FOR DRi BRUNSON PastorofCrrace Baptist Pleas antly Surprised by Con gregation Monday evening: the members of Dr. John A. Brunson's church g?.thr ered in the Sunday school building as a surprise party for Dr. Bran son. A large number of his mem ber's were "present and an 'enjoyable program was carried out. making an evening of pleasure to all w"ho were present. Dr. Brunson was presented with a purse of $25.and a beautiful birthday cake. Miss Pauline Haynsworth presented Drl Branson with a "beautiful bouquet of American Beauty roses. Dr. Brunson expressed the opinion that it was one - occasion in his life where "he was unahJe to talk, but that his appreciation of the honor given him was in no way marred by this lack of speech. Ehr. Sophia Brunson gave a read ing; of -a sermon delivered by an old plantation exh otter which was very, entertaining. 'Between the numbers of the pro gram the audience joined in singing some of the old Southern melodies accompanied by Mrs. McKnight on the piano. . ' -j " The ladies served delicious re-! freshments during the program and ! after general conversation and dis- j cussion benediction was pronounced-! by Dr. Thayer and' the party Vent! to their homes feeling better for j the. friendly meeting and enter tainment of the evening. The program was as follows: Piano Solo?Miss Marguerite Mc Leod. Vocal-Solo?Miss Thelma Turner. Keadings-T-Miss" Sophia Brunson. j Vocal Solo?Mr. McCarthy, Reading?Mrs. Robert "Warren. Vocal duet?-Mrs. J/A. McKnight, and Miss Thelma Turner. Reading?Negro Sermon?Dr. Sophia Brunson: Violin Solo?Master J. C. Cooper, j The song composed and sung by j Mr. McCarthy is published below 1 by request of the members of thej congregation:. We'saiher tonight as a tolien of! ' love', '." i To honor ? servant of Jesus above.' Example of godliness .his life has j - -"been;' " : j To point unto heaven the pathway J of men. . j Chorus: Altho many years have passed by i his way, His"heart is as tender as tho 'twere j a. day. 32*0' girt of God's love keeps stead fast to the end. This teacher, this leader ajid friend. May the years that the coming to morrow may bring, Keep the joy in his heart and his ' "tengue ever sing 1 The glories' of . heaven and crea tion's Godi A shepherd to lead where the an gels have trod. John A. Brunson, we honor the good you have done, The pattern you've set as a child of ] God's Son, And the prayer of your ftock is that j you may long be, Spared years more to lead men to j eternity. Aac Small Fire and Two False Alarm?. The members of the fire depart ment have answered during Monday and Tuesday, two false alarms ana 'm one alarm catling the department " to aid in putting out a' tiny shingle fire. This latter alarm was sent m j at 11^45 Tuesday morning. The j very dimunitive blaze on the roef * of the house at the corner of Lib erty street and Salem avenue, Was put out in short order after the j arrival of the trucks. The dam- j age done to this house, which was | being occupied by a negro named ? George Robinson, was practically nothing. The fire seems to have caught from a spark upon the roof. I Phone calls to the fire station,! ^onc at 6:45 Monday evening and! the other coming in at 8:15 Tues-j day morning, sent the trucks with j all speed on one occasion to i Broad street and out to the gas i plant on the next trip. The report I that the home of Mr. E. L. Ducom ? on Broad street was on fire, prbv- j cd after the answering of the j r alarm and upon investigation, to j be false and the billy foundation for the fire fright was based on the burning of a bird's n?st in the 5 neighborhood by a little boy. Th?? noticing by a lady unfamiliar with j this event, of the periodical com-j bustion' of excess air and gas from j one of the stacks of the gas plant j gave the trucks their run to the gas I plant end of town on Tuesday; morning. The gas plant was found to be in perfect order, functioning j very properly and nothing being! found in the slightest degree amiss. The Gamecock Strutters, a dance j organization whose membership is j composed strictly of the younger: dancing set of the city, gave a very splendid dance last evening in ; Bryan's hall. The music was fur- ; nishei by Miss Kate Williams, at j piano, and Messrs. Marion Fox-! worth, violin; Zack Darr, drums' and Robert Buitman. saxophone. The dance was strictly chaperoned : and the best of order maintained. ?The young folks reported a most: