The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, December 27, 1919, Image 2

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DEPORTATION Foreign Governments ^Warned .- ,-? . . ? j of Coming of Radical ; Reite \ WashlJ^tohrrDec/ 23?ESpIanatloln ar'th^Wpmztr^ii 6t iWh^m^v^. .'a^^s^b'?^:^f?r?^ yas^igahled fry ^'jtjhgj^t^^p?^^ht: to4SC^;;tS *v? rl?Ais^ f^eijgn 'fca^ttila *** ' Tfie message j said ?fe precaution was taken "to re vest for them 'safe, conduct and hu* miraje treatment "at the hands of, the ^a^orl^ Hptder' whose" jurlsaicUo'n iboy' win pass eh route" to ae-Vfe; Rua*! STILL IN THE CITY Police Raid Moonshine Still On Red and White Street -.. That the ?ty of Sumter is not ?Xi tha* Ste police e*e ffcdeavoring to rfd ih(fc><^:^:&^^.;fbK: TNreak^,.isras j proven by tfic .capture:, o?-av'3?li'th'is; morping withlir'fne? elt^ limits, v Ghfef of Police BarwicH and . Pa: trolman ..Julian. ^Gnandlerwent, to No. Yel^e?; and "W&ite "Street 'and af : ?r .a short search fdund" as still. -At. Jfohn, ^^oej^v^^f to be four?d. ?st : . ?4$j^jtii^ . arr^te^. and pla^d^lthe lockup.J ' ? > V: ~;^e *^JPrtto Ian ?hus??lly. j^aiT one and'is evidently home-mad?-'' Eey$>4 de^es^lh? . lt Ja his, but it was found. bidden ia.; .his hortse. : . ? The* capfiure w?s^ made' about 9 o^clqck this iporning! .'[J - Csmp?^n Sfcfn? Iii Colnmhia,. Dec.'- 23.^~Practically J<?mp1eie SgnreS'in ?bs <Ba#t$^dWve in186*& Ct&omd -Sot i&$fti!!W&\ '-Xttf nofcnced;< last -night '; show -that:, churches ;'c??& SSi;8$$';??. or ia^\>ve^bsWijS4^ Of '&$b?&$*s8'4.. 5 ^a*ssoctoons fia>fted- th&r a^mentis. \ttt^\"tfher e^ of r 'Yor^.v^atadam; G^fi^n a^^icken's,Xead>^ ^ose-^cyur; Jhay ^tf'atfcnfrtheir ^fi^si but ^say ^tWa'" l^;ay>t ? Aely, as ' nelfcrfo aD ' the churches "have: been v neardvl frbmt* ' -- "---;v" ;; ' ^^he^jdemmiinati'on Jefcd^<a^"m4V3 pingtont one'of the sfrongest^ellgious nr?giranj^orvl92^, ^t^a1????nWch ?^'^xer.attempfe?'lfi- ^vtth'jCaW^, " ?V; the -next meeting* bf - the- i^a^ hoaj^d; January* 'J, 'SfevetaT:' imp^efrjant chai^esF^ wilt .lively be^nikniia'ed^ - i ?:^*B%w/axe v the.;. assbeiaiicms;-their qucto'aidwha^^ l?t&^7.0.O .200,855^ iS7,08s:'<te' 214,760.00 27^,^5.^ 4is^6?S7'.a:b: '4^o^,en Baicnwem ::? : ^^da-m' . ~ 4^oti?a*.. Charlestch .. *37:t^puifi( [ ?reeniHlle . . . Kershaw.' . . laurtshsr".- . "Lexington . . . *&or^a> .v- '% - N*. Gfeeuv?Ie'. N: Spartanb-g 127,8 OM) ^ringeburg' .i:5;8ta-?u ?Picken^'... Z$,$TZM r%er"Dee'. . . .m.?6:toa ?^edmoik ... . 5X453.00 Reeiy River lof.i^too. ?id^e;., :... 22r,ti?.0a &nuda .. ;.. 477>5t)-o:oy^ ?5au1e*am: .'. .. 4>S5.aO Sftntjft^.. .. 2 05,20-6.10 ? . savannah R. iarr7&t.'ao^ ^p?theasi . . . 8*T'.91"7.'?O Spartan;; ; . 224,017.0^0 Ii- T^iie .River t%ZS!Wli tnioa" County 14$*Z?%$8 t^?eacmaw .. "*$^25;frJ)'0 Welsh' Neck :. York .. ... . 107.917.00 ? 15Q,??"0.I la^jn?Q 1 2s^rm)(io;W) | '?.oovo?j 'raa,(i?o,o*o ? . 525^0*^*; --'2T?ocr! 325>(??r]00 j i?5,p?.sr.od'J l'3S;7?.00:j 32?,'??tr.oa! iY,45loal r'il>3,000.00 f T/6ndonV Dec! 2^.?Troops of ?entj Petlura, the ahti-?plsh'eyik comm?nd-1 er: in -tne" Ukraine,?are "surrounde? b;.' soviet forces r?ear rBerditchev, accord teg to a'Moscow wireless. 