Columbia and Charles ton CottonMill Cap Convicted in! Greenville, No. 1.?Henry E?t-] ledge Buist and Ashmead Courte nay of Charleston and St. John j Courtenay and Campbell Courte nay of Columbia .pleaded guilty in the United States district cxiurt; - "here today; to, indictments charging attempt to defeat and evade fed eral income taxes. These eases, arose out of the^sale. * in' : for $1.200,000 of the ] l Courtenay Manufacturing/ Co., j ....Operating mills at Newry, Oconee cQ?nty^^and in which the defend ants were principal stockhf^a*ers, to the Isao^eena- Mills company, and. a civil action brought by the] purchasers. . . i?dge H. H. Watkihs imposed] sentences. as follows: /Henry Rutfedge - Buist, $3^000 fine or four months in jail;. Ash-, ^ mead^^urtenay, $3,9?;o fine or four ? m?hs in jail; St. John Courte nay, $ 10,000 fine or eight months in jail; Campbell Courtenay. $ 5,00 0 Sue -or four months, injail/ under j each of. two ij^ictmnets. The fines were paid this after-! noon. An indictment against Campbell Courtenay, St. Joim : Courtenay, Henry Rutledge Buist. ? Francis ' J. Beizer and E/dwin Pr Frost, charg ing conspiracy, was not. pressed. r^Xh.' offer in settlement has been accepted fjfom...Mr.*\ Frost, on.' ac-.j count of the si?te ot his health. Mr. Pelze* has already made cer tain .payments and an offer of a further. sum in . lieu fof'/ prosecu ; - tion. is under eonsideration by the government. Additional individual income * taxes and ad \ valorem penalties have been a^sse^sed' againsf St.. Jahn Courtenay of :?i&4/l34;58 and" a^inat/ Campbell * Courtenay *vof ? "^|l&4,S28,S 8. and these; have not been paid; Taut sworn statements . nave been filed by" these' defend- ] ants showing their net worth 'and the government will grant them a reaaos^ie time in] ??which to make c^rs of settlement of" their ? tax j Vffl&lfit'ies on an insblvj^cy ^hasis, ? . The pleas of guilty mark the ter minatj'on of one of the'inbsfc im-. ^rtant/ cases inyolving, evasion ot\ "^income taxes Vhlch iihe 'govern ment has had for some time. The cases nave been, for the past sev eral months, under the direct su pervision .of the attorney general ^?$^*^^Mt^&tes.'' :flor the past] ,s|x months, JBenjammVB. Littleton,] special assistant fb the attorney1 general of the TXzrited States, has *v^te?^h^^iifth'? CarblJmi to push ft^xhe "cases to. a speedy trial and the goverm?eht for sometime has] been ready to take up the trial * of the indictments. ' The assessment vf the additional taxes'^and pen j^ajties was made by the commis eipner of internal; revenue October ?the to??J amount of .the as ? sessment sent to the collector of in-' j? ternal revenue at Columbia was; ..; . Investigations of the income tax; e/ returns, of the various . taxpayers, which ted to the institution of crim inal proceedings, have been in pro Is gress for more than a year, under ;. *the direction of John Mr Roberts, . internal revenue agent in charge i for South Carolina, and under his I direction have worked .during this ?^jtune Internal Revenue ^.Agents Thomas C. Reed. 13. C. Cathcart, T>avid W. Bl?cker and E. T. Huf p fington,. .Mr,, JUttleion* .who has '.1 .been in GreehyiHe for the past six % months, has worked on the prep j^araticn of the cases under the su \. * pervision of Ernest F. Cothran, If, United States Attorney for the Was-; . tern district of South Carolina. it was stated by Mr. JLittletonl -^ttiaX other similar cases/ involving: probable crimrnal prosecutions, are j now under consideration by the in-; ternal revenue department. It was also said by attorneys for the gov ernment that had' the cases gone to trial, between 400 and 500 wit nesses would have been subpoen aed to testify, including a number ^6f prominent bank presidents and business men from different parts cf the country.' Mr. Littleton; said that the ifcsti r%tion by the United States of the criminal prosecutions- for evasion of income taxes, which ^mJnated to day by the pleas of gaiiry had its inception when early Mn^t&e Tear 3 921 the. government discovered, through investigation by the field force of South Carolina, the fail ure to return large profits and in come by the corporation for 191 % and the various individuals foi J ?19 and 1920. * The indictment to which Mr. Buist pleaded guilty charged him with having attempted to defeat and evade income taxes on. his in dividual income for the year 1920. The indictment alleged that Mr. Buist became liable to - pay $19. 310.88 by reason Of'the fact that he had received as income during ?3 920. among other sums, the sum of $S9,906.?8. as profit on the sale by him during that, year of 14u - shares of the Courtenay Manufac turing company stock, and that in making his income tax return, he wilfully omitted to include the to tal amount of the profit, but re ported a profit of $31,745.