University of South Carolina Libraries
TOMAK We have cut the Su Sh an I GET WH TH | / EL " "S 1 ? book PleQITears lie. ? - wouldn't, because he suffered untold agony from the worst form of indigestion. All phisicans and medicines failed, tebelp him till he tried. Electric Bitters, which woiked such wonders for him that he declares they are a godsend U> sufferers from dyspepsia and stomach troubles. Unrivaled for diseases of the Stamach, Liver and Kidneys, they build up and give u^rw life to llie whole system. Try Only oOc Guaranteed by F. C. Duke druggist. Citation to Kindred and Creditors. State of South Carolina, ) County of Union. ) ByJasou M. Liter, Esq., Probate J udgo. Whereas. Arthur Wood has made suit to me to Ritiut him letters of Administration 011 tiio estate and effects of Felix Wool, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said Felix Wood, deceased, that they lie and appear before me. in the Court of Prolate, to on held at Union C. II., South Carolina, >>u ilie 80th day <>f August, nexi, after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to show cause, if any they h^.ve, why the said Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand and s<-al this 16th day of August, Anno 1) unini, 1902. Jason M. Grkeu, Probate Judge. Published on the 22nd day of August, 1902, in the Union Times. J4-2t. Citation to Kindred and Creditors. State of South Carolina, ) County of Union. J By Jason M Greer, Esq , i'robate ludg*. Wliereas, R E. Moore has suit I to me to grant him .Letters of Adminis- , tration on the estate and effects of Pauline Moore, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors ot tlie said Pauline Moore, de ceased, hkii nicy ixj ana appear before me, in the Court of Probate, to he held at Union C. II.. South Carolina, on the 2nd day of September, next, after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to bliow cause, if any they have, why tbe said Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal this 18th day ot August, Anno Domini, 1002 .Jason M. Greek, Probate Judge. Published on the 22nd of August, 1902, in Tiik Union Times. .14-21. i Notice to Debtors and Creditors. All {tersops holding claims against the estate of William Smith, deceased, will present same duly attested to the "undersigned for payment, and those owing the Mud ?state \v ill come forward at once and i make settlement. * Dr. VV. A. Smith, Adnir., 84-3t. ?" Gleudale, S. C. t E ROOM F ? ppiees of mmer Clothini lirts, Hats, bh d Summer Dp m @ _ Fpom 2< !at you \l ese pric " _ U.wu IUVW rivfiI an'OicTbfg shoe store of the Unioi Shoo Company. ADVERTISED LETTERS Remaining iu che Post GfHce at Union for wcuk ending Aug. 22ud ! 1902. i Bennett. Annie (2) Johns, Mrs W A (2] H ilton, W 11 Jeter, Mrs Francis ' Jinksiitl-if, ,T II Jeter, Mrs Thomas ' ole, Coney Kerns, Ilulily Davis, Miss Sarah Latimer,Rev It M(2) T>awkins. Rosa Manly, Miss Hattie Glenn, Mrs Martha Meadon, Mrs D II Dree i, Sptncer Means, It J Gordson, T It Meadow, Mahala Gordan, Burnish Prince, WJ <; uy, h obei t ltector, Miss Pearly Hawkins, T M Sanders, Will iligs, Miss Rachel St John, John Hi J, Miss Ca rie Shell, Mrs Frank iludgins, Oscar Thompson. Sanford Hughes, Mrs Lu'a Vinson, Mrs Cath'n rersons calliog for the above letj *< >-j will p'ease say it advertised and ! will he required to j;av ODe rent tor their delivery J. r ci UNTF.R. P. M Jonesville Jottin&a. Jonicsvii.i.k, S. (J., Aug. IB.?The thunder cloud last Friday night with its h^avy lain and greatdisplay of electricity was rather a shaky time in our town. S une people iiad dumb chills aud some had shaking agues These, however, wve the nervous people, but really it was a storm of wind, rain and electricity j such as wo have not had here in a long luue. Timt>e?s, fruit aud crops were all j eoiuewhai damaged. Tlie lop of a chimney to Mr. J. I. Lultlejohn's dwelling was hiown d >wii upon the hack shed of ' the house and it crushed through the roof into the lr-1 room of Mrs. john ami her I*o small boys and then th i rain poured througli the opening, a. d really was a lime to be frightened and nervous with Mr. Litllejohn's family. No one, however, was much hurt but Urn scare and anxiety the rest of the night was