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THE His" ION TIMES! PUBLISHED EVERY FR1IVYY ?uv xhf? UNION nM?ES COMPANY Second Flook Timi s Building JNO. N. MATI12S, V.dito^ L. <r. YorjNG, Manager Register M lit the ' '' o ni t men., 8. C., as iid-class in ni mattei. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One year ------- il.Ot' fix months ------ 30 cents Three months ----- 25 cents. ADVERTISEMENTS One sq iaie, first ' n - - fl.W. very ibsequeut iii-k}; tin?' - 50 cents. Con acts for tVm- m ?nt hs or lonirei w:t.i be uade at reduced rates. Locals iusp-t <1 at co's a line. Rejected -mnau .unapt -vi:. not be rt turned. Obiluai ies and nbutes of respect will be charge i ;<>r :;t ' ra*. ?. UNION,8. C.. AUGUST 2!), 1002. Election d?v was very inclement. The rain drizzled all the forenoon and while it was sutTI? i*-nt to thoroughly dampen the gr-U! .1 .1 had no tenuncy to dampen the a 1 >r of the thirsty Candidates?thir : ; for votes w< mean. ? Every 4ay come vcpou ? l drowing awcusi?l i. it-. It is al Ways| 80 " ; if. M St of these rataliti? live due to the tbllv < f the nersonsravho lose their lives. A desire to show oft' ns bold swimmers is the cause of many of them. Ko one with son=e, however g >oil a swimmer he may b\ ?U t'ke unnecessary chances with the ohi ocean. Keep close to the shore and wit! in easy distance of the boats of the life saveis.?Spartanburg Journal. Well the die ia cast, the tale is tolt. it is a taie o- woe , . vrc wiio were o joyous and confident only a fewdays ago. Possibly there is bitter feelJing wrangling in the breast of some of tlit-sk on account of n-hep* promises. We ho >r v >thov> v r.r lie race Is over the remit is dcoim <1. Let i i feel'ng re %* : .,. d heiv. oy the gentle zephyrs, j i>t rem m'K-r : that even ydur fri< 1 e mid mv. per- j haps vote for ,1 - I his iVeuids It | is a thing that hac; massed nod gone i forever, let" it go .-diet it leave no rankling regrets in your brea*: , let us all turn to our avocations and pursue the even tenor of our way To those who are to enter the second primary there are vet dayV. of anxiety dr.d hard work ahead f ; them yon \v:ho have been defeated ii the first rage will have the consolation of beiiJg a spectator of the truggle th'ftt is to follow, knowing there are others to join you after the final count,cheer up and look pleasant. It will do no good to mope. "Laugh and the world laugh.; with you, Weep and you weep alone" a-c. . GOOD WORK. The Town Council'ij improving the eidewnlk on the left side f Church streets very materially by putting down crurdied rock It caused pedestrians to t-tftotho middle of the street while ;r Wu-* filled up along the walk but after it /.Vs broken up with the hammers an ! bcr^t down smcothc it maki'S not only an excellent walkway but a durable one We hope the Council will fix the opposite side of of that street the same way. MORE I'RnriNCTS NT$fiT)JZ J). The great delay in getting the vote or union oox, at t iu primary fictions this week, b* the host k'nd of vidoree tliit iri.-^ ruling precincts are needed in VMwtovrji of Unioo. If we had a votang precinct in each ward of the tovrn, w* would have had the count filfts'lietl and the result known by 0 uesday night in- j stead of labotfnua work of the rnnnagers from ! Otelock Tuesday evening to four o'clock Wednesday morning, a 12 hour jot>^^ hi!e the pooplo stand around until thoroughly tired, having heurd from nfovt of the boxes in tho county, and no! able to got tho return from our e.