The Union times. [volume] (Union, S.C.) 1894-1918, February 22, 1895, Image 2

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[ -?TH? TTlsriOlM' TIMES. ! JOSLAH ORUDUP. I Editor. | Friday* February 98,1894. ~ RATES OF ADVERTISING. One dollar per square iirei insertion, fifty cents per square lor each subsequent iuseriiou. Liberal contracts will be made for space for adverttscuieuts of three inoutbs duration and ever. Local advertisements ten cents a line. ^ All communications for publication, exM ccpt regular correspondents must be accoin7 panicd by the real name of the sender. The Editor is not responsible for the 4 views of correspondents. V, Obituaries of over eight lines iu length will be charged for as other advertisements for all in excess of that amount. POST OFFICE DIRECTORY. The P. O. will be opened for business , from 8 A. M. to li.00 P. M. , The Money Order Department will be opened for business from V A. M. to 4 I'. M. ' Mail going East will close promptly at I 111.40 P. M.; going West 1.10 1*. M. i It. W. 11 Alt HIS. P. M. Church Directory. , METHODIST CHURCH. , l'reucliiug every Sunday at 11, A. >1., i uud 7:00, 1'. M. ' Sunday school every Sunday at 10, A. M. Prayer-meeting every Wednesday at 4, 1'. M. . i Lord a Supper, monthly, at close of morning service on first Sunday. Church Coa.erence, monthly, alter morning j service on fourth Suuday. ' Seats ail free. Rev. T. L. Mounts, Pastor. , PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Preaching eveiy Suuday at 11, A. M. Sunday-school every Suuday at 4. 1'. M. Prayer meeting every Thursday at o, P. M. The public cordially invited to all services. Rev. C. A. 11. Jexm.nos, Pastou. EPISCOPAL CIIIHCII. l'reachiug every Sunday at ii, A. M. Sunday-school every Sunday at 4. 1*. M. Lveniug service every Sunday at 0, P. M. Friday ut 4:'!d P* M. i All seats tree and everybody welcome. i Ufcv. P. Ai.l*ton, Rector. 1 BAPTIST CIIURCII. ( Preaching every Sunday at 11, A. M. and 7:1X> 1'. M. Sunday-school every Sunday at 1?>, A. M. Prayer tneeiiog every Wednesday at 7:dU P. M. Everyone invited to attend ilteao services We will give you a hearty welcome aud strive to do you good. Rev. J. N. Hootii, Pastor. Miss Garraux of Greenville. S. C., aud MtssGetbig ol' Archbald Penna.. arc visiting the Misses Oetzel. Mrs. Judge Wallace is unwell this week. dhe is not seriously tick however it i* hoped. Wiuter goods are being close 1 out cheap at A. 11. FOdTEKi CO S There is a niau who hauls wood to iowu with an unscriptural team. 11c hitches nil ox and nu ass together, (dec Deut., xxii.lOi Wk will soon get regular reports cu the winther tVotn the U. d. Weather Bureau* The tlags will be displayed over the store of the Union Drug Co. Tiik C. d. (>., receutly organized, gave a delightful cutortaiumeut ut the residence ot Mr. J. K. Uoltou, Thursday night. Miss Virginia Walker, of dpartaoburg, tpout the greater part of the week in Union with relatives, the family of Mr. A. 1'. Walker. This weather requires good shoes. Head A. H.T'odTKU .v UUd advertisement of their special shoe sale. - A quorum net being present, the meeting ot' the Board of Uommisstoiicrs that was to have been held last Tuesday was postponed until next Tuesday. There were ouly four iu attendance, which is to be accounted for by the extreme inclemency of tho weather. .