The Union times. [volume] (Union, S.C.) 1894-1918, June 29, 1900, Image 7

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so% fifty PI If not more, of all the sickness traced to what we eat. Can y< of sickness with the false idea cheap food? "When if you will none too good for you. Our motto is NOT THE BEST GOODS FOR THE LI 13E SOLD; but for those \vl ^quality, we are ready to sell the best goods, by buying from Money Cai Wc are agents at Union, 8, Coffees and Spices, and wc in\ inspect our stock and every con We are also agents for famous Monarch Brand of Cai tracts, etc. We challenge any trial will convince you, if not y Bargrains Fo r Best Sun Dried Apples per pou Best California Evaporated Pea Best (Quality Peeled Apricots pc Best Quality -10 to 50 Prunes ] Best Quality Texas Pecans per CJ T> f 1 - - 1 Li OC'VUIl JLKirS VJOOU ooap Ton Pounds Good Soda If you want your trade a] shown by the best treatment wi headquarters at YOU THE GF Looal Laconics. HAPPENINGS OF INTERES1 ABOUT TOWN Miss Lillie Harris is on u visit to friends in Union. Mr. Berry Pochards, of Maybi.iton, Wiis in town yesterday. Mr. J. Q. Wray, of Yorkville, spent a day in Union this week. Mr. W. C. Wallace, of Spartanburg, spent a few days in Union this week. Mi&s Sadie Bacon went to Spartanburg Tuesday on a visit to her parents. Mr. A. Wallace Thomson, of Columbia spent a few days in the city this week. Mrs. Sarah McCubbins went to Blacksburg Tuesday on a visit to friends and relatives. Mis. Lula Phillips and little son, ot Codartown, Ga., is spending a few weeks with her sister, Mrs, F. C. Duke. Mies Rossi Norman, of Cfive Spiings Gil., is on an extended v;sit to Union at the hofn s of her sister, Mrs. Dr. F. C. Duke. Dr. Benj imin Sims, wife and son, ol Ced.irtowu, Ga., are visiting fri?uds in Union Cjunty, lis spent a few dijf With friends in town. Mrs. ltev. M. 1J. Kel!ey, of St. Paul't churcli, Greenville, returned to Iter home yesterday after a two week's visit to hei father, Mr. C, C. Sartor. Mrs. C. W. Whisenant, of Wilkinsville, Union county, is visiting liei daugliter, Mrs. J. P. White, in Yorkville.?Yoikvillo Enquirer. Mr. W. Minter Turner, the iH)|>uliu and efficient clerk in the estab'ishmeut of S. A. Higby, of Manning, is spendinga week with friends in Union. MUs Nellie Thousm and Miss Xannit C. Wood, two charming young ladies ol Pacolct, sprat a few days in Union 1 usl week visiting Mrs. F. P. Yates. The\ returned home Saturday. Miss Edna Garlington, the little daughter of Editor Garlington of tlx Spartanburg Herald, is spending a few days in Union. She Is visiting the Misses Myra and Hunter Voung. Mrs. Price, of Spring City, and Mis: Ida Knight, from her school at Chic igo, are at the home of their parents, Mr. am Mrs. Dr. Knight, of Meadors. The; Wore called home by a telegram an nounciug the serious Tllness of thei mother who was critically ill last we^k We are glad to report that she ii very mucb improved at this writing. ? 4 ) ER CENT. of this reason of the year can bo :>u afford to increase your chances of economy displayed in buying 1 take our word for it, the best is CHEAPEST COODS, but THE '5AST M( )NEY that THEY CAN 10 want quantity, regardless of you as low as the lowest, ancl on 1 US' 1 Be Saved. . C., for the celebrated Jus. Ileekin rite every lover of good coffee to ipetent judge to test them by trial. Reid, Murdoch & Go's world's ine I Fruits, Canned Meats, Exone to produce superior goods. A our money waits to he refunded. r This Week. 8c. cliosper pound 8c. jr pound 