The watchman and southron. (Sumter, S.C.) 1881-1930, April 09, 1919, Image 2

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Report on Condition of County Institutions - State Board of Charities and Corrections Inspects Jail. Chain Gang and Poor House j Mr. D. W. Owens, jailer. Ylvi'-i March 24, l<m>, by Assistant Secr? tary Broyles with the jailer and Su pervisor White. Prisoners, three ne gro ma.ies and three negro females. The Surnter jail, as the Sumter vv:-""" people know, is entirely obsolete and unsuited to the needs of an up-to date, progressive county. Steps were -taken--several years ago toward, budd ing-- a;_smtable plant, butrfor various "reasons nothing detinue has been done. The officials responsible for the matter ought to push the ques tion, and build for Sumter a new and properi-y designed building, which in our opinion should be placed on* the ? let-?mtuediatcly in the rear of *ht Court House, the two buildings he ~\ ing 'joined by yn enclosed. overluca< :y;' -. gangway from the second floor vf :ii< jail .Into- second floor of Vtn 'v Court' House, over which bridge pris^ oners couid be carried into the court room without having to pass through crowds which might gather on the . ? ground with the intomion of doing * . violerce to the prisoner. What , Chester. ' >'-cre!H>-. 'ion.' .;..Jasper. . Kewbcrry. Ili-hlr.nd Gr?enYiKe - . can do Sumter county can do also, if the .citizens, arouse- thernsely^es and BB^^emand im pro vein ent v ~ ." Since our fourth inspection, ho . - . : cocnimissioncrs have built a new hitch en for the Sum:er moving it from the main building. This is a decided ^.^ improvement, since the old kitchen : ; ' was immediately under two of' the ^ '.? cells,-and made them terribly hot in a summer. The new kitchen needs ': ".;"'iy.. screens . on tho windows, however, i and should be equipped witli a good ? sink at once.i The supervisor-jrjeports . that.last .'summer he removed-.all wihdcrv sash from the windws, in or der to give better ventilation to the . . upper tier of cells, and we commend .-. him for this step. Some of the screens in! the main building are ; _r torn,-and when the sasi^are remov ed* this summer these scre?*?^. should be repaired. Much of the steel ;s ? rusting, and should be repainted be fore further damage is done. The in terior-walls also need whitewash quite badly.. Finally, the commis sioners, should provide for more med ical: service for the jail by paying thW- county physician to make a phy sical examination .oi-i each new pris oner within 12 bourse of his commit ment, -to vaccinate against smallpox a " whea indicated.. and to make regular weekly inspections of the prisoners' food and quarters. We commend the jailer for his careful attention to personal hygiene " of-his prisoners.- and for the sympa thetic attitude show-n toward them in general. We recommend that boys be separated from-adults in all cases, - as required by law (Act 4 29, Acts -"V^ 3 912, Section 7. which reads in part, ^N.J'lf confinement be necessary before the case can Pit'heard\ the child shall ivVs/*>n^;'^T' ? r\-.i j:i sHiiie room ]with cn'*liit criminals, but in a scpa : rate room of detention." this law ap plying to all boys or girls less than [eighteen years of age;) Throe rc.^.i [lar meals should !>t? given all prh;on jers daily, though supper can be jlight, something like wheat bread and ^ syrup be?v?g suitable. Tin- prisoners Isfttauld receive fresh meal or fish at pleast ttva*e weekly, and wheat bread at b-azst once, each day. I Wo commend the jailer for his ef i'fOrt to ?rive prisoners suitable work !to do, instead of keeping them locked [in their cells throughout the day. ! State P.o:ir<l of Charities and Cor rections, G. Croft Williams, Se<-tv. ' S(*ore Card Report on Sumter County i r .Tail. ^ ? Possible Actual j 1. .Tail Plant: Permanent "Features: i 1. Ideation ???-<?'. 15 S 12. Separation?*'of Prisoners' Quarters from Jailers res I idence. 10 10 .'*.. Prisoners* Quarters:; Fire ri:ix.;!r(l . 45 3."? j < 2) Ventilation. 