*. Miss ! I at tie Oetzcl leaves today for New ^ ur'i to spend several weeks in ihc desiogi tg room of one of (lie largest ini' 1 iticry houses in ili it city. She will also select the Spring millinery lor A. 11 Foster & Co s. ? - Mr Hicks, nip tM of tlie cotton fact y, tvis suddenly taken quite sick last Friday night. Though it w is lute in the night a physician was summoned at cuce. lly the next day he w is much better and is now well again. - Mr. 1*. M.Cohen returned this week from liis farm in Fairfield County, lie was completely mowed in while over there, so lie i s?ys, not getting any mail or news from the i -outside world f. ? six days. Mr. Cohen says : that it is realty a fact that there is a dearth s of cash in Fairfield County. "in people arc not much on sleighing. Hiiring the wit le of the l>a 1 weather?ex* etllcul for sleighing ? we hive seen only two vlcighing parties. Such weiihcr however is so iimisiiil that in our astonishment we t forgot all nl out sleighing and everything | else, except to keep cninl'or.abk*. 1 lie ports come from all put, oft he county ' tb-t the recent snow and cold was vcrydes- , triiclivc to i dibits, birds and all kinds of , game, t'liu mill said lint he had s en a i great inatiy dc id I irds that lui 1 nil- | doubted 1 \ lro/e ti death. Many rabbits I ri'iiiiM'i in- | n"- ii_\ ;iie 'iccp mow were | (nuked up and rut lilt ssly slauglilcre I The r creatures pi ohahly sulfcro i hi jre, however, i'oo) waul <>f too J lit lu from alt other causes put together. 1 i llev. W. .) L ingstoii iia/ing I,ecu dctaiuet t the Wcaiiier at tlio lime lie was i expected tiere. will r.ett our p-cplc and 1 the friends of higher cdiie ilio 11 on the ui jiii ; fthe -7th. inil , at t he L'n on I! apt :? ! tiurc.i i the mem hers oft he executive committee i of our association he sure to attend. t N. iiooill, I Ch. C'uuiniiltcc l We ?po<h<? nip cou't was "tit topics *? id 'd tli<* '" vtiug of the fanuers htid iu Lolumb'a lastTuesday. Wc hope that the aieetiog will result iu good. The day is not far distant when the farmers wul appreciate the fact that success in business caunot he brought about by legis'ation or politic?1 parties. Of course everyone knows ilia', but somehow or other, politics has ruu away with and wreoked every organization the farmers have attempted. Business scents to have been the object of this meetiog and only business vras discussed. From a business .standpoint the sentiment 1' the convention on the three promiueut ul'jecta uudcr consideration, fertilizers, reiglit, acrvnge, seemed to be sound. Th< difficulty however is going to he found it getting he farmers all over tho state to adopt the recommendations made by the c >m mittee. It is quite an easy matter t? show to your neighbor that he ought to use less fertilizer aud get it cheaper, of course il wou'd bo well for all of us to curtail our ex penscs as much as possible, but it will noi t?e so easy to get everybody to put forth th( itfort accessary to accomplish the result de sired. It is also easy to show that it would be much better for all hands if the acreage in cotton could be reduced by half, but it will not be so easy t> so throughly convince your neighbors of that fact that they wil put in only half a crop. The freight rat' also asked for is reasonable anl we hop' will be secured. Now if talk, talk, talk is to be the onlj results, this convention and those reconi meudations will uot amount to anythinj and our farmers will eontinuc to get pooret and poorer. What wo want to do is to put iu practice the course dictated by our bes judgement, and not spend all our enrrgic: iu talking about it. Turn and turn about. "* * Opinion's change and passions hold a faltering seat ' li really does look at present like a