The Union times. [volume] (Union, S.C.) 1894-1918, June 09, 1899, Image 5

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S110LT bTBEET STOK1ES. Pat Together For Ready Reference. Items of ftyerest Tersely Told For itdsty Readers. % ?Rev. F. H. Sbuler has been quite sklc but ia better ?Mis. Sarah McCubbins has returned from a visit to Chester. ?Flof. and Mrs. Jeffries have gone to Star Farm to spend awhile. ?Hon. R. J. Gantt, of Spartanburg, was in the city hist Saturday. ?Mr. James Mulloy, of Darlington, is visiting relatives in the city. ?Miss Sadie Fant came home Saturday from Greenville Female collf ge. ?Mrs. J. E. Hancock ii spending awhile with relatives out in the country. ?Webb Thomson and Alba DePa?s made a bicycle trip to Spartanburg Saturday. ?R. M. Estes has gone off on a two months' vacution. He will stay at' Saluda. ?Misses Hlanehe and Catherine Thorn- j son have f one to Spartanburg to visit j relatives. ?Mr. A. G. Means, a representative citizen of Jonesyille, visited the city this week. T?o.-V- o.,.l \\T .11 Tli?mcnn ?JMCPOia, x <11IV n in* jliiviujvh, of Gaffney, paid their Uhion friends a visit last week, ?The dance in the opera house Thurs- j day evening was very much enjoyed by 1 the young folks. ?Miss Ruby Daniel, of Newberry, is visiting her sister, Mrs. E. E. Williamson, on South Street. ?Miss Bessie Edwards has returned from Blacksburg where she has been teaching for some time. ?Mra. M. T. Meador has returned j from a tiip to Newberry. She will leave j shortly on a summer trip. ?Mr. H. M. Grimball and family left j Friday f%r Flat Rock, N". (J.. where j they will spend the summer. ?Miss Douglass, of Glenn Springs, j who has been spending some lime at Cupt. Douglats', has returned home. ?Bev. Mr, Stoudemiro, of St. j Georges, S. C., preached in the first j i list church here lust Sunday morning. {s "LIS Saturday SALE OF MEIN have the carpe and we are wil man. We do n next season, th article sold in 1 Money refi Therefore something whi< can bring it ba< .We first start with Ser pi%t there is no material tlu i8*onc half so cool and counf( S.uit looks cool but what is r cool. $10.50 and $18.50 I breasted some silk lined,'at * serges at $0,08. $1G.50, $15.00 and $ tweedrhandsomely tailored suit. $12.50, $11.00 and I broken plaids at $7.48 per i at per suit. TRC We do not think any e Our trousers are not cut fro low closely the tailors' style $5.00 and $4.50 $3.25. $3.50 and and ? pants, all colors and stripes $1.00 pants for 50 oonts. During this s store? c \ r Dsn t Do This V-T Don't take iniumtmfr'g n?irwii. the i>oott *nri long-tried external-liniment; will relieve the early distress and the later pains bet, ter than anything else in the world. Its good effects are most marked not only before childbirth, bnt during the ordeal itself and afterward. Distress is overcome by it?pains lessened?labor shortened?and subsequent dangers avoided. Sold by Druggists for 5! 5 bottle. On;! for car i!! t?lr*.Vfl rn tlm iclijff*. TKTv ADHP? vrrr^ A TOT? r/V. AtlM-tfl.G* ?Mrs. Wilkins and her nelce, Miss Sallio Cleveland, of Greenville, visited the family of Capt. A. II. Foster, this week. I ?Mr. .7. E. Noiment; staff correspon* 1 dent of the Now a aiul Courier, was in ! the city this week in tlie interest of his paper. ? Messrs. Emslie Xic1 olson and J. If. , GaultlmvQ gone to Providence, It. I., to, i purchase machinery for the Excelsior j Knitting Mills. - ?Mr. II. C. Lnwson, Sr., one of the pillars of llogansvil e, was in the city Monday and reported everything quiet in his bailiwick. ?Miss Emma Wright gave a very pleasant "at home" one evening last i weak which was very much enjoyed by all who attended. # ?Mr. W. E. Colton, who is traveling ' in Alabama for ths DcWitt Medicine concern of Chicago, came home this ( week for a short visit. ?Mr. Geo. Geddrs moved liis family i to Spartanburg last week. Their depar- j ture was very much regretted by then many Union friends. ? Mr. W. E. lla>'s Filipino attracted 1 a large number of sightseers Saturday, j i Ever j body was curious to see this pro-1 1 digious monstrosity. ! | ?Operator Carlisle has returned to > ' Union to take clia-ge of Hie telegraph i oillcc while operator Penny is away on i 1 account of sickness. i morning we inaugi fAND BOYS* CLOTt nters at work July 1st ling to sacrifice our ] lot propose to carry o erefore the prices a: this sale is subject to c iinded for any i if in the enthusiasir oh after you pet homi ck and we will refunc J TITC 1 AJF. > go Suits, It is u recognised fact it can be maile up into clothing that jrtable as blue serge. A l>lue Serge { norc to the point with tlic wearer it is j >luc Serge suits, single and double ; ?12.48. 