The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, April 19, 1922, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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The Watchman and Southron Wednesday and Satur day by Pefetts&ng Company, Snmter, S, ?. . Terms: . $2.80 per annum?In advance. . Advertisements: One Square, first insertion -.$1.00 Every subsequent insertion . ?-- . 5 ? Contracts for three months or tenger will be made at reduced 4H -communications which sub serve private interests will oe charged, for as advertisements. OMtuaries and tributes of re* ?pect .wile be charged ?for. The Suniter Watchman was founded in 1850 and the True Sgouthron in 1666. The Watchman and Southron now has the com bined circulation and influence of both of the old papers, and is man ifestly the best advertising medium in Suinter. d. ILi 1 '.' * ? ' ' ? DOING ONE THING WELL John D. Rockefeller, Jr.. prais ing: Joan" D, Rockefeller, Sr., may not be altogether convincing, but ifc^ certainly hard to find a flaw in "tfre business policy described by the* son in a recent bible class talk. y^tSthere is. one thing above, all others I admire ray father for." he said,, "it. is that in the great business he has built up he has always ap plied the principle of sticking to that business and building it up. ?vHe has never attempted to go into , a thousand undertakings, in which he has been offered many attractive opportunities. I have al ways thought that his application to. one thing at a time was one of tne signs of my father's greatness of mind. He has" been interested in many other things, but he has kept hie - attention .centered on one thins.''" * Is. this not true of every great, business, or of every small business which, is conspicuously successful? ti?at it has been built up by some man who made it his foremost in terest? Likewise of professional and artistic success. ? We^'read now. and then of a Leo nardp da^ Vinci,, a Benjamin Franklin or Hugo Stinnes who ??...' ?? ? ?? . ? - ? ? seems to disregard this rule; but such men are rare, and-imitation of them is full of risk, especially in an age of specialization. The gen ius -is.^usually a person who, in gfcea? of trying to d.o everything we$L;?2 content to do one thing bet tssrthsii anybody else, ^.j^at looks like ^rijljancy" is o^e^o^ly .scater-bminedness. Many *.Ei&Q who might have made a fcrefti f?ccess is frittering away his talent scattering his energies instead of concentrating and stick ing to the one, thing to which he first -committed himself. -. , ...if.-. m.*-*j. - LENINE AND LLOYD GEORGE ?:j Russia has arrived at Genoa .4$ least, certain gentlemen pre suming to represent that sad and hsBgry country have arrived and saade their presence known as a beautiful Bolshevik bluster. ;**Nbthing but complete recogni tion will satisfy Russia" is part of the loud noise. ? long bill to be presented .to the Allies forms what fluty be known as a drone bass to the. strident melody. Lloyd Geprge, bearing the chief beiden of eiYihzation, is a figure to be watched and encouraged. H< 1fljg3t?pate4. suph moves, and seei to he countering them cleverly. He regies that it is merely the orien tal ^rading^ method which he is up against?the method of asking a price at first, far in excess 9t the one eventually espacted. ' rvftaance has given her full ap $roya! of the Lloyd George pro gram in regard to Russia, but has sent no major representatives to support him. Indi\idual Americans approve .the program, but official- j ly America has no voice. The little i Welshman is in a position of un usual and extremely ticklish re . Host of the intelligent and pro g^es3|ve-minded people in the world, however, are. betting on Lloyd George. ? A LABOR CONSTITUTION. . .-1 . Stephen A. Day. president of the League for Industrial Justice, an apnncea that he proposes to call a conference to formulate a code to be used as a basis for settlement of ail labor disputes. **The need for such a code, or creed, or .what might be called, an industrial constitution, has long been urged by the league. Presi dent Harding advocated it in his inaugural address. The leading thought of the world points to it3 necessity. "The present situation in the coal industry convinces me that the time has come to act. I have assur ances that the government will be represented, as well as the great est organizations and industries in the country." There ran be no question of th. need of .some such statement of principles upon which capital and labor both may stand, and fo which disputes on separate cases may be referred, to see in what respects the arguments of the disputants square up with the creed, and to make settlements accordingly. The re lations of capital and labor are in a chaotic state. Whether opinion has developed to the point where such a constitution could be ac cepted wholeheartedly by both sides, and acted on. effectively, is the doubtful point . 