mr ority of our senators favor the free coinage of silver at a ratio of 10 to 1. A year ngo hardly lo iu the whole senate woull have thought of such a thing, so stable in 1 bright and alluriug and even remedial Jid the single gold standard appear. We do act know what else besides the stern rcility of hard times oould have brought about such i change of sentuncut. I5ut it is a fact thai while nieml i* growing in favor. Even conservative old Germany that was so much in favor 01 the siugie gohl staudard last year has seen the inefficiency of mono-metalism, has acknowledged the error of its way and is now advocating bimetalism. Well we live to learn and wo can't Icara it nil iu a day '1 he trouble with us of the South however is that iu the experiment the money has all tlowed the other way, and by the tiuu we gain our point we will be penniless. Free silver is undoubtedly coming, cither by international agreement or otherwise but it is coming so slow tbat we fear by the time it gets lure there will be little silver u a iy kind lcl't in (he South. We see that a meeting is called by tlu "Forty," of ad t be c tizeus of each county at the respective county seat-, fir the fits Monday in March. Wc hope that all par'} fC ding will be la'd aside and that our best citizens one and ail will turnout and determine what d fficult os if any are dividing our people, if indeed we are divided mori than the measure of a n line, an I make at honest eff >rt to gel i n the same platform an 1 bury in obliviuu the animosity and strili that lias t >rn our dtar el 1 lor the pa t four years L>ou"t leave this Work to oiheis It is the duty of every cit /. mi. a duty tint lie owes to his family an 1 his country, to d i all in his power to aid n movement wind: has for its object the peiecnud harmony o the white people of our State. Do not saj that the movement is a farce and will fui of its purpose. See that your uou nttcudunci does not cause us failure. Miss Mabel Withers having reeoverci s nicwhat from her severe illness, returned to her home iu Chester last Monday. Welnesdiy wis /ho last day for inak ni tax roturus. Those who did not make returns by that time will be subject to tin ]>i*(iHt(y t?i iiny per tear, |?rescnoei i?y law Tuesday was :i busy day fir the Auditor Tiic roals were /j'.led with snow aud dec| with mud. but the pctple came, just th< same. They had Incline. Many haj put oil' making returns. just as people put of oilier things. lor causes various, and ulniosi a? many as there are individuals. I'erhap; the reasons why so many came on Tuesday was that every fellow thought <Iim e'l the othets would wail until Wednesday, and the oflice woull he so crowded thai he might nol he able to get in. People will put off some things to the l ist u.;outc and then let that minute go by. but making returns is not one of those things. We have learned that some things go up nn l some conic down, and some remain only for a season, but death md taxes are established and are hero to fay. fown Election 1'he annual town election for t'lerk and Treasurer wns held 1 a-t week. Somehow or tIter we faile 1 to report it last w?ok. 'I he chad ion was i i 11 * wariirv cuitcslcd, here being two c mi laics out against ihe n/ I...... i l II . ~r >1. . 1 I i'e-< n re well thought of ml in my s ti<l they It J not know who In Vvio for. Mr. I. '< \ mine. however, the pre*enl on inibcni sup clcil in pi'ii/ ii|> ii / '> 1 iMiiii'l p.ura'ity iver In- C illipclilm's. Tilt' Vole Hl'J'nl. Ii. i. } mm/. | J7. . l>. \ rilinr, { "?. .v M. lice .Jr. I'.. I' ' Mr Vminy, In- int-1 it /"il nlliccr ami lie vole Ii ?w?i iIiii lii- -ervces are nppreiaU'l. lion l fvrgut that next Thurstl iV is llie nt day for paying taxes. Al'tey ilia' lime lie penally it'laches. Those who have not >ai'l hy next 1'niir?