. , , 'Z To Pmceil's
-Vii *
n-i Visit us for
. Men's
or I
Also Ladie
14 3fi ?<.'>*
aren's wear
* ? i i
,*i anteee Sati
1 * i - * f \ " *
+ v' ? ** ** + Ts*
Has Steadily Gained in the Campaign
Now About to Close?Something
of the Eife of this Remark
able Man, Who, by Ability of
Highest Order, Has Forged
so Rapidly to the Front.
Tiio purpose of our Democratic primary
is lo give the people no opporlu
nity to judge for themnelves of the character,
ability anil fitness of those as?pn iug
to position, so that the voter may be
able to cast his ballot intelligentlv.
The question to bo deckled by the poopie
to1 that of liersonal fitness. Who of
4be?ix, aspiring to this jnisit ion, is most
capable of representing South Carol in.*.
in the United States Senate with credit
to himself anil honor to his Stale V
, Them* no -doubt that sit ce the canvass
began, George Johnston, of Newberry,
lias gained remarkable streugtli
and made most favorable impressions on
the voters. In fact., it is conceded that
of all the candidates, he has gained most.,
tMfcfcetog admitted on all hands.
ISfcfcrge Johnston is a son of tbel.de
CHlticeUor Job Johnstone, whose opinions
rank in literary ability and legal
ftortofetion With tnose ot ??.o a --;.-'
cuauceuors huu judges tue oiaui oas
ever produced. The win Las inherited
In great measure the intellect of the
father and that intellect has nad the advantage
of thorough training in ttie best
schools of this couutry and Eucopj.
It 1877fie wta elected to the Legislature,
in wtjifeh? body lie rerved for eight
successive yeais, retiring voluntarily.
In 1890 he was elected- to congress
from the Third District. He was chairman
of the committee on Privileges and
Elections, from .which Mr. Crisp was
elected speaker, and Mr. Johnstone was
one to wtiom Mr. Crisp looked constantly
for asedsttance.
No man can show a cleaner record.
~ Few can show a more remarkable record
Na-man lius sought more to do wiiat he
(XtfMJn the interest ot^and for the wclfhrd'
or Shin people. In times like these
there is a demand for meu, not time
servers; statesmen, not politicians
There are momentous questions to be
settledj and above all, do we need men
who are able to grapple wit h these questions
in the National Congress, and to
4.o so Intelligently and with a wisdom
$pd foietjigbt'lxjrn of the statesman.
The people of the fcJlalo are now in the
snjoyiueut of their sober judgment,
they are not toru by party strife and factional
feeling. The appeal is ip td^ to
their sober Judgment in tne selection they
will be called upon to make for the
highest office in their gift. It is their
duty to measure up the candidates by
tbpwralil'd whkl\ every true Carolinian
* . tsHouM dbt for'sueh a positio??; Charaoter,
fitness, intellect, ability to staud up
fthonlHttr tit Mhrtnlrlcr mm t<t arm lutriH
to band, intellect to intellect, with any
member of (hat body.
PjL 0<ljl. Jonstooe have
never considered him a politician, and
<jo .not, now press. lnaxlaima on that
ground, but rather its a broad minded
Statesman who is able to grapple with
"ye questions of theday and meet the
jasuea and vulva them Intelligently; one
jrfto f?a? alw8ye; itoo<$ for the people*'
j iterates and tho^e principles he believed
1> be right and Just, though for th'
1 Ime i hey may not have been p)pular.
In his own congressional district(Third)
I e received an ovation at gach mooting.
Geoige Johstonft/ has 'gained much
moie i ipidly then thy of his Oof^etttors,
mid j? is absolutely certain that fie will
tt* |ii tfie second rapp w}th one of them,
and that he will lead in the fkst primary
(fc ilw 20th.
IJ fhe flfoHowJpg tire only a few of the
dbiihy o#ini6nu which' have beee expressed
by the newspapers of the State,
jibe) ar? confirmation of what is said
'novei u " IJfr 1
II "The roan who made the most votes
.ny (his trip wits Col. George Johnstone
:df Newberry. Bvery one'fell In love
'with him, and lie made many friends
Beito.''?Georgetown Times,
i 7i if ?? /
u i ,kTbe -pelT-reliant p.litieul faith of
'a ? ...? ... ?
