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- / ...... - * - ' - , r vv * fflJ THI TOWN OF UWIOII NAT"! rmt" hMM iwsyssfj Til 1? TTTTMFQ I ilJL I WU; \ 1 111 Hi O. SSSr= - 6S=5=_? jJ nlan Water. PopulBtion^^U^Jj VOL. LI1. NO. 36. The UNION, SOOTH CAROLINA, FR1DAY7SEPTEMBER 5. 1902. #1.00 A YKAR. santuc sittings. "If the day looks kinder uK> ray Aud ><'ur chances kinder slim; if tne situation's puzz'imr, Ami the prtHjwCi kinder trriin, And perplexi'/tw keep pressing Till all ho|>e la nearly gone. Just bristle up aud grit your teeth, And keep on keeping on." I I Applicable to many candidates in the second race, as well as with farmers in perplexities. The days are growing shorter and every twenty-four hours we get nearer our winter coats. We have seen some fogs in August, but do not know whether to book a snow or not. If they are like raining on dog days they will slip up. Cotton is opening, we will soon hear the sing of th? cotton gin, a little money will be let loose, and people can then dance a little to its jingle. Thsre was a "drizzly drozzly" rain of several days last weeit, roads were made muddy, land wet, peas spurted in growth and bad fodder was damaged in many instances. There has been some fine watermelons raised by several farmers around here this year, and many on the vines, though it was thought the yield would be light. There are some fine late patches coming on. Rust is bad on cotton just now and often large areas are seen with no leaves on the plants. This will affect the yield. It goes without saying that wet weather does not always cause rust, for we have had dry weather down here. The chaingang is here, and Mr. Hancock is doing some excellent work with it. Some work he did near here several years ago is stand* ing well, with little or no expense to outlay in keeping it in repair. The machine is a good thing. I cannot get all the "personals" this week; people have been coming and going. Mr. J- H. Moore and wife have vretained, and Mr. Moore will teach th? schssfr stds. Mr, W. H. Harris, Jr., telegraph operator, who has been on a visit to his parents, left for his work in Georgia Sunday. tying Hattie Moss is off on a visit to relatives at ftlacksburg. Messrs. J. P. and Rivers Thomas, of Charlotte, are here on a visit. There was a party, sociable or dance given at Dr. P. P. Butler's on the night of August 27th, but very few attended, the weather being anything but pleasant or suitable to travel to ana fro?it was raining. Negroes love watermelons wiUiout any pretense. I saw some melons roll off a wagon a few days ago and % negroes were soon upon the broken ones, one taking a seat on the clear post at the railroad and enjoyed a melon. Another said "the Lord will provide," and sauntered off with one. Of course they helped to fix the good ones on the wagon. More horses feet are ruined by keeping them always shod, than by negleot of shoeing. Owners are afraid to lot them travel a short distance barefoot, pull off shoes, put more right back, until the hoof is brittle, rotten and split to pieces. Going barefoot makes feet Wugh and resistable. A physician's horse needs more shoes than others, but I am a convinced that some people have litr tie judgment about a horse's feet. I trv to study them by observation. If anv of vou ever see Tom Jonm. a sixty four year old negro, who lives near this place, just get him to climb a tree baclcwards for yon. I saw him do so recensly, but forgot to mention it. It is a strange looking sight to see a man going feet first upa tree, and coming down head first. He crawls down like a big lizzard and oan change ends up the tree with all ease ifit is not too large. I heard that if he went up a tree to get | a squirrel out of a hole, and found that the hole ran down the tree so that he couldn't get his hand into it, he would come down, change and start up feet first, and when ne got up to the hole, run his hand t rin and bring his squirrelship out It a wonder the squirrels have not made him break his neck before this, for they are no playthings. But perhaps they are skeery about biting a backward climber, and are filled with awe, or are out squirrelsi. Now if you see him you can have a little l side show cheap, Negroes grown and growing up of ' t >d iv. (n^t raised or trained,) are not r.oar so polite aa the old ones, Home acarcely Vver speak to a perivu, and then never tip or raise their hats and have no manners about re.