The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, November 01, 1922, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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The Watchman and Southron ? t ? i * *'? Pttb?sfaed Wednesday and Satur day by Osteen Publishing Company, Siwter, & C Termss _ $2.00 per araam?in advanne. |||- . Advertisements: T*a? Square, first insertion ..$1.00 Every subsequent lh?ertk?n - ^ - .54) Contracts tor three, months or longer will be made at reduced rates. All communications winch sub serve private interests * will >e charged for as advertisements. Obituaries and tributes of re- j ?pect will be charged for. : The Snmter Watchman was founded in 1850 and the True Southron in 18SS. The Watchman and Southron now ha* the com bined circulation and influence of both of the old papers, and is man ifest by the best advertising medium In Sumter. ? i i i i ifn ' i COLLEGE ARISTOCRACY j Rather unexpected, . in this age of human equality, is the arraign ment of democracy .by President Cutten oCCoigate University. "Man-; hood suffrage",, he laments, "has been our greatest failure, and now we double it by granting universal suffrage." He seems to think that -the peo ple", cannot rule themselves. He suggests, as th eideal system, gov ernment by an intellectual aristo cracy, "an intelligentsia which, while, it might be found elsewhere, is sure, to be found in the colleges." Most Americans will not agree with President Cutten that man> hood, suffrage has been a failure in this country. The general impres sion is that we have .got along pretty, well with it?better, in faOt, j than any of the European or Asiatic nations have, got along with aristocratic. government Few will question that college ? education is an excellent thing. Vet the influence of the colleges en government is. not;great, because college men. seem, to choose their parties and cast* their ballots pret ty much as do "hoi poiloL" Their superior education enables thein to assert their, preference or de fend their prejudices more, skilful? Jjr. but their practical ccmclusions^ are about the sameT It is quesr: tamable . whether the decision . of ~ .the college-trained population re garding any ?reat public issue has ever been much sounder than the decision of the crowd. . The crowd , is not able to think ?7 r*?*rly or express itself so well,, ' but it has a sort of instinct or in 'v.'ticn which usually serves it in^ vital public matters ,as Wjoll as the] highly educated mind serves its! possessor. -I But if we grant that the bestj way is to have a ruling1 class oft intellectual aristocrats, what then? >Tbere remains the problem of ob-1 taining and perpetuating a sUffici-{ eiit supply of the "best people" to j do the ruling. And that can be 'done only by continually replen . i>hir.^ the supply of aristocrats from below., becauses the highly: developed stock at the top always plays out. This means not pick ing out aristocratic, youths to go , to college but spreading college j advantages around in a democratic j way .to get bold of the raw mate- : rial for future .aristocrats.. StT&?LrSE3 AND DIVJDEXDS According to Wall. Street au-. th ority. there is an interesting rea son back of the stock dividend de clared by the Standard Oil Com-, pany of New Jersey and anticipated] dividends in many other corpora tions. : . .. An oil specialist explains that I Congress has to find some new way j of raising revenue and is likely to try taxing the surplus of corpora lions. It happens that a great .many, corporations have large sur pluses held against a rainy day.. It happens also that the Supreme j Court has held that-stock dividends j are "not taxable. Wherefore there; is going to bo a new crop of stock j dividends which may rival the! temper crop of a couple of years i ago. Incidentally there is e boom in I oil securities generally, although a j wail went up. last summer that the 1 rcaning companies were all losing, money.. It seems to pay trusts to fet "busted." THE ARMED Df&ARMERS Americans were rather inclined to take the disarmament confer ence in Washington as a final af fair. That is. many oi them be- | lieved that when the disarmament treaties were adopted at the con fere nee. disarmament among the powers was assured, and there re mained only the routine matter of scrapping old ships and cutting down orders for new ones, of. dis missing lighting men and begin ning to save- money and be com fortable. France, however, never ratified the"treaties*. At the: present,time she has a standing, *rmy of C 8 4 - 000 men, larger than, before, the j war. She seems to have no prerent i Inclination to reduce her forces either by land or by sea -There is no military-menace to . America from France's military .pqwert ;..