tetared 9U the Poatofic* at Samter, & CL, M Seooad Otai Matter. PERSONAL. ? Lieut. E. W. Dabbs, Jr., came in from Camp Pike, Ark., on the South ern train Tuesday evening. He has a fifteen day furlough before going to Camp Gordon for final discharge. Mrs. Dabbs and little Eugene came the day before to meet her hus band here. Lieut. Dabbs was for eight months in the army of occu pation^ and had some very interest . ing experiences. Among the trophies \ he brought back is a propeller blade 'of a German bombing plane. The : contrast between our roads and the Voads of France and Germany is so great that he says every dollar now being spent* is wasted. He thinks our people will have to go back to horsedrawn vehicles until we really ,bu.ild some roads. Miss-Elizabeth Dabbs left for Red! Springs today. She is a member of the faculty of the Flora McDonald College. , After a delightful visit to his aunts, Mrs. Geo. Hurst and Mrs. Donald Auld, Mr. Douglas Baker left for his home in Palm Beach, Fla., this af ternoon. While in Sumter Mr. Ba ker made many friends who regret j very much to see him leave. Miss Gladys Chandler leaves this i afternoon for an extended visit to her aunts in Palm Beach and Ft. Pierce, Fla, -Miss Clyde .Omera Lee, of Colum bia, is the guest of Miss Ainslie Feld er on N. Washington St. Mr. F. M. Garner of Greensboro, X. C, spent Thursday in Sumter. . Mr. F. C. Norris has returned to his home in Florence after a day spent in the city. Mr. W. S. Manning of Spartanburg is visiting friends here for a short \ while. , Mr. E. W. Martin of Florence was a recent visitor in the city. Misses Marion Bynum and Pearle Seals attended the dance in Harts vvHle on Thursday evening. Messrs. Bowman and Brower at tended the dance at Hartsville on last evening. Miss Lillie Davis of Spartanburg was a recent guest of friends in this city. Mr. "Doc" Boney is visiting friends in*Orangeburg and other points in the State. Mr. Ladson Owens is in Tennessee visiting relatives for some time. ? Mr. H. R, Goings stopped over in Stmiter en route to his home in Co lumbia. Mr. F. H. Reeves has returned to his home in Washington, D. C; after a visit to Sumter. Prof. M. R, Sams of Jonesville was in the city on {Thursday with friends. Miss Iva Cartel has returned to her home /in Baltimore after visiting on Sumter street for a few days. Mr. Gifford W. Shaw spent Thurs day in Mayesville on business. Mrs. 'C. H. Nelson has returned to her home in Hartsville after a short stay in Sumter. Mr. James Rogers of Charleston was a recent visitor here. Mr. S. B. McGee of Columbia spent Thursday here on business. Mr. W. E. Sheridan of Florence was in the city Thursday on busi ness. ^ Miss Pearl Martin has returned to her home in Gray Court after a short stay in Sumter with friends. Mr. W. F. Xaughon of Darlington was in Sumter Wednesday and Thurs day. Miss Maud Harson of Spartan burg stopped in Sumter for a short time en route to her home. Mr. W. H. Washington sent a short while in Sumter on Thurs day. Several students of Winthrop Col lege passed through Sumter this morning, going; back, to resume their studies. I Mr. 'Fritz \Hanson-, the famous wrestler, arrived in the city on Thurs day night and is ready for the bout I tonight. Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Arrowsmith of! Kingstree are visiting on Harvin St., for a few days. Mr. T. A. Ranger of Asheviile, N. j C, sp?nt Thursday in Sumter with relatives on Calhoun St. Miss Louise Moore of Savannah, | has returned to her home after visit- j ?ing here for some tme. ? Mr. "Buck" Hyde of Augusta spent i Thursday in the city. Mrs. J. N. Carroll of Madison, Ga>, | is visiting in Sumter for a short while, j ' Mr. Henry McGowan passed through 1 Sumter today en route to his home in1 Whitmire. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Gaines have re turned to their home in Manning. Prof. Earle has returned to Clem son College after a short stay in this city. Mr. John DeLoach, of Camden, is visiting in Sumter today. i Miss Caroline Richardson has re turned to her home on N. Main street after a very delightful trip to Winns boro and either points in the Pied mont. Mr. Francis Eugene Zemp of Cam den is the guest of friends here today. Miss Ethel Rouchelle, who spent a few days with Miss Annie May Lide on her return from New York, has re turned to her home in Deland, Fla. Mr. Joe Bell has returned to the city. after attending the dance in Hartsville rrhursda.y evening. Miss "St" 1'Foster of Cardova. Ga.. is visi?ng in Sumter for a short while. Mr. Albert'ocichols of Greenville stopped over in Sumter for a short while> en route to his home. Mr. William Miller of this city was one of the many guests at the Harts ville dance on last evening.1 Mr. Otis Welburn passed through Sumter en route to his home in Charleston. Mrs. P. W. Peck and sons, Masters Ellis, P. W. and Edwin, are the guests of Mrs. L B. H. Darr on S. Sumter St. Miss Teresa- Chandler has returned home from the mountains after a stay of six weeks. Mrs. Geo. L. Ricker has returned ___?--7?