312.50, Sld.fO and SI 1.00 13.50 Worsted Cheviots and Harris | and lined to perfection at $0.98 per 810.00 Cheviot worsted tweeds and suit. 80.50, 37.50 and 8^-50 suits USERS. xtemlcil remarks are needed here, nf patters year in and out, but fols. i, worsted, tweeds, edieeks and stripes 14.00 pants $2.48, $2.60 and $8.00 , for $1.98. $1.50 pants for 08 cts. V1} ;ale our terms are < -No goods sent out garment altered tc # /has. R ORIGINATOR Q1 ?MiJs l'minio AVithers, who taught iu tho gnuled school during tho ccs ion : just closed, lias returned to her homo in J Chester, very much to tho regret of her < Union friends. ?Master Norman Bcaty, son of W. t T. Beaty, was bit ten by a Pilot snake ( Monday. We aro glad to stdtethat ? he lias recovered from the shock and * will soon be up again. < ?Mr. W. A. Green resigned the superintendency of the electric light and water works last week and left for|Tam- 1 pa, Fla., to take a similar position there. c Mr. Harrison, of North Carolina, sue- s ceids Mr. Green here. f ?<>uile a number have taken advantnge of our offer to send The Times and li the Thricc-a:Week World one j ear for y ?1.."?0. Others would do well to subscribe and get two gocd papers for tire price of one. Its a gocd time to buy a cook stove ^ fo^ tlrcy will surely be higher a little later. It will pay you to remember ibis ami us about the new cooking , stove you want.?The Old Reliable, j Reorganized. The "Sunbeam" missionary society, J >f the first Baptid. church, wasre-orgon- j zed last Sunday afternoon. The follow- y ing otlicers were circled : y T. W. t^uatllebaum, President. Miss Nannie Sexton, Vice President, j Miss Eth?l Foster, Secretary. j Mifs Lilly Fant, Treasurer. . y Mis. L. M. Bice, lady mana. er and y jorrcsponding secretary. ^ The many happy owners of "Derourest" sewing machines will testify to the many good qualities of this celeOKI -O V; ...v.: _ r-11 ji.utu ffu'.uv niuuuiue wuicn is iuny ^ warranted for ton years. Only terms ^ an which they arc sold is spot cash. .. -The Old Reliable. # firutied School Closing. The.graded schools closed last Fri* j Jay after a very successful your. The ^ wercises were held in the opera ^ iouso and were very interesting. The j? innual address was delivered by l)r. y kY. E. Evans, of Columbia, and cv$ry- j) jody present was delighted to hoar ^ liin. Dr. Evans if a polished speaker C md holds the close attention of his C learors. lie made a most pleasing J mpression on this occasion. J A irate our regular l\l] IING, HATS AND SHC : making extensive ir profit to make room >ver any of our summ re the lever to move >ur invariable rule of iiidmisiflciury \ i of bargain buying 3 you find you have n i the price paid for the HATS. We are going to put prices on look doubtfully at the shiny binding wearing. Never before in the history of L low prices as wc now mnko. $5.00 Stetson hats at $3.00. $3.00 hats at $2.00. $1.50 ha's at 08c. STRAW H $2.00 and $1.50 hats at 08c. $ 75c. 75 and 50c. hats at 30c. SHOES Here you will find a rich harvest; and $5.00 shoos at $3.00. $3.50 an $2.50 and $2.00 shoes at $1.50. $1 $1.08. cash before the goo on approbation===E > fit free of charge. . Smith F* LOW PRICES. ? .1 The following young Italics, were iwarded certificates of graduation: Edna Foster; Ethel Foster, Nannie Sexton, Helen Sims - and Louise Voting. Miss Edna Foster received he gold medal and the scholarship in Converse College, and Miss Helen 51ms was tho recipient of the scholarship in the Neol-Horvclo business ollego of Spartanburg. rri. . i_ ?it __ ^ i Aiie senoois win open again &epr. 8th, and the outlook is that the acuity will bo better equipped than iver for next session. The white chools have