$3. The indictment to which Ash mead Courtenay pleaded guilty charged that he became liable to pay the sum of $41,029.02 as in come tax*for the year 1920 by rea jtson of the fact that he had re ceived as income during that year, among other sums, the sum of $128,818.75 as a profit on the sale ^during 1920 of 265 shares of Court Claim is Made That, Ignorance is Being! Wiped Out . Columbia. Nov. 2.7-That South CraoMna's blot of illiteracy is being wiped out is shown by the annual report of Miss Will Lou Gray, su pervisor of adult seit obis, for the state department of - ed^teation^ made public today, the report cov ering the last school year and be ing handed to the state superin-1 tendent of .education this week. ? Miss Gray's report . shows that "where there were 330 schools for adults in 25 counties, with 7,736 students enrolled in 191$, there.are today. 381 such schools^ in 44 coun ties, with 103-47 adult-pupils en rolled, and with a more than twen ty i3er cent perfect attendance., rec ord. " In ~ these schools 5-24. teach ers are employed. .Where a: first the organisation of' adu4t schools had to be urged, today the coun ties are crying f or the organization of such classes, Miss Gray's report showsJ" *' The report shows' further *hat where in 1900 South Carolina's percentage' of illiteracy was 35.9 per cent, it is today The state's position in the illiteracy column is due largely to rhe%i!liter acy of the' negro population, Miss Gray's report shows, the negro pbp" "ulatidn outnumbering the white's by 52,000. Negro iHiteracy today is 29.3 per cent, white only 6.5 perl cent. "However," the report says,! "ir must be remembered that eco nomic development ^depends ort the intelligence, of the masses rather than" a few; therefore so long as over -50 percent ef South Carolina's population remains ignorant, so long will her God-given climate j and her rich soil fail a-s wealth j producers." Of the 381 adult schools, 223 are; for-whites, 158 'tor negroes. Of thej 524 teachers employed during the; year, in adult schools; 309 were white, 215 negroes. In the adult schools last year 2;681 were taughtr ^> read: 3,028 were taught to write. The average amount of money spent during the year per pupil, for whites> was '.$3.95, for ne groes ?1.52. There were 13,317 ijchool days in the sessions of the ariult schools. York county led the state in. the number of adult pupils last session, with 1,180. Spartanburg came rsec ond wkh; 1^049'. Hbrry had" 774; ?ichJand S23; Greenville 607; An derson 559^ Cotieton 444; Oconee 413; Aikeh 410;; Georgetown 409; Greenwood%-3Sl. - ^ ' Court of Common Pleas. ^Che court of ..cotnnion pleas* spe cial term, which took a recess Tues day ? afternoon, reconverted Th?rs-, day "morning, and wiH" probably continue- in session'until the last of the week. The* case oh is" Bath vs. FoIIey: Civilization is a matter of hiring servantsto do the;work and then, taking exercise to reduce surplus 2esh. enay Manufacturing company stock and chat he wilfully omitted to re turn the total arnouat of said pro- ; fit in*hfe Income tax return and re ported only a profit of $57,000. The indictment to " which St. John Courtenay pleaded guilty charged, that he wilfully attempt ed tp defeat and evade the income^ tax on his^ income for the calen dar year 1919 by reason of the fact that he failed to return a profit, ef $38,589.00 recevied during 1919 for the; sale of various stocks and reported in his income tax returns, that he had received ? no profits from the sale of stocks during that year. > \ : One of the two inaictments to; which Campbell Courtne^y plead ed guilty charged that he wilfully attempted to' defeat and evade' a tax of $2,030 on his income for the year 1919 by failing to; return his income tax return a profit of $3, ?27.8 on the sale of Yicttfr-Mqn-: ,'?ghah company stdclc, in that he' reported in said return that he had received no profit 0om the sale of stocks during that year. The oth er indictment to which Campbell Courtenay pleaded guilty charged that as president and treasurer of the Courtenay Manufacturing com pany he wilfully attempted to de feat and evade the income war profits- and-excess profits taxes on the net income of the corporation for the calendar year 1918, by al tering and causing to be altered the books of account, records and papers of the Courtenay Manufac turing company in changing and raising- and causing to be changed 'and raised the true price and cost paid by the company for cotton consumed in manufacturing during 1918, to a higher price and cost, so that the books of the corporation, when so altered, showed a false and fictitious price in the cotton consumed in manufacturing and thereby concealed, the true and ac tual costs to the corporation of the cotton consumed during 1918, and thereby making the income, war profit^ ahd excess profits earned ap pear from the books to be far less than they actually were; that the net income shown by the books af ter the alteration was $297.140. which was returned in the corpor ation tax returns as the total net income for that year, when the true and actual net income of the corporation was $400,303.00; that as president and treasurer of the corporation, Mr. Courtney paid for said corporation a tax of $185,151. 