The Union times. [volume] (Union, S.C.) 1894-1918, April 10, 1903, EASTER EDITION, Page 8, Image 8

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Union Timos I Sec who can solve the puzzles lieacl. We trust th:s new depai for our readers, both young 01 correct answers sent in. NO ' THE TRAVELS m9iW R;. _ - jr ^T>ndav j^ my own sTs(6r mftjnffc* % ,.o ol>lirg.^e?f ma*Jcs^es *rc much imy f,^F_ with the c&rhestncss of ColumbV,'?. the practical and scientific value Vs X7 < scheme, and so order De \ j cfc.ll a. conference cf the most le#vc-r, X,n men of *he kingdom. * v"J1,a ? I . - FIND THE 110YAL S THE A NSW Picture Puzzle Xo. 10.?Invert picture r*i Winer, his nose at the king's collar. 1 O' CONSTITUTION IS SUSPENDED BY KING I Big vor Buler of Servia Takes Mat- tor; ters Into Own Hands. ACT IN INTEREST OF PEACE. ; of6 i fioi t 1 Declares that Laws Passed by the Leg- ^ islature Eodies Were Not Practi- *e] cal?Acute State of Affairs In the do Balkans Hastened Action. ! rni . > a Belgrade. Sorvia, April 7.?King lia Alexander today executed a coup eJ d'etat. Ho issued two pioclamatlons in which he decreed a suspension of rc the constitution adopted April It), o* 1901, repealing objectionable laws si passe.:- thereunder by the letiring I) councillors of state dissolving the p skupshtina and re-enacting the laws as e they existed previous to the constitu- t tion of 1901. The second proclnma- c tion restoies this constitution to its t former validity. c! "I the first proclamation the king e says the senate and the skupschtina 1 created unci'': the constitution granted < by him in 1J ? 1. passed laws which < " k 1 proved impracticable. nuiii<',mu.? the constitution by tending to gain po- J litical passions ai d prejudicies injured tlie interests of the Fatherland and hindered its development as a state and nation. "Aff.ihs in the llalkans," the king adds, "are very serious and Servia needs order, unity and peace. She would offer a bright example of a peace-loving state and at the- same time always he ready to defend iter own true interests should this boeome necessary, for the purpose of restoring the unity, strength and order of the country. The king then suspends the constitution. of 1901 'nnd declares the mandates of the senators to lie null and void, and the proclamation goes on to announce that the councillors of state are tetired and the skupsix tina is dissolved. v * ? ' ? WILL RACE IN MUD. Rain Seriously Interferes with Tennet see Derby. Memphis, Tenn., April 7.?The Tei nesseo derby will be decided over course deep in mud this afternoon. 1 midnight a steady downpour of ra set in apd at 10 o'clock this mornlr there has been no cessation. T1 field incudes six thoroughbreds abo which the public Is well acquaint* with one exception. The single o that has not already performed public is T. II. Stevens' Treacy, a s of Wadsworth ant, and a f brother to Wadsworth the Americ Derby winner of 1902. Treacy has never faced a star) and today will witness his first de nt racing. Of the remaining candidates for classic, each one has faced defeat < Ing his brief career as a 3-year-old, though Rightful is made a decide! \vorlte in the betting, the race prom to produce a notable contest. p| Sold by I Picture Puzzle 5 that appear weekly uuder this rtuieiit will furnish amusement id old.. We will pub'i-di ali . 