15c. >cr pound 10c. pound 12c. 25c. 25c. pprceiated and that appreciation ) know how to give, make your I N.G, tOCER'S. 11 use Bull ElsewhereNewberry and Greenwood crossed bats at Newberry Monday. And Newberry . came off vie orions score S to 0. This is | the second game Newberry has won I from Greenwood. This last one is raid II to have been a line game. Oar toain are I m? rty.imsu mi; ^mvuBiTy main now ami I they have work to do Newberry has been playing some good ball this season. Andei sou and Abbeville played Monday t ie score being 11 to 1 in favor of Anderson. m ? , Whole Family Sick. Mr. J. Bentlj,of Mt. Joy, has been I very unfortuuate in liaving a great deal of sickness in his family the last few weeks. His wife, two sons and three daughters, Foster, Wade, Jo3ie, Sallie \ and Bosiie, hive had the fever. Mrs. Bently and Josie, Sallie and Wade are still conQned to their bed. We are glad to say that Foster and Bessie arc convales[ cent at this time, and hope to soon have the pleasure of reporting the recovery of the entire family. Capt Latham's Wheat Crop. mi- a n mo... t? vi . AfAvauo icu ?U uift | , Uniox Timks that back intho "Fifties'' Capt. F. G Latham made 00 bushels of wheat on one acre. Ilis large crop ?vas the talk of tlift neighborhood. lie took i a lot of about 4 acres, put out much stable . and lot manure on i'., used a large plow which was, perhaps, brought from Scot1 land and then made an application of ? Peruvian guano, we believe. Ho made about f>2 bushels to the acre on the four acre lot. Wo have no recollection of s the quantity made on Ins bast acre.? s Carolina Spartan. A New Firm. The Messrs. F. M. and C. A. Zernp, ; of Camden. S. C., have purchased the . drug business of tie Carolina Drug Co., of Union and will continue the business un ier the name of Zimp's Pharmacy. Mr. F. M. Zemp is a druggist and Pharmacist of *2 > year's experience. His nephew, Mr. C. II. Zemp, who it incharge, is also a gradu do it nhinnte.v A'id has live years experience in the . business. We welcome these gentle men I to our town ami feel sure they will be accorded a libsral patronage by our citizens. They will have an attmctive ad. in Tiik Times next week, look out for it. Mr. (ico. Cuuxmings Up Again. We are glad to report that Mr. Geo. * Cuinniings who lias been cjiitlned to his bed lor eight weeks witli typhoid fever, is so far vecovered as to venture out upon * the streets. lie says that while hois , very weak yet, he feels very well und lin> ] strength is coming back very rapidly He had a very close call. When he was ' taken sick lie weighed 140tK>unds, wlien * his fever left him he weighed 90 pounds i He says that his recovery is due iu a great measure to the careful and untiring attention of Ids nurse, had it not been for her he iirmly believes he would now ' be la his grave. tf??m D!UI0FFt rH? I' F F T U 1 C L I f t Ifl ?* I -^L (Teething Pom Costs only 25 cents i Or mail ?3cents to C. J. For SlieriiT, Mr. (I. T. Iio li.s, of Cross Keys, is a riouncol in this week's issue for the ] o lije of Sheiill'. < ?. j Manila. j ? j 1 O.i Widnosday night June Till at the j ; Wade Acadeniv. Uev. U. A. 15. Jennings i i preached one of the most eloquent ser- 1 t mous that we have had the pleasure of : hearing in some time. 11 is text was from Isaiah 0:1. We think the l'resbyttlians of Union are fortunate in having such a talented young man for their pastor.? I/miens Co. News. County Alliance Meeting, \ 1 Union county alliance will meet at ' Union C. II. July Olh, at 12 in. Sub- ; Alliances