MISLEG DECLINES TO REVEAL NAMES] Members of Executive Commit tee of Russian Socialist Fed :> % eraton Still Not Known New York, Dec. 4.?Flat refusal to give the names of the executive com mittee of the Russian socialist federa tion described by Dr. Michael Misles:, treasurer until yesterday as a nation wide body actively engaged in teach ing Bolshevism to the American masses, met the joint legislative com mittee's investigation into radicalism ,.here today. Despite instruction t?> '"^answer on pain of being in contempt, Misleg. on the witness stand, declin ed to reply. Ten thousand members of the fed eration, approximately half of whom . are American citizens, contribute reg ularly monthly dues to support the ? - work of the organization. Dr. Misleg testified. Many of the federation lo cals are scattered throughout the country, he said. After the session today. Chairman Martin said that no action on Mis leg's refusal to reply would be taken until the committee finished exami nation of Ludwin C. A. K. Martens, 'self styled Russian soviet ambassador to the United States. MANY TRAINS ARE REMOVED Coal Famine Hits Southern Roads Hard Blow Columbia, Dec. S.?Sweeping re ductions in passenger service will be made on lines operating in the South as'-a result of the coal situation. , South-Carolina is specially interest ed in the curtailment on the Southern / railway. Seaboard Air Dine railway and the Atlantic Coast Dine railway. Several decided changes are announc ed by the Southern railway; the Sea board will cut off all local trains on mam lines, and the Atlantic Coast Line announced Saturday certain changes in their trains. ' Washington, Dec. 7.?Substantial re duction in passenger train service on the Southern railroad lines, effective Tuesday morning, was announced to night from headquarters of the com pany here. The coal shortage may -force withdrawal of other through trams and many local trains on main lines and branches also will be taken off. The full slhedule of changes has not been mapped out, but the follow ing trains will be withdrawn: Trains Nos. 137. and 138 between Washington ^nd Atlanta. ? Trains Nos. 23 and 24 between Washington and Memphis. Trains Nos. 3, 4, 9 and 10 will be consolidated between Cincinnati and Oakdale, Tenn. ?Trains Nos. 9 and 10 will be discon tinued between Atlanta and Oakdale. Trains 13 and 14 between Columbia and Charleston. Trains Nos. 35 and 47 between Washington and Atlanta will be con solidated. - Train No. 32. Charlotte to Wash ington will be run on present sched ule of train No. 13S. Norfolk, Va.. Dec. 7.?The general officers of the Seaboard Air l ine to night announced that on and after Tuesday at noon, ali local trains on the main line will be discontinued until further noiice. The local pas senger traffic will be handled by the present, through trains. ' othVial time being added to the schedule to per mit the handling of th?=- traffic. The curtailment was directed by the rail road administration for the conserva tion of fuel. Wilmington. N. C. Dec. 7.?The At lantic Coast Line will discontinue *he following passenger trains: Xos. 66 and 67 between Fayetteville and Ben nettsville: Nos. 68 and 69 between Sumter and Columbia: Nos. 41 and ? 42, between Crest on and P reg n a is. In addition to other service in oth er territories, all these trains wili per fom their last service on Monday. December 8. ANGELES' Wro?W DIES IGNORANT < _ Mexican Woman Never Knew of Husband's Fate New York. Dee. 7.?Senora Felipe Angeles, widow of the Mexican revo lutionary leader, recently executed by Oarranza troops, died today without having been informed of her bus hand's arrest and death. She en nie here from El Paso three months ago suffering from nervous exhaustion caused, by fear for her husband's safe ty and gradually grew worse. At the time of General Angeles' execution her condition was so feeble that friends deemed it inadvis: ble to give her the news and she remained In iemorance to the end. .She leave.