Tlirt UN lu> TI V1K8 PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY by thi UNION TIM ES COM PAK Y Rooms 1, 8, 5 and 7, Bank. Building. JNO. R. MA THIS, Editor. L. (.}. Young, Manner Registered at Hie Poatottict im (Tuion, S. C., as second-class mail alter SuBSCRiPl ION R/ . ES One yeai ----- - $1.0U Six mon(h-> ------ 60 cents Three months ----- 25 cenus. ADVERTISEMENTS One s(] are fl: it insertion - - $1 00. Every ibsaquent, insertion - 50 cents. Con acts for three months or longei will be nade at. reduced rates Locals insert,?-d at cents a lii.e Reji-cted mannscj n?i will not be returned. Obituaries and tributes of respect will be charped for at halt rates. UNION, 8. C., NOV. 29, 1901. Your subscription expires with the date on the label on your paper When the date is older than the date of the naper it is time for you to renew If vou delay th's too loop yon will lind the hlueX mark, that mean? you are cut off until you settle un. Keep your eye on our merchant? advertisements if you wish to makf your dollars count at compound interest. Conprr-ss will convene in Washington on Dec. 2nd. There are several ii # : ~ K., mtfcll#'jr?? Ui iili|;?uiaiii;n Ml uo taivcn up and this will no doubt bo an interesting session. Mr. J sadore Rnyner, the chief council for Admiral Schley refused to accept a fee from the Admiral. The Admiral sent Mr. and Mrs. Rayner handsome presents, a fine gold watch to .Mr. R?vner and a valuable diamond broach to Mrp. Ray ner. As winter approaches, the cremation of picaninnies are in order and reports are beginning to come in, the usual schedule is still on : Winter? fire in house?house locked?children in house?parents gone off?house burned?ditto little niggers. There were two such cases reported this week. Every negro who is found guilty of locking his or her children up in the house should be sent to the penitentiary for ten years. Perhaps in that time they would learn some sense. The person who thinks that it is not worth while to advertise because the paper is already well filled with advertisments, is standing in his own light, that is if he would like the people to know that he is in business. The Times is recognized as Union's business directory and when people want to find out about any business of consequence they look in The Times for it?Moral, if you want to get in the swim get in The Times, will try and squeeze you in somewhere if we have to hang you around the edges Get in the business directory. A Severn storm swept the North Atlantic (oast Sunday, doing con. eiderable damage at Bt&ten Island, and in New York. Many housei and piers bring swept away and othei houses unroofed Blackwell's Islnnr was" subinurged. The greatest damagi in New York was along west street fronting on north river. The Unitec States Hotel af- Long branch wai wrecked. The dafr??ge done along Long Island sound intruding r a good EOWfipaper and read it, thereby Jteep ing up wit h the happenings of the day, improving their intellect, gaining knowledge for f heinselvfts, rathcr t har depending on others and hear xay, they would soon become more intelligent, self reliant and independent. They would soon be buying themselves little farters, building themselves homes, and developing into intelligent # useful and good oltlzens, and the race ^rouble would be very rwar a solution. < i It OR KI HI. E DUE I) IN ANDERSON. A horrible crime was committed in Anderson county last Saturday afternoou about 4 o'clock. A negro, an ex-convict, nanwd Laddison, from Newberry county, who had served his term aud had been working as a farm hand in Anderson county, went to the home of Mr. Perry Craft, about j eight miles from Anderson and asked for something to eat. Mrs. Craft1- 1 was alone at the house and gave him | some potatoes, ho became angry and told her ho believed ho would kill her She ran across the room, as she did so the negro fired at her and the ball entered her back. The negro ran. A posse was soon in pursuit, ho was tired at several times and hit once in the leg. He made his escape buf was f>>und at a negro house, the inmates reporting his presence, he was arrested and taken to Mrs. Crafts who identified him. He was taken out in the woods and lynched by 2(Ml people. There were some twenty negroes in the party. They asked to be allowed to burn the scoundrel, but were not permitted to do so. The negro was