3Ir. J. W. .D?lton ?f Winston-Sa lorn, N. C, i* visitor in the city today.' '? . - ? - Miss Blanche Spann has resumed ] .. her duties at Chicora College after spending, the holidays at her home mj the city; : .. ? ! Mr. Eugene West and. Eugene, Jr.,, v of C?? *peht Monday in Sumter. Mr. S. E. Gillespie. of OranffeTiovg is in Sumter today in the interest of the. Chero-Cola people: Miss Lacile Chandler --tfeft yesterday to resume her studies at criioora Col lege after spending a f*w days V . * Mr. P. J. Ododwy? ?f-C?lin?bia fs a \?br-.in 4l?:c1ty"iOday-f6r'a short ^wfcite.; '-. . I Hrs/ P. & B?bei?ts or. ?nftrreit?i was a' recent vtertfcr^ere for ? short tinie,; . /? .' . - ?: Miss Emma Reynolds ha* returned j to.; ber. home tea* ? s??tsn. ?p^ding. a few days-, in rior^ee -aa th*-guw ^of Mrs. Charles 'Bucket oh Bngkn St. Mr. F. Vaughn y before gfr-1 lag. to Se^r Toris, froth ;^er>;?hey e*t . pect-16 ?Stil Tor g?rOpe ^o.hfe g?be some time,''.' ?, \ . Miss Annie P.Edehii has, returned ? to ^er "home in Diflon .*fter attending ] tk^^eynoiAs "Edens i wt^dmg, :her et?!? ' . c&tfrr ' >.-; **'***' ^.rv./': v -v/v- : . ?lr:: t; .M. Taylor, otf: Columbia/ spent Jtfbnda'y and Tuesday ^jT %tf? ,j *?. .. ^. a-^R^?o^ig^^ , sp^nH.ct^^s^3^ in ; flifet c^y^o^husl- j n^,.v-;: ?:: - > ^^^?.'^ 2 ^&fts&-*ftor^..&6^ ? Wih^rop:'^-Cbnete df^^;s^^^*,' ?^herb of ahe < Re^r^KealKr'lk i^^.icll^;t6claf1 the interest, of ??ttTj^e?^ f f 2 : >> . aJissi> Patricia Heani" 'qf Atlanta spent ^es<^;t*isltii^4&r-^w^v -? J -' -J a ?3h1J&?bs?:"i^ V';v Mr: ^t?sey^^^^ Tuesday.. ?i^iiitipKc;;. %K:.; :\>^ ^ r, r/v SliasT'Vioiet^ ^ spent Tuesday" ih^^ie. ;^4tfe:>e^fi?h# 3 to her -h?hle -on>3$e^e2$ay. morning. | Mr. Charte?-:;K/78mi0;^^hJoji.;is> .1 visft'or rher^ .to??y 1 Mr. .tmi^.ifr&z&fy} ^;^tit-;'.i?ip' Phil^ei^hia wer.^ 1 for a s1iort**time. - ^ \- >" ':;r.-C- ! . Mr. . George:*'- :~<3?i.& ? j spehding.the day her% on htlsineii Mr. and Mrs. Henry %\ Bdeiw ?4ve | ? returned f*ont their bridal' trip and are at-home tcP their friends at 207 XOrth Ma'in.,Street. ? \ - ? ; ? . jfr. S.f T^. Inman and ?.:;W.a.-{nlttSJi; Jr., are visitors here ' today from. Plor?tfee. '-.rTr, ;?" ' / ! ? w11.11 i| ? ?' ?;>... '? ?.. ." ? ~r***r ' ? ? ' Pt*gah St^? mVi& \ VtAtm:. . ? i V J?i?gah, Dec i.'-^-FI?? weither f?r hog kUiing. Son? jrareV tsWd thie week. Others w& waii tin?l thi^. hogs get fatter.' ? , ? ?? ^ 1 We soroly aympathi^e with the peo ple of - the .tow^s ..w^Mifcd- ix dlftoftt to get wood. - The _co&i itrike is eer^ tainrly malting iKSMf feitvin ih? m*u? tries of thi? counuy. ottoirica ^ aow fueling *j#ftfce Ijd ^4cattUni^o many peopie ,af d.iUeryat natiewtUties to her shore?.*. - Thesse ^^iJinewt ^Pe the cause otr these strikes in the main. Our native population wcaijld" not txy to injure their country. T^ey iire t6o patriotio for th.at. This if?l go dtt until the strong arm of the gowinr ment crushes the life out of ?M-un*' lawful act#. . ,, '. The best thing to "do. tb .Mexico hi ro give her a decent thrashing as Taylor did Is 1847, and mskm. her have hersetf.; wHl h*v* to it and the sooner do^e the better. (. ? ? Miss I^ois JSlm?ra g?t blue ribbons on her e^feibtfi of fcney Pr&ik iA t*t# cotmty fair; also Mis* Aftftle 'Kithor* in caTiT.ed fr?lts and- other thtngs. These young tedies fa&e -a ^reat ihter est in their eJchibie^ind are suceesslvi. Crops are all gathered and -.people seem to be restless over'the condition ; of things Jn general V V ' . I The usna> moving is going onj among the coU*e4 fWopkV . j Nothing of interest, ip report. ?| party or two will take.place.thb week ; hsre. Ffte/ttotffetm; - . j ? ,.m,j\ ..... , ? ! The rea?dehce.'of M?it ' 1?inekt>ey, j colored, was cousi?