:??. jiihj irm' u? i/- iuuclPAtlc
f4n<;y trim<>r
dr maeogic catchta and witli.i1
t|n, conviction that liywi is a uian who
#op ,j S<#ithk{>t)i>jliiia &rCon!
fag U? iti< diuU<P? f\} b)y fW}) ?on^Vuc-*-,
m>h> I (ban the U)if.0ib(i|'<l) pt uiotlivr,
, tCPv? wade u btioug i?|ii>* ?*f?-Jon on t)|>
deopff a limn br has uopt-aicU
Me in in (tfe front rank of xfenaiorin
poaaitilitiea."?Cbui)e?iou J&veniug l'o?
?. uCoU> (Venrfew ifohujtone fro n all re
ut>rte lute rotrde a nplcudid ie;jrd 11m
gpee$it# are clear, logical, to the poin
Moved ?
; Did fiand.
anyihiag in
Rnv<;: Wpjit
? ? J ^
5 and Chil=
We guarsfaction.
... j
aud easily understood by the t^ople generally."?
Prom l!)e Press.
"The uewspspeis seem to agree that
of all the Senatorial candidates Col.
George Johnstone is making the best
headway ar. the meetings- And this i3
true. Col. Johnstone's speeches ate
bouud to make a tine impressiou on all
who hear them, as they are the utterances
<.f a statesman?one who has gone
to the both mi of public questions."?
{Sumter Herald.
"Not only the newspapers, bat the
other Senatorial candidates, say that of I
ail itieir competitors, Col. George Johnstone
has ran do the most headway, and
that he is the ruan that they have individually
t-? heat. In other words each
candidate liguie.\ it <>nt that the race lies
between himself and Col. Johnatono.
Till" condition can he explained in hot
one' way. It has been b ought about by
the sheer ability of the man. Wherever
ho ha- appeared he has won distinction.
His sjKHselies in some cases baye wrung
approbation from those who otherwise
would have gone over bag aud baggage
to some other fellow without thinking.
He knows things and if elected to the
United States S-nate, be would be able
at once to take rank with the men in the
so-called inner ci cle' of the Senate,
and w-!c MQ-d into fellowship by Democrats
like Morgan of Alabama, Bacon of
(Borgia and others. He is able to place
Car >lina, it. the po-Stiou fhc??tasXfciSi,|i\v.?
in public life. Co!. J. hnstone is a
statesman, and an able one at that."?
Green A'txvl Index
The County Campaign,
The itinera!y of the County Carapaigu
was arranged by the County Democratic
Executive Committee at their meeting
last. Saturday as follows:
Kelt on, August 22.
Adamsburg, 4i 23.
Lockhart, at night, 44 23.
Union, 44 25.
Union (Joiton Mills, at night, 14 25.
Each candidate is assessed $5 00 for
The managers of election were appoints!
as follows.
Union Box?W. L. Gulp, A.S. Whitc
er ami G. C Greer.
Buffalo Box?W. I. McKisaick, Waddv
Johnson aud.J. II. Riley.
Monarch Mill Box?G. L. Ryder, D.
P. Lowe and Gharnor Sims.
Kelton Box?II. S. Por ler, T. E
Kelly and 11 N. Gal I man
Jontsville?Wui. II. Harris, F. B.
Q'Shields and W. B Fowler.
vSantuc?S. J. Davte, J. M. Jeter Jr.
and J. McJ Fant "
Carlisle?P. II. Jeter, W. L. Hedgepeth
and J. D. Flemming.
Black Rock?J, W. Wilson, Green J.
Lee and W. J. Aught ry.
('toss Kovs?A. J Estes, Jesse Whitrairo
and M. W. Bailey,
West Springs?L F, Stanford, Arthur
Hyatt and S. R. Gregory.
Colerain? L?vi Law Hon, John Sumner
and Wm. Harrison.
Gibbes--Henry .Smith, Victor Lawsou
and James Smith.