-: four childm'. Senora Angeles was 4:; years old. HOWAT GETS BOND District President of Mine Workers Puts Up ("heck Fort ^coit. Kan.. Dec. 7. Alexan der M. Howat, presidem of the Unit ed Mine Workers of American dis trict No. 14, appeared before Clar ence Prfc"e, United States commission er, today, and gave bond to insure his appearance in Indianapolis Tues day to answer a charge of violating the federal court injunction issued by ?Judge Anderson in connection with the coal miners' strike. Howat was arrested in Pittsburgh. Kan.. Vit his home, last nifrhr. und was frrouglft here by a United States dep nty "marshal, fie furnished bond of 1^0.000, which was in the form of .> cer.-i?ed check, signed by official? of the Kansas branch of the United Mine Workers. ! DISMISSED FROM I -" MARINE CORPS j Captain Chamberlain Pays Pen j ally For Fake State : men is i i _ i Washington, Dec. s.?The senfcne? j of dismissal imposed by ti.<> navy rcourtmartial on Capt. Edmund George j Chamberlain, of the Marine Corps, on the charges growing <>t;t <>f his sen sational claims ??:' having defeated n i vastly superior force of German air j ships on the western front, was ap proved today :>y Secretary Daniels. I ARE HOPEFUL 'Official States Thai Coal Strike Will End This Week ?. Chicago. Dec. 7.?The proposal pre sented t<* John L. Lewi?;, acting pres ident and William Green, secretary of the Cnited Mine Workers of America by President Wilsen and Attorney General Palmer in Washington last night included a 14 per cent wage ad vance to miners and the appointment , of a commission to study wages, pro i fits and all conditions surrounding the industry upon resumption of work by the striking miners, according to pri vate advices from the national ca?pital received by Dr. F. C. Hbnhold, secre tary of the Illinois C"n! Operators' as ' soei?tion today. i Dr. Honnold declared that his in ' formation indicated that the strike would be settle.1 by Tuesday or Wed nesday and that the miners would be back at work not later than Friday, a: least in Illinois. The terms of the proposal as inter preted by Dr. Honnold from the ad vices he received indicated that they were' similar to 'the plan previously put forward by Fuel Adwministrator Garfield and that they contained c< , tain details of settlement that would not be made public until after coiisid : oration of thc.m by the miners execu i tive aboard in Indianapolis on Tue:. day. "It now seems certain that the strike will be settled this week and that th<- miners, i'n Illinois at bast. ? will be back at work not later than Friday." Dr. Honnold said tonight. ? "My advices ^><.l?ly disclosed nothing ' about the settlement plan to lead me to believe that there was anything more than the Garfield plan. Mr. Palmer and Mr. Tumulty have worked out certain details they do not want ! made public until after the Indiana polis conference. The attorney gen eraiy was to leave Washington for in diapolis tonight, 1 was informed. "The mines generally are ready to resume operations, and I am confi dent every mine superintendent in Il linois knows of the settlement propos al and they are ready to blow me mine whistles louder than ever tie moment they know *he plan has been given to th? miners. "Now that a settlement is expected to go through this week, operators to morrow will ask the railroad admin istration to provide for an adequate j car supply. Cars- must be had and j steps to that end must be taken im j mediately." LEADING FIGURES AWAIT MEETING Republicans Ready For Na tional Coinmia ee Session Washington. Dec. 7.?The leading figures of the Republican party will be in Washington most of this week for the meeting of tin- national Re publican committee which convenes Wednesday. Although selection of a place and date for the 1520 national*convention is the only business formally before the committee, the gathering of party leaders is expected to bring but a great deal of discussion of candidates and ppliices with preliminary jock< y ing which may have an important bearing on the campaign. Several-j members of tie- committee and many others m-omim-m f? f:> i?nii-' iieait circles i i various States at ready bad .????riv? .. U?r?b. ?.