9. m ? . TREES. jt " ,. . The week of April 16-22 has been set apart as Forest Protection Week, and its last day as the gold en anniversary of Arbor Day. The president has issued a proclama ! tion asking the nation to celebrate the week, and the specific day, by . "uniting in thought and action for the preservation of our common heritage." Fprest fires, .with greedy and careless timber-cuttjng, have brought us to the point where it is absolutely necessary that thought and action be taken if any of our common heritage of woodland is pto be preserved. Hardly anything is so easily de stroyed as a forest.. The compen sating fact is that hardly anything Is so easily replaced?if one wants to. wait hmg enough.' All it takes is time and letting alone, and a cut over land will produce another for est. A burned-over land may also do so if the burn does not go too' deep. Where roots or seeds are left, the trees will grow. It is not at all necessary that timbering operations cease, in order to replace our forests. It is only necessary that care and thrift be used in the cutting. Any woodlot has a definite annual output of tim ber big enough to cut. If the thin ning of the lot be done with judg ment, the production for following years will be increased rather than diminished. Fire is the great destroyer. Hot ?ashes carelessly knocked out of a pipe, falling on dead leaves?a camp fire not .whoUy extinguished ?-these are the chief causes of the mighty conflagrations. And they are wholly preventable, Nothing; in the world is more beautiful or more useful than a tree. This is the week to think I about trees, to enjoy them, to plant I them. i ; ? j UNDERSTANDING THE INDEM NITY. -?r*?rr J In the midst of much loose dis j cussion regarding the amount of j the German indemnity, this pass ^ age. in a dispatch from an American correspondent at Genoa to the New ! York World is clarifying: J "I mentioned! to a German delc ]gate today that at present value j Germany's reparation debt, with j?0 years to pay, was about $12. 000,000.000, while France, with J slightly more than half the popu jlation of Germany, owed England land America about $6,000,000. His j reply was that I did not under stand the situationn." i . . . The. amount of money the Al lies are trying to get from Germany is certainly not at all. excessive, gauged by the damage done. The only jobjection is that Germany is in such bad, shape financially that she may not be able to pay the comparatively, smajl sums demand ed without her business system go ing to smash. And although such a fate might be a just penalty for j Germany's crimes, it would be mighty hard on the Allies, and incidentally pretty hand on the United States.. For here';: the rub. If German's business system collapses, Germa ny no longer affords a market for foreign goods, and America and the AUie3 all lose a profitable cus homer. Moreover, if such a col lapse comes. Germany cannot make the small reparation which the Al lies are still hoping for: and if they i cannot get what Germany owes {them, they cannot pay us what jthey owe us. pur $. 0 ; of foreign war loans goes back to I Germany, and will be paid?if it is i ever paid;?out of German money. NO WAR HATREDS. Lloyd George has declared that ialthough the Allies called the Genoa ' conference, they are not thereby entitled to run it. but every nation. j including Russia and Germany, i-iias an cjual place. He maintains that an economic conference is not the place for war hatreds. "He has a tough job," says a correspondent. "to surround 34 nations with that atmosphere, but he a igoing to try his best." If Lloyd George can put over that one thing?can make the oth er 33 nations realize that they must "please park their razors at the door" and sit down to work as business men engaged on the solu tion of business problems for the good of the business of all present, not as warring and prejudiced na tionals, he will"have accomplished the great purpose of the conference. If the nations of the world will stop fussing long enough to learn how to cooperate with each other in running the business of the world with some mild degree of efficiency and common sense, a great step forward will have been made in the progress of human civ ilization. FIRE RAVAGES LAMAR AGAIN Large Business Block Destroy ed Entailing Loss of $55,000 Lamar. -April 14.?