Adamsburg?J. D. Hancock. F. M.
Adams and Watt Fowler.
Lockhart?J. V. Askew, Thos. Garner
and Joseph Meggs.
Reduced Rates Via Southern R. R,
Very cheap round trip rates to varioug
l>oit)tft, account of 8peoial occasions.
Asheville, N". G.?Society of American
Florists and Ornamental Horticulturalists.
August 19-22, one fare. Dates
of sale Aug. 17-19 inclusive Final
limit Aug. 2<>th.
Atlanta, Ga.?Negro Young People's
Christian Conference, Aug. 6-.11. Very
low rates. Dates of sale Aug. 2, 4 and
6; Anal limit Qfteen days after date of
Birmingham, Ala.?National Baptist
Convention (colored) Sept 17-24. Obe
fare. Dates of sale Sent. 14-17 inclusive.
Final limit. Sept. 2Tth
Macon, Ga.?Annual Meeting Farmers'
National (Congress Oct. 7-10. One
i fare. Dates of sale Oct. 5-6. Final
limit Oct. 14
( Montieat, N ('. ?Ghrhr.iau Workers
and Bihlo Conference July 2Qth, A>g.
10-24. One and one-third fa**)*. Dates
t,if sale-July is 20 Final limit Aug.
1 j Jo h.'
1 | San Francisco, Cal?Biennial Vte-ulng
j Knight* of Pythias Aug 11-22. Very
i . low rates. Dates of sale Aug 1-0 in
. plusivp- Pinal Sept. :(0
j For further information a*l?ra*.es,
, sulieJules, em, apply to any agent or to
I J u. W HUNT, D. I?. A.
t Charleston, S C.
J. C. HV.am, I> P. A.,
Atlanta, Ga.
SW. H. Taylob, Asst. Gen'l P. A, .
II Atlanta, Ga.
Atfainat Carrying Pistols or
Be <t ordained by the Mayor a?
AHeruuin of the Town of Union S. t
1 in Council assembled and by the aiitho
ity of same:
itec. I. Thai it shall be unlawful ft
any person or per o is, excepting a dul
and lawfully up,-obite<l or elected pun
offlosr, tocur> 01 turnr p*rsous a o!st.<
or a revolver, of lerr, than three pnun-1
in weight or iess thai: twenty o-e snrh.
iu length.
See 2. That it shall b* unlawful f
any ;wrao i firm or mrpuratiOM, r?le i
i Of ?h? Town of Uu{on ?o 9"M, b?it
i lease or r? nt any pi?- ol or roynlv r
I l??ss weight than three pounds ami le*
I than twenty one inches in length.
Sec. 8 That any one found pu'ltv c
i violating this ordotaoee ahull, upo*? con
j v!ct?o\, b>. 11..i! .!i u:.} s iinuo'.t :i
j no handled dollar* or t.i I e i iipris i-a
I'll- iua.\; t?? wofk on the wnrr-% :?tn
public plac-s of the IV) vn of Uni-.ti f?>
! . ot more than thirty days h-i.i it, * >.
; .1 sorption of the Mi.cr or To si
; c I
j See 4 TIih' all Ordinances ui p ??i. o
I Ordinances co .thotmg with ibis orci
n.tnee o:e h"C*-by declared rei>ed'-ci.
j Done and ratified in Cim-icd H-emblef
mder th1 hand of the Mayor and ?-ii
?f thi! Council, ibi-j the fou:tb day o
A iguat, 11)02,
Macbeth Young,
W. D. Arthur, Mayor
Clerk & Treasurer. 82*3
Against the Operation of Certnii
Slot Machines.
Be it ordained by the Mayor an?:
Alderman of tlw Town .if Union, S O.,
in Council assembled and by aullioi ily o)
Sec. 1. That it shall lie unlawful for any
person firm or corporation to run, oi>erate.
or manage any slot machine paving
oi offering to pay premium in money,
within the Town of Union S C.