-ndenocs, Note an old negro, how polite he is when jou meet nim, and how mannerly he acts around houses. If you ask htm questions about things, or old times, how intelligently he talks. This leads one to ponder the question that when all of the old uegroes. those reared by white people, under their "inflii?ne?4 am ?k? ? ? ?? v ^vuvf nuurc will tne youngei generaaion have drifted as to politeness, manners, or intelligence. No use talking about higher education for them, they may be able to use some big words, all meaning the same thing, or nothing at all, but away from the training of the white race, their influences, etc., and they will be drifting back to the heathen African, from whence tho race came and was alienated by the white people, and I may say those of the South, and the most of the good qualities imbibed by being with the white race, will all be gone, and a thing of the past. Old negroes like to talk about "my folks" of the good old times, and how plentiful things were with their masters, and they speak inoffensively of "my kin folks" when they mean they are going to stick to them. But all of this is passing away. The election at this precinct passed off not quietly, with no rows or fighting, but just a lot of liquor drinking and geting tipsy. Much hard electioneering for and against, and it may prove both fair ana foul. There was more interest shown than any election in a number of years, and some say that it haa been a long time since so much whisky was used. Whether it was furnished by candidate we do not know. Anyway it flowed quite freely, and there is no doubt but votes were bought with liquor, a strong persuasion. ? Many a man can be tutned when they get fully intoxicated and I believe some will change for a chance to get intoxicated; aad some can have their tickets marked against them by unscrupulous men, ana thev never be aware of the fact, cheateo, and some just don't care who or for wh*t they are voting, so they are voting and drinking. Often good men are at the mercy of this kind of men, and often you can't judge a man's popularity by the vote he Sets at home. The papers have een talking about leg pulling, and !* T J- * ? 1 ' " n j. uo not oijena, ao tnose men voter I am opposed to electing anything by convention, large or small, and want it done by direct primary. I am this way on cotton weighers. Now they get up petitions, send to an appointive power, and that power appoints whoever it likes best. Might as well allow several men get up petitions ior magistrate of a place, send them to an appointing power, and have one appointed. Or let several men of a state get petitions signed by so many voters, for governor, send that to the president of the United States, and let him appoint a governor. It all works pretty much tne same. This appointing businees with a good many things is a sort of spoils system, ana I think a primary election, etc. is preferable. Then the losing side cannot attach too much blame and impartiality to the power that appoints. So I believe a direct primary, as in all the offices, the best all around. Hey Dbxvek. Santuc, S. 0., Sept. 1st, 1902. JONESVILLE JOTTINGS. i The weather is fine now on the I farms and fodder Dullinir is nro<rrMM sing well this week. Sat little cotton has been picked np to date bat there is muca of it opened in the fields. Farmers ore now confessing that their cotton crop is quite short. If there is no freshet to destroy the bottoms the corn crop will be better than the cotton crop. There is a fine crop of corn on the creek and rear bottoms. I heard a man say yesterday that another man told him who lives upon a river farm that he was sure corn could be bought from the hands on his place from the heap this fall for twenty-five cents a bushel. We will however see what we will fee. Messrs. R. A. Whitlock and J. L. McWhirter | havs both added another gin to their already large a gineries in town bo there is now hoten large gins in the two plant*, ready tor the present ootton crop. They can handle from 40 to 60 bales a day, and they will buy > the cotton and seed at the gins and pay the highest market price for both. The three Missee Murphy of Pinckney are risiting Miss Ettie Hames. I see the candidates that are in the second race for oounty offices are husling with a hump on th?'m, and well they may for the prevail ing opinion now is that it will be a close race all round. Charles Bolt has passed over