-.35rar with - - .France is in- ? conceivable. But there is a de cided financial disadvantage in. it. France owes this country a great many millions of dollars. She' shows no sign either, of willingness or of ability to repay that money. As .long as she maintains this vast j army she.cannot pay. Men in bar- j racks are not producing anything for their families or their country, yet they have to be fed. and paid. France's unwillingness to dis arm, after her recent terrible ex perience; and while Europe is still unstable, may be understandable to a certain extent. But she does not seem to realize that by her re fusal to make even a start at dis arming-she is herself contributing; to the general instability. >. England is able to pay the 'interest on her loans to this coun try. It is quite likely that France, , it she. were to cut her haval and land, forces, would soon be able to do as weih The French are thrift3T and hardworking. Hut as long as they,vperniit their . lives , to be cramped by fear they cannot go j forwards ! ? France sets an important; ex- I ample, to other nations, if she can screw uj> courage enough- to make the cut. others - will un doubtedly follow, and all Europe will sooa:be on a more comfortable and hopeful basis. ~ THE CH?j?'S FOOD ~^/vTbe_ jCew York Nutrition Council ha?3\ prepared a. schedule of 14 points .in i the proper. . feeding of children which are worth cutting out ?nd hanging in. the kitchen. Summed up briefly, they express the needs ef each child ^as follows: :p.. .Tresh, clean, whole milk should be the basis of daily diet. A well child ^aeeds at -least a pint, an undernourished child must have av quart. . 2; At least two .vegetables a day, only: one .being potatoes; leaf veg etables at least three times a week. 3. Fruit every day, or a third vegetable. Dried frUits are valu able. ; , r. ? , ? - ' 4. Ke%t only once a day. >i-^. Cereals daily, served with . . i About three-quarters of a sound of fat per week, and not more than a pound of sugar. 7. No tea,.,, coffee, alcoholic drinks or fried foods except bacon. 8. Plenty of water between meals and a little with. meals. 9. Good, net breakfast every morning, or no school.. 10. Grood, hot luncheon, with soup, cocoa or hot vegetable dish. v. 11. Betweenr-meal lunches only when meals are five or six hours apart. .12. No candy or other sweets .before meals; a little after an oc casional meal. . 18* Plenty of bulky , and veg etable food, such, as whole wheat, Cruits and fresh vegetables. These take the . place >of medicine. 14. Restful and cheerful meal time. . .. .... The last point is particularly j well taken. Good manners can be taught without nagging and un cheerful. subjects can* be disposed of at other times if they have to be handled at all. The quiet and ; pleasant evening meal is what knits the family together. All these points take , care and thoughtfulness on the part of the mother. But care and thoughtfulness are work, -not trouble. Sick or fretty children are just as much. work, and they are trouble besides. It ? pays to keep a family well and j happy. i - BRAINS J _ j Whether one was an . idiot, ? genius or a person of average in tellect cannot be told from the apr j pearance of his brain after he is dead. Neither the size of the brain ! nor the.extent and! thickness of the j gray matter nor the fineness of the ! convolutions is a guide. Dr. .Louis Casamajor. professor of Neurology at the Columbia University. College I of Physicians a:<d Surgeons, is au thority for that sialtment in the! current American. There is a great deal still to be { learned about physical brains. They cannot be studied during the life time of the possessor. But one of the things known is that poten- . tial intelligence depend* on the number and kind of nerve cells in the brain. The baby is not fully equipped with these. They grow in i number until he is about two years old. From then on no new cells are developed. All the potential ities of the,man are therefore con tained in the small child.. ..