98. based upon the changed books of account, when he should have paid a tax of $266,000. GREAT NOVELIST - TKomas Nelson Page Dies Suddenly a t His Virginia Home Richmond, Va., Nov. i?? Thomas Nelspn Page, author, dip lomat and lawyer, died suddenly tc>day in the garden of his boyhood home,? "Oakland,"' in Hanover coun ty, situated upon an original grant from the crown of England to the "colonial magnate, Thomas Nel son-" Nearby, at the Old. Fork church, where he was christened, simple funeral ceremonies will be held at 10 o'clock Friday morn ?irig, the body will be put aboard the northbound train at Ashland at noon, and at - 4 o'clock of the same day the American ambassador to Italy during the troublous days 'of the World war will be laid to eternal rest- beside his wife in Washington. . : Mr. Page died of "aeute cardiac dilation." He returned to the an cestral home Saturday, apparently in his normal health and had spent his time in-having it put in order with the view to spending his remaining years there. Hie spent this morning in directing work in the garden. Between times he would go to the house to indulge in his beloved literary work. On his return from the last ;ot these'trips to'the house his sis ter-in-law, Mrs. Kosewell Page, ac companied ^him. They- stopped ?where ar party^ of workmen were rearranging the flower .beds and. appraently his active spirit get tiiig'tjjk better of him, Mr. Page stooped to pick up a spade. He straightened-up, turned to an old employee of the household' with the remark: "Here, take this spade," and collapsed. Physicians said death was almost instantaneous. Although Mr. Page was regarded as enjoying the best of health, close' relatives stated tonight that [he probably still was feeling' the effects of an attack of pneumonia I last; Winter. His condition was regarded as serious-'at that time but his indomitable spirit would not- let him give up and within a few weeks he was baek- at work en "Dante," a biography of the !ra mbrtal' poet, which he .reeaiVtly completed. It was only yesterlay that Mr. Page received a litter from former President Wilson com .plimenting him on his work. ; ' Thomas Nelson Page, one )t the best' known of latter dayv Virgin ians, had a varied career as lawyer, 'author and diplomat. He was.born ik'"Oakland""on April 23, 1853, the ?an' of Maj. John and Elizabeth Burwell Nelson Page. Both his father and mother were grandchil dren of Thomas Nelson, a signer of the Declarataon of . V'Jnde^ndence, one of the early governors of Vir-" fgmia ahd commander of the Vir-' ginia forces at Torktown. i;With :his; brothers he fleamed the: re sponsibilities of life within the sound of the guns of the bloodiest reajnpaigns of the Confederate war. These experiences he later de serfh ood in "Two Little Confederates." .Until the breaking out of the ; war, however, the- boys spent their time after the manner of happy southern children of that period, playing about the'fields with the young negroes of the plantation as their "companions or listening to ?the tales of their eiders around the cabin'fire. When Sunday came marbles, tops and strings were put away* and, "rain or shine," the family carriage with four horses or as many mules "attached was brought out to take them to "The Forks" church. After attending school in Han over county.'"Dr. Page" went to Hanover academy later to Washing ton- college, now Washington and 'Lee university/ and in J8?3 he at tended the law "school at the Uni versity of Virginia. Just before taking the law course,. Mr. Page taught school in Kentucky. He practiced law in Richmond until 1893 when he moved to Wash ington. Dr. Page's' first attempt at au thorship was an acrostic, written when he was a child and publish ed- in The Southern Churchman, the appearance of which in? its printed form was at once/fl. source of pride and disappointment to him. While at college he again essayed to write, contributing to The Collegian, a paper gotten out by the students of Washington col lege. He did little literary work after graduating in law but in 1886, with his marriage to Miss Anne Seddon Bruce of Charlotte county,- Virginia, came a renewal of the litrary impulse. She cared for stories and cherished for a time lofty ambitions and he wrote for her. At this period he added to hts profession as a writer that of public lecturer. Then his wife died and