*rably damaged the retail-.?f a flre-ahoilt yeater^ day afternoon. A-traih. wasT.sending j across .fanning . Avenue^ and caused j considerable delay in the ftre dep*?-j meat,JfAc?&r ths burning bousev 'Che, house .was . a large two^ory | buil&gg- on Jtf?nnlng ?veu The roo? j and ^r)arg$ portion of the upper story j was -destroyed before the fire depain: ti?ent,A*rive? vijk, -t^ai -the CJtK- -M?nagiw hud to demand that the mttroad erophjyes uucoiiple. the train^and.permtt. the truck aud; hpse wi??on. of the fire depaf10^*1* to. pro-? cesd to the flrs* \ Rto^^Wai* ??iedtile for 7 ifrv; .Herbert I. 'STnith was in the c]t^~&6htfay to receive ;froin - the mo tor salfes depar*m$mt ?f the. Coca-Cola Companya.a>eeial Auto Road cbatfh, or; Spfced ??fagon, as this type of .up io-date motor vehicleft called, \vhich jtVjgi'n. qse,ph' hig motor coach line .between ^^^^^t^^i^?^*n and ofaeh*has a specially Tpo^t^rhat/ seats f in comfort Iftf te^n^p?F?dtna besides the -silver; it is ^nipped: wftji; a powerful i motor that SweV?ll the^#ee?.nee?e?. and the H S^^i^^B^i^^ fhife ??h 6t ?errtce\; is fl?e;?. w? pri eurofctic tf&arantt :fp>in^^t-in$ttrfe easy riO fa?-^ei*. ?f! 'e?a?a *>? .roa$s, and the upholstery-' and finish _&r-a the same -ss foUndin-the highest class of pleasure e&jk x'-?ifc^ffi&tti -'-?piwitife this a?r aha-a* many,more like it. as-tno'ittt^ rqn*|$.?r;th^ public; rfcn?er/neceSsary ^rgi^TOfci^'. ie^vtbe vbetWe^n t He ] &i. .ot ? v'M^ni^.- ? Suminerton and i Sutater. : business- will be oper-: t^?i&?ti; fjfc'<$?^-<4tf j 'tis* <^.r???a j - carry v inf? passenger*, 1 provision has been matfe.^for earrjrjhg- and delivering light p&ckagea./ The coach : $her will be operated ;c?n vihe % foiiowip g- ? senedult*: ^va-^nn'^'^^m^ton^^ um rsa^'iN?mi^j?ft^for'?kt&ute:xo it. na;; &aye. 14 a- m.i ;ieivX.^ 2 m.; leave Sfinning for ijUsa'ettoa .4 p\ m.; leava ;^unimerton^ for -Manning; 6 p>i ;The tflffe ffor the trip from Sum* iifrto .;M?nnyi^jj|??,'-$l:. Th* c?ach Wtir-le^^-^-iCla^aa^t HO^;?ach alci?e& ;p,;mv.r- . .this molor coach line l?is u need ^^?if^m^k/ 'i?trona^ -; of she. trav!e|^^?Wlc $^lfr ~bethe- pion eer ot- -other coach- lines ;in this section: tnin^-^ c pex^iee^, : J^hntog^s^ouJ? be benenci^ to. tive jnercbimis of Sum .Mrs. G?: & &?hv&tiii of this oity dted ait i 1S0"-. it^zid^. night at the bo?e' oi her daughter, Mrs? S?fc ^os L?ttbeife,Vin; AbbaVilie.*"' ? Mrs. S^werra ?ras. the daughter of the Ikte ?lr. and ^ts.- ?t. Ja'ek'san 'Moses and ia. snir 94t?e^ %".j0^^ Honry .-J. j^li^^^^^^ following children: W^fe.- Louis Lj'oris; '{MrH. Ralph -Loy hs. irfjite J??K?-. Schtwirtni/oif this /Citj'/aml l>frs. ? Sol ?Roseiitbe^f \ ?f- AoWille; . i^e: /f?nerai';^ held jj^rttSt^U?o^fe ^^jr^it?^s-vLyona on ?h"ur?!?-.^tron''We^ri?^Cy; morning at W.^H'o*-cl6^. t - > v.-. ^? v ? v Colored?-%Tohn?- -aiitthell.^; Sumter; t^?/:"??U>t*'V^ng;hfountain Inn, * r3?e May Reiftain 4? Participate { ''? ..^arife i^c.-'\3i^f he .American peace lelegafcor.: ^*lpi ?^^^^:.it?'''pe^brtel.. iwi^i^lrf^r hd^j.'n^xf yty**, the date ^.not .lWSett--ftsed. i cjuestion d| *|feat^er ,oj|a ,deI^fei?.:\wiH'Vre.m?ih tb j?rttjnirtf ^rticip^tmn;4tt*4rie work of $$/<*tacSV it. 1s> stated, ?? rests with .hb Statjj. a^a^ornent at "Washington; l\ ifsi ;^naei^c^-k'er?/ if none of the | JeTcgates "are.-, left.- ^mtmssador >Va i- j fcce-wfr. be eh^^ered' to' participate j in .the; rpeace cMterence. .work. Iaves4i?4^w Atttlwrisied by ' - the Senate j W'ashington, T>eo. S^Inv-estigatlori ?'^h^ ^oid^K^Wb^r^ senatorial cbn> te?t from Michigan v^b authorized'to- j mjfr by. Che -s?