highly enjoyable evening. The new solid tires for Seagrave Truck No. 1 have arrived and will today be put on. This truck, while ? answering .a fire call several weeks ago. ran off one of its rear ties, dis'-aparitating temporarily the. truck. ft wiM immediately after the replacement of this tire be f Sumter. MA JGR BRISTOW; WITH FLORENCE INFIRMARY NOW Veteran Surgeon of War and Big Hospitals- Comes to Florence (Florence Times). Major Walter J. Bristow lias accepted the position of chief of s'taTf of the Florence Infirmary and has assunmd his duties. He re signed his position in the army to come to Florence with the infirm ary. During his years of medical experience. Major Bristow has oc cupied some of the biggest po sitions in the medical world, lie was in surgical work during the entire World War: and, after re turning to this country from the European battle front, he was sur geon in chief at Camp Jackson, at Columbia. More recently, he has been with the Walter Reed general hospital in Washington, D. C, from which he comes to Florence. Darlington is Major Bristow's home. His wife was Miss Melton, daughter of the president-elect of the University of South Carolina. She is with him. They will make their home at 19 West Cheyes. Medical men of Florence con sider their city fortunate in having brought here such an asset to the profession. Major Bristow ranks among the first in medicine and surgery. The many friends of Ma jor and Mrs. Bristow, both in Flor ence and Darlington, are glad to sec him back here. Major Bristow has many friends in Sumter as he located here for the practice of his profession im mediately after he had completed his medical course and remained until he entered the army during the world war. ** ? -V <# m ?*?? Shower for Brkle-Elcet. The lirst of a series of prenttptial affairs to be given; for Miss Eliza beth Osteen, bride-elect, was a shower given by Miss Vermeile Pitts on Tuesday afternoon. Heart dice was the game of the afternoon and at the end of the game Mrs. Hugh Brown received a prize for highest score,, a dainty powder puff. The, bride-to-be was pre sented with a huge basket and each lovely gift was contained in a mammoth, Easter egg. Miss Pitts presented Miss Osteen with an ex quisite piece of lingerie for her trousseau and Mrs. Jack Skinner, a recent bride, also received a du plicate piece of lingerie. Delicious refreshments were serv ed. . " ? Those present were: Misses Elizabeth Osteen, Grace Reynolds, Emmie and Esther Osteen, Modi* Bowman, Nancy Booth. Ellen Vir ginia Stuckey. Caroline Richard son. Mildred Brunson and Mary Belle Eurgess: Mesdames Edwin Broad well. Jack Skinne-, Fred Xigels, Hugh Brown, and Ormsby; Blanding. ... Program For Story Hour. The telling of stories in such a | way as tp appeal .to the child's j imagination is ah art of which few! ire master. The Winthrop Daugh :ers consider themselves most for :unate in being ahl'c to announce j m their program for next Friday a j lumber of those who are real mas? j .ers of their art of entertainment. Stories will be told by Mesdames j Herbert Moses, L. J. Marsh. Billie I Bynum, Robert Plowden and Misses \ Marie Duke and Abbie Bryan. Reel- j ;atiom> will be given by Misses So- : Miia Brunson and Anna Bryan, j some one will be-on the grounds! before time for the stories, to play ? jamcs with the children who come \ ;arly. The program will begin at i five o'clock Friday afternoon at j :he Washington street school. The I jhildrcn who come are assured of ; i delightfully .-"happy afternoon. ilagocd's News and Views. Remberi. April 10.?The finest j >ats we have .seen are those of S. I W. Allen fertilized by direction of i Mr. Booth with soda and potash, ' .he bulk potash. We had been :old potash was of no good to small j :rain. We hear of destitution. What is neant by the word? That the vife can sit down seven days in the i kV.eek or loll around the fish pond .vhen she might wash, scour or do j )ther lighter work, while the hus- i jand gets to work at the early (?) ! lour of vS a. m. A lot of it is just :hat kind of stuff which is a mis- | riomer. The county at last hit the road | "rom Dinkins* Milt to Sumter a] ick and a promise and made it j passable. A ditch needs to be cut j ind piped across it just above Jim ? McCaa's and unless this is done :he lirst big rain will render the : road impassable again, we fear. "All signs fail in dry weather." [ have noticed that even when