The Union times. [volume] (Union, S.C.) 1894-1918, July 07, 1899, Image 1

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WBTOwiii | ~"b~~b~ h ^ "h t ilk ~t ~b~~ d^~\. ifi jfr ^08"^ ~%i ~tb * -? ^ . s" the town of union hav | |jb Two Cotton Mills, one the jj I 9 H E?B K I rel fi ^wV Ba /e J I I gv t [>i Tho largest Knitting Mill and largest in the South. Two Fur- f H ?B BJ y m jS /.* Ifo j? ? / B Mi B&w / Dye Plant in the State. An Oil [JJ B nlture and Wood Blanufactur- B f| g g| 1 . g BM B % gij# ? S ft B 1 ami Manufacturing Co. that Mrafl a, ing Concerns. One Femalo K K W M M I J & B ii $ 7 T3 ft I I V I I N L 1 ,\? nn>kes an unexcelled Guano. B Seminary. Water Worke and a J| B B A -?- * -"L *?- JL V _B_ i A b^S 0 ' Three Graded Schools. Arte- (M? 1 jP Flee trie Lights. w \ ^ jlj n)nu Water. Population t>,f>00. j|j VOL. XLIX. NO. 27. UNION, S0U.rH0AR0LlN>', FRi'lu'f .ii'i.Y 1. ^liooTmii * if* "n" A ?: f F. M. FAI f OEO. MUNRO, Cashier, J Merchants' and Pli T OF CNl ? Capital Stock Surplus ft Stockholders' Liabilities T Total * Officers?F. M. Fnrr, Pres T dent; George Munro, Cashier; 2 Directors?W. II. Wallace ^ j'tiuc&ll, J. x. xrougiass, IS. f Z We Solicit 1 mm mmmm m m m 1*4+4*41 JONESVIhEE NEWS. Am Interesting Letter Front Ottr Hustling Correspondent Telephone. While there has been partial showers of rain in the country there are some sections that hare had but little or no rain since April. All sections are needing rain Ladly now. Gardens hare furnished but few vegetables yet and the prospect is gloomy for much yield in the future. A general rain is much needed, ' vhough there is some grass in some ; ,r.? TarififVrma ?nil M mmnr?l ruin nnnU I _ e> "v?? ^ 0.owing apcj make it troublen ,4?, yet t^e rain is bacjlv needo^ R? must coiqe soqa tq insure good, Of even faif crpps. A little negro was burned to death yesterday near Jonesvillo. The mother, Minnie Foster, went to church and left a two-yoar-old boy and a baby about nine months old and by somo means the boy's clothing caught fire and it was all burned off of his body. There was no one present to help them and he wrfs ourned to a crisp, he had erawlo l about orer the floor and had lefc a bloody trail where he wont. Tho boy died a few hours later. The child was not hurt. It is supposed the boy waa playing with matches. Mr. Date Kennedy, a son of Mrs. John Kennedy, was shot in the head last week, near ltieh Ilill. There was a drunken row between some parties that were related to young Kepnsdj apd |ia w&s trying to eepa- j mi mem wnerr ne1 was suoi. lkei sheafing is charged to Frank Gossett and Ed Kirby. Gossett has been arrested but Kirby has made his escape. The ball was extracted from Mr. Kennedy's bead Saturday and it is thought there is a chance for (ijtf r?toi% >|r. Qsfe, of Cross I^eys, in his popimwpicatiop )ast wepfc said }ie hejipygjJ lJlP teqip poqh| do\yu Spf^e of (hp cfack tpqms although he jHtys lie Vnows pothipg *bout tfoo ball Sqqipj bqt f veptqfp the assertion bat Mr. Gore would make a good umpire. The colored people are about to take our town with base ball and bicycles. Sir. Charles Littlejohn, of Pacolet, spent a few days in our town last -T : Mra- W, J, Hftile, of UpIop, spent Buuday in our town. Mrs. llearden, mother of Dr. II. . K. Hearden, is yiilting the Doctor. Miss