v 1h? Having Jus From a Tv ? Trip Nortl Where I chased a t departmer *f and amonf ? found I Some Wan . I am to< prices lY keep an what I v you her Call arou opening t your pioh M. W. -r ???? T' i1" Xecal Schedule for Passenger Trains. TIUII HON COLUMBIA, V Avttre 'StOO a. m. Depart 9:00 a. m " l-JWp.m. " S:10p. m mm vmm iriiTimiKfl. Arrive IIA5 a. ml. Depart 11:86 a. m " :10p.m. " 9:80p. m. Close connections at Spartanburg with i. 'toe for Atlanta and Charlotte and Intern ~*diat6 stations, and at Columbia for CharhJ*4H1? 8* n'*h? Jacksonville Through tninfo. Asheville, etc. . Trains 13 and 14 carry "fVLu" era between Charleston and . and Not. 9 and 10 carry through i*. . ^ era between Jacksonville and Cincinnau. " SKADOABD SC1IXDULS. -No. 27?South bound passenger arrives at Carlisle at 2 a. m. " No. 31? Arrives at Carlisle at 10:25 a. m. No. 33?North bound passenger arrives at Carlisle 3:37 a.m. -No. 34?Arrives at Carlisle 6:43 p. m. Vsa?mk i Local News Notes I Together For Ready Reference .1 II j' J * litL 'I. TOin?r?a nere ana inert wnite Strolling AroandTown. V Mr. p. Jefferson Davis is overhauling ?nd remodeling his residence four miles sboTi Union. Greenville wai pijing 8.75 (e 8.85 for Walton Inst week. What's the matter with Union? Trade. Our merchants try to keep everything . any one wants hot somehow or other they have not added hash to their stock ?aod have thereby missed a sale. -Mr. G. Walt Whitman war called to l&phrtanburg Tuesday ' to attend the tfcneral of his sister, Mrs. Rev. A. B. K. *'?tftb, who died in thai oily Monday evening'.* Mr, Robert T* *. <* Union ^county, has secured * ?o*Wna hi sales* man with the MeLure nod will he to have hts 7*^ frieods call to ? him while In towo. f. | 4 Mr J* ^ Bild, the'popular opsrstrr \ wad Ucknt ageat at Union, has given np hisplao) hart anl |nt t> Tan to visit his relatives who live near Dallas. Mr. J. % Libby, of Saatoe, relieves Mr. Held. ! Mr. Llhhy Is a courteous young Union. ? 8h& ^2? it Returned /o Weeks I carefully pur. nil line for all the Ltss of my store, r which are to be y II Members, f ) busy to quote lis week. But eve ooen for fill have to tell e next week, nd and see us hem up and get BOBO. SBF* ,44lt r M. W. Bubo has it turned from the northern markets shore be spent two weeks selecting his fail goods. He says he has some eye openers in the way of bargains for his customers. Watch for his ad. next week. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Belue'J two months old child died Friday ?w?nin? It had keen delicate from its birth. The remains were intend at Duck Pond Saturday at 12 o'clock, Rev. Jno. G. Par' conducting the faneral seivioes. The negro excursion from Union to Columbia last Friday wu patron? faxl and the managers inform us that they a# re well pleased with the results. Tht, .*1* wpre pretty well filled, It was a to Colombia and return and all seeuT^ to odJoJ the trip* Mrs. M. B. Lee has oor tlwn*,> for a large sack of fine cornfield beans (rob! that fine patch we were telling you about some time ago. Uncle Mike says the vines are literally loaded down with them. We knew they would te frees the appearanoe of the vlnet when we aiw them. Mrs. T. J. Hanii has sold 130 worth of vegetables from her garden spot of half an acre about Ave m'les below Union. This was up to the last of Angnst snd she is still selling. This shows that mooey can be made faster from track raising tkan from cotton raising. Mr. O. T. Betue kas made a good i#Mnt An hla nnUn anni at SiwoJnurtJia of an aero this spring. He sold garden track Co the amount of $U) and had all his family enuld use at home, besides aeoommodating his neighbors. Tfela