CHEAP FIR] THE I NEW YORK AND CJILCA 15 PER CE? Than the old line companies siill & Office at CAF THE ^ C SPARTAN IN I SLAUGHTE] NEXT DOOR TO OUR CORRESPONDENTS Etta Jano. Feb. IS ? Mr. Martin the lumber man \\i his crew start el down llroai River lust F day evening with an immense raft of In her in tow. This was ?lie lirst trip that i! little steamer lias attempted. At Goo island the snow caught i hem in such a blin ing s orm that they were compelled to ' hit up' mid return home. Mrs. 1'. J. Kstes is visiting her pirci and friends at Sharon. There lias been several hundred rabbi caught in this neighborhood sine: the sua began to fall. How the nheat and oats have s'ood tl Cold winter so fur we are unable to say, bi priftume much of both has been injured bad Everybody shorn d fee 1 the iiisooivuroi birds this cold weather. They will be blessing to gardeus next Summer. Mr. Editor: Permit us to endorse evei word "E. W. J.'; says in regard to the 11a ural and artificial advantages of Neil's Shoa over almost every oilier water power in tl Couuty for manufacturing purposes. Su rounded by so ninny cheap trauspormtio facilities, us well as one of the best iarmin sections in the .bale, ihc time is not li distant when capi al wil seek iuvcstmei there and that im neiise water p aver he i tilizeil t > the great advantage of capituist We are s >rry in Inar of lac l?>s< of \l. J llaney >1' Keltoti by tiro nisi Monday nigh It's the duty of every g oil mm to len a helping hiiud to who need help. An it is more | ui ticuully so in a time i this, when the hiitir cdd makes misfortui the more unwelcome. Let all resj ond duty's call. Editor Giintt of the Itrrrespondi nts are lad e That s so brjiher; because for one reus, they are more apt to tell the truth. Can the Timks procure a corps of lady coi ic pendente? The snow is aii i with us an 1 a new r j,rdit is constantly being laid in. The hca jost fall wijs last Friday evening. At d?, ilght ne*t morning the ground was covers at least a foot deep. The prettiest piece of patch wm-k we ha seen made by lnud was done by Miss Jan lioll, of Illackstocks, and >ent to Miss Jess Strain. It's a need o cushion?and its da'sy too. Mr. Lewis Thomson, of the Grtrmcot AJvocn/r, paid us a ' pop call" last Prida lie is a brilliant young in m and ii'nt i fraid of work or bard weather, lie w succeed?mark that, reader. We are sorry to bear of the illness of M and Mrs. J. M. Aycoek. , prom what scn.s to be goo 1 nurthority w learn that Mr. (jeo. W. Lites, late of tb County, (tied at Ins home near l'otts' Static Ark., on the Hud. nisi. We can truly say him: Ho was the nob Oil work of God?a honest man. ile left this cunty April, I 1884, and went to Wiuiock, Washing!" where he remained only a few weeks. II n, family physican advised hitn to return Sou on account of tlie health of an invalid so lie came back to l'opc c unty, Arkansa where lie bought a farm and lias been gettit along very well ever since. He was a rulii older in Ml. /son Presbyterian Church, yhicli his family ate numbers. v? pence to his ashes. WJSM; ' Vox." ...?... l'acolct. Fob l'.l? Mrs. .Fas. Wood, of whom iut?i lion was nude in my hist Ifcit-r, died ill inoining hi 8.UI)o'clock i f cmcr ol'llio fac She lias siill'crcd iill? use y for In m tutli Too inucli can i ot bo sai I of this good an n"l?;e women. for vcily, she v.'as IT*iei to everyone, and it \\ as her greatest <)o charitable deeds. 11 tf i* Children; Messrs. A. N. and M*?* Wood Hil l Mrs. S. A. Ijipscomb of U affile, and Mrs. 11. It. Urown ol Uowpens ba been with her in her lis1 illness. The school in ibis place lias been disco liii'ied f r several Jn)s on account of tl snow. Sleigh riding and t<ii a a I sly le, n nl ,ie o.i i i ? 1 I, * II io I'i . ' l III * * ? i f - E INSURANCE! JjO YD i OF GO, OFER SAFE INSURANCE IT. CHEAPER IJ.-fore renewing your Po1 icy, * mmm&i tOLINA I tUO CO NNON (O? ) F BURG, S C. JNION, RING PRICES. THE DISPENSARY. 5 ( JouoHville. I Feb. 