The Union times. [volume] (Union, S.C.) 1894-1918, April 10, 1903, EASTER EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

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masamBBsmsatssssam, i 11 Local Schedule for Passenger Trains. THE TRA11T8 FROM COLUMBIA. A F( Vi Arrive 9:00 ?. m. Depart 9:00 a. m " 1:00p.m. " 2:10p. m TRAIXS FROM BPiATARBURa. I Arrive 11:85 a. m. Depart 11:85 a. m ^ I " 9:10 p.m. " 9:S0p. m. bai I Cloee connections at Spartanburg with an1 I trains (or Atlanta and Charlotte and nr I Intermediate stations, and at Columbia ^ I for Charleston, Savannah, Jacksonville 011 I and points south. Through trains (or wl I AShavllI*, etc. d< I Nos. 9 and 10 carry through sleep- g I trs between Jacksonville and Cincinnati. I SB ABOARD SCIIXDULK. " I No. 27?South bound passenger arrives 1 I at Cartlale at 2 a. m. r v* *1?Arrives at Carlisle at 10:25 a. ra. j -* ~>?w?nser arrives Ste"* "3:31 ?. n>- I y., 31-A^"?l?C?r11.1? 0*8p.m. I Local News Notes | ! Points Pofsonsl ?nd Otherwise Picked ?P 'Hy Out Pencil-rushsr. Mt Qhecr, o? the Columtlt^! 1 in the interest of ? hafeper. 1 Mr. Drayton Daneby is renovating and remodeling the "shanty" in front cf BAlley's Furniture store and will open up a fancy grocery. Mr. Zaeh McGhce, representing tie Vews and Courier, was in town Tttes day In tha interest of tbat sterling paper ' and called in to tee Tub Timks while in town. At a meeting of the Union School Board of Trustees Tuesday night Mr. Jas. II. Rodger resigned as a member and Mr. T, C. Duncan was elected in his stead. Ramon's Tonic Regulator is the most aopalqr all round medicine we have ever haadka. It is a gentle lazati re, a health~ " *?'* " "* nmmnt beaith restorer. -v IU1 (Ulliv nuu |rftvwrv Handsore, large tin box 25c. Sold by Union Diug Co. A new fence ha* just been built around the Methodist parsonage and painted green. The trees hare been- cutfron the yard and the place generally has c much improved appearance. Mr. Russell Goes, formerly of Uuior but for several years employed by a flrn in Pittsburg, Peon., came borne Satui day for a few weeks visit to relative and Mends at his old home. . [ The sad experience of young Timnior should be a lesson and dr eritning toll boys jfbo make a practice of j imping c and off the cars whlfe running. B.-tt insist while you yet have whole bone Mirs Vivian Gregory, formerly wi M. W. Bobo, is now with L. N. hi Nance in the capacity of clerk, a would be glad to have her fiiends c upon her when in need of anything his line. Mr. John D. Smith, of Carlisle, building a store house on his loi in wl la known as Poverty Flat, near Wl lock's stables. Mr. John Inman * open up ft business in the store wne Is finished. The work of excavation 1a going out at Buffalo, for the purpose of i |nf on ft one hundred foot additio the lower end and in rear of the jnUl* It will be four stories high c< f inding with the main lui'dirg. The work of digging out the fou Hon for tl a handsome three stoiy 1 building that Haines & Lipeooml going to bu:!d on their recently ehasel proprrty in rear of the stc Norman A Murphy, to front on B: lor stiee*, with side en'ranee fror Hey. M. W. Bob) has furnished lian<! rain cloths or covers to the teams the drays in town nith his nam advertisement painted in large leth either ride. It is a alick adver scheme and a great pretention fc horses 'rom ti e rain. B)bo is ( rip to tt? scratch. Tobo Is opening np an i mm ens pf n )W gocds. He rays he did nol buy everything in New York, bu are morn gcods coming. He has the old poitofiloe for his andertak ^ partment. Ho is spreading out " it in oDeni V Tengcmocc. M*** vmj? ?v ? ... with him all the time.: The following gentlemen from attended the meeting of Shrlaeri took place at Columbia Friday:' T. C. Duncan, B. P. Harry, D Hair, Dr. J. H. Hamilton, L. daa, Hacbeth Young, J. E. H Dr. C. W. Anatoli. The flri named were Shrinera, the otbe down to ride the goat. They fine time an 1 the biggest me Shrinera In the history of the St Constipation ftpd billioosnessi enrol in a nighu-a week; nei one withstand the debilitating t . . the ordinary ''liver pills" for w T the gentle action af Ramon's T eCL'ver Pills and Tonic Pelk one feel gradually improved as meat progresses?no tad