hung to a limb. After he was dead he was cut down and left i on the ground with a note pinned to 1 his coat announcing the crime for which he was lynched. There was , no attempt at concealment. Mrs. . Craft is not expected to 1 Lye. It was a most diabolical deed, without provocation, and was enough to arouse the indignation of every one in the ' community, but it would have been ' better to allow the luw to take its 1 course, as there could not be a possibility of doubt that he would have been bung. No jury could have been , empanneled that would have hesitated to hang him. Wo do not think lynching is justifiable, with possibly the exception of rape. GET RICH, EASY SCHEMES Several ladies of Union are contemplating taking hold of some of the "get-rich-quick schemes, viz: the "cherry tree" schemes the Doyle Ring trie a and various others. We know of some who ha\e been hit already. It won't do ladies, you had best steer ciearof these things, and we announce right here and now that while we have published several of these. "$20 a month for ladies writing at. home" etc., we do not commend the scheme. Steer clear of any game that has as its fundamental principle to Rob Peter to Pay Paul. They are paid advertisements. Rut we are not catering for them and we advise the ladies to steer clear of them, if they don't wish to get picked up. The promoters are making hundreds of thousands out of it by picking up the unwary ladies. They cannot pay what they say they will, they have no idea under the sun of doing so. And any intelligent person, after giving the matter proper consideration can readily see it is a fraudulent scheme. Let it alone. REV. IRL R. HICKS IS NOT DEAI). Notwithstanding a widely current rumor that the Rev. Irl R. Hicks was dead he never was in better health, and never did a harder and more successful year's work than that just, closing. He has just completed hi# large and splendid Alma' nac for 1002 and, with his staff of f abie helpers, has brought his Journal, i Word and Works, justly forward 5 into international reputation. For a quarter of a century Mr. Hick9 has ' grown in reputation and usefulness 1 as the people's astronomer, and foret caster of storms and the character of , coming seasons. Never were his ^ weather forecasts so Bought after as now, his timely warning of a serious drouth this year having saved t.he 1 people from loss and sufToring Mil3 lion's of bushels of whost were har, vested through his advice to plant. crops that would mature early. The American people will certainly stand by Prof. Hicks, when it costs them so UtAe Hnfl the benefits are so great. ' His hno 4.1/^anac of 200pages Ts only * 2.">c, and his spfep/jjd' family journal . is only one dollar a including . the Almanac. Hend to Wor.4 yU(j Works Pub. To., 2201 Locust St., i St. Louis, Mo., or bring ua and 1 cet Hick's Word and Works, the 10 ? nuint her of his pnemies that, the Rev. Irl? - R Hicks. Kdttjar of Word and Works | r sod of Hick's Almanac, iv dead, but thin Tommy rot didn't work. Ho is the liveliest editor corpse extant., und what ho doeg for tbo ojffcjal prognostiefttors is a plenty. The trial of Mrs. Bonine, who in | on trial in .Washington, charged with the /nurder of a young by name , of Ayers, in his own room is otefitjpjr a considerable lot of interest over the , country. She oiuitn* to have gone i to his room in answer to his cull say. ing he was sick. When she went In , he locked the door and a sou file en* sued and he wne shot to death. I * Suntitc News Notes. "We'd go our great eoat, And quickly unlock it If a change ;,t the weather Put c1 w . iu the pocket!" Ala>! that it does not; may be the fate of many this season. It. seems that winter let down suddenly and to stay when it did come We tiad rain last Saturday .4:1 of inches fall. It was very beneficial to the laud. It is a good time to gather persimmons and locusts to make beer. We certainly have the "bter privileges" along that, line. It won't do for a man to blow his own horn too much, be might split it, then t would cease to he musical to others. Some complain that turnips are stringy ami hard to cook sjt't. 1 reckon these ire those that struck a streak of hard nek. Just one month to Christmas and the liens on a strike. As a negro said, "they have been laying, but have remitted now." A young farmer said that if you didn't believe he could "raise cain" down h?ire, just look at some of his cane, sorghum cane. It was line and ho made some line syrup too. It is not unusual now to see v\h t? fires hae,-lx e*'. about in the pines evidence of uutiit>->-ts. ."h:hda\3 ao. ? ^ great day tor them, and no doubt, of?e?, | some wine men ;ce pnrMiep cnuiiiii 1 nave heel- bu y for acme time :???'