Marie Garner, of Union, is visiting relatives in town. The colored people had their 4th of July last Saturday. They had a barbecue and celebrated that day in nj%ce qf thp 4th, " The corn mill at tha McWhirtcr ginnery staited last Saturday. It makes good, fine uieai and grind* very fast. The roller mill will be ready to crack the wheat this week. Mr* Ale* Foster gone to Baltimore od business. The Jonesrille Knitting Mills has an order for ono hundred thousand docen socks for the United States army. personal mention. Mrs. Lou Phipps, of Durham, N. C? is visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. L. Bassett. * Prof. L. P. McOee, of Reidville, was in our town today. Rev. E. .II. Beckham attended he District Conference at Woodruff joat week. Miss Carrie Southard, with hei Florida friend, Miss Alice Johnson returned a few days ago from a visi to Gaffhey and Clifton. Mr. W. T. Betty and his mother _ I IR, President. I. D. ARTHUR, Assistant Cashier. | inters' National Bank * rom. o. 9 $Gp,000 i .r)0,(KH) W 00,000 ?E ....$170,000 X A tr iiuaim, a. n. roster, Vice-Presi- A ; J. D. Arthur, Assistant Cashier,. X , A. G. Rice, Win. JelTries, T. C. A . McKisslck, A. H. Foster. X $ /our Business. j|, m m m * mm s* a* a * of Uann, have been visiting the. family of Mr. E. II. .Jotcr. Mrs. Lil'.ie Thomas, qf (5 a fluey, has just returned from a visit to lur father's family, Mr. D. F. Webber. Telephone. Cigarettes and Tobaeeo. A law was recently* passed in Nor way prohibiting tho sale of tobacco J to any biy u ider 16 years of age without a signed order lrom an adult, I relative or employer. Even tourists j who offer cigarettes to boys render I themsclrps liablo to prosecqtion. The police arp Instructed to confiiscate the pipes, cigars and cigarettes of lads ifho smokp in the public streets. A fine for the offence is also imposed, which may be anywhero between oO cents and $25. Echoes from Etta Jane. The 4th of July was a grand day ' for Cherokee county. Elaborate arrangements had been mado far iho cumstances would admit 01. we desire to publicly thank them for! their kindness. Farmers are getting along YfUU their wpjk pfetty weltf considering the dry woathep. Fruit of all kinds, even blackberries, are a failuro and housewives are having a hard time getting anything to cook these days. Gardens are doing very little good. Dr. J. F- MoCluhcy 1m in very bad health and not able to rido much. Dr. Sydney Sarratt is located at bis old homeplace at Skull Shoals and is getting a very creditable practice. uSyd" is a clever young man and bids fair to take a higfy stand in his profession, The mail from Gaffnev to this place is being carried part of the time on a bicyole. The carrier is ^SheAF" Hardy. He makes his run ahead of schedule time generally. [ Rev. J. N. Ison will preich at . i a.Lt.iL : Mesopotamia next ouuuuui uvuumg. Rev. Mr. Samples wjjl proaoh at r Abingdon Oreek at H a. in. Tho Mesopotamia conventiou will 1 observe the fourth Sabbath of thi; month as children's day. Vox. ?? . ,"^.v>r^ ?; icdili.i SfztlzijsS-. Crops are needing rain very badly. Watermelons arc ripening but cn account of the dry yrcather they arc rather small. Bicycles are on a boom in Cro?s Keys, several have purchased new on?s recently. Miss Tjilhi BotprB, rne of our charming