the i :mv "fairly humps" in coughing j ts Pinkney Dinkins used to say it ; does not rain. Every bootlegger, every maker of] illicit booze, every one in anywise guilty of breaking that good law ought, upon conviction to serve on the gang or in the penitentiary. A price ought to be pin on the head with the making ol" booze. Their aim seems to be to make prohibi tion a. farce, and there is some ap pearance of success in it. Why are not creamery routes established in the country? We milk two cows, the Spencers two or three. G. H. Lenoir could milk four. Others could do as well or better than the best of de above in our community and . ? a route could be established here if some one would interest themselves. Some one asks "why do you n<>t get out "ilagood?" Because 1 have u.) conveyance. 1 may go around anyway and see what can be done. "J lagood." Renibert. April 1". -? ? ? Trying to keep up with the neighbors j- a fine w get b* hind. SUMTER'S QUOTA OVERSUBSCRIBED $1,162.75 Raised For the Carrying On of Work of the Salvation Army The Salvation Army Drive for a ! maintenance fund was carried "over the top" on Wednesday with I a total of $1,162.75. Tue following is an itemized Statement of the amount received: Ward 1. Mrs. L. W. Jenkins, chairman. $4S.S0; Ward 2. .Mrs. Al ston SUtbhs, .chairman. $244.60: . Ward Mrs. 1). 1?. Kelly, ehair ' man, .$$0.45; Ward 4. Mrs. E. II. Moses, chairman. $41.35: Tag Day. Miss Hanna Kristianson in charge. ! $03.00: Woman's Auxiliary Presby ; terian church. $10: Ladies' Aid So ciety First Baptist church, $10; Business Woman's Team. Mis-* : Hanna Kristianson,. $68.50 and ; Mrsl E. J. Kcrrick. $22.30: Phila ? thea Class First Baptist church, ! S?: committee for railroad em j ployees, C. M. Brand. F. H. : Thorne. S. W. Walker. W. M. Bar j field, E. P. Pitts, George Bultman. ; $8.35: Law Range and Court I House, B. C. Wallace, $19^00: Mills ' and manufacturers committee, R. j L. McLeod and Edgar Skinner, ; $17.30: W. 1. White! cad and F. W. ! Chandler. $55.50; S. L. Roddey and j S. Y. Dinkins. Palmetto Fire Insur | ance company, $38.75; G. W. ! Hutchinson. City National Bank j Building. $39.00: E. T. White. |.$3S;$?; It. C. Belser, $23.50; L. E. i Wood. $10.50: J, C, Pate, $24^25; 'A. M. Currie. $1$.50; Men's Organ 1 ized Bible class Presbyterian church !$36.?O: Sumter Shrine Club. $15; j Knights of Pythias. $1 Salvation Army maintenance drive, that Sumter county will contribute ! its quota of One Thousand Dol- j lars. This is indeed a very great i success and the money collected : will be of very great help to the Salvation Army. The people of the j county are a very kind and chart- j table people. I am sure had it not I been for your efforts and the kind- j ness of your staff to the campaign ! it would not have met with such j great success. Miss Roman informs J me that each article which she I has requested you to publish has j been published in full. The suc cess in campaigns depends largely I upon the co-operation ai d the . assistance of the newspaper and we hope that you will give your- j self a great share of the credit of j success of the campaign. I will appreciate it it very much j if you will, through the columns : of your valuable paper, express to I the people of Sumter county the j sincere thanks of the Salvation Army. As soon as 1 can I hope to come | to Sumter on a short visit and I shall be glad to call in to see you. i Thanking you for the very kind ; and unselfish services which you have rendered, I am, Yours very truly. Adjutant J. V. Breazeale, Officer in Charge of Columbia Zone. ' An additional subscription to the , Salvation Army Fund for the amount of $13.75 increases the to tal amount raised in Sumter county* for this worthy cause to the tidy | sum of $1.176.50. This latter sub-; scription, which reached the Rem office too late to be recorded in | the article elsewhere found in this ! issue, came from Mr. W. D. Mc- J Leod. chairman of Oswego. Improvement Fund For Cemetery >. - Editor Daily Item: It is a very great pleasure that I : ask you to inform those who are interested in our cemetery that ex tensive improvements are being: made, claying the driveways and! putting in water. At :i meeting of lot owners some j weeks ago. the following ladies were requested to form soliciting' Committees in each ward of tin city to solicit subscriptions to pay j for these Improvements. Ward !. Mrs. J. M? Baker. Ward 2. Mrs. K. D. Graham. \Vard ::. .Mrs. L. N. Ligon. Ward I. Mrs. C. C Brown. These ladies request me to s;<> that they will start out Monday on this work, and we hope everyone wiii contribute liberally. They uan: ; to raise $6.000, and iL can be dorn if everyone will do his and her part, If you will ;.'uv were i damage' suits. Five of the oases on ? calendar were stricken off as end-, cd. settled out .