^ Local Laoonios. HAPPENINGS OF INTEREST ABOUT TOWN PERSONAL AND 0THERWLS3. H*oKh' Fehrunry h'.oiiu arrived one ^ d ly rmlv HhP\d of aoHodu'a tim >. You r .can bet 0:1 licks. Too reports from all o7ar tho couulry show c msi ieruM j damage a id piojmrty l< as. A tribute of respect to our young friend, Mr. Foster Inmati was handed us for this issue from one of his classin ites, but it was impossii)!o t ? ?*ofc it in. It will appear next week, also a communication from tho Ooun/y Supervisor of interest to all of oilr readers, which is also among the ar}' tides crowded out. f?.i Uu- ..T-l.i *r?. T xr K VM It-Oi 1 UtOUftJ" II t^'ll 1)1 I'j ) . I Greer while attempting t? throw a [ hisiu of water from the back pitch ' h lpped aud fell dowo the stops to tho ground and broke the an ill bono in lier left arm. Dr* Limlsr w^rc soon on hard aud get thi limo. Mrs Greer is getting along very will trid the bones are kuittiug toge.her rapidly. The Storm Monday Night. Ooo of tho hardest wind s\orin? vis'ted Uuiou M mday night that lug been witnessed here in a long ti n <. About 5:i>0 o'clock the rain was c< miug down in torrents. Tbe o was a Blacking up about six o'clock,. hu? tho downpour was rcpurued in an hour, and it came down heavy for an hour, i Toe e'ectric lights cf o niree were out, that is the etreat^ ligh p, and it ?a< very dark. About 0.30 the wind bsgan to blow and in 15 minutes it wns blowing a regular gale the wind blow ing troui the uorthwest. The lorce ot the wind became so great about ton o'clock that mauy cit zms feared their bouses were going whether or no. The stirs had conieout iu places while t ic olouds black and threatening lunkit Up overhead and were driven in n S)lid mass to the southeast. When m&ri g the horizia they seemed to nnet au ots ruction au l cim>) whirling und boiling hack, when the wind seemed to shake the very foundation of t '10 buildings, a id the 11 >ors cou'd be felt to tremble. The clouds were driven back until nearly overhead whan another current was encountered and theu abeeri d to the northeast and began to break up, but the wind kept up, more or less fierce, uutilufier midnight. The afternoou of the day had been warm und oppressive. This ?* wind altered the si'uatim in short order, and in the morning the thermometer stpod at twenty degrees and all outstacdiug water was frozen. Tuesday morning was one of the coldciaya we have bed this winter. Everyone dreaded to hear the morning reports as the wind appcired to be much harder than on the uccauon of the destruction of the houses on Knitting Mill bill last year. But strange to relate there were no ca-mlties to report in this iuamed'u'.e vicinity with the exception of the blowing off of about forty feet of the tin roof of Grem & Boyd's S abiea au l some Either slight damage to small buildlogs. We learn that Mr. J. B. Foster's jes'deuce at Jonesville was considerably damag9d by the ell being wrench ?d loose from the main building and twisted by the wind. Fortunately no one was hurt. AROUND WEST SPRING 1. The storm played havoc np i<1 the West Barings section. Mr. Whitehead tells us that the aiad was vcr revere ii the afternoon about 4 p. ly blowing down a stable oti tro mnleC^e'ouping to a negro living on Mr. J. L Mo Whirter's place rear the gold mine. It blew down lifty nno trees ic? one new groiiLil on thie p'nnuti >n, one out house ou Mr iieury Hyatt'e place aid a cabin on Capt. F.irr's p'ace. twenty greeu pines on Mr. Whites of Kd,ar Donald, aura of not worl . \ ' n.M. tU log otA. O.Stone "J or Hnto, Hi"'"* h>m;. Th"" OJeeoned c W,]^t under the well, kyok. jUf#r 11 t j got away us t hey wry netting m0*' wilile tl,e othtr erine 44roetrnn'V,,to K*oro 4-'"* W *ki tod* with ' lr~w'" ' It flNe OA *ltho?