-The largest building in town was destroyed by fire this morning at 5 o'clock. In a few minutes affer the fire was discovered, the whole central part of the building was a mass of flames. Because of the headway gained, practically nothing could be saved, though the volunteer fire men labored long in efforts to check the flames. The first business to go was the furniture store recently bought out by George Spears. Out of this large stock was saved two sets of 1 bedroom furniture and some small j stuff. Upstairs the Lamar Telephone company was a total loss. The young man w-ho is the night opera tor had to climb to the bank building over the cross arms. The Lamar Brokerage company sustained the loss of all accounts, books'and furniture, aving only the typewriter. This hrm had just finished putting in an up-to-date bfiice set. The Lamar Insurance company I lost all papers and the office furni- j tu re. Dr: S. L. Parnell, the owner of the building, had his Office up stairs. This office was complete in every detail and the handsome library, the instruments and office furniture were a complete loss. The Glover grocery is a com plete loss, only a few things being gotten out. This stock is a com plete loss. Ed Glover, who has gone to Pineland in the employ of the Sea board, had his household furniture stored upstairs in the Parnell building 'and sustained a heavy loss as all of his possessions were burned. Too much can not be said in the praise of those who volun teered their services to save the Merchants' and Planters' bank building: and the Palmetto Drug company. They climbed into places of danger, with the bucket bri gade passing water in a steady stream. By long &nd tedious toil this building was saved. The drug company lost a very little by wa ter damage. Due to the heroic work of the yqoung men, the bank j building and the McSwain build- i i ing were saved; Several barns and the freight building of the Seaboard were in jeopardy at times from sparks, but the bucket brigade soon had the I flames extinguished. To the best of information prac j tically no insurance on the goods [and stocks was carried. The Par Inell building was insured for $10, | 000. This is only a fraction of the j ; cost of the building which was erected a few years' ago for about $55,000. Monument in Japan to Prof. Ladd Tokio. March 13?Attended by more than a hundred prominent! persons a monument to memory j of Professor George Trumbull Ladd, ? late of Yale University, was unveil ed on March 11. in the grounds of Sojiji Temple, near Yokohama where his ashes were recently bur ied. Among those witnessing or participating in the ceremony were the American ambassador, Prince Tokugawa, president of the House of Peers and delegate to the Wash ington Conference. Viscount Ma kino, minister of Imperial House hold, Admiral Uruye, Baron Kuki. Mayor Gato, Viscount Fukuoka, Baron Yamakawa and Professors Kuwaki, Shiozawa and Anezaki of j the ' Tokio Imperial University. J When the monument was unveiled I by Mrs. Ladd. Mr. Okubo, Mr. War ren. Viscount Makino and Prince Tokugawa spoke in high praise of the late Professor Ladd. Mrs. Ladd concluded the cere mony with an expression of grat itude for the sentiment expressed I in behalf of her late husband. Professor Ladd who was regard ed as one of America's great psy chologists, died in .Yew Haven last summer at the age of 80 years. He had visited Japan three times and gave a number of lectures in edu cational psychology at different un iversities. When he was received in audience by the late Emperor Mciji he was decorated with the order of the Rising Sun. In accordance with his own request a portion of j his ashes brought to Japan by j Mrs. Ladd recently for burial. The monument just unveiled is of stone more than ten feet in height anl stands upon a hill in the tem ple grounds. It was erected by his] friends and pupils in Japan. Mr. S. K. Rowland left for Co lumbia