70 ZS ;.<:.:> Facilities for '"kissi 1^'iloar'on.100 15 !*(?!) Sanitary facilities .. 100 77 ['(5) roll. facilities and j type. .. ?0 2i < Total score under Sec j^f?*! ? >. 400 2.17 ' 51 ShrH? >7a no g<1} \ icnt: ! V Methods and Results: l". Jailer's General Duties 50 35 ; _. Records of Prisoners 30 27 -"Prisoners' Quarters: Con ?j-- ? ditions. ... . 70 01 j 4. Classification of Pris I oners.?_ SO 65 15. ' Personal Tlyg-jene of Pris ; , oners ;. SO SO Prisoners* Food & Feed j ing.'. 65 51 ? 7. Discipline & Occupation ! of Prisoners. 25 25 _? _. I (Total score under Sec I tion IT).'100. 344 [HI. County Commissioners and the Jail: ? 1. Jail's Equipment and re j pair .110 So j 2. -Medical Service for Pris : oners. 80 S 1.3. Financial Management 10 2 (Total score under Sec tion III). 200 90 Complete Score or. This Jail.1000 C73 G. Croft. Williams. Socty. [ Ke!x>rt on Sumter County Cliaimranyr. i Mr. J. H. Holiand. foreman. Visir [ed March 24, ID 19. by Assistant Sec retary Broyles with Supervisor L. E. i White. Camp located in Sumter. on j lot immediately in rear of jail, which j was used for winter quarters. Con victs on gang 23, all negroes, of whom 3 0 were trusties. The Sumter chaingang is one of the best managed gangs in the Sta'e, its score this year being two points hig-her than that earned by the Charleston camp last year, which was the ]r ad< r for r91S. Among the uc table improvements made since out fourth inspection; in June, 19lS, w? : especially commend the following j The Supervisor now allows men fie 1 serving it ten per cent, off their sen ; tences for good behavior, instead ol the month to the year plan previous ly used. The foreman has tried re ' ducing trusties in grade instead ol whipping them, and has stopped tin j former practise of allowing two Tin"-: to bathe in the same tub of water, in addition, he has still further bet tered his already excellent score un | der the head of Convicts' Quarters jit is only giving due credit to state that the Sumter capes and convicts j beds are easily the best kept in th< j State. ! In order that conditions may 1m still further improved, we recommend : that, the Supervisor have canvas I slip covers made for the cotton pads j and mattresses. These pads and ' mattresses cannot be washed, and jjlhcy are expensive, but the canvas jcovers can be washed when necessary, and will save much wear on the mor< i expensive bedding. Tin- kitchen eai should be repaired, also, a new flooi and new screens in the windows be . ing needed. A coat of light colored jpaint inside will encourage cleanli ness, since dirt will show on tin j lighter walls, making it easier to point our. careless cleaning to tin. I trusties in charge of the car. Finally, . we recommend that tb<- commission ers increase tin- medical service ar ranged for along the lines suggested iii cur handbook, copies of which : were recently sent to the Supervisor and foreman. (See page 29.) We recommend that the foreman ; have the kitchen waste ban-el kept 'tightly covered always, and that the icooks be required !(> keep (he kitch ten car cleaner. While it is not bad, : it is below the rest of the camp in i general condition, and may be dis tinctly improved. When tie- camp ' moves out en the road, be careful to ' dispose of sewerage and manure \ carefully, as. suggested in the hand : book, pages Zl and 3S. Score Card for Ghaingang. Possible Actual I. County Commissioners and Chaingang: 1. The Camp and Equip ment: |(1> Guards' quarters -. 25 21 (2) Convicts' quarters .. 105 M (?.) Kitchen. .. 50 M (4) Storeroom. 15 13 (0) Stock Adequately shel tered _. 5 4 2. The Convicts: (1) .Medical Attention .. 65 2$ ('2) Records of Convicts 30 0 (.>') Convicts' Food and Feeding. TO 55 (4) Classification as re quired by law. -GO no (5) Ten per cent, off for good conduct. HO 50 3. Miscellaneous. 25 11 (Total score under Sec tion I) . . . . . 500 IT. Foreman's Management: Mel hods and Results: . 1. Camp and Equipment: Conditions -Ill) Oiinj- grounds .. .. 