*Vn ?ow,l> Hn'l Rev* Jfcnble or rcioliij'1 ",T 'f0,n echooi T^owoo" m' >n? or th< m - in n brtnikoif2U8b3 were unroofed J electrocuted |>f a live electric wire. At Aiken three chihlrea were killed, two of them being killed by a'fulling tree, the othor [ by a fulling chimney. The street cir bum at Pp.trtanburg wni blown down and the ro?.f of the Suit hern cotton oil mill taken i.lT. A church was destroyed at Abbevillo, end considerable property lo?? is reported, NVnr Laurens :i negro cabin was blown d iW'i ami ?. negro child's bond was crushed, * ami n negro won n, badly injured. In oth-r ?a ^ti ?:?-< fences ond'tro-H, bridges and chi.un *ys wvrj blown down. Hnv other Stated raftered snore or 1 ,-ss i -.d much dam iga i* reported by liijh Wit :r. The Cor Ion Minalr. hi. Tho Gor'on Mmstrala phtyrd * ? e g tod iiotiFO ia^t Thursday niji.t. Ti c v were 18 iu tho troupe ai d toey Invc i go-si hand v kh them. Tee s'r w beside* hciag rp t.? the avcra^o had s-.vcral new f attires never s-jeu hero oeforr, anting which wo: i the r timing hoops an I the dual c'uh pr.iol all doctors and all remedies. Hut liucklen's Arnica Halve had no trouble to euro him. Equally good for Burns, Bruises, Skin Frupt'ons and Piles. 2'jc at Dr. E. C. Duke's Drug Store. Death of V 'o.iter fit ma u. Air. Foster Intnan, n very bright young man of the'Mb. Tubor section of Union county, who was attending tho Central Graded School, win taken several days ago with measles, which developed pneumonia las' wook, and ' he died Sunday night at bis home. ( Mr. Inman was one of tho brightest, scholars in the OiU grade of the ] school, and it had been practically ] conceded by all that ho would capture tho Munro Medal at tho close of ? this session. It is sad indeed to seo I a young life so full of hope .and 1 promise suddenly cut down. Our i heartfelt sympathies go with that of I this entire community to tho be- ' reaved inmates of his home. * 1 Death of Mr. W. IS. Crook. Me. \\\ B. C< ?; :.k at Carlisle. S. C. Messrs. W. 11. Cist and (t. Kpps Tucker aro the corporators. Tho eanitaliz^Mon of t h." hunk is to bo $10,000 divided into shares of $50 each. There is brain" and capital at tho back of this enterprise for Carlisle unci wo seo nothihg to binder its success. This is tho second corporation to be formed in the hustling little town of Carlisle. We are fclnd to see this evidence of prosperity in our neighboring town, and wish for them abundant success. Cheap 11 titcs to New Ojrlctin*, I,a. 0:> account of the Mardi Gra*. to he held at New Orleans. La.. Mobile, Ala. end Pcnsacola, Fla., the Southern Railway will sell round trip tickets on sale February 17ih to 28rd. iqcIujW^'"tH for trains arriving at ""tTjove points on tho morning of February '22nd, limited for return until Feb. 23lh. Unou payment of fifty cents and depositing; ticket with tho j >int agent not later than F?*h. 28, nn extension cm bo had until March it. Apply to any agent ot the Southern or to II, W. Ilunt, D, P, A., Charleston, S. C. ... zZtff/iii**" v ; ^ i* The Vt-viora Avottsed, There is an insurance company in Union working an Insurance, on tho weekly payment plan. That is up?>n the payment >?f it small sum weekly i lie p-.iiey holder is promised n we* k? iy ii d' uiiuty in ease r.f sickness, nil 1 (hi pi.ynun'i ot t l.o attending physi f.n n ices. i nuc is an tight so litr I;ut if. sn 0:11s |hut another f-ature has devd?>p?-d fiiuf is iiuti nt nil sat isfuel <>r\ tv 'I?yiiei.iin. It is, !i3 we understand r, about this w. > : ?