will send delegates. All de- 1 fuuet alliances are respectfully and i earnestly reqnesUd to send delegates, i esjtecially those interested in the .Statu exchange. This will be the most important meeting of the year. l?y order of A. Cor.B liYi.Ks, l'res. 2 >-11 .1. M. Gm-:ku, Sec. and Treas. ; Ont of Danger. | Miss Johnnie .Sandci's many frier.ds [ will In; glad to learn that she is looatid in Hiatighai, and out of danger so far as the Chinese trouble is cm eerned. The center of hostilities is at lVkin, near the, of all the missionaries in China from South Carolina, there are only two at l'ekin Mrs. and Dr. Cilliert lb-id. Mis. Held was a Miss Sal lie Ke\no\l<, of Columbia, S C. The other Smith C.uotii a missionaries are located in lie* central part of China and far removed from U a t ljter. Stanynmc Wilson .it Citadel. I 1 lion. StaViyarne Wilson spent a few j hoUiS in town Tuesday circulating among Im many friends. lie was on Jiis way | fiout Chat lesion where lie tie)ivend tinaddnss h-Tore the graduates of tlm ^ Citadel, Monday. Mr. Wilson is voiv j much enc mraged with the prospiets of !:is re-election, lie will he hard to lieat f In introducing Mr. Wilson as tiieota- '' tor wf the ci iniuer.ceinent occasion of the Citadel Cel. Coward said : "It is a 5 piivilegc and a pleasure to intioducc the v young .-outh Carolinian, ol whom the Stale could truly lie proud. It was a ( pleasure Ik cause ho was a youth who ^ laid come under his training. 'While I d do not give myself credit for the all lie \ lias achievul, I do, as a teacher, claim > some .credit for the unincncc he lias f won/" a Tell it All. ,, The Piolmont-Greciivi lo team, who our Itoyy are up against this w.-t k, defeated the Ntswb-rry team Wednesday h liy a score of 11 to Union Times. i: And on Tuesday Newberry defeated 1 Piedmont lt'? to 1, and on the day before a that 7 to 1, thus giving Newberry two p out of the three games. Tell it all.? 1 Herald ?& News. . a We inadvertently omitted ilio games I; of Monday and Tuesday, between New- e bcriy and Piedmont. The above record t makes things look rather gloomy for Union and almost makes us tremble in our boots when we contemplate what may be the consequences of tli a week's games while our team is up against New- a lierry, especially as Piedmont licked b Union, after being wiped up by New- v berry. Our boys have surely got some fi hard work on hand. But we are pulling o for them, and getting our rooster ready p to crow. GleLti Springs in Full Blast, q A friend has just returned from a veiy J| pleasant trip to Glenn Springs and she informs us that the hotel is already for ., its summer patrons who are rapidly arriving. The Simpson Bros, are sparing 3 no pains to rnaku everything pleasant for their guests. They set excellent ; tables which are served by an intelligent and pjlitc corps of waiters. An Italian > band has hem secured for the season. which furntth<?i delightful music and adds much to the entertainment and pleasure of the guests. The hand fur- j nishes music while the guests enjoy their o meals. (>uite a number of guests have already arrived and others coming in t daily. The Simpson Bras, are autici- i pating a house full of guests this season. , That means a large number, and we have no boubt their most sanguine ex- x lactations will be fully realized. It is hard to lind a mote pleasant place to sjoond a week or a month than at Glenn's outside of the benefits to be derived from the water. 