the river to join the ranks of the majority of veterans on the other Shore. He volmteered in Co. B, 18th S C. and went forth to war in the causo of his adopted country, receiving aj severe wound in the right leg at the Second Mnnasaea battle by which he lost the leg. Being strong, however, in young manhood, he survived this dreadful wound and returned to his home a cripple for life, but he journeyed on throngh middle life where he met the common enemies incident to human life such as false friends, open avowed enemies and diseases of the body. These however he overcame by truth, honor, fidelity and loyalty to his country and still traveling on down life's journev towards the third and last period, where in old age he met his last and most inverate foe, a disease of the kidneys. Being weak with old age and the conflicts through which he had passed, he was soon laid prostrate in death. His remains were borne by loving friends and comrades to the cemetery nearby and there laid in the narrow tomb to remain and rest until the roll is called up yonder, bye and bye. There are a few cases of small pox among the negroes near Jonesville on I Messrs B. F. Webber and Munroe Whitlock's places and one negro wo man died with it yesterday. Dr. Southern has the matter in charge. , He reports it as being a bad type of i genuine small pox. Mr. Stabley, of Georgetown has been on a visit to his sister, Mrs. Rev. David Hucks. Telephone. Lockhart Junction Notes. Lookhart Junction, Aug. 30.? The weather has been cooler since the last rain, and rest at night is now comfortable as it is not so not Work time has again come and fodder pulling is the order of the day. Some has taken advantage of the last season and is sowing turnip seed. The ootton crop is not over a half crop in this section, while upland corn is good. Mrs. A. C. White, who fell out of her porch soma time ago and broke her leg, is doing very well at this time. This writer, along with Mr. J. W. Scott, had the pleasure of attending the Sunday School Convention held at Lockhart, S. C., Aug. 29th. Ob account of rainy weather there was only a small delegation present. Mr. S. M. Rice, who is president of the convention, and who is very punctual, was at his post of duty, and evoty one seemed to put on npore zeal for the work of the Sunday school. We feel thankful to, the good people of Lockhart for the hospitality shown us while in their midst, and especially so to Mr. Joe G. Bailey ana fkmily where we were assigned as delegates. He made us feel like we were at home during our stay with him. Moxy. OF INTEREST TO THE7ARMER. Called From Oar Agricultural Ex, changes. Plow deep while sluggards sleep; Yow will have corn to sell and corn to keep. % ? ? Oar domesticated animals are (band, when they are studied closely, to be, in some important respects, a good deal like ourselves; and it will oertainly sometimes result profitably to us if we so regard them. ? ? Farm as well as garden products should be sent to market in nice shape. In the oommonest sense of paying, it pays te do this. And the operator who is SO slovenly about any matter ef this sort is forming habit! to put himself and ell he produces in the lower grade. liens should not have fattening food during the summer months. Grass, insects, oa?s, etc, will be the beet hot wea'her diet. Make the hens lay the grea'est p*r'i?>n of their eggs during the fall and winter. It is better for them if they do not lay any during July, August and 8eptember. * * * liens "re usually very choice in th>-ir selections of nests, and unless we provide those that are acceptable to them they will most likely seek others. Now is a good time to renew every one. Take the old straw outside and,burn it, and carefully make each nest with fresh straw or hay. * * * It is not too muck to say that every bit of honeet material progress that the world has made has been helpful to the fanner. One effect ef most, if not all, the great forward steps made most notably in the latest quarter of a century has been to bring producer and consumer closer together, and everywhere the farming class has been particularly benefited by this. * * ? One who is regarded as a comprehensive student of every essential matter pertaining to sheep says that "in Spain, trhenever sheep are kept in the neighborhood of rock salt hills or sea salt, they thrive better than they do under other conditions. Salt in the case of the sheep makes for both better wool and mutton. When llnWatlXA nf ant* fa ?