awful. Crops have revived very much since the rain. ''niton is opening some and fodder on the eatly corn is ripe, so farmers will have something to do from now on Mr. .Fames Gail man went up to Clemson last week and carried two stalks of his fine cot ton. and he says that it was the finest cotton tliat was exhibited at the farmer's meeting. Mr. Gallmau veiy readily engaged all the cotton seed he expects to have <> ' this fine variety at five dollars per bushel. Mr Gall man h, >s lie broke his land where be planted IIm cotton in toe spring twenty inches deep arid that it lias not .suffered any for j rain and lias boon quite green and grow- , iiigall the lime, while his other c.iilou ha suffered considerably and turned! yellow and slopped growing. Rev. Mr. Carroll fille<I his pulpit at I the baptist church yesterday niorniii|| and again at night. Telephone^ ] OR OUR g g I W ? ?. v rr 5> oes / -Goods 0 to SO pep cent. I A f 1 vant at ;es.i ~a|ieuiai navertisemenl Notices will bo iasortod in this column t lie rnto of 25 words or loss for 25c ono lssi lour Issues for 75c. Additional linos o\ twenty live words 6c a lino. For sale?one 70-saw gi: one contlencer, one Van Win! ' 1'iess. Apply to T. C. Duncan, Uiiio . s. c., or c. A. Betaill, Buffalo, 8. c. 1 33ROOMS TO RENT?2 OR 3 ROO& and kitchen to rent on the first flo i of the Hill House Apply to J. Clouc Wallace. 32-4 DON'T FAIL TO TAKE ADVAI tape of A. W. Greene's annual e cursion to Asheville and the mountain Round trip fare only $1.50. Will lea' Union at 7:30 a. m. nn iot?> ^ turn on the 13th. Special attention ' ladies. 1 Dwelling to rent?6 rooi on South street?convenient to Mail j Apply to L. G. Young. 23d>1a aa reward ? fo tJIJLw.W the party or j>artU with proof to convict, who malicious) broke out the windows in my houses o North street. W. 8. McLure. 11 ellixg out-we're sellin( out our remnants of summer goodf I and we are putting a price on them tha will make them move. Don't delay come at once. L. N. McNeace. For sal e-squire's bottITnc Works. Fitted complete for makiuj A 1 g oils. Instructions given free t purchaser. J. E. Squire, Manager. It rom now until sept. la we will sell our Watches at 25 ne *' * ~ uoub. uihcouiib. .Now is your chance t< get a. nice Watch at wholesale price a MissM.E. Tinsley's. It WE WILL SEND THE VALUI of one dollar and ten cents ($1.10 in* booklet, containing twenty-seven pel and ink photo-reduced sketches of Wash ingtou's life by mail for ten cents (casl or stamps.) (Jueen Victoria knighte< Sir John Tennial for similar artisti< work in London. (Your editor has i sample of this.) Nutsiikll Publish inu Co., 1059 Third Ave., N. Y. 26-8 WANTED?5 YOUNG MEN from Union county at once t< prepare for positions in the Govern ment Service?Railway Mail Clerks Letter Carriers, Custom House anc Departmental Clerks, etc. Apply t< Inter-State Corres. Inst. Cedai | Rapids, la. 80-4t WANT K I)?A GOOD, SOBER industrious and reliable man t< take charge of a branch house it Union. References required. Ad dress Yakhkouoh ?fc Bkllimoer, *b0-8tp Charlotte, N, C. : THE SUPERVISOR REPLIES. | J Claims that the Roads Generally are in Better Shape tliait Ever Before, and that Personal .Matters are Behind Hey DevePs Attack. r THREE OTHER REPLIES. ir I ? Mwtor ok tiik Union Ti h?s : In > defense of myse'f, I feel that I cat ot \ et the unwarranted attack of > iy fr. id c 'Hey Uenvei' o.i the public *ad< of j Sar.tuo pane vi;uout notice. Sao jc t I townsiilp isI. M. ' lob . t ivis- < ioo, ?; (1 nt ?.o'in-' J have nfl gouo nv? r tii-* r? adu, 'Utirely, bu *-ill stay ilwi " what roaxls 1 have seen ic> his terri'oiy are iu splendid condition. So far as re- i lates to ray division, will say that I have , never seen the roads in finer shape. I , have heard a number of prominent men , speak of the roads as being in the best shape they have ever seen them, and such is tri.s. Th it. not ifannm t hat. mv esteemed friend, Mr. Hey Det>ver, finds , so much to complain of and especially j the roads in his community, where we 1 have as good overseers as can be found anywhere?honest and honorable men at ' that. Let me answer him by asking a few questions. Did not one of the i overseers of whom you are complaining