-1 ing wood. We hai a large (piau u v cm and split. tl?-? and hind wood, and 1 n-??e liauhd about loity big . ?u~. witb about Hfiseu more to haul W'ctthe c-?i?l rains and snow come, won't w? be "healed." 1 do not think I saw where any of TilK Timks girls said anything about seeng the automobile at the Fair. I wanted to get down, like the old clown, aud examine it to see what. made. it. go; in fact I would like to have raised my hat. to it. but I didn't wish to become too conspicuous so put on "known g look" as if to say well, I have seen the thing fore It was a very pretty ihii.g beautifully painted, but looked no more strange than an elect no street car, only you saw no wire overhead, a rod i mining tin to that, and kin w ihere was no engine off somewhere in a house to give power to piopel it I read the letters from the you g k.T.r> <> Not ua o}(i as many farmers, don't l> >ast of knowing a# iftuch, but I never bank on a very late crop of weakly watery bolls to brag about. Aecordiog to the "fog in August." theory or wither aign, we are booked to have eight snows this winter. If they are to correspond or parallel the fogs \v? are to have two very heavy, one nearly 40 #ad three light snows. We have had one ligtit ?noV lybieh I bslieve came in ahead of time last t ui . i.t^ / 19th inst. This is the earliest in the last eight yoeiv. ' While ]t fell thick for a while it melted as it fell, but i t was a snow. Taking the last e'ght year's reoorl *.hls fall h*1 l*en a record breaker. Tueihstsuow u?v?ira n n\> nil mr?i i uc i t di i>> to the late State Fair, and will not hesitate to say that 1 enjoyed them very mucli. But there is one other to iiear from. There was a great deal to write about, enough to divide among all of theui. and the little Maid of Ho (or too The Editor and my humble sen' did not exbaus' it by any mea.s, as Miss Mag gie in her letter said we did; and she told it in a way we did not. They all told it in different words 1 thought they were tune interested in the Penitentiary and Stale House than any lung else, and I noticed ihat they al! said so I was loo. There are State Instilutious and we are proud of thrin I believe the 4'Union Timrs Girls" would lend interest it they woo d wiite au article occasionally. I thiuk I saw other men interested in those letters Some of our people, and I believe they are all young ladies, complain of being "flooded" with letters wishing thein to go into the business of selli g so many cherry trees or apple trees, for so much then get a position to do writing, etc*, that thev are becoming disgusted The salary offered is $2(1 per month, and to write six letters a day. Kve.-y letter received is exact ly the Hurl!" style, ant almost the saiun wording, and I believe that is the kind of writing they aie promised the salary to do If so, and for every letter received, they sell sixty trees and it continues, this country will be converted into a vast orchu'd. Then i if every one writes six le'ters a da\, all | take it up. ibey will soon have to b >rrow somebody to send lett-rs to, or it I will have to go annul a tain H*s i Homebo d the erpe wu! in >uon , or is it a Im ub v? or a scheme to cut producti >u of co-ton? [Very likely humbug, b-t.t.-r ted your lady friends to let i' a n no ? K?? | I expel* there is more advertising of lanes, that people must not hunt, tish, ride, drive, walk, cut timber, or in anv way tiespass He . of la'e, than ever before. S >mr of it inav l>e for good, to save white o w iys it appears it is done S'Tnethini must he wiotig somewhere or this "posting" of 'and woidd not Itave to be done, in sonr CK.