young ladies. i-? the proud owner of a nico wheel, fthe is the only lady cyclist in this soction. Messrs. Calvin Murphy, Raymond Alverson, Johnnie Dukes ami \V. N, Bobo took a run" up to the Ferguson mineral springs yesterday. Miss Ellon and Mamie BaileyT two of Sedalia's young hulits. spent last week in your eiiy visi'.ing relatives and friends. A certain young man of this VUMttltV W on .. ? celebration atQafl'uey. An immense orowd was present. The programmo was a very interesting one und was oarried out to the letter. Miss Mury Whisonant, of Blacksburg,-visited the family of her uncle, Hon, C. W. Whisonant. recently. Tb*> neatner continues dry and farmers are about up with their work. Your correspondent spent two days j iij Union la?t week during which j tioiG he mot many of his 6l<! friends . ahU acquaintances and many new j ones. We are always glad to visit j Union. We spent the night with our old friend and comrade, Captain , Sharkey, who is a jolly good-natured ' Irishman ami an Ex-Copfodorate' soldier, e, yol^nteer iy, t^e ty-st M^is-j floutf yegitpent. lie w*s with Stirling j Price in his stirring campaign and ' f AaIt r\ot*f !n V??nMtr Af a * A1 WVJM. v 4?? W?4U I U? V?C UHllltS of the West during the lute war. Union couptv will he well repreepfltnd *t the Cheater reunion on the ; '1C\ and 2f instant^, Y"mc correspondent got a general j shaking up last Saturday by being! thrown from a horse and falling on I the s'&ndrrd used by Mr. P. S. ! Webber, blacksmith, for clinching j horse shoes. lie was knocked sense- ' less for a few moments but by the [ kind help and assistance of Mrs. Webber, Mr. Martio Uobcrts, Lowery Webber and Miss Avolona Wobber, he was restored to conscious- i ness and was as comfortable as cir- j i j ?~t' i?i' "ujw 'now 1 can't understand \nij:?t litis I means unless ho is expecting to hml somo'othcr fellow's girl. This weather iS" (Irving up the ' I ? rf ' O I blackberries, *coi\$c<|Uontly the po or ' man's rations arc cut shoit. I The fourth of July was generally i observed as a holiday. ! Base ball w.u intended as only j innocent sport, I think, but 1 am : , sorry that it l :i3 g it to be such a gambling machine. You can scasoely attend a game now bu* what you ' hear on all sides 4,I have ten dol- ' lavs bet on this game." When the ' ladies and church members are catch- 1 ing on to this fashionable way of 1 gambling isn't it time to call a holt? 1 News is so scarce I will necessarily .[ call a halt now. B. B. 1 S12DAMA NO 2. 1 The" crops aro failing rapidly. If rain does not come so m the stall' o ' life will be scarce. Fortunately most j ! of the fa rotors liavo sown wlieat. j Hal they sown twice the number of acres and lVriili/.ed them Well they would be able to tide over a failure in the corn crop. Gardens dry, no peaches, and but 11 few apples, an l tlmy ~ ?.Jv.t .oil ttrieu up, iTits melon crop failing rapidly, makes rather a ] gloomy picture but we still hope that , rain will come soon. _ | C. U. LJ. Correction, It. was erroneously slated in our a lust issue that in the easo of Wiley i' Esles, administrator vs. Dorcas L. Bubo, that the verdict was awarded * ngiilnut Mrs. Bubo. W9 should have. ' said Rio verdict was for Mrs. Bobo, v "What might havo been"?if that little cough hadn't heen negloctcd? * is the sa I r*tl ctiottkmf thousands of a 0 jUBumj-tivea Oxro* Minute Cough Cu*e euros coughs and colds. S >!d by F. C. D'oko. Cross Keys Chronicles. ^ Mr. Editor: Wc have read with a much interest Dr. Moore's letter in you last issue. It certainly was a rare treat to the readers c,f your val- * uablc jyypur, s News is rather at a low ebb just now. 1 The bealtb of this section is ! very good. Dr. C. E. Johnson is ' kept quite busy but reports no serious . cases. 