The Union times. [volume] (Union, S.C.) 1894-1918, November 29, 1901, Image 3

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<HM^ fiMI)S FACTOR INFftjENC# TROLLEY LINES ON ; HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENT. VlMlr Kstrmlon Ker4 Cause Good ? < idToealri Mo Alarm?WUI lamrrmmr th? Yoluiu* of Travel- 1'rotoC Koaaa to Bo CoaaMased. new factor that must soon be takMB Into consideration In connection with the rood road* problem Is the rapid extension of the electric traction systems into the rural districts. Not content with the Immense volume of earnings of the intramural systems, the ***** railway Interests bnye Invaded the country with long lnterurban lines that are already projected all the way across large states, says.U. W. Perry to CSood Roads 'Magazine. Ttiese street railways, or electric traction roads, are not to be Ignored hv the fowl roadi workers. They roust Iw studied for the purpose of detcrinlnlug " ll)i Ifkd they will eventually bare up> of HARD OR TIIK IIOHSK. on highway travel, whether toward increasing or decreasing its volume or as reducing the length of haul by horses apd wagons and changing Its direction. fraptically al) of these railways parallel Important highways between the . principal cities ami towns. Many of them have franchises front the statu fronting the r'gbt of construction pn<l operation directly on the public highway*, while others own part of them In the shape of purchased rights of way. The cars on' these lines transport passengers front town to town or between the points on the road as eouifortably, ? more cheaply and almost as quickly as 15! steam cars between stations and mm >ui| ugreenniy ym\n tjie trfpj^lohg pr' abort, catjW oi?de li;r porse MO buggy or Wagon. It seeing fcjteWh t??VP?fiWf t|??t ibfi eject Hp yoflfU will tend fq reduce the ljslif pn"?gppger travel along the wagon roads wMeb tfcey p?ralle|. PHt Hi? lrfiP!Jt?D 1"! um>unii * arp nof liy ^ IHF WW! PP?if?lH Wli""lH> ^Cflgfr h??i: gfflft alone, ,/ppey Us VP ft treaty embarked In the express and light freighting traffic, pltc the legal obstacles which are being thrown iu their way by the team railroad companies, whose contentions hare been defeated In the supreme court of Ohio. This freighting ?r psgirpiw l^fVfdtips^' !$ <W pips? future to become mo'ro profitable to the roads than the transporting of passaofeer* and to grow more rapidly in rotume. It cannot be doubted that this draws wagon traffic from the parallel highways. s yet few if any of the electric ro?ds bUT# attempted to embark In the lieWty ffaiUlttitj^' btiHhWs's "iti tills eofihtiy, ig time the tmptlofl companies wfjj jjttfmpt tA ssonice ww- b uf tlils 'uiislneH also, unless legal restrictions debar thetn. for they can operate as cheaply as ths steam roads, and In ninny eases they hare advantages over tbe latter In facilities tpr handling such freight. BoWSver, If the lntenirb.'in rpgds reduce tbe tfatel betWc^n1iiyWus tlic tghwafs Which they parallel, their Will iffifely brferoaee the travel oil the crossbuti bjiilinr fhilli' tho Voiitno" ?' fl... jrvT~ TVTi y"L ^ TVFf^wwi pw I^IPII m w tft# Steel ways. They \vllj plm* Mpdquht 61 f iBQTSSSO UlO VOlUWQ Of tVftVfl UU the ro*6*i**chtng from villages off the Hue# ?f tbWeleetrlc and steam roads to those through which these lines extend. Good rood advocates have no reason | for becoming apprehensive that the exMas^cp pf iptergrbnp electric. r#Ut VragA'Wlfl ' cause Any of ' thd' >Wa/fdh frcaia to he abandoned add to fallintd iatftr. While the^ seem llk^ to rcM her tralfttf dh some of'tbfc msln fhot f* f?ef Hty ]>e 'inpFcase'the P dm pet of Pert hauls in the aggregate on others. It Ig At any rat# a factor in highway Improvement. The progress being made here and abroad In the manufacture of nraptlcnl '?