The Union times. [volume] (Union, S.C.) 1894-1918, February 20, 1903, Page 5, Image 5

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WE ' This space 1 r\c_ i ui-tr\s To our arm i for the very li age accorded i past year. We wish you and prosperous And solicit a c your patronag ; you at all tim f attention, goo low prices. M. W. I 1 jt j 4 local scftMiaurwr raster irains. TRAIN9 lAOM COLUMBIA? , o o0 a. m. Depart 9:00 a. m ArV4ve 1:50 p.m. " 2:10 p. m TRAINS FROM SPARTANBURG. ' Arrive 11:85 a. m. Depart 11:85 a. m " 9:10p.m. " 9:C0p.m. Close connections at Spartanburg with trains for Atlanta and Charlotte and intermediate stations, and at Columbia for Charleston, Savannah, Jacksonville and points south. Through trains for ' Asheviilc, etc. Nos. 9 and 10 carry through sleepers between Jacksonville and Cincinnati. 1 SEABOARD SCHEDULE. No. 27?South bound passenger arrives at Carlisle at 2 a. in. No. 31?Arrives at Carlisle at 10:25 a. in. No. 38?North hound passenger arrives at Carlisle 3:37 a. ru. No. 34?Arrives at. Carlisle (1:48 p. in. Local News Notes -Jbf-j3fton^^ther For Ready Reference Gathered HeWhile Strolling Around Town. p . ^ 01"fe * 0a<t'fe?S ty, ot QheS 'soP* \ taint*. * 1 EI. Gist and M. C. Deaver, * ire in Union on business t 'uesday ni^ht blew down ft y built on tho Gault bill w also a small out house on m place. Podson, tho president of the l)?dson Printer's Supply Co , of ftw, Atlanta, Oft., w.w in Uuion on busipess pCJJ the early part of thi? week. jrtP(! Mr. J. M. Harris cillel intone us coin while in town Friday and crossed* t he notii Editor's palm witli two bright plunk- ?--* 0 for two more yean* ?" II.Ill I . ? that I Mi*? Iiena Reeder, of IvKjklnrt, who were has been spe*!'linp; a week at tho hon e gains of her friend, Airs. J. II. Wilbiuwr,-Wr Union, returned to her home Monday, a nnou Mr. hprney Glenn who has been con- ol'ier ' fined (o mis room for eleven years with Ke^ier 1 fhenniHtiam is in a feeble condition. Mr. ^ 'enn w A once a county commissioner * for UnioJ^rfounty and was a soldier in Uaxat \*ar anXkas many friends in Union. rAKE this week to THANKS y of custome beral patronis during the all a happy; i New Year,; i i ontinuance of I ? e, promising ] es, courteous d goods and BO BOi The State newspaper failed to show* up in Union on Wednesday and there was considerable speculation as to the cause of its non arrival. Mr. II. P. Iludt, of Columbia, is now "nite owl" at the ticket cjliee here. Mr. J. G. Daniels who he relieves has been trausfeitd to ltich Ilill where he takes the owl act. It takes a hard wind to dry up the streets. Notwithstanding the very hard rain last Tuesday evening, the streets were practically dry Wednesday morning after the lierce wind following the rain. Mrs. Bubo Sparks, who had been very ill at her home on Church street for two weeks, died at 10 p. m. Sunday. The remains were taken to CwpV for interment. Several i*r?ona accompanied the remains from Union. We extend sympathy to the bereaved 1 usband. The County Commissioners are calculating upon the cost of building sime miles of permanent good roads as an oxv.e Jment. It is thought it can lac done t dm here to Beaty's bridge at about ( 500 a mile. If so it will pay to do if. |He the people a sample of permanent , roads and you will soon see how ( Tick they will be to demand that 11)0 | I'od work be continued. V A rail at the switch just below main street crossing froze last Tuesday night broke, the ends slipping i apart in a manner that weuld no ' ^k>ubt have caused a run ofT of the \st cngino that crossed It, had it not ")<mn discovered oar!y in the morning , u*%rcported to the section master, ji^Agot it repaired in time for the 1 >0(ipEng passenger train, ,lc*H%dropped into the store of L. N. 'ast ^ur^Ry attracte<l by the ornMlf customers, and from the ?pof tlie counters strewed with ;2y(,a(?R^01d?ry. dreasgoodc, stcpkingr, lrrn ojBfcies, table cloths, shirts, collars, it asjf a cyclone a '.^^ihrougli. We soon learntd ''""'ii&A..,.. . II" |i | MUMItt Ik naa K""'K uu ;?iiu in any >rts, Ming advantage of the barliee'n jfflj/1! and we "'?<> waked in and aco;t^?j(ow tLinRa- Mr- McNeace thrre ^'s ?oing to have an. ?ffen?br$m y' Get ym,r wiiau?f0 to" ni ?. and "void the rush. sX!|0f an<f wpr^ ?,f the coid hiiJ gJrajfflron?