U& continued, rapid lor proven meo'h'a treatment?one 25c make the mtrpnks sufferer n Umi . mjffjfiii "an i KILLING OF RODGE1 :ANT. Vo Mr. mug Man Shot to Deal in the r, ' ' try Prime ot Voting Ms hood Union, Without a Moment' ment t Warning. the tw l heavy pall of gloom i ?d grief ^ the* igs over Santuc becaui I of the ueari, natural and tragi 3 death f Mr. J. oC tj dger Fant, well known [through- hea^ t the greater part * of thi county, of tb 10 waa (and it seems brutally) mur- men red by Brown ltodgers, a negro, inday night a few minntes before 2a<j ine 0 clock. She citizens of this jjrtj ttle town was aroused by runners ^ *?nort that |at rho were scattering mo - ,itodger Fant had been shot; and I jeople couUl be seen hurrymg towards the scene of the tragedy 1 aive aid to the unfortunate man, but U alas, as to that, all was fati.e, be-U cause death must have been mstan-h taneous and the first to annvc found < bis body still in death. Excitement! ran high, but a remarkable presence 1 of mind reigned among conatituted temperaments of tho " who gathered. There was only one eye witness to the seene and bow tales is is not known, true thaFlWM^^^ j^r gMteraJ th< but being repeated to bJ tVV aubstanco is the same. The TfriCidetails arc these: Somewhere about the street Mr. Funt came up with Brown, the two being boys reared together, and often went together as boys of the races often do when they were children together and always friends; and the two went to a house. The negro knocked at the door, it was opened to him, and he said to Mr. bant, "walk in Cap," and after Mr. Fant stepped in, he asked Brown if he was not coming in, and received the answer, "no," and pulling the door partly closed to act as a breastworks, Brown began to shoot, firing three shots at Fant, all taking effect, one in the hand, one in the heart and one in the brain, either of the two latter being sufficient to produce instant dcatb. The woman who lives in the house jumped out the window and gave the alarm. It also seems that Brown llodgers acted the wolf in sheeps clothing for they both went there apparently good t friends, ho invited the white man in , and there killed him, and the house . was not Brown's. Just what passec B between them after Mr. Fant steppcc in the death trap is not known, bu that he never had a chance to defeni 8 himselfis evident, for although he ha< * a pistol it was still in his left coa ? pocket,, and had not been fired. II 'T must have been unawares of what w? afloat, for it seems it was a trap < ih Brown's which some other thing c* will likely yet show up. 1(5 Mr. Fant is well known here at ,u at Union, having many farailv coj neotions here, and there, besid numerous friends, and was a son is County Superintendent of Educati< At D. B. Fant. was a very industrio "it- young man- and diligently appli vill himself to his business. Ilowev i it much he was fated to step aside tl fatal evening lladger Fant did nol 1 ??1 ?Ilia mor on ing to De IXIUt utri cu xvi ?.*.w ? dd- remains were laid to rest in i to Presbyterian churchyard in the pi big ence of a large concourse of relati rrrm and friends. Rev. E.M. Merritt, of the Meth ist church conducted the burial i rick vice8' > are ^ne thing *? mention is that pur- W0I"k the murderer was quick, re of not more than ftfteep ipinutep i Mr, Fant left a friend's roonr i the &??^ spirits, that friend found hi corpse. The people here arc indie but cool, IIey Denve 0 8 Brown Rodger, the murd 5 an came to Union immediately nfte on killing and delivered himself t "th* '8 now 'n Ja^ to 1 6 the next term of court at whi wajB will answer te the charge of mi ' ? i " J Hue The Sale of the Bolt Proper quite > there The salerof the Bolt property rented off on last Saturday as advertised i ng de- Times Mr. A. W. Greene crU with a ?le. Tb.? lota brought very goo og day Age prices. There were six lots ing on tko public road 68 feet f Uuion 'eet deep. And were sold as foil* which h?*1 No. 1 to R L. McNally f< Messrs N?- 2 to J. H. Bartles for $ 1 . | Lot No. 3 to J. G. Farr, with h M.Jor- . it, for $155. ** ' T1 * UmuvyJt f,,r en wick Dot rso. * tu ___ t three Dot ^?* 6 10 D? Davis for $1 rs went k0* ^?* ? to Jame? Young for $ report a A naw #trepfc *?