The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, December 16, 1922, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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Wednesday and Satur \ day by Ost<ifrn Publishing Com pan j, j Sumter. S. C. V Terms: &2.00 jper annum-?in advance. I Advertisements: One Squjtre, first insertion ..$1.00 Every subsequent insertion .. .50 Contracts for three months or longer wfil be made, at reduced rates. All "ewjtmanieatfoas wlucb sub serve private interests will ye charged for as advertisements. Obituaries and tributes of re spect will be charged for. The Sumter Watchman was founded in'.1850 and the True Southron in 1866. The Watchman and 1 Southron now -has .the com bined circulation :and influence of both of the old papers, and is man-/ Ifesfly^the best advertising medium in Sumter. ' . -state highway bonds Snmrer county has issued bonds j in the sum of. $3,500.000 for the ! construction of a county system] of paved highway, in which all of! the principal public roads of the county are included, the paved highways radiating from the coun ty seat to the county line. Every rcad in this county that forms a Piiri of the State highway system, outlined by the State Highway De partment, is included in the read paving program of the Sumter Permanent Highway Commission, and these roads will be paid for with the proceeds of the county good reads bond issue of S2.500.-j Thus we see the State highway^ system, insofar as Sumter county is concerned, has been provided .for and" "the cost of construction will. be paid by 'Sumter county tax payers. Now, if the plan to au thorize a state bond issue of ?50, OOO.OOO', to provide the funds to] construct a statewide system of! raved highway, is put, into effect j Lhtire should be incorporated in the' enabling, act a provision whereby! Sumter county may be reimbursed,] from the proceeds ot-^the State good "roads bond issue, for ail the moneys spent by the Sumter Coun ty Permanent Highway Commission tor uie construction of paved high ways^ TlraT" are now, or may . be hereafter, incorporated in*~the State Highway System. If this is not done. Sumter 'county .and' other counties similarly circumstanced in ' ? x; et to highway building, will he-douWe* taxed for good roads. wMch^axry reasonable man will concede^-would be unjust. j SumteT-^and Richland counties! are leading" the State in the con struction of permanent hard sur face highways, and these great public works are being paid by the property--trwners of these counties, v.ho have voluntarily assumed the1 burden jof^^rge issues of highway j bonds. * There would be no justice in "taxing these counties to buHd a State highway system in other counties-which have refused or neglected to build good roads that form links in the State highway system,' Practically all Jhe consti twx^^ets of the proposed State high*>v^*srstem, lying' within the botlnd^JT Sumter county, will have l>ee,ni^gij^feted before this plan to iscue* State bonds for road build ing can be put into effect, conse quently S>uintcr county cannot hope to ?ierlve-any direct benefit from the proi?osed good roads bond issue, unless the'act authorizing the bonds contains a provision to reimburse Sumter^ county for. the cost of con strue ion oi the sections of the Stafc highway within this county. Sumter county is just about as progceftaii-e .and public spirited as anyi otjiier ^county in th$ State, and our? people are willing to do as incN&?as the people of any other JUST-* ?'?'?? ? j - .. r i.jty for the welfare and up building *qf -the State as a whole. buFrrre speak advisedly when we eay^CJ&rt Sumter county will never agrefe ?o ;a State good roads bond issd^t^the 'proceeds of which shall be used-to build paved highways in ceun?Je"$ ..that have refused to tax tn*eTn^etves for this purpose, while" this "county receives no part of theT proceeds of the bonds. ;tme cotton problem E^ght or ten or twelve years ago the**Tarrners and business men of th)s section were crying aloud in financial,anguish that the country was V ing'iutterly and irretrievably ruineduisy7 the over production of cottoa^^eetings were held here. ther?