<l ? n/hi wiii have to | ay '? (.or rent ex n. Tlies j me liar<l limes nil that it iu.iv. Il ymi have the m.iicy ami <l?n i pay. ii * ill be your f mil. It y?u -,lon i lute the noney it will lie your mi-fm tiiit > a , ny :ase -ion i blame the Treasurer. lie il,J lot m ike ilie law but In- iluiy requires him o etif .rce it. M,,. Grand Jury for 1C95] J. F. I?ey ' 10 C. A. Spencer 2 Eb Jetl'eries 11 A. O. Ta'e .3 W. S. Wotford 12 A brum Wi* 1 \\. T. Moseley j 13 IV. 1 McKi<sick 5 T. J. Hughes 14 J. L. Bet?tll 0 J. T. llose lo J. O- lluuies 7 J. 11. Toole 10 T. 11 Ktllj > 8 T. J. Hnrris 17 .1. .1. Spears V 1). F. Uuckeby I 18 W. L. Askew Petit Jurors, March Term. 7 FIRST WEEK V 1 J. S Welch jit l>. I". Hul l win 1 2 W. T. Nelsou | 20 Joan O 'Snields^ ? \Y V. Mttuuey > I Samuel Lawson 22 A. A GsiOt j 6 II. M. Cohen 2 5 \V E Osmeiit 0 Tliot F Htnuett , 24 W. L. I.'lt rjohu 1 7 W. E AIiohu 25 J- E. Sco^t ,* 8 J. F. Parker 23 .<ot. J. Vuughun 8. L' Duckett 27 ?! C. El wards 10 Sol. Gregory. Jr. ' 28 8. L. Stroup II M. M. Sumner. 20 !' L. Kobbs 12 llemy Adviis 30 It. F. litiggs I lo James Howard :;i J. II l.nwson 14 A. II. Foster ; 32 J It. McCu 1 .ck I 16 J. M. Gau It 33 J- H. L?o 10 II. F. Hobo 34 J- J- George 5 17 W. II. Hawkins ' 35 C. C. Lancaster at 18 S. 8. Parker 30 I- L. H^bo si u< SECOND WEEK j'.' 1 H. A. Whillock a 10 Cap McKisick 2 J. M, Henuett I 2<> Juuius Sparks . 3 James Chihlers 21 J. F. Hcisiil 4 L>. 11. Free 22 J. S. Gong f 5 H. L. Coleman 23 N. 8. Lee > e 0 J. V. Sartor 24 u. J. Gnluian 7 C. It. Long 25 T. A. Muriah 8 J. T. Fowler 20 J. \V. Hates 0 T. Tetly 27 11 J. Foster 10 John L. Johns n 28 K. L>. Ha ley i II James Porter \,c) 20 J. N. Crawtoid 12 J. D. Hughes 30 H. F. toy e 13 G. E. 1'ruitt 31 G S. Black 14 Z. T. W il'ard ' 32 L. T. Hogau 1 15 G. W. MoKowu ' 33 E. Hctrdcn j < 10 I'. l?. Phillips 34 J. V Kodgcr 17 W. C. G lui'>re 35 Hctry i'uoRcr ^cj -N 18 John Prhimore 30 E. H. llutl l!l 01 Mr. It. A. Detsill, a popular young salt's- lc US man of our tjvvu, and son of the genial Mnj. It. J 15e?sill of Vr >ss Keys performed h rather tit wonderful feat list Suturdiy by killing a a' robiu with a snow ball. ! *J * * ' III Are we Degenerating? or A nation's degeneracy is never better cvi- 11 1 deuced than ly what its women do. hi The visit of such a wouian as tMisan It Aluhony, advoo itiug wotniu'a rights, in par- ai? ietpatitig in public alfiir- of the govertueii', ea so far as the South is cottcernoi. we ore ?i Const)ained to view it as an invasion up n ot the modesty, chastity and true lovliness of sA s iiitheru wunieu. wlm have over s'ood al<W K froui such commingling. and eschew ihc so false doctriue advoc itcd by such women ut ' the North as Susan 15 Anthony. Vie Wood s hill, Tcnniee t'iabon and other.-:. Men wtio countenance and uphold woman M in thus unsextng herself are aeimrrd t>y uo pure and manly motive, but on the c n1 ttary by moral turpi'ude. t A true woman in her proper heaven born sphere, lias ever thrown around her people I ilie tafeguird of a high moral siatuhiru, the , true incentive of christitiu inanhool. We have ever hold it highly praiseworthy ? and cotiimendit lc in any woman who-c u> i- "c f essiues force her, loengige in a bu-iuess 0li ciliiug for the sole purpose of unking a support, honest aud legitimate, otherwise