** bW opened itlng of Mother lots faoe this. No. 1 lte< belongs to the 8rst tract, faces tl 6S feet aid runs back 344 feet, annotbe are nine lots in the othsr tract i can jj0 7 <jj,e property was firs bi la were called reatment whole. Vhera a as no hid on ts make property, or front lots. Tl Lh6 K*fPvoP^y WftS bi 1 in M a who] JJk a ?. L- McNally for 1350, being ?x?will than it brought by lot sale, job*. K Subscribe for Tli? T lug a Rushing Bnslr.e3s. "< J. C. Hunter, the rostmaccer at , h is f urnis'red us with a st ?te- y >f the business of the po>t rth ;e for o years to April 1st, 1003. The irative statement shows an increase amount of business over last year of 1 one thousand dollars. This is one ?? most forceful evidences of the ?a runiti growth hful, substantial aim ..r._ w io town. The comparative state* t is as follows: 1902-1903. Qr. A pi 1st to June 30,'02 $1,441 03 Qr, July 1st to Spot. 30th 1,381 10 i (Jr. Oct. 1st to Dec. 31st 1,000 80 < Qr. Jany 1st to Mar 31, '03 1,833 02 To'al $0,343 27 1901-1902. nd Qr. Apl 1st to June 30,'01 $1,290 08 rd Qr. July 1st to Sept. 30th 1 200 78 1th Qr. Oct. 1st to Dec. 31st 1,4S0 78 1st Qr. Jany 1st to Mar. 31.'02 1,333 12 Total $1,300 70 MONEY OBDER BUSINESS. Comparative statement of the money order business for the flrst quarter in f 1902 and 1903: Jan. 1st to March 31st, 1902 $3 379 33 ' Fe s ' 49 91 $3,429 41 ^1^1903 $3,379 5: &ut""2&!fiss, is*no\ This ij a nrpff? foi t $>,433 31 office for a PCu thl' ' *S,C00 worth Of business' .1 Un,on' M necessary to raise an nm I "nnum is ' "n ?o the pl.ce, , w" ""lv lack something DCVA/UU vittww. . . _ m like sixteeu hundred dollars to get our post offl :e iu the second class list. The advance has been rapid the last jear. It j may not be long. A Demonstration of What Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy Can Do. "One of our customers, a highly rospectcd citizen of this place, had been for ten years a sufferer from chronic diarrhoea," writes Wnldcn A Martin, druggist, of Enterprise, Ala. "He had used various patent preparations and been treated by nhyeicians without any Iierraanent benefit. A few months ago 10 commenced taking Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and in a short time was entirely cured. , Many citizens of Enterprise who know the gentleman will testify to the truth* fulness of this statement." For sale by 1 F. C. Duke. 1 t A Light But Strong Vote. | The vole on the Library was verj t light, about half of the voting strengU e being poled. This possibly can be ac l8 counted for by many who were not free f holders feeling that they had no light t 'rg vote on a tax question remaining awa; * from the polls. The advocates of th ltj tax plan carried the election by the ui piecedented majority of 251 to 52. Tb ? advantage of the ward voting precinc e? 0f was eeen in this election, as the resu 3n was known in about thirty mlnut ug after the polls closed. e(j The vote by wards was as follows: Ward 1 Yes 4G; No G er t4 2 t4 ^ i4 10 lat ?? 3 ? 79. u 2G i\i- t1 4 i4 14 tal the Total - - - - 253 02 C8- wkhcd to have the people expr veg themselves by ballot and say whether not they favored maintaining the libi 0(}_ by taxation. They have said, and t 3er^ in no uncertain manner. Now let tb be no harboring of revengful feeling: the ill will by any one. We are going for get the library and so let us all be ha tfter an<* lielp ^ 10 a11 tbe 8??^ possibl 1 A JRromlneqt Minister Ree im a mends' Chamberlain's Coll Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. nant Rev. Francis J. Davidson. past< the St. Matthew Baptist clp^rch crer, president of the Third District lla r the Association, 2731 Second St., New A .y,? leans, writes as follows: "I have . Chaml?erlain'8 Colic, Choler and ] await rhoea Remedy for cramps and paii ch be the stomach and found it excellent lrder ** in ^1C ')est cramp and colic pdy I have eyef used. Alsq seyei my parishioners have used it O equally satisfactory results." Fo by F. C. Duke. Will .the Stores Close? -*d Ihe There was a petition circulate d aver- wee]j n^ing the merchants to clos< fronts Btores at n p. m. beginning on Ma] ind 280 ?t geems there is a diffeie ice of c 5W8: as to the best time to begin, som< >r $130. jt one time some another, some May, others fifteenth of May, a ouseon others want to wait until Jun Why not all agree on the happy n $105. 