-!. :.??. reach Washington tomorrow and the ?Iii nois delegation trying to i the con-r vention for Chicago is expected t<> or . ganize also a campaign for the nomi nation of Go v. Prank O. Lowdcn. Friends of Senator Harding of Ohio are understood '<<> be planning .? fca'ce j advantage of tie- meeting and head [quarters for Senator Poindexter of Washington have been active h< r toi some weeks. Some members of the committee thoUght tonight that in addition to fixing the time and place of the con vention the committee would pass resolutions indorsing the work i i \, ? v of ib<- i-iJi: -? 111it! ?-i ? ::} >? < I<< ? rive tomorrow. _?. NO DECISION ON PROKIBITJON Washington: Decu ?.?N*o decision j on the constitutional! f-y of war time prohibition and the Vo! ???>?? ? by fI>? supreihe court. There i iiidJ ?tivU"i when a decision tVill ???? handed down ! Mr. Ray Curtis is spending the da: in Columbia oh a business trip. COURT MAY DECIDE! validity of daw Possible That Supreme Tribu nal Will Give Opinion Today 01) W:\i- 'I"i :tf ProhibitiCril \VVtsbihgt considerar tion to the question by advancing the I pending appeals for argument, per Isons familiar with tin- court's proc - jdu*c though* the decision prr?ba.bie. After handing down decisions to 1 morrow, the court will bear a/num'?Ye.r Ipf important cases during '.':".: ?and the Xew York income tax act. : GERMANS still investigating Effort io Fi v. Responsibility For War Not Ab-intoned. i * 'Berlin. Dec. S.?The mmors Chat are...abroad that the commission m vextigation of the giiiTt~vi Jh.- G< " j-aian leaders "'m . l-i?T-j will dl5cc?n ttiniio n:c*-tingr. .r?:*o wrong, ae^rdinrj* ? to a hev^s agency. The agency says i it is intended to conduct the Investi gations to a conclusion, but new [ methods will be adopted which will j make it impossible for witnesses to i misuse the occasion for parly politi i cal purposes. I two msmm .Fatal Accident Occurs ai Chai j Chattanooga, Dec. T.?Two person'i; I were killed", three probably fatally IJured and several others more ?r : - I hurt her? this afternoon a: Marr 'lying j fir-:d when a crowd of sycciatoj- v.-;; IrJrrc:;. by an a:::ph:;m b< :? ? night. The dead are Lena May Schill j and .Mrs. Malissa Myers. The injured jwerc rushed to hospitals^? where i: if I expected two more will die. V. Price Koilingswonh, the aviator, and his mechanician; wer*, taken into custody and an investigation into the eausen of the accident begun by ruck O'Doh cugh*% coroner. Most of (lie injured aiv- children. The accident occurred at '.:.'?''?> pi ro. Eddie St in son. aviator, preparing to niake a Sandier and was'ilyinf* close to the ground. The attention of the crowd was attracted by th.- ma chine in the air. but according to HoD ! lingswjorfh ?vhen he started from the north end of the field for the take off ; the crowd formed lane at !? :js; 100 [ feet wide, ?ollingsworth tesSfcsd ail ;the inquest that his machine was run [ning 4?! miles an hour, not quite fas? j enough to jump o;:* when., looking to ! the right, he saw :.? small boy in'his j path. He was forced t? swerve to avoid hitting the boy when his ma chine struck the woman and the im pact turned the airplane, which was just about to leave the ground, to (she left, running i: into the crowd, j After ihe aceidoot. \\) -en tb." crbwxl /realised what had occurred, a large ;ii;i::ber of m?