$ (rubles and 'lorries/' as well as passeqher coaches, for the transportation of |w a couqtecAfttM Inrtnence tending to give (he ??) terurMn wagon way a new tmporiauce. I# ^allt? ifcsiia li Is# tKon ?v???*? i" ? "*" ? lyp ? niiup)' gleiietween t?* operator of the motor ataft and the electric traction com* peqfcs to denize which of them can fforlce tW&mpf opeftfttOfi to the lo\yfrf poltt: ^ ySSar W "VI? l'vfrlHiJrj WWc IK) IMIU Ihdir^* WtH* were required to draw a traveling carriage, aiul sometimes sixteen TforseW were needed to drhd It *t 9 foot pace through the mud, .-5?*22E? Ju*X " 1 Weed RMOI^MWIbi (B Favor. The value and Importance of good r<wjwkfm<v^aiop* *"* each loMMduf year, not only by peoS\ In the rural districts. but by habitants of towns and cities aa well, t: DoU( Hla Beat. In the early morning I went to the poetoffice In an Alabama town to Inquire for mall, but found X was half an hour too early. I waa walking away when the colored janitor who was sweeping out called to me and asked: "Was yo' procrastlnatln' around yere alter yo'r mail, sah?" "Yes. but 1 see I'm too early." "Yes, sah. too airly. An* was yo' a stranger In dls town?" "Yes." "An* hain't yo' no one to talk to?" "No." "I>en, sah. If yo' (lon't keer to eliminate about de street fur half an hour yo' can stop right yere. an* 1*11 do my best to considerate de reciprocity of de situashun an' make yo' feel to home!" A Civil Word. A French king once said: "If a civil word or two will make n man happy, he uinst lie a churl indeed who would not give them to him." If tliln feeling were noted on. how much luippler tlio world would he! We may say of this kindly temper that it Is like lighting I another man's candle by one's own, which loses none of its Ilgtt by what the other gains. THE HOME GOLD CURE. An Ingenious Treatment by which Drunker a are Be Cured Daily in Spite of Themselves No Noxious Doses. No Weakening of 1 he Nerves. A Pleasant and Positive Cure for the Liquor Habit. It is now generally known and understood that Drunkenness is a disease and not weakness. A body filled with iK>ison{ and nerves completely shattered ny fieriodical or constant use of intoxicating lipuors, requires an antidote cajvableof neutralizing and eradicating this poison, and destroying the craving for into icants. Sufferera may now cure themselves ut home without publicity or loss of time from business by this wonderful "HOME GOLD CUKE,r which has been perfected after many years of ploee study and treatfqei>tofinefhriatea. The faithful use according to directions of this wonderful discovery is positively guaranteed to cure the most obstinate cape, nn mflftnr Unw .... (twn ff 'HM'SP1! 'JUT records show tho m*rYPloqs transformation of thousands of Drunkards Into *ol>er, industrious and upright men. WIVES CUKE YOUR HUSBANDS!! CHILDREN CUKE YOUK FATHERS! This remedy is in no sense a nostrum but is a specific for this disease only, nnd is so skillfully devised and prepared that it is thoroughly soluble and pleasant to the tWsfe', -Bo'^hat ehlV be ipv^n fn k chp1 of ek- Of cdWe'wUno^i. the Knpwlepge df fpp person laking it. ThpuparicW oT Drunkards have cured themselves with this priceless remedy, qnd as ipany niore have bppn cpre<T and aqd relut?Ve3 ffWHt thetr knWledgp in coffee or teg, and he'ipyp today {hat fe 5rt"tJnfuStftf rat deluded by apparent and misleading "improvement."' Drive out the disease at once and for all time. The "HOME GOLD CURE" is sold at the extremely low price of One Dollar, thus placing within reacli of everybody a tT?ktfti^H> mW? costing ki> tu |T>0. TuU directions accompany each package. Special advice by skilled phy? sicians when requested without extra charge. Sent prepaid to any part of the world on