-Q?lnino Tablets cure day. No cure, no pay Dedication nt Buffalo. The dedication of the Union church f Buffalo took place on Sunday las-t as ha been announced i.i Tim Timks. ,S|> cii trains were run from the Union Mil! station to Buffalo. The lirst sfctlc: left at 1U o'clock, a second section H ft a 10:30 ai.d a third at 1' :oo. These tin* trains cart kd sonr-thing like t'oui ban dred i?eop'.o from Union. The dedication sermon was preaohei oy Bishop \V. W. Dot.can in a very iin preaatve manner. He dwelt upon tlx fact that v. hile wo may differ in or met,h< ds of baption, etc, we, that i all the chilicites, were working to s.?v< souls to the Master, ai d all tie road lead to Jesus Chiist, the great land < the church, the savior who did not conn i. Ilu. 1.1 .. ? I... UIC nyjlkKk lli V/ HIUCIIlll JMIJIiriCJ U'l came to save man, and through Ilim aiu Him alone could men and women 1? saved. This chinch was for the use o every christian denomination for rclig ious services. It was God's house am tie hoiiul ^ would never l>e use ! f<>r an; other than religions purposes, el si i would bo nothing lnoie thin a hail Tin re should be no class distinction ii the church, the role object sh mid bo t< save souls to Christ. The sermon wa; delivered in an earnest and imprrssivt manner and was listened to with almost breathless attention l>y the vast congie gallon which tilled the chinch to it' utmdst capacity, while a large numbii unable to get accommodation inside sto<x outside near the door to citcli the word: is they were uttered. The settling.capacity of the church i: said to be seven hundred. It is a modem structure, artistic in design and conven lent in arrangement. The pastor's roou is to the minister's right, while the ele rated circular stand for the choir is t< liis left, and it is large enough to ac commodate two dozen poopie. The pul p>il faces the center of the building will a sewi circular chancel in front, the Id' w ing or side of the church can be con verted into a Sunday school room b; sliding partitions, making a commcdioui room for tho Sunday school. After the sermon the Bishop dedicate* ihe church to the cause of Christ. At'te the couclusiou of the services the Meth odist pastor, It:V. Mr. Jones, returnei thanks in behalf of the people for il?i gift of the handsome church building b; the Buffalo Mill Company, anlsiatei that he would like to raise $100 to In; au organ, lie asked the residents of ; h mill town to subscribe tirst. heslaitin; the list himceit with jjo.OJ. lie was fo! lowtd by llcv. .Mr Moli.nwInvy valb" hi in lives from all over the house una about $00 had been raised, tlieu {.' ."?< calls were made, ai d although lie h<i< promised to call 011 those from town t? make a voluntary contiibutlon it lx gi: to look as if they would have no chai.ce and lie stopped his members The Hi ho| casually remarked, "Bro. Jones, yoi should have struck for a pipe organ When the Union people were giv< n i chance the balance of the $100 was raise" by three subscriptions. Mr. Jones wa about to stop when Bishop Duncai atked: '"Don't you want seme music?1 So he said, "'well we will collect a Jiitf mere for music If you say so." and tei or fifteen dollars was at once called out then Col. T. C. Duncan announced tha he would contribute 820. In the m uni time several were taking mound hat into which the money cool I lehean to be falling liberally, so that instead o 875 or $100 that Bro. Jones exp.'c'.ed ti r .ise he ha I raised in twenty ininuti something like $15') and he oouhi hav< got more if hp had liked. The cloud3 looked threatening i i tlx morning hut there was no rain until al had returned to their homes. The Union claircl) js on a high ele vat ion with a long slope falling fron every side. We understand all the gul lies around are to h? tilled up and beau tifill terraces are tobu btlit leading up t< Lhe church from several sides. We wil have some thing to say of this work later Children's Sale. There will bo a children's sale n the llectory of the Ghurch of the Na tlvity, that is, a number of plaj things for children, such as dolls toys, candies, etc. There will ho in strurnental music, which will furnis) nn attractive number to the program The sale will begin at f> o'clock p. in on Saturday, (tomorrow.1 The pub lie is cordially invited to attend. The scratch of a pin may causa th lo^s of a linl) or oven death when l<]ooi poison in cc results from the ii jury. A danger or ttits may lie avoided, however hv promptly* applying Chamberlain', Pain Palm. It is an antiseptic and onie healing liniment for outs. bruises am burns. For sale by F. C. Duke. Bran New Story. "Th? Southerners," .n Red Ho Thrilling War Story, has begun I Tub Times this week. If you nr not ft subscriber you hud best begi ut onc? and not miss n chapter c this recital of tho nwful struggle b( tween the North and South. The ar count of tho battle of Snodgrass Hi is calculated to make your hair ris and your blood ruu cold. II .? iWjBHK .