UNION ( TUIIDQHAV 11 lurAOum, THF SHOES TO G( Remember tti To each customei more we will give larly sold for 35c EL "EVERY! Special Advertisements Notices will ho inserted in this column at the rate of 25 words or less for 25o one issue, four issues for 75c. Additional lines ovet twenty live words 6c a line. spots, ^ Speckled liird, by Augusta Evans: Gabrial Tolliver, by Jotl Chandler Harris, The Virginian; The Two Vanrevels; Donovan Pasha, by Gilberl l'arKer; aiiss leiucoaoa anu an tut latest books of t!ie day on baud or wil bo procured at once. II. F. Scaife ANTED?1,000CORDS OF WOOL cut at once.- Apply to F. M. Adams, Adamshurg, S. C. 41-tf First classs dress |makix< Mrs. Jennie Brannan respectfully inrorms the ladies of Union that she is now located at the home of her brother, Mr. "W. A. Wix, same lot with A. I*. Abrams. As 1 am now with you I respectfully solicit a portion of public m patronage. I am prepared to do all f kinds of pleating for both dress trimmings and capes. Respectfully, 40-lmp Mas. Jkk.nik Bka.nnan. WANTED?2,000 CEI)A imbT? 7 feet long t hat will square 4 inches, Apply to T. C. Drxc.w at Union Cot ton Mill cilice or L. G. Vol*no at Buffalo. 42FdEStl GROCERIES COMING and going every day. Country produce a specialty at II. E. Maeuy's, Enterprise street. 43-lyr. WANTED?AT ONCE, 1,00C pounds Beeswax. Highest price paid. Union Hardware Co. 43OFFICE TO RENT-IN CENTER of town, on first ll tor. 43- S. M. Rice, Jr., E. U. TITE ALWAYS GIVE BETTER vv g< ods for the same money and thf same g. ods lor less money at Fly tin's. IN Tie ladies are alltaii?ing alsiut the prettv dress gootld ilrit are so cheap at Fly.vn's. It. Everybody is talking bout Ft.ynn's fine ladies' shoes at $1 ">0 and $2 0) They say the tame shoe will cost you $2 2o and $.'> In otlr r store and that a lady wearing a No. a of FJynn's shoes her foot won't look larget than a ladies' foot wilh a No. A of a diflVient make. They are high aKi foolwear, do not pinch or bind the feet. Buy a pair at Flynn'd and you wiil wear no others. It. * - . . fXJtl.VNN KNOCKED OUT 11IUII ?T piers in Union 2"> years ago as al Ji? t "ft older people krow. He ia at his oln t ricka again slaughter ing prleeP, and he -/ aaya lie will keep at it. Flynn is a honey when it comes :o cutting or ices. It. o lady should buy 'a Dress, a J icket, a C'ajaj or a pair o<" . 8hoer* until they see what Ft.ynn is offering. He is certainly the poor mai'. SximtU lbs . :1 :otton FRIDAY and )EE DAYS ON ) AT COST , lis Sale is for whose purchase i } a popular song w ! per sheet. HING FOR EVEt lynn has no kent to 1'ay, no grocer or butcher bills to pay, no clerk hire, therefore he can sell you goods cheaper than most merchants buy them. Flynn kuows where to buy the correct goods. When you get your money on .Saturday evening go see Flynn , and you will save 25c on the $1. It. Flynn warrants iiis shoes and if they do not give satisfaction he will make them right. It. TWO LADIES CHATTING: Fiist lady, can you match Fly.vn's ' prices? Second lady, 110 I cannot, that is impossible. It. For sale?a good mule. M. W. Bono. 41I FACTS CONCERNING SLEEP. Ktcn a Midday Kttp In Iletter Tlia^ (be Noon Mrul. The scholar and professional mau, like the anxious housewife, is apt to Carry ids cares to bed, and insomnia becomes a curse. Men and women who are busied in getting and gaining, tho merchant, the banker, all alike, fail to jecuro that sclt control which can manage the mind as well asleep awake. Normal sleep should he purely u physiological repose similar to the rest r or annuals, who go to .sloop with tbo darkness and awake with the light. Bomo 0110 lias said that sleep Is like hunger and thirst, representing a