> > w <1 wuw V* *UIV ID |(ITVU IV DUCC|) at pasture, from half an ounce to an ounce should be provided daily for each sheep." GENERAL NEWS NOTES. Gathered Here and There From Our Exchanges and Condensed For Quick Reading. The Government of Hayti appears to have a head for business and finance at any rate. It has seised 250 tons of coal. * * * Representative Reese C. DeGraffonreiu, of Texas, died ot apolexy at the Riggs House in Washington, shortly before 11 o'clock last Friday night. ? "It's queer tbat the only clothes that show how women really are built are bathing suits and night gdwns." How about the knit and silk suits combination? * * a A big mineral trust it being formed in New York, embraoing seven big companies with a capitalisation ol $ 7,600,000. Verily this is a day of trusts. * * * Columbia, S. C., Sept I.?Labor day was observed as a general hoiKBDJiimd 1"'--^ -1??1 VilaJI uBfti?aa> usiug H111IUIV entirely suspended. Ad drawer war? delivered by Governor McSweeney and other*. * * * Walter Wood, aged 36 year*, *on of Mr. aad Mrs. W. W. Wood, of Glendale, died at their home there Saturday. The body wa* Shipped to Aaheville thia afternoon where it will be buried tomorrow morning, * * The reports of the acta of violence in the coal fields between the striking miners and those who have taken some of the vacant places, point unmistakably to the rapidly approaching end of the great industrial dis turbance. * In the vtsitors' regimental match of the A vondale Inter-State military shoot in Savannah, Aug 39th, the 3rd South Carolina infantry of Charleston, won, with a score of404; 1st Florida second, 357, and 1st Alabama third, 327. Washington, August 29.?Colombia will formally demand of Nicaragua an explanation in regard to the Fatter country's alleged participation in the revolution against the Colomi bian Government, and back up her i demand by the most formidable land ' and naval foroe she can muster, as i soon as the present rebel activity on > the isthmus has been crushed. In( formation to this effect was received k from an authoritive source in Washington. MlNMtlNtl*!#!! | TORN* { INSURi ? At low t is issue i Wm. A. NICHO { BANK B trlington, Sept. 1.?It ia a'atcd by one of the presidential parly that , Attorney General Knox is slated to i succeed Justice Shiras on the ?u- i pr> me court bench. General K not's ( reai Donation ? *? l?o in Roosevelt's heads. * * * i Riehlend County took the cake. < At one of our political meetings last < week two personal encounters took < place?one between W. McB. Sloan i and Gen. J. S. Verner, candidates : for master, and the other between 1 George W. Taylor and S. II. Owens i and Dr L. Owens. < # < * Manila, August 29.?Isabelo De Los Reyes, head of the Filipino Workingmen's Union, who was arrested August 18, charged with ^ threatening to assassinate certain ' striking cigar makers if they re- ( turned to work, has been sentenced ( to four month's imprisonment. * i Galveston,Tex., September 1 ?The y Galveston Ness publishes a statement j showing the Texas crop of co t .u for . the year 190102, to be 2,207,259 { bales, a decrease of 801,207 bales, > comj ared with the Texas crop for 1900 01* The crop lor Indian Territory and Oklahoma for 1901 02 is I 581,018 bales an iocrea e of 208,567 compared with lastyar. * * * Blue Ridge, Ga., Aug. 30?Application for a charter has been filed for a railroad to run through North Georgia, Tennessee and South Carolina tinrfor tliA titln nf Tannea**?p Opiiroia and South Carolina Railroad C impany. It is said that this road will croas the Southern at B'airs in Union county. With the right kind of influence brought to bear it might be brought to Uuion as a crossing point. * * * Berlin, Aug. 30.?The price of meat in Germany continues to rise and the town councils and other bodies and the newspapers in every part of the empire are discussing what is called the "meat famine." , The Butchers Guilds advanced the price of meat this week from to 5 cents per pound. A good steak costs 44 cents a pound in Berlin. 