% TRh. (1 ?1 \^f 1 4\ n " i ^.\ R( - [.^o : M ii : '-W ' Rc.yai Worcester Bo 1 # j You are better 1c ir i don't bring the fact ou1 looks is correct dressi ) proper corsets. 5 THE STRAIGHT ; AND - f .A Ave dejis \ are mil3 i ff 1 I * i A* [ vuuva 1 'wV-S ' " V Will nit 1 Rm-ALWo^5^ 'style 472 jnoney bi ; W- Ta 1 i - I Tendency of the Tim en. v , The tehdency oJ medical science is j i towaul preventive measures. Ttie best Z thought of tlie world is being given to = ' the ruI jsct. It is easier ami better to | i? prevent than cure. It Inn b *en fully v i demonstlatetl that pneumonia, one of the most dangerous diteases that mefli- ^ ical men have to contend with, can be j: il prevented by the use of Chamberlain's nt I Cough Itcinedy. Pneumonia always re- ,u s suits from a cold or from an attack of ;(( inlluerza (grip),and it has been ot?eoi v*d 1 that tins remedycounteracts any tender.- |(( cy of these diseases toward pneumonia j(jj n This has been fully proven in many JJ, . thousands of cases in which this remedy Mb has been used during the great prevalence ffl, of colds and grip in recent years, and /|JJj t can be relied up>n with implicit conti- ffl! - del cs. Pneumonia often results from a [([l s slight cold whe < tiO danger is apprdei d- M d until It is suddenly discovered that )\j) there is fever and d lli rulty in breathing y'j f ai d p.iiu8 in the chest, tlie.i it is an- (if > no u need that the patient has pneumonia. W R lie on the safe side and take Chamber- ||,l Iain's Cot(gh Hetr?ady a* soon the cold ((' is contracted. It always cures. For yd '.ale by F. C. Duke, druggist. ' - B ' Honor Roll of Joncaville (1 railed ?| School. $ m gg i For two months ending Fob. ^ 1st Grade?Lucile McW.Virter, Boyd ^ . Gillmn, Charlie Litlbj dm, Frank Is? ^ Djtiglass, Joe McLaughlin, Eugene A 1 Whitlock. __ 2nd Grade?Lettie Colernan, Clara Foster, Tommie Lybrand, BnforL Bubit. I .Ird Grade?Hayes Whit lock, Belle J j Bent ly, M ugnrpt Coleman. 4th Grade?Kate Alman, William r Briggs, Lamar Wood, Elmer High. , 5ih Grade?Bennie Iligh, Annie Bates, * Emmie Sams, Pearl Lybrund, Furinan I Lancaster, Annie McLaughlin. (ith Grade?LoL Alraan, Alma Bites, Joe Free, Lizzie McWliirter, May Scott, Clayton Fowler, Lda Sams. 7th Grade?Belle Free, Mary Sonthe aid. Flora Iligh, Jane Foster, Myrtle II Briggs. !' 8th Grade? McGowan Litthjohn, Paul I Free, May Free, Bernard McWliirter, k Umpm'I I.iltl'j >hn, Whitlojk, lioi Und (Arleman, Allie Spears, Inez Spears, James Liith john, Carrie Alman, Maude Penney. 9ih Grade? Perrin Kennedy, M ittie ^ Louise LUthj ?ha, M?ude Whiliock. e A Mother's Recommendation. n* I have used Chaud^erl-on's Cough >f Remedy for a jitnn'^r of yea ? a-.d have ). no hesitancy in saying that it H the best remedy for coughs, colds arul croup I lave ever used in my family. I lave II not words to express n?v confidence in e this remedy.?-Mrs. ,1. A. Moore >forth _ Star, Midi. For sale by F. CJ. Duke. ? i S- \ [ \ >yal Worcester and n Tft it ^Aa>oo4? ei s qjus >oking than that other v t prominently enough. T1 ng, and the first step in c> r FRONT ROYAL WC BON TON CORSETS jail oil hygienic principles ) ia all thi latest styes. Get eUani daughter at once, ice tin imoroveinent. \ ick if not as represented3EATY ^ iHUSlElll 1 As We Live i ha f 2 The first year we we Ji ness wo opened near | counts, an average of ll counts for every worl $ the vear. (! I Kwry clay we add new custoi || to our list. 1 >otli depositors and 1 h appreciate our liberal s-ir vices. II ready a customer, we invite you tc II Ibrmg you every accommodation 3 | titles you to. Hundreds can tjll doing for them. If you need AN' = line we ask a confidential interview i j THE PEOPLES wmww sssss:sssa \ttention Fc We want you to visit ou ware store and inspect t largest assortment of Plows 4Vand Plow Stc 111 tho State. We by t] car load and can save ; (Trade with us and toe h UNION IIARDWi lardware Leaders, voman, but you le basis of good orrect dressing >RCESTER and / S. one , /.?-jF) /W You 1 ? Pk ? , >Fn?. i mssssn r i ? kf CO. == 8 Grow! ? >re in busi- 1*1 ly 900 ac- || 3 new ac- 3 ling tiay irv {Jj!| P ' ir, i ners and friends .y.Jl borrowers alike (uj you are not ul become one, of- |\j| rour account en- I'j! eou what we are M V IIKLP in our || BANK. | " 3rmers. r big Hardhe best and ic ,b >cks hem by the you money, appy) IRE CO., Union, tt. O