<urt house box. i'hey httvo to await the lext flay. It would bo a great convenient* ? to the voters, the managers .and the citizens generally to"1hiive nc least two more voting precipe* s iu tho town, if not ono for each v.'iurd. Union bus grown to such proportions thut she -lioui.l now have voting precincts. We move t.hut the propor steps be taken by the proper parties at once looking to this end. , M' 1 (V 1 i THE ORDIC i L ENDED. * } 1 >*? county c.-*mp?ign c'.iet- i ?l Uu* i o ) M >iK ay siit.i iwo akii.g,, ! one at tue Grand svli'-ol Giovo begin- ' niog in me nn-m g abort 10:30 j o'clock ard ooniiouieg until 2 p. m. with u? luiermiftsio.- The -her at 1 ;ne Comt House > quart) to -no mill ( people tie tc . i'K . , uts ! Mei theMDieaa all eady covered iu 1 1m?; it ekV ?s*ue of The Tikeh A ( iu.. ginger was injeii ui wher Mr. 1 R \V. Hamiliou, cuadid?te for Ueu- * ur. r, w.^s introduced. Oue cou'd see ' a' si r;lA:t v that he was fail I?;- st Jo 1 overlloniiig, and hi. lust no time iu .i iuing onto bis opponent, the pre8- ! ciu encumbent, Mr. J. H Bailies. He was very bitter in reprimanding ' Mr. Bar ties for doubting nis veracity ai the meeting at Koltou, anil esiid ! tbut it was a bnume on him f >r doing . 8?, that he had never bet u hud his . veracity questioned. Pointing to Mr. Barti e, he ss?;d there he c.ts, he ie j guilty and ho knows it. Things he g;.u t warm up, hut Mr. Barnes shc 1 quietly and wub undisturbed, appar 1 Mst'y. i'he croft d began to jell t'?r uoth Ha i:ilton a Bart'es. The oc (*. sii u 1 r a\) this v ss slu> fact that a* ier Mr Barilos bad e'ated that i>>? guarantee company in the United S aUs iv ulb guarantee a ireasuicr'* i. n.d beesuisu ssu y c msidercd it loo hazardous, w:in >ui any reflection up < n the treasurer. Mr. Barties said no did d t mean ?>y stating tuis that a man coma n >i give bond, he wan simply trying io show Uuu uio place v.vy onoot'giiiU .'ink and hazardous to the Treasni.-r I Mr. Harmi'.uii. i '.over, requested l Mr. H.jL Se ttle, a torney, L?? write to ice fi.m in Charleston, one Mr. Bar t.e. hud ret.-ed to, to '.a if he could j A o. nd it elected.. Mr. Senile did so and the reply cme to Mr. Scaiie they would ^uaia .tee the bmid uitd s;-nt a blank hood i 'tiling out. Securing .Ilia Mr. lia ..i m rent it. ai tie Kcii"'.: juceto.ig. 1 ilia beiug in duvet contradiction to Mr. Burtle'a he, Mr. Bir'ea, roqucdltu Mr. JI .Uiiiion to let him see ne signature it the letter. Thia Mr. Il'iuiili n refu-ed to do, as it waa a private lctte. to Mr. Seaifo and ho considered io nas not ^.uLuorized to exhibit it without Mr, Seaife's au. ti.ority. Mr. iiarllea announced that under the circumbtancea he had a light io <i?w.? k c*>. elusion that it j was u couc i. i i aiicme bfctvcou Mr. ,Se if< and Mi riant' wj, and it was j. .i; 1 ,r a lu't *'? ?. Hi* i'l o W'Jtllil dovvi,..j,, but toitu .atciv it was averted. Ar. the U.iiou mectieg Mr. II imil ion again produced too jotu?r and this tune he uic > producM a leu-ir froru Mr. Seaif- amh oizing I im to show i 1 n-. letter .1 lie wi.-.hcd. He heldvjit up bcfoiu . .a crowd but uo one roach 11 it, a*id ho replaced it in his pocket. Mr. Jinnies ia his speech explained his reasons ) ?r mentioning the fact of ihe various cunpaid-s i'?.:fu?ing trea&* : urers ti go .rial*; ootid, and said Mr. II?\'..iiit. n'a idea that lie wan tiring at ! . .eked was .1! -:? aginary. The crowd joeiiuued to \cli lor Bartles and for I Hamilton. Wneu Mr. Hurtles took : m.a teat Mr. llamiilou wished Lo use ' tv f.:v\- lii.otea thai had been given j !.'