1 J.'".1.' I '. /?. . ? .. . M Better VTc yito yw thslHSt c * ?T? >'Q??Uty; <be IatcsT i.-v.'iA and r.i<k-3t ranja #f strips.; erttj rowi>F3 ?12?, *t the. . h Best Prices Absolutely Guaranteed to Fit and Wear Tb? Ter/ fccsi i.hoc?. tn istyle? a od te?/sr <^*c>8 -st^.^.i .-setWhi be f>>ur?d i:: n;no!i?r k.cus. O'r.r itrrvico is d&cft^SB i ? satisfy cvtr; iwAt oia^ftijx. O tr igaa^a: bCffltita Sim a'.s >f?te ystLi<**'-Ut?a. Our m fec^'yikl'laidk ???f>f!'. You v^flt save ?op^v, cnyj st last ^als aatisTaitica .? ? ??*t. ?s i$r. ARMY TRANSPORT Trouble Said to Be Due to L W. ? W. Agitator?Eleven Men In Irons * . N<fcw'.Xork, \Dec-:; 2.1.?'Eleveft'mem: j berS.of the crew 6f'"Hhe^Vftra*h^p6rt i '?Tceric?, including two' petty-'oflxeera; j ;c??^gedv'*wi?i';'; mutiny "on the' ' high ; seai' and' other -: crimes; were taken i ?from the ship in irons today when j she docked at a H)boken army pier. Other arrests are expected to be made^ I jSCs" the T*ansp^rrycccw. ie^rep^jpted id" j "have bjffen in'almost \op?n"rebelU?nj smce leaving j^'fjporr^asr^vember'j on a trip to Europe and retiirn. An 1 j W.-W. agitator is" said to. have fo-j monted the trouble The America, : an army transport j manned by a .civilian crew, returned J from France yesterday 'with members, of ..the,, American peace mission. ?:,8&*.frthe'''il -Srisoners taken from the,vessel are alleged to'have been ring leader? in-theftoublea aboard; ^rVBh^'^lth? ^isc^ers -^?rfiSj^ar,r<jd Wfi hfetihy f?-'tft? %lgh;%i???^fe : ?^&^^^^:j^rg$d.' with stealing;and other oftensW ? ' ? *'? ,-v ' William C?lfcihst, an or?dhary -sea^ man; bjing one of the rlgig1" leaders .in the trouble :v aboard' the $*"ansppjr&. and,, who is/s?ld jfp;.have 'had \ an ;L j[jfc -'yW.'I ica^di, was'.arrested '.f&tf j ?m'arined jgyt&'?,. who^ fpun^film hid1; ing-m;the.;hol?.:^ iS^^^^^r^tlte^ ^c^e'dl:" Ca)^to3".:,b^d hejeft "^reit.e?vat j % ]Slx* njeft^ are' JftCtbev ??ltg. 'bosp^X j sneering .from > gun"shot: w^n^^'ai-^ aboard' ''th& jrai^.oi:!*. ?*. .-.^" Accojcdiftf an'' executive officer of the :ia^e>icar/.Bo^eV$'?d^3i.'\.j$r: 3 TT.; ^i^JJr?.^^bje'en: c^usUig: trou- j hie an^>n^ jth'e/,crewa\in'; the transport' service \xfit .:^nie:'^n.e.' -r;.".'." ^ '7 ? '.^^o^ial ia^^s^ation of ihie mu tiny' '^tarte?*' .'on, )>oara ".".the sh^Vat. 19 .o'clock /.tomojro'w .-morn-* iHHtl German Representatives Decline ; to Sign iProto?el <Without ? ' Approval fl|Je.r8n ?/'. Paris." Dee.-' '^'.^TJie1 exchange' "Yoti dOnslder^d';?n" rFrench*'^ottfcila^'cfrcje^| ^Qtj^ES^rjy^E c?mlnlfiilcatibh. " I IMS 3BH| Give Itim;^3^'.Wdi??ie : | i ^^k^g5a^-^^ih?; a^^a^fenced j ^seeW'siiice' he Jefr&ere ^^yeaissa^o j ?for':WesY^Pbm't' Af?if :ah S^P'?iime! ?tfmner^ft t^ oia .Pershing ?ome^e'! ^dress^eT nr :S Liiift ^c?tftity ^^hbo'ris ?nd?'thousands'' bt others wb# cahie frem n.$af?y' States. ": *: NEW SCJI? Chicago Church Provides Fund vlChica^rO/'Dec. 23 -r-Tfans for one.* of { Ifcje Uarg^'s?, educationar'' institutio-na j forxnegr?efr'.in: the country^were an-! non need; tod ay. '^ The 'scrhrool will b?j ki^c^n .as - the ^iaf^o.n Culver^ school, i the. i&ipkrlout^ of pi:oyi?ed'Kfrbm " c'efitens^ mbyement Of Trinity S|e'th??ist Episcopal church. -iv^i-i. ? PEACE OFFER Negotiations for Armistice With Soviet Russia .?.; ? >?'