receipt of one dollar. Address Dept. 1 EDWIN B. GILES A COMPANY, 2330 and 2332 Street, phqcMphi#. " ."'"W ^I'oorrdspbn^ence strictly oonfidental. Just Received An elegant line of flu** Can/fug ^>et a. lout twtliInk'forWadding and preaentH. Alao a n?qe lot of T.Iain (Md Weddii g H|ng? IP different wHnhts ancj iMVjft. ijj seelh'^P handsome Oak and Walnut X-?lay yjocka, M. F TIMfti cy ? a *? * 4^ A-4 i-4 1 Smiths Request! Stop throwing your (pflney away. Have yqii e?ejf |p*t any money by pxying two price* for an article? ypu hftve yoq ; just a* well laugh ae to ory. I only warn you of the future. Look Before You Buy. I have taat. reoeived an extra fine MojaRRee wjijch | Ipylte ejerj person in Union county to oome in ?nd inspect. The Quality wftl aurprieo you. The Price wilt make you grin. w. Newell Smith. Mention'J inks. 89 tf . "In Tcom * gas well that blows off sf the mte ol 1,000,001) feet per dsjr, sod CHnnot be stopped, has been dlscoveted. THE NEW WAY. Common Sense For Women. L&diw Shonld Road of the Latest and Most Success ful Importation From France. All Womankind May Possess Bright Byes, Pair Skin, Strength and Good Health. So says |)r. Lattord, the famous French practl tloner who lias devoted his whotc life to the study of woman, and lit. won tliu highest distinction through his wonderfully successful practice among the first families of Paris. WOMAN A HEROINE Woman Is a heroine, saya the Doctor, and her remarkable endurance and ability to withstand the most trying ordeal compels admiration, hhe Is a slave to" the Natural Modesty of her sex. which to Often causes her to endure the greatest trials. I ml sutTer In silence, rather than consult even her family Physician, fearing to rxposn herself to ncr.w. sary questioning ami probable examination, A Lira STUDY Recognising tills fact earlv In Ills practice. Dr. Ijtltoru has, by years of study and clone sipplieation. evolved an entirely new method of treatment for all ailments peculiar to women, which has met with unfaumded success, and his Branch Offices, managed hy skllhd physicians under Ids personal supervision, are now localed III every large city of Europe. By his superior methods each patient receives absolutely free of charge, full and dclalhsl advice especially adapted to her case, thus avoiding all embarrassment or Intstitvenlence. nml as Dr. I.nBwrd's remedies are put i.p In the form of small d duty wafers, they nrr easily carried and taken at anv time or place, w.thout attracting a'tcntlon. This Insures regularity In treatment which is most important to n cure, and generally Impossible with liquid remedies. Liquid remedies always eontnln a large proportion of alcohol, whiskey or other liquors, to preserve tlieiu ffom spoiling. Dr. Lntior<P* Wafers arc a "dry medicine" ami are jMisitlvely free from Intoxicants or narcotic drugs of any kind. MODERN METHODS Dr. J/rltord's greatest success lias l>een achieved by the uae of the "CARONIA WAFKU." This is not a Patent Medicine, hut a scientific preparation of " vibun-um," or "CA RON I A'" (commonly known as Itlack Mawkls:rrv), and Other well known herbs, Snmtliu ?? ' herbalists for cent orle-. "Viburnum." or "CARONIA," Is recogniiad ami prcscriticd by the kailIiik physhdans of the world as the lest known Sjieeifle 1 for Female I ouhles. Tlte extremely disagreeable taste of these drills has Wen overeonae hy skillful tiuini|iulatl<iii, retaining however all of their virtues and strength, and these sjuslflcs have been so couihite d and prenar- d as to lurui u dainty wafer, eafily taken, vet cmiMalyiug the most accurate and pertal'vjeun* fur Female Weakness Nervous- I'roa- , I ratio V I'. infiil atrl Siilipresaisl Menses, Irregu- ' larltv, Wueorrhoeaor Whites, Sterility, Ulceration J of the Uterus, < hange