f 01 Thin i? 21 "woiidori'ul nrrr tlio cntii*<; sioi*( oin* ? ? *. lUll O F F E I And when to this is over estimated. R< things and we wan1 'l Among olhcL'columbus m archbishop of Toledo. Pedro Gonial called the third king scholarly srchK?hop b If) -*.Val,the project l ^ oi>Uin* C?pyr |tl 1X3 Ij Rtrt C-t I Ltri epondcnce of the ^has boou stated thatS. t \ a waiting attitude tpv ASSf /or 8 reform manife >' is mingled with wtOPYW6MT v?0> E> -t wr*\ct\XtiaX This department is fillet would lill out our line comp expense. / This ij.c 1 tin a gr u* ami wo can fit 3011 out New CI I) 'IT* a it lliASli! ladsoinc wensoii j ?i' lli<; year, and the ly of goods wliioli re linvo gathered ic j nre t>eziiitii*ul, nntf)NV -liilo service has i Our well known si?lele ofpiirelinslng 1 R YOU THE L 0 VI ; coupled the fact that we sell strictly ONE PRI ^member ONE LOWEST PRICE TO ALL, and ? t you to call early and and inspect same. 11 w ? J m MEN'S U i-ZJ I rp, . g reachou ?.?> W. I I sl&A^kWfl If break co*>"nues *,- ^ df, \l I 1 ' ^-^1,0,1 ?f the Ponchartrain dia- th< " W \ I 1,1?,.t0 y is that the lta? of levees is be. of II I J ? f aml that a11 ob?orvable weak a*' *- ''' 8ix>ll have^ been strenytb^^" ' ?' favorite department because it is lone in wlii< m |f ' 1 " our trade is of the highest grade, and particular altontion is Wear Giving Qualities The suits will not only weal j( "We have purchased for the comiifg sprii yet shown. Tlie Prices vini ^ And we want you to come Pri>ared t ^SnYOUNG MOM'S This department of our business, includiik e sale of eh itr Titnv ho PresitBof tho timo we know the young men Ul iwuaj ???iy ^ him right Mother?, ax well as fathers, will a^Lith us that The Prices which we have sfcon our And their wear giving qualities have been lakcrj account b< merits and J AT THE D W ! Each suit being marked in plain figures and the It confidcn< E N " : 1 to the ceiling with good things for spring, ani our w0w.i bra 'etc. Prices are just right. 1 he shapes the most sty p|lc gjz wo IVI EPS The st\le of a woman's shoe is of much impoils ^ 1,3-1 have in stock for spring the cledrated Dorothy Dol^ and ( ing ?e" ,ost 'ariit of stui gntiiiie?? h? ?? ol*0 remlorcl it 1)ossil> ior ?s to /EST POSSBLE CE, th e c^fck+w - zz srass C LOTH I -is dge - ^ t "a i 11 \M/X*" ___ ^*5 Spocial attg"4-k'g b "u- - fllijTng ' X 7 X ;k Inquest today an* i^ovL^Mn] ?/zz^ eh we excel all oilier. The clothing that we have made for paid n it only to the looks, hut the PVOft/ QI II+- \i/n ortll x/ i ? v>& jr vjui L VV ^ OUI1 Dok well throughout their entire service, ig the finest line of clothing that we have >e Very Reasonable, ;o receive fullest value for your money. > CLOTHING ildren's clothing, is taken as good caie of as our men's, as to come, and particu'ar care should be taken in clothing Clothing are the most Reasonable, i3ides which clothing in our ftorc is sold exactly on its EST PRICES, jc can he placed on anything shown you. SHOES.^?mds have been letair.ed, and we have alec added some new nut \s, of course, complete in each line, so that you c\n be fitted i shoe s. bine; else. Of course this is secondary to the wear. We Xxfords which are no'ed for their perfect fitting and weari HEN'S HATS. ?^ i wide range of prices. Our straw hats strck is great, a Genuine Panama. You will have to fee them to 5 H I N G GOODS fullest variety. Whether you want to buy a collar button or < Purcell's 01 F N G. j m is rcllectcd ill the J e stylew througiioiit m had much to do in (J P R I U t 9 I in our store will not be I *nt !s teeming with good I nu \ / vl?!?/ I < i ribers which in our judgment without trouble, and at small pS0s!L. W Nl^ S?? t wedding outfit com< to aefl d Stand.