dlnri nation of energy throughout the cntlro > body. 1 hardly think this can be truo, 1 but in my judgment sleep rather suggests the diminution of the energy of the brain, and lie is a aviso man aCIio takes tlie hint when brain fag sets In of an evening and goes comfortably and properly to bed. Of course it goes Avithout saying that night is not the only time for sleep. Men and women who are busy could steal just a ft av minutes before or after the noonday luncheon to catch a little nap, and, indeed, I am nearly sure that tlie noonday nap is worth for more than the noonday meal, for the digestive processes are surely hindered during the periods of mental activity, and it is the exceptional person in this bus? aa'orld of ours avIio is not called upon to use all his brain and braAvn to uaakc a living. It has been my linblt to advise mothers to steal a Avlille AAvay froin every "cumberous care" and, even if sleep fails to be Avooed, to take about twentv ml mi toe ovnrr ?1iiv In ?1? solute pence nnd quietness, diverting the mind from nil anxieties nnd relaxing nil the muscles. A bnbit of this kind Is easily acquired, nnd wo might have fewer neurnsthenlc women, whoso nerves make life hideous to their families. If a word like this, spoken from considerable experience, were heeded.? I'ilgrltu. i . Child labor Is an undesirable "Infant . industry."?lioston Ilera Id. MILLSj far SALE! no an ______________ w* cei SATURDAY. I wc LY. E mi do I"" ea AND BELOW, s or ac W aa in 3 Days Only. ? re 11 to w Ci amounts to $2 or lj ith music, regu= ^ w SI Si = y tt w G ?YDODY." . = ?? 1 ILYNN 1IAS NO BIG TILE OF [ . old shelf worn, moth eaten trash to t show. What you lind in his stock is up to the hour and bless you he setls it right. It. Auction Sale of Land. J I will offer for sale at Jonesville, Union , county, S. C., on Monday, the 24th day , of November. 1002, one hundred and | three town, lots of land. Jonesville is ten miles north of Court Home on the j Southern railway in one of the most healthful localities iu upper South Carolina. The lots are located just east of depot in said town and laid off iu squares ai Jitnroanf Kt? ??/ /? * * ? >.uu >1WWU|'?V>> i/jr ur u nucvui liWfUty to forty feet wide. .Sale to begin at 11 a. m. and continue until whole amount iseold. 1 will go on each lotas 1 offer i it for sale and let each purchaser and l bidder see exactly wlr't it is and where i it is. Plats of same eau be seen at my < store in Union and pest ?llice at Jooesville. * i Terms <f sale: Ore-half cash and 1 balance of pu'ehase money on'twelve < months credit, the purchaser to pive t bond and mortgage of the premises to | seeure the purchase money, with interest j from date of sale at 8 per cent, per an- i r.um until the debt is paid in full, or < the purchasers may pay all cash and pave | interest, J. G. LONG, Proprietor and Auctioneer. ! 4o-:Jtp. Union, S. C, * I News Notes From JGttn Jane. Jtta Jane, Nov. 51.?This Congres al District is represented by a | mer as well as a lawyer. Conssman Finley, who has representit for two terms and is re-elected the third term, raised one hunid and twenty bushels of onions on farm near Rock Hill this year, ich he sold for $1 per bushel. Mr. 11oy raises .more wheat than any3y on the same amount of land. 