is another evidence that you can make money out of other things besides ootton. Mr. Williamson, the manager of the opera bouee, is building new bill board* for pasting show papers. He has just finished a nice one on the vacant lot be tween the Rational Dank and The Copeland Co'# store. The first bills ported on the new board are those ol The Lone Widow, to te played here to morrow (Saturday) night. Mr. J. F. Seine seeds pa eoe of th< largest pure vinelees yam potatoes thai w ^re ever seen. It Is ten inehei _'-^s four pounds. Thli yam toons of*. (bet Mr. Belue has grown on tbC .'ountJ Domeptaee. He say thai thepotatc crop is moeli finer than usual. He will make at least 3( 0 lusbels on the Foot Heam farm so abort two acres. m , 4w'. .* >? lV fto+J' % Mr! \A ' ..v ? *" f Did Jt I'andls Hast. A o a few days as entered one ? f fJJv dry [(xxli stone a th an ?mi?l o i kot and aikt-d for ha?h lie * em <1 ? tie veiy much in earnea end *?< to!*J li it. they hid not e for rale, but wU refe.icd to another of our largest dry roods establishment*. The last web *aid >f him be was still minus his hash. Fortune Favors a Texan. "Having distressing pains in heed, tack and stonu eh, end being without ippetit**, I began to use Dr. King's New Life Pills," writes W. P. Whitehea , of Kinmdnle, Tex., "and soon felt like a ew man." Infallible in stomach and iver troubles. Ouly 25c at F. C. Duke's 'rug store. Carried Back to Union. Deputy Sheriff J. II. Wilb un, of Union county, was in the city yesterday uorning ou his return to Union. He our lied along with him Henry Gregory whom he captured in Gastonia, N. C.. and who is wanted at Union for assault and battery with intent to kill. Gregory has been missing since last April, the ime when the warrant waa issued.? Spartanburg Herald, 21st. Republican Convention. The chairman of the Republican Convention, J. P. Sartor, of Santuc, gives notice to the precinct chairmen or the Republican patty to elect delegates to the County Convention to bo held on Wednesday, Oct. 1st, at the Court House in Uuion to elect delegates to the Coatre>sional Convention to be held at Spa tanburg on the 4th inst. Crop Bulletin. Over a large portion of the State, and the eastern half generally, there was little or no rain during the week, while in places over the western half fairly heavy showers occurred on the 18th and 19th. The raine were gentle and did not damage open cotton to any great extent. The weather was favorable, on the whole, for harvesting corn, cotton and rice and for farm work in general. Reports on cotton are very full this week, and cover every eection ox itic state, and they confirm previous estimate) of a comparatively short crop. It appears that the promising condition near the olose of Jane was Irreparably lrjhred by the hot and dry weather from Jane 28th to Jaly 10th, which subsequently caused the plants to shed, rust and blight and to stop growing, and while some fields in favorable localities put on new growth late in Augtp*. that has since bloomed and fruited, the majority of plants did not fruit well daring August, and most of them apparently died. Ootton is from twothirds to foar-flfths open and much, of it has been picked; indeed, some fields have already been abandoned, bat in a number of counties pickers are soarce and there a smaller percentage of the crop has been gathered. The yields are estimated below last year's by a majority of the correspondents, although in five counties the yield is estimated equil to or ( greater than last ) ear's. Frost deferred until late in November will In- . crease the crop materially In places. 