^iOT everywhere to. formulate P**#fe#^_ devise schemes to cur tail^Jt^C? production and thereby advaassU&S price to a point where the^^gHtP^vf^ce would show a mar gin^bovfexo^ t. The boll weevil has . *> ' recently taken the place of over production as the devil ihat men aces farmers and dependent business of the all cotton sections with fi nancial run. The boll weevil is ad mittedly a serious problem and a sinister menace to the prosperity of the South, but it is" only one problem. The great problem is the regulation of the production of cotton so that the supply shall not exceed the demand, and thereby guarantee a price that will insure a fair and legitimate profit on the actual cost of production, this costv be?ing figured to include fair inter est on investment, legitimate over head and a fair wage for all labor engaged in the production of the cotton erop. When this problem is "correctly solved the South will ch.ioy real prosperity, one year after -another, not by fits and starts. The. beginning of the solution of the problem is in the development of a rational system of'diversified farming in which cot ton growing shall have an import ant place??s a surplus crop, al ways saleable for 'cash; Almost every farm in South. Carolina, if not every farm without exception, could be made to yield a living for an average family of ordinary in-1 telligence and industry, without any cotton being planted. That is ja' proposition susceptible of dem onstration and it has been demon Istrated in numerous instances in almost every county of the State. I The destructive advent of the boll weevil has merely magnified and dramatized the reasonkblenss and necessity of ? well balanced system of diversified farming. Under boll weevil conditions it is not only unwiie, "but silly?really suicidal?to continue the practice, to which a majority of farmers were slavi<*Iy addicted, of planting twelve, fifteen or twenty acres? land in extreme cases even more than twenty acres?of cotton to the; plow. The one-horse farm cannot support the labor obsol?tely neces sary to properly care for twelve to ! twenty acres of cotton * in boll weevil infested territory. Nor can the ten, twenty or" fifty plow plan tation maintain the force of labor ers essential to properly care for twenty acrps of cotton to the plow;. The boll weevil has rendered the all cotton farming program absurd and impossible. Cotton growing | under boll weevil conditions neces sitates limited acreage. . intensive j cultivation and intelligent and painstaking care- This forced cur tailment ?f cotton acreage leaves the larger part of the farm free to &S utilized for' the production of other crops that can. should and must be made to provide a living, or more than a living for those em ployed. .'This much obtained from-i the major part of the farm .would j /leave the cotton produced op the reduced cotton acreage as a sur plus or profit. This is ail theory jsome will say in derision. Of ; course, it is a theory, but is based' [Upon the fundamental facts of [economics and practice. It is ? .theory that not a few farmers have put into practice and attained inde pendence and prosperity in the do .ing. It is a theory, that, when generally put. into practice, will I solve both the problems that have : harassed the cotton farmcrs and kept them the * bond slaves of the cotton speculators and the boll : weevils?the' problems of over production and boll weevil. Both! ?re^ primarily problems of exces-j Sive cotton acreage and neglect of j a rational system of diversified j farming that would make each farm i self sustaining and independent of the machinations of cotton price j manipulators and the . ravages of j boll weevils. TWO BLOC REFORMS I Two proposals, at least, of those j made by the new "progressive bloc" j in Congress, might well receive the approval of ail parties and all classes of citizens. They are the abolition of the electoral college and the seating of a new Congress promptly after its election. The electoral college, which may! have worked well enough in thej early days, is seen now as a crude device, for electing a president, virtually obsolete in practice and yet capable of abuse. No be dy pays any attention to the "college" any more. As soon as the votes of the various states are known, the pub lic knows who is to be the next oc jcupant of the White House. Yet I that small body of men. themselves (picked by obscure party procedure ja-nd their very names ignored in the voting, have the legal right. ! when they assemble, to elect any j Person they want to for president. And there 13 always the possibility of an awkward aoadlock such as occurred half a century ago in the Hayes-Tilden contest. It is widely believed nowadays that both president and congress ought to take office much sooner after election?say about the first of the following year. ln any event, it is plainly absurd that, with present means of transporta tion and pressure of public business. a new Congress should not assume office regularly until 13 months af ter election, and even when called Into special session at the earliest possible moment, net until four months