1 * Ware Shoals Manufacturing Co. < has begun the development of its < extensive water power near Laurens, < S. C., and will push the work as rap- < idly as possible. It is also laying i off the ground and preparing to build i its mill of 25,000 spindles, previous- I lv reported as to be located to utilize ] tbe power. Messrs. W. B: Smith Whaley k Co. are the engineers in 1 charge. * * * Woodsmole, Maw., Sept. I ?Rear 1 Admiral Higginson's fleet captured 1 Block Inland this afternoon after two ( hours' bombardment in the sham war * going ou between the nary and the land forces. The movement was made while tbe army was expecting attacks on Newport and the torts at the hoad of Long Island sound. The entire coast of Massachusetts is at Higginson's mercy. He is now heading for New York harbor. * * According to information unearth* ed in Chicago, William Bartholin, wanted by the police in connection with the murder of his mother and the disappearance of his sweetheart, Minnie Mitchell, is a member of the noble house of Bartholin-Eichel, of Denmark. It has also been discovered that he has a half-brother? Frederic Bartholin^-at present livI ing in Chicago, prosperous and highly respected. The house of Bartholin was founded in 1680, when I Dr. Bartholin-Eichel was made a [baronet for "distinguished services." VDO 1 ANCE ' i rate I d by > LSON & SON, I! ERS. |; ( I Governor McSweeney has reiiueeted It. O. Purdy. Judge elect, to hold court in Beaufort as Judge Gage has been disabled by an accident. * After reading Roosevelt's speech it Providence, says the Buffalo Enquirer, one wonders how Wall street can feel that there is any danger to the trusts from the President. He jays plainly that most of the trusts ire all right, the present laws against them are being enforced and it will require a constitutional amendment to do more with them. What more ioes Wall street want? Looks like Roosevelt is playing a double game. * * * Blackwell, Okla, August 26.? Mrs. Jack Frost, wife of a prominent lusiness man and politician of this city, was arrested here tonight, charged with poisoning Mrs. Adice Oombs and her eldest son, Ernest, Mid with the intent to kill the entire 'amily of seven persons. Mrs. Frost was tiken to the county jail at Newark. Arsenic was put in the coffee iot during the absence of the family. 3nly two of the family drank coffee. They are in a critical condition, EXPENSES OF CANDIDATES. How* Does This Strike You, Boys? Some of You can Appreciate it. Below is given the expense account of a Ilall county candidate who favored a late primary. From this time on he says he will always be in favor of an early primary, al though he will never be a candidate again. Here is the way he put it down: "Lost 4 months and 33 days canvassing; 1.340 hours thinking about the election; 5 acres of cotton; 23 acres of corn; a whole sweet potato crop; 4 sheep; 5 shoats; and 1 beef given to barbecues; 2 front teeth and a considerable quantity of hair in a personal skirmish. Gave 97 plugs of tobacco; 7 Sunday school boolcs; 2 pair of suspenders; 4 calico dresaee; 7 dolls and 13 baby rattlers. "Told 2,889 lies; shook hands 23,475 times; talked enough to have made in print 1,000 large volumes sizes of patent office reports; kissed 126 babies; kindled 14 kitchen fires; cut 3 cords of wood: pulled 474 bunTT " nivo vi ivuuci, piu&cu i it pounds OT cotton; helped pull 7 wagon loads ol corn; dug 14 bushels of potatoes; toted 27 buckets of water; put up 7 stoves; was dog bit 4 times, watch broken by baby, cost $3 to get repaired. "Loaned out 3 barrels of Hour, 50 bushels of meal, 150 pounds of bacon; 37 pounns of butter; 12 dezen eggs; 3 umbrellas; 13 lead pencils; Bible lictionary; 1 raowblade; 2 hoes; 2 rakes; 1 overcoat; 5 boxes of paper collars, none of which have been returnod. "Called my opponent a preambulating liar?doctor's bill $10. Had five arguments with my wife?result: One flower vase smashed, 1 broom handle broken, 1 dish of hash knocked off the table. 1 shirt bosom ruined, 2 handful of whiskers pulled out, 10 cents worth of sticking plaster bought, besides spending $1,7 68. ?Gainsville (Ga.) News. A Boy'a Wild Ride for Life. With family arouud expecting him to die, and a Hon riding for life, 18 miles,to get I)r. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, W. H. Brown, of Leesville. Ind., endured death's agonies from asthma, but this wonderful medicine gave instant relief and noon cured him. He writes: "I now sleep soundly every night." Like marvelous cures of (Consumption, Pneumonia. Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds and Grip prove its matchless merit for all Throat and Lung troubles Guaranteed bottles 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at F. C. Duke's drug store. 4