The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, July 14, 1920, Image 6

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miRBEvniE wd Annexation Meeting * Great Success GS AND MOISE SPEAK Crowd With Them on Pro oood Change of County Seat* ttneeday. July 7. wss a great day ijSbter and the Turbevllls section lerendon oounty. for these two VAS got together In a big celebra? nt TurbevUle. which will be long (mooted by all those participating. ?n of this event was the tal booSv jt trip that is srrangeo ibs Sumte* Chsmber of Commerce Mhs stores, warehouses and other Interests of Humter to go over rtetfhbortng country and advertise (sarao Cock City to the farmers, jgsj JWs been much discussion by of Clarendon adjoining er oounty in regard to annexing liter, so when thoae sections; of the proposed booster trip, ashed tho cltIsens of Sumter to down to TurbevUle for a big and Jubilee after which the seatier of annexation would be The Chamber of Com ? accepted the invitation and :av morning, several hundred traveled down to TurbevUle h the country. When they ar there. they found a large crowd SSI tern. People came from of tfuinter and Clarendon Le* and some *rom L?ee oounty. estimated that between t.oOO and people irere there. In the the Suniter Board of County testers net with representa from the McBrlde. Salem and Hie eectlotis sf Clarendon coun went over the matter carefully, some discussion, tho board ed Iteelf to build both roads ssk Ity the people of tho section snd people of Sumte' county adjoin Mpt there were two factions, one eShved a road to bo called the Turbe Yl&le Hoed, and another faction wished Aj read running wer snother routs to he smiled the Dabhe Rosd. When It was decided that both roads would be Klin, there waa much rejoicing among ffce oAlisetis Interested In the matter. Tho hand fron Camp Jackson was im hand and de'ighted the crowd with' Ihetr music They played a while af fcth?? meeting of the county board bftfera te deiijctfuhhl plcnlo wag. haid it. the grow 1 Ml..ey good things to eat were there sad Lie ladles of TurbevUle and thoee Who hrovM uaskets deserve the ismafc!? St ? thoe< present for the pitnic w4 ot?-d (he bast ever held ?V Ism sr. ? crowd. After the dinner the band gave a S)gSKetrt which ? lasted over sn hour. Th? n the annexation meeting waa oalled to order by Secretary Reardon Of the Hunter Cb*mb*r of Commerce. W. C Do via of Manning was the bist gfjsaher of the afternoon and he made an eloquent appeal for the citizens of the TurbevUle section to stay in Clar ssjdua county. L D. Jennings of Phuntsr answered Mr. Davis In a great jsgeeeh. which took well with the erowd ah owing the advantages of the gsmpueed nnnszatlon. R. J. Alderman Spoke againat the annexation and Da ?te D. Molse of Hurnter spoke next for the proposed change. Henry A. John gen of New Zlon made a great speech ehesilng the advantages of the an satiation and Dr. Cleo. W. Dick of ?emtar concluded the speaking with aa appropriate word of thanks to the hoots of tho occasion, the band and oil those wbo had helped to make the oeeomo'i a great success. The entire crowd seemed to he with ihn gaunter speakers from the firrt there ie every indication that tho matter la put to a vote that * portion of Clarendon will be lost to ghjsater. After the speaking a baseball game wps) played between TurbevUle and Mach burg after which the crowd dispersed, having had a glorious day. To Messrs. Mike Ooldberg and An? drew!* Jaohson of the 8umter Cham? ber of Commerce and Dan TurbevUle, D. K? Orson. John TurbevUle. R. J. hfoCtorrtgan. Dr C. E. Gamble and the sxdiee who helped with the dinner, the many thanks of all those present go. for they had a great day at TurbevUle. Pine hot Confers With LaFollette to Wisconsin to See Pos? sible Nominee 1 Chicago. July 8?Amos Pinchot. a member of the committee of 4M. which lusSOSS here Saturday in national con? vention, left today for Madison. Wls., |e confer v th Senator LaFollette, who has been mentioned as a candi? date for a third party presidential nomination. Sponsor For Vet * eran Reunion $ -?1 1 MiM Albright Named Ry Com mander V?n Zant For Honor Memphis. July ? ? \\\m Sadie Ruth Albright "f I paso. Tex., has boen ap? pointed spontor tor the South at the Ctjsjg^astrSvts Veterans' reunion In Be^ggsge, Tex.. In October, by Com? mender-ln-CIl h*f Van Zandt. Rockefeller Birth? day Today ?? Terrytoarn. N. T.. July S. - John l>. RneSJefeller celebrated his eighty first ssrtMay tednv. ERS ORGANIZE American Cotton Asaocation Meetings This Week SPEAKING AT BETHEL WEDNESDAY Will Meet at Concord Today and Rembert Friday Sumter county la being organized for 100 per cent membership in Che American Cotton Association. A se? ries of township meetings is beinn held for the purpose of organizing. The first of these was held at Bethel and an organization was perfected. The unit of organization is the school district The following officers were elected. 