afterward. Popular and responsive government calls \ for quicker action.. LAW BREAKERS Dr. Barker in his lecture to men Monday night made one point that the patrons?both regular and oc casional?of bootleggers should soberly consider. He brought to the attention of his audience most forcibly the fact that the purchase of liquor was an illegel act and a direct and willful violation of the Constitution of the ?nited States. He emphasized this assertion and drove home the unescapable con clusion that the one who wilfully disobe3'8 and violates the law is a traitor to his government and his country. Disrespect for law is out standing menace to our government and our civilization, he asserted, and the men who support the boot leggers and make their illegal traf fic possible and profitable, are a: greater menace to the safety of society than the criminal element that actively engage in the" making and sale of booze. That was pretty straight talk. What do the buy ers of blockade bottled in bond and Big Bay booze think about it? A CHANCE FOR CONGRESS The progress made by the spe cial session of Congress is not very promising for any great, amounut of work to be accomplish ed by this final regular session. The very fact that the end of the term Is so near makes constructive leg islation a more, ferlorh hope. But. the situation offers the law-mak-; ers a great opportunity. The men whose terms expire and those who are to go on as members of the next Congress would serve" their country notably and them selves individually and promote the popularity of Congress as an- in stitution if, in the next four months, they would handle the problems before them in ? spirit commensurate with their import ance and conduct themselves like men whose honest aim is to earn by work accomplished the salaries tl.ey accept. Toothing could go further to quiet industrial-and social unrest and to further prosperity in this country than definite evidence of industry, Stability and high purpose' instead Pf political maneuvering and petty controversy in congressional, halls. A CHEERFCL SLOWNESS As business improves and times pick up, a little here, a little there, the finance experts keep sending out warnings. They seem afraid that people are going to be dis appointed with the tardiness of the upward movement. To sensible people', however, the present march of business bears with it no savor of discouragement. Its ,very slowness carries cheer. It seems so sure, so solid. It digs in as it goes. What nobody wants is a wild boom, with inflated prices, unset tled conditions and the nagging uncertainty as to how soon the bubble will burst. The best news of all is that business is picking up with conservatism and sanity. THE STOCK MVIDEXDS There is no blinking the wide spread indignation aroused by the bumper crop of stock dividends dis ; tributed lately by corporations. The public has not been much disposed to criticise the Supreme Court for declaring such dividends not subject to the income tax; the court is presumed to have had sufficient legal reasons for that de cision. But morally, if not legally, the smaller tax-payers on whom an increasing burden falls seem to consider the immunity of these ac cumulations as indefensible and a grievous wrong against them. Here are surplus profits, they argue, which normally would have been distributed as cash dividends, but which were withheld In order to evade the excess profits tax. as long as that tax was in force, and withheld further until they were pionounced frca from the income tax. They are now distributed without paying the government arv tax whatever., when the in comes of less prosperous corpora tions and citizens are taxed with grim certainty. A large part of these profits, the critics insist, properly belongs to the government. Instead of going to the government, it becomes new fixed capital, which in turn will be held to justify normal earnings and become a sort of fixed charge against the consuming public, with out doing: the government any good. No adequate answer seems to haye been given to this criticism. It may be that nothinz can be done about that. It is being urg c>i, however, that the existing law provides for a tax of 25 per cent; on the net income of corporations! which accumulate profits "beyond the reasonable needs of business," and that this law may apply to the accumulations in question. Here is at least a possibility worth' ex-' ploring. FREEDOM 0F THE STRAITS Sor?ebody is going to command the Turkish Straits. That is tool important and troublesome a] thoroughfare to be left long with--] out a master. . If the conference of powers at Lausanne does not es tablish an