*-e3. In telephone's article I not'eed hsaid: "Slime the fro it many farmers say their lab* b ills of Cut ton will not open." or to thftt effect I wonder if they really thought they would open. I thought ihat if not killed some of them would o|>en but never entertained any hop" that one-third Would open. I looked at them as being out of seaso i gjpi whither frost or not they would quit dev'yjouiiijj anijl a', last cime to naught, 1 (Id'ngL rpqieinljer seeing anyone who ever saw a late crop pome to anything, but people, to Iheir detriipeiit. will brag of what a line Into crop, els , and the sp culator.s take it up and say the weather is fair, dry, etc , and then Li:e crop is in a few days Increased three trttilioM beles and prices is cut. Tii it beats cotton "putting on" in its balmy season of swimmer months [ nip TOO GOOD Some secrets are t what we are going IS NOT A For the people of Union and count: of Dry Goods. Shoes, etc.. in tin ^?LOWEST Tlie many "big valu ing are surely "too g< record "breaking pi tliem all over Union surronnaing coun wbirlwina. One Solid Case Good Heavy Outings, a splendi weight rzoods. We bought them cheap and ii One Solid^Cuse Bleach, yard wide, made in I our low price . One Solid Case Standard Drills, extra heavy, w One Special Lot All Wool Filled Worsted, 27 i for only One Solid Case 30-in? h Venetians, pret'y line our low price tho secret or our advertise anytliing stooH, and we olialle otlierwise. OUR MOTTC MUTUAL DRY G R. P. HAI wi- lw'.l bofce w.h on Den 2nd. M iS'li Of curs* l'iksa signs inay al j jf sir P^li3 Ivrds .irui some sp?ci??a of gaum have : j / shared the same fate. It would take ' corap trnl ively little money or trouh'e / to establish preserves of these crea- A vflBft J tures, defond them from their nat- l/\\7 Ural onern'-'H. and that, they wee LL^- - - TSnfiBytfl *" fed and sh ltor-*d until their original haunts wei reaio ?ked -vi? h them. * *ha..X,7c""T,*v*p Then, by j ldl-'ious legislation and! I* Mpr'TfV enforcine it of the gnnie I iws, they Ajjf' vX? could bo protected so that the nr.. //.. ' J/ ^ tiral proportion of them would he - ' kept up, and the who!? country Coiue and iuspt would ho the richer for it. ' fi at urn on? u..:r 'i'lie ease with which tho native in- I ' hibitantsof a country regain theirja,e unsurpflijsei old position lu nature's economy, i leatliei' by the I jifter having been driven out of it for a time, is shown by the rapidity with . whieh g?isne is increasing in the abandoned farm regions -of Jjew fcnglnnd mmm and !*|cw York In pjnces" whicli ' LJ ET ) ihtve not known yenisQQ for tw?? or , B tt*? thrne generations, the farmers ar? shooting a deer now and then. The ? v animals wander down from less fre (tuented forests i.ito the abandoned Jijtpber-camjis u*id woodland*, ai d, A in tl!R?, Jn?q the villains. With a W i little eneourHg.rnenr, thjpy ^ould . ^^5* return tiQ the' haunts which thou i foFpfjjtnor^ kn?w a hundred and fifty | Wars ! BLANK'S S Notion "* i COFFEE H hoiiow, ua THAN i 1 invo sol' VO planott, organ*. imdiu* m .uhi les, i'< ? > "v 4* X >moityHges and notes, horses and wagons ,?i to the A. M. Alexander Co., o' Spartan- ^ tjurg, 8. C., and all future pay urn its will lie wade to fliid A. M. Ah-x inder Co., or their author!* vl agents. ' ,M,~ M" ' ORAHAf > to keep::: oo good to keep but * to tell you this week " % SECRET. i i - > y know that we cany the best line " le city and we always make the i ^ PRICES.^-?" - r* ? - % ? "t ?s w? are now offerood to Iteep, for our., :ioes are soatterlne; Union county and ties llKe a mlsntgr: ? . - "TS _ t . \,4 d cloth. Others ask 81 and 10c for tame ts yours for 6/4?* ^ Jnion, a very pretty cloth, real value 71, 5o. orth 71 but we let 'em go quick at 5o. > nches wide, worth 81, think of getting it 4o. of plaids and stripes, worth 15 and 18c, ..." 10c. dll f>r?fAdd 1 d ?mrm a i tHat w? liaven't t*r% )H?? a nyone to prov? _____ Pushing to the front and staying there. GODS COMPANY. ^RY, Mgr. BE PROSPEROUS.. Jormick Mower and Rake. There ' like them, thuy are as advertised, EST IN THE WORLD. ilready sold a solid car of McCormick Mai season and will have another car on our l few days. r DELAY IN BUYING i hbors are using them and you can if you t us know you want them. Don't forget rroick makes them and 4 & BOYD SELLS THEM. M Buggies P Wagons ...AND... | Carriages; 1 All Kinds to Suit EwyMy. >ct our stock before y??u buy. We will guarantee ? VOu TiiCr.CJ ^ you buy fr ?m us. Our Harnom [1, we manufacture our own goods. Harneaa >ound or side. Don't lorget us. , For Business, ,, ; EN & BOY P. f r f t: ti l JTflNDSHD MOCHA AND JAVA AS MADE MORE FRIENDSFOR " V ANY OTHER 0NE ARTICJLE, TRY XJ WILL USE NONE OTHER. v. aft *| 20c to 35o PER POUHD.?|^~ ^ * * ' * %- * 1 & ESTES, Th* pF?*r <*?? * i *! 1 '4