% ' Union Times i S'c who can solve the puzzbs head. We trust th a n- \v de^ai for our readers, both youni* an correct answers sent in. NO. THE TRAVELS C The friar sends for Garcia Fern dez. a fiiend and physician of Fa likewise. Martin Alonzo Pinzoo, a tinguished navigator, and several pi and mariners of the same town. | consultation is held. FIND TWO HIDDEN CIl SEVERAL CIIILI)* We are ghul to see our \oui < ur Picture Puzzle department, more apt than tlie boys, as the ai pally from these bright younu M their kind words regarding Tim The TTmes interesting to all its The answers Cor last week's pazz Mr. Editor: Von evn find the third Fri;i lumbus. It you turn tlie paper I am ten years old, ruul the Uxi to our home. Yours sincere! .Mr. Editor:?I give the ans Turn picture upside down and ) view "f stivmg.'.r's. face or near r; ol-nge. Yours I I l)ear Editor:?litre 1 conn turn and tlie iiead. 1 was behin first this time. Your lit [You came close, only two answers appear as they c one in Mr. Editor:?To tind the t side down and the lace is opposi ii.id the thee marked around. I is a we'eome visitor to our lion < L:ttle Viola II ones Ut Judgment street, years old, fi IT A - -TT~ JLLOW LO J: Picture Puzzle No. o.?lnvc: map on the wall, outlined by ri. *Didn''S LiKc The JVeto Way When civilization reached Pine IT ill City, a 1 auk was established. and one of the first customers was ohl man Jnhurnn. A fi w days later Ito wanted money and en' -rod the place with a K'?in In his hand. "Want so-, a i tot: y today?" (j nor led the p"e side :.l. "Well, it's ready fur yon." "Say. I (h :>'i understand," exclaimed ti)nt I want it in the old way." j "Well, have it the old way, then." Tlx? old man trim peal forward to tlio ! enshlor's window, rested the muzzle I c f h!s gun on tlio ledge and yelled out: "Come elov.n or you are a dead Man!" "Certainly. Hero's thirty." "And?and is that all there is to it?" "Th at's all." "Th n I'll I e handed If I want it," lie sa.'d. and he throw the money back and wont outdoors and sat down on a barrel r.[ sugar in front of a grocery and shed tears. Kotnrnllf. As a gentleman was stepping from Ms carriage In Hnrrisburg to take tlio train for Philadelphia his coachman sahl- "Tlio oats are getting low, sir." "Very well," said the gentleman. "Von telephone Miller Ac Jones to send un scire." in"'" ictura Puzzle that appear weekly under this lineut wih lum'sdi amusement d old. We will pub i.sh all 4. >r ?ni iiianno /r kui_uivil>i<;>. aPP'P-.-P-PP 1 tV "" ' . P y r,? - VP itu's of columlus. I EN'S ANSWERS, t : readers takinjr an interest in The little girls seem to be nswcrs so far have b'en pr'nei[is?se^. We thank them all for Times. We endeavor to make >,k i < 1 . i n j Krvf ' \ \*ah iy n ti/l r\\ /I ? i:au ici ij\ F\j i jr villi uiiu uiu, e are as follows: U'llon, S. C., Feb, 13, 1003. it* by the right shui'der of Coup-ide down you cm find him. on Timks is a welcome visitor y, Willie Hames, West End. Olney, ?. C , Feb. 14, 1903. jwer to Picture Puzz'c - No. 3. run will see Frial's face nt side iglu shoulder. I am 12 years i nly, Ethel Gault. dt. J'U', S. Feb. 1/j, 1003 j again. I will mark the j>icid b fore, 1 hops 1 will get in t'e girl, Viola Fare. ahe ?d of you this time The ?El. Union, S. C? Feb. 1G, 1003. bird Friar turn the p:cture upte Columbus' face. Yon will am ten years old. The Times e. Mary Bishop. ion, d iught r of W. J. Hames> ids the picture. 