IIPHmummmbmh " 1 1 [we? I And wil I to give ] The Stock o Enables lowest i lar's wo money, who art great st SEE THE GOODS And yoi forget t I for THI. b - - WF.A I Style, Q ?.. j " m B. | | |t- Wf Kb.'-liMWi V .inn ^SiBEXiarJaSESQE Special Advp^^s^ts i Notices will he inserted in tills column at ! the r.iteol 25 words or less tor Hoc one issue. ! four isstie.s for 75c. Additional lines over j twenty live Words 5c a line. N~ewlhoi' (iAkdkx in j oLe cent papers. lVas and beans i;i bulk. \Ylike and yellow onion sets an . seed potat-'us at Scaikk's. Buy your Overcoat during the | Yellow Ticket sale. You will anvc niowv. IIULKY-COIMILAM) CO. GltO ElUES COMiXG ?i.u jrr.iini every tiav. Country p<<- I duce a t ix-cialiy at H. E. Maisky's ' Kntei piise Mieet. ! *? 1\. i A very in in can afford :i [join: ii'.)'.'crco.lt it Yellow Ticket prices 1JA ILEY-CoPEl.AN I> ( <>. Wanted ? scrap ikon op, t v< ry dehcription and ah !. Lud*er old m iclii ciy. H'li'ff.ii' imtS'.il is in , J. J*, (jiaifur.ktl, Columbia, r>. 4 J 11 yon want to be clothed chcnp intend the Yellow Ticket yule at the HA 1 LKYCOl'KLA N i) < >. TTTANTED ? 5 VuUMi uh7N VV from l'iii< i coin,ly .it o .< to pare f r .s in i!? - < ? . n> Serviot?lliil.v;/ Mad ? ? r k-. ]? iti i Carriers, Cu-m in lmuxi* and I> put- , menta' ('It-li s i oc. App'y to iniet- . State C eres. I i.-r.., Cedar itipid-i, la. o-4tp. Our Clot hi Hi', is put to get out during the Ye dew Ticket :tnlc. EAILKY-COIT.LANI) CO. T. lit t * J.I I ;,Dl.\"f LOT - i n I I i',tv%kii.s puipaty li is 1 > . i i.-i 11 i, in b autiiui t c' . OK ?"ts aiiuii an i.iferel for s,.Je. Tney trout, on Uiuoiiko streets. i'oi it:mi, tic , upplv Jo (i-tf. S. Mentis Hualy. flMicrc oil1 tee something didlvg X during the 1 el low sole. i>a 11,k 1 -coimxani> c< >. Ipoii ci; ? ,-MF i IAIM>.|, J* M! ?' A X ?. I \llil Id'.V UOIAltl V I. |( ! j 1 ineM miki? . a 4? ten llioUHiii.d i j , I and l? w c???int:\ heart j?ir. 7-.'}t i) a t(hvnskm) id f r.'nt.fti iluring tlu YciJUtW Ticket s lie nt the llali ky-col'ixani) c >. ' Sri I A Y ED A UBO AND \\ mi rn ? .icri'Hl cow and >?*ailin>jc l?r?ifr?r >?!-?? ' red m.<1 wlite. Kewa ?l n returned t<> 1 D. It. VVaiie.M. H-m y\ ON K jrOl??E AND l,in' o.> Scu:h >>: ?et krow u ??<:. II I'mi ett'a f. i Sal . Apply to A. W Dim i.e. *e h-3iji. w lb Don't forget the Ilute of the Yellow Ticket sale lit the J3AILEY-col'kI.ANI) co. Don't mis* the Yellow Ticket sale ! at the BAILEY-COPELAND CO. J ant nrm OUR 1 1^ 1 make it to your in it to us. ft ft afs. i mciuiidiiuioc us to offer the best jriee, give you a fu >rth and thereby sa^ There are a great 3 taking advantage i iving. COMPARE PRICES i will do the same, hat we are HEADQIL NGS to EAT and for R We are the Leac uality ana price. scything for Everybod Jf" I' I 1?1^ ^=rr, .j >**. "(HtjStVAT COSTIVE ARE I)E 'VJIietmined to move otir present M< ek out. of ti.*> way BO IIS to llHV8 I00M for our liftv spring goods. We do uoi l;t> i ?!Vt ill I'ACIIlNCr away ooods and iet 'keni lie lroui oi:o season to another. We would lather pot 0111 money out. ?