11. OF COLUMBUS. : M 5 O I I 'fff lESSKN'GKIl. ?J'(f, the! the ER. wis . Head of attendant is nt back SW( Dei ?Met ANTED ABSOLUTE DIVORCE. M ( il Decision Will Permit Mrs. Blgolow to Remarry. ev, ow York, April 7.?Mrs. Edith E. V(J clow has obtained an absolute dlce from Poultnoy Bigelow on statu- j0J f grounds. Under the new law an fo ?rlocutory decree has been entered licr favor and she will not be wholly ^ e until thiec months after the filing U] the paper in the county clerk's of- a Under the wording of the decree s. Blgelow will then be at liberty to marry, "as though Mr. Blgelow were p ad."while ho is prohibited from re- ^ lr tying "until she T3 actually dead," t provision would prevent him from f iving a ma: riage ceremony perform- r [ in this state, but not elsewhere. Mr. Blgelow came here from Eu- j >pe during the winter for the avow- t i purpose of contesting his wife's , tit. The case was referred to Chas. lonolnie, formerly a judge of the sureme court. Many witnesses were xaminc i. The ref< ree found that lie charges had been sustained and deided in Mrs. Bigeiow's favor. By he terms of the decree one of the children. Mildred, is to remain in her father's custody, v. ith the provision that ier mother may see her and have access to her at any time. The other hildren, Edith, Evelyn and Dorothy, will remain with their mother. Their father may see them when he wishes ami each may decide when she comes of sufficient age under the guardian-1 #hip of which parent she will continue. I This decree was signed by Judge lllanchard, of tho supreme court. Mrs. Bigeiow's maiden name was Jaffray. She was mart led on April I'l, 1SSI. to Mr. Bigelow. a son of John Bigelow, former United States minister to the court of St. James. | Tlie German emperor's friendship for - . ? 11 Mr. uigeiow is ?cn . ... BAN PLACED ON PLAYO. Jersey City Will Not Permit Glorifies tion of Criminals. Jersey City, N. J., April 7.?Proseri . tor Speer in leply to a request fror Chief of Police Murphy for an officii opinion as to the latter's power to sto theatrical performances tending to gl rify criminals, s-ays: ^ "If the pe: is designed ai has a elear tendency to elevate vi and degrade virtue, and to furnish a glittering and attractive enticement youth to enter upon a career of vi ln and crime, it is coiruptlve of pub morals and in Mctahle as a public nn he ance. Plays which shock the pub ut sense of decency and incite to cri Ml are indictable at common law and ne der New Jersey statutes." jn Plays founded upon the Riddle hrc on ers' case and the exploits of the f nil Ron outlaw Tracy were, the cause an rhief's action. He says that ter this week theatrical managers 1 tor present such pieces will he prosccu but Will Not Strike. ,hPJ Rome, April 7.?The mectin; lur- , workmen called last evening and w an?l lasted throughout the night, dec [ to abandon for -the present tlie i-00-' )f inaugurating a gencial strike. in mi nmmmammmmmm v For Palpitation, Shortness of k Breath and fulness after eatI ing use Ramon's Pills?they f cure. Complete treatm't 25c Union Drug Co. i i BATTLE OF BALLOTS IN PROGRES !? Tom L. Johnson Won ftt Clev i land Monday. MANY CITIES VOTING TODA Intense Interest Centered in Contei In Chicago and St. Louis?Many I dies Cast Their Ballots In Kan* Jones Carried Toledo. Cincinnati, April 7.?Wbtlo the s gregate of pluralities in Ohio cities y< torday showed Republican gains, tl parties break almost even on tl changes of local administrations. Tl most noted changes were at Columbt Mansfield. Zaneaville, Defiance, D< phos. Van Wert and S'helby?the R publicans carryine Shelbv for Publican* to "iXtmo" C^flgln<! from R ??'" ..robabl, An",C Tr<1 t ?*?? X "d 616 from oflirlallv It I ,gcst cities hoar Publicans an,1 the n no ???t the R. rle,l 30. l" V,' "Cm"?rat? oopIi oa. fp-*no indenttoim< ?