-n ijy -uothrr speaker, but as soon . lie approached the trout of the j , !a.f;rui pAcdoujouium broke loose, ami Hiicii a ye lling was kejit up, cheers ii .ouuicr cheers, that utter a futile j til ?r?. < : rive minutes to be heard he | >\ s nna iy requeued to sit down by j tec chairman and friends. At another point m the meeting late' on he : g t perrnifdi ni to try again, but im* ! mediately me yelling was begun ag -.i.i ! and r.e ha . to retire. At lbe night mbi-ting ti fit a ids tune cam 3 to iqjenk ; a ho h. g pi ctSd n an again tunned. At 'hie irque-1 of Mr. Barnes, chair* i oau Dixar< g u up ami censured those i ih?,-iT ti ? oidtumuuee in some very , < hi pi. t:e uuguagc, . ud wound up by 1 H .yir g he ritnn't a darn what th'i ho i; .a of liim Mr. Hamilton w-3 ( ion !:'.v.ed to close whi'h lie did in , i: w words aiui the ..aly spat of trie ? . ir, i wit* at an end to 'he great . 'in ul cvoryboiiy concerned, we im; g'fie, ca-tdthxtes ana ail. | A MODEL HOME AND FARM. i Rcinurku .lt' and Accomplished Family. It w w our groai pbu?ure a short I *. ii i j since, to spend a ve ry plca^rw i |?foru>Mn .ind in^'n ttl thr horidiuble I | horn chout* <?t Unio j county's in ;gt I i f"?j?-i on .? c :<<: ligobt t'.?ivii^;ru CJ lUilljf L->U[k riiH'.i rlt-iii < { JO iucfti ion, I Mr. L)B F fit 1 * ty ?'- k i j >y. (i i aQ ?- venin flji ni i ?t hi- iupj>; home is hm i?/ i6ehi". uk iv \\'t Jur ftio lir.ii hin.faui't !i > ?lu-' f m*?:"t-iy ih" ... i o l?;n" , .<i l t icuiiri i i,.nI i K f) ru> ;iih; , ?- it lillr, iftj.'t . .'if wry J't C'.il liOJ._h. Mien? svro i<! e thi-t;c,ti . n,,? iy '' m 1,10 brigt?t i.mi in c y (I ' ii'l'Ce ?'l 7, lo h.\ ....r.y li i I'25 .'i.?r.;ao i n in- u in oli, I'Vi oojt; r, Kay, Da.I--1, L?ijh a->?l Bun, * llu , .M in. M ? ?, AM e-K'i'ii i< .o ijr.H'i. Wnu*. ;,;i? o ^* u.-o We. o v." . .mi.: cevc'i p. (', ? in..trio >f I-.I1 y.r Hue ' II'.J ': i l .? -'.I'i, {.Uli U K: l>tij . * Java are loug. Tliey aro their mother's jewel*, and ? 1 her in all J I her house work, sewing, etc, and as 0 music, we bavo never before seen >uch a universal La ?tt fit music in 1 family as exists io tiiis, eopeciahy tmorig the girJs. We have rarely board such piuuo music in a homo as those girls rondemi on the piano that evening, all oi them with tho exception of litth Grace are accomplished ia (he manipu'ution of the ivory, on* if rl\ en? e j ecially 10 whom iceroi to be a second nature. Sh?* 2nu ie*:d.;t the most uitHculi pmc i jeeiuiugly without eftuil and mver .vvv/* Mttiu OWUUU. AUU iilliu | Grrace is coming along nicely, aed can i already play several selections very j well. We could hardly tea? our j wives away from the piano, and fiuri that we worried the girls by iusiitiug ! upon their continuing the grand treut. j We are very fond ..i music, and don'',, j know when we won'd have cliab'od,' ha i uot tho old ' l*. inau c- .'.!?<; u j DUt Q!l the p rch. We WiuU ri:?? i he'e to the the g r v this rmn < did eottrtfi. meet, and '*> the niott j ei and fa'hor ??nd the ble svn. fo< j our kind Had hospi hV. iccepli< a. Especially the talented and teemplished mother, for lroiu her the i! taknt of be? daughters can e, J aud by her ivucniog, and hers alum , j has thia talent b*eu so perfectly di-| velopetl for b* it remembered tha, ' heir mother is the < nly music teacliei ' the gir's have evee had, and judging j from the result they could huriy have had u hotter one, Mr. Fant has a beautiful hon;equipped with evtry c mvenienco ami comfort to be desired. Tmo b^ca itcitH of nis 1 iii e fa in stretch oc< beautiful aud itvei. The rear view from my window io au upper iu. ,u.1 was very fine indeed. It I.joU.-o ! across his c.iru aud cotton lields lo I lit limb-red bordei neariv a inile away, nm! looking we heheid the finest t>mu ibat we have a?en anywhere in Ur1 c-unty thi.'.yeir, and we decided 'o I'A,' a stroll over this laud the uex. morning. Farly the next morning we were) uiuiibtd by a might commotion in the j lot, and upon gelling up we found tuat a cow which nuo ol Mr. Faui's 8';nc had bought some time ago hu i :ent home, had goae mad and Mr Fant who waa out in the lot attending to the feeding of the 6tock narrowly scaped a vicious churgo she had mnd> him. Ho called hi: sons and :h"> Ward ed her for awhi'e, and were i vi.nced by her wild charges at the fe e win i. any one Hpprru'-hed, iia w i <j wad a lid Mr. Faut loid the.'