>: ] '.hi in and handle it in the purchase of ( new goods. To do this we air to i iiave two more cost sali: days. O.i Saturday of this week and Saturday ot next week, Feb. 21st and Feb. :23'.h. We will let our strok go at actual cost. Those who were m our store last Satuiday know that we mean just who we say iu the above nuiioitncemeut. l.'oiuat d supply unusell w,t;i what \ou mail iu wilder goods. It will pay you to cany tin m over. It won't pay in to u" .S'aipij bii.sinesri wiln us m il i a ag saving loj'-ni. 1.. X. Air ,\" KAC'K. Dux'r OLilt CUif >.VEK .at >..:uiday. 3a' ; begins at S a. m. .osi.) 111it11 ii !?. ui. i iit'iH are d'tuif b.'.itfai ,M f t >oii. i,. X. MoNifiACK * r J sit our fit ore and nee what a V 1 t'ii.Hi Ticket ?S.-i/e means. i 1AI MJ V CUI'ELAXU < O. t p i cry hotly must visit our store J J immy, the (ire it 1 'ellow Ticket isaic. liAlLLY-i : >1'KI,AXD CO. \l'i 1J,A'N S I ablets doctors i:iiel a i^ootl prescription for mankind. 1 ht) i-^ent i < cUrf i.s i f.,r u-nal t ?:< ii>!t :i- . i li?* ] 11ki:>s Li ' ,< (li'i J l't >1:1 n::s it Hi | t l??t II J.lit (JI lljl* j. I.-- . :v >1 t lit lit 11 i.e < .re ii i >U' i ic.\ci Siti'c iL x.Jii i t.*; . iy o::e et, f/m i;A I iJ.Y-L <)i KLANl) < <). J. ' ' * .. ??J * ?W i(i4 1 . . |I ' > 1*1 4 ' O 1 ' 0 O I >' S . i' . W . !. r- LV"... i:j.h .MiM \v c; >i.nu], v*".:i " . ? I .\Vi : . \ It S: ... :i > i - I' i',in"? i, J ui t, j* ' ! >1: 1L )f( lii.il>, ! I> i < > ii "111 J \iit, .1 .i i? (.') it iv .MieK?*iis, a, H.Jjiti* 1Cr?t?'?i"i > > , .J it ' "If * ?l ? , i?t l' ' S ? II, .5 f ill i n." , -i i??11-. ? ;i i |i. it -i-i lli i v, M ?s > .i 'I .joins >ii. .1 N* OH .1 it M'jijji*-, It .1 ihi.vi'., MIm I)jr.'i WnlifHI, A-'i?? so >: t.t, m.>s Vioi.-^:;) Wi:i.:iii., K I? >i (2) P-1 ,I'VI r, < it'll! ?'( Wlllrtf.l. I'lfllM'l . "IlljWfl, I'-ll i I. i ^Vlll|?.|.|? ?1',M I! J lit A I .1 III *1 -it H, ( i " II M.I !l" i" iI'lsiii, A' x Vj inf, MiM ^ Persons cal''.npj fr.r tin above let- an r-? will plutt' > bay ?i v !vortii?eil, and oil ill bo required io {>*/ ono c??nt for 'ol c,ir dcliverv. ,J. <'. . r'-rrn. P. ?T. 15 La _ ?. f VOi yo^!iit7s 825f SaSva For Pl;30j Suraa. Geres. HBBB aMU?K&rjaSK?3& H Qj 1ADE 18 I pu terest I i 'v H i nU We Carry i i" J ? ?? at the | ?<< ill dol- | 5 ve you | many 3 ? of this I i > AND QUALITY ! jj Don't sj ARTERS | 5 THINGS 1 lers in | > x y/ I ; ^ f ^ 31 YSTEKIOUS /iKCUMSTANCK. Ono was pale ai\l sallow and the t other fresh and rosy. Whence the dif- t forence? She who is blushing with i health uses Or. King's New Life Tills , to maintain it. i>y gently arousing the lazy organs t.hev coin pel good dsgestion ' and head oil constipation. Try them, i Only i.'oo; at l)r. F. C. I)uke, Druggist. ? - ? Mil Hair I i j miiuMHIWI?J ? j "I had a very severe sickness fl 8 that took off all my hair. I pur- B 1( ! chased a bottle of Ayer's Hair 0 ^ Vigor and it brought all my hair 9 back again." B c \V. D. Quinn, Marseilles, 111, j j' I' One thing is certain,? Ayer's Hair Vigor makes 7 the hair grow. This is a because it is a hair food. . f f Pnftrlr* J - ??-J A1 a L. itis; ium UI1U II1C ^ hair grows, that's all there a is to it. It nops falling 'f of the hair, too, and al- [J ways restores color to Igray hair. e 5!.C0 n bode. All dru(tl?tt. ' If your drngirisi i innot supply jron, Bond tts oho duli.ir inn wo will expreaj you :i lioitlo. i;? :?ui<* ;it?-1 pivotlio minio ?i your Hi- nest i xiTO i-ofln'O. AditrcM, I.e. A VI.!: ( (>., f.owcll. Mas*. , "zr.zrttiwrszc ci I I m iu h ?I * ,iltcri<> Vt'.n. A. Xi' lwlson Jl~ . 0:1. I>1 v< Union, S. < . aj I'cnrSirA: Vnur Imsincsd is, when a on.so hums down, to give tho ownei >1110 money t?