Local Laoonios. . HAPPENINGS* OF INTEIUB1 ABOUT TOWH PERSONAL AND 0THERWLS3. The fli st (Quarterly report of the Cjunty SoparviJor for 10 D3 will bo found on onr 1st page this week. Tbera will ba appropriate sirvioas in the churches' Easter Sunday, and there will no doubt be a good attendance at them all. taev. Mr. McBee is having the vard cleaned off a*. the Church of Nativity. TK>'n?l their nose to spite their face, but that wait'# gamed Bobo. Ad* + * < v '*?:' v;.-.' 1 -?z.. * ?umamm*+ hfy vertising is a necessary essential to success in business, and a inan had as well attempt to run a business withoi t clerks a3 wit hour advertising in this enlightened and hustling age. No uso to tell you to read Bobo's ad. this week wo know you will do it. As we have already said, tho success ofjthesc two concerns,(among the newest in the town.)the Bailey.Copeland Go. and M. W. Bobi, has been something remarkable, and by way cf paryenthesis we will remark that the Bailey-Copeland Co. arc, with the exception of Bobo, the most liberal advertisers in tho town. We wish you abundant and continued success gentlemen, may you livo long an I prosper and continur to remember the printer as you arc climbing up the golden stairs. ? Veterans Iflcct Delegates. < Pursuant to a call issued in The Tints ; -ue v.uoieaeraie veterans of Union bounty met in the Court House Monday i ;o elect delegates to the Reunions. The attendance at these meetings of he veterans is growing less and less, evi- 1 lencing tlie fact that at every roll call 1 t is found that there is u vacant place in ; he ranks and that some brother has ) >assed over to the other shore. It will lot be many years before we will cease 1 o have the reunions of the Confederate 1 hesiTStW.and the memory alone of i lomradeJwh&'W oftJ1heir ' nain with us to chei%V???J>(^?re? ie* . d forever as the sacred mhmSQBUt*. lie noblest band of heroes and patriots I hat ever faced tire shot and shell, and ( ;rossed sword and bayonet with the en- { ;my. . Lot us revere and honor them while 1 ve yet have them with us. This they 1 vill appreciate any ei j-iy more than i ?.reiiug sliafts, or glowing epitaphs on , .heir tombs wfccu tlroy are laid in the :old ground. The delegates elected from this camp < Giles) are as follows : i To tire meeting at Columbia in May, ( 'rom fifth to 7th?A. C. Lyles, C. S Jreer, K. W. Tinsley, delegates, with ' 3. W. Willard, W. 11. Biiggs and W. 1 K. Gault as alternates. Miss Cornelia ' 5reer, of Union, daughter of Judge J. ( VI. Greer, was elected sponsor, and is eq nested to choose lrer maid of honor. ' To the Reunion at New Orleans, lai, * day 19th to 23rd?Capt. F. M. Farr, j J. T. Gault, M. B. Lee, as delegates, vith Senator J. T. Douglass, N. B. tfiortn f E ister Novelties ever brought to Unkn is at the 4 Wondkr Stor?." It .A ' v^. fc 2 ' 'JXr-' " , CLAIRYVOINT COLUMN. THE MYSTIC VEH PULLED ASIDE. By Mrs. R. P. Ward. QUESTIONS I?Y X. Y. January three years ago a tenant house, barn and two mules on my plate In Liogansvillc township were burntd. I wish to ask if >ou can put, me on to the paity or prrties who did '1 e burning. x y. /.. THE ANSWr.lt. This question is rather difficult to answer as it has ben done so long. 1 will try. I feel that the gentUraan aslcinp the question is a m\u of some prominence, a leader in his township in some respects, a man of sterling worth, a good neighbor, friend, citizen, and one that, can be relied on for honor, and why ore should seek to d" him harm 1 cin't see, yet he has enemies and lias had for some lime. The lire on his place was doue on purpose and by an enemy. I do not see my negro in this, appears to be a settled, somewhat sh tbby looking man sbout middle life, or a little past, seems to be rather lonely; he has, it seems to mc, sine) died. This man must have lad some dillhulty with the gentleman ind did this evil deed to get revenge The flrjs must have beeu near middle or 1"'H! T' i?W,ll6l't,.