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Citation to Kindred and Creditors.
Stato of ^outh Carolina. 1 ;
County of Union. j
By Jason M. Greer, Esq., Probate J ud;N.
Whereas, H. E. Moore lias made so *>
to me to ;rrant him Letters of Administration
on the estate and effects of Pa
line Moore, deceased.
These ate, therefore, to cite and admonish
all and singular the kindred a <
creditors of the said Pauline Mo ire, ! ceased,
that they lie and appear befoi
me. in the Court of Probate, to be he! I
at Union C. II . South Carolina, ou-li.
2nd day <?f September, next, after publication
hereof, at 11 o'clock in the fou Boon,
to show cause, if any they have,
why the said Administration should inbe
Given under my hand and seal ibis
18th day of August, Anno Domini, 1002
Jason M. Gkeeu,
Probate .Judge.
Published on the 22nd of August,
1902, in The Union Times. .'J4-21.
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
All pers ns holding claims ace mat the
estate of William Smith, decerned, wll;
present same duly attested to the undersigned
for payment, and those owing the
said estate will come forward at r>uce and
make settlement.
Dk. W. A. Smith, Adinr..
34-St. Ulendale, S. C.
i 4th Con. I
I District j
Tfj ~ j
i ?
<& "? '
51 X
; IjJ -3 J
Suituc .. 07 7i
Buffalo 7*.? f?l
Fish I>am..... 22 ft)
Gibbon . .... !}5 11>
, J on csv i lie .... 0."> 107
Kelton 101 (
AdHn.sbur^ ....I 12 10 :
VI'/..4 Un?!..?a r. I Ol
" ' Ci; 11 g j I j ri . fjt ? I
Lock hurt i 102 ">l
Monarch | 530 11
Black Rock 153 21 '1
Crosa IOy?... 42 JS<> J:
(Jnlcrnine .... 10 10 ^
Union 402 11") 10
Total Uoil i<>
E '^^IrjC
\)M*' \J JL \
C* f i
'l i ?
i prices of?
immer Clothing
lires, Has, Sho
d Summer Dry
? From 20
I iimamtma ! nil 11?111
I M'lF U R 1 A ,
Citation to Kindred ami Creditors. (
State ?<1 South Carolina, I s
County of Union. J
By Jason M. Greer, Esq., 1'rolHte Judge.
Whereas. At'.hur Wo ul has made suit s
to me to grant him Letters of Ad mi ids- j
t rat ion on the estate anil effects or' t
Felix Woo.J, deceased.
These are, therefore, to cite anil adninnisli
-a II :i i ?! sinrrnl ir I lie kindred :inil
creditois oj' the said Felix Wood, de- (]
ceased, that they bo and appear before
me. in the Court of Pro'Ute, to be held M
a< Uni#ii C II , South Carolina, on the g
.'lOth day of August, next, after public*- 't
tion hereof, at 11 o'clock in the fore- t
1 oon, to show cause, if any they have, v
why the said Administration should not
he granted.
Given under my hand and seal this j
1 ">th day of August, Anno Domini, 1002
Jason M. Greek,
Probate Judge.
Published on the 22nd day of August , .
1002, in the Union Times. 34-21. .
Shatters All Records.
Twice hi hospital, F. A. Gulledge, Verbena,
Aim, paid a vast, sum to doctors i
to cure ;t severe case of piles. rausing24 f
tumors. When ah failed, Bucklen's ]
Arnica Salvesoon cured him. Sulxlues ]
luflamatiou. conquers Aches, kills ,
Pains. Best salve in the world. 2.">o at <
F. C. Duke's drug store. <
Union County, Ai
.. i u Ii?I ? "
Donate nouse | % g ruipervis
V) " ;
?|"?i ! 1^ * -al J.
1|I S1. ?i? i" ? 11-8 I 5
V11 * if E ~ 1 ! a a: * 1 j ?