official control of the ^reat sea thoroughfare, somebody . will promptly come along, and grab it. The Straits can be dominated either by land or by sea. The for mer type of control has, been ex ercised by Turkey in the past, and proved to be ? huge misfortune to , the Allies and the world in gen eral, in the last war. Turkey would like to have the same con trol again, and Russia, which could boss Turkey, wants Turkey to have iL Then either Turkey'or Russia could stop outside traffic through^ the Dardanelles and the Bosporus;, whenever they chose. The Allies, particularly Great Britain, want the land defensesi abolished, as they were supposed to^ be in the recent Turkish treaty, and| a naval control established, like' that now exercised by the Allies, j That, of course, would favor Great j Britain, because she has the big gest navy. Such control, however,] v-ould be exercised nominally, at. least, through the League of Na tions or some other international, body. * ' Such a solution, is. naturally pre-1 ferred by the United States govern ment to the Turkish-Russian one, as more conducive to American in- - terests and. the peace of Europe. A RUSSIAN GRAIN PUZZLE The Soviet government of Russia] is seeking the continuance ofj American famine relief and at thej same time preparing to export its.j own grain to other countries, ttj is a situation at once amusing and perplexing. CoJ. Haskelh in charge of the relief administration?? in Russia, is coming to,/talk the matter over 'with' Secretary Hoover.! The Russian harvest., this fall. was very good in some areas. Inj others it was very poor. It. might; be expected that Russia would equalize matters herself by ship-! ping grain from the sources ot j Abundance to districts where there is need, but the government'has an-j Other idea. It points out thatj Russia needs many imports such; as stock, farm fools, raw materials! and factory supplies in order to rehabilitate her broken industries. The only thing she has with which' to pay is grain. If the United! States will kindly continue to send ! food supplies to the hungry peas-} ants, then the Russians can ex change the fruits of their own har vest for the needed imports. It is noted that most of the stuff probably would be procured in Germany. Without the imports, the further collapse of Russia is said to be near. The proposal is at.once plausible and insolent. As a scheme for getting American help for Russian and German rehabilitation, it is craftily simple. Whether, consider ing the expressed American disap proval of Soviet policies, aid from this nation will continue to be forthcoming, is a question. OTC&EN TALK Prof. Garner, of monkey language fame, was a mere beginner com pared with the Rev. Dr. Fairbahk B. Stockdale. of Bayside, L. I. Dr Stockdale has never pursued lin guistic researches in the African jungle, but he says it isn't neces sary. Anybody can study animal and bird talk right at home. All he needs for a start is a henhouse; and if he has access to a farm- j yard, he's rich in opportunities. Chickens are Dr. Stockdale's! specialty?not flappers, of course, but just plain chickens of all ages! and both sexes. From his flock he! ha:; learned to distinguish and interpret 21 different words, mere j noises to others but a3 meaning ful to him as human language. He can teach anyone with a good ear to converse familiarly with his chickens. All creatures have systems of communication, he says, and it is possible for a human being to form an acquaintance and establish com munication with almost any living thing. He has taught chickens to come when he whistled and spid ers to crawl to his shoulder for flies, and ho knows a trout that coma's to the surface when a cer tain human friend appears, recog nizing the particular vibrations of his feet. Nothing really new in this idea. Solomon, wisest of men. has long credited with ability to talk to all rnanenr of creatures. But that was mere "myth" and "tradition". Thisj is "science". ?? - ? ? HIDDEN ARMS IN GERMANY. Guns and small arms may be hidden around Germany, as Mr.' Clemenccau says. Possibly if: a thorough search were made, an impressive total of cannon, ma shine guns, rifles, shells etc., would be--found. It does not follow, though that France or any other country need get so excited about ll as to fear an immediate invasion from Germany. . Every calm observer of condi :ibns in Germany pronounces that country utterly incapable of either offensive or defensive warfare. It s realized clearly enough in Paris that if the French array advances into the Ruhr in January, there will be no opposition. Germany canont help herself. The arms referred to are wide ly scattered and absurdly insuffi cient to equip an army. Many if j not most of the caches are private, collections- .. What furtive manu facture there is now cannot amount j to much, with allied inspectors al ways .on duty to see that the dis- j arpiament terms of the peace treaty are obeyed. " In fact, disarmament is the one] wax 'penalty that Germany has| very nearly paid in full. If she! had done as well with reparations, j there would be little criticism. That New York wife, husband and stepson who have been sent E^ach, to a different prison might be considered among out best ceil MJS-- ? o .v > ,-- ?