>f the court or as discontinued. 151 is the cumber of eases t<> be carried over until the next term of court. This court: ?"?as scheduled to run in Sumter "or a full three weeks term but, owing to the en bam- session of the: Supreme Court in_ Columbia on j April 10th and 11th. at which all! circuit judges were required to at- j tend, the court was suspended dur- j ing these two days in order that i Judge S. W. bon .is i in- farmers are prepared ... eaiv !???? tlieii. properly ami pro iln, . :.! honn all i he !'?-.. . This very creditable showing made by this county came as a result of the most carefully outlined and exe cuted campaign extending over! several week's and which was aid ed by the hearty co-operation of! numerous public spirited citizens j throughout the entire county, ! whose aid in this work was indis- j pensible. The executive commit- [ tee of the Sumter county organi- j zation was composed of: John B.! Duffic. general chairman; S. L. < Roddey, vice-chairman; W. Y. i Yeadon, treasurer: Mrs. S. C. Ba kcr, chairman Woman's Committee ; and Mis:- Marguerite Roman, of Co lumbia, acting most capably as I campaign secretary. The itemized j statement of the various amounts | received was published in previous i editions of this paper. With the following corrections the list! should stand completed: Commit- \ tee for Railroad Employees, C. M. 1 Brand. F. H. Thome. S. W. Walk er. W. M Barfield. E. P. Pitts and I George Bultraan, $84.33; Mills and! Manufacturers Committee. R. L.; McLeod and Edgar Skinner, $27.30 and the Woman's Auxiliary of the | Presbyterian rfiurph, $13. - ? *m ? Tasmania And Australia at Out Sydney. N. S. W.. March 7.? j (By Mail)?The possibility of a re-j quest by Tasmania for secession from the Australian commonwealth j was indicated today at a gathering which assembled to bid farewell to j the retiring governor. Sir William j Allardyce. following continued ; complaints by Tasmania of the un fair treatment she is receiving j from the commonwealth. T. Murdock. M. L. C. declared that unless there were radical alter- j ations in Tasmania's financial rela- j tions with the Commonwealth. His Excellency would probably find a deputation requesting the imper ial authorities at London for re- ; lief. He said that the common-; wealth is drawing about 3,000,000 j pounds yearly from Tasmania, j < which was compelled to share the ' cost of all federal public works on j the mainland, which did not bene fit her. and that she received,. ? hardly anything worth mention-j ing" in return. - ? ? ?? The time for payment of state and county taxes, with penalty expires May 3lst. Since the lo^i^ lature extended the time compara-j lively little money has been re-j ceived by Treasurer Wallace, and, :ts ;i result the schools are suffer- < in:; for lack of funds. fp to this date only about sixty-five per cent of the taxes due for l?21 have been paid. The oiJie.ts of Dick Anderson j Chapter, L~. I). C. are working on their plans for the annual Me morial Day exercises on May 10th. -? ? ? The old-fashioned woman who :s< it l" wish she could drown her , i . h e : daughter who shoot? , PLANT OF SUMTER CANNING' COM PANY OPERA TING NICELY The plant machinery of the Sumter Canning company is func-1 tioning splendidly and the 10'-. employees of the plant are being kept busy with the handling of the fairly large crop of spinach fur- j nished by the farmers of the conn- . ty. Everyone connected with the Sumter Canning company have be come very enthusiastic indeed with the excellent beginning made in . the actual handling of the first \ crop of supplied produce. The full > capacity of the present machinery j and equipment of the plant is ap- ' proxiniateiy 20,000 cans per day. ! The plant is not as yet being work- | ed to this capacity but it is rapidly i approachina capacity output. It is expected that 1<>,000 cans of j spinach will be turned out during the working hours of today. GREAT SUNDAY CONVENTION Sixteenth International Con-' vent ion to Re Held in Kansas City Kansas City, Mo., April 17.