** .^tWuiX Xc'it very flltn?*?;;*'. * _T ^ | j cans control all Che city gof~ Vvernexcept the office of mayor. \ \ Dhnson Has Carried Cleveland 1 eveland, O., April 7.?Com pi |'iete rns from yesterday's mnnic* |jpa] (ions in this city give Johnl |j0n. locrr.t for mayor, a pluralitw II 0j 5. DapR, Democrat, for presi.'l l^n( ouncil. has a plurality of 10,1 Vgg r Southcimcr, the Repub.ican c ' Cn. ite. The Republicans elected '' imer for police clerk and Urn*1 M { fonr school commissioners. C h J e the Democrats made 10k c i^T j >ep. In the new city couiftjs (Jf nocrats will have 17 and the,;,fj0 t . ins nine members. jvp luch Interest In Chicago EIC* ' Chicago, April 7.?Elec4rs l jOPi'd I wned clear and cool and th. | Ifr'jg ery indication that a heavy y I to will be polled. The nor V , 1 Harrison was conceded tcM. II, I ;iral Democratic candidate e\v v ij^u-' re the primaries and the liv wi st between Stewart and H>'nacB mS ,e Republican nomination'^ ''IfflJi iiusual Interest In today's re|jlrW? od will result in a very larj,, Much Interest at St. Lo>Qjjl') St. l.ouls, April 7.?Owing to JKe-' eat boodle conviction more /than Urinary interest is shown in ithe elec I*"-<-MM nfl-.tho /<<?? ion today ior m?-mu?-?o...t, ? ouncil and house of delegates and nembers of the hoard of eileation. A bright, clear day promses to bring out a fuller vote than is usually oast at off-year city elections in St. Louis. There are two tickets in the field. "Golden Rule" Jones Re-ilected. Toledo, O.. April 7.?Maytr Samuel M. Jones was re-eleeted toav for the fourth term by a plurality of about 2,800 ever John W. Dowd. Republican, and Charles Bdson, Demoer'.. Police Judge Wachenheimer, Deroerat, was re-elected by a majority of:oo. The remainder of the Repub'tan ticket was elected by majorities ngingfrom 400 to 4,000. Kansans Voting Toy. Wichita, Kans., April 7.-air weather with registration oxceed? by 2,000 all previotis records, a ft vote will he polled. The contest between the Republican organizathsnd independent ticket. headed ex-Mayor Ross, a Republican. Thejmen arc voting in large numbers. Republicans Reclaim Gribua. Columbus. O., April 7.?tplete re turns show that Robert H.Trey, Republican for mayor. Is elec by 3,000 i majority over Mayor Johi Hlnkle Democrat, who was a eance for re election. The council vnave it; Republicans and 5 democ George . D. Jones, Democrat, is eil presl 1 dent. P Republicans Carry Mjan. ^ j Detroit. Mich., April 'he Ron'0 publicans of Michigan yen)' elect ed their state ticket, heacy Judge Frank A. Hooker, by a rity est! mated at midnlglit at bm 35.000 I*/. and 4u.OOO. The vote tlnout th state, excepting where lomes lenl jjS(. Interest to the fight was "No License" the;. TJncoln, Neb.. April 7. weather )t]i is perfect. The largote will be cast in the neighborbhere th? ()f question of "No Lieensoie llquoi traffic is advocated. linqp wll) who bt* (li^,^0Kar(lf'f, ontircojany in , . at a noes. ted. ______ Democrats Carry on. Hamilton, 0.. April "or Bosch ; ol and the Democratic A;k?t wai j Ui.