. . . aid her. She waa shot in tho hoa hovi'ral timts with pistol balh auJ tinnlly some three or four a . ii fi. .u .. gu before she was killed. We Lao nil drank some of her iniik a' sui>;? r, which bad, however, been mi h d ihc previous morning and mixed w.ih ihe other cows'milk, and Mrs. Faut w-?s very uLeasy, but we tried to assure her tture waa uo danger, aatlto hydropho bin had not developed uutil the e>w bud tlie tirst fit. Sho however, ?hr . v -way a nice batch ol beautiful yellow butter she had made ine day bt-f >re from the milk. The cow had been bit<en by a dug supposed to have beeu mad, and Mr. Rodger Faut ha 1 some days afterward seen the dog running rabbit', a . i when the owner, fearincr the ??w Would go mad, offered her at a ridic. ulously low price, Mr. Fa it bought her, and cent her home, where she had miico been kept in a pen to herself, until all danger was thought to be over, when the family Legan to uat the milk. After killing the cow wc look u stroll over the beautiful plantation in rear ot the house, One el' the things which impressed us mopi woe peas We found 2-1 acres of p'-a-i, p; ai in the the cotton fl-lde, p.a* in ilic corn lipids and peas almost everywhere. Mr Font is certainly a boliever in peis, be has several lino vn rio'.itt, and he certainly knows what he is doing. We aekotl him why i.ti planted them everywhere. lie a.-iih peas were as valuable as c ittou and wher.'. he saw hip cotton wa.3 not going 10 c me up to the scratch iu hi-i.c bp >?i lie p anted peas H know r.iy v.n.uid and wb begun to ste wh.-r* he iind ?i icvbl head. Wc bolievo he Ihh lie lineet croji of pens to he found io the c untrv. Ho is a pea gro 81 1'Otri nway back, ht- last y.ur i radied nun 15,00() ibsofpekatiy actual .nigi.t iron: 1U ot land. lit. I in GO acre- in ctru in fiue an uverag.; atcau l?u ouu i in the c >uuty. IIh In. s-'Vi-ra' acres in spanisi |?ca;urs. His ;.trru Lag 325 acnb. He Las tin b^si aveurge cottoii crop wo iiaiio . oeuauvw it ore in tiiC county. JIo utually inttUco two crops on h'.s Hud, Lt cuougea afouii i in hij planting, thus enriching an I improviog it alt the i'.i;e iin-tei'i oi' weariug it out. He c puts about 150 pounds of acid 'i <i-< r his [Has un<l 150 ibs of guano uudrr Lis orn to th ; acre and no ul ways Ins good crops whon such a t oug is joisiblo. In fact tiajs h first eiusi firmer an i conduct*Lie farm n n Beit a ; die ai.d business like manner, l'nut is <* by he succeeds. He reus livu plows His b:?ya do ino woik nU'l randy have to pay out more tiuo 850 1 r belp during tbo year. We to'd Mr Kant it he and MrA Fnpitlirt noi have cruse to be happy and con tented we did cot know anyone who bad. I rasas f mrr *ssv EL A T r 5c 11 A YARD _ AT 1 iSverytliiiig t zx~t prices tliat W? tals.? stoc! order to clea: summer tlx? remuaiits ...HAL New lot ladies' elbow silk mitts, New lot ladies' novelty belts, the New lot ladies' turn down Collar Featl erbone Stock collars, the id Extra heavy "Buffalo" Sheeting, One lot nice ligured muslins, 3 t quick" we have made the pricM New lot pretty val. laces and ins BUYING ?r, h) ou?* llulliilo st.< WrooorieK, Crocks ' >lioes, TruiiliS, Ck BEST ?