> 1 ?niI I :i new one. it is good ImsinoHi < ice;- that tho world (|, ?t oil Mo u ilhoilt it. Wo |>aint. too no that burnt d-nvn id the now one t ?i?. What is better, e paint the houses that rl? 1: ami tho ehf-aposl, becaoso it ki-f? I'ow? r gallons titan mixed paints (I it wears twice as long as lead and I, Nobody wants jioor paint; there's s of it, though, in the world. A. M. drilled, i'lainlield, N.J , writt s Mr. Aaron Digging, of I'lainfield, used gallons of mixed paint tor his house, .-t spring he bought 15 gallons of De0 and had 1 gallons left Yours truly, F. \V. J>kvok & Co., New York. v . .AIRYVOIMT COLUMN. E MYSTIC VEIL PULLED ASIDE. liy Mrs. R. P. Ward, Flu? Geov??i;\ WoMilcr. \vli-w? pow? !S of IlinfC a???l- iho %'fil cowling 11> ? fu e, :i!id iuexplioible r all arrearages ami one dollar for stnher year in advance, if yon are already id up th" dollar will advance 3011 one ore year ahead. No questions will In lowed unless a dollar accompanies the lestion under any ci ream stances. how to asic quest ions: Three questions will be allowed to ich n do so. We will only use initials, it a 0111 de plume if >1 w prefer. Hend all ninmunications to the KdilorofTiiK 'IMK8 and mark them "Personal," swell alters v ill to consideml confidential if esited. THE^THST QUKltBY. J. F. i). is the iir.sb subscriber to rropound questions to Mrs. Ward, tnswers will be sent to this office and vill be published in first issue after t is received. The questions asked ire as follows: Will t!>e r.exfc President of the Jnited States be a Democrat or a Kewblican ? liow tunny fires will there be in Jniou during the 3 oar J'JpJJ? "Will ray financial condition in lffoi \r% Kot inn n? ti-nwon iknn .? i- 4 } jkj uv i' uv *. ui n viou vimn ttli [Jil'OCUt i THE AXSWEKS, The next President will be a Democrat. The Republicans are thoroughy aroused to tho great error of the issociation of the negro, and this vill cause a radical change in politics ind this will bring about a reform in he mind of the people and that will ;ive us in tho next election a Demo ratic campaign generally. No none nation for the present President loose velt. Union will have 1 moderately large ires this year; one will he a place of msiness, the others will not be of so nuch importance, two will do a gOv.dy amount of damage; one of them oino may not come h(fore"Vd'd' 1HlV ft salt of the year, JO03. Your financial condition will imirove this year. You will make some leal in business that wftt greatly add o your finances. You will have to )o careful of your health for Litis year, fou ure liable to some illness, seems ike n little chronic, caused from iver and stomach. better itianTjold. "I was troubled for several years with hronic indigestion and nei vous debilt v," writes F. .1. (ireen, of Lancaster, i. II. "No remedy helped nie until I tegan using Electric Bitters, which did no more good than all the medicines I ver used. They have also kept my rife in excellent health for years. She ays Electric Bitters are just splendid or female troubles; that they arc a rand tome and invigorator for \veu>. uii ai:g -Not n word. 1 iis facr died of dyspepsia.?IJrooklyn Life Rosily Demoiutrnlod. Upon nn arbor sent she sat. And bo rat very near her. A pretty foe benalh hor hat; To him naught e'er was dearer. I