-v. ! aluotnfl hv nn avcrap}. mtklni I Ided on material ohango h'^al politi idea cal situation. pt 1(. Noted PoliticflftJ, IAmnterdam. X. V.,t) -Williao P. Hold^n, fnr 21 .'d i leadini Journalist and Iloffl poliiiciM of the Mohawk val^- sudden!) today of apoplexy a>(1 where h< wau deputy achate He fTftdu atad from Yale ar^ae df th? found we of th# Yafili Ud WW Sl?,^ i m $6o,ooo Per Da) J, This is the average sum pai< daily to policy-holders by Tin Mutual Life Insurance Com pariy of New York. Multipl) ,Y. that by a year and the wondei of the amount disappears wher a you learn how and where the ?. largest accumulation of trusl funds in the world is invested, lg* as shown in "A Banker's Will." ?8TUL 1 1 \ TOOK TWO LIVES. Birmingham Mother Poisoned Babe Then Suicided. Birmingham, Ala., April 7.?Mrs.'Su ' sir. McMillan, wife of Policeman A. B McMillan, gave her 8-months-old baby a large dose of carbolic acid Monday | afternoon and then committed suicide by shooting herself twice in the breast She was found lying dead on the floor of her room about 5 o'clock by her husband, who had come home to get supper. The doors were locked and he was forced to break one open. The bady was lying dead on the bed with his face terribly burned by the acid. Mrs. McMillan was badly burned by fire, which was started by the discharge of the revolver. No motive can be assigned for the deed. Hung For Murdering Wives. London, April 7.?-Klowshowishl, alias Chapman, the Southwark saloon keeper, who murdered by poiaon three women who lived with him as his wives in different parts of London, was hanged in Wandsworth jail. Ho was In a state of complete collapse and had to he supported by wardens. He protested his Innocence to the end, declaring his real name was Chapman and said he was an American by birth. Jewelers Greatly Concerned. Viinr Vnrl/ A nril 7 v/>..l 1a..> ?tvn * v*i?, *?|/i u I* 41CW IUIIV JCW dors are greatly disturbed over the i news just received from London that | in addition to the increase of 10 per i cent in> the price of diamonds recently J made by the DeBeers Mining compa- < ny. the British government will in all ] probability shortly enact a law establishing an export tax of 40 to 50 per cent upon all diamonds sent from South Africa. ShedfordI IBLACK DRAUGHT THE ORIGINAL Liver medicine} A sallow complexion, djzxiness,^^ II v?iuu?Ni;ni ami ? cuuu-u lunpii; are common indications of liver and kidney diseases. Stomach and bowel troubles, severe as they are, give immediate warning by pain, hut liver and kidney troubles, though loss painful at tno start, are > much harder to cure. Thedford's ; Black-Draught never fails to benefit dincased 11 ver and weakened kid- I neys. It stirs up the torpid liver 1 to throw off the germs of rever and ague. It is a certain preventive ( or cholera and Briirht's disease of "> the kidneys. Witn kidneys re- I inforcod by The<lford's Black- l Draught thousands of persons huve I dwelt immune in the midst of yel- c low fever. Many families live in I perfect health and have no other r doctor than Thedford's BlackDraught. It is always on band for use in an emergency and saves many expensive calls of a doctor. 2 3 Mulllns, S. C, March 10, 1901. V 'I have used Thedford's Black-Draught j I for three years and I have not had to go V to a doctor tinea I have been taking It I It Is the best medicine for me that te t I on the market for liver and kidney M M troubles and dyspepsia and other m ! (j| complaints. Kav. A. 0. LEWIS, ? a n? uyoK is sent on request* tie lie This Co-tpany ranks l8 First? In Assets. ;j' First?In Amount Paid Pollcy-holdsrs, p First? I n Ags. 8t The Mutual Life Insurance nCompany of New York ^ Richard A. McCvrdt, Pmident. 'y TI" \T>V\,t- Manager, Columbia. 8. C. names A- Lipscomb. Agents, Union, S. C. * MISSISSIPPI FALLING. Hollybrook Break Relieves Situation r' In Lower Valley. ^ f >, Now Orleans. ApilU.7 II here continues^^i#^ c I ^ ^-The rivor ?