??'? k vi*. ? v.. -4w\ ..... a_ HeiSlnffors, "Dec. ' ^"^?The Lettish government has decitfe^'"'fe^pe^'s'ne-: gott?tidhs" Mit 'tf&~> ^?pt& ^soviet government ^dr a$f armistice, accord iM^APEftS GO UP Prices Increased Soon In New . New Tork, pec. 22.:?Publishers of all .newspapers. in - New; Xork city ?e? cept. .twb^ho .already*.' ,)hiaye; in^roasAd j their sra^eSj wiir advance the .p^e of j Suuday p^ersin the cquntfy-flistricts *i.0.ceiits^n/or befor6''.Janui^ 4 inj answer to t^e/ple?'of the house; com mittee on J^toffices and post roads, that publishers , reduce the consump tion of newsprint paper. The^a^?t)u^cemeirt\^as^tando today by the American'^ew8^^ j ers* sssocia-Uon. All New YorK after-' tiooft ^ejvifea^ejw1 bitt'dne have Agreed I not to 'issuevediti6hs on Christmas day j and New*Tear's "day. *" * " * ' , j .?I ,. ? ?? .V;r- ? . . Za}\ts;?ttfncp.:;Ttec:r-2Xr-1?m' eugi-1 nccr .ttf a-freight traift which rk?'mto] a' passenger" train' yesterday causing j fiftefeb: deaths, committed*- stiicifie ? uf- j ter asslstihg in the rescue of injured.: passengers/'/ ?'",'?' .'' -'.';'. -"*?;?>'??? r.-?* ?? ???1 ' ' j London, Dfre/ 23.^-Bii(ish ' troops j have, occupied B?tum and Baku toi prevent the Turks from penetrnt'wsj the Caucasus region, accordintr. to aj TON BY JULY Commissioner Agriculture Har ris Thinks Demand for Cot ton Will Cause Advance. Columbia," Dec. ' 23 ?-"In "my'-' judg .menC' says Commissioner Harris, ^the situation today as regards con ;tract, c?ttpn" in 'New York and spot ?cottrorm the' South is very similar to ? conditions last season when we saw July contracts sell at 300 points undtr ;spots. That happened in March of this year; but we saw *the futures market in New"; York 'rise "to a basis ?viith/the spots market''in the "South during the summer. ' We predict that I the saine-thmg will, happen in July of! xhe coming season, as. there-is a lim- ; ited supply of middling cotton. "As the demand gradually turns tto j the lower "grades,"' we expect a sharp ! e&yance in the lower* grades of cotton | and a material harrowing of . the dif-: fererice between the low grade cotton j and strict milling,white cotton. This! -mill unquestionably result 'in- a ma-| Serial'v?nce Vn-future'^orttracts.'1 "' J . "I want to. say to. the .farmers in j boy ^eeyll -"Infested" districtsto use j 'good judgment "whether to buy or to j ?plant, "^bircah1^. raise .If under the' vigilant * eye of tlie boll weevil if you; ?ye": to buy heavily of-fertilizers at] prevailing prices. Use good business ?judgment, j?st as you would In any; <tit?&r Ihisiness if you want to sue- ? *ceecL ' . I '"i^Tne.demand"" for cotton. is : very j iin'uxrtt greater at this Ume'tnim it-was | .^.year ''aso,-"'i^^;^erhki^trm&' much j 'cotton on. hand to .fill the demand sCa ;We "had a -year. ago; s Now, Irjust: want to,% call' your- attention" to* what vhap ;pened a'year-?ago^-at' nrrighf stTength ?*em sljme'wealcskneed farmer to hold! ?on ip^i?vcoitton. v1- - - 1 r-"Remember, a year ago atrthis* timei ; jniddling- cotton ""^was- selling, "l?r- 23 -j ceifts 'iind- we urged the holders 'ot spots' cotton to hold f or-*35 cents!