1 Mr. and Mrs. A. P. IT. Waller and daughter, Miss Maggie, visited ] friends iyi Cyosa ryoysu few day ago. ] 1 Mr. E. E. Garner, of Pickney, gave I us a cali on Monday last on his way 1 , | to tho .commencement exercises of! j tho Pre?bvterian College at Clinton, 1 I also Messrs. Newton Walker and 0. 1 1 M. Fur man, Jr., on their way from i Clemson to your city. They were j on their wheel?. | Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Peisill and j son, Master llussoll, of Enoree, is on [ a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. i I W. T. Bctsil'. Misses Lillian Itollis and An pie! j Bell Wiihurn are spending vacation at home from Limestone. Mrs. Dr. Johnson and children arc on a visit t > her parents near Vsburv, in Cherokee county. We wish them a pleasant journey. Mr. J. 1). Graham and Treasurer Bar ties passed hero TneMay la<?t ' Mr. Graham is one of our bo?t citizens, a good farmer and a good neigh hor. Oapt. W. C. Whitmir? wiU organisso his famous team of nine in a ? short time, and defy the base ball world. i T. II. G. i nAj * > 5vt; to (ignivitcx. 'r. - ? OZ Gig^tcttfc, tuba ceo, etc., I.ul cs pcciutly cdaUicttcs, are very injurious io boys, and in view of this fact the icyidi .urc,,in 18S9. ?.r.v fit rn crm . a law iUkki(Sj? i a i:? s b.-nu ati-ir f >: apy soil t.<> minor-*. but > for as \v<> hav^hb^ri ve?i, in i.. udt ud letter in I'.Tiio .. The :a\v ou^-b' to bo regarded by our Uasiiess men. sum ; if not, tlxon tho proper authorities should see it'j its enforcements. The Act readiy, 1; lit it enae'ed by the ^ 5'onilto liini I Innsn r.p t tivcs i'lalo i f South C irolina nov? met and. sittixiii in general as.k . scmbly, Hod by.the v.nthoii'y of the j -amo, til at from and at" or tin- pa^*ng* of thi- act it shall not be lawful for any |iPr*on <r persons cither 1?\ ! himself or tin li s Ivts, to !1, furnish, giro OS' prpvi do any minor or nnitioif, under tin- age of oightten years, with A eig iretms, tobacco. ?-r cig m t'.o paper. M or any substitute therefor. !.?$' Section 2. That any p:rson or persons violating the provisions <>1 wj the preceding skct'r n. either in per- |& <011. by agent or in any other way. w hull lie held and deemed guilty of a t 11b demeanor, and upon indicmcnt ind conviction thereof shall be pun-bed by a lino not exceeding one I mndivd dollars, nor less than twenty- ' * ive dollars, or bv imprisonment lot , I term of not more than one year, lor less ilian two tnon'hs or both, at ho discrOtrjn of the court; one hall f the fiuclfin posed to le paid to the j II former of the ofi'eaco, and the other ' mlf to be paid t > the treasurer of the ount.y in which such conviction shall AJ ie had. Sretiov 3. That all acts and parts f nets inconsistent with the provisos of tli'w act be, and the same are ereby repealed. ?