What wonder then ho forward leaned And fjulctly did kiss her? Had ho this favor left unghanod Ho would have been remiss, sir. I She rose and quickly left his aide. Intent to make him ruo It, And most indignantly she cried, "Why. George, how could you do It?" , "Tills way." he said, and then he did Another kiss Implant, sir, I Whore captivating dimples hid. And thus she had her answer. ?Chicago Post. , i 4r .1 . ... E Ilil CI 1\ IVi L U SEMI-Ar ? a si e i a Will begin EX"l3L?S J3.0.S: 3.notliodL si:nto 'fc>ia.Sl.3JLOSf3 "t33.3TO and. tlie poop! T7\7\Lx?Vt we ?t&L~s7 THIS SI fill 1 Unless we see fit t This is your c CLEAN FRESH At mu.1i bargains as only come you going to take advantage of us to charge any item during tl This is no bluff but a plain bus Goods will soon be coming in n do not believe in packing away you can buy any article in our i AT C 1 ^ - . Don't stop til ffl ? 'ib'c. I have some out doing nicely. We have a hig variety of seeds, | Onion Sets ml Irish Potatoes. S. M. Rice, Jr., E. U. Notice 10 Debtors and Creditor:. A II p< I hn'tn 11,. Vi i ?*4 i' ,' of Sa I * IJ if, w.T periods up to eighteen years. Lingoed Oil must i he added to the paint, (done in two minutes.) Actual cost then about $1.25 a gallon. Samples free. Sold hy our Agents. J. L. MeWhirter, Jonesvillo. ft-2rao. Opening Cooks *of Subscription. XotieM ts ),? !< t.v given tli.it UN'k? of jUiw I ij.l ion lo t I e It ink i f ('in li- te vc el te o|*med nt Ma- < Mice of the tils'. 1 atci.Oid In? ( ailfde, S. ()., en llm 21-' lay of I'Miu arv, l'J.i.t. 'Mr capital itock will i-e it-ti thousand dollars, far . ralue of shares $"K).00. Pnratfaot to a K ominitsion ismed by .1. T. Ganti, Seo- r etury of State, dated I'M) 10, 1P?3. W. II. f.isT, > ,, k H O. Em I'rcKrtt, I OWWtow. | / I R E SJSMUAL- B Jan. 26th. ' ? ^3 CO TOL our :o "wro TDegan , e> (3) years agO Lm Le linow tUat ertiso we do. it ms 1 o extend the time. f,B< *' r&l?S hance to buy MERCHANDISE 1 your way occasionally. Are g/?1 this opportunity? Don't ask * lis sale for we cannot afford it. iness proposition. Our Spring?V BBrpP id we want to make room. We Winter goods. Remember that o ST. j i you get to \ J RES. 1 TTLf. LIVER PIUS 1 failto please- 1 and guaran- | S DRUG STORE. J. Notice. I Soulh Carolina, Union Couuty. ' ? 1 y virtue of a power of sale contained * i:i ! attorney execute 1 to the 1 ill dersinnerl. by Mrfl. I?la A. May, and ft '"corde-t in the otlUe of the C. C. C. P. 1 it ot Political / ' lift Pertles of HH>2; Ul( iff pyU^fT< ttcere ot ibe National , W Committor; I cderal, 1 ""V- .State and ! wberl-egln. 7- rfrtflJHT letlon; Our Insular Posaevsionat letnmIan PS^CigJP* Canal l.aw; Civil ?iov- jtlflPP; 11 Kaai ? A"r^T'ot> U | ?ssi 'N "nil rloration : Review ol ngrtMHcr 9 nr .. I Sclontl He Achlevoflff 7 Vic???^ menU; The Sel.?mlc v < nj Hienfi Disturbances ot |v02 (rtont Peloo); Rocoo9 yea* 1 otructlon ol the City ol Now Ycrk. Krovr , lia ? besj, Condensed Information for the S gjy' * Office, the Store and the Home, jP W,uOO "Trier-" Postf3TtTiu^ I /| 25c. THE WORLD, ' i I in . On Bvery W H K S PullUor Building. (Jrw Tof^, X * fin Hew Quarters , Having moved to-my new tjfythd, and got everything In ahajb*, 1 am prepared to attend fo your hreedA In the Una jawelryTptnl,^ repairing. Olve me u fill, 1 "V" ' F. G. Trefzws, v ^ Williamson's Old ?Uft