*firte.v . Hearings' are nai j ejected to start;imtjlaftet; tn* -h?it- j days a^? ^i^ rniy he c?lSSned to the election, since the alleged traa?* dWintr thi ptitttai'y at* ttow beinj | deaitn wlih in ? counts. - ] (Correeted daily at 13 o'clock by '' Charubair^of Cotomerce.) Strict Middle 25 .M; Mid4Un#, -. Strict ^ow. ?i?d?ng 86. ;?? A^B?rfated. Fress. ? - (>p*n S2gh Low CWirt close Jaw?ry J?04 3660 36?4 3672 Mkrch 34?2 ^00 3452 346? 3461 M*y 32?. 5300 3258 3278 3275 July 3?8i.3f96 ?I49 3i<0 3165 - Hew Qyteant. Unwr* $m KM 3725 37?B ftfatcfc 3306 3523 347p 3499 3*9* Mey 3313 3334 3292 3?10 aaiO jofer . 2^ a2?p?st month; adfisihg. that the . main \ force had j beensti work In the Rembert section,! until recently whemlt- had been trans-1 fejred to' .Siateburg-Wed'gefleld . sec- j |ion: , Ope' ehalrigang force wajsi re? ported e gotten ifttcfc condition, ;advis^ ihg tha* he had made all necessary ?^t4^sm%hrs. The-suggestion wat? apRPjMPed;? Arrangements were made ^l#h :3tfr, Truluek to wor&over and maintain Lyneh'e river bridge. . ^he 'rBoa-rd- authorized the pur chase of, a mule''to match an odd one ?now4'owned, by the county. Tro?. salary of the janitor of the court house was increased to $50 per m6nthvupon application. s -..Heports were received from the^ ru ral police/ cotinty dem?nstration agent and^henlth .survey office. * The. matter-of the ^speed of trucks oni;.tjfi^.:iiighways was again discusser! and ;ithe-: rUr?l police ordered to give the:matter.' strict attention. \ ' ;.The. claim of W. K. Thompson forj da^nage-to^car was referred to SUpt. ^o^pson .' fpr-= investigation v and re rCort.5;T^e cldim of>E. L.'.Coleman for dlfta^^'t^hor^e was .re*ferred*to conV jnhsinotter^Mims^for~investigation and repprjU^''''v^-:;> 5/-^f??-Boar?, contended. Supt/ Thomp son. 'for progress made! during his first, month and extended the probation pe^ riqd for 30 days more at a salary of ^00 peV-month. 1:/ ? -'- j _,. ..... Chy.Saturday morning Mr. Herman Mirers, whose' store and ginnery are abou? th**e: :and.-- oh'e?h'alf miles from thV 'city^ On the Stateburg road, was so ^nfoHunate as. to lose some 20,000 fee* -of lumber and a large amount of cord wood, as the result of a fire.. It vis.''supposed that, the fire caught from-', a spark. Mr. Myers suffered ? total loss, of the property as there was*no insurance. The saw mill anil ginnery were not damaged. Miss M&Uie Clark. Another among St.. Charles oldest residents passes away. -Her^friends and relatives in this neighborhood learn with regret the death"of Mifts Mattie Clark, which oc curred at the country home of Miss I Rachel HMleman, her niece, on last j Wednesday evening at 10.15, after in i illness ot only a few days, of pneu I monja. - The funeral services wore conducted on Friday at 10 o'clock. Rev. H. C. Hammond of St. Charles;, p?stor of Mt. Zipn Presbyterian church, assisted by Rev. R. L*. Crier, pastor of Mayesville Pr-eabyterian ehtrrch, conducted the ceremony, and the. remains were laid to rest at Sardis, the family burying ground. Mia' Clark, though in her 78th year was a sweet lady of unusual cheerfulness and lovable disposition. He? absence will cast a shadow over the hearts of her niece, her grand nieces, ahd riephew, with whom she j had made .her home for many years, i Her brother, Mr. Samuel Clark, pre j cette? i fciri to the grave only three j.diy?..