The Union times. [volume] (Union, S.C.) 1894-1918, September 26, 1902, Image 7

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* THIS: "RED HOI And we propose to kec Lot" etuff at red hot j competitors. ? For the next Thir ^ We are oflt ring special and Sewing Machines, style and pice from the Bargain Prices. In Organs we have the Monarch at tie lowee Wheeler & Wilson No. Southland and nil othe v* about * * V, One Half the Prio Asked by others for sr above goods sold for ca handle needles, (Hands We will repair yo \ Or take it as part pay f and save money and an we guarantee satisfaction made over one hundred t;ng in them our light ri next, so ccme right alonj Yours fc J. H. S 4 * I ^*Main Street, Local Laconics. ' HAPPENINGS OF 1NTERE81 ABOUT TOWN PERSONAL AND OTHERWLSE. Did you ever hew of a j mrcallst trying to copyright a nevs it* m hehl back for six weeks at tbo request of the parlies interested? Miss Kate Magaess, of Gaffney, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. L. J. Hames, In Union. The roof of the new addition of the Monarch Mill is on and realy for the grav3l covering. Miss Lleze Holmes is visiting her brother, Dr. Holmes, of Holmes & Moora's Pharmacy. Miss Maggie 81 ;>an, of Pendleton, is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Dr. Torrence. Dr. H. K. Smith has returned from a two-week's trip north, and can be found at his dental parlors. Mis? Ethel Sarratt, of GafTney, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. L. J. Hames, has returned home. Ml|a May Letty is the charming young lady now in charge of the millinery store of Miss M. E. Tinsley. Mrs'. Goo. McWhlrter, of Newberry, has returned home after sponding a week at the home of Mrs. J. E. Oolton. The hoars of the Union Library have been changed, the library will be open hereafter from 2 to 0 o'clock p. m. The street force Is diligently at work on the southern end of Mountain street, building a nice gravel side walk. % Miss Annie Rodger left Wednesday for Columbia, where she will attend this sessloh of the Woman's College v at that .place. The young people of Union gave i German In the Pithlan Hall last Frl a- day night, eomplimentnr to t^e visit r* ing young ladies. Douglass Harris, youngest son o Mr. Ira S. Harris, who has been con m fined to his bed with typhpld fever ^ Is improving rapidly. - Mf. Q. E. Oalvert will resign hi* position of book-keeper for Hames & Llpsoomb and will take up the atudj of denlstry at the dental college o Atlanta next week. "W; ' ;Vyf ?{ * St: IS OUR CORNER ip it filled each we)'c wiili "r d nricee, but ODly red hot t: cur 4- w r Pi inducements in Fiai.o , Orgr s In Piano3 we can give y)u any ; cheapest to the finest at sweet toneu Estey, Hamilton and t prices ever offered in Union. 9, New Home, Davis, New Ideal, r high grade sewing machines at % e ime grade machines. All the h or on installment9. We also upplics for all make1? of machines. ur old Tlachine or a ne v one. Give us a trial noynnce by trailing with us, as i to all our ci3tom rs We have happy li nies this year by puta titling midlines. Its your time y. 3* >r business, PEARS. 4 ? Union, S. C. The next thing for Buffalo Mill will probably be an ice manufacturing plant and^probably a cotton seed oil mill. Bullalo is coming. Mr. J. H. Spears is building a commodious two-storv store buildinc on his lot fronting Bachelor atroet in tho section known as Poverty Flat. Mr. Geo. M. Wright, Mancger U. & G. S. R. R., is on a ten day's holiday. Ho is spjndiDg it at the home >f his paieits, near Richmond, Va. Mrs. J. C. Cary, of Lockhcrt, Misses Marie McWhlrter and Jesso Matthews, cf Jonesville, were among Union's shopper3 the early part of the week. Tho up train Tuesday was loaded with pretty girls going to Converso College to resume their studios. The Misses Mcdora Duncan and Louise Foster went from Union, We are glad to report that Mr. Jno. T. Hawkins, who has been critioally ill with typho-malarial fever, having been confined for eight weeks, has sufficiently recovered that he is able to walk about. Mr. P. Jt Hereon Davis received a check last. Friday for $2,000 