Sec. 2. That any one found guilty ot
violating this ordinance shall, upon conviction
l>e made to iwy a One of not more
than tweuty-flve ($25) D-dlais or Isestlwn
Five ($5) Dollars or to be imprssoned or
made to work ori the s'reels and public
places of the Town of Union for not.
less tlrnn ten days or more than thirty
davs, and at the disreetion of Mayor or
Town Council.
Done and rati tied in the Council assembled,
under the hand of the Mayor
and seal of the Council, this tlu* fourth
dav of August, 1902.
Macbeth Young.
W. D. Arthur, Mayor.
Clerk and Treasurer. 32-3t
Final Discharge.
Notice is hereby riven that S. R.
AvwA'ht^llW;1 ?!?..9.f the estate of Ileiuy
Jason M. Greet, Judge of Probate, in
aud for the county of Union, for a final
discharge as such guardian.
It is oiderwi, that t he 8th day of Septeint>er,
A. 1). 1902, 'ne llxed for hearing
of petition and a iinal settlement of said
Jason M. Greer,
Probate Judge Union county, S. C.
Published in Union Times on the
8th of August, 1902. 32-4t.
Ex parte Snllie E Smith Et Al.
Take notice that Sallie E. Smith has
made application to have a homestead
exemption in the real aud personal property
of John R Smith, deceased, sot off
for herself, Jesse B. Smith, Dave G.
Smith aud No vena Cole. Said petition
will come up beforo me for hearing on
Sept. 20tli, at 11 o'clock a. in.
C. II. Peakk.
32-0t. Master.
Will begin the next session on Wednesday,
September 17th, 1902. Location
oonveuient aud healthful. Courses of
study elective or leading tb B. A. or M.
A. degrees. Full corp3 of instructors
and ample mesa accommodations. For
other information apply to the peresident,
A P. Montague, L. I#. D.
Trnp r\oor Nftlina
iioopaao nuiiuo,
All persona nre hereby forbidden
to walk, ride, hunt, shoot or in any
way trespass on the lands of the
undersigned on the western side oi
town. J. W. Mc'Luke.
We, llie ppdeisigaed, will furnish t
liisf. oiu-H Uiriaoue at Adamsburg ii
campaign day, Aug. 21, 1902. Everybody
is invited. Good speaking and t
good time insured.
F. M. Adams,
32-3tp- J. 1). Hancock.
Kor ?ale in any
. qnantity.
The Rodger Brick Works
One 15 II. I*. Boiler apd Engine (dt
Lached) <?i>e Uric': Maching, ?0,00
daily cnoauiiy, 2'V ** feet of lurube
2 x D x 14 feet
The Rodger Brick Works
You oan tret scraped at any old |>la<
but wVn y ?u want to get shaved go I
The most artiatic liuir cutter in towi
s Next door to Tina ley's Jewe'ry Store.
Cures BL-o 1 Poisou, sent fu In, Ec- |
y.em.i, Rheumatism, ami all
Bhod Trouble.
The Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.)
r" treatment for impure blood and skin
disease is now recognized as a sure and
>r certain cure for the most advanced
V stapes of cancer, eating sores, eczema, ,
itchings skin humors, scabs or scales, i
?l syphilitic blood poison, scrofula, ulcers, J
!> persistent eruptions, pimples, boils,
s aches and pains in bones, joints or back,
swollen glands, risings and bumps on .
,r the skin or blood diseases. Men, wo
,1 men and children are being cured iti
,, every State by Botanic Blood Balm for j
,1 pnrifying the" blood and expelling the
s germs and humors from the entire system,
leav.ii'g tho skin freo from erup,
tions, and rosy with evidence of pure, *
rich blood. No sufferer need longer *
despair?help is at hand?no matter t
e hmv monu
?.. \iiov,uiiiu^L'uit'ii(H yoju may t
il have met with, Botanic Blood Balm j
d (B. it. B.) cures permanently and quick- j
r ly. To satisfy the doubters wo will .
i- give to npy sufferer a trial treatment j
. absolutely free so that they may test
this wonderful remedy. B. B. B. (Bo- *
I tanic Blood Balm) sold by all drug c
_ stores with complete directions lor home n
treatment for $1 per large bottle. For \
, free trial treatment, address Blood "
, Balm Co., 8 Mitchell Street, Atlanta, j,
' Ga., and Trial Treatment will be sent ..
at once. Write today. Describe
trouble, and free medical advice given. (
Over 3,000 voluntary testimonials of
cures by using Blood Balm. Thorough
ly tested for 30 years. For sale by F.