'O years ago he raised about 40 shels to the acre. < In my letter last week the types ido me say "Rev. Mr. Creech will t return to the Keltou circtflt for other year, etc.," when really the lole sentence should have been preded with "perhaps." I make this rrecuon test ine go^a Dromer unci e Conference might think that I d taken the matter in hand and is going to have some changes made yhow. I feel assured that the >rk Mr. Creech has done and is 11 doing has made him quite popur elsewhere, and efforts will bo ade to get him on other work. I n't believe this church he is now pplying will consent to it, for he 8 dono too much work for them ; d we know if other denominations id a say in it.ho would remain where i is for two years longer. Messrs. Robert and Warren Whislant, of Hickory Grove, are selling ourjng brooms in this county. I am truly sorry to hear.of Mr. G. ralton Whitman's death. It seems if the present year has been one which more than the average namsr of deaths of prominent men have ken place, and no place has suflerl more than Union county ir\ this spect, The editor of this paper id a great truth when he said there ere worse men than Walt Whitman, apt. King, the well known bridge lilder and contractor, has too, gone i join the vast throng on the other de of the river. Death is no rejector of persons. The committee are making arrange* leuts to have Salem church newly eather-boarded and painted. Mrs. Jimmie Strain is quite sick. tie has ueen oaa on lor two weeks. Rev. W. H. White preached at alem Sunday morning and at night, lis morning text was Gal. 2:19, and le subject of his discourse at night as the life and character of David, ood congregations attended both jrvices. Master Willie, Mr. White's ttle son, accompanied him upon als visit. Vox. For A Bad Cold. If you have a bad cold you need a good eliable medicine like Chamberlain's lough Remedy to loosen ana relieve it, nd to allay the irritation and inflamaion of the throat and lungs. For sa'e y F. C. Duke. Rally Day a Success. Missionary Rally Day at the 1st Metliidist church was quite a success Sunday, riiere was a great congregation present, nany having to stand in the aisle of the :hurch. The children recited well and he collections were very satisfactory. Notice of Sale. I will sell to the highest bidder on the Lst Monday in December, next, before ihe Court House, during the legal hours for sale, the Daniel 11. Sheldou home place, located in Cross Keys township, jounty and State aforesaid,- containing fifty acres more or less. Terms of sale cash. Purcbacer to pay for papers. L. J. Browning, Attorney iu fact for the heirs at law of Mrs. F. W. Sheldon, dec. Nov. Oth; 1902. 45ANY CHURCH or parsonage or institution supported by voluntary contribution will be given a liberal quantity of Lho Longman & Martinez Paints whenever they paint. Note:- This has been our custom for t wenty-seven years; any building not satisfactorily painted, will be repainted at :>ur expense; about one gallon of Linseed L):l to be added to every gallon of the paint to make ready for use; it's mixed in two minutes, and cost of the paint thereby made less in price than any ptber. Yearly product over one million lalluna. Longman & Martinez. Sole Agent S. J. II.Howell, Kelton.S.C. 41-51. > J. ( 1 Op ^ THE BES 1*71. i vv nen u man in i In addition to getting tli materials, and finest tailc our competitors for "just fit perfectly, and they ha proud of his appearance. l Winter Suits and the I p their like elsewhere, that k < Our clothing is it Bros, tfc Co., of Balt'raor / as makers of "the best cl ' garments bear this label. J. C HIGH GRADE CLC Just in / Our large line of 8ai children, boys, girls, ol married ladies, single young men have just which you can buy at by merchants which w dollars and cents to yoi SH< That are sold for ?1 to $1.26 j Shoes that are sold for $1.50 3 Shoes that are sold for $2.00 j Shoes that are sold for $2.50 3 Shoes that are sold for $3.00 1 and v Nnw is Ynnr Tims t I 1 V ?V IV W M I I I I I I V % For thi Come early and { have a complete li Trimmings, Millinc Coats and Capes, 1V1 