> t.? n ?: ? ? ? . (Furnished by Hedgpeth & Co., 16 -lv2 .S. Math St.) Morning Cotton Summary. New York, Dec. 14.?Liverpool ?ue 7 to 12 .higher- Opened quiet at 3 to 11 up. " Spot cotton markets yesterday were unchanged to 5.0 higher; sales j 14,1?7< bales, compared with 3. 6 5 9 . on Tuesday. Memphis cotton ? merchants are planning a new $500,000 compress about -five miles; west of the city; Cloth markets distinctly strong er yesterday.' Mills very generally firmer, in asking prices. Sales of print ; cloths estimated at 100,0^0 pieces.. A. Paris cable says that France will enter the Ruhr on January 15th; v An- amicable agreement on the question of cotton rates to Eu rope/ was reached 'yesterday be tween representatives of the North Atlantic and Golf Steamship lines. As a result of the agreement, cot ton rates from North Atlantic ports will.: be raised at once 3 cents per 100 pounds. The" census bureau report on November cotton supply and dis tribution will be published at 10 o'clock this morning. Figures on domestic consumption wiH com pare, with 534,000 in October, 1922 arid ,with 527,000 in- November, 19.2L Liverpool wheat opened firm at 1-2 to 3-4 up. Special - cables say bears cover ing* trade demand better, Man chester more cheerful. Egyptian market very quiet, with little do ing. ""*? ' -v s :???>*? ""r COTTON MARKET NEW YOftK QOTTOft a?. Open High Low Close Close Ian:. ? - 25.43 25.69 23.40 25.57 25.35 Marcii .. _ 25.63 25.95 25.63 25.78 25.57 Kay .. 25.75 26.04 25.75 25.87 2*.57 July - - 25.55 25.74 25.48 25.61 25.26 Oct.. .. - 24.00 24.10 23,88 24.00 23.71 Dec. - 25.42 25.60 25.37 25.51 25.32 Spots 2fr up.v 23:75: : NEW ORLEANS COTTON ? . , Yeetdra Open Jfteh how Close Clow Jar .. - 25.30 25.50 25.29 25.42 25.(6 March .. - 25.35 25.60 25.35 25.47 25.23 May ..- .25.30 25.55 25.29 25.41 25.19 July. 25.15 25.35 25.05 25.20 24.95 Oct. _ 23.71 23-74 23,57, 23.60 23.37 Dec. _ 25.45 25.58 25.45 25:49 25.2b LIVERPOOL COTTON January ._ .... 14.07 March. 13.92 May...,. 13.8a July ..^ ?:._ .. ....... n.?-? October .... ...... ?. 12.93 December . j. . 14.16 Receipts. 6,000: Sales. 3.0??: Middling 14.53: Good Middling. 14.63. ? m m Marriage Licenses. Colored: Albert Murray and Ethel Hunter, of Sumter. Israel Postell. of Siver and lone E. Pack, of Sumter. James Sims and Bessie Joe, of Oswego. Wesley Jones nad Henry Wild er of Tindal. Eddie Hudnal of Elliotts and Lillian Myer of Oswego. Cyrus Gadsdcn and Sarah WiWer of Sumter. Robert Rose and Richard Na thaniel, of Sumter. Charlie Thompson and Carrie McDuffie, of Oswego. R. M. Mahoney and Mahala Wilson, Dalzeli. They are discovering ways to do everything faxt except slo^p fast. CLEMENCE?? ON WILSON Frenchman Tells of His Visit to Former President (By Ferdinand Tuohy, in the New York World). "Well, you want to know exactly what happened?' he said. "Here it is; *l stayed precisely fifteen minutes. So you will agree we hardly decided on a new Europe. The meeting was of the most af fectionate kind possible. We met as old friends, upon whom com mon adversity had descended, but who had done their best." "How did you find Mr. Wilson?" I asked. "But for his remaining seated throughout,' replied Clemenceau, "never once rising, . he was the same Wilson I knew in Paris,' slightly fatter, nothing else." "The same voice?" "Yes." "The same manner?" . "Yes." "The same enthusiasm." "Yes." "The same habit of thought and mind:?" "Precisely." "The same keenness of intel-1 lect?" . ."Absolutely.'' "Where were you received?" | "In the study. We were all alone. Mrs. Wilson remaining in] an ante-room. .We laughed at old memories and it was good to hear that laugh again, and we talked of personages past and present. All the time Mr. Wilson showed him self, to be thoroughly abreast of af fairs but we could not say so very much in fifteen minutes." "But surely you mentioned the fourteen points?" "Yes, I did. and Wilson's face lit up. He is a firm a believer in their ultimate triumph now as he was when he came to Paris. Where was there such noble faith in self?:-*- . ... ;.....'