'J?The snow, the beautiful, snow meets the eye ou every side. It generally lh makes people lively, but it has about taken ii- ihu life and fun out of the people, as well "i- as the b ids rabhits and many other things, lie Our penpjo are extremely hedtliy this I's had weather, and are anxious t> get out to 1- business. We have heard the old saying eli many times, ill it it is good to have something laid up lor a rainy day. We'd the Is rainy day lias come this winter, and it bus continued so long that some things have is about given out. The weather will modera'o w after a while, and spring will come in all its loveliness, and the soil wdl be woll puiie verized and tilled with water which is uecii eesary f >r a good crop, and everything will iy be lovely for another hai vest. For the god is lJuok says that all things work together for a good to them (bat lore the Lord, and we hope our peop'c do love tho Lorl and are y contented with their surroundings, t- Some of our sclioo a have beeu snewed un1? dcr, while others have been going right aie long. The Baptist aud Presbyterian churchr es did not open then* doors ut a 1 last Sttnn day. The Metho lists had ilicir regular eerig vices. Kev It. W. Spegner went out to his it* appointment at New Hope in the evening, it Mr. A. C. Lindsay, who lives a few miles t- from 'onesvtile, is very sick with erysipelas. 5. Mis. .S. A. l'orter ol Santuc Las been on I. a visit t? hpr two daughters, Mrs ck i. and Mrs. Penney. d Miss Maud Williams of Alabama, Is slayid ing with her brothers, Messrs. P. P. and as F. T. Williams, of our town, te Tklki'UO.nk lo Trough Slionls. '' Feb. 18 ?15 tb Mills a'o running on fu 1 tinio now, and tilings a?e looking blighter. V The Mill men hive gotten a move on theui1 1 selves and arc giving the operatiyes all the encouiagctncnt they can. A great many fanners moved here from the country lu-t Fali. They said they coul i not make a l'Yv" ing on tho farm. Some got satisfied in a moiuh or two. Oil?ers decided that, hard as farm life was, they would rather tnike cotton than to manufacture it; so they 'c moved back to the country. u" Mr. A. A. Ilamcs of this place has lost a 10 fine cow and g od iiorso within the past two " weeks. Your Correspondent has been out in the '' country on a visit. The farmers are in excoLent circunistnces. They have meat and bread in abundance Mr. Editor, wo don't know much about tlie Constitutional Convention, but we believe there would ho less need of a cottven i >n if i;r people would lot politics alone and do more work, ittf.e stca I of vainly endeavoring to logi-date fi's nuncitil relief. "V A word to Hro. Vox: Kenl ns v.vnr nr?nn. i/.er to organize a Suns of Ileal. I think " wo could give it a good support, s' opkpativr. 11, ?. * Santuo. ? fob, 10? Thursday morning the tempera*, iure louche I the lowest point of the season. degrees below zoro. No doubt w'leu Hie '? February weather repott come* out therfl of will be somothiiig interesting in 1f. A large u umber of small birds can be seen lying aroun I dead, both frozen and starred no doubt. Hunger drives them almost into a il welling in search of fond, and at almost eveiy negro house planks fur dead-fall trip can be seen with a string running into the n- house to pull the "nigger" with. (Quantities lis . of birds have been thus killod. o. I There has been some interesting hunting s. | done during the snow, everything eIra being id '"'snowed under ncariv all of the news, id There is some talk' of Dr. Geo. Douglas re going to l'ea'.ts to | ractico his proffession. He is trying tu complete l|is nrraugomeuts e? for going. He has been here a number of y, years, and lie will bo reinombercd when he vc goes. Dr. A. E Fant, of Meador, is ta'king of Ik lu my la?t article in speaking of Ned's Shon s boin" ,i*od site for acoiton fie.ory, on a mistake uconroJ in iho print u\dch ms m !.. (.:s -ay Jvifcr inilT instead of Jeter's ir null, which by the way is tin old land mark, f Mr. J I,. Holler, of Lockhnrt was in town ct ilies week looking healthy despite the cold lie weal ho. Ii0?n>s ihe* have bud, which Iru i c iinpli lely .?topi, r <*: i* 'i j !< <.,. ?? Ov'-? dfiiv, red j ?