1 C. Duke, Druggist. s
Tue.ie is still much talk of special n
i session of tlie Senate to 1 e cali"d in f
N'ovemuer u? ratify the treaty which li
hasbfeii negotiotcd by the Stole Depart- p
I ment aid the Cuban Minisir, Senor v
< Quesada.
v t<
At Panama, Colombia,by Chamber- ?
Iain's Coliic and Dinrrhoea
Dr. Chap. II. Utter, si prominent 1
physician, of pnitmon Colombia, i:i a V(
recent letur states: "Last March I had 1
:?s patient a young lady sixteen years .
of age, who had a very bad attack of . '
dysentry. Every thing 1 preset ibed for 7'1
her proved ineffectual and she was
growing worse every hour. Her parents "(
were sure that she wool ddie. She bad ^
become so weak that she could not turn
over in tliQ l>od. What to do at tins
ciitical moment was u study for me.
Out I thought of Chamberlain's Colic, a
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and as a
iast report prescribed it. Within eight
hours she was feeling much better; inside to
of three days she was upon her feet and Co
at the end of one was entirely well." Yc
for sale by F. C. Duke, Druggist. ^
Manilla, August 17.?Choler rejxuts
sbo.v f' \v c tses of the disease bote, but W
gumbsr ot disrs-province. The total fr
w'th !7,r>96 deathe. **
.1 Cure for Cholera Infantum. T
' Last May," says Mrs. Curtis Raker, P'
of Book waiter, Ohio, "an infant rdnldof m
our neighbor's was suffering cholera
infantum. The doctor had giv.y? up all P'
hopes of recovery. I took a bottle of P1
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diav- h
rlioea Remedy to the house, telling them
that. 1 felt sure it would do good if used ei
according to directions. In two day's
time the child had fully recovered, and lc
is now (nearly a year since) a vigmous, a
healthy girl. I have recommended this '?
Remedy frequently and h ive *?ver tl
known it to fail in any single instance " n
For sale by F. C. Duke Druggist. . d
lly a special provision of the figrucul- 11
tuial oppropriatlon bill tlia Department ^
of Agriculture is obliged to expend this
y?ar the sum of $270,000 foi the distribution
of seeds on tho orders of indivi- T
dual congressmen and with a view to 'w
insuring the people and members of Congress
the largest arid mo-?t profitable re- p!
turn for this sum, the Seeraiary of Agri- tt
culture has inties:?d iis expenditure lo p:
Prof Beverly T. Galoway, chief of the
Bureau of plant Industry
(chamberlain's Colic.Cholera and Diarrhoea
lit medy has a world wide reptr'aLion
for its curt a U never fails and is ,,
pleasant and safe to lake. For sale by
F. O. Duke Druggist ?,
, >? a
f Persons who realize the importance t
and value of correctly adjusted glasses v
invariably have their eyes examined am. 11
lltted by T
i H. R. GOODELL, Optician, *
Cim^iiUatiriA lo.tf I
Stops the Cough mul Works off the I
I laxative Tlrono-Quiuine Tablets cure
[ a cold in one day. No cure no pay.
Price .15 cents. 4.1-1 y A
Election Day Barbecue.
I will furnish a first claas barbecue at
Long's gin house in Jonesville on the
' day of tlie primary election. Expa^^jml
cook will handle the cue.
> Oliver Eaves. i
28-?t p.