shortly afterward he went abroad. His second marriage, to Mrs. Florence -Lathrop Field* widow of Henry Field of Chicago and granddaughter of Governor Barbour of Virginia, was in 1893. She dfed June 6, 1921. Mr. Page is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Algernon Barnabj of England and Mrs. Thomas Lind j say of Boston, and one brother, i Rosewell Page of this city. Flags On all public buildings in the state have been ordered at hall j mast tomorrow as a mark of re spect to Mr. Page. The order was I issued by Governor E. Lee Trinkle j'tonight. The governor sent a mes I sage of condolence to Rosewell j Page tonight, expressing Virginia's j grief over the loss of her distin ; guished son. Glasgow doctor says mothers , wanting boys usually get girls. (Little girls always were contrary. PASSES Street dresses are shown with a ground, the average about seven t six to 12 inches from the tennis ? Evening gowns escape the bafirooE ""Dengue" Fever. j '? r"""""~ "** (Abbeville Press and Banner).. I Many people m South Carolina would" like to know something of "dengue" fever. The name *4den-. gue" means "dandy;" "and is said to'have been applied because of the stiff ereetuess and careful walk-.of. those afflicted. The disease is old, having been authentically" observ ed in Spain in 1764.' In 1780 it was epidemic in Spain, India and the United States; in 1817-1828 Jt was epidemic in the West Indies and Charlest?n,* S. C, and in? 1848-1850 rn South Carolina, Geor gia, Alabama, Louisiana and Tex as. In 18T0 another' epidemic spread over India and East Afri ca and Java, reaching our Gulf States in 1873. In New Orleans at this time 40,4)00 people were at tacked. Much the same territory has been covered at each epidemic. The fever, begins with a chill "and general aching and ~ swelling of the joints, with severe pains in the bones. It is accompanied "by a rose coloried breaking out, and great prostration. The disease is rarely fatal.* and is" of short du ration. It is believed to be mos quito borne but differs somewhat from malaria. Those afflicted have no good word to speak of it, and declare the first day:-you fear you will die, and the second you tear you will hot. Democrat Urged to Go to the . Foils Tuesday. ; - - ? ?? . ? Columbia. Nov. 2.?Not in many years has there been so much Re publican and anti-Republican, agi tation in South Carolina?hardly sinee the days of "76. Especially in the first' district, where Rev. S. L. Blongren is ? candidate for con gress, has the situation become in teresting. A political rally was held at Charleston Tuesday night and nu merous speeches were made, chief among these beirig that of Thos. G. MeLeod, democratic candidate for governor He urged loyalty to the Democratic party and called on all Democrats of the state to vote the party ticket on November 7th. [ State Democratic Chairman Ed gar A. Brown, of Barnwell, has re cently issued an appeal to the' Democrats of the state, urging them to vote next Tuesday and to vote Democratic. He. appealed for a f?ll vote. Democratic leaders sense in re cent agitation for a clean Republi can party in South Carolina, an effort on the part of the <5. O. P. to make up in Southero- states for certain losses of strength in the west and other sections. They urge a strong stand against the ag gression of Republicans in the state. In addition to opposing the Re publican aggression, the appeal for a full vote next Tuesday is based on another ground?the pos sible re-apportionment of the seats in congress on the basis of voting strength in the states. It is point ed out that if the Democrats of: the state cast only a small vote on November 7th/* there is possibility or the state losing some of its con gressional representation, if the re apportionment is based on the votes cast in the various states. The entire state is interested in the outcome of- the race for con gress in the first district, where Congressman W. Turner Logan, of Charleston, is opposed by Rev. Blomgren. Mr. Logan's election is not doubted, but there is interest manifest in the voting strength his opponent will be able to accumu late. Not in months of Sundays has a Democrat been opposed by a white candidate of the position and character of Mr. Blomgren, and the outcome of his race is watched with interest. Everything is in readiness for the voting in South Carolina next Tuesday. The election commission ers are this week working out final details in connection with the poll ing arrangements. A light vote is expected though Democratic lead ers generally are urging a full vote. j A little learning it an expensive ! thing. -m ? ? j Great Britain still hesitates about jgoing wild Turkey hunting. ikirts from twn tajtea inches from the aches. Sports wear has skirts from court?with the average about nine, a floor by one to seven inches. Hagood News and Views. _ Remberr, Oct; .31.