many would sutler, but this of itself does i ot n c- " ? essita c the doing of un worn inly. ltui we 'ligrc-s, yet sucti a digression is ( at one time in tli*. history of Aweric a I things p. iu'cd to her being the gr a e-i ot ill nations, the paragon ofgovcrmci ts, wli-m her pe pie pointed t > thei on-titu ioiiis the j 'itiwaia ol .imoncm uneriy, ner c iisiipi- \p tion, hc-r idol, like the far seeing everw?.t;h- ! m ' I'ul eye > f li r ruler* I el. ken id by the bird , emblem, under wiiu-e outst-rea I wings a u*i 1 ice ing "f security provide 1 her |>e pie. ?nd fUi I lie pro e ting flis oft he Ainerie ill li ig gave aS firtlier evidence of her strength an I povvir su to ujdudd. Iht'it ill it gilaxy cd her'S, * a'OS- p, men an 1 giant intellects, ' lay, t'aili un. Wcbs'er, looked to the o-tabl anient of a i grand and glorious nation. That day is past, like a iunie.| do-i n leaf in her history, it is <11 I ,:-t Farewell a !-.;.g farewell to all her Co 1 greatness." The grt-c I of gain in addition no ! to what we -a 1 in the outset is bat another / an I wopie kig:: of a great upheaval the ex. bu t-ni of which the min i is un ib'c to bu cilculnte. 1'elitics i? ( c tvupt, the pcop C c live t i fas', principle is laid aside and t ic as almighty do 1 tr is the wor-liipped id d. "t Money is m re picciuusti the souls of C. j her pe??nV ti?i,'n honor or honesty, in fact eo we have'hecouie >j?*??i' u, J of "verytiling that over made a nation gi'"a'. < iuui y \.li:ch the apostle said covered a multitude o! sins, ? is a'mosi unknown. Instead t saying as d d 5 Cain Am I my bio'ht-r s keeper we u >w say ! am ii"t my bro'lter's keeper." One so unfortunate as to tall in th? financial L' world all are tea ly to give hint a kick, none ready to help i! y moneyless man. We are not a prophet, hut ted that ti . meat and will be a change in lie ne w such as the American people ncvei kne.v before. W ' The Kiiglish yoke our for. t'uhers Med to \| * throw oil the go d yoke whi h f'.ngl i .1 is C now putting u on ;* tlnvugh our l'.esileut t will t e sjuiilary throw otl'. 1 | i:,. in m?>ni-: limit: u The Kxecuiive Committee of the Forty Ci t has e.attc I for a me ding of the citizen* !* ?j every county in tie State to meet at their respective county *eds on the Cr?t Monday in Mareh next. It is hoped that the citizens ' of Union County will tura out ea masse an I take part in this move looking to the iirer- ^ est of our Suite an t peop'e. Come, pain or shine, as the oausa is well tli worthy of you* ?it;;ts end alient on. Wc se want more l'ght. at liiiniti.r 15. Fowi.Kit. bt io se of I.otters. St! Ileiii.iiiiii.g in ii.e I'. !'. Union, for p' the week ending Fe'i t, 1. 1 ? i., Mr. .1 11 Sin i h. M r. I'n ;nni sm.ih, W . |,. i Itobo. Mr. I M II ilc lib. Mr J ('. I,eo. I \j rs i.i net >1111 ii. I'ornins c.illiii^ for the irmve letter- will (ilense "iiy if n<lverti>ei|. mil will lie re jiiirt I to ptiy one cent for their ileliverv. I* I " u. w. ii \i:i:is, i?. m. p' G.\ltl>KN SI'.KI. ij \ I'' sn;|i I'.l-iSI'.lili .III llu- 111 iik ; I'll 'i pc: > I in ,,| the wr.-r 'I. SIX |ei ?,i tn' 1'IVii Ci1 its, J t W:?1 ll-Vi'l X t ill I' ii? I 11 t' I IV' I, Iind 1. \ \ l> I! I'i 1 II s H t; / Iy p ickn Sol J only by Tfl K I'NION I?UIM CO. 1^< >1* S .VJ JO. \ *" * "II * \J H'"' ' ?? I < ' ? t ' ' ' J - - A tlie * 'oil' i li if ? ! r h i S iIim i iv iii \| i c i '' 1 *>' I iV I>ii I'n' ii t, 1 > > i>i> I lot. 1 lliri'i' ?? ei. ii-ir I! ce'? in 1 ' Trrnii i ?alo -Dim tliir I < i-l?. 1 hi?i o | ii ere ii <>' on u i i \? > \ w nl ?