'ind Him: I picture. Head of Friar is in fhl arm and hair of Columbus. I I Mike went to the telephone, when I tin- following conversation took place: ' "Is this Miller & Jones?" "Yes." "Well, you si ml up six hags of oats, ' and hurry up with Mini." "All right. Who are they for?" I "Arrali. now. don't you get gay?for , the horses, to lie sure." And Mike rang | off.?Philadelphia Ledger. Time tn Slop It. Tinkle?It's a long lane, you know, that has no turn. Wrinkle?I don't know anything of , the kind. That musty old falsehood has ! done service long enough. Any one wiili eoimnon sense should know (hat ! it is tlic short lane that has no turn. The longer the lane the more opportu| nity and reason there is for varying Its ! course. Kansas City Journal. I PlilliMiltle. Judge?Whatever Induced you to rteal six oranges from the stand of this poor old woman? Tired Teddy?Well, how could I buy 'em when 1 didn't know de price? Judge?Couldn't you ask? Tired Teddy?Your honor, I always was so very timid about speaking to women.?Detroit Tree Press. Sciv Mn casino OiJlee. " j no express agent Avon't lot us lin\'e that sliipinont of paper," said tho business manager, "until aa-o plnnk the rash doAvn." "Thnt's nil right. .lust announce that tho twentieth edition Is exhausted and out of print, and let tho express man go to blazes."?Atlanta Constitution. a I.OliK Jolt. The Britisher?a av, my good boy! I don't seem to grasp your system of having numbers on your streets. Would, you kindly make it clear to me? The Messenger?Make it clear to yez! Hay, young feller! D'yez Uiioav dat mo time Is woit tboity cents nil hour- cash In advance??Brooklyn I.!fe. t THE WHISKERLESS FARMER [The Ontario (>J. Y.) farn"rs' grange has pass---.-!I resolutions to the effect that hereafter all members will "eschew the f wearing of whiskers and beards."?News Item.] And arc the fi stive lilacs doomed? * Will goatees go no more? Are sideburns sidetracked for all timo ( And pal ways gone before? Farowt '.1. farewell, betvhtskercd face! Itucolic styles declare That you'ro passe, though poultry's "dressed," ^ ^ The farmer's face goes bare! What will the comic artists do When drawing pictures of The victim and the green goods man? j Thoso portraits that we love? How can we tell, without a tag. The guileless farmer's mug, .? Without tlie fringe we'vo grown to know'? f That human hirsute rug? The century is on the move; ( Our ideals, shattered, fall, But of the changes we hcwall This is the worst of all. And yet some men will benefit In dollars?likewise rents? For razors will be catalogued Among farm implements! The winds of winter moan alone Unchecked by whiskers red, T And I'nele Josh gives up his beard For stuffing for a bed. While on the page with plows and hoes, With rakes and drills, he sees N - Send For Our Razor No. 9 and Mow Yourself With Ease. ^ 11 n ?Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. 1, Just in Time. ^ ^ C .Poet?Ob, the (!?!!?!!!) beautiful sn? ?Cleveland Dealer. I Taken Onlern. When Miss Lucy wanted particularly fine chickens, she always drove over to see old Aunt Etta, who had a scrap of a farm and made a specialty of raising chickens for the quality folks. One day, as the lady slopped in front of the cabin, Aunt Etta came out and hung over the gate. "Chickens!" she exclaimed in answer to her customer's request. "Chickens! Why, law, Miss Lucy; don't you all know there's been a camp meetin' and preachers'conference down here? Why, I ain't got one chicken left! They're all done entered the ministry!"