- Ac*. cording-to ther law of supply- and . de mand' It m& w*brfch if. We "jPre'dJcred that?i/\co:jtf.on;v?er? ? %<p? g!t of the market \it would 'go i^jj&^ni* and "it7<Hd- so.''-!Kowrjwfiat ma^e* cotton! fib to. q-aits? . jThe answer ,1s-sim-1 :pje^%6lding it- ?ff-"thievm?rkef/ ,1 ""Lefs^efrhis J^?aon'good; ^he.dif-'j ferenoe beTweenand?'3& cents is 12] cents or.$60'a b?l&! vWas 'that worthy ho^d%?-f6>*^?, i-s^uid^ssT^-wa^'^ .} ?,'5f^^,accordm^-;to su^$?tanii'; 'de-1 iganfj-'^itv^^ia' Jseflmg ''?Sove'*6Q j 'jttjBS: ^We^-are* urging tlfe^hfl^er*'^ j ^o?^pot^o^jip^io Tiftllcr ie&'ifatQ [ w ctosV ? ;f?ow 2etrs.see: ? Middijn'g*'e<&- \ ton^seiBng'jp many phice^oday 'for j 3?e%ntsio. ft' So you *s?tr# is'noi} ?s'faY^ff:.from: S? cem&;'f^dW ?? -as&t I .wa^?en-ie*^.^ mftm&td rgo ^before ;i??ly; to ;&t * foundation conditions "aremore in o$r ?favor-tbday. / ' ?:?? ?=.' j-'"-."?"?*'';? ' ? ~, "it fsTentiJely in ttfeV'hanis ^f . t|ej spo^iifipXd'ers/'bf 'Jcotibri^ There' :i?itf ttevpr.? .^en;jsuch r&\ combined? set. of ? manipulator'to try*, to drive the prJcet^n>dt>wn: ash this^yejarr. ;but>th^y.f n^e\falled, .Spots"nb ^on^ "any; at^ntion rtq) futures-/ markets.' Y?u | will.find that 'in.Jsnuary they wiil! .bj^In."vj.o' ^nt'?spols'/cptto^ and they ^pCT^ up '"?ic-^Hcel^ Stt 'steady, .in I mfcfc^rA-P$yJ?ratUrti?ri'-tpJ.a^iU I '"^ey^^iif1 so^v*"k?^frtg&' 4&"to j ^jf '^ehta.-'V Spots 'Holders 'fite. ?c^e r sure* of 'their ground .today titan eveTi ( and that is winning., the fight. Sit! steady1 in the! boat.?:'' %j . '! THE ?5SW PEN- ' ?ION RATE; ..'..?. " . - *, i - , i Measure Inefeasing Payments of ??*. ? -. ""i.. * -... '. -. i . War Risk Insurance Sent i to Prudent Wilson ? Washi^ton, ? Dec. 21.^Enactmofit of '.?ic Sweet ? bill, increasing payments j of war. risk in?uran*ce:: fr?nxr f$0 to! $80. monthly arid; liberalizing#,the^in.^j su ranee* provisions of "the -Cfw' 'to ex-; tetiud i the - classes ?o f - b enoficlaTies, was j c^mpiefed last^nlght by! congress and | sent toi* \ ikoypresident for* fap*proy?L; Thfe measure', it" i's" "ej^itn?ted wilpicbst] the goHK>rn'ment'''$80,0'0?,?0'0 ? a^yea'rV ? Ti?rlng' th^*d&y the differences'" "be tyf&n tho seTiat^ and house' pYb'visrons wef^'adjuste? Tri "Conference' and -"pr?c- j ticaily 'no debate-'developed, on adop- i tion *bf"? the'.' conference '? report. ?. ! " The me?sure makes converted in-| surance payable in lump sum or in S?; equal'installments.-?- y;. 'v , * j ''''?nactnfent . of the Urgency vaefl-; ci*ticy I bin! also wisvcompie'teff to'ctay, i wh^rf- 'the--no*iise apprUvetf f?e meas-i tn^e iut fncttoJH by; thev sehafg 'to ^pr PTOxfeflSte^jT'if?Wiffit? to meet the 'fyojr&loW'-tir thev;-?t?eet bill ?'?for*!* cruised 'alio^ance's for war fi9k insur ance.". ?-' -U '''V ' *"v., '-: ?' w ? **" ^?^rhe deficiency " bill 'klso- carried ? stipulation"for' 'putehas^Jorthe? Chi cago speed ' way hospital for $3,000; 006. . "':!:'^ ?^?