~ j f ~ c ol? 'a - 2 If |H ;
- 33 I < IP 1 Q C tm I u |<5 1
<., 27 131 Hi 121 35 188 136 6ft 1 ' 77
73 ?S 20 108 82 5S 134184 07 31 17
30 Hi is ?>7 72 r> 7:} 73 20 I 21
27 17 R 15 1<> 17 17 51 25 25 5
07 15 15? >217 1' S 102 203 208 11121 Si
Jo 17 51 15S 00 11 111 111 17 0 20
55 5 11 10 11 11 52 52 10 0 7
12 20 lfi 75 55 21 78 78 J 5 <12 15
IS 55 50 150 110 10 162 102 51 10 2L
>5 15 Hi 52 55 50 75 75 17 12 12
!5 11 1 25 50 17 37 57 21 2 10
ii) 87 8 85 05 80 121 125 87 15 10
8 10 0 25 10 28 36 30 2 81 <?
3 253 NO055 113 5IO 811 S<>' (03 01122 1
03 lis TO02 2202 I08O 423
051 1805 1142 2167 2(01
=== T
1 Api
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es ?
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Goods =
to SO per cent. Rer
i 8.C
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, Bar
i B03
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MM n. Bol
Sw I Dai
LO.i I !>?'
! Fai
1 * hf
Station to Kindred and Creditors. 1!u
itate of 8outh Carolina, ) t^{
County of Union. j jju
iy Jason M. Greer, Esq., Probate.) ud?H
Whereas. lto3a Williams tins mailt*
uit to me to grant her letters of Ad- eff
ninistration on the estate of and effects it i
if Wallace Williams, deceased. toi
These are, therefore, to cite and ad- tio
nonish all and singular the kindred and 1
reditors of the said Wallace Williams, Sei
leceased, that they he and appear before po
ne, in the Court of Probate, to be held ma
it Union C. II., South Carolina, ou the usi
Oth day of August, next, after publica- ]
ion hereof, at 11 o'clock in th i fore- arl
loon, to show cause, if any they have, mi
vhy the said Administration should not ga
jo granted. wi
Given under my hand and seal this to
loth day of August, Anno Domini, 1902. 1
Jason M. Greer, "I
Probate Judge. tio
Published on the 22nd day of August, mi
1902, in Tiie Union Times. 34-2t. de
The Finest Yet.
Just Look nt Tier. COi
Whence came that sprightly step, ihi
faultless skin, rich, rosy 1 complexion,
imilline face. She looks good, feels good. w.
Here's hei secret. She uses I)r. King's ^
\'ew Li*'e. Pills. Result,?all organ jj(
tctive. digestion good, no headache, n ? ml
jhance for "blues." Try them yourself jjj
July 25c at. F. C. Duke's. ch
jgust 26th, 1902.
or Auditor Treasurer Supt.
1 "~i i ituiir 1
Ola, I 2 I I
: *? t 1 ?- 1 ?
g " I S I >*> 'Jl 1 O ** 5 'tj ' &
1 '" .&' % . S s i ? 5;
53 i ? W ! ^ ?> 3 M . : W ^ *
O ?:Q:O 2 3Q X ^ CQ ? 55
w -; - -- | >g I ^ n> 1 rt ICQ Q /.
1 8 80 18 88 m) 8lf 2-4 28 62 07
>7 H 29 1 2 50 19 2 91 57 iO
22 11 82 9 7 14 22 88 15 81 02
2 14 5 4 2 20 27 0 24 28 10
45125 85 0 0 92 204 88 25 121 71
65 90 18 O 0 21128 1 16 51 00
20 40 '8 0 0 8 50 I 1 80 8
7 4 11 1 0 01 81 1 42 48 10
70 91 19 1 8 47182 8 24 72 84
4 41 10 12 2 0 47 8 25 08 7
1 2 15 0 1 1 1 25 0 12 20 12
9 15 50 5 12 48 47 0 78 48 10
0 7 5 1 1 22 10 0 20 7 8
1408X2 169176 62116660 86242 486248
" 818 240 571 T87 1070 "
415 481 182 1406 088 619
lecial Advertisements
'1 hA? will bo JmHbrtocl in thfrcoluinn ?t
r:\tetjf35 Mfor<Ht>r loss for 290 one issue,
issues foe |9e. Additional linos over
itysfcve word# 5c u lino.
