EAS1 f 06 To Our j ":jk We knew yoi '"^as'the grand est selection ^ """" _ L. Easter Sunday custom has or appear in their new and finest ra g the ocorsion we have ready for yoi I Spring C yjj For men and boys ever shown in is tailored and finished in the 1110 IS a correct style and fit most cxch S ' ranging in price from I $1 to i In our store. Our White Seal ( ?:u-o urn theonlv part IWlillU'l aim ? v V in Union. A B ^0orm>0 .' *.' '' *? > * "*'" I REMEMBER And tlie ?pie goods and "b Oo ltfrlende old time roll v And we will give i YOURS ^ L JJ It # Ylany Thousand i wanted something nice for Sprin I display of NEW SPRING GOODS in the history of oui business, is i ii ICnr thp Wp.II T I UI L11V II VII M jlWe are in the lead with by far gocds ever shown by any houc< m Dress Goods Btfre you buy. Our Merceri; ^pfr:J out of sight. You must see tl - ?4 We have many of the new thi will not find elsewhere. Oxfv dained that everyone shall the best sellers. The best li iment. In anticipation of be found in town. Big assor ir inspection the finest line date. If you fail to see our I treat. We are the Mfg. ager lothing this store. Every garment II st careful manner, producing isive. You can find suits ^ 520 g | Jlothing is a /w7 ..\>-\ ies selling it ^ HATS, ife Oome and get under cover if you neei Good Hat. Our Pointer Brand Hat Is a daisy for style, snap, light weight t durability. So also our latest soft shapes all shades and grades. WE HAVE ONE OF THI ^-STOCt ndia tousine^s we now ?n ottom prices, and tne soOc +V| ^ wore you do for us th a'ble HIs^l prices, m GIVE US YOUR fou the greatest bargains ever shown o solioiting a continuance of same Mw . if GREET I Customers Or g and we left no stone unturned now in our store will show. By low awaiting yQH__l ires^ed Ladies ' the grc>berlc3t line of nice dress q in Univ^n- Do^'t fail to see ; DCTtertment Js half of w r.e 1 Wl/on that jlds arc just simply lem. J ?or*l c,fw goods for waists. / n^s iri *.lld Goods which you irds, j !{3i0lJn8? Mouselins are ne off Embroideries to tment 11^4 stylish and uP"to,aee U who J?ent you will miss a it for i ?fV ft 111 ^ I rl doubk a;c what y< jnaorj look sweetest. You -A?* %/i:^and Oxfords, embracii _x ^_ \ |T \ Shoe Department, wl OrSBtS \ ij^J \ stylish but arc up to snuu. j j | I ' Insuring comfort, onl durable vou can wear t ~T?\I0VELTIE8 IN F i a An legant gift in artistic Furtiture is alway appreciated and admired, especially when they cc BOBO'S. pVll our Furniture bears the stamp ofhigh genuine with. M Call your Special Attentic md To our gi}d display of ltockers, Artistic Tables and \ ill assortmerpf China and Japanoes Mattings. Ben I are alwayfi the lead in Furniture. Our increased I to show tt the public know a gool thing when they 1 ??????? E VER> LARGEST?^ ( Thanking you >, assuring : best goods at lowest prioc INGS le and All. to please you ?k * far the great(?) J \ D&.enweare weekjHg^ \ ^ \ lUT-aW' I Easter Shoes 5U require lor Sunday when you want to will find a handsome line of botli Shoe?1 ig the new toes, strops and heels in our Inch ore not only extremely dressy and RFECT IN FIT, y given by the perfect shoe. And so them a year hence. URNITURE. UNION COUNTY o dealings, lionost > putting In for us. Ln Pattering down for your valued trade and URS u FOR BUSINESS