-^'r'-yr- ? ; ; turx3Sa1eF^: AlpSplNATED Kemal Pasha jailed in Asia ! Minor Rome; Dec. 2"3.?"ifustapha, Komal,! leader of the -Turkish insurgents. In \ ^nutolU and tbe^ head of the" Turk-'! ish Nationalist movemttiit Iff Atria! Minor, has been assasslnatod, ac-'l cording to Smyrna advices. ON LEAVE ! OF ABSENGE ? ; ?? "- ' ; \ Minister to Denmark Has Notj ; Resigned Irew Tort, Dc*o..-2C?Nbritihn ifa.p-i ^obdv Uhhed States minister "to mark/ ani%rcd lien-. rodaV from" Cdn- J enhngen. He is on o leave of ah- ? S^^re. according e recent an-' iiouricenuni by the 'State depart-1 _Li^i^ im %m? :l rVijjt ggfej?-: tfl?gK.>' ; BIG COTtON BANK Committee Working (hi Details of Plan of South Carolina V Cotton Corporation Columbia, ? ; Dec. ? 2 ?.--The special committee 'Appointedto,worlk /out the plans and. details. of" the .Charter of {.he : South Carolina1 Bank, Trust' and Export- Corporation is ' now w?rking On; same., "saysr "a statement issued yesterday by the South Carolina Cot ton Association. .The stock of the 'coxpbratiott will ? be. apportioned among the various" counties of the State at ah early date aiidT placed on sale: The formation of this cor :atfon was authorised' by the South Carolina Cotton Association at the annual meeting of that body here on December 2. ; '"The organization 'of the Bank, Trust and Export Corporation is pro ceeding in this State", says the state ment. "Similar".. . corporations are being formed .in .other States ?f the cotton belt.- With one of theae oi-* ganiaztioDs in each'State, this now -seems-'a certainty, the. cotton industry wiir be' con^ploi^ly revolutionized. ?f;: "The (^rpora^io'n will foster and promote the.' agricultural^ afcd farm ing interests" of .the State. It wfll fos ter the building of warehouses fn each county where %coftori is produced suf ficient to warehouse the cottpii in7said county. In.connection'with"the banks; it' will arrange for the financing of cottozr. fffesaid: 'warehouses, 'until "J(t Reaches the Hands of lhe^.paanui$t!itur i er. will permit. direct sales,; both at ipmerahd abroad. "vIt wi?^'c'o-op^rat? wilh and prove ; -of benefit to the banks, producers, and* in fact, entirely an business 'Interestt. ? it- wiir : be ' a member of the Federal Reserve Sysr , ieni, adn' will operate under . the jjdg^'Act. \. ; ?- -; ? ?," ? ?..'*?':'?-? -f-.'.*Dne of--these institutions 'in each ! State- of - itselfrwin -prove, ?nt?fd beneV f it. If notir'seems l?'b* c^risenauVof .opinion th?t. following -the '?r'gani sltriori of^ itbese'.^brppratipn? in 1 each St^'wiu.\t>e,: orgaT?^efd' ? laiife cen tral ^Expo^;Corporation^ y'if?ck'rin ctSnnect^n; with^orpora^ns; in each Slate, is/detoibed above;: will solve *fiS?<cotton^Jic^tibh.^T':*''''-'-it '7% vA'^Qdyi^ardlhg of \ the ? Federal serve^ ^ink System urges:tnsw:*a *#aref ^O.?se ^\'est^Vte^ fahm^ietit '- tb c?r^. the c?tton' |ft$ihic -&?wm?'co>?ty ft-p^^Mkijki e^To^n^c'e'cotton sO!$a"the 'of-dbttoh *!over^ peribdr^f ;fr'o$ ? months; WwW preve*Vt8e ruSWftiy -on months, >^cli" steshits fn? "distressei? ?e?ftfc the~\aiidsvor^?^^ 4e ??S^-t?fe be 'spf^S ?^ot^k'Vd?i&t per ^^ti^th^cotfoh -^m sold ttniy .wn^rt' legit^mats^', aein^i'^hHngS'. a ism briSg'thts^ih^ ^tt^an?;%r^, ft Nw#^sa^-.-i>h:e,t* ehormo\ie,''C: eo*un*try ^am&.ge' or> 50 t& .