OUR VISITORS THIS WICUK. ?Mr. Wm. I .it tie. of Clenn Springs reports t lie hotel in full running order with prospects for a big crowd. ?Mr. J. W. Core, of Cross Keys, ' and Mr. I. M. Mobley, of (Joshen Hill, dropped by to speak an cueour- j aging word. ?Mr. W. T. Jeter, of Carlisle, railed to see us in our now quarters and congratulated us on the improvement. Says all the older nun can't get along without tlie Times. ?Mr. Mac C. Cault had hard luck last Saturday. He dropped his wul. let, a smoking tobacco sack, with $!! "> in it. The finder will be liberal I \ rewarded by returning it to liirn or this o!fiee. ?Mi r!!. C.ili.iii mnil??\tiv ;in.l and Mr*. Cliarles It. Smith ? cull Wednesday night. May the fat little beauty long remain with Ihnn to cheer their live* and comfort them in old age. ?W. J. Crocker, of Sedalia, the sturdy old pioneer, thought we might be in need ett lenient with the comptroller general and that the county owes him a rebate of .several hundred dollars. He is very i much in earnest and if there has been j an error we are sure tlie present j board will rectify it. Wbat is Kodol Dyspepsia Cure? It ii the newly discovered remedy.! the most effective preparation ever devised for aiding the digestion and as imitation of food, and restoring the; deranged digestive organs to a natur- j *1 condition. It is a discovery bur-! passing anything yet known to the medical profecsion. F. C. Duke. Communion Service. Please announce in your paper that there will be communion services at: Foster's chapel next Sunday at 11 * m. J. N. Isom. Died in Oregon. Mrs. Robinson, wife of Mr. Wallace v?. nouinson, formerly of this place, died at her home in I'ort land. Oregon, on the 2oth ult. The Muse Ball Uatne. The base ball ^'iimu Saturday even In*; between the I'nion and Union Cotton Mill teams was very interesting and attracted . June the .'?th. William Thomas, youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. XV. T. Garner, aged ten months. "Long, long for thee our hearts shall mourn Thou gentle one and fair: Oft by distracting memor\ torn For thee shall How the silent t?ar. Base Ball. The athletic association will pull < It a I match game at their park Saturday afternoon lietween the Faelor> nine. sup|H)rted by an itii]H)i ted battery, and the regular association being strengthed 1?> 1 the addition of llall and Burnett, of WofTord, and Bet-sill and Stewart, of Cross Keys. Tlie game promises to lie rlose :ti:< 1 exciting, as lx>th nines are hi pood shape ' and every point will lie hard fought. An admission charge of cents will l?e made as the pa me will he a "U-nellt" far tlie purpose of uniforming the Fact >i > nine. The association is wideawake and in addition to the above tiinln r to draw from have made contract i w ith MaMakiu and Shaw, of C'lemsoii. and M< HVtt of Knoxville, who lias liem manage) ol the Jvuoxvillc team foi live jears. and i> ^considered one of the best all round men /u>w on the diamond. The score wdl he given in full next week. I>r M. A. Simmons Liver M'di?ine creates a good Appetite, Tones and strengthens the Stomach and ' build* up the Health. Teachers ICIcrlal. The trustees of the city graded j bchoo's nu t !??t Friday afternoon and elected the following teachers for the next terrr: I'a7i8 .Jtilrie*. S'jp't, 11. L. Seailo. principal, Minnie' Gist, Mise lv.helind G:ss, Mrs. N. M. ; Linder, Mrs. G. II. Center, Mis? May Da can. | Mrs. .Julia Thomas, M;# Sarah M -Cubbies and Miss Jaunio Ilamilj toj r. ere elr etc 1 tcac1 er ot Weit Km! ; cchooU A marc competent corps ol instrue i U rs cj?!d hardly have Ik on selcc'ed. ; and lLo future *access ot lire schao's , is assured. I Telephone Extension. President Allan .Nicholson, of the I Telephone Kxtension Co.. informs t:s i that the line front Union : o Spartan i burg. via. Jonesville, lius u:st been 1 complete* 1, and connection can now | bo hud \v:111 :i 1! points i:i Jxo upper par", of the Slat* . \\ o are pleased to note this enterprise. and hope it wiii not i>o long bcfori tve win talk to Sanluc. Carlisle, Keltot.. tiibbs arid other points in the e* flinty. We would urge the citi/.ens at nil . the-c points to talk up the matter at ( onee, and take prompt measures loI wards carrying out the plan. . Ilumjtttni Home. A number of liencr.d Il.unpUm's i friends have decided to raise a fund to i ;i'l?i to the e >nln'o:itiot:s being raise* 1 in I o".h?. r counties, toward the erection of a li j:i;c for hint. This gift to Hampton is not a boasted eharity. but a sacred < tiering to a great benefactor whom they revere with affection, cherish as a duty and privilege, at * 1 , honor with delight. Hampton gave j away his money with a free hand and a w arm heart to the needy and unfortunate, lie gave the crown of Ids manhood's ! might and the blood of his heart in his i people's service, lie obeyed the people I when they called him to post of honor. I lie mast now ob.y when they bid ! him receive the pe ?;*'.e"s benedictions, their medal of hon u\ their plaudit and | and badge of "well done!" It is part of V I ? II*. ?* V I I III M i i | I I * ?VI II iiihi to permit her to honor herself by caring lor her beloved >on. Che son must honor the mother's will. We can make him see that it ishisdutv to accept u hat their hearts prompt them to olVer, when they would l'eel self condemned if they withheld, and paiued it he refused their tribute." Anyone w ishing to add their mite to this work of love may do so by leaving it with (.'apt. F. M. Farr. I)eWitt's Little Lvrly Risers act as a faultless pill should, cleansing the and reviving the system instead of weakening it. They arc mild ami sure, small atul pleasant to take, and entirely tree from uhjectionable drugs. They aeaist rather then compel. F. C. Duke, West I\ikI Dots. Miss Rsatrice I'ricj and Mr. Walter Hames were mai tied Sunday afternoon by Rev. Mr, Stoudcnmire. There were no services at the Sec\ ond Methodist church last Sunday i night on account of the illuesss of the | pastor. I Kvangelist Cowan is conducting a I revival meeting here. Mr. Walter I remaster is on the sick I list. ! W. M. (iallagher,?f l?rys< n, I's i ssy9: "For forty years I have "5 ed | various cough medicines. Dae Mm1 ute Cough Cure is best of them all." It relieves instantly and cures all lung troubles. F. C. Duke. Programme Interdenominational Sunday School Convention. The Interdenominational Sunday >1 l|OoI ( nilWIll loll lor l aO}* MlSVide ;i!!Cl .lones\ ille low n .hips \\ i'.l lie held :it l'ultnan ehureh >alunlay, June Jltli. The eonvention wiil open promptly at lU uTSoek wish do vol ionil exctvises cot: | il ?I h\ Io\.,7. ! I (loshy. '1" In* addiess of \ve!e< me will lo i!t-]i\t-r?<1 l?v Howard Williams and the iespouse hy I (a. I'.. Fowler. The oi yani/ .rt ion will then lie pel feeted. The his I ti pie foi discussion. *Is the Sunday school tloinj; w hat I slioitld to hriiitf eliildren to ( hrist," will lie discussed h\ I,. (( all!,oil. .1. W. Seott and Tom Ihsliop. Jnd. 'What can I-" done to increase the ?llieiency of teaeliintf in the Sunday school'.'" hy W. II. s. Han s, Tlmiins Hyatt ami .1. II. Stunner. i \ . I . M I _ ..i i. ... I I | I > 4>1 ID.l \ ill 1 ?V -"Mil II ll>l, A<1|(>II1I| uTll* ll< ''II I < >i" 'lilillCI. A 1 i i ::n! > n?x . I ?.,vnl i< >1 i;t I ( m i ( :>( < ? ?:i? I?ft f I I > \ l?V\.' K ii. iiickiiuii. K?ay l?