17. S. Weekly Crop Bulletin. The average rainfall for the week \va< 2.85 inches, ranging from less than 1 inch to 0 inches. The heaviest rains occurred in the west central and in the southeastern counties, where the lands were badly washed, and crops on many lK?ttom lands were fl ooded anil destroyed The rains injuted cotton, some corn, melons, and wheat in the shock ?causinu sprouting?over the western and south central counties, but were either highly beneficial or not harmful elsewhere, and they improved rice, tobacco, gardens and I pastures, and minor crop* generally. Over a large i>ortiou of theStuto cultivation was impracticable, except 011 from one to three days, consequently fields aie becoming glassy, and ah Held crops stand in need of cultivation. (Join is generally doing we'd, but some is turning yellow and is firing, while 0:1 bottom land, in lliu western portions, much was destroyed by Hooding. Karl) com is being laid by. -Vheat tliut has not boon boused or ihreshehd is liegtmiing to sprout in the shock. Thrething making slow programs, laite oats have been harvested. Weather unfavorable 011 melons. lticc, sweet potatoes, gardens and minor crops are doing well. Fruit is rotting as it upeiis. I'eas continue to be sown o\ stubble lands and planted with corn. ^ n fi Wlajs IrrititioQ, Aids Digestion, 5 rvS /? Regulates the Uowe!j, ; ( ?l y t\ Strengthens the Child, B II /?* Makes Tccihir.vj Easy. r-dcrs) XJL TEETH1NA Relieves the Bowel i , , Troubles of Children of it Pr:i??!StS, ANY AGE. iYfOFFETT, NT. P., ST. LOUIS. MO. Nn rro w J; sat 'K\ ] As the excursion train was n turning from the Isle of I'altns to Spartanburg ; Sal unlay morning the, engine ran over a 'o k on the trafk near the roatl * rossing below Monarch mills and cane near being derailed. A pile of rock lies dangerously near the tiack at this place and it is not known whether the rock rolled A'er oil the tutek or was pill on it. Mml Dog Killer?. A rabbid dog passed Air. Finchcr j ielue's house Thursday (yesterday) j norning and bit one of his dogs. | Coining on towurds town it went in ! Ur. Thomas lientley's yard, and bit i ?no of his dogs. Mr. Iieluo followed he dog and overtook it at .Mr. Bentey's, where lie killed it. Fortulately no one or any stock was biten. 7 he Plant Moved. Tito Voice of Tito People has moved t's plant front Newberry to Prosperty. Prosperity is a lively little town vith a strong surrounding country, hlckly populated to back it up. As he town had no paper, we see no en son w by the Voice should not live ong and prosper at its now home, t has intelligent and up-to-date men told of it, and Willi lite advertising mtrunago it will surely secure from ho merchants of this growing town. Vo predict fur the Voice a successful arccr in Prosperous Prosperity. Oil the Hounds. ['lie l'iedinont and the Union teams >olh loft on the curly morning ruin j ostcrthiy, (1'hursduy,) i iedmont for j Vbheville uiiil Union for Newberry. I'he .following is '.ito schedule in sigh: : | riedinont p'ays Abbeville at Given- j ille Thursday and Friday ami ut i 'iedmont Saturday*. On tho lib j >roximo th?*y play Anderson morning ntd afternoon, at Anders at, Thurs- i I ?y and Friday at Greenville, and I Saturday :.t l'iedmont? > games rilli Anderson's team. Union plays Newberry Thursday, vesterdny; Friday and Saturday at Cowberry, i'lays Greenwood Motility and Tuesday at Greenwood and Veduusday at l'elzer. Union and Cowberry will cross bats on the Jnion diamond Thursday, Friday p. l Saturday two weeks hence. r.ix.ihlc rroperty in Union County. The tidal taxable property, as shown y the AuditnVs l.aoka, tins mmi\ noi eluding rail ton I amouti's to ?d,t)'.) >.'J IS. 