?Lip pmcoit'S. Clone Quarters Preferred. ITolon?I wish I had some kind of enchantnttmt to cast over him to keep i him l'ond of me. < Ned?Why don't you borrow some? 1 "Oh, dear! I'm afraid 110 one has any 1 to lend." "Why. yes. Distance lends enchantment. Have you tried there?" "No, and I'm not going to. I'd rather take my chances at close quarters."? Kansas City Journal. I'll necessary Trouble. Lieutenant (who lias been inspecting I the estate of a noble landowner)?And this beautiful estate will all be inherited by your noble daughter? ( "Well, hardly. You see, I have no daughter." "Indeed! Then what on earth did you 1 want to tire me out for by this inspection V? l'liegende Itlatter. YVreteh. "(leorge, did you ever love any other woman as well as you love me?" ' , "Oh. yes. dear; several of them." "Indeed! Why didn't you marry one of them instead of me?" 1 "Well, I suppose I'll be asking my- 1 self that question, too, some day."? 1 Chicago Tribune. Involved Fuel ItrlntioiiH. Norn?Tho lady next door wants to borry a bucket o' coal, ma'am. Mrs. Blank?Norn, tell her that wc are already borrowing our coal from the people on the other side of us.? Detroit Free Press. * ?????? | Good Medicine. Doctor? Did those plu.k pills I loft for little Wlllio seein to do him any good? Mrs. 11.?Yes, Indeed, doctor. lie's 4>ccu a*sittln' up In bed all day n-play'in' marbles with them.?Sap P/qpgsco j efamto.V. j' Capacity or business receives its >peediest reward in the selling iepartment. If you think you have the ibility to sell a Five Per Cent. rwenty-Year Gold Bond on he instalment plan write me tating your age, present >ccupation, and give me bank )r other good references. All letters treated as strictly confidential. GEORGE T. DEXTER, Superintendent of Domestio Agencies, he Mutual Life Insurance Company of NewYerk, 32 Nassau Street, New York, N. Y V. II. Hyatt-. Manager, Columbia. S. C. llamcs&I.ips omli, Aircnts, Union. Divorce In Jnimn. A traveler recently returned from apan tells of some of the queer laws ti that country concerning divorce: A divorce 011 the part of the husband i easily obtained. One of the legal auses of divorce is 'if the husband Ind the wife too loquacious.' * Yet in .11 my long experience in Japan I have net only one man who discarded his vife, and 1 never met with a family vherc dissension existed, nor have I !ver heard of a husband treating his vife with severity, although the same annot bo said of some parents-in-law, vlio consider their son's wife a mere 'battel. As a general rule, the appearince of girls and women testifies of a ightness of heart not always found in >tlier climes where their sisters have nore abundant means of happiness." The Weight of n Trifle. In the journal of the celebrated EngIsh preacher, Frederick Ilobertson, occurs the following singular passage: 'If I had not known a certaiu person, i never should have given up soldiering to become a minister; if I had ;iot met a .certain ladj*. I never should bave known that person; if my dog bad not disturbed thnt Indv's invalid ?liild at night, I never should have met her. It is true, then, that if my dog hud not barked on that particular night I should now be in the dragoons or fertilizing the soil of India." Fnabion In (he Garden. It is the passion for fashionable novelties?a passion of modern existence? which prevents us from enjoying our gardens as our grandparents used to enjoy /heirs. We allow our hired gardeners to (\r,vc thence all the simple old flowers that our fathers loved and called by pet names which were familiar to us all in nursery days.?London Garden. FREE BLOOD AND SKIN CURE Cures Blood Poisoti, Scrofula, Eczema, Rheumatism, and