*ii i i ? riii i i - i i on ihe i" eniio"* i sc . . ii li iii, ii ?iin' lito propvrly, uu I ,t i mi Dm |>vii<V I'lll'l l?. I lu I'll; to. I II S Mrs, ivil I'ltnlii). \ .I H Jini < " i n i_ MASTERS SALES. F0> MAUCII, 1895. State of S?uth Carolina. COUNTY of UNION. Court of Common l'lcas. tyiwli aud American .Mortgage Co. L'l'd us. A. Prank Smith, et nl. N obedience to an order made in the a . novo .-t iled case by ilis Honor, Judgi B. Pr>zcr, l'7lh November, lo'.'l, 1 wil It bvloic House u u>', in Hie io>m " uoiidty, Kb Marc a legnt hours ot sate, the tol certain tract or parceL of lam ' ng, toeing and situate iu the county am ate nl'orcst.d, containing tlirce liuudret ai's, nou tided on tue Noita and West t>y nine 8a>itn s laud uud lauds C. C. Davi i tue Cast by Brotul river, on the South b, ,nd> ot J it. Jetfcvie-i and 0. B. Wright, litis parcel of laud may oe so:d in oue o tot e ti acta. 1 KB MS UP SALE: One thud cash, balance on a credit of on nl two years, with iutcrcst l'rom day c ne. the credit portion to be secured b, jtii of tue purchaser and mortgage of th remises. The purchaser to have the privi ge of paying all cash. C. 11. PEAKE, MiS?cr for Union County, .Master's Office, Feb. 'Jilt. ltJ'Jii. "he State of fcioutli Carolina COL.N l"V OP UNION. Court of Common Picas W. 11. Sartor St. A'fiea 0. Sprause. N obedience to au order made iu the alnv . slated ca-e by His tlvnor, Judge J. J oi ton, liih Murch, Ist'-J. 1 wilt scit be for ict-ouit House door, iu Hie towu of Uuioc iSaltsday, Tin .March, lSJd, durihg tin gal hours o. sa.c c.-rtatu lauds describe) i follows, to \vi?: All my r v.111. ittle aud interest ^ tUo saoi dug ail uii .iv.dcd one fourth mteiest 11 ul to aii ill t- certain tract of laud, lyiuj an I s tunic in li-didaiu To\vushi|> u.on Counts, State utoresail, coutnum* rm aui eighty-live acu's niori ' lcs>, bouti ad by the lauus ot Mi's'. 1'. C ickcr, jtimes >aucc, and others. -aid true sown in tlie Hamilton 1'iucc. Also ail my light, title and iulercst ( tin uic being in uuuivided one i'ourtli luter t ) iu aud io all iltai cerlatu other true 1 lauu iy?ng, be ng and -iiiiate iu the tovu Juii.-vi ie. Coiiuiy ul I iiioii, S ate atore id, bounded iy Ian is ol llaiulet Smith M. I.ill i'.ioIiii. J. K. L'li'i-fv, aud oilier utaiuiug iiv i aud one bad acres' uiot'v less Terms el ?a e?CASH. C. 11. l'FAKIv, Master lor I nion, aster's Uflice, Feb. '.'Hi 1 SHERIFF'S SALES. Full MAKCII lbVo. Jv vintie of an execution to me di reeled, I will soli before the Couri iuso door, in the town of Union, L'uior uuiy, ?. C. ou Hie lirst Monday iu Marc I Xi, durmg the legtl hours of Slieiitf'i cs tue following desor.bcd progeny lo-wil Five bales ot cotton belonging t< . i>. Meador Levied ou and to be soid a: e progeny of M. B Meador at the suit u u .tic Diinel us Uuatdian, I'liomas. Carrit a W.nie >lc Dauiel. I'liuutitt agaiust A1 Meiuor, as Guardian of llnuius, curia 1 i> iiliti .Mo Darnel, Defendant. .j t.sO will sell on 1'uosd iy Hie fifth day o arch next, duiiugthe legal hours ufauer s tie. u ihe i\s. leuc at' Fmuk ll. Davn r\/. liu 1" . wu-in^. i 1 L'nioil ^ooii(.?, u'nur it us.ic i ui corn and one sum.I ivl > I Tier riit I t >p?. be vied u.i and io bo sole (lie property of trunk l'i. Uuvis at tin u ul' >i. i. I. uio-iir, Guai-iiun ml liliii aiiiiill i.^'iun I ratiii L Davi-, Defendant Ai.