*-* .. ?7?rincionary tri 20.3. At "16?Xfe,,,fritfvidenee tlio river gauge shows a fall of about 2 feet as a result of the Holly Brook break, but much of the water going through there now will ultimately return to the Misslssls sippi. The expectation is that the flood here will have receded considerably before this water gets to New Orleans. Work continues at the Hy | molia crevasse. I Special River Bulletin. Washington. April 7.?The weather ' bureau today issued the following river bulletin: The flood situation in the lower Mis j sissippl remains unchanged with about ' stationary stages from Vicksburg t Southward. p.jw mm upwvrui on improvett rarms , it 7 per cent interest. No oomnis-ion except a reasonable attorney fee tor preparing necessary papers. 30-ly. V. E. DErass. GET SHAVED! You can get scraped at any old place 3ut when you want to get slraved go to MULVIHILL'S BARBER SHOP. The most artistic hair cutter in town. Next door to Tinsley's Jewelry Store. 23-41. MILL SUPPLIES. JmU, >.rrtoU, Orate, Awtt ?M fe'Sa* j?r* Jfcto ffli 10MB1RD IROHfOWrt SUPPLY CO. / I r I. I :!; ..?m 1 I' 8 and Kcri Iri. ^ c fiend model, sketch or photo olInvention lor1J < free report on patentability. For free book, < f Howto SecureTDlinr ftJJID|/C ?rite< ? pateiu^ju^niMUt-Wmm oppoSnPapSSTO WASHINGTON D.C. J? < Harness^, You can make your har? nw? ns soft as a glove /WwBI and ns tough ns win* by using BTItBKA liar* W/M nsn Oil. You can ? lengthen Its lifts? makelt WjS^H lnst twice as loog as it HflBH ordinarily would. HMH EUREKAf hi names* till H mekee a poor looking ha*- I^D fmK n<-s? like new. Made of f^B/ pare, heavy bodied oil, ee- ! IMf/ peclaily prepared to wlUvM*nd the weather. ! fB*/ Bold everywhere fnf/ Id cane?all elsee, ' ? % ml Mite ?I STANDARD OIL CO. \M MONEY TO LOAN, I have made arrangements by which I 'an negotiate loans on first mortgages on veil located and improved farms at 7 >er cent, interest on sums of $1,000 and lpwards and 8 per cent, interest on some ess than $1,000. No commissions sharged on tl e te loans. Borrower only ct.ui ed to pay attorney for preparing lecvsaary papers, i tc. J. A. SAWYER. Attorney-at-Law. >0-10m. Union, S. C. RTP'A'N S Tablets doctors ind a good prescription for nankind. The 6-cont pocket is enough for usual iccasions./ The family bottle (00 cents) ontalns a supply for a year. All drugM sell them. If /Remember, Friends, You will always find a fu i line of . 5 Flour, Sugar, Coffe< Meat, Lard, Canned an r Bottled Goods, Fres Vegetables, and everythir r to be found in an up-to-dai i family Grocery, at my Stor 5 Tobaccos and Cigars a Specialty Bring Your Laundry to Mo. J. T. SEXTON Main Street. J. CLOUGH WALLACE. ATORNEY AT LAW. Hcom 12 upstairs Foster Buldiijr. RALPH K. CAR30F. H L. SCAIFI CARSON & SCAIFE, ATTORNEYS ATJ.A^ V^Oj ? attention given to real estitc and collections. S. MEANS BEATY, ATTORNEY AT-LAW. No. 3, Law Kan^e. S. Q. SARRATT, PHYSICIAN AND SDRaEON. Offers his professional services to the people of Union and surrounding coun:ry. Day calls at Duke's Drug Store. Night calls at the residence of Mr. L. J. ilames, 18 tf. Money to Loan. I have money to loan in amounts of i'inA * * - .... .. ln imiwwiwww vem?- jac Charleston & Western Carolina &? Railway Company. , AUGUSTA AND A8HSYILLB Short Lino 1 Schedule In effect July 9th IMS. >g : hp Leave Aarusta 10 10?m in m a Arrive Greenwood IS II pa Andefaon id pm . Laurent 1 IS pm IIBka f? Greenville S3Kpm 11 Mam Spartanburg <?pm iNta Union T *> pm Saluda...., tZIpm Honderaonville.. I U pm Athevlllt.j 1 1ft pm Leave Atherllle 106 am Union SIS am Spartanburg 1S01 pm 4 M pm Greenville id IS pm 1 a pm _ Laurent 1 til pm SMpm Anderson ta? . , ZSlpm epm Arrive Anirmti AZqpm 11 M an beavo Columbia 11 n Newberry ItSpZ Qllnten... ivL. Arrive Greenville 136^ Spartanburg SSSpm '-.cave enartanburg IS 01 pa Greenville IS is bm Arrive Clinton ZSShm Newberry SOS pa Columbia 4 ID pa S. . and Meat Line between Newberry and Orcenville, Spartanburg and Glenn dprlngi. Connoctloa from Newberry via Columbia Ran way. For anv BRNEST WILLIAMS, U*u. *Auguatc, UWr - n T. M BMMBRSON. Traffle Manager. 