Railway. On account of the Confederate Veterans' Reunion, to bo held at New Orleans, La., May 19ih ti 22nd, 190.1, the Southern Railway will sell round-trip tickets from all iioints to New Orleans, La , and return at rate of 1 cent per mile distance traveled. Tickets will be on sale May 10th to 21 it, inclusive, with tlnal date to leave New Orleans without validation May 24th, 1903. Original purchasers of such tic kets may secure an extension of the limit to June 15, 1903, by depositing tickets with the Special Agent at New Orleans not earlier than May 10th or later than May 24.1), upon receipt of a fee of fifty cents. The Southern Railway offers convenient schedules and most excellent service, and every effort will be made to assure Veterans and their friends attending the Reunion a most pleasant and comfortable trip. Unsurpassed Pullman accommodations will be afforded, and the service in every respect will bo all that could be desired. Full information and particulars as to schedules, etc., will be cheerfully furnished <m application by any agent of the Southern Railway, or, R. W. Hunt, Div. Pas. Agt., Charleston. S. C. fflf Earb Risers The famous little mills. Th? Great Hltfhwu o THROUGH THE 9C Excellent Service Quick ' Any Trip Is s Plea.i Travel via THE SOU The Finest Dining-Cou Tor detailed Information a. to Tic! ration, address the nearest Atfei 1 Tr?d? Ctntrftl ! ? I UlAlNtNGTON. D. C. WA3HING1 sS8SS^oe. - - ^ To the Man Who Wants to Dress Economically Buying the best is the essence of true economy. Good Clothing is cheaper than poor clothing?no matter what tho respective prices may be. We sell the best clothing that can be made and the prices are not high?an excellent suit for eitlier business or dress wear can ba bought f ?r the modest sum of $10, and it will outwear any two ordinary suits at $10, and it will retain its shapeliness long after the average garment will be a mere bundle of wrinkles and bagginess. J. Cohen. i " 5S5 .m1 Summons for Relief. State of South Carolina, > Court of ComCounty of Union. \ mon Pleas, llelle lloberson, Plaintiff, vs. Jennclte Ilardy. Carry Glauton, Minerva Armstrong, Mamie Hardy, Theodore Ilardy, Sonny Washington. ma William Henry Hardy, Ixmise , Washington, lleuryade Washington, Bernard Washington and Mabel Washington, infant*, and Mrs. E. E. Dunbar, Defendants. To the Defendants: You are hereby summoned and required to answer the complaint in thiancWon. ?.copy ot which is hereby served upon you, and to serve a copy if your answer to the said complaint upon the subscriber at his i flier, numlxr?, Washington street, Columbia, South Carolina,- within twenty days atter the service hereof, exclusive of the day cf such service. If you fail to answer the complaint within the time aforesaid, the Plaintiff in this action will apply to the court for the relief demanled in the complaint. , James S. Yeunku, Plaintiff's Attorney. March 20, 1903. I Frank I'eake, Clerk of Court U. C. To the infant Defendants, William Henry Hardy; and Louise Washington, Henryado Washington, Bernard Washington, Mabel Washington, and Sonny i Washington, tlieir father: Take notice that unless you procure i the appointment of a guardian ad litem to appear and defend this action on your behalf within thenty days after the service of the summons and complaint herein upon you, the Plaintiff will apply to the Judge of Probate for Union tuuuiy lur an oraer appointing some suitable and competent person Guardian ad litem for you, the said infant Defendants, and authorizing and directing him to appear and defend the above entitled action in your behalf, and for such other and further relief as may be just. To the Defendants: Jennctte Hardy, Carry Glanton, Minerva Armstrong, Mamie Hardy, Theodore Hardy, Sonny \y ashington, Louise Washington, Henryade Washington, Bernard Washington and (Mabel Washington, non-residents of the State of South Carolina: Take notice that the summons and complaint in the above stated action were duly filed in the otlice of the Clerk of Court for Union County, South Carolina, on the 20th day of March, 1903. James S. Vernkr, Plaintiff's Attorney. I. Frank Peake, Clerk of Court U. C. 13 Ct Dr. R. M. Dorsey, Specialist on diseases of the EYE and EAR OPTICIAN. Successor to II. It. Goodelt. Alexander's Music Ilall, Spartan* burg, S. C. 47-lyr? ' Subscribe for Tha Timea. ft?! # RN RAILWAY r TRADE and TRAVEL >UT HERN STATES. Time Convenient Schedules irt Trip to thoa* who THERN RAILWAY. r Service in the World. Ilets. Rate* and SleeplnR.Car raaerU of THE SOUTHERN RAILWAY. IDWICH. W. H. TAYLOR. Rg?r Ag?nl. AaitiUnl C?n. Afsst, rOH. O C. ATLANTA. CA. ^ : ' .?, m . '?* -jgdjfr* ,' 'Jj&j . -mi .in ,>7a^B^M