^^l^UtlA^ddlterai If wftr.s&ve^&'stupfo now goes into ^tH^.";hahd5s' of pe?pW wha buy:. up'distressed cotton. ? It/wii! p*rpye^f:gf^ ?frf'* ?be bahirerS,. m < fact**to ?Very' busi ness' :ihtere"at' iff 'trio"'south." ? . ^^e^State' of^TiSx'asTs now' feiW-i i^0^^0S^^p^pii^ .Thetens 'B.'ffiri$ni&?ix&d? to*.f$ra a -c'6rp?tb-: 'ii$&1?*t?yvvfc'- ftlMj?ftM * 'cottonf fh\ formation 'oTf he1"Elnli'^rtle? &$Eki port'* Corporation*toeet this Mde'of '^elrt3p>r? a^?*;S^lft'.Tfurhl8li; many- ?tf-' ?i??n?l ;adv??t?ge? 'Inquiries* " are being received from every section of South Ca^Dttha. ?* intense*; interest i& berng ^displayed".'in. the fonnatibn; of :the South Carolina Bank,-Trust and Export Corporatioh." The stock -yvill. prove extremely profitable', will brin^ tremendous; indirect. ; returns. The corporation will "enable the producer tq warehouse his own- cotton crop, to finlnc? sam'^, "to. perfect -ai?ect;sales;: a?^'-thus ". retain tpr^is' i^6>^y "lar^e'^amouhi 'Of money1:. wWch^'has hereof ore.been*". lOst'.b'y^ c^t?tr^'da^hir age and antiquated methods/'and will saVe.Xo'-the SoUth'\a 'vast am'ount'' 'Of. mbhe.y1 wliich'-heretofore: *" Rais made ?other, ^.sections of-the ? couniryi where' cotton, is/ used ind?atrlally-'wealthy at the extjfense of tne' Sourh.* -In fact, tnis'lbamrwiil-do" aTway with the *^eco ?6ini% d'eff?i^^ .wrilch "^ ?? the South 'sine'e^tfie war Sates:. ;;^e,;i?ri?afi?^- -"-*of tn'e^^?nk' Trust $ka: Export-' Corporati?fi h'a^'ftie "endorsement''"of 'men^ v^o'naVe given livw-'o'f study t~<r this 'jltieVtloii.^-' ;/' ?' v^v'ery .iirfe' of' ;prodhcfion' .has af jfkng|? - to r' t h e hahi dll ng": df. th'ei r - pro - d?ejs, both *by;; ?^kr^h'ouses .'^d' mar^ kets, eVeh; fn.;i^.?fish^b|e' products ex, c:e*pt th'e 'cotton' prbdticer. . One" of the 7ea&ng men of our countn*; tece^rnfeea ?onJy-;aS..?nie .6|-;.?ur Very be^t 'baft'k e^rs, .b?jt^ One of the. best 'experts on> c^t-, $pn,""' recently ''kt?ieit. fjiar tRe *.c?ttbn' jp^Oduc^r should ar^ng'?'to finance..& gro^ihg' cotton. *He": shotfld arra'^e t? warehouse' % part of'ft:, ?nd'.fln?ftce It wiiiie in' th$:. "wareinbuse*. ;,He ^Ji^t go a, step further.'"" ?e'm'usf arrahg^ for \v$rehpii?ing;?f? his " cotton bfop," s^e?ding^he^saie of sam'c''6ver"a'p?j*. roja- dr^ivc *i& iM^c ninths, atrar *ti? "^tfie'';n^ufaethrerr ^^Mue^J^z. range's^ 'thfe^^rtre:m-cndo?s''s?m8'"whTcn ?now /are. 'lost *jOMk- "res?lt ?t^^?n^r ^ama^JuSa "a^t^"uat<^ * method's of Kanu^%,\'rt5ia>- WZ^ttt" -Trt.bu;te\js amoun ts wh Teh" now go; into the^'h'ahd's of the 'specul?forj-who ?^.;'cotton in the three mdn^fis*; 6t season will come to the producer. This will bring prosperity to the South. . ? /'The .special committee appoint ed to -work* but -j^^^^kf^^D^j^ of the charter of tho jSouth Caroljiia Bank, Trust and 'Export Corporation Is no'W working on same. This, stock will be apportioned to-tlise 'counties, arid pTaecd'oit sale In the near future. Indications are"' that it wjll be. largely. o<-cr-8ubs^.ribed-. A letter frohi ?nV of the leading bankers - of ' Texas states, {hat" he' hetirtity endorses the f of matir?n of the' Bank. Tf.uSt a*nd ..Ex poH'Corporation; and proposed to'- or ganize a large institution for1 TexflS% FormatWn .of these corporal ions' ff.fe spreiidm?,riu the bv*lt. It really me.