-'.' I There Is but one brother left, Mr. ! J. T, Clark, of St. Charles, to mourn ?their loss*. j We will miss her; there will b* no I '"Aunt Mattie" to r.mooth out the lit ; t)e troubles, but her sweet Christian ? character will e%'er shine in the hearts f of her loved ones. ? ' , ? One That Will Miss Her. PUBLIC i j Notice is hereby given of a school ! election to be held in R fa ting Creel; i^chool District No. 8, Tuesday. Dec. I Jlth, between the hours of seven ?.7 ? ; o'clock a. in., and 'four <4) o'clock ? p. m.. mt T. J. Brown's Store. Rem ; nein, S. C. For the purpose of voting i an exrrn levy of six (i>) mills, for j wixool purposes. ' ^ i .Only qualified electors, who show j registration certificates and tax re> ? ceiptK. and who pay ryaJ estate or l>? r \ Konal properuv tax. may be allowed to ! vote, by law. ! The trustees will act a smanagers. Jiy order of the Sinnt er County i Board of Education, j T. I?. McLEOD, Chairman School Districi "No. -S. Mr. T. E. Scott of Charlotte is 2 1 visitor here today. Ample Notice Given in Order "that A!! Arrangements ] May Be Made Ten school days w?l be given this year for the Christmas holidays. This time will,, of course, be made up. as the. schools have to run thirty-six weeks. Year before last this ar rangement was made and it proved so advantageous in every way as to make a repetition desirable. If there are no providential reasons that may make the prolongation of the annual session essential, the schools wilt close on the fourth of June, which is not too late even for this climate. A longer holiday will enable those teachers who live at a. distance to visit their homes without undue haste; will enable the pupils to make some money for Christmas, without inter ferin.gr i? any way with their work at school; will be a ,malarial help to the merchants in_ giving them the extra, force which is so absolutely essential this year, and will enable the schools while they are in session to run with out the disorganizing effect of any i absenteeism on the part of the pupils. The schools will accordingly close, at the end of work on Friday, the nineteenth and will begin again on the fifth of January, 1920. CARRIAGE ANNOUNCEMENT Announcements have been receiv ed of the marriage of Mr. Carl With erspoon and Miss Nattle Ellav Smith at Pinecroft, the home of the bride to Allen, S. C. The wedding took place on Wed nesday, November fifth, and the couple will make their home at the Hotel Savannah, Savannah, Ga. Mr. Witherspooh has many friends iniSumter, where he lived for a num ber pf years, being employed at the "Bank of Sumter, and afterwards at th* Y. II. C. A. IX M35MOKIAM John K. Bradford. Just one year ago today J. K. Brad ford fell asleep. For many years ?'Chief Bradford/ 33 he was generally known, "Reb" Bradford, as he was most familiarly known, was a con spicuous figure upon our streets. The citizens felt a deep sense of security, because they knew that in any emergency he would do the safe and sane thing. It was as Chief of Police Chat he had the strongest hold upon, the public affection: because it was in this capacity that he Was known to every man, woman." and child in the community; He resigned this office i to -become..Sheriff of Sumter county, j where he rendered popular service for j several years. Officially,. "Reh" Bradford, was al ways .popular; but,-after "all, the gen uine est'?em in'which he was. held was duo. to his-greht. Heart qualities. He had, to a; marked degree, the gentle ness >'and>se1f-poise 'that come frorfi j Conscious strength,. ..loyal deovtion to j the interests of his friends, and aj marked considerateness for the rights: and feelings of others. Those who kriew him best loved him I most, and surely, the heart can pay j no higher tribute ? of praise to real worthiness. . As a husband he was true, as ai father, gentle, and. kind. He was one j of those characters of whom it may; be truly said, he made the world bet-j ter by halving lived in it. His life waft beautiful