Trunks, Valises, am the way of wearing McLure's | Next to Oetzel's II! I I I A uiauon o Mnarea ana ureanors, State of South Carolina, ) County of Uuion. } By Jason M. Greer, Esq., Probal Judge. "Whereas, S. Means Beaty has ma^ suit to me to grant him letters of At ministration on the estate and effects < Robert B. Beaty, deceased. These are, therefore to cite and a< | monish all and siugular the kindred as creditors of the said Robert B. Beat; deceased, that tbey be and appear befoi me, in the Court of Probate, to be he! at Union C. H., South Carolina, on tl 13th day of November, next, after pu1 licatiou hereof, at 11 o'clock in the for noon, to show couse, if any they hav ' why the said Administration should n< be granted. Given under nay hand and seal th1 28tli day of Oct. Anno Domini, 1902. Jason M. Greek, Probate Judge. Tubiished on the 31st day of Oc( 1902, in The Union Times. 44-2 Robber Gets Right Dollars. Someone entered the residence i Mr. ('barley Humphries on norl Church street Wednesday and stole \ in money, including a $5 gold piec from a pocket book in the machin drawer while the family were absen A negro hoy about 15 years old wasca; tured with the $5 gold piece and son other change. He said another bo Dock Bates had given him the |mon t? keep for him. The l>oy is in the ji wh ile the police are looking for Batei COH I posite Peoples Bai T DRESSED MEIV Are Our Patrons. bis section wants the Best Clot e best, the latest styles to cb< )red garments, he pays less thi ordinary" clothing. Our gai ivc a manly grace about them We'd like you to come ii ^ew Fall Topcoats and Winter 's certain. SUITS $5 to $18. DVERCOATS $5 to 3 lade l y the fampusfirm of Schlc f?, whose reputation is world-wi othing in the world." All the OH EN HHtNG.'AND FURNISHINGS FO i Time. * I triple Shoes for infants, j -? -?1 1 I H laaies, young inuioo, ladies, old men and arrived in time, all of the same price as paid ill be a great saving in 0' 2. }ES rou can buy for 75c. rou can buy for 51.00. fou can buy for 1.50. fou can buy for 1.75. pou can buy for 2.25. so on. 4 o Lay in YouV Shoes e Family. yet the pick. We also ine of Dress Goods >ry, Clothing, Ladies' Len's Hats and Caps, i in faot anything in apparel. Come to New Store^? i Hardware Storef TREFZER, The Jeweler, In now receiving his One stock of fall goods. Walch this si>ace fbr bargains in I? Watche9, Clocks, Jewelry, Silverware and Silver Novelties. 1- Finest Goods at Lowest Ppices f at J TREFZER'S, ie tw thi Wonder Stork. b- 41I] Notice of Sale. [>t At the Itay place in Cross Keys township, Union county, S. C., on Tuesday, i8 Nov. 25th, 1902, I will sell to the highest bidder the following property: 12 mules and gearing for same, 3 wagons, 2 two horse wagons and 1 four horse wagon, y? 1 disk harrow, a lot of farming tools con- , t. sisting of plow stocks, plow irons, cotton planters, hoes, etc. Also absut 1,000 bushels of corn, about 10,000 bundles of of fodder and a lot of cotton seed. Also a ?ii iuv ul uinc&aiuitirs tools. Ftf On the same day I will rent, if not bee* fore, Baid farm (six horse farm) with 0 nine room residence and four tenant lfc* houses, stables, barns, etc. Said farm P" has about 80 acres of bottom land Ijinf? in one body on Tyjcer river, also bottom ?' lands on creeks. To be rented for lint cotton. Terms of fwle cash. .g' B. W. Wihtlock, a 44 4t.p Alan^er. ^ nk. 1 IN UNION hing lie comes to this store. Dose from, the highest grade in he'd be afked at any of ments are all stylish?they that makes the wearer feel n and see the New Fall and Overcoats. You'll not find 41 >15. | >83 THIS' U?tr 08" frWiHUV I vVxMAAMA^MAAAA8AMAMA8M)WM^ 98 tssssstcspi -* 1 9 I R GENTLEMEN AND BOYS. I