>. This does not mean that people have no choice as to their intelli gence and development. One thing of which those who have made brain research their lifework are most sure is that most people do not begin to exhaust the possibili ties of their brains. There are millions and millions of undevelop ed cells left in the brain at the end of life: "The world is full of men and women whose brains are practical ly idler* saj's Dr. Cassamajor. "Millions of twelve-cylinder brains are hitting On only one cylinder. "Good mental habits can be formed as well as bad ones. To in crease your intelligence you must do directive thinking. That is, you must have a purpose In your thought When you read, you must use your brain to draw your own conclusions from ypur reading, and must then form decisions or per form actions based on those con clusions." The body as a whole must be .kept well if the brain is to func tion properly, because- the brain is only a part of the whole system. But. neither. size nor pattern dif ferentiates the- ordinary brain from Lincoln's or Michel Angelo's. The ordinary man cannot lay lack -of success to lack of brain power. The chances are he has six .or sev en million little brain cells lying around idle in his cerebral cup board. All he has to do is to use them. P?R?Le! case to courts Authority of Governor to Re voke Parole to Be Decided ??-^ ? \ Columbia, Oct. 26.?Governor Harvey is leaving the Reed Shaw case, one of the most unique of recent years, to the courts, for a determination of whether he ? is right in ordering Shaw rearrCsted, because * of his \iolaiton of the "good behavior" condition of his parole, or whether Judge Prince is right in ordering ShaW releas ed. The governor stated today that he did not care to make any statement until the appeal, pre pared by Solicitor Harris, of An derson, at the governor's request j is decided by the court. However, !the governor did express great surprise at the order bf the circuit judge, and he does not propose to let the matter rest until the state's highest tribunal has passed final judgment The governor contends that rev ocation of the parole is in hi3 bands," the governor having fixed ithe conditions of the parole. As chief law enforcement officer he contends that he has a right to order a man arrested for violations of the parole condition of "good behavior.'' Shaw was paroied by a former governor, Governor Cooper, "dur ing good behavior." Shaw was re arrested on orders of Governor Harvey when the governor was ad vised that Shaw was violating ;ue laws. - Habeas Corpu ? proceedings stopped the transfer of Shaw from Anderson to the penitentiary and Shaw was released by Judge Price. The outcome of the oattle between the two branches of government, tbe--executive and the judicial, is awaited with interest throughout the state. Governor Harvey stated that if this situation stands, it means there's something wrong with the criminal iaws. County Auditors Meet iR. A. Ellison, of Greenwood, j is President Columbia, Oct. 26?With the elec tion of - R. A. Ellison, *>f Green wood, president and H. F: Jackson of Columbia, secretary and treas urer"; the South Carolina Association of Auditors and Treasurers closed its two-day meeting here this morn ing, after hearing a discussion of taxation problems by W. C. Querry, chairman of the State Tax com mission. ? ? r - * Mr. Ellison is treasurer of Green wood counyt. Mr. Jackson is pen sion clerk in the office of the Comp troller General. Vice presidents were elected as follows: Walter E. Duncan. Comptroller of South Carolina; S. T. Carter. State Treasurer; R. L. Osborne. Wilbur V. Southerland. 'former Comptroller Geueral. R. G. Mil ler. Spartanburg county treasurer, was made chairman of the execu tive committee. - canadian boat wins Schooner Blue Nose Beats the Henry Ford Gloucester. Mass.. Oct. 2?j (By the Associated Pre.;s).?The schoon er Bin*' Nose of Cany da is again champion of the international fish ing fleet. Capt. Angus Walters and his fellow L?henburgers today scored a second success against the Henry Ford. American challenger, -id ("apt. (May ton Morrisey and his crew of Gloucester men. The margin was seven* minutes. 51 sec onds, ?beut the same ;ts the Blue Nose load of yesterday. Although the Gloucester boat Won two races, the first was declared unofficial. Capt. Morrisey took little part in today's activities because of ill ness. Capt. AI Malloch, one of Gloucester's hardest drivers had the wheel much of the time. COLOREDj , CHURCHMEN'S, COUNCIL Thirteenth .Annual Council of Colored Churchmen of Dio I cese of South Carolina : The thirteenth annual council of the Colored Churchmen iof-: the Diocese of South Carolina will meet with the Church Of - the Good Shepherd, this-eity. Thursday and ?Friday, November. 