Monday to spend the Pal mafesta week in that city. Mr. Kowland is to have charge of the Mitchell show room where three] new model Mitchell cars are to be i on exhibition and for demonstra tion. Judging from rccenl news. wives, to our leading bigamists, are like trieks at bridge. The first j six don't count. Evidently Lot's wife had had no 1 experience ohaufleuring joy-ride I parties or engaged couples. ? ? ? Fine feathers make sad birds; when the bills come in. To-day's Best Jokes and Stories ; Rastus: ''If you all say dat a sin, I'll cut. yo up in pieces so small a ant kin swaller yo." Sambo: "Say; bo>v if y'o atl do ?I'll hit y?j so hz'C it will make a bump on yo h iid so big dat when de call de .ambulance dey will all put de bump inside and yo' all will have to walk."?Birmingham Rec ord. Mistress: "Don't you know about finger bowls. Xorah? Didn't they have them at the last vdace you worked?" Maid: "No. ma'am, they mostly washed themselves before they came to the table."?National News. Mrs. ? Cohen: "Dis life-guard saved your life, Cohen. Shall 1 giff him a dollar?" Mr. Cohen: "I w?as haf deadt ven he pulled me out. Make it fifty-fifty. Giff him fifty cents."? Scio Post.' - ? j "Have you had~ any experience in salesmanship?" asked a sales manager of a college graduate ap plying for a job. "Oh. yes," replied the other con fidently. "I assisted for two years in selling the seats for the Yale Harvard football game."?Ameri can Legion Weekly. Overheard: "3'es! an' I says to -im: 'You shove any more water in my milk an' I'll tike it down ter the Town 'All an* 'avc it paralyzed b ythe local .Anarchist.' "?Pear- 1 ?ion's Weekly. "Please tell me the names of your visitors." said the editor of the Petunia Argosy over the tele phone. ?' "How did you know we had visi tors?" asked the soeiallioness. "Why, there's'some foreign clothes out on your line this morn ing." replied the observing editor. ?Kansas City Star. - I Employer: "I would rather have a single man for the job." Applicant: "Well, advance me enough money and I'll get a di vorce."?Timeoffice. Alice: "I don't know that 1 really love Jack." Virginia: "Isn't there any way you can find out how much he's worth ?"?Erie Review. We were to dine together and I met her in the lobby of the restau rant. The gown she wore began under her arms and ended above her knees. It was filmy and diaphanous. "I'm so ashamed." she said. "I forgot to powder my nose."?The Etude. It was in one of the "ten, twent, thirt" vaudeville houses where moving pictures- are shown. An Orienatl act had -been concluded and incense filled the house. "Usher," complained a pompous man in an aisle seat, "I smell punk." "That's all-right/' whispered the Usher confidentially, "just sit where you are, and I won't put anyone near you."?Ex. On certain days when pa gets home (The days he's paid I mear.) Ma meets him at the door, and then We see a touching scene. ? ?Exchange. Next in Intelligence. A teacher had been giving a lesson on animals to a class of ?mall children, in the course of which she explained, much to their surprise, that man was an animal. Finally, she asked them what ani mal was next in intelligence to man. One little fellow, about eight years of age, promptly answered, "Woman." ?Judge. When money talks no one stop:; j to criticize its grammar. Lecturer (in loud voice)?"I ven- j ture to assert there isn't a man in i this audience who has ever done j anything to prevent Hie destruc tion of our vast forests." Man in audience (timidly)?"I've *hot woodpeckers." Ain't You Right. Mother? "Mother, what is a Dry Mar tini?" "Heavens on Earth, child!" "Oh!"?Surt Dodger. Hard to Fill. Aunt Liza's former mistress war. talking to her one morning, when suddenly she discovered a little pickaninny standing shyly behind his mother's skirts. "Is this your little boy. Aunt Liza?" she asked. "Yes. miss, dat's Prescription." "Goodness, wliat a funny iiame. auntie, for a child! How in thej world did you happen to call him that?" "Ah simply calls him dat becuz Ah has scch hahd wuk gettin' him tilled." ?The Strathmorean. Tin? Boy Knew. "If I cut a beefsteak in two." asked the teacher, "and then cu( the halves in two. what do I get?" "Quarters." returned the boy. "Good. And then again?" "Eights." "Correct. Aaain." "Sixteenths." "Exactly. And what thru?" "Thirty-seconds." "And once more?" ""Hamburger." cried the boy impatiently.?Excha