1 Boll worms have appeared on late, unopened bolls in Barnwell county. Sea-island cotton is better than for a number of years, and bears a fair top crop; picking well underway. Corn is being housed. Minor crops are doing well. Truck is in a fine growing condition. I ? Iqpkfiarf vs. Pfflqtt. A very nice game of bell was played > on the Union diamond Tuesday after- ' noon. Lock hart mill team and Union j nine crossed bats and both teems soon found they had ran against something that would require ail their attention and Skill. By a couple of bad plavs during the inning Union let Lookhaxt get ] the jump on them, which advantage Locfcbart held tenaciously. At thec cm . of the third laning J/)ckbart bad four to 1 Union's goom egg. A#f* Union i began to pick up a run occasionally qptil ] at the beginning of the last inning Uie ] score stood 9 to JS in favor of Union. , Then Union began to a bow her metal. . Dr. Berry took charge of the runners I and coached them, the hatters found the I balls for some hard ram, and the soore j organ to roll up uutU It stood 1*2 to 8 in favor of Union. It was getting late and 1 they wanted Lock hart to h-iye her in- . ning, so Dr. llenry sacrificed himself at \ Jrd base to let the side out. Lackhart j went to the bat but was put out in quick juooession. It was an Interesting game 1 aud there was considerable enthusiasm 1 during the last two liming*. Lo*t*rttom W?.**&!?*<*& lows and took their defeat good humor- , edly, there was no kicking or wrangling ' The game was enj iyed by all present, playeis and auditora. It w? a clean < ^amean4 WP wpqld like to see others j like it. The feaUm td Jfee game was ifr. Juo. Dmlejy fins He i siracK ous i* ujen W.W as 1 fresh after the last inning ?| at the eloae 1 of the fl.st John it a good pitcher, and ' no telling what he eonld do with a heavy ' man behind the bat to hold hie balls af' lowing him to tot himself oat Mr. 1 Robert Miller was behind the bat and 1 1 though hN regular place Is 1st base he < f dld^ weATftlndTO*., The players on the two teams and their arrangement are as follows: union. LOCtnlaf. 5 John Daniels p. Loss Garner p. t Robt MUler a. Pick Farr c. 1 Jas. Betenbaugh lb. Lewis Gamer lb. . Dr. R. Barry 3b. YA Bailer 3b. Kred Hamilton 3b. U. C. Johnson 8b. 1 Ben Sexton ss. Will Is Bailey as. f W. A. ltobereon 0f. JoeM?gs of. . a?r Larson rf. Jim Gregory rf. I ^r,:a 1 lLi2d?SSMr hii Come up again boyt and give our boys r another try, you may bare better tueoea ; next time. twr^np^rir ' . ACi.i. -. .1 II I I Leaters of t \A/ | Low Price*. | IMMHI The Inc Haa forced ua to enlarge out by doubling our former spac arc well prepared for the ru? amount of stock as heretofore ia twice as large as before, * and extended. Of course 01 lrtfvtf Pft An ft ? } ? ? ? v/uuiviuui D UtU C. gains that has made us the It ? Di Brocadines,'value 15c, our pri Sultana Cloth, value 30c, jrice Tricot Flannel, value 30c, price Stripped Waist Patterns, v 25c, our pr'ce Fancy Wa^h Patterns, silk flu giod value at 75* ai Black and Blue Serge, value and more, our price Skirtings, all wool, at...30c LININGS A* tSS FRy Purity. } Purity in flour ought to be an important consideration in every family, la making "Clifton" flour every grain of wheat is thoroughly ch ant d before grinding and is converted into flour in a hyglenically clean, modern mill. The flour is purified, aerated and sifted through delicate silk oloths before it is sacked. Absolute purity is thus assured. The best flour looks very much like any other flour when it Is in the sack. The real test is in the baking. That's where "Clifton" flour excels by every test.?excels in purity and perfection, in the quality and richness of the