2nd and 3rd. Bishop W. A.: Guerry;- Bishop Fin ley and' Bishop Suffragan, Rt. Rev. H. B. Delaney, of? North Carolina will attend 'the council, as well as all the colored clergy of the Epis copal church of South Carolina, And lay delegates from all the col ored Episcopal^, churches - of'.the state. * - This will be the last coun cil that will include all xshurches of the state, as the division* of the diocese will be effective after this meeting. Rev. J. Cylde ' Perry, rector of the Church of the-Good Shepherd extends a-cordial invita tion to the public generally to at tend all or any of the sessions of the council. The following is the program: Wednesday, Jtov<mrt?er 1st. > 8:30 p. m.?'Meeting of the Executive Committee^ ; Thursday, Nevembcr 2nd. 10:30 a. m.?Address and Cele bration of the Holy. Communion by the Rt. Rev. Wm. A. Guerry. Bishop of S. C. Offering devoted to Council Expenses. V 11:45 a. m. fa)?Organization of the Council and appointment of I committees. ' - ? . (b)-^-Report of the Rt. Rev. H. B. Delany, Bishop Suffragan of ! North Carolina. i (c)?Report of' .the Treasurer of the Council and-the Treasurer of the Church Pension Fund and the Credential Committee. 1:15 p.. m.?Recess. ? - 3 p. ? m. (a>?Welcome address by the Rev-.-J-. Clyde Perry and re sponse by the Bishop of the Dio cese; - - (b)?Greetings from the Rev. J. B. Walker. . ? - (e)^-Reports of committees and other^business. 4 p. m. ta)'?Archdeacon Basker vi!Ie'3 report. 4* (b)-?Business session.. - 5 p. im?Special, order. "The Church and the Social Problem"? Leader, the RevvR. N. Perry. Fol lower, the Rev. fe- A. Harrison. 5:45 p. m.?Greetings from our New Congregation by the Rev. Wm. M. Morgan. 8:00 p. m.?Evehftig prayer--by fthe Rev. j. Clyde Pefry, the Rev. I J. J. Thomas, the Rev. Geo. F. jHowell.. Sermon by the Rev. C. A. Harrison. . - ? - Friday, November 3rd. 8:30 a. m.?Corporate Commun ion. Woman's Auxiliary Celebrant. The Archdeacon, assisted by ? the Rev. J. Clyde Perry. Offering de voted to the Woman's Auxiliary. 9:30 a. -m.?Business Session of the Council. ? 10 a. m. (a) "What should be the qualification of - a Ghurch School Teacher.' Leader, the Rev. St. J. A. Simpkins. Followers, the I Rev. J. J. ^Thomas and Mr. Wm. L. Pyatt. ?? General discussion. ( 11:00 a; m.?"The Necessity of (Missionary Giving." Leader, the j Rev. J. . B. Elliott. Followers, ; Messrs. B. B. Martin and J. E. jStorrs. Generai Discussion. ; 12m. (k) ?Noonday Prayers, j (b)?"How shall the Church I meet -the Problem of Illiteracy;?" . Leader-, the Rev.- J, Clyde Perry: Followers, Rev; Geo. E. Howell and Dr. C. W. Birnie. ^ -:?'?-' - r-' 1:00 p. m.?Miscellaneous Busi ngs 1:15 p. m.?-Recess. ~ : 3 p. m.-i-Public meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary, Offering ^de ! voted to the Wbtaan'3 Auxiliary. 5:30 p. m.?Final Business Ses sion of the Council, 8:00 p. m.-?Special meeting at Mt. Pisgah Church. j (a)?Creed and Prayers by Bish op Delany. j (b)?"The Church's Opportun lily in the Comiftunity.'' the Rev. jj. L. Benbow, Pastor of Mt. Pis ? gah church. (c)?"Good Health as a Racial Asset," Dr. Wm. Francis Holmes^ Remarks-.-sind ? benediction ;by Bishop Guerry. Offering devoted to the Archdeacoh's Fund:: - fa) Mrs.? Wm. P. Cornell and Mrs. Thomas H. Hazelhurst have been invited to speak to the Wo man's Auxiliary.'-' "*? ? ? ? ?? ?? ? THREE HOUSES BURNED 'Hot Fire Saturday Night On East Hauser Street The fire department .was called out Saturday night about 8 o'clock by an alarm from the box at the corner of Magnolia and Kendrick street. The fire being located on {the extreme end of Hauser street. Just across the street from the Williams Veneer plant. A small i store owned and occupied by W. j J. Nelson, the furniture, repairer, ? and two frame houses were destroy ed, all three buildings being itt flames when the fire trucks arrived on the scene. The firemen had to stretch long lines of hose and in stretching the second line they were seriously interferred with by streets leading to the fire being al most onmplefley blockaded by au tomobiles that sight-seeers had parked in the streets without re gard to the convenience of the I firemen. Notwithstanding this I handicap the fire department did j good work and kept the fire from j spreading beyond the three build ; ings. which were too far gone to be saved whefi they arrived. -??????? . I We heard a tootbail quarterback I telephoning and he scared central calling the signals. ** j An excellent cure for Insomnia is found by getting a parrot that [will say "Get up. Get up.' ALL RAILROADS WOULD BE I I BANKRUPTED I If- Demands For In creased W a g e s Should Be Granted Railroads Would Have .Deficit of $2, 241,639,548 Chicago. Oct. 29 (By the Asso ciated Press) .