nge. if some people let ili<-ir con science be they would steer an awful crooked course. "It's an ill wind that blows no good." and "accidents will happen." S<> soys our local reporter and tic ought to know because he got it straight. Little drops of water, Little grains of corn. Make the mighty moonshine, And the headache the next 'morn. Not Eggsactly Right. Mrs. Newly wed went to the grocery store to do her marketing, determined that the grocer should not take advantage of her youth and inexperience. "These eggs are dreadfully small," she criticized. "I know it," he answered. "But that's the kind the farmer brings me. They are just fresh from the country this morning." "Yes," said the bride, "and that's the trouble with the farmers. They are so anxious to get their eggs sold that they take them off the nest too soon!" Missing. There was a thin maiden called Greener Who worked with a vacuum clean er; But she got in the way Of the suction one day, And since then nobody has seen her. The Stable Menu. Impatient Diner: "Hey. miss!" Waitress: "Don't serve it, sir!" Retort Courteous. Bootblack?"Shine, sir?" "No, thanks!" Bootblack ? "Shine yev boots so's yer can see yer face in 'em, sir?" "No, thanks!" Bootblack?"Coward!" There Goes Another. Mose Wl>ite got a job in a saw mill. The boss put him in charge at a buzz saw, showed him how it worked, warned him of the dan ger, and then went away. Mose was fascinated by the shinuing, whiriing saw. But was it as sharp and terrible as the boss had said? To test it he touched it gently with his linger. B-z-z! and the linger was no more. As Mose was ruefully tying up his hand the boss came back. "Hallo, there, Mose! What's the matter?" "Buzz saw done cut my fingah off, sah." "How did that happen?" "Ah dunno, boss. Ah just like dis?for goodness' sake, dar'a anud der finger gone!" Taxpayers Take Notice. "I hope you are not afraid of microbes," apologized the paying teller as he cashed the school teacher's check with solid currency. "Don't worry," said the young lady. A microbe couldn't live on my salary." The Seaman's Journal.? ? ? O NOTICE The Democratic Clubs of Sumter county are hereby called to meet at their respective places of meeting on Saturday, April 22nd, 1922, at such convenient hours as the offi cers of the respective clubs may ?esignate, except that in the city of Sumter the clubs of the said city of Sumter shall meet Friday afternoon, April 21st, not earlier than 6 o'clock p. m. on said day. Said clubs shall reorganize by the election of officers, executive committee, member of the county executive committee and delegates to the county convention, which meets in the Court House, Sumter. S. C. on Monday the 1st day of May. 1922, at 12 o'clock, noon. Each club is entitled to one dele gate to the convention for every >7cnty-five (25) members, or ma lority part thereof, based upon; the vote of the club at the last pri- j mary. The club officers arc requested to give this notice all possible pub deity that a full meeting of the clubs may be had. H. G. OSTEEN, Secretary County Democratic Ex- j ecutivc Committee. Sumter, S. C, April Sth, 1922. COTTON MAXtKEl NEW YORK COTTON. Yestdys I Open HUtb Low Close CIom ! Ian.17.09 17.3* 17.03 17.25 16..%! Way.17.66 17.98 17.65 17.9? 17.60! luly .17.35 17.57 17.35 17.49 17.24 ! 3ct. 17.27 17.55 17.23 17.45 I7.U ! 5ec.17-19 17.46 ?7.16 ?7.37 17.05; Spots ;;n up, i *.<>.:>. Mew Orleans Cottsn. ? . Y'st'dj's j Open High Low Close Close ! Ian . ?6.52 16,75 16.52 ?6.73 ?6.36 I Way 16.70 16.98 16.70 16.93 16.64 j luly 16.6? 16.98 16.69 16.91 ?6.61 ! )ct.(?.55 ?6.84 16.55 ?6.83 16.44 )ec . 16.52 16.85 16.52 16.79 16.41 Spots up. l'i.T.'t. There are two kinds of big men? j hose who grow and those who j -well.?Exchange. It is a boy's ambition to throw I curves and a girl's to grow them. ' ?Statler Sa lesma nship. Woman: "A rag. a bone. And a hank of hair. Man. "A jag. a drone. And a bank of air." Engineers have found a way to j ;ake the "put-put" out of motor-, boats. We wish they could tind a! kvay !o take some of the *tak itk''" OUt of tax collectors. ? ? * Speaking of palmistry, Methusc- j lab's 1 ir#- line and Solomon's love i ine would have been mighty inter- I ?sting studies. Bill Hay? and .ludgc Landi?. Who will be the next celebrity to Jecide that duty call? him to an other position? How inspiring is example. While laughter is learning music, the ?est of