> Mi > I.u'a Walker. 1st. "\\ hat is Siiik1.iv .-t'liou!, aid ;. ? it coi:>iil? it <1 m its 11 ue ]ifjlit f" Howard' W i'liams. (i. li. 1-" airl II. \V. ( lOSS'l t Jinl. ''What tulva nlaci ?!?> \v?* 111\<- ill t Siiiulay school roli\t-ul inns, dcnoaiinaliona! ot iiitcideiiomiiiutioiialr" T. l..j lianas, .1 \V. (aniijiu^li iiM, 1. Ij .lolmsoii and 11v111> ' i'i . 'Inl. "Short exporiencet on Sunday school work.'' Each t??i :o w:51 l>a thrown open IVr j' further (ti^cusMon hy ilio^o who may ; have a wool to say." All Sunday school woikers.uid men Is ; ' ate invited, at.?! we hop.? that ea<\i Sue.- | day school in llogansvillo and .lonwvihe ( townships will i>e represented. I E\i:t t Tivi: Com mi rtee. ji lltiw to Cttrr n r.iiu. \ Last fall I sprained my kit nip I while handling some heavy boxes. ' i The doctor 1 called on said at first it was a slight strain ard would soon be well, but it grew worse an 1 the doe- i tor then said 1 had rheumatism. It , i i continued to grow worse and 1 could,, hardly get around to work. 1 went | to a drug store and the druggist re- j commended me t> try Chamberlain's l'ain llalm. 1 tried it and one.half of a 00-cent bottle cured me entirely. 1 now recommend it to all my friends. , i?F. \. lJaheock. Hrie, Fa. It is | for sale by F. C. Duke. IONESVITJJ! fOTTlStiS. Ruin A'ectlctl. 11 ml Siutnls of Corn miiI Cotton. Pcrsoti.il Mid Social (iti.>si/>. ' Joncsvillo Juno bill. -liuin is very I much needed in this community I There is bad stands yf both c-.ru and j cotton aud farmers were Vxprcliug ruin woul I cima in time to bring u;> the crops and give goa l stands, but 11 j is now get'ingtoj late lbr cotton and j will soon be too lute for e.^iu t> corns : I so it seeuis very probable i! t therewill be bad stands of both corn and ! cotton. The prrwpsct : t a go id-crop . I is not at ul! li ittering in this o m uuui ' ty. Tnc dry weatber has kept the j i grass under s> there has been but lit j . tie trouble for farmers to keep their |crops clean. I'eoplc have had but! I little vegetables from their gardens s> ! far, and but little pr :u:sj ot any uu j i til there is a good rata to start them I to growing. Mr. Hamlet Smith, who moved ; | from Coiou to Texos about six years 1 ago, is n >. < be has had 110 trouble whatever and < is working for a very large firm aud 1 hasn't lost a day from Ids work in throe years, that everything ia wtrkiug well with him and has been ever 1 since he left South Carolina. < Mis s (irr.ee Hi lilt-i hu, who has ; \ been at All Healing Springs, N. C., attending college, has returned home for vacation. All out boys aud girls who are ( away at school will soon return home and we will bo glad to s.e them back. ' Miss Leila Childers, of Greenville, * is visiting the family of Mr. P. B. ()>vnsby. Mrs. B. T. Scott, of C annon's Camp 1 Ground, was in town this week visiliug the family r a i exchange lioo yet. It teem? j that u price can't be agreed upon | with the management of the line and j( ! Juiiesville is talking now of building : a lino ot its own. Ti.i.ki'Moni.. : _ i Tin r is a time for .11 thing*. Tiie !. time to lake DeWiti's Little Marlv j I Kisars is when y n are eullering from ! constipation, biliousness, sink'bead* ! ache, indigestion or other stomach or liver troubhs. I)uk- . o .1. I.. Welic: uili preach in the) Kirs I Metli. ili-' church next Sund'iy. jj A iiTniio ( ndli'K n kcO'Ii find iloicriiillnii mn? fi'ilc .'y ;!