<f K>J 1] t4CO>IE TO R. P. HARRY, M; The News From Carlisle. Dear Mr Editor:?Please be bo kmd as to allow me a space in your valuable paper to write up a lew Carlisle notes. The weather has been quite warm for the past few days,with some rain. n it v>rops arc now iooKing very nice in this section, although they had suffered some for want of rain* Mr. 0. Anderson, our Southern Railwny agent and family have just returned home from a visit paid to his relatives and friends at Leesvillc S. C. I am glad to state that Mrs. Jane Wishert, who has been very ill with typhoid lever, is able to be up and going about. Mr. H. C. Miller, of this place, itrunning a brik mill and rapidly making brick. The Southern Kailway has also just thrown off a fc* car loads of cross tires, for the purpose of building a traek to connect with the Seaboard Air Line railway. Carlisle is getting on a boom and wr hope to see her keep on as she has been going for the last few weeks. Wishing much succes to The Times and its Editor and corrspon dents. Christie. Race Riot at Indianapolis. Indianapolis, Ind, August 24.?A race brokt out at liaughvill, a suburb of this city, this afternoon between two hundred nngros and whitef J emnloved bv the National MnllaMo I Casting company there has been bitternses between them for several years and trouble has frequenly bro ken out. A ball game this morning between the two factins caused excite- j incut. As the crowd left the fifth ! hostilities commenced. Stones bri cks, clubs and other missiles were' used. . / ' i I Two hundred persons immediately 1 crushed together in a figUtite mas#; Twelve or fifteen shots were fired, ; and it is reported ouonegro was fbot, j but lie was taken from the field before ' the police orrved. The whites wore f victorious, driving the blacks from the fields and wounding a number of them. Several white people were \ badly injured. Ten aireats had been: made and others will be made a -, soon as the presons can be found The police responded to a riot call* ' but on ecount of the distance did no. avivo till the fight had been fought to a finish. Offices* of jbo cum pany fear other outbreaks will follow. ! \ i A H Ei "HF IV/li ITI IAI I II a Ktara IVB I ! 3lse in Bummer B' are sxirely trade Ix. in Ansnst, tire n UL33 all slaort 1< IbLC^TT-O nCEL4r.3LwiS.OCl ^Irout . F P R I C all the rage, get a pair before they are al / Ping Pong" and other pretty styles 25< s, all sizes and heights, only eal summer collar, all sizes, price yard wide, value 6ic at o 20 yard lengths, real value 5 to 7 ?c "to a sertions to match, prices 4c, 5c, 6ic, 8c, 1 irge quantities as we do for our two largi at Buffalo, we are able to make the lowes best lines of goods to be found. ore will l>e found a full li] n*y, Tinware, Dry >tiling, Bats, l^uriiiture, AND LOW > JP 11 every departjnent. l^JEdLJb) DAHOAIN OK" Oppo? Some Folks li *u~: --- lucu uiuuuy is su iiiue don't oare to bother with taking but not so with this bank. We to t&ke the poor mans one dollar man's one thousand dollars. Bo do not Keep ai us because yor loolis and seems we will tai&e it o as a starter, Believing that it will be the meaa quite a little sum in the end. W on your money if deposited in 01 partment. THE PEOPLES B. F. ARTHUR, P,r< J1"" I Walk ! r\ i ?i Every i want A pair man ii righl ! union shoe ca WATCHING YOUR HHOH Ito i. N STREET, 11 r' v; ^ ' , ' . ' .1' I . 3 1 i ? VVY 5c A YARD tufTsolng wlnn ors. refore In 3ngtlas in . many ol ? F" f Kb m m m 1 gone, price 50c 2 and 50c 10c 20c 5c clean up the lot 4c 0c and 15c 3 stores, one at Union t possible prices and to tie of*the best ods, Notions, Etc. ETC EM rv'JTEiv MFANY. site Hotel Union. magine that the banks ; it on deposit, are just as glad as the business Tvay from ir dollar i so small, Heorfully s of you saving . re pay interest ur Savings De> BANK, ssident. -Over oes... man will a pair. .. ? .! > .1 i , f "i-, for every n Union t here. . 'it 1 mpanyT TERE8T. > ' > ' UNION, 3. C. ' i I,, n' i.:. ' Vi<. Tt .. :i'j I