-_-_ from Hendersbnville, where she spent the summer. Messrs. L. D. Jennings and T J. Kirven returned yesterday from New Orleans, where they attended the i Cotton Association meeting. Mrs. Walter Folsom has just re j turned from Asheville where she has I been spending the summer. Mr. V. E. Towles of Columbia spent Friday in Sumter on a busi ness trip. Mr. H. H. Pratt, of Newark, N. J., j was in the city for a short while on ! Friday. I Miss Margaret Beaumont of this I city left on Friday in order to enter ? Winthrop College for the coming jes sion. i Mr. S. C. Price of Charleston was j in the city on Friday visiting friends. Mr. Wilson McColl of Florence spent I a few days this week in the city as I the guest of friends. 1 Mr. D. H. Hall of Salisbury, N. C. j was a recent visitor to friends in J Sumter. ; Miss May Blanding left on Friday morning to pursue studies at Win throp College in Rock Hill. Mr. J. A. Palmer of Savannah was j in the city on Thursday and Friday. Mr. "Doc" Boney has returned to j j his duties here after a trip to I Orangeburg and other points in the I State. Mr. B. E. Blackwell of Charlotte j has returned to his home after a trip ; to Sumter. Mrs. James Drake of Bennettsville jwas a shopper in th ecity on Friday. Mr. F. E. Zemp has returned to Camden after spending Friday in the city with friends. j Mr. A. C. Fisher of Columbia was'} was. in the city on Friday on busi- j ness. Miss Minnie DeLorme left Sumter I today to spend a while in the upper j part of the State. Mr. O. W. Andrews has returned J to his home in Eutawville after a short visit to Sumter. Mr. H. D. Stroup of Blacksburg was j ; in the city on Friday with friends' i and relatives. t Miss Marie Brogdon lctft Friday to I I resume her studies at Winthrop Col- 1 j lege. j Mr., Monroe Whitlock of Jonesvilio ' I is visiting in Sumter today on busi ! ness. i Misses Howell and Bowden of Char : leston stopped over in Sumter for '< awhile on Friday en route to Ander i son to visit relatives and friends. Mr. J. C. DeLoach left on Friday for his home in Camden after a short ' while soent in Sumter with friends. I Miss Mary Hughey of Greenwood ?was in the city on Friday, j Miss Adria Du Rant has resumed her i studies at Winthrop Normal College fin Rock Hill. / Miss Ina McNally, of Union, one of j the efficient school teachers in Sumter, ? arrived in the city on Friday. s j Mrs. J. A- McLure of Columbia is j the guest cf friends in Sumter. Misses Annie Laurie Booth and ; Eleanor Wallace departed Friday for j Winthrop College. Mrs. M. D. Spect of Drake, S. C, ' is the guest of friends, on Sumter Street for a she. while. -? ? Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Upham of Florence "wers recent visitors in Sum ter. Mr. J. M. Bamberg of Bamberg spent a few d?.ys this week in the city as the guest pf friends. Miss Mary Knight has returned to her home here after a visit to Bock HilL Mr. L. E. Marvin of Union county was in Sumter recently visiting! friends. Mr. J. H. Winburn leaves tomor row for Washington for a week or ten days stay. Mr. Ed Sanders of Darlington coun- j ty is a visitor in Sumter today. Miss Jule Sandel of Columbia is the! guest of relatives int Sumter. Mr. D. E. Davenport of Augusta is a business visitor here today. Mrs. Fred Ashley has returned to her home in Charleston after a short visit to friends in the city. Mr. Walter Minis has returned to his home here after a trip to New \ York, and Philadelphia Mr. David B. Hyer of Charleston was in town today. Miss Irene Dixon has returned home after spending the summer in Columbia and Spartanburg. Mrs. L. C. Dixon of Columbia is visiting her son,^r. R. A. Dixon on Salem Avenu$. i Mr. I. Attenberg of the Sum ter Brick ..Orks Has gone to attend a meeting of the American Face Brick Association. Miss Constance Buliman has re turned to Hood College, at Frederick, Md. Miss Jen and Lola Smith of Co lumbia spent the week-end with Miss Eaiie Dennis. Mr. Hugh Green, who has been spending the summer with his uncle, j Mr. Jno. T. Green, has gone to El liott to spend a week before he re turns to Porter Military Academy in I Charleston. Mr. P. A. McDonald of Columbia passed through Sumter today en route to Darlington. I Mr. LeRoy Brown of Charleston [was a business visitor in the city on j Saturday. ] Mr. Hughsion Green left this morn ! ing for Sparenburg where he will be a student at coming session Mr. J. M. Wofford College for the pones of Conway stopped i in Sumter :fibr a short time on Sun | day. 1 Mr. Mortimer Dantzler of Orange j burg is the guest of Mr. Walter Row-' i land at his home on Washington St., jfor a few days. Rev P B. Price. D. D.. his wife' and youngest son, Harry, arriv< d ft- m China a few days ago. Dr. and Mrs. Price have been missionaries to Chi : na from the Southern Presbyierian i church for twenty-nine years, and i this is their third visit home. Dr. j Price is a Virginian and Mrs. Price jwho was. Miss Essie Wilson is from : Sumter county. They ore making their home iwhite in this''country, with Dr. and Mrjs. H. L Shaw, 240 Church St. Mr. S. W. Benson, of Clarksburg, W. Va., is in the city for some time. Mrs. Silad Mellette and little daugh ter, Katnrjn, have^fcirned from a ten wec^ks^fc??S^l?Rtives in I