< . ii-n i? pi'C ly i' o i.tiiMi- '' ii.iiiui. il. i ini.? it rii tlv i 'i ilcr it in I. 11 *nilli< iok mi I'.i. IiIk M ' . . i i.irciH V l"i frnirmv p'lifin . I- Ill's llkfl llirnltull Alillili .v ?'o. k cclvp ' f) I'll intii., n ' mill plinr.- , In I In* Scientific American. a hftixlaomrlf llliwtfMwl wwklf< I atimm ' ir I rnlniloii or nnr xrloiiiinc "tirtial. Term*. I'l a vcir: i'>iir ? <.>'<> by nil iu'wrdrnlfr". ! MUNN & Co.36tBroi'd-ay New York firaucb Ollli o, t H> ! >!, Wnsbiuntyu. 1). C. 1 IXFORMATlOy PICKED VP 1 iron ml tin Office of County lion n I of ('oirimfssioHor.-i. j Mr. I!. Ihntiy, constable for Mag-; strali- i.nlos, of Jonesvillo, cumo J lown and delivered to the chain gup.vf j me John Huckhannn, convicted of j . a frying concealed weapons and petit , larceny, and sentenced to !('? da\s on , the comity clmin gang or pay a line ! jf Capt. Hancock needs more litinds, an ! if otlier magistrates will ; ?ive him a few more ho will sojn huvo ; the roads in good >hapc. Magistrate M. L. Otis was down to | . K. Met ruck in I . , ....... , Uoshou 1'. i.l I.. !?. 1 uc'ivor j !v. M. Yughtry i i\ K. Kellv < . ..I ,, ... .. Jonesvillc II. \\ . Hamilton \ 0. A. Vaughn > _ , .. r s.uiiuv* .1. s. Crocker v The county board lias lot out mil .*s of public roii.l 1?\ contract at an average price of $s :*,7 per mile. All liuse contractors arc under good j bonds to port'iu in tl:c:r work and when they forget *..? irpatr holes in the btidges and culverts, the good est irons will call their trillion to t!iC over.-l.'h' and if ; I no*. ti\e! in a lea otiah'e time a pe tal j curd to the up ?vvisor \..!i have the J worl. done ;il once. \ye hopcuaih r this t system to ha\e helter roads than hei? to- ! lore ;u: ! a>k 'or the Hoard a lair trial for a iy -a - rK.-1 iii woni\ is belter than the iv 1 way of "calling out" the neighbors : t i ' '.v" the road. - ^ ? I) a ring Summer we are liable to \ Sloaiach and i> c.veil trouble', such as Diarrhoea, Colic, Cramps, etc. for which Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver MeJielue ij highly recommended. t ul. T. C. Duncan lu-s gone to New ; ^ oik on a business trip lor t!ie mill. ? - - ? What you wait is n >t tjaiparary i relief from pi lea but a eure to atay uured. DeWitt's Witch Huzsl Salve 3ures piles and they a'.ay cured. F. i rJ. Duke. . The Methodist Sunday school went :o Cedar Springs yesterday on special joaehes for a piet^e. We know they ,vi 1! ha* e a fine iime. W. T. Davis, Kuhy, S. C., writes; Dr. M A. Simmons Liver Medicine juris Fait s in Back, and 'hat "out ol >>rla" tKed feeling. I thiuk it lour itucs as strong as Xeilin's and Black Draught. -Another big boiler arrived yesterday or the Knitting Mill. I'd yy.lt*. ^ ?? I Find tic l'?>v \vh<.m (iilli Adiniiiislinter of the Kstsitc >! (it- >i^f McAIk'I' de 'en-cd. has applied i> .1 i on M. (ia ! .1o! 1'rnh.iic. i'i 11i?l t'oi (lie ('on: tv of l iii is. fur a linal li.M'Is'irsc ?? Mifii Adniiniv ldor. It is ordered. thai th?' Will, il.iv of Inly A. I >. 1 U1 t xed for li'Miim; <>i IViition ami si final sell lenient of said K data. .! A -11 \ M. CisKKi:. I 'i ihatf I 'tiion ( ounty S. Notice. \ Ii prr oas arc lierohy notified not o ^allifi* I'rni'i or herrics. liiinl. ride, Irivc. . ra/c slock or in any tnannci j iv-;.as on my land !