increased in live years rom 200 to 500 pupils. Both schools iave done exceedingly well, and there ins been less fric?ion than any prcious term. PER IT JURORS, I (JNE TEHil 1809-7-1ST WEEK. ) C Dawson C P Brown ? G Smith J E Hancock anics Parks A P II Walker L Duckett '.1 N Isom It Charles J W Bubo L lleluo A U Ivy W Sweat ,1 X McArthur Jhester Garner A N Vise T James B W Hamilton Walter II Stokes J J Brock V J (iore 11 L, Stewait IF Hart J11 McDaniel . G Bishop W A E lV.ack M Bobo B W Sparks V II Pool Bobt Young (" II Sun* C II Buikoit iiarner Steven 1 T J MeNVa jc oseph Wiight L X ltodger SKcOSLl WEEK. uk Reeves J A Brown 1 Kstcs W G Hancock ' J W Cooper J W Smith J T Stokes, Jr W F Hart J F Daggett S C Harnett A Murralj II S Sumner J Bobo J 11 Davis [ J Hames D G Gallman A llalcomb Joi Sander* "II Jeter John Brandon Jr F Webber L P Thomas T 1 T\.? \a l\ T \l?t n..s?l.lln I MJ 1.^ J' 1 4 4UUl42IU^IIUU uncan 1 lames .1 N Porter M Qilmore lieu Miller T Boyd U C Wllburn M Ilulcomb Waltor Saniora T Fosier Asa Smith 11 Wix .1 T Alman U7 LID-SUMMER >ES. We will improvements, i for the work- . er goods until c them. Every I purchase, you purchase * lo use for, you im. j i hats that will make you on the old one you are ] "nion have you Lad guch i ATS. ' 1.25 and 3100 huts at choice of any of our $4.00 d $o.00 shoes at $2.25. i.50 and $1.25 shoes at >ds leave the ivery L, IN THE LEAD % v ' * , ? ^ The New York Racket % Always looms up in the fore front of the procession but we've never before been so far ahead as we are this season. We are- sweeping everything before us with OUR KNOCKOUT PRICES When we advertise bargains you always know you can find then here, that is the way we have built up our splendid trade. Now Listen?We are selling Fine Dress Lawns at 21-2 cents, Nice Wide Checked Nainsook's at 21-2 cents, Nice Pound Prints at 121-2 cents per pound, a lot of Women's Shoes at 50 cents, Hats from 10 cents up, good suit Men's clothes $2.98, Good Pants 25 cents. Dress Goods and nillinery! ? * % We simply beat the band, nothing to equal this department in , ? upper South Carolina. 20 marbles for 1 c., three balls of thread for 1 c., joogood matches for 1 c. Call arid inspect our line and yon will be convinced that HARRY & BELK Is the Cheapest Store on Earth. I A t . JUST A MOMENT PLEASE. Aga'n we wi-h to call your attention to too fact that we are still rolling ut thos? bargains that wo began to otter some days ago. You know a tree .5 judged by its fruit, likewise wo should judge the plane to trade by the >rlces and inducements ollored. Now wo arc olTcring no baits, but we are >lTering real giant bargains # IN FX/FRY nFPj&RTiWIC-MT m u -w mmm w aam B I S>cf | ? r. I ? B I VI la I ^ I a Just. Ihink of ft man's satin calf shoo In lneo or congress for.... $ 98c. ^adies Oxfords worth 05 cents only 4-tc. 85 44 44 55c. 44 44 44 $1.00 " 44 88c. 41 *' 44 $1.25 " " 90c. 44 *' $1.50 44 44 * 1 80c. 44 4 4 4 4 $2.00 44 44 1 80 * Ladies Dongola Button Shoes worth $1.00 only 78c. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 44 $1.25 44 1 00 iVJiite Lawn (>A cents kind for 5c. 4 4 4 4 sj 4 4 4 4 ' 0c. It) 44 -4 '4 8c. 4 4 4 4 32A 4 4 4 4 4 4 JOc. Organdies in alt qualities. right price. Matches to burn at 5 cents per 1000. In Millinery wo are doing tho business?fresh arrivals weekly. Make four visit early. MCLURE'S. BOOKS! BOOKS! Of uti sea ions ( f liio year this is the tin e to read. lis too hot to worr, i.'s to5 hot to s'eep. In fact, it's about too hot to do anything, except get in a hammock in a thadr, rather dark p!ec\ ana just rend, read. We've got tho very kifld of 1 ooks l'.?r tugime*, j ist reoatly got them in. Something that's Lr'g'nt and interesting, and thatdcera't take a week to get into the plot. Among the late hooka we have that arc very popular, and that yc u ought to read nr<t 4 \oun? Mutiny," ly Henry Seton Merriman, i.Tl.. ? ? ? l? II ?l f -J 1 * ? ?- * ? ' - me inni&vi i ixic, i>/ uaruia r reueno, ttarura," "Caleb Weat," "Timothy'd (Jue<i" and othorn. Now while you're cot busy conn by anl .VA at them. ALLAN NICHOLSON, Union, S. C. -?8-DR. I. M. HAIR,#*Crown and Bridge Office Eank Building Work a Specialty. Union, S. 0., ?