about, return you to Magistrate of Santuc a few years ago for refusing to perform road duty ? Is it not a fact that you will not work the p'iblic road, notwithstanding the fact that you are able to work in the field and in the shop for a livelihood ? Is it not an undisputed fact, that you are not on good terms with either of the gentlemen that have charge of the roads near you ? Is it not . a fact also that prior to your uncalled for attack on the roads, the overseers and myself, that you have never complained before the county board. In fact, do you not Teally intend ^his for my injury and for the good of some one of my opponent ? Have you ever applied for either oi the roads in question and failed to get them? Now, Hey Denver, I am well aware of the fact, and it can be proven without a shadow I of a doubt, that all of this is done | through prejudice au<l personal feelings. and not because yon are more patriotic I than the average tnx payers of Union | county. I am scwry to have to notice ; this matter at all, but feel that the light I should be turned on. No, Mr. Denver, your little game of smartness will not work, with all due respect to your feel j *Below will be fouud' what some of the overseers say. T.J. BETENnAUail, Supervisor. Mr. Editor:?I am sorry that 1 am farced to rise in defense of the roads ol ; Santuc township as against the attack of Hey Denver. I will say for the benefit of the public, that the roads of Santuc, i , with but few exceptions, are in excellent ; condition, also all over Union county wherever I have been. We are still due Santuc a week's work with chain gang ! and machine, after which Santuc roads ! will compare favorably with other roads in the county. I am sorry Hey Denver uwv. oaurf/muhM W/ tlltf Ujai'U llKC 11 mail 1q who wishes to be fair. Ilis attack is 9 unwarranted and uncalled for. . ? I. M. Mobley, O. C. at ( 'oi, Santuc, S. C., Aug. 18, 1902. Editor Union Times:?As Hey ? Denver in last week's Times makes seiiN, ous attack on road overseers and Supertie visor and his board, I being a road overn, seer feel called upon to make reply. In the first place he makes this unwarranted attack through personal enmity 7~, and for the purpose perhaps of defeating the present Supervisor for the purpose or perhaps of getting an appointment as [J1 road overseer. I deny any and all of his charges as refers to roads and road overseers in his immediate section. PI very I- dollar spent on my road has been faithx fully earned. a. Now as to roads in Santuc township ve they are as good as any in the county, e- Now I ask Mr. Hey Denver if the to whole trouble with him isn't for the folt. lowing reasons: For the enmity toward ? three of the road overseers in his immeM diate section. For the reason that his i. application for road overseer during Mr. tf Scott's term of office was refused, and for the reason that he has not yet secured j! the appointment as road overseer. For " the purpose of defeating the present 58 Supervisor with the hope that with a > y new Supervisor that he may get the long " wished for appointment as road overseer. y Now in conclusion I wish to say that j so far as I kuow Hey Denver is the oniy ' o.-io to complain as to roads in his im? mediate section. K.F.Johns. , Santuc, S. C., Auo. 18, 1902. - Editor Union Times:?In last issuo , * of Times there is complaint marie as to K condition of roads in Santuc township 0 by Hey I)euver, (E. W. Jeter). He mostly, by way of insinuation, biings grave charges against overseers of same, 7 and against the Supervisor and bis board. r At the outset I wisli to say tliat as I am one of the road overseers in his imt mediate Pection, that I feel it a duty to myself and to the Supervisor and his _ board to reply. ; In the iirst place, ho ia an enemy to , ] myself and Mr. Sims McDaniel (another i j oveiseer in his immediate section). . Through ill will toward we two, and > i perhaps for the purpose of defeating Mr. i ltotenbaugh for Supervisor, (so that pr3 hap3 the next Supervisor might appoint i him road overseer), are the most setl. evident reasons for his uncalled for at t tack. Now as to the road I work. 11 (the road) is in as good condition as an y road in the county. And for