of Life in Matron or Maid, ' f hmnic Decline, Urinary Troubles, Nervous De- 1 Idlity, I'rofiisc l-'low, threatened Miscarriage, Pal- 1 t?i?ntion of the Heart, I'ains in the I?elt Side, Cold Hands or Feet, Hearing Down I'ait'.s, llaekaehe. Short nets of Breath, .Scalding of I'rine, Soreness of llreast. Neuralgia, Uterine Displacement, and all 1 those symptom* uliic make the average prolan's life so miserable. It makes* child birth easy and ! SWKs U<)CT()p-'ll|fd.S. 1 A VALUABLE FEATURE ?rAi:ON|A W X FLItS" hav proven a Messing lo j th-usapd* of suftcritig wpmen. w||o lmve liee# ntsije well, at mux atld liMI'py i|i a sui pri.?|ng|y short tjtite, hv this W"l?l' rhtl tp-idMH'ol, They wi|l put tnlv epre t|\e most olptjnale t'-tpses, no Matter hoar |"PR neyWtpd, hill Hfe l<l"ll lite only known remedy that nan lie aiisolutely r el I. si u|xm to prevent those monthly recurrences of extreme pain and suffering, needlessly etidurisl hy so many of our women, PURE AND EFFECTIVE J "I?K, LaltOUU'S f'AKONIA WAFFItS" are ' purely vegetable, containing no injur mis i hem. j teals or drugs, and are positively guaranteed In cure ? even llie most ncgl clod cas-s, if directions are i carefully followed,and the medicine hhiSvxlljr'faVt'fi 1 Tliif x'a ttaMe Tsui Ai, "DIL'' < AHU- ) NIa,'.' ta'nrrk"on *all* iit'AP.i-'''r Import lug ft r n> -n f' v\V;Vl-.i 'Ft.'uW' O-i'mivvNT, who have con- ' ; ?itli Dr. Ldhiiil i- r ti e exclusive agency 8 for the United States. A Consultation Department _ tinder the supervision I Dr. latl'ord, is maintained and s|ieeial advice Inrnislicsl absolutely free of I charge to all wlm take the treatment, i adieu ufdc ing ('ARt?Nl.\"are Invlfed n'nte tin alamf _ Hiclf particular up's, in flefai|, and 'art' assured | ji,e fiio.- i >ihlVUI privacy :la lo tlie|r'<s?rres|M?tideiice, I aV no'Vi'sllliVriiiiatd of letters from Indies are ever m |IU|>I|K|H (1 I'V U.?. ' I ' O. "CAUONJA wAi. V;us;.. ca^wUBg 1 q inont^v - w'11 V* - mrwj piuki-d | n(yl |if<.;(|j)kl li? >>ii) in lite U. S. Canada, d i.n r*rl|>t itfOnr Dollar, accompanied liy ilu-do. f I alls of your cum. A full ami complete treatment I including all necessary medicine, anil ourwiitteu | guarantee, Kite Dollars, naya'de in advance. Tltl* charge carers all c.xmsns', Including free 1 advice anil lull directions. Tli re am mi '"Id'l pi(\ul charges hi any kind, thus p!|\ci"tr tftv. fuLtiV'pt witiiln the TfauhM.rjll > V 1 ' * n v'AdUi.1'^ ?ili.'S,\vVV'?U H-I'li, 'I in-: NuvkiuKIIM.KK I M,vr*'el and *UU ?l?? i'UIU. au-ly Mr Roosevelt lisvs been cup* n red by the tru-ts and has declared against any revis!on of thp tariff by this (dun". and he is now cast in" ^>p^ud Kir' somri Hpf! ihiit htbke the ad in in is'ration MtpVir lo lie against tli.i trusts without really injuring 'hem. 'But no >e of these things will tel intelligent men, win know that if Mr. \l os?y*lt 'ftapt?-d to hit the trust \\<* fitml*! uuii y have done *? hi fnvoriuij tariff evi-iuu. AROUND THE PAN." The most profusely illustrated book of t its kind ever published, is a lasting *0U- I veoir for tbo^e \vl.o thti, and'a splendid ! imMcript loit' for those who did not visit f tUVf ?aii-.yriierienn Kx position. tlie latter class1 will ^hd'it a most reli^Me. suliAU firfe for Mid trip. U' Is \L tatheUtg tw the t'oUnk'aa \A iuthh&ty interesting to U?e arid should be readily accepted Vn^p every household foy tb.f- P'-l- t ('if yuu?^ riri'i old. Agents out' I fVi fyep upon reoeipt of tifteon (Ifte) cents < in postage. Thk Ni't Siiklo Pot. Co., r New York. 40-2t. ?. r Republican* have Irotted nut a new c sclicnit- to qu e. 