all Blood Trouble, The Botanic l.lood Balm (B. B. B.) treatment for impure blood and skin disease is now recognized as a sure and certain cure for the most advanced stages of cancer, eating sores, eczema, itellings skin humors, scabs or scales, syphilitic blood poison, scrofula, ulcers, persistent eruptions, pimples, boils, aches and pains in bones, joints or back, swollen glands, risings and bumps on thoskinor blood diseases. Men, wo men miu cimuren are neing curetl in every State by Botanic Blood Balm for purifying the blood and expelling tbe germs and humors from tbe entire system, leaving the skin free from eruptions, and rosy with evidence of pure, rich blood. No sufferer need longer despair?help is at hand?no matter how many discouragements you may have met with, Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) cures permanently and quickly. To satisfy the doubters we will give to any sufferer a trial treatment absolutely free so that they may test this wonderful remedy. B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) sold by all drug stores with complete directions for home treatment for $1 per large bottle. For free trial treatment, address Blood Balm Co , 8 Mitchell Street. Atlanta, tia., and Trial Treatment will be sent at once. Write today. Describe tioub e, an 1 free medical advice given. Over 8,000 voluntary testimonials of cures by using Blood Balm. Thoroughly tested for 80 years. For sale by F. U. Duke, Druggist. There Is no use in repining that life is short. It is not to he measured by the quantity of its years, hut by the quality of Its achievements.?rhiladelphia Ledger. I*.ok!)oiik1 :>!lity Fixed. Sunday School Teacher?Now, can any one tell me who made tlio Milky Way? Tommy?It was the cow that jumped over the mocn.?Milwaukee Sentinel. AccorillnK to Oriler. Indignant (Juost?These don't taste like first class eggs. Dignified Walter?No. suh. You asked for medium boiled, didn't you, suh?? Chicago Tribune. Feminine Felicity, nnstneln - Ilow pleased Eleanor looks lonlght! Kdinonla - Yes; she's either had a proposal or some man has sent her a box if candy.?Exchange. IIIn Rpvrr???. "Funny thing that. Ever notice 11?" "What 'tis?" "Why. when n man's down It's all up with hlin."- Baltimore News. / Remember, Friends, You will always find a full ^ line of ? C Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Meat, Lard, Canned and Bottled Goods, Fresh Vegetables, and everything j._ i-_ e i ? < - iu uu juuiiu iu au up-io-auie L family Grocery, at my Store. A Tobaccos and Cigars a Specialty. Bring Your Laundry to We. J. T. SEXTON.1 Mniv Street. > J. CLOUGH WALLACE. * ATORNEY AT LAW. * ? i Ihcru 12 upstairs Fo ter Bui liner. 1 RALPH K. CARSON. II. L. SCAIFE. ? CARSON & SCAIFE. * ATTORNEYS AT LAW. 1 Special attention given to real estate and collections. S MIIANS BEATY, ' ATTORNEY AT-LAW. No. 3, Law Range. S. G. SARRATT, | PHYSICIAN AND SUROEON. Offers his professional services to the people of Union and surrounding country. Dav calls at Duke's Drug Store. Night calls at the residence of Mr. L. J. 1 lames. 18 tf. Money to Loan. \ I have money to loan in amounts of 5300 ami upwards on improved farms i at 7 per cout interest. No com- j mission except a ren fonable attorney fee i for preparing necessary papers. J 89-1 y. V. E. DkPass. GET SHAVED! You can get scraped at any old place but when vou want to get shaved go to MULVIHILL'S BARBER SHOP. The most artistic hair cutter in towu. Next, door to Tinsley'a Jewelry Store. ? '28-4i, CONTRACTORS' * ^BUILDERS'^ ?._WIILL SUPPLIES. Oullkll, liMllMM, Othuui Mt? Ql> ?1 ?oi?. JU?, 1?