8. D. Cain, president, M. H. Jackson, vice president, A. P. Hinson. secretary and troasurer. Members of county executive committee, J. N. Kolb. Q. A. Nettles and W. E. Kolb. The organization was formed by T. J. Ktrvtn. men.bor of the state exe? cutive committee, acting for tho coun? ty chairman. L D. Jennings. There will bo a meeting at Concord Thursday and another at Humbert Friday. At Olanto Saturday there will be a Joint meeting between Sumter and Florence counties. J. Skottowe Wanna maker and others will speak at Hembcrt. The meeting Wednesday was in charge of J. Frank Williams, county demonstration agent, who gave whole? some advice to the farmera B. C. Hunnicutt, of the ?tote warehouse or? ganisation made . a very interesting presentation of the idea of community and neighborhood warehouses for storing cotton. He answered a dozen or more questions which showed that the people were deeply interested. Professor Wllkina of Winthrop col? lege urged tho keeping of the proper kind of poultry flocks a.nd advised the farmers to cull their flocks and re? move the non-productive fowls. William Hanks of the state depart ment of agriculture presented V. ? cause of the American Cotton Associa? tion. He stated that the present BTOp promises to be very short, the sixth short crop In succession. The Euro? pean mills are resuming operations on a large scale. The cary over from] the last crop will be but 2,850,G00l bales. The (let mans are buying all available steamers for trade with America. Tho boll weevil is earlier and Its ravages more destructive th;in in other years. The "deflation" in the dry goods market can be extended to 50 per cent>of the present prices and yet permit tho manufacturer a Kood proflt upon cotton at 50 cents. Yet the bears, the greatest pessimists in the world. will ktep up their terrific raid on cotton. Therefore the farmer munt organize and must stick. Tb v must sell not one bale of cotton ut a price lower than that to be fixed at ihe New Orleans meeting In September. He spoke in glowing terms of the patriotism, ability and high character of Skottowe Wannamaker and com? mended to the farmers that now st Ue president, lt. P4 Manier. The last speaker was Henry S. Johnson, county agent of Aiken county, who Is doing a big work there In preparing for the boll weevil. He made an interesting nnd practical talk on cotton grading and declared that this is one big work that the cotton association and Clemson Col? lege Jointly will put over. It Is desir? able to huvo a. cotton grader in every community. There will be a limited number throughout the State at first on account of the lack; of funds, but the.r usefulness will be demonstrated at once. He also spoke of tho boll weevil as ho h~ ! - -wn it and gave some good advice to the Sumter farm? ers about diversification. He strongly urgvid the warehouse plan upon tho farmors. and declared that tho storage capacity in the State should bo dou? bled at once. Sumter Defeats Hartsville JVunnamaker Pitched a Great Game For Local Team Sumter came back Thursday and got revenge on Hartsville for the de? feat they suffered Wednesday at the hands of Lamar. The locals started the ball rolling in the second inning wheh Nunnamjaker hit a hot infield drive that sent Purdy h*.ross the home plate. The Hartsville team seemed to go up in tho air at this n<dnt and before they could calm down. Spann. Nunnmuker and I^ow renee had scored by errors. In the fl'.'th inning, with bases full. Hums laid down a pretty bunt that scored Batchelor. This ended tho scoring for both sides anil the game ended 4 to 0 with Seinter holding the big end. Nunnamaker continued to pitch the wonderful ball he is showing this season. He pitched a no hit game and had his opponents under con? trol at all times. Crawford on first covered his position well, picking up ? number of bad throws with his us? ual ease. Hums did well with the stick for the locals, getting three nice hits out of four trlpH to the pi ite. Sumter plays Hartsville again today. The ?.amc will ho called at f>:00 o'clock. Republicans