every [ dollar spent on my road the county l?as > gotten value received. Now, as to . wagon and mules on road, overseors are J allowed only to use two mules on road, and wagons ouly when it is necessary, ( to haul rock or brush, and I neyer ] charged for but two, and for wagon only J when hauling rock or brush, although I have used more in order to push the * work along faster, for mules will drag , dirt faster than negroes. As to frog ' > ponds in the road, two years ago Hey ' i Denver had water dammed up in road I . \ . worked by placing logs on side of road \ and I had thein removed to drain road and he complained to Mr. Betefcibaugb ' ;OUNTV MUTUAL BE OK AMI The County Mutual Benefn low organizing the Union Divi: nembership foe is $5, which co issessinent. One Dollar for < viT. Mr. D. T Duncan, the se< Jnion Division, and is held in aibject to the order of Judge J. :h i Up on Division, to pay the :irttioi; THE POLICY IS CLE \greelng to pay the fum of one dollar upon the surrender of the polloy and a] member in good standing. It is a hora ible, high-minded business men, for t people. It reduces life insurance prot< the average of human life will allow, bo pay, and there are no big annual pr< into some rich Northern Insurance com right at home, and when It is paid oir whose benefit it goes in time of trouble are secured applicants will be received member will be admitted over 80 year A- 1 _ A. LI- X - TT X agents in every tuwnsuip in umviu vut become members will write to County flutual Be of America, I YES? From the o! d barn of a store h( ing and only two doors above occupied by S. M. Kice. Jr., E. as the Wonder Store, so betw? going to sell any and all article Goods, Notions. Millinery, Sh< Valises, Crockery, Glassware 8 ACTUAJ Now is your opportunity, vertisement and if you have ar not cost you one cent to look < pleasure in showing you throu, take out on approval, as we j any one during the above sale, has picked up all the bargains pect to get as good trade, for ^ % mi i ??i 1 1 rusn. mis sale win oniy u move on you. McLure M( JL A/UWI1 1 for my turning water outof road. Now, to read his articles oo roads and road working, etc., you would think that he has good roads very much at heart. Hey Denver is an able-bod wed man, able tc do hard manual labor, such as plowing hoeing and vorking in a blacksmith shop, yet he pays no road tax nor doea he work on the public roads, for he holds a doctor's certificate exempting him from road duty, as he got a leg broken several years ago. So he is not able to work, on public roads in his immediate section that are so disgraceful. Yet he can perform aaid does perform hard manual labor on the farm and in the blacksm ith shop. In concl usiou, will say that were Hey Denver and. myself known as thoroughly as we show Id be to every man in Union county, th at I would have paid no attention to liis; attack on road overseers, the r and his board. S. Nl. Gilmore. P. S.?Another thing Hey Denver did was to cut a ditch across my road to drain his laud, which he did not properly bridge, as the few small poles that l?e placed over the ditch made it dangerous for the traveling public. I removed them and illled up ditch u> make it safe, whereupon he opened up ditch again without making anv provision for cross ing it. " 8. m. o. Citation to Kindred and Creditors. State of South Carolina,1 County of Union. J By Jason M. Greer, Esq., Probate Judge. Whereas, Rosa Williams has made suit to mo to grant h% letters of Administration on t ho estate of and effects of Walloon Williams, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish nil and singula?- the kindred and sreditovs or >..? said Wallace Williams, leceased, that hey be and appear before me, it? the ; 'on:l of Proltate, to be held it Union (' II , -outh Carolina, on the 10th. day of Almost, next, after publicaJor.i hereof, ; ?. 11 o'clock in th; foreiron, t - s1 >?'