'his includes personal, real and insuiuce levey as follows: Realty $l,7Si?. 100, e.'uoaal SI ,'dMinsurance $.'? "?,PUS. 'he rail road assessment last youmounted to $ I'd Utile), and it will probaiv be davit the s una this year, which nit make. Lite total of all property fur Jnion county foot, up to ?'l,">t)0,8ps. Knitting Mill Notes. It still continues to be rainy weather, j nd the farmers arc complaining of : eing behii ll. lint wo think that they .ill uvakc as much clear money selling: ruits and vegetables as they would elV J f a cotton crop, even if it was worked loperly. Miss Eva lletcnbaugh anil Mr. Ed. i lellon were mart it d Sunday night. J .'hay will make Orangeburg their future ionic. We wish them a long and happy uarried lift*. Mr. Joe Gault has just returned from i visit to New Voile. A little four year old child of Mr. and j tlrs. Mel.ovine of this place, was buried I I the cemetery to-lay (Mmday.) It j ml heen a great sufferer all its short j ife. Weep not parents for tliisiiltle 0110, j ?-r the soul of your darling is no longer i prisoner but a bright little Angel. Ivey Green you have been misinformed j is to the whereabouts of Mr. 11 land ! . e. lie ii Superintending a Knitting j ddl at < har.go'ourg. Itealy Mr. Kilitor, we do not have lime | o write a letter properly and therefore J ieg of you to excuse illegibleaess and t uistakes. I The latest mill feature liere, is a new | vlr.stle. AN N iB LaUUIK. Cla[ s Musqulto G The |jjj| whic Ded# v Although jup being adopt? residences, hoi every city wi It requires no step ladd BAILEY FURKI ADVERTISED LETTERS. It ma.iitirisr i?i ?! <> F >*t O:!io? at Union. S. t!., f. r t\*> week einiing > Juno 2t>, IJO'J. as Auicnca A'Jamj Mi*s IIiIo:i Fuulim A 'ciih Mrs II 1J J) tv:R ( ;j-j Mtb Frc-h !>.v l?y ion Mr Pr<r';t Foit.-r CK'no Mr (J nt.Je Iviug ^ ' Mr ?>tuiin Mu'iud " N Miss Alieo Morgan Miss AIi ?o A! ;<vn (1 E I) Murray Sou Mr Vv* (J Fruit j link John XV Far I; CD I Mrs J !l HcmI-t.V Mr G P, War.I /.jj. Mr Jiin Howard WiVni. l<.iir Persons calling for tlio above let- F ters will pkaj.: ay it snl ver.'is^d, an 1 will be required to pay one cent tor (-'n'' their delivery. 11 u. J. (J. Hunter, P. M. ^ Prcsbytcrinti Church. __ lingular *tridv l'uniuuu.i?m X-tvivc * on NibUi'.l: at 11 a. m. Preparatory services on 1'iiday evening at J-' '1' o'clock. .V vi rv 11 wvlooinc awaits i xel all. . ? - _?! I.nuics, Why Don't You? Editor I'niiin Tn:r.:s tht-n'any'liiiar at :iti tlml tv?> rat: iv or <! to ?-ntiA 1.1, y;nu' lad) i!i; i iMi* to-l siully iri\ tn-.iiwity in mcrv married Imly in the l is;!:.! . fUilt'.'s will) wi ile- lor it .:i -ffi.iiiv , ilvci1 I'iat i' t - u -tii-;! I i K .levi'li-i > -i>ll ai fret i"?\ I'll! ii- is 111! "i Si' !t this -imi,' oil or. Tlit'i'i* 2-> not iiitS'T to ! .!>'. Sim- irty so- 1 1 'jiiiri>?ir:it-' s > Silly si:i\ i liiii_ 1:1 ordn In sivn Inis l>i-iiiitiInI siih1'iiiv vii; If ;< n.:r v;i;% _ iif in!vertisiii'j- tin- mi'i iis ?,?ii-ii<??:* \\i!U-v j Silvcr-Vilfo. A ! ' ,t<. Ill I In' I ! ; !-'il r I isifr, i ?nir mvii iiii'il:i"it .mi, will a! n 1-" it -11T fi'i'i' | Stiicly tlii- ln-iiii:ittil uli -iJ -ri:i is i worth asklnr I'tir. i it m-i'iii. In ?:- [ t) I Mill \i'r s||( nlil |:i-?r I ci.. ni.irrin-l Imly - <511-0 who i cut In y?n?i* |i?i|icr. tjimlfor \ ulti-,* Ms';-, j !>.. Moroni uial llnrrisnii . <? t hicitir?. " . :t in : i 11I >?; ?c j. , St ^ three good __w?J an teed?