'he demand for tariff re- i virion in their rank*, and. incidentally ?to a nut a few topic eftfor^k if, jM band* of r tlU^'ir frithid'ri It is' i[or the 9rent!on of a t tariff botoimiapion t$ consider the matter c andfypoR at>>m?'o!d time in t\ic future', Mean 'bile C^narem *ovUd liftve an m? cum io do nothing, r wm JBr FOR SA1 'Jumped on n Ten Penny Nail. The lit tip daughter of Mr. J. N Powell jipni e I on an invited jakp inadi of ten penny nails, at il thrust oiip nail Pi.tin ly through lur Inn* aiiil a second one half wav through ('hand* erlain'.s I'aui Halm was promptly applied and Hvp minutps later the pain had disappeared and no more snffpriug pxpeiienod In three d-.ys Ujh i li <1 was wealing her shoe as usual and with absolutely no discomfort. Mr Powell is a well known m* ichant of Foikland, Va I'ain B.t!m is ?n aotisppnc and I eals Mich iijniu-s without inaiui)>tion aim m one-liwid the time it-quired by ilie u.>uai treat me it For sale by F. U. Duke. Diuggist. The state disp ins irv is preparing for Clnistmas business. A circular has lieen issued to all dispensers tint they tuns' send in their oideis by iLe 21st. as no Bliiptnetite will bj made between thu22nd and 27th. Did You Know This? Tin vnil know fliof * norl<??dnil P'oi?l? colli lcuds to consumption? More people die I from the effects of cutching cold than fri>in ' any ot liar known cailRQ. There is one remedy and romeinltcr it only coats t wenty live cents, that has proven a safe, unfailinir cure for coughs and colds. It is called Mexican syrup. Your druggist liaa it or will pet It for you, It heals and strengthens the lungs and hirathing passages, when nothinp else you take seems to do you (rood, you had hotter j Kot. a bottle today and read the testimonials on tho wapper. Have You Worms? Are you growing thin and siekly? Has your skin a pale or sallow tango? Do you not occasionally I eel a hollow sensation in tno pit of your stomach, or a queer (listres- in your bowels'/ Do you get easily vexed, nervous or flOgety? Probably you are nourishltlg some stomach worms, a lengthy tape worm, or else a thousand pin worms that arc devitalizing your entire system You can expel them by taking Mother's Worm fyrup. Nothing else ' Is so effective. ! Better Health. i llettor health always follows a use of Mex- ' loan Hoot, 8imply3bccHU8G they cleanse the I system of sickening and CffCtO matter so 1 thoroughly and completely. It Is a sin to re main constipated when Mexican Hoot Pills inly cost 25 cents a b >x. The Best Pain Cnr@ i Is one that is nbsolptply ??re and sure and , lliat taken ihtpi-nally will cure cramps and . !:ol|e.' or a'1 plied externally will reduce J swelling ami subdue pain. Uoocli's <Juick Helief does this and only costs 25 cents. Want to he Pretty? Then Purify your hbaal by taking (loooh'a 3*4 r*m pa Villa, tlir host uf all lilouc) NiciUclitos. Pile ine Cures Piles. M??ney refunded If it ever falls. Anti-AnvK eures Chills and Fever. Mr Ro.tseTttlt won In his wreath* vi'h <li- Piatt, machine in New York flips Piatt securtd a recess reappoint? nent tor Ins man HidnvU as colheter of be Jlort of JSp-A York frmn Mr Mc*mlv?Y la-i summer hut. wh.m l.n Guar LE AT HOLMES klr. U'xwevt*lt to conlirm that reappoint- 1 neiit lie met with a positive refusal, and i! everal ilnvs ? Mr R<x>sevf\t appoint- * td State Senator 5*t^anaiiea, a personal 1 rtejy!, t<? t'^e position. 