-n swa.iTtied ar^md the a; :-i ii;. i !??-. : hr- :i: .-oitn'r ty.i'rch Avi;i - ior Bollirigsworlh and d'^efar^?g tl.??' his machine. Eddie Stinson hopped I off and landed h^?>v.i ten miles down the Tennesse river. SherllT Pass th^ew ? a guard around ! !"!ii,::r> worth's ma chine, which was so badly damaged as to prevent further (lights. A hole in '-he center of the lef-t wincr was caused by ;i little girl cruj^ring thro'.Jgh It. Price I tollingsw'u '.r.. :: comin<>rai*ticipate fn ] ih;- dedication of Aim :- Real few days ago. ij.. ?: oul on : .;..! -a. !? ? :. cha rge ol mansla tigbt? r. MAYNAKD ARRiFES in GEORGIA CITY Famous Flyer Gornpletcs Trip in Savannah and Speaks Twice Yesterday Savanna.hr. Dec; V. f^i.-nt. Pelvin \\". Mr.yuard. w"mhcr of ? i ? r?.ta2 air race, reached Sa? .n. ? ? ? ? ? ?. ? . ? . ... ? s ; ? ? ? ijiii ii . , ? ?!::?:! >;'<11 ? ?'j ? ? * i' eh iv.'-w '??''...:!.. T.h ?: rands of person:; w< '.< :.'?> >J.h :br- ! -n ! - :;g I :? rrived. '. e?iri n I>. which ::dd ? : :t.\ j \\~. Si/?? ?as a shopper in the i I .1 SI 11 y .(.Hi'.*, ?T?n.s/iinj?3. :T;::!i:.;M isirr.h'.'t'. ;.:..J ?' t(:;;;::rsiii- <: SJsmglrs ;>'.??;: ,. S.i-.is .;'.:!: J>i;!i:i.-. ;sv: e- .Y.i.i.i. 7- # ? _ Hardware, ::<-'?;:? ? : ;.>; . S<:;:::'?<.; 'in;:. ?\sb?.-J ? :>v.: ?:Iprjcfsfi'sr. <*:?:? ??; :'?.? ??? ami Water Paints, V. i:'. ii rM '.'.u, iilON A XT) IVfiOO POSTS j iV:ul *::-::m'j> Swim ^7; Ava SOUTH CAROLINA THE GERM A A S EE MAIN I Stiii Make Objections to Sigr ing Fia?? Peace Tcnrss Berlin, j >eci. G GBy the Associate* : Press).?The Gerjn?n niinlstry h?: n? y-t re?chect a der is'bn on : he -iatt in\c ? i tiop C;MeJt;o:*. Reports a* ? ? eur*-- fata i Taren vir. bfersirei a:rh Mr pes dele i w ill probabij?'????? ;. placed '?.'.?? j new delegation c?'rntl>r3siBg B&me:.ers j bnslh* men arid b-a?:? rs:-of i i e "Ta u j fiati.-- league in ^cl.affcion t'o diplomats I The LiDc.r.l \*..-.:.e ^Itung at j-taeks the go-vemnvent for it; .? . of harrdiing tive.nitt;atiou and jit ?>'. try in.-: to achiev. . through .1 -v;.> j tur<- with the '.;:/;:!'?. what it ? a: ; been unable a.--. ??T,:ij.;l/!i by nc-goti.i ? ; ions: j Uerbn. Dec; 7 <" the A?' ocia I* f'fcn.se is determined hot w? sign 1 he I peace protocol haD-ded Germany oy I the entente, and iz :?? soiv -d to rec< m jroend that the government ?uop.l hi", attitude; ????::;: :?' :.t b'il> d y; i c? 1"' i I can not speak for the whole S government: because 'it has no: yet ? corse to c. decision;"' saicj Xoske. "1 h" !? shrtli i.-x'ij.a ????;':..<:? fo sign [ the neace trti?ty protocol:" ! "The b>e': bres [ring beenr^rea'ched I .?? : : .?!;.? ??? ??:??!??; ; country it' ; ?';' !the war. "With such .c treaty accepted, th: j Gen'nan nation would rise up and iavenge itself upon Cie men who ^signed it. and h w.-..:h! be right Grcr.t : Britain and France are deliberately r-planning the deivti^jctibri of Germany. rAij the coriffui i.ee 1 v. er ha?! in ih< i pi< dges of ih:- ::i!is go/ne forever, i ?"fh/ deceit abd trickery :he !;:?, : ;? ?and Fr.-^eb ???.??? ;?>-.?, e worlilng [ up opinion in ;h- :ri. ' :?? ...io ? 1 pie ? b-raiany ^lil: t rriii -r feeyohd the crushing ertect oi th. first treat v. We hr:rc- yielded too often, and now j..iu.;i r- i?rt. l^i ; tlie-allies do wha- i\.+y please.*' Asked whether he would resign '?' the remainder of .ih/^ governmeni -ie ? eld' '] to ac< ejv* the allied terms. Xosk--? irepjied thai he could not say what h Lvwouid do a week heriee. but Uv.c hl-t ; r,<-:-;i position had b\-*-:i ?'ejjber-t.?!;.*, (adopted and was uhaltrerable; I : The corirespond?^"t* says tliat. a 1 Min.ngh Xo.dce careftrily eniphasizes! pth?? he was only d; ::ni::-g Iiis ov.*!-. 's:'**'!!., his xvords agreed with the ? ;? n:]? .,is as'-'-lb-'d She oiheS ni.-in i bers of U?''-. cabinet. ji The ? w<. s; vir.". 's c:.#e!: Xt.ed.<*. ??????'.???? ;.:< :.;.:? :c-.