>. -i v * i i f iah. / iPECIAL SHOP] SALI / AT 'TUB OLD RELIABLE." ^ i" s OFFERTlfftsE low prices on the follow in styles ix shoes as long as tiiky last. \DIES GLOVE Hi; HON, SOLID, WORTH 81.00 GOING AT 75c. >IES PKRKLK GRAIN I, \CE, ALWAYS SOLD FOR 81.00 NOW 75 >IES OIL GRAIN SEAMLESS HACK. EVERY PAIR WAR 11 ANTE SOLD FOR 81.00 HES DGNGOLA PA f. TIP HUTTON, SOLD EVERYWHERE A 81 L'5. OUR PRICE 81 00. MEN'S> UALs'maDK TO SELL AT $1.50, NOW $1.25. "S TIPPED ('ALE BLPCIIERS WORTH 61.25k REDUCED TO$l( ww SIZES left IN men's HOOTS FOR THIS SALE, ONLY $12. The above are great values. L WOOLEN WINTER GOODS A' GREAT REDUCTION. THE OLD RELIABLE" H. FOSTER & CC GIVERS OF GOOD VALUES. m mm i?i j? ?: IRE YOI IN WANT OF VlNTER GOODS' w ^ VTc are the people you ai c I I looking for. In order 1 11 UUj clean out the remainder t UR WINTER STOCK will offer for the next 30 days our entire stock of lieav goods, including )THING, DRESS GOODS, UNDERWEAR, FLANNEL! BLANKETS. JEANS. CASSIMERES. all ]\XX J^T^XlXIl^nLY" goods at cost. Those tin e anything to buy in any of the above lines, will find beir interest to purchase from us. Do not forget to brir r pocket book, for we cannot afford to sell at these pric< ather than SPQT CASH. : M C LURE'S.: hat's Right." IS2.50 REWARI ^ milK above re war! will be paid aoy< JL furnishing evidence sufficient to c ? vict any of shooting fire arras within corporate limit of the Town of Union. SKWING M ACI1 INKS ON THE By order of the Counoil. Attest: L. 0. Yoitko, J. A. FA NT, Kleltat Plan &WS 'JP&ilt SUItVEYOK I P^AVIS JEFFRIES, of the Union tlri ) Uo TiiK FIRST ISUAL INSTALL- j _L/ School. Service) availablo aftei JN'T, (SH).50 AND FREIGHT) ON A j o'clock on School Days, and all day cn 1 uruHjrn. D&morest" prices reasonable. " Jan 2u 4 3m. Tlirjf W YOl its. SKK POINT? ! .. v. , ? , ? . Itucklon s Arnica Salve t*n > yw pim ui'ec rocs with etch Trim Brst Sai.vb in 'lie wirlu for C machine. Bruise-), "ores, Ulcers, Sail H'leum. K> Sore-?, li tor, Ci.tipped Hands, Chtlb a Corns, and all Skin Kr?iptioo?. an 1 p jr 1 f 1 TlTH 0 HO I t,v' * Bilv?, or no pay ie<,uirol ' I ? 'ill L. k. S i ' ' " 1 /'-e p- rf?vt . i . n rlldlbU k W. ' \ % \ * i 1% t i b i S'ra^^H ^SHgran The year just closed, 1S04, will ?r?> o^S9HHH^^H record as the most successful year of our T business, and we feel inspired by last yeai's ji success to greater efforts for 1S9-3. We have /. started out with the determination to make *v ^ ' the i I Jl N W V n P K 1 1 RACKET f IT 1 W the leading DRY GOODS, SHOD AND j? {if r ?CLOTHING = house in upper Smith Carolina?as it is in Union to-day. We promise to exert ourselves to the uttermost to sell you goods cheaper than ever before. e have just finished overhauling our stock, and find that we have thousands of goods w? are determined to close out in the next few weeks. J>on't wait until they arc all sold. Come at cnce end get the best bargains ever offered y ju. ' HARRY & BEIJ{. a J" ~^|| { GROWS-; GREATEfi AND GRANDER. to of business is the marvel of the day a rush all the time. No intei vuls of dullness or depression, but quick movement every minute from Monday morning until Saturday night. Trade pours in from every direction, tho whole county furnishes its y quota of customers to the daily crowds that till our stoic and swell our sales. y DRY GOODS, SHOES & HATS, * FACINATE, MAGNETIZE, ATTRACT,IPOl'ULARIZE. ,, BECAUSE OUR PRICES ARE SO LOW ^ The results we have reached would have been impossible, had wo tried 'g to sell Dry Goods and Shoes in the regular hum drum way. e don't ed attempt to do it. WE HAD ^t( T^TTVnnTi*T rnTY/\TT<^ ? ^ ? ? Trnr i nLA X11UU9AA1JLI DULIiKAS'^ worth of i>ry Goods, Shoes and I lata to sell, so we determined that tho host way to turn the stock into hard cash was to sell them at > 20 PER CENT. ?ne ;h?; i? LESS THAN ANY OTHER MERCHANT ?L AND THAT IS WHAT IE ABE DOM p. omo in and see our prices and ho convinced that what we say i3 true. ~ THE PURCELL CASH [CO I..I AT R. T, GEE'S OLD STAND p 3 ^ MILLINERY '' >" o. L.SCHUMPEltT, T. D. BUTLI H * SOLICITOR.? CIRCUIT. U. 1 CoKXISS.'DS I A I L,'L 11 ^i-rr /.Mrn SCHUMPERT & BUTLER, TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED hip, i j.? i > n-*> ATTORNEYS Al LA Vv, "? I 3 1*2 LAW RANGE. '*?- FOR LADIES AND MISSES, > UNION, S. C. * EVKRVnftllTINVITFII -?r. i ' 'ill TO vUi I'M I' ri'M J 1 in??? intrur'o I .1 our lianla *il' re .!?. iin'uv T1 t4i tiienii' ". 'T -v ic 11 if. y >