> i w town. liii It I*. It. I.WKIOKIi. I Mowing Machine for Sale. A second M.iml isi< M WjJUt* CO. HVAll4ili?. Ui v. ivl Ni.r'ii l'r?wt ** T v ? Notice of Increase of! Capital Stock Excelsior Knitting Mills. To nil whom it may conci rn : Notice is hereby given that a meeting of tho stork holders 01 the Kxeelsior Knitting Mills, Union, S. C., will be held iit the oHiee of Win. A. Nicholson tk Son. at 51:tlO p. in., .July 1st, for the purpose of increasing the capital sine!, of said mills to fifty thousand dollars. I" < i-:i.sio:: Kmitinu Mii.i.s. Hy .1. J I. traull, 1: Trens. and Mgr. FORlllli MUSTFoPULAR LADY. THE TIMES COUPON CONTEST. A Modern High-Grade Bicycle - Offered the /Most Popular Lady in Union. Tho Union Times is going to gee an .iy a bicycle?si lady's tii si class modern bicycle?to the most popular lady in Union i town or county.) Theio is no age limit anil the wheel goes to the lady who receives tli?? lamest number of votes ??r coupons clipped from the Union Times Ju?l clip the coupon fit 111 Tha Tiroes, write your candidate's nana*, on the Hauls line su.tl send o; la iug Ihein to Tlie Times oilice. There is hut one other condition sittached and that is : To vote you imisi 1 e a subscriber to The Times. NO COUPONS WILL BE SOLD DURING THIS CONTEST lint al! new subsetibers will be presented with ten eoupons on payment of a year's Mib-eripiion and those in arrears will be given coupons at same rate who pay r.p for back durs and continue: after renewing or subscribing llity must clip tl,e coujkjii from their papers. Tlie vote Mill le sumounced weekly and the wheel awarded on August .'51. lS'.i'd, at lu a. ni. by the clock in Tunes i otliee. On Augiot 1st the thm; ladies in tin-. lead may select three *lisint?*r**i>tocl gen- | Lemon to take eh?rge of Udlots. attend l to counting vote and awai ding the wheel. | First Coupon Usue*-May 26. The followinet is the vote at the tim ol" going to press toda\: Miss Minnie Suher, Union " Kathleen Moore, Union " Theodora Oudd, I'nion :> ' Alma Whit loek. I'nion ."> Fannie Wilhurn, Cedar l>luiT..5i ' Sallie Wilkins, I'nion 1 Lilly Whitloek, Union 511 ' Lorena Hawkins, Union lo ' liertio 11 u, Union 2 Mangle Walker, Union I " Jessie llix. Union 2 ShHie Uailey, Loekharl 5{ ueivu laiiiejonn, jonosville. . 1 Laura Willnrd, 1'nion 21 Nannie Sexton .12 Art lit tin* l\ Itclit'ii, ,iM r At v, v. \--tt \ ? * '"i i - ' T / (tuest The soup seems to have a peculiar taste! lh?st ?Yes; you see, my wife paints! A> >he lias to rook, too, she places her easel Ly the kitclnn ratine, and occasionally she makes a mistake ami dips her brushes into the food or daubs the canvas with the soup ladle!?Lustigo ! >1 x * iillcr < it in |> on ItiiM<-l?nll. Walter < imp thinks tliat our natii n il " inic i,f baseball lias l illi n into di-rcput" Wi itinsr in < 'ollier's Wi rkly, in- sa>s -Tli.' iia1.1 y III. i Duke d'Arcos, t lio new Spanish inin* Pj,ibier at Washington, has arrived. Nine people were injured, two of them seriously, in a bead-end coliisiou ot passenger trains near Nashville. v* A tornado passed over sections of Iowa and Nebraska. Considerable livestock was killed aud several people were injured. TIlo ivmiIi'or ()io nrfpniion r*f lhn Georgia and Alabama railroad from Mel* drim i% Savannah ba3 been awarded to L. 11. Wright of Macon. Surgeons from all state3 in the Union gathered in Chicago in attendance on tho twentieth annual meeting of the American Surgical association. George E. Harris, a cigar manufacturer, was cowhided on tho streets of Atlanta by O. A. Fret well, a former employe, for an alleged iu&ult offered Mrs. Fret well. Thursday, June 1. Tue North Carolina Medical society held its annual session at Ashovilie. A Now York syndicato is preparing to introduce automobiles in Atlanta. Charles Stutliaui, wanted at Dawson, Ga., for forgery, was arrested in El Paso, Tex. Two hundred employes in three sowerpipe works near Toronto, struck for %,'o cents increase per day. The Now Jersey supremo court has tendered a decision, said to bo tho lirsc in this