^-When the-i writer was a small boy he .had a. habit of climbing tip and slipping I down into the fork of an apple tree and then crying for sympa thy. What he needed instead* of the nurse was a good spanking. Some grown ups have a way of sticking a hand in the fire and then grunting for sympathy. Possibly the greatest vice presi dent the'world ever knew was Le nine. . '/ Mr. W. S. Thompson continues feeble. Neither is neighbor W. J.\ j Spencer doing so very well. I Mrs. J. R. Corbettr of Hagood has seen little improvement. Miss Emma Allen of Columbia is still with her brother, S. W. Al len. Quite a number of our "people attended the state fair and had a gay time. Small grain is being planted. "Diggin' taters" is the order, of the day. Every one. has a good crop of them. Considerable malaria still in the community. Neighbor R. E. Atkinson expects to leave for an. indefinite stay in j the "Old North State" in a few [days. " "Hagood." ! ? ;. k ; ? a ? . . , - . ? ? Facts About Prohibition. ! The Literary Digest in its straw vote on prohibition recently taken clamed that: a million of these votes were mailed- to citizens;of New Tork. Investigation showed that in 277 churches, the voting strength of -whielrrwas 2 9,3 6"4 **only 1,906 had received ballots. The'Di gest claimed that SS.7 of the voting strength.-. or ; 11,3^3 of these churches should have received these ballots. What became "of ; them? Many reports from physicians and institutions had led Commis-t si?ner Haynes to the conclusion that there is no connection what soever between the dope habit and alcohol. , . ' Only two states have not ratified the eighteenth amendment. It takes:; thirty-six states to amend the-cpnstitution so the wets,; . only need thirty-four. Sixty Neal and sixty-two Keely institutes "y his broth-, er-in-law,' alleging" djst-arbance of the peace. Governor Harvey: or, rpered him brought back to the 'pemtentiary, td serve the remaind i"er of his six year term; This is* the second case of the kind in recent days. Reed Shaw, of Andersbm had his parole re voked by the governor, and appeal ing to ud*ge Prince at Anderson, was' released. Goyerhor Harvey immediately instructed the sblici-. tor to' appe?l to'the supreme court, but this appeal has not yet been completed; and ' It is probable that it will be held up, pending the cuurt's. decision in the Crooks case, the two' being similar. ???? ' j? ?. American l egion Holds ^Election. T Oh Wednesday night, November 1st; the local posVbf the American Legion held their* annual^election of officers /and entered into' other business'of importance. In the' ateeuce of Capt. Joe Chandler, :who has moved-;fcb North Carolina, Mr. J. H." Forbes, the vice com mander presided. *" The reaf' object ?f th e meeting ?ffcas. to elect officers for the. en suing year and to this end an oth er business was .quickly disposed 'of. - At the motion of Legionnaire Paul Aughtryy, the local constitu tion was amended to provide for two additional offices, namely that of Post Finance officer and Post 'Service officer. The following were elected to serve for the ensuing year: Poet Commander, Harry L: Shaw, M. D. Vice Commander, JZach X. Darr. . Post Adjutant, W. Hammond Bowman. Post Historian, William M. Rey nolds; ' Post Finance Officer, Paul C. lAughtry. Post Service Officer, Samuel X. Dihkins. After the election of officers, Mr. Geo. D. Levy, who is now in charge of Legion activities in the Seventh ^Congressional. District,' was heard from in regard to putting on a [ membership drive and was assur ed that a determined effort would be made to secure a large roll call Tn S?inter for 1923. At the same time, the Legion decided to as sist the local Red Cross in their roll call this November. The post will .be * sponsors to gether with the boys and girls of the high school at an armistice day celebration on Friday, Novem ber 10th. At the unanimous re quest of the Legion our beloved Su perintendent, Dr. S. H. Edmunds has consented; to be the speaker on this day. It is needless to as sure anyone in Sumter that they will be missing a splendid lecture if they are not in attendance. These exercises will be held in the Opera House on Friday, November 10th, from 10 to 12 in the fore noon. More information will be given from time to time in regard to these exercises. Some Optimists Still Survive Higher Prices For Cotton Re vive Business Spirit Columbia,. Nov. 2.?With cotton bringing its highest figures in months, business men here are op timistic over the business outlook, mere optimistic than in many months. There is more than four teen million dollars worth of cot ton stored in state warehouses throughout the state, according to State Warehouse Commissioner J. Clifton Rivers. The state ware house system is also