. "And-he was so touched when !? toM him that the chief round Of applause at all my speeches comes when I have occasion to mention his name. You remem ber?it was the same at Boston. Chicago and St. Louis as in New York. . . "Make no mistake, the Ameri cans .still love their Wilson. Why, even this morning, at the War College, you. remember, it. was the same.", , ?,. . . Chamber of Commerce Note? Facts About the Equipment of the Ice Cream Factory - The work necessary ?n the re modelling of the building bought for Sumter's new ice cream factory is proeeeding satisfactorily. A great many changes have to be made like cementing of floors, wid ening of the building; putting in of electric power and light wiring and fixtures, sewer and water connec tions} brick .and; lumber work, etc. / This ice cream factory will have a large and one of the mo3t modern of refrigerating * plants, and about thirty-five thousand dollars worth of machinery, and other equipment wHl be necessary, which together with the cost of the building, which was bought by the new company, and improvements on building will approximate fifty thousand dollars. The fifty thousand dollars is all outside capital, which was brought into Sumter by Mr. L. A: Coming and his associates through the ef forts of the Sumter Chamber of Commerce.- About twenty-five peo ple will be employed in this new plant to begin with and the num bers of employees increased as the business grows. In the mean time quite a number of men are| being given work in the remodel ing of this building and the in stallation of equipment, and much1 building material is being pur chased in Sumter. ? A market will. be afforded for \ many thousands of gallons ofj milk and other commodities neces-i sary in a factory of this kind, the | electric current used will prove, a j good feeder for the Sumter electric power plant, the gas company will benefit, and other Sumter concerns and many farmers will also be benefited thereby. Sumter welcomes Mr. Corning and his associates and will give them hearty work ing cooperation and ctfstom. Mr. .Corning proposes to utilize Sumter labor with one or two exceptions in his plant and to purchase ev erything he can in Sumter as he is doing now where Sumter offers the material for sale. Sumter la bor is being used exclusively in the remodeling of the building and in the installation of all of the ma chinery and other equipment. Christmas Services at Statcburg. On Sunday afternoon. Decem ber 24th. at 3:30 o'clock, tihe choir of the Church- of the Holy Cross assisted by singers of Wedgefield. will render a sacred cantata. "The Herald Angels." in the church at Stateburg, directed by Mrs. M. P. Moore, organist. Rev. W. S. Stoney. rector, will conduct the services. The "public is cordially invited to attend. The condition of the Manning avenue- crossing is such that re pairs should be made as soon as possible. Those who enter or leave the city by way of Manning avenue complain vigorously of the rough going over the railroad tracks. It was the first night of a barn storming troupe in a small wes tern town, billed to play the re mainder of the week. The villain dragged the shinking heroine down the stage to the footlights, and in her ear hissed: "We are alone?" And from the meager audience came a wearied growl: "Not to night._ you ain't: but you will bo tomorrow night."?Prospect. TAKE GARE OF THE ORCHARDS _ i r? ?^??? Time For First Spraying ef Orchards is at Hand | The time has arrived for giving: J the peach orchards their . first spraying with lime sulphur solu- j tion. A second spraying should > be given-them-about the middle of Febrtlfry. Twelve barrels of lime sulphur solution has been purchased cooperatively, and there is a supply in Sumter to take care of the needs of Sumter county. Where the borers have not been removed, they should be looked ; after at once. A cooperative order of fruit trees wiH arrive in Sumter about-1 the first of next week and those-J who have placed orders should be-j. on the lookout. I should like to; see a good home 'orchard consist- :| ing of thirty or forty fruit trees t and fifteen or twenty grape vines around every farm home. I be lieve that this will help more to * keep the l?oys and girls on the farm than any other one thing. ; Livestock on the farm of the ' proper kind is another factor in ; keeping the boys on the farm. In ! g?ing over the country you will j jfind many young ? men taking up ! where their parents left off in rais- J ing live stock. Once a boy gets in ; a habit of feeding live stock and i watching their development, an.! ambition is aroused to . produce .! something better