-'n* ithat AVe will \jidv6 warehouse"* for our motion, the sale wrij .be spread byer a Period of 1? mohthsj nnd that witl! ?iese corporations in each .suae will tften'fellow .the formation of a lar^a : central Export Corporation along the j lines advocated by Gov. W. P. G. i Harding, so that the cotton producer ? of "the South" will entirely handle the j marketing end of his cotton crop, rand the cotton question, from the j producer's standpoint, will have been I solved". Boll Weevil Damage in 1920. j Clemsbn college, Dec. 22.?We are I j continually asked to forecast weevil! damage for. this State in 1920. This j cannot be done by any one with any j great degree of dependence owing to j the fact that the weevil damage is di I rectly dependable on winter minimum ' j teTperatures or summer rainfall or | I b?th,; says" Prof. A. F. CcnradV State I Entomologist. . Furthermore, in In- i j vading South Carolina" the pest ap ?pears under climatic conditions which j present hew' features and it will be ; necessary to see the pest in action \ '< for at least one year in this State jfor ua to be sure of our bearings. I It :is a general rule in the history i^f weevil ^damage that little injury } occurs durfng the first, year after the [weevil's appearance the previous fall. j I The first year after its appearance is i [called the, first year 'of its estoblishr i 'ifacnt? Serfous "damage' may b'e'^ex-" pected under favorable conditions especially onflow grade' laiit?s dur!-: ing its .second year of establishment, j and if the ,pest rec sives no ' backset it. may be expected to develop full j strength t the third year of its estab-. ,|lisnm'ent ' ? i j ?.? ? ? "v; The 'boll weevil enters its third il??t\ of'"establishment in Beaufort ffi^f&r" forth as a ? few miles above <;Hardevil'fe-in l&O'r 'It enters ' its \^c6n?r, ye&r ot establishment tottie counties'' of Hampton,; Jasper, Colle toh!* Dorchester, OVangeburg, Bamv tterg, Aiken, Barnwelt and Allendale ln''T?2vV' In the other counties? of : thlsN? State the " weevil made its: first ?p?e?r?rice during the past summer ' aMfaH. v - ? ?'? - . ^"If/ we should have low temperat ' [ttiif?j*tb? winter, and if tne gr/>wfng season of 19*0 ? is dry, " then no very .-serious damage" is expected in any of'hue* counties. If,- oh the: ether "hand,vwe should have ? a wet season seri?us7r damage "-may" be expecfed^-in alt ^of the eotrhtie'S above enumerated and"; becorrfng approximately "below '?a^'ItnefT-drawn*; from ^p(Ahi'. onrrtbe ?S&^nnah River* a feW'miles -below Auiffusta to "Mt Pleasant 'on the i coast *r .;? ? " V'. ?> i-^f the winter is' rmild followed'- by S. .wet^ea^ 'in l ?2*0,'? seVere damage may be" Expected, also in ! low Hands af ^Beifceley;: - WilHamsb?rg, George: tbwnvand:H?rry -'Counties. Further more, damage'^ may -occur -in' ? spots" -on low-'iands'as-far north as the -'lati tt^Vf. Columbia, tn rfhep. coastal ?counties: lying below -g line - from' the 'southern''part-irf Aiken county--; to Coliw^y m'Horry county; cotton pro 'ducU?n' 'is^rapidly^becoming a' gamf ( Die;'and <? as:already" -stated, seriefcs i damage; vr& occur iri'"i?2n -If*-'; -the season is wet; and-it is of ttoegreat p est\ Importance' that. the -' farms- "of ! itfiat^section'* -of the State' -become t'self-snpp?rting and self-sustaining hmnWdl&telyV--' ??