-^Attacking the the ory of "the living wage" as a basis for determining wages of railroad workers, the public and railroad groups of the railroad labor board in air opinion made public tonight declared such a course, "if car ried to its legitimate conclusion would wreck every railroad in the j United -States, and if extended to other industries would carry them into communistic ruin." -The opinion in the form of a re joinder to a dissenting opinion filed by A. O. Wharton, labor member in the recent decision increasing the pay of maintenance of wab ern ployees two cents an hour, de clared if employees were granted a 72 to -75 cents minimum wage for common labor with corresponding differential for other classes, an in crease of 125.7 per cent, in the na tion's railroad wage- bill would be necessary. This, the, opinion said, would add $3,122.052,387. to the annual payroll, bringing it to $5, 589.455,993, which would mean it added, an annual deftficit to the carriers of $ 2;2 4 i, 6 3 9,518. Even if the 48* cents minimum wage requested by maintenance of way men were granted and corre sponding differentials were made for-other classes of employees, the opinion said, an increase of 50.45 per cent in wages would be neces sary, adding $1,249,930.994 to the annual wage bill of the roads, bringing it up to ; $3.725,884,540. thus forcing the railroads to face ar/additional deficit of $378,078,125*. The phrase "living wage"' was termed in the 'opinion as a "bit of Imelifluous phraseology, well cal culated to deceive the unthinking." *Tf the contentions were that the board should establish a 'liv ihg wage/ the majority would read ily accede to the proposition," : the ? opinion said, "and as a- matter of fact the board in: this Instance; as in all others, has granted a -liv ing wage; .But the abstract*' elu sive thing called 'the living wage/ . confessedly based upon a make shift and a guess, can not receive the sanction of this board, because ft would be utterly impractical and would not be just and reasonable as.the law demtnds." Mri Wharton's dissenting opin ion and the supporting opinion in reply are attached to the formal ^ ? decision increasing? the pay ofj I maintenance Of way employees two i 1 bents an hour, establishing a min-j jimum ranging from 25 to 37 cents. The United Brotherhood of Main tenance of Way Employees, Rail way Shop laborers, held a strike or der affecting 400,000 men-in abey-| ance last July after the board had; reduced wages pending a request fo? ah increase based on the con--; tention that the costs of living had advanced and wages in other in-, dustrie8 had been raised. When the case came up main | tenance of way officials asked the board to subscribe to the principle Of the. "living wage"' based*on a, budget. of - what was rexniired for an average family of five persons | to live in health and reasonable comfort. A majority of the board; refused to subsribe to- this priri ciplc; asserting that the transpor tation act called for establishing a just and reasonable wage and that a7 just and reasonable wage was in ( effect a living wage. The maintenance of way organ ization asked the board to establish minimum rates of pay of 48 cents an hour to replace rates then j in effect ranging from 23 to 35 cents. After a deadlock of several days the board made public its decision formally handed down today, in- j creasing rates of .pay two cents an hour and adding about $20,000, 000 to the railroad payroll. The decision asserted that the increase raise was due mostly to; the fact that higher rates of wages were being paid for the same class es of work in other industries and that there had been no apprecia ble increase in the cost of living. Mr. Wharton in his dissenting opinion maintained that the "fun damental error" of the decision; rested on failure to; inquire intoi "the adequacy of rates of pay es- i tablished for section men and un- j skilled laborers." He asserted that rates of pay in other industrise of i similar character should be made a secondary consideration and { that the prime, factor to be con-j sidered was whether the rates fix ed were just and reasonable, which, he said, meant an adequate and living wage under the transpor-! tation act. He maintained that the law of I supply and demand which operat ed in private industries to fix the price of labor should not be tak en as a basis by the labor board. The board, hp continued, should find what should be a just and living wage by computing a fam ily budget containing the expenses of an average family. He maintained that the living wage principle was practical, as- i serting that added labor costs should bo absorbed in large part by increased efficiency of the men by managerial ability. Pointing out thai Mr. Wharton would ignore the provision of the