|UM ?nrt Plan. 'Mki, Bwrwlu, Oukt, Auti *M (tei? liUM. mto?( a try Bm. Mate twiai JiMnni. LOMWRD IRON WORKSi SUPPLY Ca 1 IWo promptly obtain U. 8. and Foreign ,? esbse Bend model, sketch or photo of invenUon for r i free report on patentability. For free book ,< [ , i TRADE-MARKS ' | Opposite U. S. Patent Office \\ i hon?>" nn<1 |KH>r Ing bunions I# the ^^?sl j wo rut kind of a com- j Eureka I Harness Oil i I not only miikw the linrness and tbe I HA hori-o hx;k Ixdter. but ninkos the ' |\% t lfitthor soft ihkI j.llnblc, putH llln con-I'lTk ,11111 , dllion to )u?t?twlco lis long I l) 1/imiiwv/i "s 11 brfr cent, interest on i urn* I I.hh I lion ?i rum v* i - vi.""v axo commission* chargeiUpn iIihh? Iohih. lJ'irrower onlj itq'und to pay attorney for pr< paring neee8.-uiy paper*. ttc. J. A. SAWYER. Attoroev-at-Laiv. 8910m. Union, 8. C. Thin aif^iaturo in on cvory box ot tbe gonulnx Laxative BrorAo-Quiainc Tablet. U?j Toiufrty that oirix n rohl tu on* |? ui ~i &i a itop m it 34 Lv, b KDUIIIgCUIl. W.d.lty I UJ |J ul 1U ll Su^^ L.v. liictlinuuu, O. .1 L, Ay ID .i y m 1 lo y L.v. i'eici,uuin, n 20*. ma l in Lv. Nuraua, *' i Uu iu o.b ji ui Lv. Henderson " 2 l>i a ui &6i p~iu Lv. li.llcl^ll " ill. Hi 7 2< |i UI Lv, Oeu. I'luos " 0 oa a ui a 27 y ut Lv. It-mil ifl, OA L.. 7 2U a iu lu 8? p ui Lv. Columbia 1 " ui Lv. Uallliuurc, is ai'vv Lv. tVusu'luu, N A \V o l.v. l'urlsuiuulU,a A Ltvy !) w p ill y Xo ?ul^i It lip ui 11 to* LV. ."SiM 1 Lv. i.vkiucibou '1 laaui ' lvl'Bfli Lv. Ualcigb 4.12 a iu iitp Lv. Luuli.cru 1'iiKB " t> 03 ?lu 8 *8 p uHQB Lv. tluiulct " j 7 to ? M 10 ? p Lv. ^VllutiuglvU " Ar. Charlotte~ nil 08 a ui10 & put LV. Oiiaiiur " f 10 22 a ui 1 36 a iu uv. carluic " '10 16 u jo __ Lv. (t reeu wood '* ' 12 3A_i? iu^ . . nOTmU.'. Lv. Albeua " 2 60 p UI 8 13 a lit *1 Ar. Atlanta X " 8 to p at 7 6o a iu Ar. Augusta, o Jt Vf c 6 4o put Ar. Alaeon, c ol' t,a 7 20 p u> 11 ifta ? Ar. Atuutguuiery A &VV 1* V 20 put 8 26 p ut Ar. Mobile, LAN 2 66 it m Ar. Now Orleans, L JfcN_ 7 26 aut Ar. Na*livul?, NOaM L 4 00a iu ^ 8 66 p iu Ar. Memphis 4 13 p IU 6 26 a Ut NORTHWARD i'uily i/aiiy No. 32 ho, u3 .v, Memphis, N C A tit L 12 43 uoou 8 40 p m .v. Nusi.vlilu 911 p ui 0 30 a in ... Act i-r.yaua, L l A a 00 p iu -V. .UUi lie *' 12 3o a iu ........ l.v. .Muurgouir'y, A&tVl' o 20 a ut 1 30 |. im Lt. alaoun, 0 of u? 8 00 aw 4 20 p m Uv. Augustu, cfe \V C tOiuuiii .v. Alia.la, (SAL Ky il 00 uoou t Hup ut Vr si ii. 11. " .* ? - k r i ; 1 .. **?' P iu 11 28 II m kr. itrmuwood Slip ui 1 to it m tr.Uu..?r ? 7 17 p iu 4tol" Ir. wriuM, 6 M p ""iioi'lii -?y. wiiiinutttmi, " a u6 p iu -v. lluiium " 10 4op iu 7 40 it m aouihuru I'lur. i) aopui mMb . ' .*.lieiijl?n?on ? a 1& u u, iJ 4J p m .V.Noillim 3 60 ?.u I4o?m .v.WeMou ? 6 (M> iu 3wipw _!! 7 M*?u ?. 36 p iu ki._\? aoii'tJn, N'i'rtbu"""Vr.T."V:7r" 'Mhiu Vr. Bulilumiv. It ,-j p'co ."."T" f"5 46 a hi ? "'"w t 6 wiput kr. rhi lupliVii, N V I'AN ">"d 46p iii jf *10 i~? lr. New \ ,,rk I? "1 o 1A p m tf uu a n* ? ? jN^'iSi" J T- T""l? 8 A L Kr 9 COp ... io . a n (..? 7 46 > ui 0 60 p m '' -V. Jackmuiviiio " 9 30 ?~iu fmTi. .1 van nail 1? 1 40 it m iijjp :::',;SU? :: ,i*ss sr ??? ?8:s t, Il.r. iHOMIQ 11^6 MM tfcaar > -v. ivinrxiiurK ' \ kr. Itiehniona 2 liiuKlun, W llalllniurn I' kr FlulaUolphUt " if. New Vork . >a i i jr tovn tial Tioie." ^enoHVBj V^E^CIIristtJF Tl n promptly p(T tyRwm ,*' I or "photo and we ai? ., . k^fiss',^till4ha' u charges are moAerl 1 j^B swiiff "jf"1'* jersey innts l mw. 50e casl^f 7 ^uarantee^^^