the family learns fortitude. A musician with as many as two bowels in his name, if he becomes Yimous, deserves great credit. He i:is overcome a great handicap. INDIA'S RELIGIONS POLIT ICALLY SIGNIFICANT Washington, D.C., April 14?"In dia and her problems and move ments cannot be understood un-.ess something is known of the tangled threads of numerous religions that are entwined with every fiber of her life." says a bulletin issued from the Washington, D. C, head quarters of the National Geograph ic Society. "Religious antagonism has heretofore been the rock upon which every proposed all-India movement has broken up." con tinues the bulletin, "although the recently imprisoned leader. Ghandi, has been able, in a measure, to enlist followers from some of the most divergent of India's 'jarring creeds." Religion a Spice to the Indian "Religion is the soul of Indian life, the spice in an otherwise un endurable existence. To the Hin du. Mohammedan or Sikh, religion is by no means nominal but is an actual force in everyday affairs. "Religious festivals mark the changes of the year. The temple grounds are the meeting places of the people and the forums of pub lic opinion. "Asceticism is both subjectively and objectively attractive and holy men abound from the Himalayas, beloved by Kim's guru, to the tropi - cal sea beside which Dravidian tem ples raise their gopurams and Christian churches show their spires. "Probably no where is religion used with more profitable results by charlatans and imposters than in India. So great a virtue is char ity that the very mountebank is considered a public benefactor. The Moslem mendicant often lends real dignity to the dignified word "fak ir.' But many holy men are more faker and fakir. Religion a Coat of Many Colors "Nowhere else have men, through religion, so detached themselves from the passions and frivolities of : worldly life. Nowhere has religion so seasoned unmitigated misery. No wnere has religion been the cloak for more blatent beggary and dis gusting deception. Nowhere is re ligion a more potent political fac I tor. "More than two-thirds of the peo ple of India are Hindus. Modern Hinduism grew out of Brahman ism, and is still called by that name. The earlier belief was in one omnipotent but impersonal be ing, whose personal manifestations were Brahma, the creator; Vishnu; the preserver; and Siva, the De stroyer and Reproducer. Brahma has few followers. Vishnu is wor shipped by millions, upon whose foreheads is painted a device call - ed the namam consisting of a ver tical red line inside a U-shaped fig ure in white clay. But the favor ite god of many Hindus is Siva. Conquered BuddLhism by Compro mise "When Buddha gained followers in India, the Brahmins accepted Buddha as the ninth incarnation of Vishnu and by this compromise they so emasculated the gentle faith of the Buddhists that they drove Buddhism into Ceylon, Bur ma and the Far East, so that the religion of the Hindu, modified by the teachings of Buddha, pervades India from Benares to Conjecveram and from Kumbakonam to Allaha bad. "When the various Mohamme dan conquerors poured in over the northern passes they brought their religion with them, so that India has more Mohammedans than Tur key ever ruled and the assemblage of 'the Faithful' in the Great Mosque of Delhi forms one of the largest congregations of the fol lowers of Mohammed to be found anywhere. The sensitiveness of this Moslem group over alleged in sults to the Khalif or Sultan of Turkey has done much to compli cate world politics. With more than 6G million Mohammedans within its boundaries, India ranks at the top of the list of Moslem lands. But Indian Mohammedanism is strongly tinged with Hindu culture and has lost much of the militant quality which distinguished it in the days of Baber and Akbar. Sikhs an Offshoot "The Sikhs broke away from the orthodox Hindu faith under the leadership of Nanak. who was born in the Punjab, near Amritsar. the capital city of the Sikhs, in 14G9. Sikhs means disciple and these schismatics once worshipped their Gurus, or teachers, but later trans ferred their devotion to the Granth. or holy book which proclaims their faith and prinicples. The Sikhs abolished caste, that curse and blessing of Hindu society, and their militant ardor has given them a standing out of all proportion to their membership of three millions. "India has nearly four million