<. -JiS&s&d { '?'?' ?*o ?o.- :.a.? \ ????'. ' t.t? i.";i 1:1;j eot-'tr ::A---. snVS 5>tP <--.,t : 'f! -ui. a."<- Jho iya;:d ?"?>:' d ".>. L ?raui ha.-i.t.r material anVl the pro.:?:' .^?-T?pov.'erii'ig" the :?'!?< :: i<. force the"; lion of the p.-.:ci. treaty. The ??.*>:?!?? spi.t;. . .1- says thai during] ; his,talk whh X:-ske suggested th-.'... ? if the Gerraa_ns hnd n sunk the v/nr-; .?hfp.-s ?n rhe . ca;-;' the d^mahuJ [>'??'{ the allies for* tugs .vnd docks wo?! ' ;*nt?. have been made. To this, he :?: ys-i-j , X<-<;.<- replied: yOh. yes they w >n'?s. The I-ri isb wna!d ::-sx'?' '..^.V'".-:'' sov.e prctc>it.i Uriiain is ->v-i :>< crippie 1. , jh)i;iny ::i:d d:-e;;: ?)?'??? t-\y J;ts; tlredges:' ?rio crones; so a:' to ' r; v; nt : Je- re-' . viva! of our tviereaniiit? nuvdne.*' ' ? ??.id : ? ? ild .-. ' '??'Ui'.-Tf ? ':. ??i-->'.ir. ! .? a! Advdph von iCrma n a dr.: .lira! von Erx-utfr. who sani< slji?ss te^Wi^ru ? tie commissions ??-?:;. ih !:??;:???? irentv i,.. taken ? by . Llier- Pi' that :>:'?-!;; Frenchr.?i n. A \*onid bo aiost hi fu* us to G< ? inicrests and v.v < ? udemns ('onfetti. .? .?? ea'rii mailing ? ' wish to -give notice that people A:. parcels rhoj ? than hy '??? r >! with confetti will not be.al : :p.O! 'er w avc d d '.; - io\v< ! to enter St. Mary's church by; i =? at, (Hi ? ; . to They win have to come to church'-iu tail aJ3 Clrrisiii": ivh date. a:, a uecen ? '. ho o r< a "' fitting condition before ony can proceed." ... p its Hour iike a feast. For the' - ?. a:.-!j tiny toddlers there is a varied . '. oi ? ". sometimes Uneeda Biscuit ' ? ??: ; ?:. ? t , :-..?tiictii:*es Graham Qrack C ttmcal ?.backers or LunchBis-; ?.: . :. This chaufed on special . , pofecsions to Old Time Sugar Cookv t . ...>:.;-<*XewioD? and, rarest of a.. . ^itv days when we had !r.r:.-: end <>t:? M-;"^fc?erc o;?r aia! ; v . Sleo c ,c.i:-t and A" hA Of ' i&p^^p ' - si 2? ; v., .-???* Sstcnlag --^-A-r^AA'si^"^^ <"> chrluren'. hA:co- they Vv-Tr^^ --^-v-5" ? fccings, i'Av; g:v n.-ar h? ? babies. First i had \ ^'^^^A:^ !?'-. wHen the;.-^^-^- ^-^A^aAAA to toflktie. i > " '" T:: - Eli h:;; - a-'"' those - -^ I ? . :: ^'-,>A^ , ! ^ ^ ,up ?12 goodness e? due to the penor materials and methods c:aiploye 1 i e baking. The everlasting table goodifcss of ? ac s c? a ?'! 3 o j 1 - is due to security the In-er-seal trade mark package. too-r: ten paO - ....;.> were * A fikU sc?, eren Vt'^nr ot:. "arc run . A KATIOMAL BISCUIT hour seem enough , but always Lways dainty, al-r g as oniy National :. The are most yahle . . ?lsctrii Ar'.:;:ucts can be. During the! a. st?hle "? 8 " '?. hsu| year.5: rv'heu my babies were growing sever missed the CM1?. ; ..._t=s always: : r CUi |;div?*s i?wur with its tasty feast* , L_A....iAAi'AAA. ? SS35SS?iS^^g2g!^2^?l FERTILIZERS For over a auart of a century the firm of Harby and company (and their Successors) HARBY AND COM PANY, :.: '0 ..?? *' a.'i KD, have been distributing Ferti lizers to Ih Planters < f South Carolina. The brands of - ? ? ?: net only standard, but most of the formulas v.-- OUR OWN, and manufactured ES PECL?LLY FOR OUR TRADE. All lands [o noi require the same materials. They dif fer a.- ? el! as lidlvL'luuTs. \V.- crai supply you w Iih ANY a .a .\: a of AN / LA wanted, und we stand sc-uarely behind ? rvlanirracturers guarantee. In other ; . a have the Manufacturers guarantee, as well ? Lhe guarantee of EIARBY AND CO., IXC, on every ton ci goods you buy frenf us. Y u get SERVICE, QUALITY and FAIR PRICES when you buy from us. Ail we ask is that you SEE US befo yi u ; [ace your order. Our specialty is carload shipments. ,i i? :? t; . & CO.,i \- 0RP0RATED Ha. i) Wi A Liberty Street, SOMTElv s. c. dealers .\ nd f^fSTEIBUTORSi OF : :? v; \as and complete a any analyses. . .. < . T: .. V. Pres. & Mgr. " ']. ii.sii. ?'. Tre;js. U i\ ILivcrs, Asst, Mgr. < 'otton i>ept.