>lt*SALB?ONE 10-^JtW i IN,
ts" coi.*lenwr, or.e "Y. ? Wi. nit
?s. Applv t-> T. <}. Tunic i, Uii'oM,
or 0. A. liiisili, jiuffa. . 8. < .
and hirdien tu Wilt ou first fi tor;
it* Hill-House. Apply to j. CLCCOii
llace. " i-J-41..
on South street?couveuieut to Maiu.
>ly to L. G. You-Ku. flAAf
Residence between Aetna and
aarch Mills (known as the Gibson
perty) now occupied by J. H. Gui,
will be for rent after Sept. 1st,
dy to Geo. 0. Peruin.
..lit our remnants of summer good-,
we are putting a pj ice on them that
make them move. Don't delay,
ie at once. L. N. McNeaee.
Works. Fitted complete for making
g o<ls. Instructions viven free to
:luisei. J. E Squire, MAnagn.
f other work in the jewelry line exe(1
with m-atness and dispatch. Fuil
of watches and jewelry.
F. G: Trefzku, the Jeweler.
naming in the Post Office at Union
for the weok ending Aug. 29tb,
inester, Enroy Killiam, M L
rd, Hattie Kirk, A F
iwn, Miss Ida Koon, J M
n, Juo Lay ton, Lottie
jeland, Sallie McAmahan.Lillie
iwsby. Katie Macanter, Liza
>wsDy,wne samtMarsh, Mrs M A
Bass, 0 E Moorman, Hallie
niel, Jimroie MoLum, Wm
in, Mrs Rutha Murphy, Wm
wkins, Frank Murry, J A
ining, W W Orr, Willie
r, Miss Carrie Patterson. Hattie
incis.Miss Mary Ray, Elmary
mtain, C B Roid, Frank H
iter, J H Shedy, E M
mn, Richard Smith, H H
Ham, M G Smith, J C
?gory. Edith Styles, Henrietta
>en, Miss MissieSaylor, Miss Maria
milton, W D Woods, Mealy Aon
rndon, Joe Wadkins, Carrie
;er, Mary Jane Wilson, Miss Vastl
inson.SteadmanWilliams, Alioe
Fersons calling for the above lets
will please say if advertised, and
il he required to pay one **eot for
sir delivery.
J. (1. Huntkr. P. M
Coal will go up, tip, up!
ffalo N. Y., August 24.?United
ites Senator M. A. Ilanna arrived in
iffalo to day from Niagra Falls.
For the first time Senator Hanna
ted the abandonment dually of ail
orts to end the coal strike. He said
jorrowfully, for he believes the opera's
should meet the miners in arbitran.
"I have exhausted my efforts." said
tiator Ilanna* "I have done all in my
wer and cau do no more. I will
ike no further attempt,for it would be
lie Said there was no chance of
titration so long as only one side, the
ners, were willing to arbitrate. Ho
ve it as his opinion that the miners
11 noi give in so long as tbey are able
l<It will not be a short fight," Paid he.
t will be prolonged, and such prolonga11
will mean not only hardshita for the
nerra and the women and children
[lendent on them, but it will have iia
ect on the American people. The
iger this struggle continues the greater
11 be the increase in the price cf
He said he*considered the refusal r f
? ojierators to arbitrate as final.
"I talked with Mr. Morgan before ho
mt to Europe," said the Senator, "and
fore the strike was fully under way
9 deplored tbo situation, but would
ie no active part toward a settlement.
is attitude, in my opinion, is unanged."
Ed. County Commissioner
1 2 ~| !~2 , g
5 ! I ? 1 * m
i w ' >? i ?> : 2 ?