\fter a policy h. hler becomes sick lie n r'^'iirul to ie:ul for n certain phy-mo un, nam, d hy the company, if not. he is not alio wed ins doctor's fees or even his sick benefits! the e'iinjinny's ngmt, wo understand, stipulated a price at which the physicians should attend their policy holders, that they, the physicians, consider unreasonably low and they refused to accept the proposition. It appears that the agent became so wrought up that ho determined to ' buck" the whole medical fraternity ol Union and at once set about to .jet another physician to come and locate in Union. llsaliziiig that the numerical strength of his policy hoi I? rs in this place was not such as to ?v: rrant him in olTuing iXAVii**-'CL'>0 guarantee to a physician/**' 1 lie is reported to have 1) 0 negroes in thesr society , ami made talks to iheny 3 endeavored to prejudice* ?-against thutr regular physicians, and tit-king themtojim forces with hltn in securing a physician to do the practice, according to his ideas. This was not long in getting to J.I10 ears of the physicians of the town, who-have taken the matter in hand as a body and went directly to headquarters an whli expose of the entire situation. I'ho company sent a representative to Union, and as wg go to press tonight ho is attending a meeting of the physicians at which the matter is to he discussed pro and con, Ir, is to be hoped that un equitable adjustment of the matl^f will bo readied. Now where the injustice to the U?ol ..lircl..;..... ?rwl .1... -If 1 iwvui i'll j oiviouo, u i 11-4 ii4?j uimilllfc? fiction to t^me a number of the policy holders comes in is: Our physician*, who ?ro witfi us and identic lied with the town and i s interests, having their homes hero and aiding u o in the upbuilding of our town with their money, brains and influence, have their regular practice cr patronage. Should one of the members ot i family belong to this insurance, die regular family physician must he pushed aside and a strange d >etor take his place in attending the patient. This arrangement is r.ot at nil satisfactory to the Lniily and is detrimental to the interest of the physician, wiio has \ ossibly done the practico for the family for years, and in whom the family have every cm[idence. It strikes us that this company charges enough to allow of a reasonable doctor's fee, and should the}' allow the policy holder to have his own physician attend him. all \vuld bo well. Etta Jane Etchings. Etta Jane, S. C-. Feb 1(5.?Asain we aic in the midst of a cloudy wet. spell of w vat her, and farmers can do rolliing more 111:111 gel woou, make lire? and "do about" the louse. They want to tophi sowing oats as soon as the ground will admit of it. Tne legis'aturo hat bpen lrunnu ring at seal? in 1 cii needed laws without making any great headway l'etli ips its just as well to stiiko tmna fioni the statute books altogether as u> keep them there u:Ynst people cool 1 apprdc' ite tho hletsings 1'iit wouM follow their atiijt enforcement. I think the legislature took the back r ick (or made ; ru -t ik ) w' 0 1 V ktllt d >ei ator Rutin's amei dment to the child's labor bill. Thatumer.duieut, in my judgment, was worth more than all the test of th.i bill put. together. It's the very tiling that has been needed ail this time. The idea of set ing able bodied men lying about doing nothing butdiiuk* i gwtdskiy and idl.nt' away their lim* while (la ir p ior little chil lreu and wives are. toiling to kf?p them rp in idleuess , ought t?l)* htopjud, and I '.at is w list I underdan 1 wastheot j 'Ctof Mr. Butler's ionondiuent to the hill. Ail that class ofjoifer* ought to 1?? vagraodiz'd. if they can't tied work at the in lis and elsewhere to help their wives and children to make a living the county or city authorities ought, to Had it for him. The nii.l men will give employment, to all who want it and will work when they got it. Mill men are not to blame?they would rather 1hvh giowu people t>d> thei'1 work linn l ttl" childree. Well, ojr people got tip tit ir phone list w?