. ^\a\-v\'wvwvwwwwvwv^f
Send model, skotoh or photo of invention feu
< 'fr?te report on patentability. For free boolr, <
HowtoSocuroTDJinC MJIDIfQ write\
< P?tent^n(^^HlAUt WAim^^to < |
?; OpposlteUrslPalen?
f-. OV ? ?*? "B.MOPP
' .s-i'i^k? ^sIMi
^^.ittaMiiKn'HING f
Z &N' Costs Cn'y 25 cesti
ttiJu?itew*iti0r 111111 -j cco!s to c
V? h?r? baatlod Pr. Mrtffolt'a TI'RTIIINA (Teethlni
mil * * proprietary mMicino, and our trsdo io it I
low u i urn i > Kvoorthra* iiur.drc I am p* r /< ?: , trMo'i i
(Iti-ik to tho moihrM of tho country, for they 14/ noihir
Set siiu or ov notu'O to ; Uio troubles loci t-ot t ? te?
XflE LA&.1
Ilriordlc* That l)n Not Appeal to tlie
Ordinary Man Today.
Tbo mini In il?"( 'i ""?*-'
V.V . % v* i Uil^u^u MJUIO* I
lnies curses with lturns "the vciiomcd i
italic that shoots his tortured gums j
dang." Sometimes, on tho other nand, ;
10 prays. St. Augustine in his "Confessions"
relates how ho once sullered
roin "dolor dcutium" (tootliach >, r.pmrently
in an aggravated form, for
le could not speak. Thereupon he
vrote 011 wax a prayer to (lod for the
ither brethren to repeat, and as soon ,
is all were on their knees the pain
rent. "Rut what a pain!" he says.
Never since my tender ago had I exicr'eneed
the like.". Soutiicy in his
I/i.'e of .John WYsley" tells of that
ni!"ent preacher that when his own
( t .. .ehed l.e prayed an:l the pain i
?'ft 1 1
I .ii orlunatt ly ordinary men do not !
ec . v?? have :-u:lt ellicacinus faith.
Vet . t !; ' exeiueiation begins, tbey
ju ; . r it philosophically, and on
!v' ;::: ? ? authority toothaehe
.. . < :.! just the v.--.-. i place in the
?>ph??r,s arn ".r ?.f patience In
.id<lie ages the tlevf.nl wiio were '
with pain had a spcdal patron
? wl.om tliey could call for delivernv.v
.Vp?'!!or.la. a martyr under a
ic emperor I'hi'lp. among -her n
IT"' if h ?:!!: * iastl In r teeth pulled ^
,:i eon.'-.pUT,: i> she hecnine tvoth
.... .-.it :r.s uer eiuniems? j
rf which "holding a tooth in I
.uchers" ?sub eieiiMv testify.
Antl there won ill seem to have been
[?t another martyr. St. Illaizo, who ?
?ok eogiii/.anee of the disease. lie v?*as
snored in the little town of St. Blay,
in Cornwall, whore candies ofrcd
upon ids altar wi re supposed to
> an infallible cure for toothache.?
bombers' Journal.
Retort^hnt Sticnccil an Interruption
In Ilio Audlrnee,
An effort of one of John B. Gough's h
urs of the west was to arouse his
inverts to n political movement in fa>r
of prohibition, and in several states
0 politicians began to give considera>n
to the cry. The distillers .and liq>r
dealers are said to have been so
lghtened tliut tliey employed men to
Whirer, sit among the audiith
questions. lie uuu i,jm
opeka (Kan.) audience up to a line | "
itch of excitement and in his effective I
tanner cried:
"Temperunee! Temperance! Tomera
nee! It will ipeun money in your
ocket, clothes 011 y.our back, happiness
1 your home and God in your "heart!"
Up leaped 0110 of the paid interruptra
mid shouted to the audicifoo:
-money in your pockets! Why, lei- ' c
>w citizens, follow this man's' ideas
nd we'll be all in the poorliouse!
'liink of the liolds of tasseled corn E
iat stretch on every side! Whisky is
iqde from corn. We sell millions of
ollars' worth of corn to the whisky
inkers. Stop the manufacture of
rliisky, and wliat'll wo do?"
Then, turning to Gougli, he went on:
"You, Mr. Smnrty?what'll we do?
'ell us, if prohibition comes, what'll ,
'? do with our corn ?" .;
"Raise more hogs, my friend," re- T
lied Gougli without a second's hesi- .
ition?"raise more hogsl"?I'hiladelhia
Preaching Monkey*.