0f j|ajr i5th. If we remember o< that was the time the stores b MO. close last summer. Close up a op jhe oleics a chance for sojpe rp T, whiuh jQ the afternoon. lis street ? ? There ^ Great Sensation. ollowing There was a big sensation in L< h -.ij uv Ind., when W. II. Brown of thi y who was expected to die, had for as a saved by Dr. King's New Disco thefl'st Consumption: He writes: "I i le second ifywjfcratye agonies |rqm Asth your New Discovery gave me lnc e by Mr. reijef ftnd soon thereafter el 523 more completo cure." Similar cure# sumption, Pneumonia, Bronch Grip nre numerous. Jt's the remedy for all throat and lung imPB. Price 60c and $1. Guaranteed Duke, druggist. Trial bcttles i V. T. BE The large qua * J "I Q ?f, ? pOS6U Ui xuim - ~ ulated us to secure THE BEST V rOu'r Purchases th 1SSt and We thiol and the prices to< in and s?? our stc tK =3.^ lc hite Goods,Gmbi \j% | NO TR0U \W. T. E I Jinkea a Clean Sweep. "\ There's Aothiiic like doing a thing ? o i thoroughly. Of nil the Salves you ever V_ m o \ heard of, liueklen's Arnica Salve is the H | Ibest, It sweeps away and cures Burns, I I 6 I Sores, Bruises, Cuts. Boils, Ulcers, Skin ? I Krhptlontsnd Piles. It's only 25c, and ie I guaranteed to give satisfaction by F. C. ,.1 Duke, driggist. I L It I Honor I Roll of Union Graded fc81 K Schools. ICKXTRAL SCHOOL. 1 1st Glide A?Winnie Perry, Ocey 1 WhisenS. Mildred Waldron inderel Oliver Rio*, Walter Sprouse. C 1 1st G?e B?Vera Charles, Anna L. ' oho, Labelh Arthur, Maud Woods, obertlmilton. 2nd lde?Teacher absent, 3rd Ide?Louis Mcpanjel, Antonla IcDafl Viola Ilames, Harold Brown, ^ellylcell, Fred Lawson. iihAde?Bessie Davis, John Mc[JowMfford Harris. 5tlBde?Kelly Ledtetter, Emma RodBlyra Young. Albert GJiphant,, Kate ^ Smilj I 7Hadc?Mattie Williams, Nina I S.iHJelle Crawford, Eloise Smith, | I Mt^fcrrah, Wallace Gibb", Sydney X Gl?u. ?Nannie Wilburn, Fannie I aed Th Kathleen Briggs. Asset Diar- H excelsior school. as in Hade? Iloea Horn, Herbert Jolly, ?? jHibright, Franklin Horn. rToi ^Brade?? Luther Bishop, Perrin with J^tinnie Wardell, Budie Sims. A r eftle Hiade?Jacob Longshore. MX1 Hrade?Uoxie Horn, |H~ west end school. lHjiade?Jennie Colson, Ruth d this 1 Eg^iie Gileon, AlKje Gregory, 3 u \m Sw^? Joh? H*rrte' Waltcr rltith. Oscar Lewis, Boyd Hemes, 'Pinl0ntBcks?n' Arthur Edwards. u **?" Hi rade?Carrie Law eon, Addie Fannie Thompson. nd ' rade?ltobert Couch, Lena Cole thur Johnson, nedium Qrt^_Bepj. Ly brand, Wyley wrectly ^ Dora Dunlap, Belle Hill, Sfgite llf0rd' AUW>J Greg0rjr' cie^tipr monarch school. trade?Claude Johnson, Mark i, Howard Iluddleston, Myrtle seaville, ">< Sadie Jolly, Willie Johnson, it place' 3rade? Kelelle Cols, Irene Mc. his lift Lillie Bolle TuckeU, Fuller very for ' ma.^bu trade?Btbel Steadmaa, Nancy imediat [fected a i of Con Cure a Cold la Oae Day 'wlrEi romo -Qaiaine Tablets. T1 tSS fgi^itfui* the i^iMt fail. U hv K C E- W. Qrovt's signature on i.i. " > ??? jhar AT Y & CO > ??? ntity of Goods disjeason has but stimrenewed efforts to ALUES TO BE I we sell lu ?vv. lar0er X :Vuoh bccdt? % ' V>hr' .<?) ^ us oonsuu til ^ ~~ r i we have n. ny?s and Jjitter value The V > have been mV <> f?Bt educed. Ca e are ck of roideries, Laces, Alppiqut BLE TO SHOW THEM. lEATY &, C nployment for Idle Mi This Bank pays 4 per cent, interest compounded a year on all savings accounts. In other words it offc: mediate investment for idle money in any amount 00 up at 4 per cent, per ai When you deposit your money in our Savings Di mcnt you make the investment yourself without risk, wi expense, and with the certain knowledge that your n will never earn you less than 4 per cent. ? . ; HE PEOPLES B/ B. F. ARTHUR, President, j $176,000. Stockholders worl ttention Farm< We want vou to visit ^ ^ w A?#av vr MJL JkA ?l ware store and inspect the best a largest assortment of Plows 4J^C ,b* and Plow Stocks In the State. We by them by 1 car load and can save you mon (Trade with us and be happy.) NION HARDWARE dware Leaders, Uni ?.. * HAD. 17~ * s' * u )s,etc. ;o. i?en oney. twice rs in* from tuition eparttkoat J oney 1 I th 1*00,OOP. ers. rdnd ? > the ey. . I CO., ion, B. O .jfe