*ek We are much pleas d with it. Tliis a. iu. Mr. Rufus Est&scmirnftticed getting p >'01 to pur. one u;> and I exj#c. before long there will lie many bonus in this s< cti ?n in which there will t?? phot es at.d 1 v? 1. have a!! the news I % v/ 1 * f MiMh la liiitlilur T f\?.* e ? ' ?" "J * ?v?l. K"V. M<'. V\ fld(i), of lle, preached at Ab'ncdou Creek yesterday. Our iifop'e who \ >et and heard hint are favoraby impressed with him. I Lope ho will have a goo I hearing at each o( hi* services and will do much good. Owing to a failure of l' o mad to reach ^U4 laat Mduday I did uot get my letter off i-i tiroj r.?r lb papor. I . C) i p coon nr. i.( ih? ki?l weather ui.il j' mudi'y nor inril* liiv -liyn v?>i> ! j iri'ttjrar. *vp ? > ??!v on the Ui:i i mute. | I think < i ta% s'csy o I ?j(osi iue:i?:c?l in'I in: Iimks .bis v?ik vill lie vuy }i. ii.t tive H'.il iii** f?tir-tc in its lend rs. VVm oMirl'.t t.? ba' ii ir.nie oflhtseimp.-riant. >riral i**ifs j Vcct! ?; *:!? ' i C> ?t'l U!o*" 1111 y ;.:e n:l OvCiM^li*.! In Y.im cm! -> ii . , If n rti.'l s:i.i l? i i a* i f .1 \'i" ->!\o .-pIV.vl ! ' ll.i-1-r I. * *' I u-: lu is li.ai. I..it fcV"* I' I. . 11 12 . ' i H n , o >:.i * ' H|> I.ill vs ? t-k V\ )' . It;-* " Cl.l. Ivl.t';,!' j is rn.it a hi i i s v w li }\i families Ii iv.' i !t?v ! ii mm y . The Salti?i i>" ' i *v im 11 trre.it impiOV.llimt i:i 15; ;I* chiih nil 'nil ig le putting on i.i'M' \m .. In Sawiing ami v.ili have tli i !i i ? pi: i el i*.-'?'i as the wia.In . Mil. p i.e.' : Vox I Auction S tic oi Lot*, Mr. J. II. Jthid.ips, ti. it basiling J I nuetionter, who si!d lh? Scott property t>t Aotnu .Mill . two t ?i i s is again in our I i- going to huvo another aueioa sale of 1 .is This tiiri i lie v. ii! si ii the .). lie IIor ns property, i h? th* e >.-p-mit limits. This time ih' lots v. id he sold, you cau har.l: on that. When Mr. 1'hillip; atari in to sell apiece of property lie do s .'L hesitate to let the people keoiv what lie is about, end he knowi how to let them knbw it by spreniing printer's ink. The lot sain \v 11 take phico on the ground n?nr Mr. Harris' residence, on Februury 24th. 1 hero are some beautiful lots to oiler. If y?>u want on? bo ou hand at 1)Sid sharp. Phillip? is a hustler nud they have go? to ^o. There will be u free lot for some one. To Cure a C-.ld In One Day ' Take Lixvtive 1$ "in > (J li'iine T.ibl. i" All druggists i el miney if it tails to cure. E W. (i'.ove'.s si gnutnre .>ti each box. 2.>J. (I ly Sot^tliing A'etr in I'n-io-dnt 2 Merchandising nt t'le i> lilcv-Copclatid Cum2>a:iy's Stove. This firm realize* ibe fact that the ordinaro methods of Easiness are not always the correct one, and has determined to make a wide departure from the usual order of things, and. therefore, intend to inaugurate 11 Yellow Ticket Sale, which will com- ~ menco on Saturday, February 21st, at'.) a.'m., and as this sale necessitates the-ro-marking of all their stock with ? new prices, the store will he closed ^ all day Friday, Fel-rtt try 20-h. As & before stated, everything in the s'.ore ? will bo re-ticketed and the old price 4 .. una mo new price marKeu plainly on < each Yellow Ticket. It will be the \ greatest surprise for tho poop!? ever J inaugurated in Union, and tlie new J prices that* **'1 be placed on mcr- ? chandiso will be so low as to attract i every purchase. Be sure anu ho on i hand early to gfit full advantage of J the bargains they are offering. ESCAPED AN AWFUL FATE. Air. II. Hoggins of Melbourne, Fin., t writes, "My doctor told me I had Consumption and nothing could be -lone f >r me. I was given up to dio. The offer < of a free trial bottle of Dr. J King's New Discovery for Consumption, | induced nie to try it. Results were < ! startling. 1 am now on the road to re- 1 j covcry and owe all to Dr. King's New t Discovery. It surely saved my life." i | This great euro is guaranteed for all j j throat and lung diseases by Dr. F. C. ! | Duke, Diuggist. l'rice .