/'-' $ ~' ~" .Messrs.""CmmeUlEmahiiel and ''Cat" iRan'dleVof. ? I ClemioD' ,CoJllege?ar.e._ at home* tor"fhe"hoIida3T;.' "-' < >'V* <r ?M- 4 ?'^???^'3"*?^ ' ~ "T~ "~ i INBICTMENT AGAINST WILHELM British, French and Belgians Make Out Case Against Former Kaiser . London, Dec. 23.?X-aW /officers -of the crown held a consultation with French and Belgian law officers to day regarding the former German emperor.'" it is reported that' the con ferees made out a case against the Hohenzollern and framed an indict ment against him. LEGE BUYS FINE SHEEP AND HOGS Clemson College, pec. .l^?TJie Animal Husbandry Division "Clem son College has recently .made* some. Excellent addifcons ?Xp^jM^ livestock equipment of the division in iJie-puy chase of nine purebred sheep and five purebred hogs all of superior b reedfcrg. Among the "Sheep'jthjaro are thrte^&s each "of"the- So?thHowfi, Shropshire, and Hampshire greeds.; :Th*y ^ere bought by Prof, F. ?- StJfrk'ey, "head of the 'A'nhiiar'Husban^Jcy'-DWlsion/.CTtn his recent' trip to the International Livestock Show. ?,. ' ? V ? - One of t-h.e 'Southdown ewes '? pur chased was/J the .grand .v;;eliamp^a Southdown^ ewe at the. iec^t. Interna tional ' .iivestqck . Exposition* jn Ghi> cagp. Jthia ..ewe,.; ;fe*y, [ th^^y; .0t$e f^onV the/Kin?s flock 'in''?n'g|t^^d as a lamb;She sho^eil^^t ft&m Show. /.-?i?f?';/Br I?T ^?W^ipr^ni?e years iudge. of sheepf at^?^V Int^j^L j tional says that "she i? iheT^^t^o|^a I 'dpwn ew? ifre^has. ever^ee^",shio^^ there. .Having/..^.n>fe?^t*j^^|e college ^ducat^onjd and; experinVe^^l purposps,;^bfis ^^'^am^'w^ secured at-a_f^ry i?^.^rice, \ . v']'S/?'^l; - . Prof. ^Starkey is a 'strong, in the -idea thjit a!fiock^f;go^d} on', many f4r^^itt.~be phase Ptiutuve ta^in^.JA 'jS^Z . . v?n. the sam?.tripV,Pro?^ b^i^ht ;hye .neati" of. b^^^h sey'sows "from vrit Idurtfor?, University" bt iuiw^^j^Sfi^' one- ;?t f h& rbest in - the junftejl :' fA \Primarym$?& mate ^dTdj^>o||n^ 'ffi'fjjL* - ?t^r&i J{3* io.:^fiav^T^rMi^ ^nfttjerfalj^forrjaso"^^^0^g. husbandryi .? so T&afCl^m^tM a^jln^hat work ?^^^S@r^g ?.bes^ :|t is, t^/puipose;..a^Q:o?; introduce into-the ,Sta^:^Ou^? herds Superior quality in ;pvrel?re\i livestock*. "'<*'..; '//;'"' '. 3 v subdivide and seil your property at auction quickly "aiid'.j prontsbly for ycu, Sdccm Ifixe^Seivn -Tbc?sar.d SxHun?red'crui Eigltty-Bight; a:cresof-Farm Ii^&e-to'over MlLLt?N' ^^Jt?.s?i^t j ^SSSfc^^' Write for booklet of endorsetncroc'^tod jnfor-* v " ^%AMIIC COAST REALTY &mSi : South Carolina of. Sumter, S. C._ Resources $2,250,000 - - -Strong and; Frogresstte The 'Host ^ JP^a^kin& v. iSERVlCE with C^TJ[BMOTw . ^ ^ . Give us the-Pica?OTO-of S?peiaff YOU .?????-.?>A^.r.3<j- ?{ KV^ KEXLL GTDONNELL, President O. h. YATES. Gaafeler MERRY CHRISTMAS We wish all our friends and patrons a VERY PLEASANT AND HAPPY CHRISTMAS The Fu^^ajo^ jSiit sumter, s c.