10 in [?;(L'> GuaWrs quarters .. 10 LO ' i'.)) Convicts1 quarters .. SO TS . (!) Kitclnu and equip - i ment.. - - . in 12 - j (5) Storeroom. 10 10 : , (6) Stock. 5 5 ?; 1. (amp Sanitation: ?! (!) Water supply: source unsuspicious. :;q 50 ? <L') Disposal of sev.? rape 50 ;r> 1 i (3) Disposal" o f manu re... 30 10 .1(4) Disposal of kitchen re ? ; fUSO ............ 10 (i ? 8. The Convicts . ;(1) Persona! hygiene .. 7." 75 :; (2) Discipline. 1 :,u 1 ' j_?3 Records. 25 12 ! (Total seor<- under Sec ? j lion 11)..*.500 ; \'i 1' Complete sc-ore on this *?] Chaingahg. 3 000 S.14 >j G. Croft Williams. Secty. I Itcport oil Sumter Comity A-Iiusliousc. 5i Mr. .!. U ?Cunnamakci\ superhi [ j tendent. Visited March 2-1. 1919. by .; Assistant Secretary Broyles with Su .-pervlsor D. E. White. Inmates. I ['white females, 1 negro female, and I {j negro male, Ihe last named hems blind. j The plant of the Sumter county home is probably above the average Jin the State, and the sympathetic at i titude of the Supervisor toward the ' j inmates is strikingly good, but the .system of management is bad. and ''should be completely changed, a* shown by the score under Adminis tration and Medical Service, fifteen points out. of a possible one hun jdred being earned. To begin with, : the fee system should be entirely abolished, and for it substituted a '(salary for the superintendent and I matron. The farm should then be 'worker! in the interest of the paupers, [the entire proceeds being used for i their- benefit as is required by law (Civil Code.-Section 1529). In addi i tion to paying salaries to the super j intendent and matron.a strong, able ? bodied colored woman should be i hired to help with the sick and gsn erally assist the matron around the ?farm. Finally, the county physician i should be paid ;: salary instead of i fees, and should be required to make a physical examination of each now j inmate, either before admittance o: [Within 24 hours afterward, to vacei ? ixat.> against, small-pox unless con i j Ira-indicated, and to make regular I weekly inspections of the paupers' food and quarters. if these things wer?- ? the almshouse would re ceive 1"'? points in score under this head instead <>f the 15 gotten now, Only three or lour counties in the State still use the dangerous fee sys stem in their county almshouses. Last year we found bugs on the bed occupied by the negro man. and again this year we found them.on the bed' [occupied by both negroes present. Wc 1 rr.commend that the superintendent j watch these rooms more carefully ? especially the one in which the blind negro lives, and see that the beds are ' kept free of vermin of all sorts. Score Card for Ahnshouse. Possible Actual 1 I. Mmshouse: Permanent i Features: ji. Location and Acreage 15 Superintendent's iquar j ters. 10 Paupers" quarters. .. 17"? (ToUii score under Hec j lion I). _ 200 IJT. S c tpcii ntcwlcD tfs Man* agemimt: !. The Paupers I'd) Personal hygiene .- 60 <-) Occupation and discip line . 25 . ('?') Records. 25 -. Paupers" Quarters: Coridi i inns: ' * i ? l ?orniii ories ami ad ; jliisrts. 110 i ? Kitchen :> nd Store I room. .'. 25 ('?'.> Classification facilities. j full use of. 4 5 Sanitation: I (I) Disposal of sewerage 30 <::) Disposal of manure. . :'.() j < > Disposal of kitchen re fuse . 10 15! I I. General Conditions 20 17 (Total score under Sec S j tion 11).? ? . . 400 538 122 j HI. County Commj?sion -i sioners & Almshousc: ;' 1. Almshouse equipment & ] irt j repair.153 j 2. Sanitary facilities.. .. 85 I Administration -and ! ?Vledical Service .. ? - .. 100 i t. Paupers' Ft>od and Feed 5S: ing. 40 .". General Supervision . . 20 122 60 35 12 23 j (Total score under Sec | lion HI). '. . . . 1'tO [Complete score on this Alms ? house .1000 y5 j <'r. Croft Williams. Secty 214 727 Paris. April 7.?President Wilson's 4 3 condition was improved this mom : ing but l>y direction of Rear Admiral t.) Grayson, his physician, he will re 0 main in bis room today attending no [meetings. (!?? hopes to resume-work S Tuesday. Ik lainal Bank of South Carolina f of Sucster t CAPITAL .