*H)c and ?1. Trial bottles free. ; Bridge Letting. | Tho County Board of Commission* rs j 1 will m< et. at. C.irt bridga on Tytr*?r i ?ver i i Thursday. March ."'It. t ? Jet. to Mi low- : est responsible l.'d b*r ; he h iiM!-- g t f ;io approach to s:rd '"i > .'re on east side of f) ricer. Br'dg.r ill hi let at e'even i ? o'clock a in. To* I)oard will at. I Harris' bridge *dso at 2 ?>V. ck < f tin* ! aame dnv to i< f ' ' bidder the l?.ildit)g > f Upprcac'aS to ea< li end of sa'd bridge. ' The so'ressftil bidder will be trq > by I lie con fit v b ;? d wli'ii unload-d fi' in car N ?slnd lv j liiMib-r 'o im into cIMie- i>f :v t bridges | Cni?tr: Cor will \>e M q'lin d to give bond douh'e th?* arnvint of contract, to j do work in w a ' hnv* bridges v. .id/ for in-rre'.ivi by 1 Ml. .%f VI-.. Kid ! AVbll V/*- *? * ?? ^ I ' ' T J. BF.TRVBArftll. Supervisor l*i Jon comity. Final Diachargo. JJoMcp is li M'liv (jivPri 1* at. .To r - h \ < "?inllh Kx t'or ol' a (? ' Y", *4 ) j ltn1>>, dT^ssMl. -I f.o.tsy ) Tf.l Orrer, .To'? >r Prn'nl", i'i av-il 'lio' oonntv of Union, tor < find ducYir^e us' such Executor It 'k Oki?ktj't> TIia? 4lv> ??, .1 <*a> of i, , Modi A. I). IflM. l*? fix-i t PuLliblud in Uvtov Tmiis F?.'n. 20, ^ 1 10 >S. ft-IOd. v ' -? ? pi J *SoWrthfe for Tim Tim ub today and rtnd "The Southerners". l^-' "ill "WMffliH li ' DOOR 'J'4 * . j ? a UiJ * ?_> f.ect your Ca floor finish-: liL^ V ,,/ Hi' i** ^ ' -rr; 1 1 ol i'; ^ i.v tiJ .' W >1 i uJ> J ' good flexible 17. io rood Coco ov ~s the door and a just inside is a polls lied floor;;, or other floor cc WE ALS' A nice little i inches wide at 1 is excellent to over the stair c pet or ponsuea them from tlie r BAILEY FUR isscaoanscs,s:i?'jc'.CJCJ; > j j ^ 'j- ' ? 0 V J | J H -aJ?LO UR Li ? | Spring* * > Before buy in .8 ? a ?_ ... ~? - ?^ o iti | We can plea. a 3 1 rt i)? i /-?/\ ^? - ? >-a -^ - - - pi auu qu ? (Tae Casa Bi C? S D. N. WI a us^dnez j^ocn)..: :.::.o9Bcssae l8QBfiaoCc^C^CiC8?B6CC:t,Ci:034 ! O LA: ' I 8 O C ? 0 ?. C 2 C S C -J O 'IO C C t i. 2 U i I Wifri! your rroln-sos orders J MUSCOVADO, PMii' th'n^ yon hav ) about a NMW ORLEANS? N .t a > I have other grades that I will b.i i 1 and seo ino for molasses. , Yours for ir.olass **es*2eac uSCk.COdQI.0^ 5 KS fa SHIff s n. tj^ra. Y--m % ^ soneerorjo sawcoi a vi c~v>nm Examina'.ic n of Teachers. fl.V ( f .*>11; M' ' l< ir? t Of |.d ) uortii >r, Ic -crry f T! 0 t< fHi'rtr < x-pm'i ,'l " n\l he !i? '<1 , Union, S. (' .'mi Fiult-y. I'M riiftiy ( ill. CMint.v ::?im . .i.'tni' i ii oflj >. fnf liiie iiud Court house for colon d r i> icants. I) 11 FA NT, 2t Co. Supt. EU. UuiouCo. i <1? # m n..i .1. m ATS. i season to proroots and other i * ? . ! :s by using , OR MATS i n off the mud. A ir j Mat oa the steps, 1 It abb 3r Mat near ! , Wool Border Mat great protection to Carpets, Matting >veri ng, O HAVE; floor Oil Cloth 15 2 l-2c the yard that put down a strip i.irpet and hall carfloors. . It protect S nud. NITURE CO. ZCZOI20BC>dOIOBO examine! NE OF 2*. 1 s m Goods-. g elsewhere. { m ? ?? . . ? m sc you in 2 laSity main rto i L Q Xlii MtVl Uj LBURN. 5 :z.c^oao3 0Hoaca?B*aoB?i?aS : ? ^ L^RGECB(?Ct6?l?IGI?IUtDB qcrc s * ' fieran 4fesaJr rn I 3CL'OB73AO20 Can give you the old time oii't hud iu mi. ny days. How * syrup I?iit. ii genuine molasses. " ^leased to have you try. Come 5 cs nnd syrup,_. 2 P9S3ndt3e3BODOBCB?2?2*a?? S T E s. n?3oacf5esoBO?OHOBe Fewer gallons; wears longer. l)evoe. Notice of Election. 1) jH'iiji'r and c.lnU mid Beer l>W>|K?ns; r f'?r 1%'er J?U|**n?nry No. 1 will Iw d Much UUt. AH applications luiiht. 11* til-?? with tiiid.-tts gM* I fiiorb f.uo :h 2*? h ?C Ktbiuiry. By order of Board of Control P. M. WllITLOCK, it Ckik. s