1 H I Foe | OT Oy-y?epita w unrecognized in * ?g \ut(C^he Vases. It deceives the 5T 9 unknowing Rufferer. Its many W M variations work along the weakest Rj K lines of the system. To battle SK j 5 against only pf Iheui is vain. % H fU\r pooHlei explains its symp- fifl b fonvs. Our Dyspepsia Tablets give ^6 t K complete and lasting relief. t 1 GIBES' SI5 6 Dyspepsia Tablets % , s ?5.d ?y ^*6n\)rug co. union, s. c. TliO fitrmp a r?f I ' ? . HIV -* tn'i M'l'umvi rust, whloh make* the big s'eel t'usl ' ook in^JpitilU^nt b\ con>p:u-i-on. want lonator Klkirin, of W. Va , who i* a ?ih'".u] magnate, for chairman of ih? 8 <o :H?e C-ommitu e 011 luler-statn f'ora- 8 nerco, which will handl" hiih? pro ^oaing jj * '.hooks on the rftil;<yu yy ;^oeVi(ting lie i n t** r-f 1 fit e* f"o\xitn'erce h\ w, and thfy 1 ire rfm^nyhiit ela'tinetl by the apoari(inf J, t-J icUucy of Senator ('iilleir\ fa Rive op hut chairmanshipfay |i>e head of the j Ojpyfljttea Ob foreign Melatloiis. * so'fcribe for The Tim us and k'op 1 KWted. - - - : 'rOsST^rr '" 1 1 I ASTHMA C Asthmalene Brings Instant 1 All < Sent Absolutely Free WRITE YOUR NAME / CHAINED " FOR TEN CVERY^Jbg^^pmNaN RELIEF. [?n. Taft linos', Mkdicink Co., Gentlemen: 1 write this testimonial from sffeet of your Asthmalene, for the cure of Ast modlc asthma for the past IS years, Having o: I ch oired to seayour sifin upon jour window: slued i bottle ot Asthmalene. My wife comn I very soon noticed a radical improvement, i eared and she is entirely free from all sympt neud the niedielne to all who arc ultiictca wit! Yours respectfully, tin. Taft Bros. Mhimcink Co. Gentlemen: I was trouiiled with Asthma f lit they have all failed. 1 ran across your ad\ found relief at onoc, I have since purchaser liave a fiin>o?* , . . - " vnuurcii. aim Tor six yei if hc^i'lt mid am. doing business every day. T on see tit, Homo address, 2:if> Itiviug-ton st rRIAL BOTTLE SENT ABSOLUTEL Do not delay. Write at Bros. Medic ink Co., 79 East 1 When Writing Mention Tiik Union Timf. To the Public. Allow me to say a tew words in praise t Chainberiaiu'* dough U? medy. I had 1 yeiy severe cough and cold and feared would get pneumonia, lutt alter taking he second dose ut this medicine 1 fell utter, l lute buttles of it cured my coid ititi the pains m my ehe>t disappeared uliuiy. ( aui most lespectfully vouis or In altli, liaipti S. Mejeis, 04?Tluit>-. eveiuh St., Wheeling, W. \ru. For suit iy F. C. Duke, l)iuw,g at. A civil service examination will be ield in. Columbia on December 11 and i2 for position of a-aistant fed-muowerat ur Uuittd stales na.y&l olwu vaforv. The alary i *i. i.?* tea ....i*.ieagehmi's ne llv>i j?d t.> 4u ., a u. l*La. c vviiiij-y au infant child I uric l.Kl on-iij. violent lolui, ' Eidtd lohu \\ . K iL. s, a Ui ns Mn Et.nge* lsr, Ot -uo. "I g .Y.- lit I .i a loses o! ' iki :'l11'i'l,iii; 4 cough KeiiiiO) ind in i\ . imi* all danger ?>. , i a t llitl l|ij I'timl rei'ovt I'eO " Tils lelii-n. lot. i> .1.1 cute* Clou i, liar, tvn i Hi Veil * lOon as iln- llisv stinpUiUiS a^ptMl', n .i nevei i .,ie. attach. \<. contains no IplliUl Ol' a. liel O'M'dlldl Hilllslrtt.l'ft uay b- >^ivep CObtM u,?> i?> a Uiuj a o a.i\ ? For F. v./. 1'nk , ^rnggiaw. The more repdl\Ut*m 8fnators aud tcp:es?'\pai jvv* that come to WashingMU. like m -ie is tie: d ffe.iincoot ipiniou among icp.ibl evij as t<? what ^oi.gass ougiu to dOf.bnu'/ the conuti}'s eveiiiies, and the uioie ceitaiu that this a tu ba a lively session of Congress. rhe World's Great Fever Mediclue. Johnson's Tonic does in a (Jay w,V*it ilou Quinine cannot <b? in fyuda\s. lie i|?leudni Climb in*tuUiug contrast villi the fee We cures w?d? by Quinine. Jf you are i\tu*rely wrctoh<tf, take a Uorougli cybU'Pc of Johnson's Tonic and ive.oui every true*- of Malarial ixhaomng ('lie wise Insure their lives and the wiser hpi)re their health by using .Johnson's Jhill cure and Fever Tonic. It co*f& j*? scuts if it cute.-; not one eer? ^ tt* does lot. IV I v 4> ' |B? ANTE & MOORES P Hi 0 rURE FREE! belief and Permanent Cure in Tases. : on Receipt of Postal. tNI) ADDRESS PLAINLY. There is nothing like Astlimalene. It brings instant relief, eveu in the worst cases. It cures when all else fails.' The Itev, <J. F. WELLS, of Villa Ridge, III., says: "Your trial bottle of Astlimalene received in good condition. I cannot tell you how thankful I foal for the good derived from it I was a slave, chaired with putrid sorn throat and Asthma for ten jetra. I despaired of ever being cured. 