Confer Harding Submits Speech To Chairman Hays Marlon. July 0. Several con'cr enoea wen ?chedhlad when Senator Harding reached his ofllce today. The s. n itor also pianml to contlnre u It ii>k his speech accepting the nomina? tion. Ho .open to tie able ta go < pgf the first draft with Chairman 1 fM ?hig the latter arrive* late today. ATDALZELL' Jennings Shot Willis Goodman With Shotgun Wednesday TROUBLE OVER 1 WATERMELON Goodman Leaves a Wife and Several Children Willis Goodman, a neg'o living at Daizell, about 10 miles from Sumtor, was shot and killed Wednesday morn? ing by James" Jennings, another negro living on the same plaeo It is stated that the trouble started over a water? melon while the two negroes were nut in the fields near the home of Mr. Alox\ Burrows. After the row In the fields, Jennings went up to his house where he was followed by Goodman. Goodman went into Jenning.s' house and renewed the fuss and during the fight, Jenniags shot Goodman with a single barrelled shotgun, the load tak? ing effect in Goodman's breast. Good? man ran ouPof the house, hut fell dead before he had gone more than a few feet. Jennings was arrested by Rural Policeman H. I). Boykin and brought to Sumter, where he is now lodged in Jail. Goodman leaves a wife and several young children. Villa Modifies Terms Conciliation Likely to Come Soon in Mexico Mexico pity, July 8.?Ellas Torres, who conferred on behalf of the provi? sional' government with Villa regard? ing the armistice announced that Villa had modified his peace terms ind a conciliation was Jikely. Poland Calls For~ Volunteers Those Unfit For Active Service Will Relieve Office Men Warsaw, July 8?Volunteers for im I mediate service against the Russian I Bolsheviki forces have been called for by the Polish Council of Defense. The council urges that all men unfit for active service register in order to release office men for duty at the front. Beware Of Stock iSwindlers (Wyatt A. Taylor) Columbia July fi?The recant an? nouncement from New York of a fed? eral Indictment againt fourteen eon corns and fifty individuals, "charged w ith fraud in promoting wild-cat oil stock schemes and of swindling the public out of millions within the last, f-. w months was received gl good newa by State Insurance Cominisshmer W. A. McSwain, he stated in an interview today. Tho fact that tl>? United States government has taken forcible means to protect the people against themselves was heartening news to the insurance commissioner for the up-hill "missionary" work he has* been doing to protect the small investors of South Carolina against unprincipled money huntors. Mr. McSwain paid a tribute to tho press in its assistance in this ef? fort and he stated also that he had had the cooperation of the office of the attorney general in the same work. For months the insurance depart? ment of South Carolina in*lts capacity as supervisor under the Blue Sky law of stock and security corporation agencies, has been warning investors In many speculative stock enterprises, by insisting that before spending money ov sgning uotes for such risks, parties solicited to do so would first write to the commisloner in Columbia to ascertan if company was licensed to sell its stock within this state. But the gambling blood and the spending: habit seems to have a hold on a part of tho state's population at least. In spite of the many warnings. Mr. McSwain occasionally finds peo plo investing in unlicensed stock schemes, which usually prove to be "wild". Mr. McSwain wus recently on a visit to his home town, Newberry, and while there he heard of a man who had invested heavily in a scheme that appeared to the trained eye of the commissioner to be bogus. Without being requested to do so Mr. McSwain took a hand and looked into the mat? te!-. The result was that the commis? sioner swore out a warrant for the arrest of the agent who Nsohf the "wild cat" stock, and the man was ar anted Just as ho was about to board an out-bound train, loaded, with his Newberry booty. The invest? or's money was recovered. tG(prmany Signs Terms Accept Allied Demands Under Protest spi. July 0.?Germany's delegates signed today an engagement accepting the terms of the allied note relative to disarmament that was presented to them yesterday. The action was taken under protest by the German repre? sents! IS es. Poles Suffer Defeat Bolsheviki Forces Have Broken Through The Lines Warsaw, July ft, The Bolshev k forces haw broken through the Pol? ish lines south of the Dvina