-u 1 \ni!1 sell at the residence of Use di eim. in ii ??lien ilil Township, I nioi unity, on i ue lay, the fi tli day of Maicl xt, during the legal hours of Sheriff : es, ton. bales of Cition, about titty ishels of tn'ii. ai.d abmt four huildrei Indies of luddi r. Levied on and -ei/e l by virtue of warran the crop of (be ili tilecii, at the su J J) llieii" d-. as Administrator of Join Kieii n l?. dec'a-'.d l'hjjn.ill'against Us I a Uleu 11, Defendant. J. (J. LONG, S. I, C. terilFs Ollico, Feb. 11th, lS'.i&. State <?r South Carolina. (I)I'NTV OF UNION, Court of Coiiiunm l'leas. Summons for Relief-""' '"upluiut served. !'. D Mar-h, 1. S. Smith. J. Lingsbury . T. Asht >rd, l.. V,'. Mu;*.!:, Jr , and M . 15. Ni.i'sh, .Survivors of the firm of Moore ursli. ,V Co.?I'luintill's Against J. II. MeKissick. as Administrator of tii date of Mary M. T.bleson, Rebecca Os e;;t( AUdie Littlejohn, M. 1*. llami'.toD . (5. To'les i?, A.i*l;r;vc 'ollcson, Jitti ul man, Claude Tolleson, liarnett Tolleson iss Steele Tol'eson, Ada Daves, Clydi eng, Her nice Meng, lid ward Meug, an* W. Tulles m?Defendant. To the Defendants,roU A KB IfKUEBY SUMMONUJ) an. I. re.|iiired to answer the complaint ii is nuiion, of which a copy is hercwitl 1 - i ..... ... I V IT1 I II | mil J HU , illl't IU JVI It f? Vl'17 Ul J (III . h\vcr 10 (lie said complaint on tlie subscri ;r t?' h's oilier, No. '?, Law Knngc, at Un n, S. wuliit: ttvjn'y dnvs after tin rvicc here if, exclusive ol ilic "lay of sue) i*v i o an i if you fail to answer the com nint withia i lnr lime aforesaid, I lie plain l! in iliis acii a will apply to iliot'iurt fo ie uli ' ilciii a leil in llie complaint. LlilrdJan. I"jih. A- 1'- 1 . J. r WallaCv, riaiuiill's Atturaey. To llsc Dclcn hints, ('iamle Tollis n. Ad i Daves jlicccn <>snicni, and Ivla (ialliiinn: lake Notice; That the com nint in this a ion was tile 1 in the office o ie I'Ink of tac Court, at Union, in lie mimy of Unioa, hi the Slate of South Car i i i. oi. .lie 'h <f Januiry. Is'.t.j. Jan y. 1-, lv'i |, J. ('. Wallace, l'laiiitill s Attorney. l oli. I ">. T oi. Applitjtation for Homestead. flw' hereby given that Mm. I,on !. wi ioiv oi I'./aeit I' Service c?wc 1. ii ! ? li el her pe if -in before ina\ i* i h one tea I ii->- j<ne I i id -t .ill' i', ii .if nerself, from itie real and per n il i r..|,crj v i he v i,' it iii li i co. to- ill l a. 11. I'M iinU .M.iStei lor L i 'ii i utility Kb. 1, fi-lt. / / ADM IX 1ST U VTO I'S NOTICE. All poison- having I'T.iiui j* tin< the es- i j late of Jrlm ' Hie i v . .4. \vi i pre- I j seut them properl. ait t - eiiub:. J c?.! to same >%i! 1 m. , > t 11 rler| sigucd at May hint n Son ?> > > : 1, < r 10 Muitto & Muuro, at Cutou. S urn Caro ilia. .1. 11. lUfll \l!li>. Administrator. j Jan. 21, 18Vr>. Jan. 2>-4-:<t. L. A D.-s Mi iocs \v n .a li h is been 1 it1- j ^ led wiilr fivqueiit c d !- eo .e n 1 1 t i try 1111 . old remedy in a new w y, an 1 accordingly 1 took n tubh spoonful ( ! ?.? i.nes 1 li usual dose) of Cliumbei'laut Cough Heme ly just before going to bed l'tie 110x1 1 1 " niog she Lj tound that lier odd Innl 1 nu-t <n irely ?11 ->j appeared. During !? * day di> t.> k >1 few 1 j doses of I lie remedy ( 1.1 o e.-poonfil at a time) and at right again to >k 1 tahltspoon3 ful before g'iog to l.c . and n tlie tollow v ing awoke Dee fioai all tn 1 in" "i 'the the colli. Since lit n s-.e ha . 1: - ve al oe,. casiotis n-ed tlii- lentody 1 1 in iiuer, with the 1- nne goo 1 result4, and i- n.ttdiclited over her discowiy f > > q i<-. . way f curing a cold, for sale by D. I'. I'osoy, e Drugiiist. d e FOR SALE. iTlie undersigned will oil r 1 r sa'e before the Court House door on Silo-' lay in M irelt 1895, the bouse an 1 1 r 01: Main St 1 1 in the town ot I'nion know;! a > ,U mm in tn property. T? rins 1 fsalo one ha t e h In anoe on a * credit of one year witii m 1 14 j or n ut per an ninn, | m h ser 1 g v r ^a e < 1 the property to >c -r t eu pa t p r.ioa, iusuie ttie preaiis s a id a *n policy. J V.