transportation act. directing the labor board to consider wages paM in other industries of a similar na ture in fixing wages, the supporting opinion declared that those re sponsible for the decision consid ?red--this as'well as other factors set forth-in the law: Attacking: the-T&udget method of determining what" should be ?r liv ing wage the supporting opinion says: "That it would be -wise and pr?e* tica-r to'undertake to establish an arbitrary-standard of *tiving- for several millions of persons is not apparent. That the desires and re quirements Of all men " are equal and alike is not correct,-and that any committee of experts could set up an average living "standard up on which a wage scale could be practically based has not been demonstrtcd anywhere. "That standards of living are gradually improving in this coun try is undoubtedly true and this is as it should be. There is no member of the labor board who does not profoundly desire im proving living conditions for com mon labor, but it is our belief that this movement must, be continued along lines nidicated by human ex perience and. that it can not be consummated in the twinkling of an eye by -artificial expedients." ?Asserting experts testifying for the maintenance Of way organiza tion, admitted' that immediate es tablishment of "the living -wage** wou'd "throw a monkey wrench into industrial'' machinery,;" and that the board- therefore make only a start in that direction at pres ents the opinion, said: "Such a proposition -is entirely illogical. If the living wage is the just and reasonable wage author ized by the statute it is the duty of the labor board to establish it now. If it is not, - the just and reasonable wage commanded by law, then it- is not the duty of the board to adopt it now- or here after unless the law be changed. Adoption of a famliy of five with one wage earner as a basis for compiling a living wage also was attacked in the opinion, which as sorted that the last census -showed there were 4 A persons in the aver age family, but 1.4 dependent chil dren, instead of the three that ex perts before -t.he board took as a basis that there were 1.36 workers instead of-'one in the family. Commenting unon government ownership if the living wage prin cipal-were established the opin ion said: $ "Of course, for'those who desire government ownership this w,ould be a- -Quick way :of getting it, f or it is a'sure thing that the public would not stand for the imposition of higher rates, to pay such a de ficit." It asserted that in the last analysis the publifc would pay for the increased wages and that most of it would come from work ers in other industries. Commenting on an article by William RandolpTi Heferst included in Mr. Wharton'S dissenting opin ion in which the statement was made htat hte unjustifiable lower ing-of the shopmen's wages caused the shopmen's strike, the support ing opinion declared such a state ment was not important except that in so faf as it was adopted [and -indorsed by a member of the [board. ? "In the judgment of the major ity of the board," the opinion con tinued, ''and we believe, of a -great majority of the-people, the Shop men's strike was a blunder with out' any" real justification;, and that it is said with the kindliest-feelings for the employees-who liave suf ifered most from its effects; It has wrought harm to* all and good to ftone. It has burdened the rail ways -with an unjust-expense,: has inflicted'-great losses Upon the pub lic, especially the food producers and has resulted in an: approxi mately $17?,535?524 ? loss to the i strikers. For all this, the men on strike -Have won nothing. They have gained no concessions as to any matter upon which they struck. For months the strike has been merely a~ struggle-upon part of the men to regain their positions." ?'? Constrasting the situation of the maintenance of tt?ay organization, which Withheld its strike and ap pealed to the board,- the opinion asserts the employes received about $147,656,866 in ? wage's since July 1. which would -have been lost had they gone on a strike, and in addi tion-have received an increase oi wages of about $20,000,000 a yeai "Perhaps there is no better time and place," the opinion adds "tc emphasize the belief of a" majority of the labor board that railway strikes'are utterly useless and wasteful, and that the employees will always gain better results at the hands of any tribunal fairly constituted and representative oi the people than they will by mak ing war on the carriers and the public." In addition to the decision and the dissenting and supporting opin ion's, today's