river In a drive designed to overrun Lithuania and form a contact with lOast Russia, according to a Polish official state? ment, issued today. General Committee to Consider Various Proposals MAY ABANDON PLANS Or Reorganize Along Lines Suggested by Denominations New York, July 8.?The future of the In eichurch World Movement will be decided today by the general com? mittee of the organization. Three plan? has bean suggested. Winding up the affairs of the Movement immedi? ately, continuing oprt*aUont for a brief period, but on a different basis, or reorganizing along the lines sug? gested by the. denominations in the movement. ' Col. Padgett Injured South Carolina Delegate to San Francisco Convention Hit By Street Car San Francisco, July 8.?Col. J. S. Padgett of Walterboro, S. C, vice president of the South Carolina dt le? gation to the Democratic convention, is suffering with concussion of the brain and probably a fractured skull as the resultlof being hit by a street car, the hospital authorities report:. Theater Not Blown Up Report That Many People Were Killed in Bulgaria Denied London, July 8?Reports from Ber? lin last week* saying that a thetre in Philippoplis, Bulgaria, had been blown up with a heavy loss of life were de? clared untrue by a Router dispatch from Sofia. Investigate Palmer's Expenditures Committee Goes to St. Louis to Examine Attorney General's Expenses Chicago. July 8?The Senate Com? mittee that is investigating campaign expenditures, will move to St. Louis tonight to take up the investigation of attorney general Falmer's cam? paign for the presidential nomina? tion, Chairman Kenyon announced today. Will Bar Divorce Campaign Started For Consti? tutional Amendment on Mar? riage Laws New York, July 9.?The inaugura? tion of a campaign for a federal con? stitutional amendment making divorce in the United States impossible was announced today by the secretary of tho Society for Upholding the Sancti? ty of Marirage. A vigorous propagan? da will be carried on to extend the membership of the organization in every Christian denomination in the country. Republicans Reor? ganize State Will Form a Clean Government Over State of Missouri St. Louis. July 9?The Missouri Re? publicans in?et today for the announc? ed purpose of forming clean govern? ment organizations all over the I'nited States. The meeting is the outgrowth of conferences which th-e Republicans held after recent revelations concern? ing the handling of preconvention campaign funds by the. party leader::. Paris, July 8.?President Wilson has accepted an invitation of the league of nations to call a meeting of the assembly of the league in November, it was announced in the House of Commons today by under secretary of foreign affairs Harms worth. Plan to Stop at Columbia and i Raleigh Enroute STARTS FIRST OF NOVEMBER Will Make the Trip in Twelve Hours Each Way Wnshington, July 9.?Bid?, for the operation of a new aerial air mail service between New York and At? lanta via Washington. Raleigh and Columbia have been requested by the postoftice department. The service will begin November 15th. The mail will leave New York at 7 o'clock in the morning and arrive in Atlanta by 7 in tho evening; leave Atlanta at 3..?>0 in the morning and arrive in New York at 5.80 in the evening. Johnson Defeats Gobert Tennis Teams of World Play in England Bast Bourne. England. July 9.? William Johnsoo of California defeat? ed Andre tjobert of France in the first single match between French and American Davis-Cup tennis teams here today. Florida Considers Suffrage Special Meeting May Not Be Called Tampa, July 9.?Speaker Wilson of the Florida house of representatives, expressed the opinion today that a speeiial session of the legislature to pass on the federal suffrage amend? ment was not likely. The governor is reported to have told the suffra? gists that he would not call a special session unless a majority of the leg? islature would signify that they were in favor of the ratification. Wilder 1 said that this was not possible. ! Wilson Issues Call League Of Nations Will Meet in Brussels or Geneva i \ Washington, July 9.?The call to , be issued by President Wilson for the first mooting of the league of nations to assemble in November now in preparation and will be issued short? ly the state department announced today. It Is understood that the meeting will be in Geneva or Brus? sels. , Old Tires Bring Profit Plan to Sell Worn Casings and Give Proceeds to City Nurse Mr. W. C. Harmon, of the