from the Knights and Ladies of Honor. Same was lite insurance due on the life of Mrs. M. E. Davis, his mother in-law, who died two mouths ago. Don't fail to run your eye over our special locat advertising column on 2nd page. There are warm members found there each week, and you will be sure to find something that will Interest you. Mr. D*n H. Wallace has returned I from a week's visit to Birmingham, Ala. He says Birmingham is a warm member and people are maklrg ' money In almost every branch of bus' ioess. The engine for driving tho road machinery of the town has cot yet i arrived. When it comes the rock ' crusher will be at onco put to work, ' and we may look for up-to-date streets in the near future. * Mrs. Fred Holland, who has spent several weeks in Union visiting at * the homo of her sister, Mrs. Davis Gregory, also visiting her many > friends ^around Union, has rec turned to her homo in Atlanta. Wo r hope she will not make her visits to f her old home so long between in the future. t ANOTHER BIG WILL FOR UNION. At Murphy'3 Shoals or, Feir Forest. Just beforro Roir.g to prcs? we re ooive 1 the fol >vcit ^ I ypu-w i it tor corn muuication from u very aud iniluentiul citlzoti of Uniou": ' I'nion, S. (J., icpt. SI, I'Jt'-. Fnir >:t o/ 'i ns Umo\* Tjm? s Union, S. C. Demi Sih:?As tlicro ".s s iru? t:dk o! :i new cotton mill I cic p erected n' \V.. 1. OK ,?1.. I .. ifSuh 41 luurimjr h ouuHia uuvi .1 iii'^ni >? mil publish it iu this \v? ek's Usee o' you? p iper, I b? g to inf <nu you t ut I l.av? every detail of this news copviiprl?tcd. mil so put you on n< tiro so that v< i may nut. unintentional' v, infringe i n niv copyright protection." It li is always been tl.c policy < The Union' I'i.vs to give the u< w- t? it* readers, and while it pains u? ?> ceedingly to go contrary to the withes of our young friend, wo trust hwill pardon us Ut sticking to our ns ual custom of giving our readers th news while it is news. Wo are some times prevailed upon by the urgent request of ?he fur ies directly c >11 cerned, to hold back for.a little whib some item of news that wo pick t p In fact upon the special n quest o the pnrtbs directly concerned, w were holding ba< k a rtpart of tin building of a new cotton mil at Murphy's Mill of which we iiavi been cognizant for several woei e, ard would not liavo mentioned it in thif issue, but for the preemptory sto| order from our young frier.d. Whin .ve wore eeved with the above manifesto, claiming supreme possessioi tnd entiro control of this choice Lit of news that he had, after so long t lime picked r.p, the whole busims* proclamation ar.d ull, was just to< <ood to k:ep and we decided to ' le; 'or roll. As this mill talk hud been goin g or "or romo lime, wo ca'Ied o> yd. T. C. Dunoon, f ?r an interview -egardyog the matter. Tho G donel lid not care to bo quoted on the sul> 'lectin its present inc'ifinitc shape; but from what we know of him as t mill man, the thoroughly business manner in which ho leys his plans, (he tireless energy he puts behind chem when he has them Iuil, which mergy increases rather than dimin islies, as he- meets and overcomes .?ach obstacle that rises in his path, until success crowns hiseiTmts, in promoting the industrial advancement of our flourishing little cjty, wo h>-v< good reason to believe that this new mill talk will amount to something i great deal more material than mere talk tnd that in the not diatani future tho ppindles will be humming In a big mill on tho banks of Fair Forest at Murphy's Shoals The erglncor may arrive today 01 tomorrow, Wheu the mill i3 built however, you can count on it being a first class alT dr in every particu- 3 lar. The promoters do not do things L by halvc-S. * Supt. J. C. Cnry, of the Loekoart Mills, was in Union on business Tuts- t day. ~ i I OCTOBER TERM OF COURT. b Court Will Convene in Union on t Monday, Oct. Oth, Judge O. IV. Buchanan I*t cslduig. TETIT JURORS?Frk8T WEEK. V J W Crawford N B Eison S J G Ilughrs C It Long J C Spea:s J E Hancock W H Jelcr W II Howell J II Bagw ell J It Gat of r JO J It Parks J F Farter $ J P King " S M Pica. Jr 1 D W Reeves