than has been ! produced in the ?ast. i A greater effort will be put* forth to make a crop, of cotton j next year. We have had two. years ? experience. trying to grow cotton } .under boll weevil conditions, which I should materially aid us. I feel j confident that we can produce i. two-thirds of a normal crop in i Summer county or twenty-five to|; thirty thousand bales with a sea sonable or dry year. Surely acT cording to the laws of -chance we shall get a seasonable or'.dry year next year. We have had two wet seasons during the fatal period of July and up to the middle of Aug ust. I have seen some farmers that have nearly all of their land turned while others are making no effort to ge,t an early start. If two men were starting to run . a race, the one with the best start would nave a better chance of win ning, other things being equal. I" can. already pick the winners ;in the fight to produce cotton next year, that is among those who have the same seasons. j. Frank Williams, County Agent. -!-? > ? ? - Now don't you wish you had joined ? Xmas saving club / last year. To our way of thinking the Christmas savings elub is a mighty good idea. There are a whole flock of checks being mailed out at the present writing to the mem bers -of various clubs. ' This amount in total runs into thousands of dollars; and . the chances are that a very sniail part of it would.<have been saved but for the clubs. This money will be spent to . a large extent in holiday shopping going into circulation among the local stores._* -'\ ??: Grove's GhUi For Pale,i3eficateWome? and Children. % i60c Furjnaa and Wofford Athletic Relations. Appear to Be Strained Spartanburg, Dec. 12.?Wofford athletic authorities < are in the dark, and Farm an athletic author;- - ities are ?ilent :.n regard to r Suture athletic relations between the two institutions. .?' It is - rumored hi Spartanburg that FurTnaa .ha? de cided to drop Wofford from> fu^ ture schedules. No football" 'date has been offered the institution here for .1923 though the game according to the custom that*&ere> tofore . has obtained would be played in Grecjrrille. W?JEordrs; published basket ball- schedule calls for games with Furman ori January 12 and 17 while .Furra?tfr*s published caging~ card lists the*e two dates as "open." * These dates were agreed upon, it is understood, though nb contracts y had been signed. . No denial orv aff rnaaaiion was obtainable from Furman- ath letic \ authorities tonight. Chatirr man Hicks, of ^he Furman athletic board answering the Herald's- in quiry as follows: '? "No statement to- give out in re gard to Furman and- Wofford." - Two incidents' iJi Contests be tween Furman and -Wofford teams in the last-year- are believed re sponsible-for the-'situation-,.- Tb?" burning- of Fur man's. colo*s, piaeed on top of.a coffan following^ W**>- i ford victory'in baseball laist^spnng and trouble 'which developed on the field dti*i*ig ^tfae - WofforoVFur man footbasj ?g&me*; on November 18, when ?Wdehta' rushed?, on the field foH?^&#-a*>p?ersonal; encount er are^tbe* iftckients referred to. One of om big q?lrtps~landed with a Us: the'?^S^la?^bnt the-list was not a wine list. " ? ? woman in Boston went crazy when her neW-^hirt?jarrived. It is usually- the husband who does this. . Tfcere never has been a case of an American- who" remained- in America; being jaited^ in Russia. ? . \ . -. . - ?,' ."' '-. CHRISTMAS FRUIT-r-Place orders now for Christmas trade. A., full . lice at reasonable prices. Sum te:- Produce Go. Warehouse on ? Manning. Avenue Crossing, j^hone WAITED?Several small tracts of good pine, timber from 1-4' to 5 million feet. We also .pay ??sft .? for N?. 1 pine logs 14 inches and up in diameter delivered to our new band, mill at Denmark. S. C.: The -Ztclcgraf ' C%npany, Denmark, S. C: NOTICE, I "We are in the market at all times for large or } - - ;t?4orn ?: ,w;> ? :\ \ small quantities of pine logs and gfreen pme hoards, < Write or phone ?s if you have any of this stock to J offers \ Sumter Planing Mills & Lumber Co, % ?;: S?MTER, S. C. . J FACTS WOBTHY OF YOUR CONSroERATION Our large Capital Steck and Surplus Indicate our Ability. Large Loans and Discounts?our Liberality. - Large Deposits?the Peoples* Satisfaction with our Service and Confidence In bur Protection. - w We oiler you our Service and Protection and want your Account. The National Bank of South Carolina The Bank With the Chime Clock C. G. Rowland, Pres. Eiarfe Rowland, CaaMer TEN YEARS HENCE WILL YOU BE PROSPERING in BUSINESS or LOOKING FOR A JOB ? IT DEPENDS ON WHETHER: OR NOT YOU HAVE STARTED TO SAVE* First National Bank of Sumter Plow your cotton .stalks in now.