1 Air Lrine Railway Double Dally Service. Between New York, Tampa, Atlanta* New Orleana and Points Soiftb and Weat. IN EFFECT MAY 26th, 1902. OUTMWAWP. Daily Daily No. 31 No, 21 Lv. New York, TRR.... UMpa HMaa I.V HliiU...a" " ? - " ; s p ??,; s :r ^?V'm7 f""1"**"1- * ? Ky TWpi w w *? Uv. KicliwvMu, ft. a. L. KJ 10 8, V. at ? k ^ *,r. i?u,r??.rK. ..? }!.. ^Aorllim, Jt6 ? Hii? Lv. liendwmon 2 ill aai? aTi? " Lr. Knlelxh - ^ f! * .Lt, Sou. 1'laea - 1*1 'f ?* """ *' ? a96mm t j; L m Lr.namlet. SA 1,.. 7w? Io?*I5 Lt. Olunhla t " a Ml ? ;' ^ Ar.S.T?UDali ? J J?*" i2*" Ar. JaeUvntlll. ? 7uu.fAr. at, AugUktlne " W1|J Ar. *?? ;? ? g-a|:S Lr. New York, N Y I'AN f 7 U mm ?? pm L*. Philadelphia " 10 U a ui UM L **?& ? *?>?? O O Bftva ? 1 m. p .. ' '? k.T:. VaV'o? ""'" tiSdHftt L*. WMii'Vi'iii'K^'Ws ? wirr? fl* LHJ imp a T5TS Lt. TValdoa ? * 11 41 J, ?. i 2 " Lt. Norllui " lSim HS*m Lr, ktudenn " tnm'm i?t.juieigh _s. ?. Jul- .*]!; ? f*T* VP,il,M'rB A- < 4f M M Lntumut ? tI'.Z its;;; LT. WllinlntKm ~ " ijf* I*~m ?in"?15**5 It.Che?.r ?Y li?a w"i'Sa. t?. carllela '< 10 IB a n ?" Lv.Arreowood " |inln ,? Lt. Athens ? "Jot S fSf* Ar. Atlanta j ? ?S22 Ar. Angola, ? A h o HoTiT" 7^717 Ar. Maoaa, c of Oa lUtpm" iTfcX ^a:riiir'' ?gfr .... u ? *1 i ArTS ubfUI?7 JtO~* ?t~L 4?tB a r?ir Ar. Aleinphij 4 16pm ft at NOWTMWAKP Dally Dally No. 88 >o. M Lt. llemphla, W C AStL 13 46boob IHy l.r, KaahTllla INpa INta l.>.A?nriMfti,L 4 M 8 00 pm ....A... Lt. molll# iihj ib .. dt. Momyxar'y, AtWP 4 39 a m 1 99 y aa Lt. kaeon, c of Oa lUDam 4 aft p i L?. Auguata, o.t Wo lluta m Lt. Aliai.u, J b A L Hy 12 (X) ftonai iS p aa Ar. Athena " 2 67 p mi 11 36 p an Ar. Ureeoweod " 6 14pm INta Ar. Chaator " 7 17 pm tNftft ' Ar. carllate 6Mpm ' Lv. charlotte,' " _ 7 27 p nT .Ajf.i. Lt. Wilmington, " 6 6k p m " .~7!T.,? Lt. Hamlet " 16 46 pm 7 wham Lt. bouthern i'lnaa * 11 SI pa ?rarri Lt. Raleigh " 186am , 1166am it. llenderaoa " ivttft 1242pm Lt. Norltna " INta 146pm Lt. Weldon ^ " -4 Out* - 896pm. Ar. Portsmouth ^ 7 16> 6r69pm w ftm Ar.Bahlmorr^ ITS r~Ci? 7. Ar. Nat York,O DM 8oo ......... f lOpaa AT.Thi'la'phi.;NV"rAM" 16 44pm 6 16 am Ar. New York ? 8 16pm 888ftm *'*'64' ""ifii'iii" Lt. Tawpft BALRf 6 ? pa -666 a m Lt.W. Aogmxlfto * 7 46am 689pm Lt. Jacksonrllla " 9 89 am 718pm lt.ttafeaanah " 149 pm 1148pm Lt.Columbia | " 7 09pm 898am Lt. Hamlet ? 1949pm 838ftm Lt. Southern Plane " 1188 pm 9 22 am Lt. Raleigh " 188am II Warn Lt. Ucndoraoa 898am 1218pm Lt. Norllna ? 14am 148pm Lr'.Peton&m"* 5 88am" 497pm Ar. Richmond ** 6 88am 418pm A r. Washington, WS Ry 19 19 am 628pm Ar. Baltimore PKlt 1128am 1138pm Ar Philadelphia " 136pm 2 84am Ar. New York " 4 18pm 469am UK, tDHt fawiil jeafcv. ' 'u' Jocntr*! TUne. {Kaatcra Tlulf. " |R. E. L. BUNCH.SH2 General Passenger Agent.. Savannah, (Hi W. E. CHRISTIAN, A. G. P. A,, Atlanta, G*. BBHBB 1 to writ* for ?r eraMmtUI Ufor htfo* ap> plying for jaUattU mt It worth MMf. Wipromptlyobtain U.S. Ml VSirfga PATENTS ? rigs JsruwrsriaL I charges are Moderate. Try as. "* SWIFT A CO, Bw> u.s. rtax flen.wuHmm. Be, a 11' ' J !SSg? This aftfMtai* la m mnlw of the geeala* ^Ug?ttycBr>?n Qi^rtae