country, in favor of a trust. There is an epidemic of meningitis at the South Carolin a penitentiary. Several convicts have died of tho disease. Governor Jones of Arkansas has announced himself a candidate for the seat in the United States souatc now held by Senator Horry. Mrs. Stiluford, widow of tho senator who built and endowed tho university bearing his name has ."just deeded the bulk of her stock and real estate, valued at 810.000.000. ie the universitv. I'Thluy, .1 line 'J. The Maze*, investigating committeo continued its sessions in New York city. The Chilian ministry has resigned heoauso of a political upheaval in that country. WTl'iani McAlpin, a well known capitaiist. dropped dead at Cincinnati from heart disease. The Mobile and Birmingham railroad I has been transferred to tho Southern railway on a U'J year lease. ' A sharp earthquake shock was felt throughout northern and central Califcrtiia. No serious damage reported. The Ohio Yallev League of Bimetallic clubs, in session at Louisville, passed resolutions declaring tor the rcadoption of tho Chicago plattorm. Japan is aroused over a report from .Shanghai that l'J Japanese spies have hi en captured by Russians on Liao Tang peninsula. It is understood tho men were executed in a fortress without trial. Kit urday, .) tine It. Julian 11 Straus, tho famous composer, 1 is dead in Vienna. 1 Spain has ceded to Germany tho islands of Marianne, Caroline and Palos. lie v. \V. 11. 1'. Fauneo of New York has been elected president of Browu university. Tho longest electric railway in the world. l.'iJ miles, will be built trom Toledo to Dayton. An oliicial report on smallpox at Raleigh shows that there have been 85 eases and one death. The queen's birthday was cfllciallv celebrated in London. Joseph II Choato and other prominent Americans wero on hand. Because Ihov would not work with a negro, tho white apprentice boys at tho central ot ueorgiu railway shops in Savanna li uro out on a strike. General C., I Walker, commanding the South Carolina division United Confederate veterans, has issued an order for the state reunion iu Chester on July 26. Monday, .1 line Congressman Richard P. Bland of Missouri is critically ill. General Shelley announces that ho will not enter the race for governor of Alabama. Countess do Castelinne, formerly Miss Anna Gouid of New York, led a mob ot" Freneh royalists in a demonstration at Paris against President i,oubet. James 11. Bevington, a Cleveland inventor of nolo, lias completed a devieo for spinning metal which promises to work important changes in various lines of metal manfacturiug. 'l'ho sultan of Sulu, who it was supposed was lavorably disposed towards the Unitod States, it now turns out has imported a largo quantity of arms from Singapore with a view to resisting the Americans. ? The National Civil Service Reform league. 111 a statement just made public, declares that the order of President McKinley of May 20 changing tlie civil service rules is a backward step of tho most pronounced character. Tuesday, )utie .',01)0,000. lias lieen er^nii- I r/.od pi Atlanta to couipeto with th>? * Consolidated. Mi-. Dick Ward, a middle aged lady jM who lives in lvus-cll county, Ala., near Guard, bred live times at a nej;t'o \vln> tried to assault her. gjfiW The Gradle and St rot/. Tobacco cot Mm I pany ot Chicago, one ot the oldest col corns in i)i it i'ii? ! ??? 4 ?4 - 1 "l 1 Ill- An i ?i tinp.inv "BjSE licuoral lirooko cabins the war depart* mcut that ho is aertonsly Inmli! ,!;, mB m las udmiulairation of affairs in bytho abaoiico of a largo uumbor \, I I Offloern from tbeir regimeuta. '' \ ifl