I ? ! ?> I IT1
* s ; B | z <? p
>\9 % I & 1 a
* ? 2 2<* I s
i> w<? 1!) 5 105 17 A
fill 48 25 8 71 7 0 20
10 82 17 1 60 82 o
1 18 16 4 1 88 4 4 1
68 05101 180 86 84 102
27 21) 1)11 in or. ?JI
. / .11 41 J/i'
18 10 1(5 (5 42 25 5
II 40 2 9 38 54 7
56 (5(5 84 8 05 49 87
8 87 82 <5 19 11 ?
5 28 13 3 1(5 1 1 0
06 45 17 5 91 80 0
21 8 8 7 17 81 1
142 510 245 126 877 268 80
190 070" 1025 429
1020 828 78(5
The County Mutual Benefit
u w < rganizing the Union Divisi
meml .rship f '.e is $3, which cov
assesMnent. One Dollar for e
w'.th Mr. I"). T."Dir..can, the- seci
Union Division, an I is held in 1
subject to the order of Judge J.
the Lh.ion Division, to pay tb.e f
Agreeing to pay the sum of one dollar
upon the surrender of the policy and apf
member in good standing. It la a home
able, high-minded business men, for th
people. It reduces life insurauce protee
the average of human life will allow. 1
to pay, and there are no big annual pren
into some rich Northern insurance comp
[right at home, and when it is puid out,
whose benefit it goes in time of trouble.
1 are secured applicants will bo received u
member will bo admitted over 80 years
. fl crftn f.Q in awanw ?5 - ,t-!a
, -0u.. iu vioijr l>unU6lll|J III UII1UI1 UOllll
become members will write to
County flutual Ber
of America, L
From the old barn of a store hou
ing and only two doors above tl
occupied by S. M. Kice. Jr., E.U
as the Wonder Store, so betweei
going to sell any and all articles
Goois, Notious, Millinery, Shoe
Valises, Crockery, Glassware ant
Now is your opportunity,
vertisement and if you have any
not cost you one .cent to look ov<
pleasure in showing you through
take out on approval, as we po*
any one during the above sale.
ht\? picked up all the bargains a
pect to get as good trade, for we
rush. This sale will only last
move on you.
McLure Mei
First Priiy er iu C,o tigress. p
It does not matter who the mem- ^
ber of congress who -was doing the \
talking, but he is on?j that is supposed j
to know as little about religion as he 1
konws much about politics. c
"Don't be alarmed about mo," he c
said to three or four correspondends 8
the other day, during a passing visit ^
to the national capital, "but I've got
something you, haven't thought of in
a thousand years, and I'm going to
read it to you.^It, may remind^ you j
of our very dear and good friend t
Chaplain Milburn, but that's no e
narm. v\ bat 1 have to read is a copy of (
the first prayer ever delivered in t
congress. I found it in an issure of s
Thatcher's Military Journal, bearing t
date of 1777, and it is craditcd '
Christ church, Philadelph ia who sub- J
sequeutly proved traitoi ous to the t
noble cause of independence. The
prayer is as follows: j
u *0 Lord, our hoaveni'y father,
high and mighty king of k ings and
lord of hosts, who dost from thy throne
behold all the dwellers on earth
and reignest with power supcrmc \
and upcontroled over all the kingdom, 1
empires and g^vermments, look i
down in mercy, we beseech thee., on y
these American s mermen who have J
iied to thee from tiio rod of the oppres- j
sor and thrown iheuicelves on thy gracious
protection desiring to henceforth
be dependent only on thee; to
thee the} have appealed for the ^
righteou-n;ss oi their cause; to thee
do the} ha?a up for that eounteoQ nee
and -u;>|n? . winch thou alone canst
give. i.e . '-in, therefore, heavet-ly
lath'. ' .1; i; r thy nurturing cat e;
give .tin " in in council i-x d I
\ulor i , defeat die ma'lciou-.