^SMm8^iV'oni,= buri irfg affdV^f seems to be windy anl vei lark. f*^J|Thc mules burned were of diffei snt bui^' and color, one was a larg heavy built mu,e> real dark, almos black; Mtlie other was of a smaller buih ui(l ofi ' I ? reddish brown. The mules d< not lo?er * bke matches at all. Then wears'^*? to be some other stock or some thing 7 ' dve that suffsrs much. Now ths man, nay bavo been a mulatto, but 1 ion' i00 I ^el he was a white man j f&IOOll* !"..- -1:- J Su.uvc uiuu. enner a few months a few months after the fire, estiou will r< quire further inres, would like the gentleman to the particulars I am correct in ill go further with this, it ap? {finished. Mrs. R. P. Ward. A Thoughtful Man. . Austin, of Winchester, Ind., lint to do in the hour of need, e had such nn awful case of i and liver trouble, physicians >t help her. He thought of and . King's New Life Pills and she sf at once and was finally cured, c at F. C. Duke's drug store. durance Notioe. i Mutual Fire Insur- I nice Comp.Vny of Union county will ' roll its annual meeting at Union C. II. MayS.VWHJ, at 11 a. m. Policy i loldera aro earnestly requested to at- \ ,end, \ J. M. Queer, < ^ Sec. and Treas. } F. M. F. Ins. Co., Union county. i liphncott's ! monthly magazine AFfVllLY M9"ARY J THE UEST { CURRENT LITERATURE 5 m 12 CowijKTE Novels Yearly 5 MANY aOUT STORIES AND " papers >n timely topics j 12.50 ri year; 25 cts. a cony * no c'ltinued stories 2 bveuy ntjkil complete in itself. J tbed the Gravtu 2 A start i incident is narrated by lohnOjiv Philndplphift, as follows; S ' I was in awful condition. My skin J was almo ellowj eyes sunken, tongue coated, p continually in back and sides, no otito. growing weaker day 5 I by day. roe physicians haYas adv|spd tp use Electric ters; to my great joy, tho J ' first boi made a decided improve- N mcnt. itinuod their use for three weeks, now a well mail. ? 2 know t'' fibbed tt)Q graye qf anQther yiptim.' ?o ono should fail to try them, y 60 cents, guaranteed at F. c. I)' drug store. WA D?SEVERAL PERSONS I ir ol aeter and gqod reputation I E in eaclte (one in this county re- " ^ quired represent and advertise old ei shed wealthy business house olid financial standing, i SalaryfiO weekl? ? ? *- - nfvu expenses] * sdditliall payable in cash each | g Wcdn direct from head office, _ Horse carriage furnished when J\ access References. Enclose self addre nvelopo. Colonial Co., v 084 D i Qt., Ohjcagq. 1^-lWt TlltV NOVEL THING FOR Hnlhe old mother white Ribbit, wit little white, black &nd K spottel les?she only has eight | 1| now; ll?also the mother hen and a brook I p '.'bittie^'?don't miss the sh4e "Wonder Store." It c - ?, "|kT E|RN ITU RE STORE! i ll \w "Wonders," Machines and il'jstrumentj vye will now w/p/j carry te of alt kinds?"best for Y L^VJ the lew' Wonder Stork. wVtiGK^T?TEN KNr yY lid clever 'men'to sell 'the * Brali? Pen" in the State of ______ Sduttfla. Business permanent, TRU( pleaslofltable. Apply r our u wesell according1 y. Wo sc n" oirfUk^uch low prices that r- <;turne?^ at very free\ tlirrefnn^u or. havo^' f J of date. Some o fant ./s lot of 0 are we\ New Cr Matting Nottingham, Arabian a Lace Curtains from (>5c t pair. Window Slin/loa ?J era, 36 x 72, this week BAILEY FURNIT j COME Isi EXi i ! +.*. OUR LINE O > Spring C Before buying else We can please you ? ana quality.. The Cash Bargain D, N. WILBURN ItMIHUMHHMHUCICiaitBtlOBi Pays to Adv My orders for Molasses , lave been duplicated time i lo^if you want the genuine Ne itolasses or Syrup or Muscov /ill do well to place your ordc Yours for Syrup and Mol Iin ? ivi. l.s Phone 84. V STOCK OF THE HIGHEST iET ABLE and FLOWE jcient to convert the whole of Union coi mammoth :k farm or flower ew White Multiplying or Nest On'on lest flavored and best for pickles, aUo >r use fit a. DUKE'S DRUG n i Moving. I id liow to buy . ^ I loney. Tlicri Jf | ill such good / S 'in?-?.11\ 1 hent intervals,and ^ X ything that is out this week. New "* ? op r I nil Irish Point I o #0.00 per 1 >od spring roll- I 5 at I URE COj SmTneI I Toodsj m m where. i in 2 Store, | 0 ertise. and Syrup and again, w Orleans adoes you 5r at once. asses, TES. GRADE IRSEEDS inty into one GARDEN. * ? Sets on hand. the best keeper \ ^ STORE. y V1