document contained a statement by W. L. MoMenimeh. labor member of the board, as to his reason for voting for the two cent raise for the track men. He said he favored a larger increase but voted for the two cent raise after the labor board had been in a long deadlock during each day ol which the men were losing about $70,000 and when he feared that no increase might be obtained if the two cent raise advocated by the public group was not accepted. Chesterfield, Oct. 29.?Mr. Luke Smith, farmer of near Chester fiefifd. tost ten bales of long staple cotton by fire of ah unknown ori gin Friday night,' The cotton was part of Mr. Smith's 1920 crop and he had been offered quite a prem ium for it. No insurance was car ried. FOR SALE?One registered Jer sey bull. Can furnish papers Price reasonable. B. T. Kolb. Sumter. Route 2. FOR SALE?New line of hats in Velvet, felt. ? duvetyn: novelty line just received. Also orna ments for dresses. Come if you need anything in my line. Mrs. C. W. McGrew, N. Magnolia and Myrtle Sts. mt have ? ill *p Cig?f?ites HOW JUSTICE . IS CHEATED ? ? c , i ,-Si--;? ? ... Gov. Harvey Having Difficul ty in Enforcing the Law Columbia, Oct. 30.?Considerable interest throughout South! Carolina attaches to the outcome of the con test between Governor Harvey, chief executive and law enforce^ mont officer, and the courts of the state in two recent cases. In one the governor announces htat he has been defeated,, at least so far as immediate results go, but: in -the other he is pushing his side vigor ously. One of the cases is that againsit, E. N. Mittle, . convicted of iolling hi. H. Patterson, an engineer at I Bowesville, in . .Orangeb?rg couh jty, in November^ 1920. Mittle was sentenced' to serve ilrne years, but because of legal maneuvers he is at liberty and the governor stated that he is cohfident it will be two years or may be three years or more before .the United States court-can consider the case, due to its congested docket: In the Mittie case an appeal was made to the supreme court and the verdict of the lower-court was sustained, in two separate de decisions. A motion for a rehear ing was then refused by the su preme court. In August, last. Judge Mauldin signed an order, staying the order of the supreme court for. ninety days, on petition setting forth that Mittle intended to appeal to the United States su ! preme court. The governor, how ever, , immediately ordered Mittle arrested. Appeals were then made to the governor for a temporary release of Mittle, tSat he ritght arrange his private affairs. These the gov ernor refused, taking the position that he had " had twenty-one months from the time of his sen tence. Mittle theh moved before Associate Justice "Watts, of the'sti jpreme court, under ex partes-pro? ceedings;" to - be - -reiea^d^-^nder boad, ja?d the--bail ^ass granted, . bond being-fixed in the amount of* $l?,0ftO,r-<and he recently left-ibi* , penftejrtiary? -Mittle is said to be a wealthy mai: ?>-?-..- * ??' -i, "w^n^saaother case--the- . 'governor has taken, his contest with -a cir- - i cult judge >to- the supreme-court on appeal* -This, is - the-> Seed Shaw case, of Anderson; .:ShaW was uf^* '. der.'???parole^ V&oyerner -Harrey or I dered Ms parole to be revoked; but "when ? the chief s executive Grdered*'' him- to te~bt*}x&ht~\ya3& t&ith??r2 state penitentiary, habeas .cospus preoeeiings stopped himt-aad Judge ; Prinee'-of Anderson, ordered Shaw ; releasedr ' The . govermnr had,.? i*e ; ceived/reports that-Shaw !Waa.^o I a ting the law, thereby; breaking the condition of ;the parole. -ShawT , it: Js.saiid, was armed when arrested. The governor ordered the -sheriff to'krrest, Shaw. The judge .ordered . the- sheriff to release, him. The?*' goveraor appealed the case to the aupremei court ? <:\ . v There -is . considerable .demand - for the criminal laws, whereby to * prevent the Up-settin# of the orders; of the chief law. en forcement officer and the . courts, by .tricks at Jaw or. appeals from various decisions .of- various judges^ ? JERSEY .. S MURDER CASE - - - * " . - -? . ?- . - . / " ^ .?' *? ? ? ' 1 1 ? ' ;V? - << Grand Jury Summoned Bay. Case Not; to JBe. Present ed Today . New Brunswick, Ott.. 30.;?A1*l though .the grand jurors have been ? sumroohed to convene, it is consid ered unlikely that the Hall-Mills case will be presented today. At- - torney Mdtt reiterated his confi dence in the story of Mrs.' Gibson, .' the eye-witness, saying that bajF* testimony has been corrobbratect by Mrs. Korman Tingle, atr?rnaii iliving" near the Phtnfps^fh5TA' 1 ? ? ease ? 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