Chan? dler-Harmon Moto Co. has announc? ed that in the future all worn out casings that are left at his garage will be sold to the junk dealer and the proceeds given to the fund for the use* of the city nurse. A great many of these casings accumulate at the dif? ferent garages and also there are prob? ably a good many around the home* of the autoists of Sumter. They are of no use! to anyone as they cannot be be fixed but they can be bold to the junk dealer for about two cents a pound. Mr. Harmon states that he will be willing to send his "Hurry-Up" w;igon to any residence or garage to collect any old tires they have and put them with those he accumulates and will sell them to tho dealer and turn the proceeds to the use of the city nurse. This is a good thing as it will help the people get rid of their old tires and will give tho nurse a nice sum every month for he** charity nurse. Call up Mr. Harmon if you have any old tires. Uprising in Mexico Mexico City, July 8?General Larga has started an uprising in San Luis Potosi sta:e, the war department an? nounces. He has only one hundred men and the movement is not consid? ered important. WILL NOTIFY COX AT HO ME Committee Will Go To Dnyton, For Formal Announcement ROOSEVELT ARRIVES THIS WEEK Cummin&s and Other Leaders Will Be Present This Week Dayton, July 8?Gov. Cox, after working several hours in his news? paper office today, expected to pilot a number of visiting newspa Dermen about hir, home and the haunts of, his boyhood at Jacksonburg. It is now expected that when Mr. R ooscveir, arrives, the ensuing will, result in more than a mere exchange of felicitations. Chairman Cum mings and several other panv lead? ers are expected to participate in these conferences. It is understood that various phases of the campaign may be discussed, especially the, plans for the official notification of the candidates. From present indi? cations the notifications will prob-* ably occur af the Governor'! borne here. Revolution in Germany; Berlin, July 8?A dispatch reports that preparations are proceeding ?for a revolution in Brunswick. The ex? treme radicals declared tl at they1 are working on plans for ,t general strike at the week end. Compromise With Germany _ i Spa. July 8?A comprorr its with' Germany on the time to be allowed for disarmament, fixing tltfl period at six months, looked to be the prob? able outcome of the conferences among the allied delegates here* Ger? many had asked for fifteen months time. Harding Writing Speech Marion, July 8.?Senator Harding arrived at his office earlier than usu? al again today in order to accomplish as much as possible on his accept? ance speech. Instead ol dictating to his stenographer Senator Harding followed his newspaper ha3it of writ? ing with a pencil. Mem!>er8 of his office- force said that the Senator makes clean copy anfl few chances arc required in his manuscript. if China Enters (rames Antwerp, July 99.?China and Brit? ish India, heretofore not etpected to participate, have tiled envies'for the Olympic games. Thirty nations are now entered. Are You 1 Bilious? This PEPSINOL Treatoient Wffl Give Immediate Rinks ^ Biliousness with it? hesdac ics, nausea and diseiness?often across lamed by a feeling of depression e*? weakness? requires treatment for the causes. In ordinary cases, take Pension! shortly Ix*fore meals. In .severe aitasjca, take P< psinol in a cup of hot wtbrr before jrvery meal and also the igii thing be? fore going to bed. Sip the rapture of Pcpslnol end water as hot as possible, litis treatment will tone vp roar stomach, stimulate? your entire diges? tive system, stir op your I vcr and re? establish healthy condiUocs. ? CITY DRUG COMPANY LUMBER f 1 Brick, n ?II? Locks, Lumber--1 Buildings Hardware Plaater. Grn tea,-* ?'CUUWdlC Material^- Paints, Oils Haminera. ' Flooring, w f, _ Brick, n #1 %% Locks, Celling, Siding, Gaging, Plaster, "?"Grates," Mouldings, Fire Brick, lug Lumber, Fire Clay, Red Cedar shingles. Sewer Pipe, * w ~~w/w? mmmm naimncp9 Pine and Cypress Shingles, Stove Flue, Door Hangers Metal and Composition Shingles,ToiTa '\>tta Thiinblcs Ca renter's tools Doors. Sash ami Blinds, Mprtar Colors and Stains Paint Brushes Porch Columns and Ballasters, Water Proofing Mineral, Da hits and Oils Beaver Hoard, Corrugated Metal Roofing, Inside Decoration*. Valley Tin und Ridge Roll, Asbctos and Composition Roofing. Calsomines snd Cold Wstcr I? WIRK FENCING, IRON AND WOOD POSTS ** EVERYTHING FOR THE HOUSE Booth & McLeod, Inc. SUMTER, SOUTH CAROLINA