** 1 Discovered by 11 Wo 1:1:1:1. Aniijjicr ?;ret t ditcDViry baa been ' !.y .1 li.iv in this s ii .>!?n toi* and (or tt'VTrTl jears t! r> |-|n :tln'..o.d ii; gcrcr^!. teats, hut be r it*.l n were undermined and *3?th ior.uiuent. For three months ho coughed incePitii.tly, and culd j\ss oc deep. Bho I'm ally disc-mrcd : ay to recovery, by purrhflfdng of un SllJ b ot'.o of IV K.i;?g\ New Discovery r (Jo:;sumption, w d s > nine!; ! r !iev;vl on taking iirst. dive, (hat i ^ he sl 'pt all nigh'; and with l*\> hot* Ivi1, h<:d incii absolutely cared. Ilcr is Mrp, Lutaei En'/..' Timr ? rit* r* \Y. C. l-Dmniok & Co., ofShel iv, N. Lb Trial Lotties ire? at P. ('. duke's Drug 8t >ro. 11 Mjular siz * oOct nd SI.00. Every bottle guaranteed. Points from LocPhurt. Mr. W. A. Rogg, of Abbeville, S. has accepted.'ft position nasi loon. x iiiis place. Mr. \V. L. Dunn, loom fixtr, uho ias hern working bote has gone to ircevg, S. (J. and Mr* Ed. Trogcron, of Fe zcr, S. (J , takes his phice* Mr. \V. II. Voting, lo.t liia throe n inths old daughter Eliic, she being >ne of the lirst twins born at Lock tarf. Wr. W. P. Rogers,-of Reedy lliver. 3 vi iiing Lis ehih ven at I.oekhart. Mr. W. P. Rogers, of Reedy River, is visiting bis children at _ r i i I M t.ockiiiirr. Mrs. \V. L. Garner, is cfT oil a li r is*.t io relatives at Cowpcns, ?>. C. ' Francis Frank has succeeded Mr. Rippy as roll overseer. The lee 1'hint at Lock lr-iit Skoals stn has Icon cmp'eted and are luring 0f out icc rigktalong. un You can't cure djpp*:pBhi hy dieting. Kitsjud. wh-do.v>m i i mi m 1 plenty of it. D/a;;?psi.i Cure na digests 1 without aid irotn the It! stomach, and is made to cure. Sold hy F. C. Duke. Gun bh it w i uvlj and powder hums, cut#, bruise#, spraiur, wrauada from rusty mite, u?3:Ot sliugs and ivy |V>is >r.iuor, quickly healed by Dc Witt's Witoh ll/sed I\>ti iscly pr<v.'nta b!' od poisoning. lt wir i f c< unlerfn'N "J}oW?M.V' is tafo aud au.e ? old by F. (J. Dulic. m - - R 'lir si- roach is ono of iho first symptoms of a eomiog bilious stlacV. (hire it with a few dotes <f Dr. M. A Siron ojs Li?cr Medicine. I a & ^C0Z?B?*ROMOB?a?S?aC!?D93?e3* o Wm. A. Nicholson & ? liUil'FCTFUMA' .SOI 8 BANKING BUSINESS AMD YOI ia j| And promise you ilie besi proieeii ia 333??S9ff?e?S?aB3B3HB?S?H? S9S1 ia o * WEPOlh With tour I i n ? Ladies F j wear. We are busines please y Cal 1 o n when in r of Shoes. rudential Insu ?^OF AM EC I 1MB OFFICE J< Newark, N. J. ;etts, Jan. i 1899, - "plus, Jan. 1, 1899, - - 5TRONG AS THE $ surance written in 18? isurance in force 1898 icome I898 ove The Prudential has forged its nds in the front rank of the'greal the world. It offers all that is g dcr the best conditions. JAMES 0. VVYNN, Manager Soutl L A. HOORE, Jr., 1 Union, S. ITAPHORESIS. PR, H. K. S <^_ DENTIST own and Bridge Work. ? In i_f Son, Bankers, J ? AC IT Yulll $ JR FIRE INSURANCE, 8 fry] on ami the best service. ? i " \ ~ ~ 487 IT "k" le to ; W ^ijJ :oot= I IV' : 111 \lr n S to U S %k fine line ,eed She SHOE CO. ranooP n unvu U U.J ^ICA.^s? DHN F. DRYDEN, President. ? - $28,887,196.42. - - $5,888,894.76; STRONGEST. r"1 VL )8 - $164,694,784.X v|. c - - $414,547,053. \'2L r $17,480,000. way a head until it now t life insurance companies cod in life insurance and icrn Dept., Atlanta, Ga. Resident Agent, . C. ELECTRICS, yj /VUTH, \ ml Union, S. C. f