. canse, if any they have, P.hy tie : -id Administration should not be granted Given n?!?!'i- toy hand and seal this 15th day of \ugnst. Anno Domini, 1902. Jason M. Greer, Prohate Judge. Published on the 22'id day of August, 190*2, in Tnr. Union TimkV 34-2t. All Were i-aved. "For u\h I suffered such untold uisery fmrn Bronchitis." writes J. H. Johnson. ??f Broughton, Ga , "that ofen I was unable to work. Then when jverything else failed, I was wholly :ured bv l>r. King's New Discovery for Jonsmnpiioii My wife suffered iuensely from Asthma, till it cured her, ird all our exi>*rience goes to show it is he best Croup medicine in the world." V trial will convince you it is unrivaled or Throat and Lung diseases. Guaranteed bottles 50c and $1.00. Trial holies free at F. C. Duke's. Subscribe for the Times. NEFIT ASSOCIATION JRICA ^ c Association of America is sion of 1,000 members. The vers the first advance death 2very member is deposited :retary and treasurer of the The Peoples Bank of Union, M. Greer, the President of first death loss by the Asso- . :ar and simple for every member Id the Division pproval of the proofs of death of a e organization, managed by honor* he benefit and protection of homa jction to the minimum of ooat that There are no big salaried officers >miums to be sent oat of the county ipany's pocket. All the money stays b, every member knows exaotly to i. Until the first thousand members up to 65 years of age, thereafter no s of age. .Wo want good reliable inty at once. Persons desiring to nefit Association Union, S, C. We are going to MOVE juse to a more up-to-date builtithe old stand to the store now U? and more familiarly known sen now and Sept. 1st we are ss in our big assortment of Dry res, Hats, Clothing, Trunks, ind Tinware at L COST. This is no "catch penny" adly doubts alovg this line it will )ver our stock and .we will take gh but don't ask for credit or to resitively cannot allow this to Don't wait till your neignbor and then come in late and exwe expect this stock to go at a ist about two weeks, so get a ircantile Co. IU ndtr HANK. Shattets AJ1 Records. i Twice in hospital, F. A. Gulledge, Verbena, Ala., paid a vast, sum to doctors f to cure a severe case of piles, causing 24 . tumors. When all failed, Buck Ion's Arnica Salve soon cured him. Subdues i Inilamation, conquers Aches, kills , Pains. Best salve in the world. 25c at F. C. Duke's drug store. The Finest Yet. ^ Just Look at tier. Whence came that sprightly step, faultless skin, rich, rosy -complexion, smiliing face. She looks good, feels good. Here's her secret. She uses Dr. Jung's New Life Pills. Result,?all organs active, digestion good, no headaches, no chance for "blues." Try them yourself. Only 25c at F. C. Duke's. < Food Adulteration. "In ajpure food case that was taken up from Philadelphia to the supreme court or rennsyivanta," says Public Policy, "the plea was made that the law is not violated unless the quantity of foreign substance in a food staple is sufficient to injure health. * The supreme oourt decision is that any poisonous ingredient, whether in quantity to injure health or not, is a violation of the statute. The cry goes up that this 'will affect 90 per cent of the stock of the average dealer.' If one-fifth of the merchandise sold for food contains poisonous ingredients, there is a startling necessity for active measures. The stupid plea that the poison is not enough in any one article to hurt the consumer indicates that the vendor never gives enough tlieught to any itsjiect of the question but the pursuit of the nimble dime and nickel to learn the effect of the cumulative poisonings Certainly when we hear from the trade itself that the practice of mixing poison in food has attained a 20 per cent, prevalence, it it time for streneoua suppression aimed with the most vigor at the manufacturers of such artidtaL" In view of the above had you not better buy "Clifton" flour, a flour guaranteed pure by the Antl-Adulteration j. League? ? Biianskobd Mills, Owenaboro, Ky. Stop! *LOOk.! WASH EE?WASH EE. The "UNEEDA" LAUNDRY hu been finished and la equipped with 0 the most up-to-date machinery. I am now ready to do yonr laundry work in a strictly first class manner. Satisfaction guaranteed. Will call for and deliver. Give me a trial. Experienced man in charge. JACOB RICE, Proprietor. "UNEEDA LAUNDRY." 81-8m. WATCH REPAIRING AND ALL other work in the jewelry line executed with neatness and dispatch. Fall line of watches and Jewelry. F. G: Tbozib, the Jeweler. miMMuBE - M