Tho author of "The History of Brail"
tells of a species of monkey called (
preachers." Every morning and
veiling these monkeys assemble in
ho woods. One takes a higher posl- \
Ion than the rest and makes a signal
pith Ills fore paw. At this signal the
thorf4 Kit- nrniinil him nrwl liatan Wlian
bey are all'seated, ho begins to utter
series of sounds. When he stops
hese cries, he makes another signal
pith his paw, and the others cry out
intil he makes a third signal, upon
phleh they become silent again. This
uthor, Mr. Maregrovc, asserts that he
vras a witness to these preachings.
Dn Jewelry Silverware
and Millinery.
We will sell Jewelry, silverware,
etc., at a wonderful discount.
If you need a nine;
watch now is the time In huy,j
us we are going to soil at nl-l
most any price.
Come in and get our prices,
and come early, a^ goods will
not stay lontr at prices we am
nfc? -y0
Blg^jlCures CI;;;;..;-!.'a
St" rl k"* j-4? A tl ^'C ' r of
8 U Children of# / /; .?.
imirn rn flA1Ald* DiSes:ion- ?.c.v?I#*te?
'QWDlRSjWWM the Bowels, St. en-:. v?
' of nrtlu.fr:c4c the Child and r'.* a??
> at ilrnginsts, tecth:. :c r r.
J. MOFFETT. M. D.. ST. LC? ?f. **
AT' ?XT\. ?: N >- !
* Powder*) ?Ter iln?-o its ;/>- i-tr
1M at??dilf inorw?rH from to" to . r ; . - o. ?
? v -rf stionjot lilonc -. ; ... *a *1
IT no fiectually couat. ?u '? ?li < ?. o' 1 ..Mner't
L'h JC'kaxkin I'KC i'C WJ#O;O?- H-.u a
Letter. Note .
Bill Heads
Or any other kind of
Job Work
\_atly and promptly cxcutcd
at the
Timcio Ink nfP?a/?
(11Muo JUU umiuc.
Remember, Friends,
Vou will always find a full
line of
Flour, Sugar, Coffee,
Meat, Lard, Canned and
Mottled Goods, Freeh
Vegetables, and everything
v-to be found in an up-to-dmte
family Grocery, at my Stora.
"obaccos end Cigars a Specialty.
Bring Your Laundry to Me.
Muiii Street.
U\'ou. 12 up : Uiii.s Foster Riildiuir.
Ai.j'Tt K. CAUSO.v. H. L. SCAIF*.
.\'i lo'tNh\> VX LAW.
Special a itiou given to real tmitc
and o lions.
c. p. sa.\vdkrs.~
Umz, Duncan and Sanders
Oificc No. 4 Law Ran^o, Union,
>. C. ">-lj
Spartanburg. Union.
Union, S. C.
Ok kick Xo. 5, Law Range,
Wallace Building.
Union, S. C.
Dfficf. Oppositf. Con (it Housi
Vc. Law ILnjre.
Otters his professional services to the
people of "ITnion and surrounding country.
Day calls at Duke's Drug Store.
Night calls at the residence of Mr. L. J.
1 lames. 18-tf.
OMttaiu, IMitJim, Oolnaue w?4 Cla^
t?l Bolt*, **<U, W*v**t*, Tmi**. Tnrm, &
Wire and Hull* Hop*, JBnBfeM
ml Fcapt, JmH*, Vtntaii. Ot?M, Ami* mI
fto?a V*lit*.
c*rt Mmr* Mm*. JfoA* fwda* JNNNrp,
???IWA ?A
Rooms to Rent.
Three desirable hod rooms to rent.
Apply at. Tim: Timkh ollice. ,
i I Ml 1.1. M:WlUIJ'g Ht BO J
hou ? r.Oc cash in advance for service,
('aif guaranteed "i money refunded.
5-2-1V ' ' lU'NTE*.
You know What yon arc Taking
When m?u take Grover's tasteless Chill
Tonic because the formula is plainly
,prinnted on every bottle showing that it
| is simply Iron and Qninino in atastfeftla
lorni. No cure no pay. 50c.