-? Amalgamation of the International Sunday School Association and the Sunday School Council of Religious Education will be celebrated at the Sixteenth International Sunday School Convention here June 21 27. The convention will be attend- : ed by Sunday school officer.;, teachers and. pupils from all parts of the United States and Canada. The general theme of the gath- j ering will be "Building Together" through the home, the church, the i community, North America, the world field, reorganization, relig ious education and evangelism. The golden anniversary of the introduc tion of uniform Sunday school les sons will be observed, and a special night will be devoted to the work of the World's Sunday School As sociation. The convention prayer is being written by Bishop Charlie H. Brer..* of Buffalo, Protestant Episcopal bishop for western New York, and the convention hymn by Dr. Ralph Welles Keller of Chicago. Presi dent W. O. Thompson of Ohio State University, Columbus, O., is chair man of the convention committee. Among numerous speakers will be Miss Margaret Slattery, Sunday school writer ard lecturer, Boston; Hugh S. Magill of the National Ed- j ucation Association, Washington, j D. C: Wayne B. Wheeler of thej National Anti-Saloon League, j Washington. D. C: Dr. Marion j Lawrence, consulting general sec retary of the International Sunday School Association. Chicago: Dr. W. W. Charters, professor of edu cational research at Carnegie In stitute of Technology, Pittsburgh: ; and Governor Arthur M. Hyde, of'; Missouri. A convention exhibit i= being prepared. - Methodist to Divide Missions _ Hot Springs. Ark.. April 18.?A j plan for dividing the Board of Mis sions into a Eoard of Home Mis- ! sions and a Board of Foreign Mis sions will be before the general conference of the Methodist Epis- j copal Church South which meets here May 2 and according to j Bishop John M. Moore, of Nash- : ville, the Bishops have expressed themselves as favorable to the ; change. Bishop Moore said the plan was j agreed on by a commission which was authorized by the last general conference. The . commission, he said, was of the opinion that home j missions could not receive in the j Board of Missions as now con- j istituted the consideration and em phasis which the needs of the home field warranted. "The fact tha*. bur work in the nine foreign fields of China, Japan, \ Korea. Manchuria, Africa. Europe, I Brazil, Cuba and Mexico has grown to such proportions that it demands the full time and atten- t tion of a great board and the fact that the work of home missions 1 has become tremendously urgent ' have brought the commission to | declare for two boards." Bishop Moore 'said. Bishop Moore said the commis sion was of the opinion that home ! missions should stand alone "until I it comes to itself in politics, move- j meats and methods of administra tion, and then at the end of one or tvvu quadrienniums the two boards could come together on an equal basis and constitute one i board with two distinct but allied : departments." The Woman's Missionary Coun cil, would not be affected by the proposed change. Bishop Moore said, because the council had al ways had a department Of home missions and a department of for eign missions. -? ? ? CHARGED WITH LARCENY New York. April IS.?Henry M. Peers. 41, member of the bank- . rupt cotton brokerage firm of. Henry M. Peers & Co.. today was held in $5.000 bail to await action by the grand jury on a charge of larceny of $10.000 from the firm of Oliver & Houghtan. cotton brok ers. .John I-'. Oliver. one <>f the com plainants, testified before Magis trate Simpson that, when he ask-j ed Peers what had become of the Me nmi he had giver, him for the purchase of stock, the broker re plied: ?*1 speculated and lost it." Counsel for Peers told the Court . his client, had only followed eus Lom in the use of Oliver s money, 1 rawing the reply that "custom Joes not make law." i NAVY ROW \ IN HOUSE '?Ate_ 'Bid: Navy" Supporter is Charged With Backing Dotfn Whole Question is How Many Officer: Says Chairman Kelley Washington. Aprl IS.?Decision of 'ibig navy" men, on the heels ol their victory for a bigger enlisted force, not *p offer amendments to the i:?23 naval bill providing money increase's for. shore station activi ties, provoked a bitter row in the house today, in ;he course of which Chairman Kelley charged "they had backed down, expecting the senate to complete