$;. '{if THE HERRI Oxfords 50 Cents per lc: lit SfieciaJ A'oficc?.Vuwti.* <:;;</ friie / Sold only by UN iliraltl I'll MAKE II i1 ill <<! WjiM ;t:.:i tiir Our One Thought &"*?'? O can iiiiiy. Even linl y 1> I just \vl price. In our now line of seasonable goods, cininet, and low prices pred There is cnlv one class, mul that-1' e i;:\s DRY GOODS, CLOl HATS, CAPS, FURNISHING Gl Your responsibility ends and our? We arc right behind every at our law Mi f\ ^ \ .1, lWiar ln-iccs oume auu luuk $!??. to tiit* s-trout V'l ices that i? Ii If yuu want to buy l i^ht. if you want to i> moiiev, make our store yo PURCELL CASE phe dixie; ianopy Frames latest novelty i h is easily atta of wood, brass, without defacing ih jt introduced) i 3d by the 1 ;els and hospital mKm lere it is shown ^er to p*at it up and is alwf TUBE & LUMBE ill ,11 in ??? rnmmrnMM fitcrrf Itntcs via. Southern It a i I way. ia'i I>'Sirvrratm:Cro:iv?>iit:?M, K.?ni 'iiy. Mo , July lt?\ 10KJ. On ju :t of tli'i occasion, >*oittiern llailway sell Ki'.iinl nip lickcta from all Is Sin *s to Kansas Ony. M , anil rei at ! tie Ill nil til>t-class f ill! for the a ! nip. Tickets will lie sol-l .lulv J i?i. willi liaal li uit .lulv '.I'll, l'.HH), : lie;-:i !I 'i:\Miy i * iiimsi. iliurt. route t?* i-as t ::y. a!i<! cti.-i s W*st. pcVtlulc*. >. i'.m. i'onvtn' i h'n' 1?. v. p. u. f /?>t::i:: a. ? ix< ixxati, O, .1 i."I.V I J lo, l'.WtJ. .1 account of the ah ivc occasion, tie in HiiiSway will tell mural tiip <*ts from ;i!' stations on its liu<*s to ciiuiati, Oiiio :t:i;l return at ntte of Inst class t";i>? for tin* round tiip. kots \\i!l be sold .Inly loth, lltli ami i. wiih final return limit July 18th, ), ??r detailed information relative to doles, sleeping ear reservations, etc , on or write any agent ?if the SouthRailway or its connection*. S. II. IIakiiwick, t. Gen Pass. Ajjont, Atlanta, Ga. 'OR SALE OR EXCHANGE. h.iJersey J??iU Halves for sale, or !?ingc lor ileiftrs. hv J. W. MCLurr. ?? It. FOR SALE. :.o lot on North Church street, 8f> front by 20! feet deep. For tctnis ly to mo at the Company's store. i-2. I). Fa vr Gilliam. DISPENSARY NOTICE a an 1 after July 1st 1000, the T)ispena' Union Will clou? prom pi/ at 7 >ck n. in. F. M. WlMTl.onK, ?2 . Ch'in li ?aiil. yie | in n woman's Shoe >S^ ccersarily mean a sacrifice i^t comfort in walking ? tlic oe proves that. t! not cover inferior quality fV* anship either?the longscr- fX'j L'he llcrrick Shoe cives a ves ?h<it also. The llcrrick rS< shoo for walking, house or fSj one. Stylish, durable, com- Ixf The Shoe of quality?the $< into:: sen sr. . "S our choice ot grades and each one guai- ySj 50?$3.00?$3.50. ? CK SHOE I a than above prices. /; s:or. sole rf (very shoe. y23 ION SHOE COa {? WMBBUm 11I" 'RICES IRRESISTIBLE. ii' one aim in .selling, is to find your n incs-l il as no 0110 else cau meet it. toy woo: thoughtfully iu thesea'cof uaitse every value we put before jou As a result ours i? h sincere store, mows jn-t what to expect, and ex. laiiuoy am!, me very lowest possible (juality and staple are preoniinate throughout. .t, in our Summer collection of HING, SHOES, 30DS, NOTIONS, ETC. 5 begin when you buy of us. transaction we make. ck. You will Unci reliable good* at You will iind friendship, as we visit from you n personal favor. You ifju-al sit the masi-head beckoning you aggregation of values and low ,as ever been our pleasure to offer you. treated right, if you want to save ur trading liomc. I COMPANY. 3 and Nets in a Canopy ched to any iron or folding e same. iX) is 1 i* iys in working order. :h company. *