\ lU.l ter ) l'.xieu'ors Mo A I'lto.a ) t >r W. T .Inter F. C Jeter. W til. A N e't ; :. e . ? e CHICOrtl FHKTI t.lZlill OMPAM. is IJ A VIN j j trciias in* j.1 n it the I l A A. Atlantic I'm'-p a;?<"?? n; 11', .1 gedieririth the etriro stock 1 and good-will, e we take thi> tneth ! 1' . i t . t iudi and patrons of til .- t'.in .1 . r t'otnpa1 ny for their e u'; i 11 ! . iigeill the 1 1st. and 11 w - If t t anv .? < of the l Atlantic I'ii"' . ? 1- 'he j Chicoi't brands. 1 1 , 1.. in the management < f ' n" 1 n an ti t earned by Atl-tn ic Hi . . w b mi'.y sustained. L' CI 1 ICO 11A 11. :1 id Li/1. . t ami \ N Y Chat lest m. S, C. 1 (.; 11' >. A. WA ;i 11..!, i . ,i \i hi i^.-r. J 1 Dec. 1 j ' 1 FINAL DISLiiAIi.G-3. J Non<:. >, _ \ II. Greer, as imi < : *i. i' ..'s. it.l.wie Greer, decease lui- 1 i i > .'a* -a M. Grc?r, Judge oi l i i:u. it i ? the County o!'LHi n, l'i* .i i. ii ? . i *. as such Ailmuii-ivftt^r . It i- >>r.i>i i t i>, i; . i \ ( of February, A. i>.. I" i . hear 1 inj; of lVtitioii m l ' .ico il 1 said Estate. J ,iAm.O. >t. i. .1.1.!:. : JII I'l l ilio. ' .Jon. 'JO. I Ot. ; : Advice 1 mtwq: To iL^O V i ^y Russell Sago The great financier, plves the follow , j ^ ^?1 *dv!ce to boy s, which Parents might also read v.,;th pro*u l I 0 Boys, gc tc school ?? l'ntr A3 yotj | <an, and remember every hour spent lf? atudy In youryouth will he w*rth rr.oneV i> fo you In aftar life. Pead good bookif roakeyoiTTself acquainted with history) ftudy the progress of narlons and the Careers of men who have Cude ftottors great. <l Study religion, science, statecraft inJ history. Learn to read 1 (fltrtBgwitiy, so that you can turn to practical use In after lite the reading (ft vour youth. Bo ^ ire you begin I JWw. DO not waste tima in reading trashy book*."' >i v Mr. Sage further r :\y-jj " The boy who is wanted in the f business world of todav must bo i iducated. Ifhlsparents afford to glvehiro n college o. a high school Aduucation he must learn to study Without the aid of a teacher, in the early mornings before busins. < begins, anJ the evenings after busijwss hours. A car. uo iou},?f be truth boby sard til ?a education Is out cf any c.ic's Radii" This Is the advice of a man who I? no of the roost conspicuous business Successes of our time, and who has Amassed one of the largest fortunes in America. It cannot possibly be Charged that lie In the rav of TMD )LUMBIA ST<1E, an 1 yet ihea* v?ordv ^ivi>. jj th ? nvict'on of e> life of anucual o'oser. atior. ami Experience?<h i?cs a* .< tron* jy 3.; word* cart tliat you have 1 .-? the c.ffef ot The State an 1 ;ru; I,1 greatest of popu a: c.' .< is, Tii? I Uncvci^pftcla Snta TKo idifton offered '<y T'.o ; State tills every rena. Mr. Ship's rc^r* fo s..<"5vn Tt 'slftl drtty edW'-n th"* t* * 'r Wito W ' I am 1 ?>r. Mills' Nitw rii.<?trr*2 p. at aildruggists* J C 0 S~ T , COST. % All Winter goods at and Below cost, for cash IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR SPRING STOCK, VND AT THE SAME TIME RAISE MfiMTV lYIV/ 11 L I . ? THESE GOODS CONSIST OF ? ;DRESS GOODSE f FLANNELS, CANTON FLANNELS. JEANS, CASSIMERES BLANKETS. HEAVY SHOES AND BOOTS. AND A GREAT MANV OTIlElt GOODS. JtL 3all at once and save^. money. GRAHAM & SPARKS* If WILL"; PAY VOTT MTOY? DROP IN AT 4 T. EL BAILEY'S Between now and the the 14th of February.