the job." ! Starting unexpectedly, it raged for an hour or more and drew ? many into the fray. The "good j faith" of those who had changed I their plan at the eleventh hour was , o.uestioned by Chairman Kelley and j Representative Mondell, the ' Re ; publican leader, and quickly resent j ed by those who had put through ? j the amendment increasing the per sonnel from 67,000 to S6,00th' ; Ready with proposals, one call ing for $6,000,000 additional for (?the bureau of construction and rc j pair, and another for $2,000,000 for ! the bureau of engineers, the forces opposed to the eommittee measure agreed to let the bill sail along as framed. Then all at once the storm broke. It came while the house j was considering the item, provid I ing commissions in the navy for [only 200 of the 541 members of the j j first year class at Annapolis. Pcnd ! ing was a proposal to commission j all. .. .. ' I "This discussion," said Chair ( man Kelley, "simply illustrates that ! everybody wants disarmament in j the abstract, but not in the con crete." j Declaring the "cat was out of the bag," he shouted to the house that f the whole question at issue cir l clod around the number of officers J and then charged that the navy j department, in insisting or an m j creased personnel wanted to put 200 additional destroyers in com mission. "They hoped, to get these destroy ers at the other end of the capi : tol," he exclaimed. "The carcass is in plain view now. More de stroyers mean more repair work. The men who wanted more money for the navy^yards- have marched right up to th^ place where they could fake it but/ Then backed away, sayingf *ddn't lets go any fur ther; lets let the senate do it? Navy Oa?ses Earthquake Scores Los Angeles, Calif., April IS.? Weather conditions are responsible for target practice, of tht Pacific Fleet off the' Southern California coast -being occasionally mistaken for earthquake shocks, according to a report made to the Chamber of Commerce of this city by Dr. Ford A. Carpenter, head of the meteorological bureauof the chamber. Dr. Carpenter cited cases of Jan uary 17 and March 23 last when vibrations caused by big gun fire rartled houses many miles inland and resulted in reports of "earth quakes" from widely scattered lo calities. ? ? , . "It is a well known fact." the re port continued, "that sound coming from some ''point may be heard is also va-ri^bfe/* The wind- direc tion plays a *ih,ost important part in this. If the*sdund-emitting body is in the direction from which the wind is coming, .the sound may be heard more distinctly. It cap be seen readily ' that sound waves travelling in the opposite direction from which the wind is blowing or against the wind, will be broken up" and deflected. "The weather conditions dur ing the evenings of January 17 and Marcii 23 were practically the same. At both times an area of low pressure was central over Ne vada and Utah, with an area of high pressure off the -California coast. Under these conditions Southern California would experi ence southerly winds shifting to westerly by way of southwesterly. ?The liting took place near Catalina Island, which would give the ships a position practically due south of Los .Angeles. The greift atmospheric, waves traveling with the wind would be carried great distances. Had there been a north erly wind the shoe': would prob ably have been unnoticed. "With . gun firing at sea. the waves are in the air. but with an earthquake the waves are sent out from some disturbance under 'the surface of the earth and a vibra tion oi the ground i-esults. The gun firing shocks rattle windows and doors but there is no vibra- > tion. The effect is more like a high wind. "As tiie navy seems to have chosen Southern California waters ior battle practice and uirget iirmg of the ships, we are likely to have recurrences of t'.ese shocks from time to time." ? m ? Farmers report that the oat ??end wheat crops are looking fine and that the weather conditions have been favorable for small grain. The :nan who has a good wheat crop this year is lucky. Why not a law making boot leggers print the antidote on the bottle? In making a movie, they take, one drawn-out kiss and hunt for a plot ?0 precede it. This bandit who robbed three landlords knew where to find the money. U is better to bo bored than lone ly. . When you see "Statute of Lib erty" it's probably a misprint. An ex-toper would tell you it*s bound, to he.