storing much grain, peas, beans and other pro duets of the farm, and this phase of its service to the farmer is being enlarged. Mr. Rivers has still wider plans for the development of the system along this line. \ The Permanent Highway Com mission met Thursday in monthly session for the transaction of business. UNITED STATES STANDS FIRM Wants England to Withdraw Charges Against Consols Washington, Oct. 31.?The Unit ed States government has decided definitely not to reopen the Amer ican consulate at New Castle, Eng land, until the British government has unconditionally withdrawn the charges k made against Consul -Slater and Vice Admiral Brooks and publicly exonerated the two officials. The British foreign of fice has been made aware of. this determination, it was learned to day, reached after exhaustive in vestigations of the situation at New Castle which' disclosed no founda tion whatever in the opinion of American officials to support charges which led the British au thorities last August to cancel the exequaturs of Slater and Brooks. This action of the- British gov ernment was followed by the clos [ ing of the consulate and three sep arate investigations bv the Wash jington government of Charges that i Slater and Brooks used their offi i cial positions in New Castle im | properly in .discriminating against British shipping interests and to the advantage of American steam ship lines. The ?first two were made :respeetively by the American - em bassy in London and Consul. Gen eral Skinner. These reports agreed that no substantiation of the charges against Slater and Brooks could be obtained although Brit ish officials had been asked to pre sent all evidence in their posses sion. Still not satisfied to act on the two reports, the American govera I meat sent Nelson' Johnson, an ex ! ecutive officer of the state-depart-' i ment to England with instructions I to make an "independent mquiry' of I the most t larough character. His ! report is in complete harmony with 1those of Ambassador Harvey and Consul General Skinner and ac quits the iwo consular officers; of any wrong doing. '?*?'--? " ?- .., MINISJ im ?ANNOUNCED Final Appointments Made in ; ., Bonar Law Cabinet j Lond?ii; Oct. 31 (By the Asso [ciated Press).?The final appoint j merits to the new ministry formed ( by Premier Bonar Law, were an nounced today. Sir Montague Barlow, who was parliamentary secretary - to the ta ibor ministry in the Lloyd George cabinet, becomes minister, of- iabor, and the pensions poi^oho ^ tak en by Major George Clement Try ion, who was also a parliamentary secretary under the Lloyd' George regime being connected with the ministry which- he is now to lead. 4 * Sh* Samuel Hoare is appointed l air minister and Col Sir Neville Chamberlain, postmaster general. Other appomtments have jbeeri announced as follows:. Commissioner of Works,Sir John Baird. Solicitor General, Thomas Wv H. Inskip. Civil Lord of the Admiraky^the Marquis of Linlfthgow. . >r Financial secretary of the Ad miralty, Commander Bolton M/eri dith Eyres Monselt Secretary for overseas trade?Sir William Joynson-H?cks. Seereta*y to the Board of Agri culture, ViscountWhlmer. Secretary to the Ministry .* of Transport, Lieut. CoL Wilfred Ash ley. Secretary to the Ministry of Health, The Earle of Onslow. .? Secretary to the Board of ?gri {culture, the--Earl of Ancasteh-. Secretary to the Treasury, Lt?ut. CoL Leslie Orme Wilson. HALF HOLIDAY ? Far Association Decides^ to Take Thursday After-:: noon Off S The lawyers of a number* of nearby cities close their othcesuone afternoon of each week. They have found that this custom enables them to better serve their clients* interests. Following this custom, at a-^re cent meeting of the Sumter 3ar Association, an agreement was 'sfajn ed, providing that none ol^the members of the bar who signed;^he agreement would keep their offices open for business after two o'^^iock p. m., on Thursday of each week, sessions of court excepted. Tho:fol lawing attorneys have signed this agreement, and will not have their offices open hereafter on Thursday afternoons: Lee & Moise, Harby, Nash & Hodges, I Reynolds & Reynolds, { Haynsworth & Haynsworth, W. M. Levi, A. S. Merrimon, Chas. L. Cuttino, H. D. Moise, M. A Wilder, Epps & Levy, Purdy & Bland, ~ Tatum & Wood, Frank A. McLeod. Raymon Schwartz, Geo. D. Shore, Jr. ???? M. W. Seabrook. M. M. Weinberg, John B. Duffte. m Next Tuesday, November 7th, is general election day. Every man and woman who voted in the^SH mary is duty bound to vote in the general election. Look up the reg istration certificates and tax re ceipts and be ready to vote jfor the nominees of the party. Why are so many little chud*en permitted to drive automobiles in this city without let or hindance? It will be too late to enforce the or dinance after a terrible accident.