$ 1*00.000.00 SURPLUS .175.000.00 ' RESOURCES _.2,000,000.00 A bank big enough, strong enough, and liberal enough to take care of the legitimate needs of all its custo mers. C.G.ROWLAND, President. F E. HINNANT, Cashier. BANK W and you can BANK i The First National Bank SUMTER, S. C. H ? ? ? t>4^ MMMHMHtMMMHH.HIMHHHMHM ? M t M f rt t ? t ? ? t t t t t n t t t t t t t t t t t r Rogers Silverware Free We give profit sharing cou pons with all cash purhases re deemable for Genuine Rogers Silverware.. Ask us about this profit sharing plan. "TTTTTTT TTTT T 1 Seasonable Suggestions for the Home 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 -f 4 4 4 i 4 4 Screen Time is Here Full line screen doors and win dow screens now ready. t X t 4 4 Special for next week. A Screen door complete with hinges, spring?, latches, and handle for Here are mentioned a few of the many home needs the householder is consider ing-at this time of year, and With Summer and hot weather just a short X ways ahead it will pay you to begin and plan now for those many necessities that make the home of comfort. Remember, we are completehome furnishers, and can supply your wants at all times.. i i ^ ' - ,H.,^v,i<uH 4444444444444444444^444^444 + + + +f f ^++44444^ + 4+ +44+4444444444+ ? ? ? M ? 44??4 444f4 44 44-44 4 MM* + t + M + * + r*i + ttH 1 I 4 4 4 I 4 1 I J How About a New Baby C?rriage ? j l^sJL:.. y ^jjf|{??i _-_ /A Our stock is now most ? complete with a variety X of styles and designs to t satisfy all baby carriage I wants. X We feature the Block X Co-Cart. The Baby Car % riage of the Nation" X Prices range from $25. "** 4 C*r"A 4- LO 1 * A big selection of Sulkys T7\-, cpo oa j 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 <r 4 4 4 SELLERS KITCHEN CABINETS ; * Every woman who has over used a kitchen cabinel has wanted ^ certain improvements. Thousands of women who have no; as yet + owned a kitchen cabinet have formed mental pictures of the + convenience they would like. ^ The automatic Lowering inn. for example, is a long needed 4 improvement that you should never be without. The Automatic T Base Self Extender is another advanced M-a thai has on-: with everwheiniing enthusiasm: Then there's the win?*-, sanitary Por- 4 ceJiron Work Table. It. is a mark of distinction?a refinement t that every particular housewife wants. Also the Ant-Proof ?+ Casters which prevent vermin from crawling no into the cabi net. +. You can buv a. SELLERS Cabinet for $5.00 down and pay- 4 meats of 51.00 per week. Price in^ to size and style. inge .'von: .* !e to acco 4444+4 44-4* 444444444444444 *444444^ 4 GET READY FOR HOT WEATHER By pulling in your refrigera tor now. Wc carry Liu: celebrat ed Grand Rapids line. Sanitary and porcelain lined. Many new features embodied in the new models. These refrigerators are ice preservors as well as health preservers. Any size you need from $13. to S9?. " The Home Furnishers " T f 4 4 4 4 > 4 4 4 4 4 I t 4 X 4 4 4 4 f 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ? 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ? 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 This StGre is the Home of The NEW 7 " With a Sou!" Call at our store and satis fy yourself regarding t wonderful tone powers of this new phonograph. Come in any time and let us play for you some of the new Edison records including the latest song hits and in strumental music prepared for your entertainment by, the worlds greatest artists.p Here is tone test proof. Recently before audi ences totaling more than 2,000,000 people, great ar tists?Meropolitan Stars?have sung in direct compar ison with the New Edison^ and defied the audiance to detect any difference... With the lights lowered to hide the singers lips, not one listener has been able to say when the artist ceased and the instrument contin ued to play. +he 4 44444^???????????????????????? lO WEST LIBERTY STREET Sumter, South Carolina TELEPHONE NO. SS3 A A i. i. X .C X A 4+4iU++4+44fTT.+t4^