bread. Pure floor really does not cost any more than flour that is not strictly pure. "Clifton" flour is guaranteed strictly pure wheat fl >qr, and i* sold at a realonable prioe. "Clifton" has no rival. There is no better flour sold at any price. Bransford Mills. Owensboro, Ky. ? A Pleasant Occasion. Mr. Editor:-* Friday afternoon, 5th inst, the little folks of Joncsville enjoyed quite i treat They were the gaests of tyjr, and Mrs. E. H. Jeter at their 1 >eautiful country home, The Oeks. J The happy occasion was Miss Marie's birthday {the little lady wee honored Mr the presence of her grandmother, Mrs. G. G. Beaty, end Master Nor- . wan Beaty, of Union; Miss Annie \ycock, of Clinton; Misses Lissie >nd knolls McWhirter, Hu'h ar.d Miry Scott, Marion Littlejohn, Nansis and Lula Kennett, Mary South?rd. The little gentlemen were Masters Roy Whitleck, Boyd Scott, filter Hu?*M Alistpr MoWhirter. Ifrs. n. B. tfison, IjeuitLee Southard and your scribe formed the older members of the party. A lumber of dainty presents delighted tfc# lit?!# bo?tets. Polioioqs oake and cream were served under the trees. How restful to leave the dost and noise of the town and spend an afternoon amid the roses and dahlias with the blue skies above you and find in the sweet child faqss sotae one to lore you, Oauqunr D. SOUTHAKD. A Fuvoa'i Noble Ad. *'l a ant all the world to know," writes Her. G. J. Budkmg, of Aahtwir, B I., "what a thoroughly good and roll- , able mediolne I found in Blectri3 Bitters. 1 They cured me of janndioe and liver troubles that hal caused me great suffering for many rears. For a genuine, allaround cure they exoel anything I ever saw." Electric Bitters are the surprtot of all for their wooderful work in Liver, Kidney and Stomach troubles. Don't f. 11 to try them; Only GO ots. SatisCaoron Is fuaianteed by F. 0. Duke, until T. BEATY& CC :reaae in our Bus ' facilities, and we have made ample p ef so that no matter how big the d?>m: jh. We are also in a position n< e, and it naturally follows tl at the v rhile in every way possible the stock h ir fundamental principle of lower pric xpect the same range of velvety valu< _ j a 3aa?re 01 low prices. *ess Goods per yd. ice 12J4? All Wool Veneti our our Price 240 Sharkskin Dress $1.00, our pric< oar 24c Meltons, value ( Black Melrose, w< ... 22c price . . Prunellas, 8 yd ?d9$i.oo r #1??' oufir rr;c Crepolme, 8 yd ] 500 our price ? Black Hudcrsfield and 48c $150, our price ID TRIMMINGS TO \NK AUSTELL, Hgr. We Have in Will probably be here by the I a stock of Rice which we d< equal in Union. We have it I the $1.00 to 10c per pound, ai grain Kice grown, Ala) have ^^MOLAS Direct from New Orleans. C i We arc carrying a big line < Frilltfl- Annloa PAilfln" ?" ! 1 ? ? --?J'w uil'4 i apples for e-iting. B in ma5", I Street *ni Irish Potatoes, Oni than they can be grown. MORGAN & PHONE 38, NOW IS TH "m "" To buy one oi Cutaway Disc Har We have them to suit your Po< Call and see UNION HARDIfl Hardware Leaders, ] ft Opposite S ' | Union Hotel | iness rovsion for the future iinds iu the future we to carry twice the arlc'y to choose rrom us been strengthened ;es has not been overes and bouncing t ar ' m^~t' per yd. ana, value 50c, 48c Goods, value a 75c 11.00, our price 75c >rth more, our 25c, 50c, 75c patterns, value e 75C patterns, valve 88c Worsted,value I $1.88 MATCH. V . J. . f?Tg ~TiTi~T l Transit. time you read this* >n't believe lias its from 25 pounds to ad the finest whota j some new *tock SBS^-11 and examine it. of Vegetables and fancy. Northern /?m a is, Cabbag e, ons, etc, cheaper WAGNON. > ETIME r our^H^ r or rows. at a price Dket Book. . .1 m > if ARE CO., Union, 8, 0.