in its radiance, and helpful ness. ?i "Weep not that his toils are over Weep not that pis rac* is run; God grant we may rest as calmly. When our work, like his is done." j i He bids him rest for a season/ For the pathway had grown too | steep; And folded, in fair green pasture, j He giveth his loved one sleep." Jamw Watson Says, 'TH Never For get When Father's Hogs Got Cholera One morning be found 20 hogs dead and several sick. He called in the Vet. who after dissecting a rat caught on the premises, decided that the ro dents had conveyed germs. Since then I am never without RAT-SNAP. It's the surest, quickest rat destroyer [ know." Three sizes. 25c, GOe, $1.00. ??ld and suaitantoed by Slbert's Drug Store? DuRant Hardware Company, and O'Donnell & Company.?Advt. Gary, Indiana, Dee. 3.?Ei.uht thou sand steel workers were thrown out Of work here today when the Ameri can Sheet and Tin Plate company was forced to closed on. account of the coal shortage. . It is also reported that the concern's plant at Elwood, In diana, employing nearly rive thousand workmen, closed for the same reason. FOR SALE One high-grade Holstein cow, now milking 10 quarts. Gives six gallons when fresh. Two high-grade ir.oo lb. Per cheron marcs, in their prime, that have produced thou^and aoltar-arpair mules. One U*(,o lb. grade Percheron gelding. One 1000 lb. grade Percheron ally. One 1000 lb. Morgan saddle and harness filly. All perfectly sound, gentle, true anywhere hitched, and of fered at a bargain. ROBT. W. PLOWDEN, Sumter, on u>dr ens Box S2a. Sumter. R. 3. where Stock can be seen SEE 1 AMERIC^I* TOWR The French Government Will Encourage Americans to Tour in France Paris. Nov. 1 7.?American tourists are being urged by the government to come to France: Hundreds of thou sands of them, possibly a million, are expected to bring here millions of dol lars that will help to rebuild France. Aside from the idea of cementing the two nations' friendship through bet ter acquaintance, the tourist irovo ment is regarded by those interested as a great new business enterprise imemdiately and immensely profitable and one that will grow. Incidentally, it is said, the coming of Americans who can afford European travel at its present cost will aid in the various form of foreign financial aid France is seeking. * A government department called the National Office of Touring was es tablished recently to engineer a pub licity campaign for foreigo visitors and to supervise service bureaus to make travel pleasant and to prevent overcharging. An unofficial corpora tion supported by railrv?ac$g, hoT.-.-'.s. tn.vel agencies and others who pro fit by touring lias been organized. "It is the French Touring Company. Through it agents are being sent to tb/- United States and elsewhere. Americans will be offered French rail road tickets, travel programs and sim ilar information. v Newspapers have not been enthus iastic over the plan. The Excelsior said "the public fears the economic disturbances their coming might cause" in referring to the proposed visit of the much talked of "million Americans." It explains that "'every thing is already beyonds reach in price and there is no room in the ho tels. What will conditions be when f becomes necessary to lodge and fsed these new guests who do net look at, the cost of things?" i I To .remedy such conditions, the I government agen?y '- -sqgg??fek . trfal f whea. he?