1 saw your advartisement for t lie cure of this drsadfal and tormenting disease, Asthma, and thought >011 had overspok^n youiselrss, but resolved to give it a trial. T?? ?? astonishment, the trial acted like a ctiarm. Sei.d uio a full-size bottle." Rev, Dr. Morris Wechsler, Kabbi of the Cong, Bnai Israel. N>a* York, Jan. 3, 1901. Pus Takt Bums'. Mrdicink Ce., Gentlemen: Your Asthmnlcn* it an *ccllent remedy for Asthma and Hay Favsr, and its composition alleviates all troubles which combine with Asthma. Its sucoas* la astonishing and wonderful. Aftnr having it curofully analyzed, ws aaa state thut Asthmulena contains no opiaia, morphine, chloroform or ether. \ ery truly yours, Kiev. Dr. Moitms WacntlJtR. Avon 8pmino8, N. Y., Feh. 1,1001. a sense of duty, having tested the wonderfal lima My wife lias been ufllloted with apasrhausted my own skill as well as many othara s on liHMIi street. New York, I at onca ?baeneedtaking it about the first of November, tfter using one bottle her Asthma baa dleap?m?. 1 feel that 1 can consistently recoaii this distressing disease. 0.1>. PUB LPS, M. D. Feb. (. 1001. orifcl years. 1 have tried numerous remedies, rerttaomout and startud with a trial bottle. 1 your full size bottle, and 1 nm ever grateful, lire was unable to work. I am now iu the best his testimony you can make such use of as Lreet. f?. KAPHA EL, CT Hast lifUth st? City y free on receipt of postal once, addressing Dr. Takt 30th St., N. Y. City. S. a worthy successor. "{Something New Under The Sun." All doctors have tried to eura CAT A UK 11 by the use of i>owders, acids, gases, inhalers and drugs in pasta form. Their powders dry up the mucuaus membranes causing them to crack onen and bleed. The powerful acids ttsad in inhalers, have entirely eaten awav tha same membranes that their makers Aimed to cut?, while pastes ami ointments cannot reach the disease. An old and experienced practitioner who haa for many years made aldose study and . specialty of the treatment of CATARRH, has at las? i>erfected a Treatment which wlion luithlully used, not only relieve# at once, hut |>ermanent)y cures CATARRH, by removing the cause, stn|>ping the discharges, and curing all inhumation. It is the only remedy known to science that actually reaches the afflicted parts. This wonderful remedy ia known as "SNUFFLES the GUARANTEED CATARRH CURE," and ia sold at the extremely low price of One Dollar, each package containing internal ana external medicine sutlicient for a mouth's treatment and everything necessary to its perfect vise. "SNUFFLED" is the only perfect CATARRH CURE ever made and ia now recognized as the only safe and jMjriitive cure for that annoying and disgusting disease U cures all inilamation quickly and permanently and is also wonderfully quick to relieve HAY FKVKK or COLD in the HEAD. CATARliil when neglected often leads to CONSUMPTION?"SKV.Jt\ FEES" will save you if yon ?,? it a^ once. It is no ordinary *eaojedy, but complete treatment wliych is positively,guaranteod to, cujce 0 ATA HUH in any.form vw if used according to tho d.nvv^ioivi which accompany each package Don't delay hut send for it at once, and write full particulars us to your co^? dltion, and you will receive spoci.jd vice from the discoverer of tlds hob* derful remody regarding yo\\t pase with* out cost to you beyond tho regular price of "SNIFFLE^" the "GUARANTEED. CATARRH CUKE." prepaid to any- address in tho United States tor Canada on recoipt of One Dollar, Address Dept. 1 EDwIN B. GIIiKH A COMPANY. 2330 and 2332 Market Street, Philadelphia. Pa. lthly 1 ure ED i.RWIACY-. i I