I TOWN AND C g.-. 2? News and Views From Pisgah. h Pisgah. Nov. 1,?The political: -gendulum swung back in the elec- j <*on the right way. Many good j men are elected to office and some j ieft out that were no good to the i country. Now let Newberry be ex- i jfeHed from the senate and others j 4ike him take a back seat and we; ssill soon return to the fathers' ad- ] ^Jce and the government they es- i l?blish^d. America, in her splen- j did isolation can advise and aid! the European people for their good j - .-without mixing in their fusses and j quarrels. This is what Washing- j Ton told us to do and as long as wej ?fellow his wise advice we will go j . sjrait. j ? The Kershaw Baptist Association j $?eld a very interesting session of] ?syo days last week at Mt. Pisgah church near Chesterfield county. Sine addresses were made by Drs. JJerts, Jones, Woodard, Foster and l?thers from Columbia. The next Meeting will be at Cedar Creek church igear Bishopville. The peo- ] pie where the association was held are fine. They were openhanded ft their hospitality, and all the dele gates had a fine time. Splendid Sinners were furnished every day '-on the ground. The crops up there are good ex ;cept cotton. Very little of it was made. a Oat planting has commenced, j Some are up. The crops are about! all gathered. Corn, peas and po-j tatoes are good. Enough to do j 3nd some to spare. Pisgah church had a very in- j teresting day yesterday. The pas- j ? tor preached a fine sermon, after! ?which the church elected its af- j ficers for; another year, viz: John-: T. Watson, Sunday school superin- j tendent; Prof. Burns, D. J. Hat-! field. Miss. Bertie Hatfield and . R. J. Watson, teachers; J. E. DuPre, church clerk; D. J. .. Hatfield, church treasurer. For the B. Y. P. -U., Mrs. Daisy Barfield, president: Miss Lula Baker, vice president; j Wilson Hawkins, secretary and; treasurer; Miss Bertie Hatfield, cor-j responding secretary and choirster, j are the officers which were con-; firmed by the church W. T. Haw-j kins, secretary and treasurer of j the Sunday school. The ? church j hr making rapid strides along all progressive lines. <- \ j?~The exodus of the colored people still continues. Mrs. Lavinia Saxton, an aged ggid highly respected colored wo man, died here suddenly last week, ffcaised before the civil war shej had those fine manners of that time, j She was very industrious and ! amassed quite a fine property. ? Rev. J. W. Kenney, who went to North Carolina recently to see his son, says Firnes are prosperous there. North Carolina has thej reputation of being the most pros-1 ><$>?X^Sx^^ perous state in the south. Horeb Church of Providence unit ed with the Kershaw Association j last week, and its delegates, Messrs Alvin Weldon and Mobley were heartily received. Mr. R. J. Watson's horse threw 'him yesterday and injured his I shoulder with other hurts. Meeting of American Legion Offi cers. On Monday night the officers of the local post of the Legion met in ! the offices of Dr. H. L. Shaw to [appoint committees for the ensuing [year. The following standing [committees were appointed: I Executive committee, Zach K. I Darr, (ex officio) Chairman; Major ij. W. Bradford, Benjamin D. Hodges, Mortimer M. Weinberg, W. Ewart Easterling, Harold L. McCoy. Finance Committee. Paul C. Aughtry, Chairman; M. B. Cox, Earle Rowland. Membership Committee, T. R. Littlejohn. Chairman; Lewis Des Champs/Wendell M. Levi. The following gentlemen will be j asked to constitute themselves a committee for the purpose of see ; ing if proper quarters cannot be ! secured to be fitted up in an at tractive manner as Legion club ! rooms: S. L. Roddey, Chairman; j W. R. Plowden, Milton Weinberg. An entertainment committee, whose duty it will be to provide j a program of an attractive nature f for every Legion banquet, was ap ' pointed as follows: Zach Darr, i Chairman; Frank Jeppi, W. Sidney [Burgess. y j Mr. Louis C. Bryan has been i appointed as Post Publicity Officer j and Mr. John J. Riley as Post Ath letic Officer'. A' .membership drive will start \ on Tuesdaj', November 28th with a banquet at the Claremont Hotel on. that night. Every ex-service man is urged to be present. You can't realize the importance of af filiating with the Legion and be coming a subscriber to the Legion Weekly. All members whose names appear on committees here in will please take note and com municate either with your chair man or the adjutant. Cordially, Harry L. Shaw, Commander. By W. H. Bowmn, Adjutant. ? . w. T. BROWN, President. S. J. WHITE, Vice-Preside nt. J. FRANK WILLIAMS, Secretay-Treasurer. &WfB&F*V~ E. I. REARDON, Supt. of Amusements and Publicity. |