^h' trktffeV; heifers* in; s?sppil i conditions win* 'be*,more nearly~nor ImeiL A definite plan to reserve rov?riis for coming tourists has be??a in?ug 1 urated already. All hotels in .France. pimbering about 25,000, have been j-asked to submit their rar.es and ' to j pledge themselves not to chatjge more ? in the case of the gover.im??ftt j ducted travelers. The lodging difficulties and the ! high cost of everything is recogniz ! ed by all but it is believed a great j Hood of travel will come in spite lot [the cost. The government's aim"}* to i set* that travelers are not charged j more than the information agencies i estimate and that they* are given bene ? ; fit of advice and aid in making then* [?stay in France intdfrtaining. jMr. P. ItfrDnke; Farmer, sajs* -Tor j Bet Rats Can Bite Through Metal.'* *'I had feed bins" lined with zinc ; last year, rats got through ^pretty isocn. Was out $18. A Jl pkg; of ? RAT-SNAP killed &p many rats, that i've never been without it since^ Our ; collie dog never touched RAT-SNAP." ;You try it. Three sizes, 25c, 50c, $1. [Sold and guaranteed by Sibert's Drug ? Store, DuRant Hardware Company^ land O'Donhell & Co.?Advt _? I Rerne, Dec. 2.?An appeal for the repatriation of atll war prisoners s?? held by the belligerents is contained in an address by the Swiss federal council to all nations that'participat ed in the war. A Rat That Didn't Smell After Being ? Dead For 2 Months. "I swear it was dead at least three "months." said James Sykes, Butcher, Westfield, N. J. "We saw this rat ev eryday. Put a cake of RAT-SN?.P behind a barrel. Months later my wife asked about the rat. Remem bered the barrel, looked behind it. There was the rat-?dead, not the slightest odor." Three sizes,\21jc,. 50c, $1.00. Sold and guaranteed by Sibert's Drug Store, DuRant Hardware Com banv and O'Donnell & >Ck?.-^Adj^. Made Me a-Well Man Hr.- Louis Young, 1652 Clifford St., Rochest?r, N? writes: "I suffered for thirty year* With chronic bowel trouble, ?tom aea trouble and heinorrhase? of the bowels. We bought a bottle of Peruna and I took it faithfully, and I began to feel better. yly wife persuaded me to con tinue, and I took it for sorne time a.s directed. Now I am a well man." Suffered thkly with itomach trouble *rid hemorrhages of thefcwdt. Liquid or Tablet Pont 0* ? FERTILIZERS For over a quarter of a century the firm of Har-by ai>d 4 company (and their Successors) HARBY AND COM PANY, INCORPORATED, have been distributing Ferfer ; lizers to the Planters of South Carolina. The brands o^ ' goods we distribute are not only standard, but most of the formulas are OUR OWN, and manufactured ES- .< PECIALLY FOR OUR TRADE. All lands do not require the same materials. They dif fer as well as individuals. We can supply you with ANY . ANALYSIS, or ANY FORMULA wanted, and we stand squarely behind the Manufacturer's guarantee. In other words, you have the Manufacturer's guarantee, as well as the guarantee of HARBY AND CO., INC., on every t?n of goods you buy from us. You get SERVICE, QUALITY and FAIR PRICES when you buy from us. All we ask is that you, SEE US before you place your order. Our specialty is carload shipments. HARBY & CO., INCORPORATED No. 9 West Liberty Street SUMTER, S. C. IMPORTERS, DEALERS AND DISTRIBUTORS, OF ALL FERTILIZER MATERIALS AND COMPLETE FERTILIZERS, ANY ANALYSES. ?H. J. Harby, Pfeeaident A. C. Phelps. V. Pres. & Mgr. E. M. Hail, Ssecty. & Treas. tf. J. Brennan. Asst. Mgr. W. P. Rivers, Asst, Mgr. Fertilizer Dept. Cotton Dept. Hi Clu8ter Diamond = Jewelry = HTHOSE who appreciate beauties of the genuine dia mond without wanting to pay for a fine toKtaire will find our aaeortment oj'aolitaire clusters ft ?ounce of iabereat and | attrition. *J Thi? novel method of mounting ?mall diamond* ?o that tkey laok like one large ?tone ii becoming more popular ail tha <**m?. We're ?ure to plea* you in tke dkmondfliaa. COOPER'S JEWELRY STORE