?i g i i i v.iit ct ael adversutnes
COlivincr :l;eiu ot the unrighteous
lies.-; of I i?ii caUfle, ami if ihey sti^
persit < then fungmiiaiy iur [rosea. 1
(> let t'.? voice of tflitl?* OWIt . 1
justice sounding in then i carts, |
CODStia u them to dtop the weapons k
of war Jioiu their unnerved hands in 1
the day uf battle. Be thou prsesent J
0 God v/t Wisdom, and direct the 1
; councils ot this honorable assembly; J
enable them to settle things on tiie 1
best aud surest foundation that the 1
scene of blood may be specdly closed; 1
1 that older, harmony and peace may 1
be effectually reet(>red and tiuth and
| justic, religion and piety prevail and 1
flourishing among tny people. Pre- |
Association of America is
ion of i,ocx) members. The
ers the first advance death ^
very member is deposited
*etary and treasurer of the
lie reoples Bank ol Union,
Si. Greer, the President erf
irst death loss by the AssoAR
for every member in the Division
)roval of the proofs of death of a
organization, managed by honor*
e benefit and protection of homs^^
tion to the miuimum of oost thati^P
rhere are no big salaried officers
liums to he sent oat of the county
any's pocket All the money stays
every member knows exactly to
Until the first thousand members
p to 55 years of age, thereafter no
of age. We want good reliable
ty at once. Persons desiring to
lefit Association
Inion, S, C.
We are going to
ii a it m
ivi u 1/
se to a more up-to-date build-%
le old stand to the store now
%, and more familiarly known
ii now and Sept. 1st we are
in orur big assortment of Dry
s, Hats, Clothing, Trunk#,
d Tinware at
This is no "catch penny" addoubts
along this line it will
er our stock and we will take
but don't ask for credit or to
utively cannot allow this to
Don't wait till your neighbor
nd then come in late and exexpect
this stock to go at a
; about two weeks, so get a
cantile Co.)
erve the health of their bodies and
he vegor of their minds; shower
lown on them and the millions bleetf
lere represent such temporal they
ngs as thou seest expedient for them
q this world, and crowd them with
iverlasting glory in the world to
ome. All this we ask in the name
nd through the merits of Jusus
Christ, thy son, our savior Aman.' "
All Were Saved.
"For seam I suffered such untold
nisery from Bronchitis," writes J. H.
fohuson, of Broughton, Ga , "that ofen
I was unable to work. Then when
iverytliiug else failed, I was wholly
tured by Dr. King's New Discovery for"
Jonsumption. My wife suffered inensely
from Asthma, till it cured her,
ird all our experience goes to show it Is
he best Croup medicine in the world."
A trial will convince you it is unrivaled ^
!or Throat and Lung diseases Guarmteed
bottles 50c and $1.00. Trial botiles
free at F. C. Duke's.
Stop! LOOlS.!
been finished and is equipped with
the most up-to-date machinery. I
un now ready to do your laundry Jfe.
vork In a strictly first class manner. ^1/
Satisfaction guaranteed. Will oall
'or and deliver. Give me a trial.
Experienced man in charge.
JACOB RICE, Proprietor.
' ^ Wood's Seeds. T
Crimson ClOTer 1 .
will yield under favorable condl- f
lions 8 to 10 tons of green food per s
I acre, or 11 to qx tona ?->*
, - - M -J V? U?/ OMV?
is worth as a fertilizing crop, $20,
' to $25. per acre. Full information 1
is contained in our Fall Catalogue ?
just issued, which we will mail free
upon request. V
1 Wood's Pall Catalogue also telle ft
all about Vegetable and Farm IjL
Seeds for Fall Planting, Seed
Wheat,'Oats, Rye, Barley, 1
1 Vetches, Grass and V
Clover Seeds, etc. I
Write for Fall Catalogue and 1
, 3*nces of any Seeds desired. J
T. W. WOOD & SONS, I 1
f Seedsm en, - Richmond, V*. 1