W T Tiacy ; S F Sumner W P B gan $ T) F Gilliam Jam<s Paiks i W G Ilaucock YTylio Estos * W T Farr T J Alvenon | Joseph Sanders W M Sjurks i J C Edwards J E Hughes 1 Jerry M Bennett JMf>'ShieMs H L Barnett Wm Sexton i J G Prirce W T Jcnei i U D Ilaile Joe T Sprouse ' TETir .JURORS?SECOND W'jJFK. R W Chaney J I Harris f C C Dargan M W 2 W J Ilodge W VV Bishop 1 H C Little C E Lipscomb J D Fleming J It Hix 3 Calvin Yarbrough J L Hames 3 Noah Fowler C Barnett W II Sumner G 8 Simmons ' J D Epps Sr G It Por.der 2 I J II Pucketb N O Palmer A A G Lyles J E Lindsay ; S L Crosby M C Gault ? ' J F Betsill Theopho!us Eison g 1 It A Oliphant A B Burgess > WTCunnirgham F B Scott 1 J M Gault It S Wright I J P West J It Whitmire J D R McCrackin Jesse F Lawson 2 S I Igleheart's^"*2*i SWA MS I Best for Bakers and Family rise. Thousoi using it It - ai For Sale R. M. E! | Both Pho \ m $$0$. / 1 % \ : c ^ L ' ' /?**''< -'C 1 / ' ' ' X!i."r / ' * ^ I ' Mjfc / .> ' ' -T.*? f. ' " ":6 r n - - - -. * -v y. K ' -*.... ,-.U ^ % < "' ' . V>- & ** ?$ w I I' " v @ 3>. |* [j ; NIGHT i TEN NiGh I !sno more p and 13 \m hits is ft 'j ^18re are I that are not in than go to BAILEY'S And Pro> M.s Mollio Allen, of South Fork. l\'v.,' ljs flie lias p-< ve? led attacks of cl oU ra \ aorlms by ta'.ing Cl amb ilains maeh r.d Liver TableLs when s?lie felt ? n at-, ack coming oi. Such attacks are um,lly caused by indigestion and ih'se tal its are just what i3 needed to e'eanse le stomach an] ward off the spp:?achat: attack. At acksof bilious colic may e prevented in the same way. For sale y F. C. Duke. STALLION! STALLION!! The stundarl b ed stalk n, Pebble, .ill begin the Fall .'cas>n at our stable iept. 20th. Insures at ? 1X00. 38- C.UEEN & BOYD. ^ -itf- <$?? **>$ | Hands Wanted J i EXCELSM KNITTING MILLS, | 5 TJdSTIOlN, so. | ( _ x Forty (40) strong, able- T S bodied men, between the ages T . I of 21 and tO. to make $1.03 per i sj . day each, and good wag03 paid jl ' to other members of the family T I for other classess of wor?i. We ? _ ; also want toppers, knitters, * *" ) loopers, menders and finishers, a 1 All the work is nice and easy, T : and we pay bettor wages than $ t any other hosiery mill in the i ' Sont.h. X ' Woa'so want 1.C00 irood cedar p.?at, V . X I J. H. G AU LT, 1 : Treasurer and Manager. $ ' J57-4m. 4 . Al JL Aia UA AM At/ Ai* At/ M* AM AM AM k ?l?r^r ?T? r^r r DOWN FLOUR. ids are yvery day. lias pleased otliers id it will please you STES. nes 84. I i $ i v*mj ! .ft*?r 1*1 ?- '-> -'* v - ? fmw* y, r . j t . w'. J1 ,~ H Kl ^ v J /<c :;v "' 'tsP * " ' 1 * ' < V-*V- . . r ? a1 f* ^ .'i ' ?> ?,i V'- .'il' *i*r"iii?: 4 7 - - ? I j? ' " fcL :P - -----. 1 i i ''J DAY ITS IN A BAR "R dangerous to the physi aental condition than , M SWARMING I people who for the sake ( and sweat and worry \ hings" all night and sea the Sundav School naoer J I I FURNITURE SI ^ide a Dixie Hosquito Bas I PC O EC luL ri EL Each season opens with my a little "better than the seasi It is not only delicious and wholesome but it is highly nutritious. One saucer makes a delightful substitute for a light meal. Try it served with crushed fruits, I If*3" 6\ EE /"VI 0s** un?.Mm S51 Arc more \ sonUwn cv tl.N s'nson, tlie oM f;iv DUKE'S SODA FOUi -ATjUKB'S drug asE?E?E?flaBcasM9BG?cd6>aoBeaGBCB*zea< e | The Gash Bargait | Has had good s* \\ The goods ore going fast. Forthif thanks to our many customers for (lie li 5 given us. Wo expect to maintain ? CLASS BARGAIN STORE. 2 | Goods Sold Cash on o n With no respect to persons. So please % send out goods before they are paid for < cause we doubt your honor, but because to break our rule for any one. Come * bargains in Dry Goods, Notions, Sho s, Id. n. wilbi ttOA m cal I DllI'lB. )T $1.48 J vith the | / things | s rather I "ORE i u w ys a Cream rn before. ODAS popular tbis ?eacr I eforo. I am lew n3w drink* and of course all 0! itcs. NTAIN STORE. eceacsc3?a*a?B| i Store [ lies. 1 * w<- extc nil our J ifceral patronage I this a FIRST'I RaHt/artf 5 UUIIVOIJ 1 don't ask us to 2 It is not be- 2 i we can't afford ;2 to tlrs store for 2 Pants, etc. * URN.I IMtltltlllMMl