Christians, mostly Roman Catho lics, Anglicans and Baptists but with large numbers of Syrian Chris tians, whose patriarch lives in An tioch. Most of the Christians are found in Madras Presidency and on the Travancore Coast. "From Peshawar to Cape Go morin, India contains many Antm ists among the hill tribes and ab original races and even the Bud dhists of Burma hold to some Animistic beliefs, whose influence is felt throughout the land. Homes For Decrepit Animals. "Two of the most interesting but numerically unimportant religious j groups are the Jains and the Par sis. The Jains form a monastic group rather than,a religion, agree I UNDERTAKING j THE CHERRY CO. 18 N. Main Street Motor Equipment KELL BRUNSON I Licensed Erobalmer. Night Phone 79S-L. with the Hindus in many princi ples, ascribe a soul to every ani mal however small and seek to secure release from the bonds of transmigration. According to their belief, only the monks can auain Nirvana. Their homes for de crepit animals are world famous and their temples are noted for the intricacy of their carvings and the wealth of ornament which distin guishes them. "The Parsis are descendants of the fire worshippers who were ex pel ied from the region of Baku on the Caspian Sea by the Moham medan conquests. These followers of Zoroaster, whose ability as merchants has given them unusual economic strength, refuse to defde ;he elements, and expose their dead to vultures rather than burn or bury them. They assert that fire is simply a symbol for their God of glory and light. Their wo men are among the best educated in the entire Orient. Hospitals for both animals and human beings are endowed by the Parsis and they erect many monuments. These people dominate the business life of Bombay. "From the ignorant villager of the south, breaking a coconut as a sacrifice to some one of India's millions of maleficent gods to the Jain on Mount Abu, stepping aside to avoid treading on a worm, re ligion is a vital force to India's peo ple. Atheism is growing but to off set this baneful influence the Brahma Samaj and the Christian missionary are exerting their best efforts and the great religions arc holding their followers in line." RIVER IS STILL RISING Engineers Along Mississippi On the Lookout Memphis, April lti.?Reports 6f wave wash from the high winds prevailing last night and today kept the levee board engineers on both sides of the river from Os cerds. Ark., to Greenville, Miss., busy on repairs on the embank ments all today with no serious trouble- anywhere along the cen tre. 1 section of the river developing during the day. Clear weather in tl;e central watersheds encouraged engineers to think that the flow of the flood water from the Missis sippi tributaries will come to an end wtihin the next ten days. At Memphis a slight rise was re corded., the guage standing at 40.C. All reporting .points between g? Louis and Memphis report addi tional rises, with the exception of Cairo, where there was a fall of 0.2 foot. Almost all the flood water is believed to have empied out 61 the Missouri, but the Ohio is ris ing fast from Cincinnati to its mouth. Cleveland, Ohio. April 1G?July L'o will bo the twenty-first 'anni versary of the Unity Convention at which the Socialist Party was orga nized. Celebration of July 23-30 as the "corning-of-age" birthday of the party will be considered at its national convention, which will convene here April 2:?, according to advices received from Otto BraD stetter, of Chicago, executive secT retary. And after Genoa where will the next rash of conferences break out. It is easy enough to love your neighbor if she is a pretty girl.? Exchange. ight" NEW YORK CAST A play that has scored a tremendous success wherever presented Fun, Pathos, Thrills. t t FOURTH NIGHT Redpath Chautauqua 18 Splendid Attractions 7 Big Days SEASON TICKETS $2.75 a^^MREDPATH CHAUIAUQUAi CHAUTAUQUA WEEK HERE, MAY ?th to MAY 13th I The business of America demands at this time the best banking service obtainable FIRST NATIONAL BANK 8 UM TER, S. C, ARCHIE CHINA O. U YATBS Vice President Cashier NKH L OTWNNXLL President The National Bank of South Carolina 1 OF SUMTER, S. C. The Mo*t Paia<rt*kinff 8 ER VIC* with OOUKTJBST Capita) ?100,000 iarpia* a*d Profit* 9t80,*tt STRONG AND PROGRESSIV? Give o> the Plcaaaro of ferric* YOU Tbc Bank With the Chime CIocJl C. Q. ROWLAND, Pres, BARLE ROWLAND, Cathie* i ?i